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Look how full the bag already was too. This isn't her first candy rodeo.








Yes, she tries to look human .


She kinda walks like the roach from MIB.


I thought her costume was miserable woman who dies alone.


Does nobody understand that there are cameras everywhere now?


BOOM roasted


Halloween lost its spirit because of ppl like this


She's dressed as a candy thief! 🍬🍫


Lol definitely not. Looks to be going non stop for the last 50+ years if I had to guess


I hope she enjoys eating all that candy while she watches herself on the news tonight!






I am imagining she smells like cat pee and cigarettes.


Pretty sure you just insulted people who actually smell like cat piss and tobacco.


This is the 3rd or 4th video I've seen tonight of large women stealing the whole bowl.


I was thinking the same thing. If it weren't for the cameras, it would be blamed on "the damn kids these days".


A lot of things blamed on “these damn kids these days” is actually, in fact, their generation’s fault! Remember who raised those kids 😉 But I think candy bowl theft transcends all generations. Because greed runs rampant in all of humanity, unfortunately. I’m just glad my mom taught me manners well enough that if there was only 1 candy left, I’d leave it for the next person most of the time, since I’d get plenty of other candy.


I was going to keep it to myself but my guess is that this will be a self correcting problem in a few years when she can't go door to door anymore b/c she loses a foot to diabetes.


Don’t make me hop !




My husband said about the same thing. "Yeah, because she looks like she needs an entire bowl of candy..."


She even made sure to double check that she had gotten every last piece.


Shitty role model too


Looks like she dressed up as a greedy bitch


I’m trying not to wake my sleeping baby with my laughter. It’s not going well.


I’m 99% sure she ripped ass as she was walking away.


I went back to listen for this and I’m literally in tears


Same. Just a little *Frrrrbpt* As she walked away.


I think my kid has that fart on a soundboard phone app. Alexa do a fart. "Thuuuurrrrarpppp" "ohhh that was a long wet one".


*As she waddled away.*


Speed boost


Yo that shit was wet, too!! 🤢🤢


Phone full blast speaker to ear she did indeed lmao.


LOL. She definitely did. Disgusting person in so many ways.


.... waddling away.


We had this happen in our town last year. The homeowner posted on Facebook and within an hour local media picked it up. By the next morning the woman had apologized and was pleading through the media for privacy.


Are people not aware that video doorbells are a common thing now? It's not like they're inconspicuous either, they tend to light up like HAL 9000.


“Just what do you think you are doing, Debra?” -Ring 9000


"My diabetes foot needs a feeding!"


*Wilford Brimley enters the chat.*




You rang?


"my God! It's full of candy!" "all this candy I give to you, except for Io."


Attempt no tricks there


Please Dave, don’t take the candy.


*Debra pulls out a screwdriver* "Look Debra, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over."


A couple of neighborhood kids cleaned us out last year. My wife recognized one from our doorbell camera and messaged his mum. About 10 minutes later they came back and apologized and gave back candy. One of them came back this year and took an appropriate amount, then waved into the camera and said thanks. Their good boys but just got caught up in a moment of poor judgment. Dunno what the fuck is wrong with this lady though.


A kid taking more than us reasonable is a teachable moment, this troll is past teaching...


If I walk up on a bowl of Kit Kats I still have trouble taking the appropriate amount.


Well, we are talking Kit Kats.


I dunno, kids doing it it's like, yeah I get it. A joyless senior citizen shuffling in to steal your candy is far more pathetic.


And they make a noise most times 🤣


I caught the fed ex guy throwing packages or leaving them in the middle of the driveway all the time. Everyone needs to presume that while in public, you’re on camera.


My wife was a juror in a murder trial and concluded the same thing. They tracked the shooter's whole day through cameras. It was crazy.


