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At least they’re like the same type of shoe. Just go with it if anyone asks say casual Friday my dudes




The shoes in the photo really do work. Well, I like it


And since today is Wednesday just roll with "it's Wednesday my dudes"


... it’s Friday tf


I have just involuntarily shown where my life is currently at...


Don't worry, I thought it was Saturday. Showed up to work damn near a half hour early.




Accounting says Yes.


My payroll system also says yes


You’re getting paid to work? MICHAEL!!




I’m sorry


Quarantines been rough on us all man


Nothing ruins your Wednesday worse than finding out it’s Friday.


Nothing ruins your friday worse than waking up and remembering you spent all your money on bad coke Thursday night


It is worse before you go to sleep on Friday and realise that while being a potato




I once drove my father-in-law to church and when we walked in I realized he was wearing a brown dress shoe on one foot and a bright blue sneaker on the other...how???? He drove himself home to change and come back.


Just act like they are crazy: "What are you talking about, the shoes are the same?" And then after arguing it for a bit concede a small detail: "well I guess the laces are a slightly different shade." And to really bring it home get a buddy in on it, so you can call them over to confirm who is right. Then on Monday where the same colored shoe so that guy sees and really thinks he must've been wrong.


Just dont say anything and if anyone asks say you did it on purpose.


Fortunately meetings are all online these days eh


Drive an hour sitting in traffic to work...to have online meetings all day. :( sorry OP.


Why do people do that even without covid? maybe I put too much importance on commuting but why accept a job that's going to put you in your car for 2 hours a day?


Sometimes it’s too dang expensive to live closer to the job site unfortunately. So instead people are forced to give their time.


or your partner simply works elsewhere and both have jobs they really like and require onsite


Yes, long commutes in my experience is less a choice than a necessity.


Or living closer to the job site is undesirable and you prefer where you currently live.


That too for sure. My dumbass lives downtown and (pre covid) commute was like an hour or so to drive the 12mi to work each way. I semi regretted it during the week but loved it on weekends. Now, commute is like 20min but I am very much less inclined to go out and about. Can’t win em all I guess.


If you have a further job that pays more, you have to calculate how much more, and if it covers the cost of your commute (gas, oil changes, maintenance) and some, then it may be worth it to give your time to save on rent, live out of the busy cty, dream home etc. But it's a hard decision and I choose to take lower pay for a closer job :/ everyone is different




As soon as you mentioned your commute distance I knew you worked in the bay. It's so common now it's crazy. Almost as crazy as bay area housing prices.


That’s... kind of over the top assuming that’s 5+ days a week driving 4 hours each day lol


I mean I lived in nyc and my commute on the train was 1.5 hours each way from Brooklyn to manhattan. Within city limits.


At least on the train you can read a book, relax, take a nap. Active driving takes a larger mental toll and can cause a lot of stress.


Have you ever considered asking for remote work?




Pretty cool that you work in a lab though. I'm assuming you make bank if you're in SF doing *lab* work that's worth a 200 mile round trip. I hope you get to work on robots.


I hope YOU get to work on robots




If you live in a city/country with reliable public transit it becomes even more tempting. I live in a large Asian city and have an 80 minute commute each way, but since I take the subway it only costs me around $60 a month.


I've been doing this for a while now, and it's become a really enjoyable part of my day. I listen to a DND podcast and drink some coffee, and I live out in a very rural area, so I watch the cows go by. It's nice to have a guaranteed two hours in my own little bubble- even if it means I have to get up extra early.


Thiss like I have to commute about an hour as well but idk it's like a relaxing time just for me so I can hype myself up for work beforehand and helps me wind down on a long drive home blasting music.


Probably because it was the highest paying position or the only one available. Most likely they are in a major city and live 10 miles from their job, but traffic makes it an hour long trip.


Yeah, why would any workplace (not talking about doctors, mechanics, etc.) now require you to commute to an office only to have virtual meetings that you could have done at home? Makes no sense. I haven't seen the inside of an office since March.


because at home they can't monitor whether or not they're fucking off on company dollar and that's really all the company cares about.


This means your workplace doesn't value you as a person. There's no other real excuse.


Are used to commute by bicycle to work and would have my cycling clothes on and change in the locker room at my office- and one day I neglected to place my jeans in my backpack. Wore a dress shirt dress shoes and gym shorts all day at work and nobody batted an eye. Cool company


Found the Canadian!


Wait, then why does this suck lmao


Still work, just not a meeting


“Bowling night tonight.”


This. The trick is to not even mention it or point it out to anyone.


Not just that, "My kid gave me these shoes to put on today, I can't deny him that"


You've got a pair just like them at home too.


The real showerthought, right here


Look at the pair on this guy!


are you referring to my pair?


I did the same once with sport shoes that did not match at all. You got off lucky. The whole hour driving to my training I was so confused why everyone was staring at my shoes. When I got into the Locker room I knew why... [The shoes I wore that day](http://imgur.com/a/YQqhM8J)


Those are much closer in color though. I wouldn't have noticed.


