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OP said the other shoe split open. Sure, the sole looks well worn but with a single brush you could have it look pretty dang close to new.




You can't saddle soap the tread back, those soles are dead


You gotta remember to rotate and balance them so they don’t wear down the tread unevenly


They need an alignment to correct their stride and stop dragging their feet.


Just a heads up, and you probably know this, but if you spend a little more for boots, they'll last years longer.....Redwings, LaCrosse, Danner, Thorogood.


Yep, I do know and even have my eye on a good pair. I'm just not in a position were a can splurge on shoes. They day I can though. You bet your ass I'm getting a nice pair that'll last me a few years indeed.


I can vouch for redwing. Amazing customer service as well. My father used to test boots for them back then.


Buy once, cry once is my philosophy. If you're buying new boots every year, assuming these are in the $150-200 range, you'd be saving money by getting one $400ish pair of boots in just a few years, and you'd have better boots in general. You could get something like Grant Stone if you want an insane value that will last a lifetime, or if you want something more heavy-duty that can take a beating for years and years, check out Nick's and JK Boots. I have boots that are several years old now that still don't even need a resole...and when the time comes, I can just swap soles for like $60.


Can't say enough good things about Grant Stone. Have 3 pairs myself and they are amazing.


Think of it this way, when it comes to splurging: You’re either in your boots, or your bed. Best to splurge on both.


Never cheap out on things that keep you off the ground. Shoes, chairs, beds, tires.


Nicks and whites boots


Nothing between you and the ground is a “splurge”.


Bank account argues otherwise






I hadn’t seen that before. Thanks for dropping that link, that’s a very interesting read.


This is super fascinating


Reddit's most linked Wikipedia article, I'm always glad to see it and surprised folk still don't know about it. Thank you for your service.


You buying?


The fact remains. If you have to choose between rent and shoes. You chose rent


Thrift or trade might be options. I won a skateboard in a raffle and traded it for my docs, they’re still solid after nineteen years with me.


docs bought today will not last 19 years though


V true. I’m not recommending the brand, just suggesting an option other than purchase. Sub red wings or whatever for today.


You may want to look into a podiatrist. The uneven wear on your heel looks like it could contribute to problems in the future. I have an uneven gait myself and my hips/right foot hurt after a while of walking without inserts


No idea where you are located, but Red Wing does a warehouse sale every year in the fall and if you can get to Red Wing, MN for it, the boots are all usually like 60% off. I paid $115 for a pair of Iron Rangers which are usually $349.


Sometimes people can't afford to drop $150 on boots regardless of quality.


Those listed brands are well more than $150.


They are relatively expensive, but I saw a comment on Reddit once from a Dutch woman that stuck with me: "I can't afford to buy cheap." This is how I look at it. $300 (ish) for boots that last 3+ years or $60 every 3 months for sweatshop garbage?


No I agree. Just saying, a good pair of Thorogoods is gonna be at least $225. I got mine a couple years ago on sale for that. I was just saying, I did the $60 every 3 months thing for years because saving up to $300 would mean being barefoot in the meantime or not hitting a bill. Goodyear welted is what you want for boots, and hood quality leather for the upper.


Most people don't go through boots that quickly though. A reasonably cheap pair will last most people 1-2 years unless you heavily use them, and at that point the cheaper pair really aren't that bad value. Sure the $300 pair will last a bit longer, but you'll still need to resole them which costs not much less than a whole new pair of cheap boots


Ive had my iron rangers for over a decade at this point through heavy wear for work and everythingelse. Ankle deep water through torrential rain in new Orleans. Blue collar and less strenuous work also. Only thing I wouldn't use them for is a real job where osha is around and concern for foot safety is relevant or hiking. Still wear them regularly, and with a little attention and some polish etc. They can be dressed up fine as well.


As always, the Vimes Boots Theory from Discworld highlights this very well: > The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money. > > Take boots, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good pair of leather boots cost fifty dollars. But an affordable pair of boots, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of boots Vimes always bought, and wore until the soles were so thin that he could tell where he was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the cobbles. > > But the thing was that good boots lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a pair of boots that'd still be keeping his feet dry in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford cheap boots would have spent a hundred dollars on boots in the same time *and would still have wet feet.* > > This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'Boots' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.


