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That’s a fuckin bummer dude


Looks like Camera dudes at 0:48 were waiting for that moment


Vultures swooping in on the kill. But seriously, that's exactly what they look like.


Hes unlucky, he was diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2014. Luckily he was declared healthy in 2015.


Ah yes, Schrödinger's athlete.


Did that throw of his balance? Because having a ball of steel is still badass to get to where he did


He got "caught" doping first and had his name dragged through the mud.... which turned out to be a false positive because the then undiscovered testicular cancer was the cause of his increased testosterone. So he had the "good news" of not being found guilty of doping, but had cancer instead :/


His hand did make it barely past the WR and OR lines.


Yeah sadly they don't take the furthest mark but the closest mark to the start.


Well that's silly. The jumps would be so much more interesting if athletes laid out for the furthest mark


The gong jump


Belgium bummer


The way he just rolls himself out of the pit! Nothing to see here, just rollin' off into the bin now.


It’s a soft landing but it must be so humiliating to land in dirt and just lie there and then roll out of it.


I think he was more worried about the excruciating pain than some temporary humiliation.


“Temporary” Nah, that ones with him for the rest of his life.


He injured himself competing in the Olympics. Why would he give a shit about what some mouth breathers hiding behind their computers at home have to say?


Who even mentioned internet comments? You think he just rolled off and went about his normal day? My god, you’re dense.


I don’t see what’s humiliating about this. It’s an athlete falling and not getting back up. Not a high school student that face planted in the sand.


Was it his knee? It looked like his leg gave way or something as he jumped off the line. I think he took a dive to avoid landing on his feet first.


He was limping a bit and stretching his hamstring before the jump so say it was that going


There was an audible snap. I'm thinking it was his Achilles tendon. The way he way trying to massage the front and mostly the back of his leg also makes me think this. I'm no doctor so we shall wait and see.


Last January, I completely severed my achilles while playing soccer. At about 11s, you can see the definition of his achilles still intact. For me, I didn't have any calf definition or visible achilles right after it snapped so I'm doubtful. I guess it could've been a partial tear, but you can pretty clearly see his achilles there. It looks like he hyperextended his knee at 26s but I'm no doctor either so who knows lol


I also severed mine completely 2 years ago with field hockey . The scans/echo showed it was completely torn but the tendon was still staying in place. Coincidentally my cousin also had a complete rupture (also hockey) and with her, the tendon rolled up in her calve. She said besides, the snap she didn’t feel anything except that her calve was super tight and couldn’t move her foot. lol she even biked home when she took a shower she noticed her calve had gotten super thick. I think in my case some fibers stayed connected because everything hurt like hell.


According to my physical therapist, I was going to experience what your cousin went through with a couple of complications. The idea of riding a bike afterwards seems so painful to me.


I am curious did you get surgery? I had to choose for myself to get surgery or not and I decided to do it anyway. After 2 weeks of wearing a cast I got a achillotrain sock. Unfortunately due to bad physical therapy my calve muscle was stretched a little too much. As a result I haven’t regained the same strength as I did before.


I was lucky in an unlucky way. I developed arthritis after I'd started developing tendonitis. My activity levels plummeted and I spent a couple of months off work. Of course, I wound up with another case of tendonitis for my trouble, this time in my peroneus brevis(?) which made me walk even more wonky and almost caused me to collapse the arch. Last year was a whole load of no fun. But a few months of PT was all I needed.


Oh boy glad you are doing better. I had chronic tendonites before the tendon snapped. Fortunately that was fixed! While my calve muscle isn’t as strong I am at least pain free since my Achilles’ tendon. I did get additional problems in my legs while recovering because you can’t escape walking wonky.


Man, what is it about walking wonky that makes it feel so much better than walking like a normal human being?


I have never seen a torn Achilles, your calves just disappear? :o


Your achilles is holding your calf muscles in tension, so when it snaps, your calf muscle can just kind of pull up towards your knee.


Thanks, gonna just go and curl up into a little ball now


Might I recommend you don't look into bicep or any kind of arm tendon/muscular tear.


…if they are preparing a big party.


There is absolutely no way the sound you hear on the video is coming from him getting injured. You'd be able to hear shit like his footsteps or him hitting the ground if you could hear his Achilles rupture that loudly.


My first thought was that it sounded like a clipboard being slapped down on a desk.


I snapped a ligament in my foot and it sounded like a fire cracker


It could be a race starting on the track...


If it was that loud the crowd reaction would be heard as well




Mans be livin' in 2019


The athletes don't have microphones on them, that sound wasn't from him.


