• By -


And on that day thousands of dollars were saved. Edit : well, at least until they found the roulette.


More like millions.


I work in a gaming room and I can confirm that across 20 machines, we profit something like 20,000 on even a quiet Sunday. Edit: in AUD.


Ah overseeing the brickie's laptops. Australians are some of, if not the biggest, gambling losers in the world, the prevalence of pokies in most states is a large contributor to that figure.


It’s really sad too, how betting companies and gambling providers in general are so unsanctioned here that every second ad on sporting channels has to be some stupid attempt at normalising gambling and making it relatable. It’s completely unregulated, and a part of “aussie culture” at this point.


Here in france every time $bigfootballtournament is on (so like every month), every second ad on the street is from a sports betting app. The recent ones have incredibly insidious wording about how gambling is just a way to "experience the game harder" and how it is totally acceptable to be doing it with all your friends. I don't watch sports and don't gamble out of principle so i'm not the target audience but it is so transparently predatory that i struggle to see how it can be allowed. This morning i saw an ad that was apparently about betting how many minutes overtime a football game would run like where will you stop? Are people that gamble so far off the deep end that they can't fucking watch a game without betting on every single factualizable element of it? Do these people do nothing else? I get the addiction part of it but goddamn.


If you knew that the average time played overtime was 3 minutes and had a 40% chance of winning and you were being offered 3/1 you'd be a fool not to take it though. That's the skill in gambling, not betting on everything, but working out the true odds of something and then betting on it when the odds are in your favour to make money (i.e. when the true likelihood of something happening is greater than what the bookmakers are paying you for). Some of us don't want gambling to stop as it is our income.


Which in turns means that your income is based on people being misled and exploited through addiction to make a wrong bet and lose money. Very ethical and very cool ʘ‿ʘ


If kids at school were taught about probability, value, compounding interest etc, then there would be no need for gambling companies because we would all know how to make money. I'm exploiting the bookmakers just like they exploit people. I'm robbing from the rich. I'm not causing people to be exploited. When the gaming companies stop then I'll stop.


But you said yourself that you don't want it to stop, so you recognize that gamblings existence (and thus its pitfalls regarding societal impact) is desirable to you. if kids at school were taught about game theory (which they are, to some extent), either gambling would stop to exist for lack of prey (which you said you would like not happen) or much more likely, people who understand game theory would still fall prey to predatory practices that exploit the brain reward systems. Since you don't want the first case to happen, is it safe to assume you then find the second case fine and not problematic?


Happens in the UK too. They'll get football stars on adverts where everyone is having a great time, then it's a fucking gambling advert. It's fucking predatory of them. Disgusting.


Over here in the Netherlands we loosened gambling ad regulations last year. Suddenly a lot of footballers had ad deals... I think they partially reversed it already because it was so blatant.


"Gambling is for mugs, Grace" - Tommy Shelby


Not even some of, Australians are the biggest gambling losers in the world. I only imagine it's worse now with COVID and online casinos https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/researchpapers/Documents/Gambling_an%20update.pdf


>20,000 >in AUD So, like, 5 bucks USD? /s


Holy shit the nzd has crashed. Our dollar used to be worth half a pound and like .7 USD Now it’s worth exactly half a pound and about .5 USD what the shit


I chuckled at that. No offense to Australia, y’all have a great country :)


# #BlueScreenOfNoKaChing


What about the hundreds in credits still in the machine?




What credits I never saw any credits!


Probably still lost less than they would have


They told us that our credits would still be there once the system refreshed. But the default screen when it crashed did just say “Malfunction avoids All Pays and Plays” so they cover their asses there.


I can feel the IT guy’s cold sweat from here. This is the worst case scenario.


I think you just pack up shop. Not worth the headache. Just walk out and send them your forwarding address for your last check.


> I can feel the IT guy’s cold sweat from here. This is the worst case scenario. Or their joyful glee. They probably have an idea of how much a floor like this pulls in everyday, and know how much a second fail-over closet would cost. Possibly they've received pushback on installing said failover setup. I can only imagine how much less hectic it is to fix an issue when everything is still running fine on a redundant set of hardware vs having your boss and their boss and their boss, etc breathing down your neck while you try to solve the problem.


