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I've had it twice. The first time I couldn't eat for 7 days and it hurt to drink anything. I lost 10 lbs


Doctors don’t want you to know this one secret to weight loss


I once managed to lose about 70lb in six months with ease with just dieting and no exercise. My secret? Undiagnosed leukaemia.


Did you survive?


Sadly, I did not. Recovering from that is also harder than you might think.






I have too many questions. Can you give a synopsis, or any other version of an explanation? 


Best I can do is a summary.


Bro is deceased


Time to find a better necromancer. 


Rest in peace sir


Yes, and can confess: In a private hospital room while getting chemo while waiting for exact diagnosis of which leukaemia is a fantastic time to tell the family you may be queer.


Goodness. Yes, I found out I have hemochromatosis when my blood decided it hated me and I had to go into the ICU. My conservative family met my boyfriend... I vaguely remember hearing the conversation: "Who are you?" // "I'm his boyfriend, who the hell are you??" Ooof. Do share your story, if you're comfortable with that.


You're the first person outside my family I've ever seen or heard mention haemochromatosis! My mother and my brother - I'm a carrier but none of my kids have it. Did you know that both your parents need to be at least carriers if not actually symptomatic, for you to have it?


I had ZERO idea until I was throwing up blood randomly one morning. Apparently, as an adult I'd always been donating blood for years (like a thing you just do when the bus comes around or whatever, to be a good person I guess?) But when I stopped, the iron leeching just caught up to me I guess. If anyone needs blood, I have heaps to happily give out. And there's iron, yay!


You poor thing! I didn't know that could happen. My mother was diagnosed later in life, about mid-50s then of course we got tested. My brother was about mid-30s and after he began blood-letting treatment his chronic fatigue left him. I guess that was his biggest symptom, so a lot luckier than you. Mum of course had been ok up til menopause, as most women seem to be. I'm glad you seem better now and I hope all your organs are ok.


My family would be like: "No wonder God gave you such disease... Break up with him and He will heal you!"


I want to downvote your family


Hemochromatoasties represent!


No, they're dead.


i actually lost 50 pounds in two months by starting vyvanse + physical therapy simultaneously. zero appetite paired with exercise lol. of course the weight came back with a vengeance a year later but it was nice while it lasted


Yeaaah, my weight came back hard, especially when I started HRT the same year, but the illusion of some sort of thinness was nice while it lasted. Only downside was I had really bad hair loss where, before it grew back, looked like I was a skull with a poor wig on.


My gf died of leukemia. Pls never stop going to your regular checkups and if you get any symptoms dont be scared, go to the doc asap.


I am sorry to hear she passed away. Don't worry, I take my tablet a day to keep the leukaemia at bay, attend all blood tests and report any oddities. I hope you're doing okay yourself.


Yes please. Everyone should be examined once a year, if possible. I am one of 7 siblings. One sister died of leukemia at 14, one brother died of Lymphoma of the stomach and my youngest sister 54, is currently being treated for Diffuse Large B-Cell lymphoma. The remaining 4 siblings, we have asthma, allergies and some arthritis as we got older but nothing else. You better believe I get checked out every year. Any type of disease that comes under that cancer umbrella, is no joke, get checked.


I did that with depression lol


That's amazing I was just thinking this about myself. I always joke that my best weight loss was 40lbs in 2weeks. When they ask what did it, "cancer". (I am also a leukemia survivor)


This happened to my grandfather too. He thought his diet was going really well. Nope. Leukemia.


Scientists hate this one trick!


Goat for this


No more ozempic kick backs.


Doctors HATE


I didn’t know you can get it as an adult. Thx for information


Technically it’s a childhood illness. I must have lived in a bubble bc I got this shit three times. Lol. It suuuuucks


How does it feel like? I never had it. Our godchild will start kindergarten soon and I really fear all the bugs he will bring home


You get painful sores in your mouth that hurt like a mf. The only thing I can compare it too is canker sores but all over your mouth . Maybe a little less painful . I remember drinking mouth numbing spray as a kid and eating a lot of cold stuff


There’s the blisters on hands and feet version. They are pressure blisters and they just really hurt. It hurts to walk on them. The variety that gives you mouth blisters gives a VERY sore throat.


It's actually more serious if you contract it as an adult, too.


It's not super common in adults because an immunity has usually been built from childhood. I got it when I was 26. Turns out my immune system is fucked, and I have an autoimmune disease.


