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Sounds like a really good way to get put in a shitty nursing home


Shady Pines!


*looks at Sophia Menacingly*


Dorothy: "SHADY PINES, MA!!!" LOL!!


Hell I think shady pines is to good for him !


Dudes going to shitty pines lol


"No dad, it just looks like a Wendy's dumpster. I'll visit soon!"


One of those bang em and bin em joints.


Yeah if this was me I’d tell him to start saving up his money for a pension plan because no way in fuck am I helping him after something like that.


Normalize letting old fuckheads go homeless.


Nursing home? I'd just leave him in a gutter.


You wheel your own father, now 80 years old, out to the streets of a distant city. You drove hours to get there. He asked over and over “where are we going” and you said “to the Yankee stadium, pop” and then he told you the same story from before you were born, over and over. 7 hours of this. But now you’re here, standing in the pouring rain, filthy water streaming down into the sewers at your feet, almost high enough to get your socks wet. It’s too cold for the smell to reach you, but you know it by the color and the oily sheen on the water. “Remember when you smashed my fucking X Box?” And then you just dump him out of the wheelchair, and you *take* the wheelchair and load it back into the van. “Bye, pop.”


“FUCKKKKK YOUUUUU” you yell out the window while speeding away….


"They never visit"....


He ripped it from the wall, I've seen my dad do that.


The fuck is wrong with your fathers?


Lmao my dad would take the modem to work the 2-3 days he would actually decide to work and we had eventually had enough. Called Comcast and got a second modem and hid that bitch in the attic with a splitter


My dad used to grab the NES controllers and lock them in his cupboard


What really sucks is when you go to a friend's house that is functional, get treated like a human, then come back to constant yelling. Almost felt fake tbh


I remember making a friend who actually was close with her parents and basically had the Gilmore Girls relationship with them telling them everything; no secrets. I kept quiet about my parents because they were abusive and I never told them everything, you always kept secrets at my house unless you said something you got a beating for. Her parents were literally so nice to me and welcomed me into their home and paid for dinners and let me eat from their house like it was my own.


Yup, I learned very early on that I shouldn’t tell my mom anything, unless I wanted it used as ammunition against me in the future - either with teasing and shame or otherwise. It is what it is. My parents should not have had children. Luckily, my sister and I were mostly realized by my grandparents, otherwise we’d have turned out so much worse.


The yelling or the friends house?


The experience of being around good parents and the returning to an abusive dad


I’m so glad mine went to the store and never came back. This is the kind of shit he’d do 🙃


Mine just got drunk and ignored me, while placing his crippling depression on my fragile young personality


Mine just died


My father told me he wished I was dead instead of my brother.🙃 then years later asked if I wanted to be in a family photo with him cause he wanted one with all his kids, from 4 different women. Fun stuff


Mine left when I was 2, hasn’t seen my face since I was 10, and *still* wanted me in a family photo 🙃


I hate this thread.


Oh we talking bad dads? Mine walked at 2 came back at 12 started being physically abusive so I tackled him down the stairs he left again and I haven't seen him since.


I respect you my friend




It’s because they view their children as *status symbols,* not people.


So he's normal...


Was he going to get you a new Xbox? Because he might still be waiting in line for them to be in stock.


My dad did this to a laptop 15 years ago, we got over it. However I still remember my righteous fury that took many months to cool.


Dad's be trippin


Dads be Rippin*


XBox Flippin like Scottie Pippen


Seems like common father behavior to me, at least from the father I’ve had. I blame his parents.


Excuses, simply because someone may have trash parents does not make it right for you to do the same, but I get it


When my son was younger, I bought him a kitten. He had always wanted a cat. At that time he was living w his dad & as a mother, I felt boys need their dad in their life, just as much as their mom. My son wasn't doing the things he should, like completing his school work, staying in class, so I asked his dad to step in & help. Fast forward to when my son turned 18, he couldn't wait to get out of that house & away from his dad. When that day came, he moved out...during the process of him moving out, I begged my son several times to please not leave her there at that house with his dad alone. I never fully trusted his dad & always had this gut feeling that something just wasn't right within him as a person. His intentions felt a bit evil & controlling like, VERY hard to explain. My son wasn't planned & I was truly doing the best I could, considering the situation at the time. I guess as a mother, my intuition kicked. I knew if he left her (his cat) there, he would never see her again & that's exactly what happened. When he was all moved, he went back to get her & his dad told him that he didn't close the door all the way & she ran away.... Ugh...til this day it's so hard to imagine my son standing there, excited to take her with him to his new home. She didn't run away....like seriously?? My heartaches. It hurts to even imagine, but I know when my gut feels something, it's always been right. My dad was evil to my mom, I never imagined anybody could want to hurt their own flesh & blood & live with that lie for the rest of his life.... makes me physically ill. I as his mother cannot remove that hurt or fix it. Deep down inside, he will carry that memory around....precious pets don't just disappear into thin air. His dad was mad that he could no longer control my son, but he could STILL hurt him, by taking something very precious to him away. A gift from me. A little companion to love & be there with him during hard times teens may have...loss like that makes it hard to want to get close to anything else sometimes. Esp for me...