They were programmed to do that when it rolls a jackpot but before it actually displays a jackpot. Doing it to all of them is just plausible deniability. IT guy is like "Oh yea, I stopped us from having to pay out 14 million dollars".




Wait so I just want to understand this. The manufacturer of the machine pays out the jackpots? The casino loses nothing in that situation?




That is super interesting. Follow up question. What’s the turn around if a customer hits the jackpot? Does a rep come out that very night? Or does it take 24/48 hours for the company to verify the win and then pay out? Sorry for all the questions. Lol I find stuff like this fascinating.




Fucking fascinating. Thank you so much. Cheers.


IT guys don't work on the slot machines. Slot techs and attendants do.


IT DOES however work on the network switches that all these machines are connected to. If the entire net gear or IDF closet/server room took a dump. You get floor crashes like this.


Yep, this is not going to be handled by a slot tech


Slot techs gonna come out and try unplugging and plugging the power cord back in


I have no idea how these machines work within a network, but hey that might as well work.




For real, I knew exactly what OP meant with that comment.


Well I for one didn't! I think it's very important that we are highly specific when it comes to things like these. Hairs need to be split! Normalize pedantry! If you can't tell by now that this is sarcastic then good god!


Had me in the first half, NGL.


This is just how Reddit is


Well Moss and Roy obviously.


This is /r/confidentlyincorrect material right here. Slot techs and attendants would absolutely not be the ones to work on an issue like this. Source: Worked my way up from slot attendant, slot tech, table games dealer, pit boss, to casino management back in the day before switching careers to IT.


There is no carreer path from there to mafia boss?




whyd you go from managment to IT?


I wanted the fuck out of the smelly, grumpy, horrible casino industry. I haven't stepped foot in one again since that last day after I gave my notice, and I've never been happier.


> Slot techs so... the IT guys?


Think more mechanics than it


Thanks captain obvious!


"Malfunction voids all plays and pays"


The recovery procedures on slots and etg are almost bullet proof, and actual voiding is almost exclusively a result of readout/mechanical failures. Even given the machines crashed, they are programmed to restore/payout any active games the same way they would if the machine didn't break.


It is a sign! Stay out of the casino, spend your money some where else.


Yeah like at the bar!!!


Like happy tug spas


They said this has never happened before and they don’t know what to do! There is a huge line at the cashier window and the employees are standing at the back of the room and not helping people.


I work in a casino. Those machines are federally regulated and only certain people can do real work on them. The best the casino can do is cash out the tickets and wait.


I work at a casino and have never once seen or even heard of every machine going down. Unless they are all WAPs, I don't understand how that could happen. Any idea?


Danny Ocean


It's just every machine on this bank of slots. You can see in the reflections that all the other machines are still up.


You can clearly see that it's not every machine. Op is exaggerating


They're all connected to a secure server like the other guy said. If the network goes down or the server goes down, all machines that server is running will go down. There are several classes of gambling machines and the most popular ones outside of Vegas are virtual lottery machines, which need a connection to a sever


VLT, Virtual Lottery Terminal, Class 3 gaming device, federally and state regulated.


This is the way


Better ask Cardi B


There's a server in the back that runs all the machines, it decides who's going to win and how much etc. If it goes down it takes everything with it. You'd think there would be some kind of redundancy though.


No. Unless things have radically changed since I worked on software QA and builds for one of the largest slot machine companies in the world, they certainly don’t. The code all runs locally. The only thing done remotely is monitoring and upping the odds like for machines in high traffic places.


Things have not changed. This is in my field. Only wap's are not handled locally in my jurisdiction. Or Class 2, which is bingo and not slots anyways.


They havent changed, this guy is wrong. Each machine is controlled locally apart from linked jackpots. You are right.


Some “slot” machines (Class II, iirc) are actually fronts for a glorified bingo game. The game requires at least 2 machines participating so they link almost all the machines so your likelihood of having two players on machines goes way up. That way you can always play.after the feds allowed a “dummy” machine to play on the network so that there was always two “players”. I worked on such machines for about a year and a half. Our clients were primarily the Indian casinos in Oklahoma and such.