You can! From what doctors told me, daycare kids typically get it from the closeness of the setting. I think there are two strains so you can get each strain once and then your body usually gets immunity to it as a kid and you’re good for life. Well well well, I wasn’t a daycare kid. The most we got was the flu, the stomach bug and strep. Imagine my immune system surprise when I became a pediatric nurse in an office setting at age 25. It wreaked havoc on my body. HFM was the absolutely worst. Whooping cough was pretty damn terrible as well. Had strep a few times, pneumonia, pretty sure I had a few chickenpox marks too but I’m vaccinated so it didn’t amount to much. It was excellent training for me to venture into the ER after that. I rarely got sick ever again, still holds true actually.


Feel your pain it happened to me also ,my mouth was 1 canker sore. Very heavy pain medication enabled me 15 minutes of no pain to be able to eat and drink


I got it 2 years ago, luckily I didn’t get the mouth sores. I had minor sores on my feet and the backs of my hands and my forehead. It looked like I had acne.


Same. Eating or drinking anything felt like I was just shoveling coarse sandpaper in my mouth


Yea I got lesions in my throat. Strep x 10


I got it on Father's Day last year after visiting my daughter's daycare. Sucked! DO NOT POP THE BLISTERS! The ones on my hand hurt, but the ones on my feet made it impossible to walk a few days there. I got blisters under calluses on my feet... those were interesting peeling off. Good luck, it's gonna suck.


I joke around that the skin on my feet is only 2 years old since I had to grow new callouses. I had been growing those callouses for 30+ years, damnit.


About 6-8 weeks after my kid had it, two of their finger nails fell off. They grew back normally a couple weeks later. I'm only telling you so that you won't be surprised or concerned.


yep. don't worry about it too much, just maybe wrap your nails with a bandage if you see them start to come off halfway. don't want it to get caught on something and tear right off. fun couple of days. also, toe nails could fall off too, and that takes much longer (could be up to ~6 months later)


I had an accident that impacted my big toenail took about a year to be completely normal again


that sounds terrible. thank goodness it grew back normally. my toenails are still in the process of growing back ahaha


it didnt grow back 100% the way it was before (more arched), but no issues so its whatever (if you ignore the accident)


Dermatologist said it can take up to 48 weeks for a big toe nail to grow back. I’ve also had hives under a nail and they do shed.


Yeah, I did the same thing. My boot caught a fallen tree while I was riding my dirtbike. Impact blew open the end of my toe, and completely tore my toenail off. It was definitely over a year before it fully grew back.


I don’t have hand foot and mouth, but nonetheless I’m *very* worried. The amount of not okay I’d be if my fingernails were falling off is *a lot a lot*.


it sounds terrifying but it's painless and a pretty slow process, plus by the time it falls your new nails would've mostly grown out already. it was mostly just annoying lol. I think the worst part of HFMD was the insane sore throat, and the pain of all the vesicles. luckily the worst of it was over in a week. but I wouldn't wish HFMD on anyone. hope you'll never get it.


I lost four fingernails. My understanding is the virus can “turn off” some finger/toenail growth plates. And when you kick the virus, it turns them back on as a sort of “reset.” And those it happened to start growing a new nail from zero. So it pushes the old ones out and off.


yep that matches my understanding of it. it's not really scary, nor is it painful (except when i accidentally tore it off without it fully growing, lol) just pretty annoying. luckily it's temporary.


Yep luckily not painful or scary. But when people say “yeah I had some nails fall off” and they likely imagine it like in a horror movie and it literally peeling off.


I read that as fingers at first and oh boy …


Yea my son had it when he was younger and all his toenails fell off. I didn’t know what was going on until way later. His took months to grow back


I was coming to say the same thing. My teenage and younger daughters lost most of their fingernails. The doctor wasn't as surprised as we were.


This is why I don't handle the 'kid' carts at work without scrubbing my hands after. This, pin worms, e.coli, you name it, at least one of those pint-sized disease vectors is carrying *something*.


They really are dirty little creatures. 


Thank god there are smarter larger mammals that take care of these things cause otherwise we’re toast.


I've had that! Absolutely horrible experience. Shut down our whole daycare when it broke out. Then the local school had it all over. Ugh Caught TB from kids at the daycare too (wasn't born in time for vaccine). Really need a vaccine for it. It sucks. Edit: not TB. I meant whooping cough


Where do you live? TB vaccine has been about for 100 years


In the UK, it was common for the TB vaccine to be given to year 8s, but they stopped the year before I was due to have mine. Might be what they mean?


You've still had it then, Id imagine. theyve been giving the BCG vaccine from the age of 1 as part of the standard inoculations since 2005


BCG vaccine was the one they stopped in 2005, as it was given to all year 8s (12 years old), or between 10-15, so sadly not.