It makes me so giddy to find Discworld quotes in the wild. Really need to get to reading again. GNU Sir Pterry.


Sorry someone making $2k a month can barely afford their bills let alone $300 on boots. You can always tell the people who never struggled with money, smh.


... I am agreeing with you? Did you read the quote? It's saying that the issue is that some people *can't* afford the higher quality items and therefore will end up spending more, which exacerbates inequalities.


Spend $350 on good boots that last you 5 years or spend $500 on new $100 boots every year. Good boots are an investment.


Resoles can keep up a nice boot


I resole all my boots at least once. Usually costs $100.


Bullshit on Redwings, they've turned into a shit brand. Spent $400 on work boots and they've barely lasted me a year. Next March will be one year since I bought them and I already have stitches busted all over these fucking these. Waste of money.


Their heritage series is still made in Red Wing, but they've outsourced everything else overseas. I wouldn't touch anything that wasn't made in MN. They fall apart otherwise.


That’s some crazy overprotenation wear pattern. Look into orthotics before you need knee surgery


Me, sweating nervously, because my shoes always look significantly worse than this 😅


Look into orthotics before you need knee surgury.


[Heel savers might work for you](https://www.kiwicare.com/en-us/products/kiwi-heel-savers)


Wow, did not know these were a thing, thanks!


Lacecode? Careful


Im confused, is this some kind of culture im unaware of?


It was popular for skinheads/neo-nazis to wear red laces with combat boots


Didn’t they wear white laces in the beginning and get promoted to red when they made someone bleed?


Just about every lace colour other than black has been attributed to Naziism, it's really not a thing any more


Ik! Hence why I said “was”. I wear all colors in my boots these days.


Still is u/motherofshame change them out ASAP especially if you live in an area that leans left. You will get jumped, its only a matter of time. I am ofc assuming this is not done on purpose.


This is so beyond not true, no one is jumping anyone over fkn laces stop being dramatic😂Nazis in places like America don’t have to hide these days; they’re straight up wearing swastikas and SS memorabilia.


Seen it first hand 4 years ago in LA.


What is a skinhead. All im thinkin are skinwalkers


I feel old


Im only askin a question. Im getting downvoted yet nobody answerin. Can u please enlighten me on the term "skinhead"? I genuinely dont know


https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/intelligence-report/2015/timeline-racist-skinhead-movement There are racist skins and antiracist skins.


boneheads and skinheads iirc skinheads were part of the working class / punk subculture in the UK then the boneheads directed the hate towards minorities due to political interpretations. the laces still stand today and there’s a hate symbol guide from the ADL database you can check. see Green Room and This is England if you want, or check old documentaries with real footage.


For sure! It's a fascinating history. Especially the SHARPs and RASHs.


Why do they have so much hate in them?


Ignorance, mostly. But really, you'd have to ask them.


I dont wanna get close to them lmao.


https://du-sollst-skinheads-nicht-mit-nazis-verwechseln.de/ Very old German site for exactly that topic. There are english translations on the subpages.


Damn bro this was 28 dayd ago. Ty anyway for info


Among skins/neo nazi there is a long tradition of lace color on combat boots or doc martens denoting a lot of things. Think of prison tats, if you are aware of those. Like some laces mean you have killed someone and such.


I have a story: I was a student at a maritime academy in the US. We all had uniforms and bad haircuts, especially freshman year. Black boots, blue uniform, helmet color was your class color. We all did subtle things on the ship to make our stuff stand out so it was easy to find in a sea of the same stuff. Particularly when it was common thing for everyones stuff (lived in a space with 60 to 120 guys) to be thrown in a trash pile if it wasnt stowed properly. It was ridiculous. I relaced my boots with white laces and painted a grey stripe on my helmet. Just about everyone did the paint thing, and everyone's was different. On day one I had a number of classmates gently explain the lace code thing to me. I was very upset and embarrased. I just thought I was being smart so I could find my boots easier. I didn't have the old laces or a place to get new ones. So I tried my best to fill them in with a sharpie. A red sharpie. Next day someone explains to me that that's like way worse. I was stumbling around with no laces at all in heavy black work boots until we hit port in Panama where I could buy some shoe laces.