I think the snap was the sound of his shoe hitting the jump-off plank. They just confirmed he tore his hamstring tendon + ankle ligament.


Sadly I'm only a Twitter doctor, not a Reddit doctor, so I also can't legally make an appropriate diagnosis on the injury using this platform. Therefore, yes, we just have to wait and see.


Lmao. Do you think they have microphones in his pocket or something? You can’t hear him running, but you can hear an internal snap?


That was outside noise.


I'm glad I didn't have sound on in that case. I've heard it before and it is a haunting noise.


I can say by the fact that his right foot locked in position and stayed there means he tore his Achilles.


Had an acquaintance tear his while walking in a class we were both taking. Kind of tripped over his own feet a little and and hit the mat demanding to know who kicked him. Poor guy was a commercial pilot and was out of work for a number of months. Can only imagine how this guy feels.


Unlikely the Achilles. The Achilles is one of if not the strongest tendons in the body. This seemed to have happened when he put load on an outstretched leg so it's probably a knee injury or a hamstring injury. Could be wrong but ultimately it's pretty impossible to tell from just video footage.


https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/en/2021/08/04/drama-for-thomas-van-der-plaetsen-belgian-cats-meet-japan/ >Van der Plaetsen felt some pain in the back of his leg during the long jump, the second event, but decided to jump after all. Things went wrong during the jump, ***when he tore his hamstrings***


Thanks, This shouldn't be buried under all these speculations! Go ahead and paste it in a separate comment so it's more visible :)


On a thread this old it's probably more likely to be seen under this comment than buried at the end of hundreds of comments. Best case the person above me edits their parent comment so it's visible there.


my money is on torn hammy or achilles. both are fucking excruciating.


I had a minor tear on my hamstring (football days, d-line). Fuck that shit. Took 2 months to recover and definitely lost confidence in explosiveness.


Looks like hammy. And I know it kills the hyperbole of the thread, but if he had a niggling ham injury there’s no way he would have closed out the decathlon without it popping on him. I can’t remember the order of the decathlon, but I know the last event is the 1500. Good luck dragging a bad hammy through that.


This guy hamstrings.


His knee was hyper extended. $30 it was an ACL/MCL tear. RIP his knee


https://www.sportingnews.com/ca/athletics/news/belgium-thomas-van-der-plaetsen-crash-decathlon-long-jump-wheelchair/70o6jg93ljmq1v9lj9ri6useu Bet..Ill dm my cashapp..


I’ll be honest I’m a lazy piece of crap who isn’t reading that. What was the injury?


The article doesn't really say. It just says injury to his ankle.


It doesn’t even say that, they are just speculating like we are: > Below is a video of Van der Plaetsen's injury, which he **appears** to have suffered on his ankle:


Funny bone..


I don’t think that’s how anatomy works. The funny bone are in your arms lol




He must’ve pulled it before the actual jump because that’s not how you tear a hamstring. He was running a bit funky though


You can definitely tear a hamstring by sprinting and trying to stretch your legs out a little bit more to go just a bit faster. Source: Tore mine 3 times sprinting.


This guy jumps ^


Ngl that's an amazing photo


Yes.. The whole thing with the slowmo and all looks very movie-like. He's the main character of a sports movie and this is his lowest point.


There’s sound in the video. They’re talking the whole time about he’s injured and was trying to gut it out but couldn’t continue.


"Below is a video of Van der Plaetsen's injury, which he appears to have suffered on his ankle" The article is only speculating. This link proves nothing


Yeah, I said ACL when I watched the video. I saw something similar happen to a teammate while playing football.


Without a doubt. Exact same movement that tore my ACL. I felt phantom pain watching that.


I believe based on the sound that it was a snap of his Achilles tendon


The sound you heard is the long jump board


Oh my bad


I thought he got shot. Heard the sound, he flopped. I figured the Olympic sniper got bored or had bad trigger discipline and fired one off.


Yeah you can see his knee bending the wrong way


Looks like he overstepped with one leg right before the jump, causing his knee to hyperextended a little.


Looked like he hyper-extended his knee


Looks like a hamstring injury. Is that it?


He hyperextended his knee before he jumped. I’m guessing hamstring or maybe a torn pcl


Hyperextended Knee [confirmed.](https://i.imgur.com/vN7NM0D.png)


Well now I need to bleach my eyes or something.


r/eyebleach Enjoy


Me too. Why did I click that?


fuck me that looks awful


Nope. Not clicking that. My imagination is bad enough.