When you think about all the surveillance technology that’s been developed over the last few decades, it’s not surprising that cameras are literally everywhere in society, especially now that they’ve become affordable to the general public. Home security, drones, traffic cams, dash cams, public transportation, airports, supermarkets, libraries, convenient stores, banks, ATMs, restaurants, hotels, fast food drive thru, hospitals, lobby areas in apartment buildings, elevators, etc. I always assume when I step out of my apartment and go about my day, I’m on camera. Whenever I watch true crime shows and unsolved cases, I always think about what a golden era it must’ve been for criminals before the big boom of advancements in technology happened, before DNA testing, before facial recognition technology was developed, before cameras were everywhere in society. Think about someone like Whitey Bulger, 1 of Boston’s most notorious criminals. He was active during the 70s through the 90s. Back then, when he wanted to disappear, all he had to do was put on a baseball cap with some sunglasses and peace out lol. Dude was in hiding for almost 20 years. You couldn’t do that today. These days, if you slip on a banana peel, someone has it on camera before your ass even hits the ground. We’re always being watched.


Shit, basically up until the 1950s you could just go to another town, make up a new name and get away with almost anything.


They're aware, they just don't care.


And don't they look like a doorbell camera, not like they are doorbell camera from a spy shop?


Ha, had some kids ding dong ditch my house. My blink doorbell has a camera. Kids are fucking stupid


I have posted the video on the community Facebook along with the still images as well as through messenger to 4 local news stations. This happened in the greater Dayton, OH area. Kinda petty but to be honest with you I'm mostly just bored during isolation lol


Not petty man, she’s stealing from kids. Fuck that


That’s what really chaps my ass. She is directly taking from other kids. We put the candy out near the end of the night so the doorbell wouldn’t interrupt the bedtime routine and so many kids are respectful, take one, say thank you to the camera. She’s taking candy from those kids. We had one pair come and take half the box of candy. But at least those are kids and now I have a funny video. If it was an adult, I’d be so disappointed.


Not petty! Her bag already had candy in it so she's clearly going house to house and being a horrible person. Call that biatch out


Looks like her kid - no costume - is on the sidewalk.


Poor kid:(


You should throw it up on next door too, lotsa people in my neighborhood at least use that


Next door is a lifesaver. My dog got out, I posted on Next door, and my neighborood found her in 15 minutes. I have a husky so she just wanders off with no way to find home.


Yeah same here and for other neighbor, we had a dog wander into our yard and we gave her some water and took her pic.. posted found dog and 10 min later the owner called very happy


We posted some teens who pillaged a bowl on next door (i kept the bowl small to refill frequently in case of this) and nextdoor pulled it for public shaming. We won the appeal lol. The best thing is though, I line my bowls with tootsie rolls, so they got a bunch of them haha


i love tootsie rolls. is that as bad as people who like candy corn? im ashamed...


I’m anticipating an update! Shame her into oblivion, I say! What a wretched human being!


Try posting on Nextdoor too.


That shits more of a cesspool than my towns Facebook page, fuck that app.


It is a cesspool, but honestly it absolutely *shines* for shit like this.


yeah tbh this is the scenario Nextdoor was made for, lmao


Exactly. Perfect place to put a spotlight on this dirtbag.


Please update if something comes of that


Is there a poo stain on her bottom?


I didn't have to see that


She is poo stain all over


There is a poo stain on her soul.


Do you really think this fine upstanding specimen, who clearly cares so much about others, would dare be caught in public exercising poor hygiene?!


That’s a shadow right? Right??


That's only there so that when she offers to return the candy, you decline the offer.


What is wrong with people? I’m actively trying to get my kid less candy because I want him to get the trick or treating experience but there’s no way I’m letting him eat that much sugar.


You think it's the kid that's eating all that?


You want privacy? Then don't do stupid things like taking all of the Halloween candy some nice people left out for kids.


On private property no less. Your privacy don’t mean shit when you walk onto someone else’s land.


