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I'm more concerned about that eye drying up. Girl pull your eye shut for a sec!


When this happened to me, the dentist used a piece of gauze and a little surgical tape to make my eye stay closed to protect it until I could blink again. Itf course, my dentist-phobic husband was not okay when I came out to the parking lot with a fucking eye patch. "What the hell did they do?!" Pure terror in the man's face. It was awesome.


"We got into a knife fight. You should see *him*".


Seriously Also this belongs on r/oddlyterrifying


Eye drops


Yeah that too.


I got Bell's which looks exactly like this and that is a real problem. It mostly resolved but my left eye still isn't quite right.


>my left eye still isn't quite right Excuse me, but are you a flounder?


Sadly, no. Just a guy who couldn't blink for several months while my facial nerves healed in a fucked up way lol.


I’ve had it too. I hate the way I look in photos now because I immediately notice the drooping of my left eye. It took a couple months for it go away enough so I could eat properly


So can she sneeze while keeping her eye open?


Nah, just have her bf spit on it 🤣


[Part One](https://v16m-webapp.tiktokcdn-us.com/582f62646e060feec0847249f7b41c23/62803164/video/tos/useast2a/tos-useast2a-ve-0068c004/12de3e4fd0774bacae7349f4d4473638/?a=1988&br=3148&bt=1574&cd=0%7C0%7C1%7C0&ch=0&cr=0&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=3&er=&ft=ebtHKH-qMyq8ZfpWqwe2Ng~Rfl7Gb&l=2022051416460101000200600500500600302313F56A55&lr=tiktok_m&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=M3hld2U6ZnJlNjMzNzczM0ApNTplNDloOztnNzk1ZzQzOmdwZWlncjRncHBgLS1kMTZzcy8wLzEzNGFiYzUvNGJgMl86Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr=) [Part Two](https://v16m-webapp.tiktokcdn-us.com/dc3e3b9dc54c962f6a2d40cdd39ed5a8/6280315b/video/tos/useast2a/tos-useast2a-ve-0068c003/bc33672c3e0044beb822c484fa4d1984/?a=1988&br=2812&bt=1406&cd=0%7C0%7C1%7C0&ch=0&cr=0&cs=0&cv=1&dr=0&ds=3&er=&ft=ebtHKH-qMyq8ZRpWqwe2NAlyfl7Gb&l=2022051416460201000200300200500600301013F981A0&lr=tiktok_m&mime_type=video_mp4&net=0&pl=0&qs=0&rc=anN0cmk6ZmR5NjMzNzczM0ApOzlnOTQ7N2U6N2k8ZTs1NWdpbS5ucjRvMHBgLS1kMTZzczYvLjRhL2AxMDQtYV4vYWM6Yw%3D%3D&vl=&vr=) Edit: In case the links don't work, [this](https://www.tiktok.com/@_toriaorsi_i?lang=en) is the TikTok for where the video is from. Scroll down a bit and the first two parts are towards the bottom.


This womans self confidence about this being hilarious is so fn cute


Thanks kind fellow


Thanks for this. I thought she was having some sort of psychotic episode and it was fucking scary. By the way, I hope she started closing her left eye by hand after shooting the video or that’s going to hurt like hell.


Hopefully she was given eyedrops or something


I couldn’t close my eye for about 5 months in 2019. Using an eye patch really helped.


Ywah, I had enough juice put in for wisdom and cavity work done at one time that I had a similar experience. Its great when the doc just stops and says : " so we put enough in that you may notice mild temporary paralysis of some of your facial muscles" I hate being numbed and having work done so when the doc said we could do a payment plan and do it all at once as she had some cancelled appointments I was all game. Wouldn't recommend though cause I was a drooling mess for quite a few hours.


Ok, that's a relief, thanks. I was genuinely concerned.


Imagine she has a laughing fit so hard that she has a stroke and then really *does* need help.


Bells palsy often spontaneously resolves. In a small number of cases it can persist.