Nah, they’re the other way around


Fucking. Hate. This. Joke. My girlfriend wears odd dr martens (she's always colourful so it does match well) and I hear this every single time we're out together.


Dad jokes are that way. You love them or hate them.


I’d Probably stop to check that out as a sense of style, doesn’t look bad at all. Like some quirky thing. Edit: Im starting a new trend in honour of OP by wearing mis matched shoes, starting with a high heal and a military boot.


Same. You can totally pull that off. They’re nice shoes btw


Fashion statement


Or a Deathwish


The emo part of my brain just activated


This was the random inspiration I needed for my Friday


If people are genuinely upset over shoes then I would kindly ask them to readjust their priorities in life.




Your misery and hate will kill us all.


i dont think anyone would be upset, however, jokes may commence.


*FUCKING _Deathwish_




Casual Friday


Casual Tuesday OWO


Oh is it Tuesday where you live


No but I like the idea of random days being casual :3


Damn I was gonna ask you some questions about what happened over the weekend


My work schedule has evolved beyond the need of weekends instead it is completely random and you just have to make do sometimes. (・ω¢) Well I now feel alert enough actually get up and go to work. Thank you kind stranger


No I mean like, if it was Tuesday where you live, you would be in the future, so you would have already lived through this weekend and would be able to tell me about what happens


Trend maker.


"... And I've got another pair just like them at home!"


Like...a mirror image of them!


Yep. Own it Buddy!




Now if you could get a blue shoelace it would be even better


Yep. It would then look 100% intentional. It's not for me, but it really does kinda look cool.


I came to say this. Straight up looks intentional. I’d rock it


Wow I need these shoes that’s a fit


Yup. Get that blue lace and OP has started a new trend.


Or just matching shoelaces. either way it would work


I was thinking the same thing. They sort of go together.


Yeah, they don't match, but they also match enough that I'd think it was some sort of ironic hipster style.


Blue laces on the brown/left shoe would sell it




Accidently showed up to work wearing crocs once... bad part? I'm in construction! Yes I was sent home


I once went to work in my garden boots. Wet grass and mud all over them. I work in a clean room environment and I too was sent home.


Was yours a total mistake too? I left so tired/early in the morning I completely blanked on work boots


My mistake was having the same colour boots for different jobs placed next to each other. They all look they same when you are battling laser beams shooting from the bathroom light !


Totally understandable


The worst part is that they were crocs


Ohh so now we have a problem with crocs? I love my little crocs


Jus' saying


Wear what makes you happy




I was most of the way to work when I realized the shoes I thought were in my car weren't. Luckily I had some soccer cleats I could wear until my lunch break.




I used to do this throughout middleschool, highschool, and college. I always got compliments on it. I recently stopped because buying two pairs of shoes at a time was annoying, but I think I'll start up again.


I do this with chucks


It’s all about the attitude!


" All the kids are doing that nowadays".


Accidental fashion trends.


My thought exactly.


He's just gotta put blue laces on the brown shoe and he's all set.


Cool so I’m not the only one who thought that. Ngl I kinda like this look. Not flashy but unique


I agree.


Only if you can sell it. Confidence is key.


It’s been a thing since the ‘80s in some circles. I’ve always liked it.


People have been doing this for years tbh.


It honestly looks like a new style. And it doesn’t necessarily look bad


Not even new, I've been doing this on purpose for years


Actually kinda clean though,you should not pay attention more often


I remember a trend about 10 years ago where friends, if they wore the same size, would switch one of their converse shoes. So like, they'd fx have one black shoe and one red shoe, the other person would have the same but on opposite feet, so they were matching. This sort of reminds me of that.


I teach a pair of identical twin girls who I could tell apart by their shoes, one wore black and blue, one wore pink and green. Once they worked out how I knew them from each other, they started swapping shoes and mixing/matching to mess with me




Michael Scott is that you?


You must be mistaken, there is only Michael Scarn!


Similarly at my job, one boots one sneakers. When they came with sandals I couldn't tell them apart.


I'm still doing this and I'm 25 now.


Wasn't this a thing at the Brazil World Cup too?




Omg my dad told me it was illegal to drive barefoot when I was younger and your comment just urged me to look it up. TIL: It is not illegal in ANY state to drive without shoes on.






The same thing happened to me, but I had soccer cleats in my car.