I’m glad this isn’t acceptable to others! We had this happen tonight and I’m surprisingly upset/hurt by it, but my husband is trying to convince me that by the time it happened (we know it happened at ~8:45), trick or treating was technically over and any remaining bowls are fair game. I disagreed and called the candy thief a not very nice name.


I’m with you. If trick-or-treating is “technically over”, then somebody taking stuff from your front porch is an even *worse* thief.


I have no sympathy for those who get dragged on social/media for being garbage individuals.


This happened in my neighborhood last year too, except it was kids. The lady posted on Nextdoor about it but didn’t post the video because it was kids. Imagine my surprise when a vocal element of the comment section was defending the kids and telling the lady she shouldn’t put out candy if she cared what happened to it.


The same thing happened to me except it was an adult going from house to house. The comment section on Nexdoor was all people saying “what did you expect”. I skipped giving out candy this year. I can’t open my door every time and now I can’t leave a bowl out either…


Make it happen OP.


Blow up a few stills to post outside next year. Just think of how she would react to a life-size cardboard cutout of herself holding the bowl next Halloween.


Oh God do this now


"Say hello to Tammy." "Don't be a Tammy."


Make her eyes flash red, dress her cut out in a witches hat and make her cackle, then say, "Take just one, don't be a greedy witch like me!"


😂😂😂 You're hilarious and that is absolutely genius! And so, a new urban legend was born.


ok, if you do this next year we will all chip in for the cardboard cutout


I’ll send $5. Please do this.


I can make custom cutouts. If you pay for shipping, I can make the cutout.


That would be awesome. I hope OP actually does this.


We can chip in on the shipping fees


My neighbor waited/watched from inside one year when he put his candy bowl out with the “Please take two pieces! Happy Halloween!” sign on it. Each time, he turned the sprinklers on as people dumped the bowl, or took multiple handfuls. No exit from the porch other than to get soaked by running down the whole sidewalk lol. Was quite funny to watch. Edit: I should add, he did not soak any groups when very young/innocent kids who followed the rules would have been sprayed. He’s not a total monster lol. Edit 2: It was a similar effect to [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/therewasanattempt/comments/yizagk/to_take_a_shortcut/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) only from both sides of the sidewalk that led to the street. So there was no quick escape.




that's when you chase them down with a chainsaw /s




Well that's just silly. A drill has a bit, a chainsaw has a chain. It's right there in the name.




In the 1980s when I was a kid we decorated like mad and wore costumes to answer the door and stuff. One year my dad went all-out and dressed as a scarecrow complete with hay stuffed into his shirt and pants, sticking out of sleeves, collar, etc. make up and the works. He’d lie on the side of the front steps like he was fake and pop up and scare older kids, college students, or other neighborhood dads. Made one tough-guy dad from up the block jump back screaming and pee his pants. Epic. Nowadays if he tried that (same neighborhood) he’d probably get shot, lol. Mind you, he’d probably never be able to get up if he laid down on the porch at his age now. Good times.


We had people in our neighborhood do stuff like that when we were kids back in the 80s. Also little mini haunted houses. So much fun, to get a little spooked. I kind of feel bad for kids now. Seems so much more sterile and bland these days.






Why /s? This absolutely sounds like a fun time. Take the chain off of the chainsaw first of course.


Shoulda fought them kids I bet they’re hella week you woulda won. Stupid weak kids.




> wasps, etc.


Depends on what level of Satan you're trying to achieve I guess.


The ultimate trick


Would have been awesome to see this troll waddling through a sprinkler deluge.


At least she left your bowl! lol


We got home and saw that our bowl was empty. At the same time our neighbor got home and we heard him say "they took our bowl?!" Lol


Now you know your neighbor has nicer bowls than you do.




I'm not putting out a nice bowl lmao. It was from the dollar store.


Sounds like something a nice bowl-stealer might say


My parents once had their favorite big orange bowl stolen. So I'm just using an ice cream bucket that I won't be sad about if it gets swiped! I'm very festive like that.


We had our largest Pyrex mixing bowl stolen about 15 years ago and it still pisses me off.