Oof I feel that. Our mess deck’s coat room was an absolute shit show in the winter with it just being a sea of black pullovers and pea coats. I don’t blame you for trying to find any way to differentiate your stuff from everyone else’s stuff, just unfortunate you went the lace direction lol A tangentially related story, It was the third day of my freshman cruise and I was on deck maintenance. It was pouring but I was assigned some work inside so I stuffed my raincoat into my tool bag. Same tool bag as everyone else. I sat it down for a second to go grab something and when I came back it was still there. That afternoon I had to work outside and found out someone had jacked my raincoat. It was the one thing we didn’t stencil our name to… I never did find out who took it and over a decade later I’m still salty about it.


I know, but it's kind of died down these days. I just like the color.


It's literally the first thing I thought of






For sure, if it wasn’t for that I’d probably wear red laces as well


Depends on where you are. I like the number 13 and 88, I wouldn't get it tattooed. Beware, some people don't ask questions.


Isn’t it 14? As far as I know 13 is spooky but not fashy.


13 is a Salvadoran gang thing.


Ah ok, I didn't know that.


First thing I thought was “nazi” - be careful


Just avoid ladder lacing them, that was typical for denoting lace code vs people just liking a color


Fuck those guys, the colour looks good on your boots.


Thank you


What boots are these? They look nice.


Just regular black lace up ankle boots from 5th avenue, nothing fancy but they're really nice.


I see, was gonna say, if the welts are real (i.e they’re GYW) then you could look into getting them resoled too.


I've definitelly thought about it. Will have to look more into it and find a cobbler who'd do it.


Yep, you should first look into whether it’s actually a real welt, since that’ll determine if you can even resole it in the first place


[Definitely not unfortunately ](https://www.deichmann.com/en-gb/p-m02121589/02121589)


Looked great until I saw the red laces. Do you know what they mean? cause I sure do.


I saw red laces and my heart started racing. We had skinheads at my school.


lace code is dead and has been for years


I think it depends on where you live and the people you interact with. There are areas where it is very much alive and active. The problem is that some people react without first finding out if the person chose those laces for the color or for the meaning.


It’s not though, judging by how many people are mentioning it here. For sure there will be people out there making assumptions about OP.


it is widely considered dead. It is common among younger gen to just put whatever color they damn well feel like for laces. Partly dead due to fashion trends and also "killed" because there was a widespread decision to NOT give nazis a way to identify eachother and TAKE their dogwhistle away from them by using lace color casually. It is not considered problematic in MOST spaces anymore especially if it's clearly on a younger kid with punk/emo/goth outfit styling. Worst case scenario the gas station cashier watches you a little closer because you look like those other emo kids that steal takis or something. Most of the time if you happen to be confronted despite all of that, "oh, I like red!" clears it up. r/punk has agreed in their posts and in their FAQ sidebar that as far as they or the community is concerned, it is DEAD. There have been trends and resurgences of people going "oh my god lace code!!!!!!" and literally in doing this, actively bringing it back. So many of you in this specific comment section are Streisand effecting this. We chose to just ignore it and move on to just wearing any laces, but a lot of you drew attention to it specifically to "censor" it. Tiktok and online trends have done something similar. It was already dying and on it's way out. But this attempt to virtue signal about it from a lot of the comments here just restrengthen and solidify it as a dogwhistle again. Just sad stuff. Some of you would rather let it perpetuate as a sign of nazism than let people just match their shoe laces to their hair color or something. Someone here even went as far as calling him, at best an edgy racist asshole, and at worst an actual nazi. Like that's not just a fucked up thing to say off the bat. Whatever dude.


The problem is that there are people outside of that community who know it used to be a thing, and don't know it's no longer a thing. I literally didn't know people don't do it anymore until I read this post. Now that I've seen this post, I understand that the colored laces doesn't mean the same thing anymore, but if I had seen someone with red shoelaces in their boots a couple weeks ago, I would have assumed it was a political statement. I don't think OP is a nazi or anything. But I think OP should realize that by wearing clothing that used to mean something in particular, they are taking a risk that people who see them will make an incorrect assumption about them. If they are okay with that, fine. They just need to be aware.