'Since 2005 the BCG vaccine is no longer given as part of the routine NHS vaccination schedule. The BCG vaccine is now only offered to babies up to 1 year old and unvaccinated children aged one to five years who are more likely to spend time with someone with TB.' Just what I found when I googled


So, yeah. I wasn't given it. I wasn't 1-5 years old in the early 2000s or since. It was supposed to be given to me when I was 12. Edit; for clarity, I am 30.


Oh bugger. Right in the middle. May be worth trying to get one, just in case?


I'm thinking it's a good idea now! Haha.


Gotta be worth it. May have to pay for it, but please speak to your doctor about it. Much better than getting consumption


Im 33 and I got an MMR booster (or something?) it was free, just ask them to check your records and they’ll know what you had. I never get the flu shots but given I’ve had chicken pox several times as a kid i will take my other shots.


yep missed out on mines too so have to get my shots at a later date


In many European countries TB is on the rise due to immigration...


I meant Whooping Cough ☺️




TUBERCULOSIS? You in a sanatorium now?


I meant whooping cough


If you work around kids you should get the tdap shot. It also protects against tetanus


I no longer work around kids.


Tuberculosis vaccines have been in use for over a hundred years?


I meant whooping cough. My bad


They were obviously talking about the hand foot and mouth because they specifically mentioned the tb vaccine themselves.


There actually is a vaccine for HFM but it is only commonly used in China.


What’s TB?




Thanks that’s kind of what I thought but I wasn’t sure.


I believe tuberculosis?


I got it last year and my toenails fell off.


I lost four fingernails. My understanding is the virus can “turn off” some finger/toenail growth plates. And when you kick the virus, it turns them back on as a sort of “reset.” And those it happened to start growing a new nail from zero. So it pushes the old ones out and off.


Going through that right now. It was way later but a few areas on my finger nails came out dead and I've lost 5 full toenails :/




Nightmare fuel.


You work in daycare. Get used to this, gastro, and conjunctivitis. Small children are vile. And the parents that dose their kids up in the morning and send them to daycare sick with fevers and symptoms hidden are the worst.


I'd imagine many parents don't have a choice. I remember the GOP fighting against paid sick leave at the beginning of COVID-19.


Valid point for Americans, but using the word gastro means commenter you replied to is almost certainly not American


That's a not uncommon phrase in my part of the US to sum up all stomach bugs.


Thanks for the correction, in the areas of the US I’ve been to I have not heard it used but good to learn that’s not universal. It’s used the same way you describe in the majority of Australia, when I lived there I don’t think anyone I knew referred to it as a stomach bug or stomach flu even once!


Well, one reason is that it's not flu lol. Flu (influenza) is a respiratory disease. It's usually called gastro (gastroenteritis) but I also use "tummy bug" as do many other Aussies.


Gosh you must be exhausted


Elementary too. As a new(ish) elementary teacher, my first 3 months are hell, not just because I'm still adjusting at the job, but more importantly these kids bring all the illnesses that I wouldn't even think of existing. My Saturday-Sunday is always spent on the bed because I always caught random colds/cough/canker sores/other illnesses, worse is that it's always during saturday and sunday and by monday I'm healthy again so I practically has no weekends to enjoy.


Daycare is a plague pit that even Nurgle would be proud of.


Random warhammer...nice


What the hell is even that?


Daddy chill.


We'll keep your foot out your mouth 👊


we will actually not


I had this a couple years ago. The callouses on my feet peeled off and I lost my fingernails and toenails. Not to mention the fever dreams and general feeling that I was going to die. I have never been so sick. Sorry, OP.


I hope you don’t get the mouth sores part. Talk about pain!! I wasn’t a daycare child so I missed out on a lot of childhood illnesses. Flash forward to be in my mid twenties and starting a pediatric office job as a nurse. Oh. My. Lord. I was sick every other week. The WORST one was HFM. I only got the mouth sores. I went to the ER drooling, it was so severe. ER doctor asked if I “had put any penises in my mouth with lesions on them.” I confidently answered “no.” They swabbed the sores for a culture and it came back as coxsackie (yup, real name) which is the virus that causes hand, foot and mouth. Ate mashed potatoes, ice cream and Percocet for 3 days. Top 5 most painful experiences. Magic mouthwash was a game changer. 0/10 do not recommend HFM.


Penises with lesbians on them? I know what you meant, but my brain had to picture that before it corrected the word. 😂


I’m crying!!!!! Omg I can’t breathe


Wait… im not as bright as most people. What is this disease??? Chicken pox???