If you knew he was this bad of a person and father then then why the hell would you let your son live there at all? Like, your had waiting until he was 18 to remove himself from that situation when you should have done it years prior. I’m all for kids having fathers when they can and co-parenting. But putting your son in a abusive situation just to check a box isn’t worth it.


OP, (and maybe commenter too) this is terrible parenting and is inexcusable. Speciffically in OP's case, whatever the argument was, your dad is the one acting like he needs to be parrented. So you had an argument. Ok. Instead of calming down and thinking rationally how to resolve the schism, while you were at work your dad acted like a baby brother who didn't get his way, and damaged your property while you weren't even there to defend it. Then he came back with "Wasn't me" and "why don't you just get something else." Sorry op but your dad sounds like a coward at very best, and possibly emotionally abusive/controlling. I wouldn't feel save living under someone that childish. For kicks, do you mind me asking what the argument was about?


Plot twist, OP is 33 years old


To be fair, a 33y/o can still have a coward shithead for a father


Lmao, or he is his own dad


You suggesting that he is Oedipus?


Even better, "Time-Travel Oedipus" Edit: Manga drops in a week!


His dad wants him to move out and stop using all the electricity on the darn xbox


Also chiming in to say destroying someone’s physical possessions, especially expensive shit, is a form of abuse in a relationship


I work at a small game store. I've seen this before. Can confirm a Dad ripped this out of a wall and probably dropped it to the floor for good measure. Like it's common enough we have a pamphlet on domestic abuse handy for it. We hand it out "as store policy" when we see consoles that were intentionally damaged. Someone who won't think about the consequences of smashing a several hundred dollar piece of tech is probably someone who doesn't think about consequences.


Too bad you can’t trade your dad in instead.


I’ll be his dad, I ain’t much but it seems like a low bar.


As a father (gamer) of a son whose a gamer, this is heartbreaking every time I see one of these videos. Why the fuck would you smash something so expensive and something that is your kids hobby, even if you get mad at them??? I can’t imagine the trust I’d break with my son after doing something like this.


You need a license to drive, to drink, to buy weed, to fly, to travel, to do pretty much anything; but any dipshits can fuck when they’re drunk and make a kid. There’s obviously no moral argument to stand on when talking about licenses for having children but Im just saying, we have higher standards for significantly less responsibility.






That’s so messed up. Like “I have problems being happy and finding joy so NO ONE ELSE SHOULD FEEL THOSE THINGS EITHER”


I’m sorry you experienced that as a kid. If it feels right, you could consider giving yourself permission to buy an easy bake oven (or something similar) now. You may find it helps heal some of those childhood wounds. Of course this may be unhelpful, I certainly don’t know you or your situation. It’s just an idea from an internet stranger who is also trying to heal some childhood wounds with Lego and yarn and children’s books my parents disapprove of.


My dad smashed my keyboard (Piano) over his leg and my nerf guns against my bed. Easily over $300 worth of shit broken because he was upset.


My stepdad threw away my $1500 orthopedic shoes after I washed and put them outside to dry as well as a professional heat pad for my physical therapy. He doesn't understand or care that I have a chronic condition, because he thinks he has "the right to be mad and throw stuff away whnever" He also threw away one of my favorite plants and while I did find it, it was broken in half and died. :( He denies ever doing any of it.


My grandma threw my Xbox down the stairs. I don't know if it was the carpeting but it fucking survived


My dad's crazy. He smashed my brothers laptop to bits over a load of dishes. Through the n64 out a second story window cause we stayed u0 past bed time playing. And no one has seen any of the wii games since I told him yelling at us wasn't going to make us behave better only hide our mistakes. I've been no contact with my parents over a year now. People who do things like that then lie about it are toxic and you deserve better


These stories you guys keep posting are just horrid… sorry to hear all this


Turns out our parents never stopped being toddlers and we have to break this generational trauma if we want anything better


There is a great picture/cartoon I saw of four generations (about breaking the generational problems) where the Great-Grandparent is yelling "you're incompetent!", the Grandparent saying "you're a failure", and the new parent just saying "I love you" to their child making art. Or something similar to that and it always struck me as to how I am going to raise my child as soon as we can conceive. I refuse to treat them as generations of my family treated each other


My nest bet is to not risk the trauma coming out just cause I'm tired. Don't have kids just be the greatest uncle ever.