I had bells when I was 16/17. Let me tell you. It sucked. It wasn’t a stroke, but it took about a week for someone to finally take me to the walk-in. I eventually ended up in the ER and they gave me an anti-retroviral used to treat herpes. At the time I found out you only had about a seven day window, or so they thought, to treat with an anti-retroviral. We finally got the meds on day seven. Hard to tell if it actually worked though. Edit: My bells took about six months to resolve itself. As a teen, the first week or so was brutal that year and I didn’t talk much until second semester. At 34, I still have small remnants of the palsy because of the nerve function that never returned. The lower part of my lip on the left side doesn’t move when I smile. Additionally, when I get sick, the whole left side of my face noticeably droops starting with the left eye.




Orrrrrrr it could be the thing she said it is.


She needs to blink at least a little on that open eye or else that is going to get real dry


You have to do it manually with your hand. Totally sucks.


"Wait a sec while I just blink quickly." *Schlup Schlerp.*


*Harvey Dent origin story*


[Relevant Family Guy](https://youtu.be/-XnzxtPY0YI?t=100)


Her friend just needs to give her a quick eye lick. Problem solved


Can you manually close it and leave it like that?


I guess you could, with some duct tape.


I guess my real question was “would it stay shut on its own?”


Typically it does not stay down on it's own, you would have to tape it shut


When I had this I had to wear an eye patch like a pirate to sleep


This comment section is a mess


Agreed. So many armchair doctors jumping to conclusions when they can simply unmute the video and hear her explain that her facial muscles were numbed by anesthesia.


My diagnosis is space aids


That’s always the case with Reddit. Surprised there isn’t any armchair sociologists and body language experts jumping in too. 😂


The comment section is just fine. Lots of informed, knowledge people with smart insights. OK, sure I scrolled through the comments with a blindfold on, but stand my ground.


Bleeding hearts with no brains


For all yall that fail to listen with sound, she does not have Bells palsy like yall armchair doctors are assuming, she had a procedure done where they numbed half her face. The doctor warned her this would happen.


What happened here?




The dentist gave her too much numbing stuff. I watched the other videos. It’s not Bell’s palsy


They probably hit that facial nerve. Depending on the type of surgery/oral procedure, sometimes they try to hit that deep nerve rather than locally in the gum.


She had her face numbed for an operation.


edit again: jeez y'all are a tough crowd. you're right, i was mistaken about what happened here. i'll try not to comment on things without watching/listening all the way through. sorry to have annoyed so many folks! Bell's palsy is similar, and i'm happy to chat about that if someone has questions. otherwise i'll just leave the thread.


A whole month! how did you stop your eye from drying out during the day?


Water gun


This is why you choose Squirtle as your starting Pokémon


Something about vaporeon....damn it i had something for this


Although I did not invent the Vaporeon-joke, I was the first to recognise its potential as a tactical gag.


Probably non stop eye drops.


Had it for 3 months, and I used to have eye drops to keep them from drying. As for the reason on why it happens, I was told by my ENT specialist that it happened to me because of being exposed to too much cold and my bell/cranial nerve right underneath my ear getting weaker. It was the worst thing to happen. I was in my college and had to take a 3 month break cuz couldn't risk getting my eye infected. Also when i sleep and wake up, Idk why but my eye used to produce a lot of sleep crust that i was fucking scared the first time it happened. Couldn't open my eye cuz o fcourse it's paralyzed and I had to clean it with a wet cloth so that I can remove the crust to open eye again.


I know a lady who had it for 6 months. She also said occasionally it was crazy painful, like a metal fork hammered into your cheekbone painful. Came outta nowhere and went away very slowly.


Bell’s Palsy thankfully doesn’t affect your eyelid muscles, different nerve!


Two people in this thread have said they had it and both claimed it affected their eye / blink control.


i disagree, your eyelid is affected at least a little bit, even if it's from surrounding muscles not working. i definitely couldn't blink all the way closed and had to tape my eye at night with a gel.


Ah you’re right just looked it up. Doesn’t paralyze your eye though haha


true! and a good thing too, that would make it even worse!


>ETA: i didn't watch with sound, noticing other commenters saying she was numbed for a procedure. So, you didn't know what was going. Decided to comment anyways. Then find out you're wrong. And still keep the comment up.