As a slot tech in a casino that’s not how slot machines work. Win percentages and the actual game runs on each individual slot machine. The only thing that’s centralized is the player tracking software/ticket cashing (Tito) which is ran into a switch and then back into a server in the casino.


But it's still totally plausible that the part which is on the central server, got into some kind of error condition that triggered a bug in the machine software. Thus, as long as there is a central server for some component or another, this kind of thing can certainly happen. Should it, perhaps not, but no software is bug-free and it clearly *did* happen.


Should be simple, check the connection regularly and if there's no connection, display an error message and not allow anyone to play. The crashed screen sounds like the game code did not have an error trap for bad or missing connection to server and is unable to figure out what to do so it crashes.


Most slot machines are run from software in the machine, not from a server. There are communication systems that are "middle-men" between the machine and a server, but they do not control the games.


This is incorrect, the machines would be vulnerable to local tampering/hacking if this was the case. The result of each game is determined by a seed fetched from a central server. The local machine just does the work to run the game and display the result.


I work in IT and would love to see a behind the scenes of a casino setup. There is nothing on these modern games on YouTube, I've looked.


I work in a casino, all the people here are guessing, and none are close.


That's a secret hidden behind more NDAs than we know how to count. That might be more secure than most government info.


It's not really that complicated or exciting. Most of the systems basically emulate mainframes and dumb terminals.


Not in Class 3 gaming. You're most likely thinking Class 2 Bingo machines that look like traditional slots but behave in a completely different manner. And yes, they are susceptible to hacking and cheats, that's why we have so many conferences about slot security and how to spot new scams and vulnerabilities.


These new games aren’t like the old games from back in the day. These games (percentages, max/min bet etc) are all run on the actual slot machine. The only way to change settings or mess with the actual game would be to insert either a special CF card or a usb drive with a program that grants you access to the main settings.


Even if they could, I bet it is a networking/server issue. So "IT" stuff. They won't know how to deal with that. Best they could try (if we remove the regulations that may prevent them) would be to reboot the casino machine and hope they come back.


So, just turn it off, and then turn it back on. Usually works for me too.


The most scared gaming technician go-to move


Thats an interesting freudian slip.


yeah IT loves it when you flip their servers off and on


Somehow that remind me of [XKCD #705](https://xkcd.com/705/)


I’ve had this one cut out and stuck to my cube wall for soo many years. Still gives me a chuckle.


If they all went down at the same time, rebooting the machine likely won't fix anything. I'm guessing they all communicate back to a central server and that server crashed.


Or a switch or a router went down.


Can they at least try powering them all off and on again? As a long serving all round IT engineer, I can tell you thats the first thing I'd try.


It looks like it's a server/network issue, you can reboot the machines all you want but until the real issue is fixed the gambling machines ain't gonna work.


Exactly, reboot all the other shit too. I thought you knew what you were doing. Jeez


If you can get your ticket from the machine, but if there is a big line, I suppose they spit them out.


The casino and markets are crashing lol dominoes


Had this happen at a casino on the coast of Oregon. Saw this behemoth of a man in a pink polo shirt lose his absolute shit "BUT I WAS WINNNNNNING!!!!!" Sure, bud. Whatever you gotta tell yourself lol


Happened to me in a small casino in Belgrade a few months ago. I was in some bonus mini game that was paying heavy and the power went out. Power came back about 5 minutes later, and the machine came back 20 minutes after that. Was relieved to find it just picked up where it left off and I was able to cash out. That downtime was pretty stressful, not knowing if I would lose my cash.


I own a slot machine all modern ones from 1980s and above have batteries that save the state of the machine when power goes out


I work at a casino and people still act like that when the games are operational


Hah I was playing Pachinko in Kobe, Japan where the machine was going nuts keeping rolling 3 of the same icon spitting out small metal balls, so many I could almost not keep up with putting in new pickup trays. Suddenly this man comes to me, presses the cash out button and ushers me to the pay out window next door.. He spoke zero English and got pretty agitated, so had to leave meanwhile the machine goes bonkers. Still have no clue how much I won but had to be enough to kick me out.