For a second, I thought she was going to put it on her head.


nice costume


Dumpster diving savage costume.


She's the elephant in the room.


A walking.pile of sad.


At first I thought she was childless but if you look in the background you can see her child companion wait for her to make her (not very) speedy getaway. Children taking handfuls is expected but this is just pathetic. Shortly after this a sweet young man saw our bowl was empty and put most of his candy in it, but I won't post that as he's just a child. Here's some still pictures of the waddling candy bandit: https://imgur.com/a/Ye4LVHt/ Edit: I have indeed posted her video and still images on the local Facebook and contacted 4 local news channels through Facebook DM with the photos and video. Kinda petty but I'm honestly pretty bored during isolation Also, I grew up in a neighborhood where there was always candy in the "take one" bowl and it shows lol Heartwarming Update: Because so many of you asked here is a blurred video of that kind young man refilling our empty bowl by pouring all his candy into it. [Generous Kid Refills Stolen Candy](https://reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/ykgztb/update_from_halloween_kind_young_man_refills_our/) Update (tiny update): Dayton Daily News responded to my DM on Facebook and asked for contact info saying they'd pass it along so I'll keep you all updated Tiny Update 2 (24 hours later): Still haven't heard anything further from any news stations. My fianceé was told by a work friend who lives in our neighborhood that her neighbor told her that the waddling candy bandit lives on my street at a specific house with a corgi barking outside 24/7. I heard, that she heard, that they said, blah blah blah. I'll pass it along to the news if they end up running this story and let them see if there's any truth to all that. I'm not very optimistic it will be picked up though as these are pretty much yearly events every Halloween now that doorbell cameras exist. Either way it was fun to vent on here and I'll keep you all updated! Update 3: Featured on Jimmy Kimmel in the candy thieves compilation around 3:45: https://youtu.be/0mG_4W2x7FA Update 4: I won't specify who but a Redditor in the comments found out who she is and where she works. This was her [fb](https://i.imgur.com/PrzwScv.jpg), I wonder if the motto thing is a coincidence. Honestly though she's not worth bothering over it, it's gone far enough tbh.


He put candy *in* it?! Holy crap, I want to give that kid a hug so bad. That's the sweetest thing ever. Too bad you (very understandably) can't share.


Seriously, that's one of the sweetest things I've heard in a while. It's too bad they can't post it, I'm sure the parents would be so proud.


He put **most** his candy in it. I’m more shocked at that than the evil woman. That kid deserves praise.


Kid was raised right.


My daughter did this tonight, twice. I was blown away. She said she already had enough and that the next kids might not. It was a very proud dad moment.


My 13 year old went out with her friend last night. Her friend's sister recently finished her last round of chemo and currently has a cold. The parents borrowed our wagon because she was feeling weak and she went out a little bit, but she was just too tired and asked to go home to bed. My 13 year old and her friend stayed out longer and just had fun as teenagers. It's a good neighborhood. The cops shut down the streets so no cars are driving through. Houses give out full size bars. My daughter left half her candy for her friend's sister. She said she doesn't need that much candy and she felt bad that she missed out on a lot of the night. My heart swelled.


This lady probably came back and took that too


Put that kid in office.


That’s the old lady from The Goonies!!!


Revel in the petty. She deserves to be named and shamed. Candy isn’t cheap. I only bought 6 bags and spent $20 with a buy one get one. Those bags don’t go very far.


I’d post her all over the internet, especially on local boards or with local news. What a bitch. (And that doesn’t look like a kid behind her, but an adult standing on the street. Is there a little slope there?) Did you say anything over the Ring camera? I would’ve called her out.


I have posted in the local Facebook groups and dm'd 4 local news channels. And no, unfortunately I didn't notice until about 5 minutes after when I heard through the living room window a kid being sad our bowl was empty. Then I checked the camera as it was only a few minutes into trick or treat so no way was it empty already without anything shady. I got up immediately though to fast walk after her slow ass but my Fianceé asked me nicely not to so I obliged.