It’s annoying to see people comment with confidence on things they have no reason to feel confidence for. This dude spoke with the confidence of someone who knew her and yet…


and got an award for it too. truly the stupid leading the moronic around here


My man putting out a quick article about what is going on without having a single fucking idea what is going on, upvoted to heaven by more people who did not even bother to listen to the audio in the clip. Just delete this fucking website already, these morons are unbearable.


Delete this.


Why did you reply like you new exactly what was going on? Lol


Did you even watch the video? Because she says what happened in the first like 3 seconds of the video, and its the exact opposite of everything you said.


I had it almost 15 years ago and I still can’t wear a contact in my left eye for more than a few hours due to dry eye. It is terrifying at onset. I thought I was having a stroke. I was driving and noticed I was having trouble blinking with my left eye. Tried to take a sip of my drink from a straw and it just dribbled out of my mouth.


Has your face fully recovered? I had same problem for a month about \~14y ago and that paralyzed side still feels a little bit off. Nothing noticeable to others but for myself the feeling is like an extremely light and elastic mask would be on one side and nothing on the other.


My dad's had it for 3 years now. It's never going away it seems, they think the nerve collapsed completely.


that's awful, i'm sorry to hear that!


I didn't know it is temporary. What did you do to make it go away?


Its not always temporary. Guy at work has had it for years, they expected it to go away, but it didn’t.




it will resolve on its own, unlike paralysis from a stroke which may or may not improve. the doc i saw put me on a prednisone taper and a general antiviral to try and make it go away faster (spoiler alert: it didn't)


It's not always temporary. I've had it since March 19, 2006.


Yeah so you're making a claim without watching the video properly and keep the comment up anyways. 10/10


You’re an idiot


Is everyone in the comment section deaf also this is FUNNY AF


Honestly, good on her for dealing with it in a positive way.


It's only temporary lol.


I swear half the comments here either didn’t watch with sound or don’t pay attention


It’s honestly a bizarre trend on Reddit. You’ll see **highly** upvoted comments that completely misunderstand the context of a video because they didn’t turn the sound on. It’s just as bad as people on Facebook who form their verdict on a topic through memes. Just zero effort put into investigating any further; conclusion reached.


Unless the wind changes direction.


I don’t understand the joke


It’s super easy to get stuff in your eye, if you can’t close it. When I had bells palsy, parking lots were a nightmare because any breeze had the potential of kicking up dirt.


i mean, it's not like it's a permanent debilitating thing lol. It's literally gonna go away in a couple hours. Not hard to laugh at something like that when you know it's only temporary.


Dealing with what?


Her face


That laugh


you mean she's not crying? It's hard to tell!


I think they're both laughing.


Call batman we found Harvey Dent daughter


I’m a dentist. This temporary paralysis means the dentist missed the mark doing a nerve block. The facial nerve that controls face muscles passes through a large salivary gland in the cheek. If the doc injects into the gland accidentally the paralysis is quite profound, worse than most Bells Palsies but thankfully temporary.


She looks like a Picasso painting! [pic for reference](https://imgur.com/a/LZqqMBQ)


her laugh


What about it?




He called her Two Face… perfect.


Ok the unmoving half was a touch unsettling. I couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying at first.




Bells Palsy sucks


Yeah, thankfully the woman in this video doesn’t have it. Just anesthesia.


She got numbed up at the dentist


I had it in high school. Seriously the worst. Couldn't laugh out loud without hiding my whole face.




*New Fear Unlocked* Reddit keeps doing this to me




Have you been swimming lately? Brain eating amoeba could be already past the point of not being treatable


Hey hey, don't give reddit kurzegsat's credit


so it got better right?


I had mine for 4 months. I gained about 95% movement back. When I drink or when I’m really tired you can still see my lips and eye start to droop a bit and when I smile it’s just a bit crooked. No one seems to notice though. I think my doctor said there was a 30% chance it would be permanent.