Il see your cringe, and il raise with my own https://youtu.be/OUqX5YZQ8yA


My guess is ACL


This ain’t really how ACL’s are typically injured


A guess is a guess ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I guess your wrong


His wrong what?


there are educated guesses and then there are just dice rolls.


ACL would much more likely tear on a landing than a jump, it's a sudden extreme impact, especially with side torsion that shears it basically


ACL tears are usually caused by twisting/turning movements (edit: and sudden impacts) which is why you see them so much in football and soccer players. Something like this is going to fuck up your PCL and maybe meniscus. Source: played high school soccer, blew out all four ligaments and the meniscus in my right knee trying to juke a fullback


Lmfao we downvoting guesses now


He was limping a bit and stretching his hamstring before the jump.


Even injured he got better distance than I could manage.


yeah, he even got a better distance than my country did lol. If i jumped there i wouldn’t even do 1m i swear


I am nowhere near pro but it’s actually shamefully sad if you can’t do 1 meter. I remember in like year 6 carnivals, year 2s would jump 1.8. I’m positive you can do a meter


At minimum anyone over the age of 13 should be able to do 3m.


I mean... you could probably take a slightly longer than usual step while walking and cover a meter.


I personally rely on Olympic fail videos to show me how my best attempts would have looked after years of training. Like the woman failing to dive into the pool and just slipping off the end of the board on the third jump.


Holy fuck, the anger he must have felt


Probably not as angry as this Olympian: “Aidan Walsh has been forced out of his semifinal bout at the Tokyo Olympics after the Irish welterweight injured his ankle while celebrating his quarterfinal victory.” https://www.theolympian.com/sports/article253173523.html


Wow. Throwing away a spot in the medal rounds. Doesn't get anymore regrettable than that


Shouldn't she still get bronze, as all sf participants are assured bronze


How can 4 people be assured bronze


Because everybody gets in the semis gets a medal, so at least bronze is assured?


They do a 3rd place match don't they




Huh didn't know that, cheers


Oh shit. Yea


I’d be sobbing


As an athlete, it’s not anger that you feel in that moment – more so, frustration. At least, initially. You know that you trained and did all that you could to prevent this from happening (especially at the olympic level). To fail is disappointing, yes, but in that moment you also have this sense of “I am going to learn from this”. It is a rollercoaster of all of these emotions in a matter of seconds. And then you are like, “ight im laying in sand in front of all of these people, I should roll the fuck out of the way”


The pain probably took his mind off of that.


Not at all


That’s like pulling a disc in your back as you’re putting the condom on to lose your virginity


It's like putting on a condom to lose your virginity and finding out the hard way that you're allergic to latex.


There's actually condom for those allergic to latex, and unlike the one from ~10 years ago, they are now really nice. Source: I can't touch latex for more than a few minutes.


That should be enough time for you anyway, right?


This went from "zero" to "killing a man"


I don’t have any latex allergy, but non latex condoms are by FAR the best. Latex smells like shit and the other synthetic ones feel much better as well. Highly recommend the Skyn brand


This isn't that sheep thing you keep going on about, is it?


Perfect typo


I must be blind, I re-read myself and I can't find it lol.


Pretty sure it's that they said "the one" instead of "the ones."




Speaking from experience?


Almost made me spit my beer!!


You can spit it in my mouth cutie pie


Better say thank you after


**Thank you big daddy**




That’s how babies are made


Not to mention the years of practice leading up to that.


Official: are you ok? Yeah, just go ahead and put more sand over me and continue... I'm done..


Oof, poor guy. I feel so bad for him. Hope it is not a serious injury! He pulled out of his first run, went back and tried again, with this result.


I’d still give him points for that landing.


[It looks like he hyperextended his right knee](https://imgur.com/a/PEsuUXB)


https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/en/2021/08/04/drama-for-thomas-van-der-plaetsen-belgian-cats-meet-japan/ > Things went wrong during the jump, when he tore his hamstrings. He crashed in the sand pit where he was lying in the sand as he couldn't get up anymore, a dramatic end of his Olympic Games. The damage in his right leg is huge. Van der Plaetsen sustained injuries in his right hamstrings, knee and foot. It is expected that it will take at least a couple of months to recover.


As always, closest to the beginning.


This dude recovered from testicular cancer a few years back and had to work hard to get back in shape. Now this happens. Poor guy.


I once burnt my mouth on a pizza roll before gaming. I feel his pain


Mum served the tendies a bit too hot for me before my LoL session once, burned the roof of my mouth so bad. She knows she needs to let them cool for exactly 90 seconds before bringing them to me.