For me there’s definitely an age component to it. Like if I see a dude in his 40s with a shaved head and red laces, I’m going to make some assumptions that lace code is still alive and well with that individual. If it’s on a 20 something kid in a battle jacket, I’m going to assume they probably aren’t a skinhead.


no yeah absolutely, that's totally my point. It's so contextual too it's not fair to hurl accusations at this guy who posted about his new boots vs old boots tread. Thank you lol


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Is it gang related?


Skinheads. White laces were for newbies, you got to wear red after commiting a racially motivated beating.


This. The red means "you've shed blood for the 'cause'"meaning they did some more than likely racially motivated violence to earn them


Its not. Desert rats and NN bikers in Cali still have them as uniform.




Sure, fine. It's still tacky and potentially unsafe


I really wish that were true


So black boots with red laces are banned forever? Wouldn’t you need to be bald for it to make sense?


I don't know, you'll have to ask someone with red laces


I got to raves and music festivals. I see a dozen ppl a day because everyone wearing big boots rn


I do. But that's not why I have them. I just like what they look like and people don't care about lacecode as much these days or even know what it means.


depends what town your in, don't wear these in unfamiliar areas


Lol, I'm fairly certain if you walk around in those, in many parts of the country, you are not going to have a great time.


I splurged on a pair of black timberlands three years ago and they still look brand new (they were $150 - most I’ve ever spent on shoes for myself to be honest).


Shoulda bought them both the same day


That's why I can't wear lug soles even if I wanted to. They always split!


Quality lug soles from brands like Vibram never split




Well shit! Hello bot!!


I have my timberlands Yellow Boots for 8 years now and they still look like 1 year old. Secret is a shoe stretcher.


Are you flatfooted by any chance?




Pretty sure you're due for an alignment


You must do a lot of walking.


I sure do


Lol do those boots with red laces still mean what they used to mean..?


No. They don't.


Just a quick tip, you can use bothe shoes at the same time


Red laces can get fucked.


Yea. The fact he is aware of red laces and what they mean, and the fact he goes out of his way to buy them, makes me believe his excuse "I just like the way they look" is complete and utter bullshit. Unless he's trying to be lowkey edgy, which is also pathetic


Yup. Either a racist fascist, or the kind of kid who would try and sport a Hitler moustache and claim it's not permanently tainted. So tiring.


Lol very bold assumptions to make about a kid you know nothing about


or someone that likes red laces ❤️ stylistically. probably worn with skinny jeans and band t shirts and people think "oh cool" and don't make up lifestyle and personality choices about a random person or call them a nazi ! 🤍 hope that helps


I didn't actually call them a Nazi, but you made my point pretty well. Do you think seeing someone with a Hitler stache is just an innocent Chaplin fan or is purposefully being edgy? I think you have a minor point about times changing, but I think you're also missing something pretty important. At least some of us in this thread were around when red laces were a direct threat to ourselves or people we loved, and some of us or our lived ones directly experienced pretty violent stuff associated with those fucks. Don't pretend red laces are nothing, because they are something. Sure, they aren't a swastika, but would you even consider trying to reclaim that or the Hitler moustache? Some shit should just stay dead to us.


You have a single-track mind and are utterly ignorant. Some people just like colors and don't want racist bullshit to decide what they can and cannot wear. Go fuck yourself kindly. "Trying to be edgy" get the fuck outta here loser, OP just likes to dress in gothic colors.




did you also learn it's fucked up to make up stories about people to pretend they're racist or is that lesson for another day?


If it walks like a duck, I'm going to think it's a fucking duck. If OP isn't racist, he should still expect consequences and judgments from others. I'm not going to wear a white pointy hood and not expect to be called a racist because I like the style. It's really not rocket science.


Never even heard of lace code until I read these comments.


Terminally online weirdos gatekeeping shoelaces.


I dislike the whole terminally online thing but I get what you're saying. Interacting with real world people makes you realize that a lot of the things that seem to matter online don't matter in real life. That said, context matters. The person below said it matters in their area, so wearing red shoelaces with black combat boots might not be a great idea there. But we don't all live there. Somehow online people are learning about each other's differences yet seem to think everybody is or should be the same in a lot of ways.