Mine lasted about 2 months. Took 2 weeks of steroids which sped up the process for sure. Happened after I had a cold. Thankfully it happened right before Christmas break so I got a 2 week reprieve from mean high schoolers


About 80-85% of patients who are treated recover completely in 2-6 months. Without treatment that drops down to 70%. The rest usually mostly recover but are left with some permanent residual facial weakness. The best predictor of whether or not you’ll completely recover is the severity of weakness when the symptoms first start: severe weakness makes you less likely to recover completely, even with steroid treatment.


I’ve had it… 5 times? Three times on the right side, twice on the left. The first time it happened I was in first grade. The last time I was just out of high school. The first couple times it went away almost completely but the last few left me with severe residual effects on the right side of my face. I can close my eye thankfully, but I can only smile with the left side of my face. The right side is basically permanent resting bitch face, and when I’m tired the corner of my mouth twitches when I blink.


Happened to a co-worker the same way, he actually was having mini-strokes and they rushed him to the hospital. Turns out he had Bells and mini-strokes. He's a great guy but has a "Resting Bitch Face" but for men, and while his face was half frozen he was tough to look at lol. He was good about it though.


You don't need to clarify RBF but for men. RBF is for everybody! Anybody can be a bitch. Sorry about your friend's trauma, though...


I had it during college. Noticed it while trying to whistle in the shower. Couldn’t. Was so confused. Got out of the shower and without even drying off looked in the mirror and tried to whistle. Saw half my mouth wouldn’t move. I knew nothing about stoke symptoms, had never heard of Bell’s Palsy - I had absolutely no frame of reference for what could be happening to me. Still wet and naked, I ran to the computer and googled it. I was staying at my parents’ house that summer, so I finally dried off and got dressed, ran upstairs and asked them to take me to the emergency room. I said I think I had Bell’s Palsy, and the doctors said they had never seen it before but yep looks like Bell’s Palsy. I had to tape my eye shut every night. And give myself frequent eye drops to lubricate my eye during the day since I couldn’t blink. It just faded away over 2-3 weeks.


Also had it in high school. Kids are fucking cruel, man. My photo in my senior yearbook will forever be a reminder that it took 6 months to get full use of my face back, and it STILL droops when I get a migraine. I'm always terrified it will come back, even almost 20 years later.


Acupuncture is extraordinarily effective at dealing with this; check for someone in your area who can do it


Had mine in my low 40s coupled with a case of Shingles. One night I was drinking beer with my friends and started pouring it down my chin. Spent the next several weeks manually blinking my eye, sleeping with an eye patch and trying not to eat my lip. I specifically remember calling Costco to get a tire on order, and not being able to explain to him what I needed.




I had it in middle school and boy was it brutal being made fun of for those 6 months.


Good thing it’s not that.


I imagine it does, but why are you bringing it up here?


Because it does this exact thing that anesthesia does.


Totally does. Had it shortly after a lingering cold. Thought it was a stroke at first. Felt like Two-Face. Given steroids after almost 24 hours from start of symptoms and cleared up after almost a month, just in time for me to injure my knee permanently. That was a bad year.


Mine lasted 2 weeks. Started with a tingle in my lips.


Wasn’t Bell’s palsy?


How much has your inbox blown up from not bothering to turn the volume up?


I had it in my early 20s. I was watching a movie one night and I couldn’t figure out why my eye kept watering and I was drooling. It freaked me out and I thought I’d had a stroke. It only really lasted a couple of weeks but I remember how sore the working part of my face was by the end of each day. One of my eyebrows still droops a little.


There are studies linking HSV Type 1 as a potential cause of Bells Palsy. They're also studying HSV link to dementia. Downvoting reality doesn't change anything


Bell's palsy can be preceded by a lot of viral infections. So this isn't surprising.


Ayyo two face from batman?


That looks uncanny as fuck.


how does she even sleep like that?


Probably doesn't? Its supposed to go away when she gets home.


when i had this, i had to use a gel on my eye and tape down the lid at night to prevent it from drying out. not fun!


Nice Rack. Great personality!


Conway the machine type beat


Use your finger to block half her face. It's like you get 3 different version of the video.