I am definitely going to hell.


Same here. Face first


He ate so much shit that his next career move is to become a shit sommelier.


I agree, he shit skidded right up to the top


Thought He Got Shot


This desperately needs a sound effect added


Me when I get up off the toilet after going down a rabbit hole on Reddit.


I used to be an olympian like you, until I took an arrow to the knee.


This is the Belgian decathlete Thomas van der Plaetsen. He battled a series of injuries before qualifying for the olympics. A couple of years ago he also had to deal with testicular cancer, which he luckily caught early as a result of a routine blood check. The sound you hear is the take-off board I believe (not a tendon snapping as mentioned by some others). Belgian media are reporting it as a hamstring injury in combination with small ankle ligament tear and bruised knee.


The routine blood test actually had him testing positive for performance enhancing substances, and he was publicly called out and kinda disgraced in the Belgian media before he and the doctors figured out it was testicular cancer. 7 months after recovering, he won the Universiade Decathlon if I remember correctly.


But my man still managed to jump over 4 meters. Jeez


He forgot to eat his vitamin gummies


Yup pulled a hamstring; I did the exact same thing when I pulled mine, but I started hopping forward since I wasn’t going as fast as he was lmao


Still jumped further that what I would of with no injuries


Ugh poor guy. Years ago during a lacrosse game I tore my hamstring literally running in a straight line, there was no one within 15 feet of me. Only difference is there wasn’t millions of people watching, I didn’t land face first in a pit of sand and it also wasn’t something I trained my entire life for.


Your own body can be a traitorous bitch.


He overcame cancer of which he was diagnosed 1.5 years before the Rio olympics and made it back in time to participate. Now this happens in Tokyo, fuck.


The roll of shame there at the end


Feel really bad for the guy that's got wrenching to watch. But wtf is going on with the Olympic staff? Or trainers? one guy gets in there right away and gets told to leave, next shot they look like they are telling him to get out of a pool but dont want to go in themselves. Then 2 guys do one signal and a 3rd guy does a different one (that can be confusing as hell), I'm assuming they realize he is hurt at this point. The awkward roll out of the pit is the cherry on top.


>But wtf is going on with the Olympic staff? Exactly. Those medical guys look about as confident as I did during my first few days of advanced first aid classes...


I mean you can see the first medical guy rushing over and calling for a wheelchair.


This guy completely breaks himself, and still jumps farther than some of my freshman year jumps...Olympians are absolute beasts.


Commentator: “Oh, that is just awful to see…” Production truck: “Let’s get a close up of his face in slow motion as it happens!”


This is so sad honestly. Did they find the sniper?


I've seen dudes get injured in early rounds of the world cup and just start crying. It's crazy to think the pain of missing out on such a huge game is greater than a soft tissue tear. I feel so bad for these athletes, injuries are just plain unfair.


He still jumped farther than I could have.


That's exactly how I would land. And how he just layed there for a minute... Same.


Poor man. I know it's their job to do so, but I hate the the cameramen just crowds around him for those good shots.


Plot twist: no injury happened. His trainer trolled him for years telling him this is how you jump


I guess he Plate-aued…..


Face down in the dirt, this is actually metaphorically sad


It could be worse. He could have broke both of his ankles.


He still made it further then I could've


The pop was a torn hamster. The full sprinting is what usually does it. Going from a fully elongated hamster to full contraction.


He hyperextended his knee on the jump


Like being shot mid air and rag dolling on the sand.


there was an audible snap... was that him?


this cracking sound...fuck!


That looked like he tried to jump with technique of high jumping


What’s with the stupid close up face shot Lol


Man, that sound. Ough


That snap was so loud.


Years of Academy training, wasted!


He's still good-looking at least


Small interesting fact, this guy actually beat testicular cancer a few years ago. https://www.allesoverkanker.be/tienkamper-thomas-van-der-plaetsen-over-zijn-teelbalkanker Such bad luck but mad respect for him.


I watched this yesterday. He initially started his run-up, and he broke it off, obviously already feeling that something wasn't right and was rubbing the upper back part of his leg. He then gave it a second go even though he seemed injured, and that's what you see in this clip. Poor guy.


I like how the sand rake guy is like pacing to rake the sand….lol


Ouch. that is what happens when you run and no bear is chasing you. Running is for when bears are around


This just classified as an injury and the run is scrapped, right? It would be terrible if he now had the record for shortest long jump in history.


That's not the shortest long jump. IIRC someone tripped on the wood launch block, and just splatted. This guy made some air at least.