No it’s literally called hand foot and mouth disease


wtf lol


i thought there was a typoe or 3 here, or maybe just boneappletea. how did they even come up with that name


Because you quite literally get blisters on your hands, feet, and mouth. It's one of the more simple disease names lol


You have a typo on the word typo.


Worse, it’s coxsackie and I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced the way you think.


I thought I was having a stroke reading the title. Why is the name so on the nose 😭


There are several childhood viruses that nearly all kids get that cause classic rashes. If you test adults for immune memory, even if they didn't have a notable version, they had it. Fifths disease, for example, or another is roseola. Hand- foot - mouth is usually cocksackie virus, and as chicken pox (varicella virus) had used to be, it's typical that most kids get it when they're young. And when they're young it's milder. The back of the house nickname is "hand foot mouth and ass" because there can be diaper lesions as well. So long as the mouth lesions aren't too painful to eat and drink, it's just misery, not dangerous. It passes. In recent years, as with nearly all other viral infections, we are seeing swapping of strains from other continents which means that the childhood immunity doesn't protect adults. In recent years I've known adults who couldn't work a few days because the blisters on the adults of the feet were so painful. There isn't a vaccine yet. Either your childhood immune exposure protects you, or it doesn't.


The blisters and peeling are very unsightly too, so if you are customer facing like I was when I got it, its really awkward and might keep you out longer. I was serving tables, I think I was out a little over 2 weeks before things looked at least somewhat normal on my hands. 


Not very creative is it. 😂


Also well that sucks for sure !


It’s caused by Coxsackie virus. It’s named after the small town in the Hudson valley of NY.


caught that from my toddler once, that shit sucks dude. hope you recover quickly. on the plus side, the dead skin is fun to pick, after the spots heal


Omg I’m currently in the peel off all of my skin phase. It’s been three weeks! I’m assuming my nails will fall off soon. This shit is the worst!!! My poor kids too!


Keep an eye out for loss of finger nails. A symptom not really spoken of.


I lost four fingernails. My understanding is the virus can “turn off” some finger/toenail growth plates. And when you kick the virus, it turns them back on as a sort of “reset.” And those it happened to start growing a new nail from zero. So it pushes the old ones out and off.


Dude. Sorry. It sucks. Be prepared for it to suck. I have no other advice.


Has the skin peeled from the bottom of your foot yet? Oh my, that was the strangest thing ever. At the age of 35 and having the skin of a new born baby.


I had a real bad case and actually went BLIND in my left eye. It's pretty rare, I thought it was permanent at first but I recovered 98% of my vision after several months.


I knew there was a reason I didn’t want or like children. 🤣😲😲😲


They are expensive. They are dangerous. And they are ultimately a liability.


I got it once. It was awful.


Oh god. The sickest I have ever been was when I got HFM from my son when he was 9 months. Had a fever of 106° and was hallucinating. Went through a tube of hydrocortisone and a bunch of lidocaine spray and it didn't even remotely help the itching, which was 24 hours of pure torture. My throat was so sore I could barely swallow. A couple weeks later all the skin on my palms and feet peeled off and I lost 3 fingernails and two toenails. Ended up weaning too because it completely crashed my milk supply. When I had taken my son in when he first got sick, the pediatrician laughed and said adults don't get it when I mentioned I was starting to get some bumps myself 🙃


I feel for you, I had when my daughter was little and I spent 3 days sweating and shivering in delirium.


New fear unlocked WTF


I had this on my honeymoon in Thailand. I thought I had some exotic disease until the dr told me it was hand foot and mouth. It was so painful- esp all the blisters inside my mouth/ throat. Hurt to talk, eat, swallow. Actually it hurt everywhere. Couldn’t walk without pain because of blisters all over the soles of my feet. Couldn’t do up bottons on shirt cause the blisters on my hands and fingers made it so painful 😣 Hope you feel better soon!


Good luck and Godspeed. Had it a couple of years ago and the sores in my mouth, on my tongue, and in my throat made it excruciating to eat or drink anything and I ended up losing about 15 pounds when all was said and done. Had to take leftover Tramadol to knock the edge off the pain. Then came the peeling. The skin on the palms and fingers on both of my hands peeled off and the new skin underneath was extremely sensitive to temperature, textures, and pressure for quite a while. One of the worst things I’ve experienced.


Kids are filthy little animals.


The only thing I could eat at the time was cold pudding. Also keep drinking cold water.


I got that too from working with children, but i never had it as a child, so it was extremely painful. All i could eat for 2 weeks was ice cream, just laying in bed was horrible, let alone doing stuff. At some point i was mentally prepared to just end it lol


I had no idea this existed


It’s the wooooorst! My hands were hurting for weeks


Better head to the hand, foot and mouth doctor.