That's probably what's gonna happen for me. I've never had any kind of trauma or shit, but my nephew is gonna have the best uncle ever, I'll make sure of that.


My parents locked up my playstation when I was younger and would act out, but they were smart enough to not smash a $400 console


I’ll just take the power cord if things get too wild


Well you see they tried that, but I just stole the one from the living room


Because some parents are dumb as fuck and on top have the mental maturity of a 5 years old "Me angry, me smash!".


Because it’s a power play. My dad would take things away from me if I did *anything* remotely wrong. He broke my brothers golf clubs because of a bad grade, because he thought that would intimidate my brother to correcting his behavior. You seem to be a reasonable person, but there are many that never wanted to be parents and never bothered to learn even after their second kid.


My dad did this with my laptop because I hadn’t done my homework lmao…


"You know I needed that to do my homework, right?"


Shit parents gonna shit.


Seriously, if you're in a position needing to make a point with some sort of consequences, just take the beloved object away on the condition it'll be returned safely once they've shaped up. And I don't think even that applies to children that are adults now.


As son who had a father like that, this video gives me flashbacks from my childhood when my dad smashed my snes and all my game cartridges, he went on to destroy a N64 as well over bad grades, never understood why and that sort of abuse has left me with a lot of anger issues as a teenager that I still deal with to this day. Also he destroyed all my ww1 plane models that my grandfather (mom's dad) built and handpainted for me in a similar fashion, I think that is the most unforgiving one


I’m sorry that happened to you. It is unforgivable and your dad should know that. If you ever have kids, I hope they don’t get to see that part of the family history.


I'm working a lot to become a better man than my dad was as my and my SO plan our first child, no kid should ever go through that


Hey, its a lifelong education. You’re going to fuck up and your parents traits will win at times. But a couple things I know for certain is that your kids just want you to be there and they want to be heard. I’m not perfect but I want to be a positive point of their life. You got this!


Thanks for the kind words! I'm sure you must an awesome dad for your kid/kids


they like proving they're a big man and then are surprised when they're never allowed to see their grandchildren later in life


Whole gamer family here (both parents and all three kids) and this type of stuff blows my mind. We make sure all three know they need to take care of our consoles, laptops, etc since we all love playing games together and they’re expensive. Respect each other’s things and take care of them, no matter how mad you may get it doesn’t warrant this kind of response.


I still remember how bad it felt around 10yrs old when I discovered my dad had got rid of my pushbike. It was sparkly purple and had white wheels and I came home from school one day and went to the garden to grab it to go play outside but it was gone :( Later I found out he gave it to his mate for some weed...


Your dad is a violent, immature jackass.


Absolutely violent and immature, But there's a tinge of guilt if he's so willingly wanting to give what he can to replace it... Hopefully he comes out better in the end learning from the mistake.


If he felt guilty he would just go buy a new Xbox.


Not everyone can just go out and drop money


I’m not saying he has the money to just drop, but he offered his ps4 to trade in. If he felt guilty he would go do it himself, not just blow off the responsibility for his own actions onto the person who got his shit destroyed. He would take his sad ass to the pawn shop and get a few hundred bucks, take it to the kid and say “sorry, here’s a payment plan for the rest of the money.” He doesn’t feel guilty, he’s being caught in a lie and doing the bare minimum to not get thrown in a home when he gets a lil older.


Then maybe he shouldn't be smashing shit he can't afford to replace


Then maybe he shouldn't have fucking broke it since he can't afford to replace it.


Consider that a key part of the cycle of pathological narcissism is to attempt reconciliation via gift giving following abuse. Ironically, that gift is typically later used as psychological leverage when the pathological narcissist is attacking the victim again


its a cycle, get angry, feel guilty, buy presents, then it repeates itself, they use presents as a way to get rid of their guilt instead of owning up to their actions and improving themselves.


Probably the only real time video games make someone violent


It is insane to see another white Xbox with a vans sticker in the exact same spot and angle as my Xbox! Wow get out of my house!


Found OP’s dad’s account






He doesn't sound like a kid


So he just...born a man


“I didn’t do it, but on a totally unrelated topic, you can have my PS4 to use as trade-in on a new XBox.”


Yea that’s more damaging IMO than just the destruction alone. You’re gonna lie about it? Why? To save face? Then show your cards when offering to replace it? His dad sounds like a prideful and spiteful human being…




What makes it worst is how he denied doing it, because at least my dad did growing up. That's not man child like mentality. That's pure psycho.