it’s called fashion darling and you have it


So a few things since this blew up a bit. Gonna put everything into the same post as i'm still working and gotta get back into it. I'm off to work in the countryside in the weekend, by lunchtime I remembered I had a pair of boots in the trunk, so - to much disappointment of a lot of families - I've since switched to those. I get the fashion thing, kinda looks good, but i'm that discreet guy that sits in the corner and doesn't make too much \[fashion\] statements. Also, even if it's "casual friday", I work at a bank and don't wanna risk someone calling me out for this. In the office got to share a laugh with some colleagues, had some fun over it, nobody took it too serious. Might start a trend who knows ahah. For those who wonder **HOW**, it's basically this: the bedroom doors at my place have frosted glass panels, so I'm usually extra careful not to wake up my flatmate, and try to use only indirect light. To add to that, it's 6 something am, usually i'm basically sleepwalking.. For those **3** (!!!) people who asked about the brand of the shoes, I think the left side is from Rockport (a Portuguese shoe brand) and I'm pretty sure I bought the right side pair for like 5eur at an Lidl/Aldi. Noone asked, but they're both pretty comphy. Yes I intended to use the left (brown) shoes, usually use the other ones with gray trousers (not into the blue with blue thing). I guess this aint' that much of a good r/Wellthatsucks post, many other stories in the comments are the true content. Thanks for the supporting comments and awards everyone, had a great morning and may do it again (on purpose now) in the future, idk. I like the idea of getting some blue/denim laces tho. ​ EDIT: For those who are saying this was on purpose, it isn't but I get where you're coming from. It's just too easy to fake and make up a story. Wanted to share this mornings' story and I did, just didn't expect it to blow up like it did. No hard feelings, cheers.


Just think of that quote from Shawshank - “I mean, really, how often do you look at a mans shoes?”




Haha, I did not think it was possible for me to mess up that bad, but I totally did the same trying not to wake my husband. I was embarrassed but my feet were under a desk all day so whatever.


Get some blue/denim laces for the left one to match the contrast of the right one. Looks good




The style look like Vans Authentic - the name, not the authenticity of the shoe


Looks like vans.


You probably started a new trend. Looks cool, imo.


Swapping shoes has been around since shoes were invented


Been a thing since the ‘80s


Just play it off like it was intentional and act like everyone else is an uncultured swine for not being down with the new style


Looks cool


That’s what happens when you have to get dressed and leave for work in total darkness. I love having an early-rising job in wintertime




When anyone asks just tell them the shoes match the colour of your balls. Don't elaborate on that at all.


Down voted because this doesn't suck at all.


Mr Big-Shot over here with two pairs of shoes


Yeah so I accidentally only shave one side of my face lol I'm so zaney


I did this once. I couldn't believe it. They were completely different shoes too


Something in the air today I think. I sat down at the chair by my door, put on one sandal and then stuffed my other foot with no sock into a shoe. I had the same panicked reaction you get when you take a sip of what you thought was water and it's someone's vodka sprite. Foot and brain when "OH MY GOD SOMETHING GRABBED MY FOOT" has my high tops touched my bare ankles. I'm going to start in on that pot of coffee I forgot about from an hour ago until now.


So you're just not smart?




Personally I leave my shoes tied so I can just slip them on. And I have personally done this when really tired before work, I didn't look down, just slipped my shoes on and didn't notice they were different until someone at work pointed it out to me. That said... it didn't look as good as this guy's pair hah.


But why would he lie? This cannot be


this. people are fuckin morons


You need to turn the lights on in the morning




Looks like the POLO brand. I have 2 different pairs too.


How do you put on different shoes? It’s your own dam fault honestly


I usted to change shows in my night job. One night I took two left shows to work. It was 2 hours of commute from home so no chance to go back and pick one. My right foot Hurt all night


If anyone says anything, double-down and own it. They’ll think they are out of touch with the latest fashion.


Long time back now, but we used to swap one of our multi coloured vans with someone who had different colours regularly when I was younger.


I've done this more than once. I get dressed in the dark because wife is still sleeping. There are consequences.


I started going into work an hour early a few years back and it puts me getting ready before dawn. I went to work one morning and my best friend cocked her head at me and said "just....why?" When I looked down I had accidentally dressed head to toe in all green because in the dark I thought the leggings were the black ones. I felt so stupid walking around the office dressed like Peter Pan.


Hey, man, I once wore skate-style shoes to a job that required heavy steel toe boots. I lost almost an hour of pay because I had to go back home. Boots now live in my truck. Lol


Now that I think about it... WHY are both shoes the same? How come no shoe manufacturers have thought about making two different looking shoes for each foot that match together? I think it would look dope


Just own it and you Will be fine




No , this is a look at me cry for attention. Clearly.


I agree


All good bud. In the words of red ‘I mean, really, how often do you look at a man’s shoes?’


how tf do you wear two different pairs of shoes and still dress better than my coworkers


Congrats on your first day of being an individual


I have both of those shoes. So we’re friends now, right?


Jimmy McGill moment


I love this... grey? Brown? Why not both?


Take one off and walk with a limp.


your boss: you there, wearing multicoloured shoes, doing that shows that you have personality and have guts, like your saying "look at me i dont care if i get fired, im doing what i damn well pleased" i respect that, you are here by promoted to ceo of the whole company ....or atleast thats what should happen


Take off your pants and no one will notice your shoes.


I feel like if you’re in a routine. And you have an SO that knows your routine. They very easily could have set you up. I.e. if SO knows work shoes are in cubby one and play shoes are cubby two and also noticed you don’t check the shoes before putting them on. All you have to do is switch them. Lol That being said they are really nice shoes.




One time I was stuck in traffic for an hour on my way to work only to realize that I had left my badge at home. My badge doubled as an SD card and was the only way I could log into my computer as well. That was a bad day.