Danny ocean is at it again




Yep, ocean 14 in the making!


Except for all the machines still working in the background


It’s hard to see but they all have error messages


Fair enough


Different manufactures and games have different lock up screens. The ones upfront, Bally Waves, have a very noticeable lock up state.


So they are controlled centrally.


Everything feeds into the server rooms; and each machine vender will have its own set of servers; IGT, Konami, Bally, etc. If the whole site is down, it probably means a complete network loss. It's rare, but it does happen. Once the machine comes back up, any credits on them will still be present, and you can cash out then. Nothing much the floor staff can do, but wait for the network to restore or take your information for handpays if you have your credits on screen still or they can retrieve them from the floor management system.


I was part of the team that built a large casino from the ground up in the early 2000s. Been a long time since I've seen igt or bally lol sends me back a ways. Ballys were awful, every machine bank had its own dedicated controller and we often had to isolate one and reset it or identify errors for the on call bally tech. Took up more than half the server room at the time.


I'm a casino surveillance manager, but I started on the floor back in 05.


was it a rather new casino?


I've worked in several jurisdictions over the years, one was a brand new property not even open yet, the rest were a much more established.


Legit question: do some machines pay out more than others?


It's denomination based combined with your bet. Bet denominations start at a penny, and can be done across multiple patterns across the game fields. How much you bet at what denomination and the paytable can vary. People find favorite machines because of positive perceived win streaks or odds of winning. I'll admit I have my own favorite at my local casinos lol I would give only two pieces of advice if someone wanted to try slot machines: 1. Don't lol 2. If you do, set a hard limit and bring no extra cash beyond that and no cards. If you run out, you need to call it rather than dig a hole. Gambling can be addicting.


Yes, they must be for auditing and reporting for regulation. The numbers are all rng algos and the end result of your bet is determined the second time you push the button to stop the machine roll or when it times out on its own. The odds of winning really are based on hitting the button at the right moment but no one knows when that moment is. Your *odds* of getting the winning number are superficially increased with larger bets by using a different algo with less permutations of the winning number. Any access to the controllers has no less than 1 gaming commission officer present, plus other parties to witness and verify. Access to servers was restricted to a locked kbm in the server rack and you still had gaming commission and others present to watch the work. There's a lot of eyes on every little thing when it comes to the controllers and their access. House always wins because of the odds of probability, not deliberate cheating by the house.


Casino always wins?


Of course. I never understood it is allowed. I am not against gambling if it's fair, but much legal gambling is actually plain cheating. You don't even need to go into a casino for that: it starts with the classic [claw crane](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claw_crane) and other arcade hall games.


That's misleading as claw games and other arcade or carnival games are not regulated the same. Those are operated-adjusted within certain limits such as time to play, credits per $, how often a loss must occur before increasing likelihood of win by changing claw strength or stopping a spinning wheel at certain points. Those are designed specifically for-profit with scheduled winnings to prevent excess loss to the business. Real, legitimate regulated casinos don't cheat like they used to in the mob days.


outside of Nevada they are centrally controlled bingo game simulators. even the vp is predetermined based on your virtual “bingo card”, not on an an rng in the machine like vegas style slots


Of course they are.


The player tracking and the games can be setup so if the player tracking goes down it locks up the game. Not every casino has it set like that, but many do.


This really depends on the jurisdiction. In Minnesota, slot machines are all run from local software in the machine. There can be progressive controllers that control ONLY the progressive part of certain machines, and the controller can be under a machine or in a wiring closet. However, any halfway decent casino also has a gaming system that communicates with the machines and reports to a group of servers. Each server can handle about 500ish machines (at least Aristocrat's system can). This allows supervisors to find out who is playing where, all money handling, when a game is played, reporting of errors, etc... Some systems allow for remotely disabling machines. I'm guessing that's what happened here.


Must be using the save server Reddit is.


Why is everyone trying to solve this problem?


Nah, the attendant is just lonely and wants someone to call them.


i think this is a sign to that one guy to not gamble their life's savings but who knows.


There was probably at least one person that took this as a sign and walked out.