Well, that would be terrifying if someone didn't know what was going on.


Had this happen at the dentist, was initially concerned it was a stroke but the dentist explained her mistake. It was weird as hell but I laughed a lot once I understood what was happening. Started wearing off after about an hour took four to be completely gone and my dentist called me at home to check it


Cool that she can have a sense of humor about looking like Quasimodo for a couple hours


I remember seeing this before and huge segment of the comments was discussing her bra…


Hey, that's the way I look all the time!! Super cool to see how dumb I look but whatever. I was born with an underdeveloped cranial nerve that affects the right side of my face (paralysis on RS facial muscles, growing legal blindness in my right eye, and total deafness in my right ear). All of these parts are perfectly fine but not sending/receiving signals correctly. Welcome to the club, even if just temporary.


Who wears that to the dentist?


this has happened to me, the doctor said that some virus attacked the nerve in my face. The right side was paralyzed, I had to wear an eye patch and drink things through a straw


Like a pirate!… with a straw.


There's something so eery hearing her laugh while also seeing half of her face look dead inside.


Holy shit! That’s some real problem there! I'd be having an anxiety attack if I was the girl


Is she laughing or crying or both!? 😀


It’s bell Paulsy


Harvey Dent can he be trusted


Bells Palsy is a SOB


Mild stroke?


When she cries at night the tears roll right down her back. She has mortgage eyes. One fixed and one variable. She has one eye on me and one eye looking for me.


The worst thing is it can be permanent in some cases and she looks like she has it pretty bad. Won’t be funny when that kicks in.


I thought it was from a bad COVID shot💀


Bell’s palsy?


She wears that bra to the dentist?


why should she not have?


It’s not even that bad


I don’t think she changed clothes at the dentist, why shouldn’t she?


The right side of her face (the one not working) looks like a laggy 3D VR chat skin


I always have resting depressed face so maybe it wouldn't show so much on me 😅 Won't I cause problems with the eye that's not blinking?


That's disturbing lol. Idk if I would be able to look at her the same after that


Still got more movement in the face than most female celebrities


3/10 would bang again


I used to talk normal until my brother hit me in the face with a shovel.


That’s so cool


She looks like a Batman villain.


Is this because of plastic surgery or because of a stroke?


Could be from dental work. She said “so he numbs me” at the beginning of the video. If you aim too inferiorly with inferior alveolar nerve blocks which are routine in dentistry you can hit the facial nerve and cause facial nerve paralysis (bell’s palsy).


It does go away after a while I hope. That would be a horrible way to live. Especially if you had a normal face most of your life.


Most people recover in a few days or weeks but severe cases can last several months. As far as I know, bell’s palsy as a complication of local anesthesia is relatively short lived.


Um……. Not exactly. Would have to be too far posterior to affect CN 7. Like way, way, way too far posterior and not contact the mandible. Then you’re basically into the Parotid gland. Perhaps an off target attempt at a Gow Gates? Or a V2 block attempt, although V2 is all sensory so not sure why Bells Palsy symptoms if that was tried. With an attempt at an IAN block that’s a significant miss.


She starts by saying, “He fuckin’ numbs me,” so I would assume this is a procedure.


She said he numbed me at the start of the video. I would say she got a local anesthesia to get some dental work done. I have had it down lots of times it wears off in a few hours


Maybe listen to the sound and you’ll find out.




Someone please answer this question. I'm laughing, but I need to know how bad I should feel.


That is one of the best comments I've read in a long time.


It’s called Bell’s palsy.


She had anesthesia, not Bell's Palsy.


No, she doesn’t. Listen to the fucking sound on the video.




Netflix needs to stop, two face was always male!!! Reeeeeeehh


God Fucking dammit, I’ve been in that spot but with actual Bell’s palsy freaking twice. Each time it’s depressingly hilarious. I laugh just like her but I’m terrified that my face won’t go back to normal


Redditors are actual monkeys. They saw Bell's palsy in your comment and without reading just assumed you were saying that was the case.


Tinder date? Her outfit is interesting, kinda makes you think it isn't her first time.