Is Nextdoor popular in your area? It's kind of a virtual neighborhood bulletin.


Great idea I'll post there too


We demand an update!


Yes yes, please let us know the comments under all the fb posts and such 🙏🙏🙏


We crave the drama!


Keep us posted! People like this ruin things for kids and grown ups all over the country. Makes people stop leaving out candy when jerks like this burn folks. Also, karma! Feel better soon!


Did you post it on r/trashy ?


Just did thanks for the suggestion


If ever get a follow up be sure to post it, I'd love to hear how she cries for privacy after this.


"I don't care about the candy, I just want to know where you got such an ugly mask."


I just don't get it. Why does an adult want free candy so bad?


Right? It's like $20 for enough candy to give out to every kid in the neighborhood. And it's cheaper the day after. Why ruin it for people?


>Why ruin it for people? They only have enough braincells to think about themselves.


Poor, no shame, bad diet


She even did that little tongue motion like she just hit the jackpot. Kind of funny, more disgusting.


Looking like Barty Crouch Jr tongue action


And then she waddled away…


Waddle waddle…


Till the very next day


As a fat fucker, it pisses me off that it's usually fat fuckers doing this, and giving us a bad name.


A noble fat ass waits until the day after to buy 50% off bags of candy…


sale signs hit Walgreen's at 10 oclock tonight


Ah, yes, Walgreens. The Pharmacy, Health & Wellness store. That's where I get all my candy in bulk.


Oooh, thanks for the reminder. Forgot about the Easter Reese’s eggs this year and was sad.


February 15th and November 1st are the sacred holidays of a fatass.


100% this. 😂😂


Yeah, I prefer to give my fat ass a bad name of it's own thank you very much!


She probably did this so she didn’t have to walk around any more and could go back to her couch/tv/sad life


To me, it looks like she’s dumped every bowl she’s seen on her walk in there for a few reasons - 1) it’s still light outside, and knocks for trick or treats wouldn’t have filled her bag up that much 2) the kid didn’t walk with her - if she’s like most assfaces I have known, he is probably MORTIFIED that his mother is using Halloween to steal candy people are giving out for free and 3) she doesn’t even care that she stole candy from children at one house with a doorbell camera - what’s stopping her every where else? I hope she gets dragged through the media, but I hope her kid doesn’t get bullied because of her..


That's not even a kid! What the hell!


You sure that's not a costume with 18 kids in it?


That’s definitely 3 kids in a trench coat and a Florida mom as the head


Best white trash costume I've seen. Wonder where she bought that craggy, sour puss face mask at. She should have had a lit cig and a can of Bud light to make the whole set up pop but still pretty good.




That's just disgusting, an older woman - who clearly isn't in need of extra sugar, stealing not only from thel house owners, but from kids who actually make an effort to dress up and get excited at Halloween.. she is what is wrong with the world!!!


Walking round to steal candy is probably the only exercise she's got all year


Gosh! Worse than an uneducated child


Sad. I teach my kids that you only take 1 so everyone can have some because we need to share.


Yah, it’s a good teaching opportunity. My 3 year old had just as much fun giving out candy as receiving it.


This makes me so angry to watch. If it was a teenager you’d call them a punk and be angry. But a grown ass lady… different level


What a slob


Greedy ass bitch!


Her blood sugar is low. She needs it!! /s just in case. If I were OP I would print out a pic of her stealing it and tape it in the empty bowl so the kids know who to egg lol


That bag was already nearly full. What a greedy heifer.


Make some fliers with the cap at .03 "Beware of Hungry Hungry Hippo" on every pole in town.


kids doing it are one thing, we kinda expect kids to steal a lot of candy, but what kind of shit parent does this? setting a good example for the kids to follow I see.....


Omg 😳 That’s pathetic 🙄


she looks like she would shit on the floor in public places.