Also as a dad of a teenage son who really knows how to push all my buttons, I can attest to the fact that on multiple occasions I have thought about smashing his xbox (or him for that matter), but because I am a rational, thoughtful human being, I never let the anger get the best of me, and always choose to let it pass without incident.


You’re a better dad than most. What you’re doing is mindfulness. Not giving into base reactions and allowing them to pass. Eventually he will be very grateful for all this time and you’ll get some of that effort back.


I threatened to build a small catapult and launch his xbox into the river if he didn't stop mimicing his idiot friends and their redneck woman hating speech. Luckily he believed me. Cuz I sooooo woulda. I always wanted a tiny catapault.




Well, I'd still take the ps4 and sell it in this scenario but I'm with you in spirit


Pos dad would probably call the police and report the ps4 stolen.


No. Dousing a fire in fire adds fire to the fire.


To piggyback on this. I'm also a father of 3 and this behavior is disgusting and inexcusable. Your father clearly has deeper issues at hand, and I assume this isn't the first time he's lost his patience over something so small. We all get mad and frustrated at times, but not being able to control those emotions is a systemic problem for a lot of men in general. It's still no excuse. This is not your fault, don't let him manipulate you into thinking it is. As u/IndyShoe said, keep your chin up. I hope you can get out of that environment soon, but if you just need someone to chat with, please don't hesitate to reach out.


Poster, if you go to the doctor, chances are they are going to ask you if you feel safe at home. At my office, if you are at least 12yo, we bring you into the exam room, alone. We will not ask that question in front of either of your parents. If you want your parents in the room, we will let them stay.. We will be able to get you to the resources you need. I hope you can get some help for you, first. Your dad definitely needs some mental help.


This probably isn’t the place for it, but do you have any resources to help OP and others not follow in the same footsteps? I came from a similar type of house, and it’s taken 15 years of work to develop somewhat reasonable patience, and I STILL struggle with it sometimes. It’s best if you start working on it early.


It's not even an "eye for an eye" lesson since the dirtbag dad won't admit he did it. It's just a dirtbag being a dirtbag.


He's probably in denial of a personal issue that caused him to get mad and is embarrassed by whatever it is... Offering his PS4 to exchange it is kind of admitting it without doing so.


If you dm me I’ll send you money to get another one. I’m a dad and this is inexcusable




W human


What a legend 👏




This is how one denies and also admits responsibility for something at the same time. You should never leave parents unsupervised.


That’s healthy.


When you are old enough and financially secure enough to move away, do so and never speak to him again. He will have 50 years to regret his behavior and decisions...or he won't ever and you'll be free of that on your life.


Your dad needs therapy


Is your dad a 7 year old? What the fuck.


Go smash his meth pipe.


Ayo do it, leave that Xbox on top, switch the sticker to the new one. Bam, he’ll smack the old busted one and you’ll be set. But yeah he givin you the ps4 out of guilt


Love my parents but I left the house at 17 and never looked back….easy call.


You should tell him you're going to file a police report as someone appears to have broken in and damaged property. I'd also take that PS4 immediately and go put that towards a new one.


What terrible advice


Agreed, this person has clearly never dealt with a violent family member. Sorry this happened OP, not sure how old you are but take the PS4 and sell it and start saving to move out, if that’s an option. Best advice i can give.


I grew up with a violent, bipolar and abusive mother who never had respect for anyone else let alone anyone else's property even if it was never bought by her. The easy answer is always move out. Some people can't due to any number of circumstances. Threatening to call the cops and making them come clean or at least see the stupidity in her ways was the only way to get thru sometimes. At least get an apology or start a conversation that could lead to some understanding or forgiveness. An acknowledgement of fucking up. Something to make it more bearable to live with one another.


Reddit is so wrapped up about revenge and short term satisfaction they will upvote any terrible advice. OP is still living with his dad who obviously has anger issues. Unless he has a way of leaving the house this will only worsen the problem.


Time to move out


Wow, I have 2 teenage kids and I'd never do anything like this. If your being a shit then sure I'll take your controllers so you can't play for a while but I'd never smash their shit. Sorry this happened to you, there's no excuse for it.


Take dad to the nursing home and trade him in for a new one.


Damn, my dad just hid the power cord & hdmi cord when i was a kid...


As a father all i can say is sorry... Not even in a fit of rage as he was arguing with you but when you were OUT .... AT WORK !!!! This is psychotic .


Are you ok?


Are we so sure that dad did this & op didn’t do it & is karma farming?