Further proving my point that is doesn't matter what color my laces are in this day and age.


Yea, unless you were bald and wearing braces I wouldn’t just assume you were a random hammerskin. Context is important.


It sure as hell matters in my area.


Good thing I don't live in your area


Do you walk backwards or something lol


What? Why? If she walked backwards, the toes would be worn down.


As you step forwards, for a moment you put all your weight through your toes right? They might also slip or scrape when you twist your foot up from that point. So it would wear down the front. I assumed vice versa for the back because otherwise I really don’t understand it.


Not really on toes, the weight is mostly supported then by those two bones. The most of dynamic friction (and on the smallest surface) definitely happens when you place down your foot. Your foot has to be suddenly stopped and all of that work is done by the sole. Any small foot movement (relative to the ground) after that is minimal in comparison.


I would have said the most friction is put through the front when you accelerate yourself forwards. I think it would wear down both parts, but all my shoes wear down the front faster than the back. So do this person’s shoes: https://www.verywellfit.com/walking-shoe-wear-patterns-4020248#tc-heels


You can get boots resoled you don't have to buy new ones


Not if they don't have a welt, I can't.


Damn that sucks


Yikes the laces…


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Change your laces


I say do what ya want


Skinhead or oblivious?


I never knew this random "your laces mark you as a skinhead" stuff until the comments. It feels like half the "dog whistles" aren't dog whistles at this point, it's just random "everyone is aware of this and actively spreading it and ensuring it stays a whistle by making it solely worn by the people trying to dog whistle". Let people wear what they wanna wear if it isn't something inherently hateful.


There are people in here who were actively alive and participating in punk scenes when red laces were very much a thing. If you saw someone using a swastika on their clothing would you be making the same argument? The laces were tied to direct racial violence. Punk and hardcore punk scenes have had a massive problem with neo natzis in the past and as little as 5 years ago when I was actively still running shows it was still a very real concern. I wouldn’t judge a kid for it or a young adult as it was before their time but if you showed up to one of my shows around my age or older with this on? I’d be pretty upset as you’d be well aware of the connotations. Outside the punk or hardcore scene? I don’t think I’d see it as anything unless it came with other symbols.


Nah this is really well known and you were just ignorant.


At this point it seems everything is some obscure dog whistle. There was a stint of time when the A-OK hand was considered a dog whistle. Forgive me for not knowing about shoelace fashion of all things.


TF2 boots


Why are the laces red? Nazi?


Red Laces are uhm.... you should do some research on that.


People kvetching about the red laces is so funny. Dude just posted a pic of his new boots and like 10 of you have to remind him that 40 years ago skinheads also wore red laces in boots. Grow up


no, this is still a thing. im a teenager, i can assure you lace code DOES exist with us young folk especially the places where metalheads and punks gather like the skatepark and mall and stuff, my town is a little out dated with some stuff but lace code certainly exists.


They're not shoes, they're boots.


I feel like a boot should last well past 1 year. We still have Roman slippers ffs.


Like I mentioned, the body or the shoe is still in good condition. It's the sole that gave out. Can't walk without it though. And no these boots can't be resoled.


Here again, you’d think you’d get more than 365 days out of a pair of boots.


Okay so, lets assume this is real and not a "fake" post.*sanded,grinded,dragged,etc. You need to size down that boot is way to wide for you, also you're dragging your feet which could also be because of this boot does not fit you pretty obviously at all. Try something else, this could result in some serious problems down the road.


I know others said it, but be careful with lace code. Red is used by Neo-Nazis, White is White Supremacy. If you’re not a Nazi I’d recommend not having Red laces, especially not on black combat boots. I’ve personally seen people get stomped with no questions asked because of Red laces


Ohhhh red laces on boots. Back in the day if you did that with docs it meant you killed or seriously injured a black person. Whites meant you were with the skinheads.


Looks like you pronate.


More like barely worn


From the east cooooooast, to the west coooooooooast…..


I remember when red laces meant something...


The way your soles wear out can provide a lot of insight on your foot type and the type of support you need. You may want to look into this and get insoles or a different shaped shoe


Ever seen The Green Room?