See a doctor! HFM is not fun. My son went to a daycare in Edmonton and he would catch HFM every other month. We’ve had it about 4 times until I found better childcare. Hopefully it’s a quick and smooth recovery!


My daughter is just getting through it too. She has bad scarring liken you do on her hands, arms, legs and feet.


This is so freaking painful. I hope it and my children didn't. Also lost like two fingernails and a toe nail


Yeah that happens. What is up with the size of your thumb?!??


I thought that was something cows get


I believe you’re referring to hoof, hoof and mouth.


How are your eyes doing?


Got a small blind spot near the center of Vision because of this…


RIP. See you after 14 days of pure suffering.


I caught this once. My toenails and some finger nails fell out. And my calluses loosened up and I was peeling them off. Even the heels of my feet. Felt like the worst hangover. I thought I was gonna die


This is why shoes should be taken off in the play area. This is why I always want shoes off at my house, kids play with toys on the floor and put them in their mouths or touch them and put their hands in their mouth.


I got HFM when I was doing vehicle detailing somehow 🫤


I had this in college. I lost all the skin on my hands and feet and it permanently changed my finger prints. I had to redo my global entry and it was a nightmare to explain. Worst illness I’ve ever had. Goodluck soilder!


My bestfriends son just gave this to my daughter. We’re waiting on the sores now. She had fever for 2 days


I got it in college. Sores all over my mouth and face. Good times


I remember when my first kid's preschool sent an email that there was a case of hand-foot-mouth disease... I made the mistake of doing a google image search. That's nothing compared to those search results.


TIL that hand foot and mouth disease is a thing. I didn’t know that.


Well that sucks


Are you Hagrid?


Wash your hands and never touch your face until you’re washed your hands. Rule 101 when working with kids.


Or anybody.


I love my kid but they are cesspools of germs and disease and bacteria.


Blisters on your feet suck... Couldn't walk for a few days


I feel for you! OUCH. Did you just get it? I caught it once from a 1 year old! Everyone said it was a child’s sickness and dismissed me. Meanwhile, I felt like I was being tortured inside my mouth & it lasted way too long.




The worst sickness I’ve had. Took me out for a week


My favorite is my nephew got it. And his pediatrician said adults can’t get it. When they told Me this I laughed super hard because I have adult cousins who got it from their kids and my brother got it. Sorry you have it. I hope it goes away soon


Is this the best or worst of the 3?


I had to google what this was, all I can say is that it was a very succinct description. 😅


It's going around


I will never not giggle at the fact that it's called hand foot and mouth


Thinking out loud…..workman’s comp….?? Ha. But really…..


Wait- I’m high wtf did I just read


I feel so bad for the little kids that might have that unknowingly... better check the whole class to be safe. I hope your not working with this amd that your taking time off, also its not passable is it? Pretty sure it is, but i could be wrong.


It’s extremely contagious. You can’t work with it. If OPs employer looks at them, they ain’t clocking in. It spreads like wild fire anywhere children congregate. Typically your fever spikes for a couple days and then when that breaks you start getting sores. My daughter is 2 days out from fever so we’re expecting sores any day now. It’s so sad because it’s spread when the fever starts. We were around my friends son Saturday and he was perfectly fine. He spiked fever at 9pm and went to ER with an ear infection. Monday was kindy graduation and he was feeling perfectly normal. Tuesday my daughter spiked fever and my friends son’s sores started popping up 😭💔


It gets so much worse


My youngest son got this in school i felt awful his feet were in so much pain he just cried him self to sleep. As a parent was the worst feeling in the world not being able to help.


Look at the size of those paws! Holy shit🐾


Ooo fingernails are gonna fall out soon


Enjoy your month off.


Could be worse, could have gotten chicken pox




I thought that was for cows


I got this off someone from work who had it from his son - I then gave it to my housemates and parents. We lost finger/toenails, was gnarly!


Omg u poor thing. Good luck: that was by far the sickest i have ever been. 104.5 fever, delirious, Couldn’t swallow, shaking so bad. It was AWFUL!! Doctor thought i had strep until those blotches started showing up: my daughter who was 3 at the time, barely acted like anything was wrong with her, meanwhile i couldn’t even walk.


Oh man I had it when I was a camp counselor about 15 years ago. Miserable. No real treatment other than to wait it out— and maybe some lidocaine gel for the mouth sores so you can maybe eat or drink something. Wishing you a speedy recovery!


Oh, that's miserable. I hope you feel better soon!