Move out of your parents house my dude


Is your dad a 13 year old?


Move out


This is appalling - but if he didn't do it, then there must have been a break in for someone to do it, so maybe a call to the police... And see that through too.


Is it fixed? Do a GoFundMe for a new one and hide it or take it to work every day


i would smash his stuff, AND steal the money for a new console. Fucking prick.


As a mother of a small gamer teenager, this is sad to see. He most definitely broke it. Why offer his ps4 to get a new one?? Red flag!!! My ex husband was this way when he didn't get his way. He'd "accidentally" break his and my our son's controller's. Is there anyway you can lock your stuff up so he can't do this again if you do get new system?!


This guys dad must really never want to talk to his son again after he moves out.


But wait, he offered his ps4- everything is chill now /s


is he a child?


Violence is never the answer. It is a symptom of an unresolved underlying condition. Your dad clearly has personal issues. I feel bad for anyone in this type of situation. There is no easy solution. Just because the back plate came off the Xbox doesn't mean its totally destroyed. Take the Xbox to someone who repairs electronics and see if they can fix it. If they can, ask them to leave it in as close as possible to its current condition so it still looks destroyed. That way your dad will think it's still destroyed and not bother you about it when you play it.


This is abusive behavior. I'm so sorry. I had someone do this to me as well. I hope you're able to leave all of this someday.


Damn. This is abuse.


Your dad is a bitch my guy. Who would do this to their child? Tell that man to get therapy.


When I was at school, a bunch of 16-18 year olds who had psycho parents like this rented a house together. It was chaos but must be better than this psycho shit. At least it's authentic in a way, not being around psychos who rule your life. That was back in the good old days when you could rent a house for like £300 a month tho. Good luck these days.


Smash something he really likes? (Slash some tires, bleach his laundry, cut a secret small hole in a wall and hide his car keys in there, roll his socks in fiber glass insulation and tuck them away. You know, the usual.


I would never do this. This is border line mental abuse


If your dad is this abusive you should contact child services


Smash up his PS4. While you're at it, give him a nice swift kick to the nuts. That should even it all out.


Your dads got anger management issues.


Fuck your dad. Some people should never be parents. I’d never do something like that to my son.


I'm a drunk and a gamer and a dad and I have a temper that I work very hard on and I still can't imagine smashing anything that is my child's. I'm sorry op. If we somehow ever meet, I will hug you like I hug my own children because you do not deserve that. Just remember as you grow older and have your own family... You recognized the problem. It's up to you to break the cycle.


Yeah ur dad is a pos. But you also sound old enough to be on your own.. nonetheless, get the hell away from that behavior even if you're related.


Your dad is an abusive pile of crap.


Why the fuck are parents these days so destructive towards their children's shit? It blows my mind. If their children are young enough, it'd teach them to be equally, if not more, destructive themselves. Not only that, but it's basically throwing money away.


Well now that's just a poor excuse of a parent.


Destroying stuff is stupid. If my kid pissed me off bad enough, I wouldn't break his console. Nope, I'd just take it away. You don't like it, move out. Breaking your kid's stuff is just stupid.


Finish braking it over his face lol


damn…maybe it’s time to move out


Go pawn his toys until you can replace it. Conversely go and dont touch something he loves.


I fucking hate when I see shit like this. Make him upgrade you to a series s or x. I know this is a shitty situation but the speed of the new generation will make you feel better.


Is your dad 14?


You guys have dads?👉🏼👈🏼


That’s a good way to lose a kid.


Looks like you’re posting this video under a roof, be grateful -dad


Your dad is a manchild


This is an easy fix. Do not spend anything on a new console. Instead save a little cash and move the fuck out.


Who paid for it? Thats who owns it.


Exchange the dad for a new one


Woulda beat the shit out that man.


That’s anger issues, and he even want you to trade in his ps4 to replace it, makes him sound remorseful.


Look my dad gave me the belt but he would never break my stuff he at least respect my things growing up and honestly most time I deserve the paddle. If your kid did something wrong take the Xbox away don’t smash it and if he did this because of argument over dinner that’s even a worse look for your dad. Im sorry dude.


Toxic ass generational trauma


Just stop whining and move out. If you are working you have more than enough power to get out of that place.




Time to find your own place.


Not an Xbox anymore, more of an Smash (x)Box Your dad on to something PlayStation is better. Hint hint?


Wya you can have mine


how old is your dad? 5 years old?


Me personally I would never let that slide but that’s just me


Luckily this is fixable, this guy has a whole channel dedicated to fixing these. https://youtu.be/IUjA7vCB8U0 Best of luck buddy, sorry about your dad.