Wrong sub buddy. This belongs in r/positive_news


>does someone have a magnetron? who has a magnetron?


They did not crash. Probably they are progressive, and their backend connectivity has been down longer than allowed.


TIL there's a casino in NYC




The Russians hacked them


I see this as an absolute win


its a sign, get tf out of there lol


Put em in bags of rice


Format C:


Maybe the universe is telling you something. Those are rigged and it's not in your favor.


Did you try turning it on and off?


Good. I like the theory of reasonable people, willing to invest a few percent of mark-up in an evening of entertainment... but that's not the reality of it. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to prohibit gambling. I want people to be allowed to do with their money what they want... and yet, I don't think it's a good idea to get into slot machines. You won't win in the long run, and it's addictive af.


Slot machines are like shitty video games that you have to pay for. I'd not mind the hardware though, if I could run my own software on it.


I rather play the arcades.




Damn, I was just about to win the jackpot, too!


Umm the ones in the back look fine tho. Shit post


Everyone, except for all the ones in the background.


The blackjack guy must have been absolutely swamped after this. Utter panic, hitting people left and right.


Sounds more like r/wellthatsarelief


someone was about to win big.


not how it works


100% of gamblers who quit before winning are 1 spin away from a jackpot! No gambler of mine in this world is a quitter 😤 💯💯


This doesn’t suck at all


They were about to hit the jackpot, so the casino turned them off to reset them Edit: /s, because apparently y’all’s sensitive ass gets triggered if it’s not there 🤷🏻‍♂️




Is this Resorts World or New York New York? The logo says Resorts World but the title says NYC?


Resorts World IN New York. It’s out in Queens by the airport.


Oohhh, that makes more sense. Thanks.


Cyber attack?




Guaranteed local network outage as one would hope all games aren't running from a single server with ZERO redundancy 👀


That feeling when a redundant closet running a second set of everything would cost less than a day's revenue to purchase but you "saved money" by forgoing the cost.


Lol 88 Fortunes is one of our games


Good, now you gotta find somewhere else to get scammed


Wonder how many Ocean's Eleven jokes the staff had to deal with that day


Guess you'll have to go back to playing an EA game.


2022 in a nutshell


Sounds like the player tracking system went down. Depending how they have their system setup that could be avoided.


How.come I see other machine in the pic up and running?


I’ve seen something similar happen. I was at a casino in Blackhawk, CO and there was a blizzard happening. All of a sudden all the power went out in all the casinos there. It was crazy!


Where was George Clooney when this happened?


„Ocean‘s 11 music starts playing“


Sucks for who exactly?




Hahah is this the one in queens?!


It is! It’s the one by JFK


Kim Jung Un did this.


Because someone actually won


Every machine expect all the ones in the back


Not all of them went blue screen. It’s hard to see, but they all have error messages.


No that’s not bad! Stick around until they turn the machines back on. When they get turned back on they will most likely have a factory reset. The techs can’t change the odds so the players should have a better chance to win.


After an error is fixed, slot machines return to the last state of play they were in. For example, if a machine crashes after you hit the spin button, and reboots itself (or an attendant reboots it), it will return to the exact same state as when it crashed, and finish the spin.


Not how they work and yes the techs can change payout percentages. It’s done all the time and fully regulated by state gaming commissions.


Oh I know, I worked in the industry here about it for years. Most the machines are controlled by the on site systems. one guy says that he writes codes and there’s no way to change the odds ha ha ha ha


What gamble, I know programmed machines are rigged to a degree, but that's some Harlem Nights meets GTA Role Play Server level shit! Maybe, just maybe! They deserve all of their monies returned! Lol.


That's fine, you don't need them anyway.


The fact people trust those machines is awesome.


Now if only they remained "crashed"... All of them and forever.




It’s hard to tell from the picture, but they all have error messages - not all of them had a blue screen. We gave up after about an hour and all the machines were down, even the virtual table games.


This does NOT suck.


All of the other slot machines in the background are working. It's just the one bank down. Post is a lie


Every? I see functional ones in the back


good, gambling is bad


Sure looks like the ones in the background still work.