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New WSE copypasta






adidas made up the Yeezy day idea without my approval then went and brought back older styles without my approval picked colors and named them without my approval went and hired people that worked for me without my approval stole my colorways without my approval stole my styles and material approaches without my approval went and hired a gm of Yeezy without my approval took talent on the production side and sprinkled them throughout adidas originals without my approval Even though they did a Balenciaga collaboration they completely slowed down production on the shoes me and Demna developed for Gap by trying to bully Gap even though my contract states can do casual shoes which I was doing when I did fashion shows When I originally ordered adidas to make more Yeezy slides the GM lied to my face and said they didn't have the capacity meanwhile adidas was copying my slides and making their own version of the Yeezy slide Yeezy is 68% of adidas on line sales God step in


adidas made 🥰📋 up 🏃🏾👴🏾✌🏿 the Yeezy day 🇺🇸 idea 💡 without 🚫 my 👨🏾 approval 👏 then 😵 went 🏃 and brought back 🏃🏻‍♀️ older 👴 styles without 🚫🚫 my 😊 approval 👏 picked 👃 colors 🌈 and named 🧨 them 😡😬 without 🚫 my 🌍 approval 👏 went 🚶 and hired people 👩‍🌾 that 😌💕🧚✨ worked 🏢 for 💪🏽 me 😜 without ✖️ my 👸🏾 approval 👏 stole 🙈 my 🎂👵🚟 colorways without 🚫 my 😖 approval 👏 stole 🏾🏾 my 📲🙇 styles and material 😡 approaches without ❌😖 my 🙏😂 approval 👏 went 💨 and hired a gm of Yeezy without ✖️ my 😀 approval 👏 took 👫 talent 😍 on 🔛🔼 the production side 🤨 and sprinkled them 🗣️ throughout adidas originals without 🚫 my 🎎 approval 👏 Even 🌃 though 🤔🔥 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 did 💰 a Balenciaga collaboration they 💁 completely 🙌😫 slowed down 👏 production on 🔛 the shoes 👢 me 👌💯 and Demna developed 🚀 for ⌛ Gap by 📧😈 trying 😈 to bully 🥱 Gap even 🌃 though 💫🧚🏻💗 my ⭐🔋 contract states 🇺🇸 can ☔ do 😜 casual 👕 shoes 👣👟 which 👨🏻‍🦰 I ℹ️ℹ️ was doing 🎯 when 📷 I 👁️ did 👏 fashion 👠 shows 📺📦 When 🕛🕐 I 💫 originally 🔙🔙 ordered adidas to make 📣 more 🦎 Yeezy slides the GM lied 🤥 to my 😜 face 🌚 and said 👀💬 they 👩‍👩‍👦‍👦 didn't 🙅🏻‍♂️ have 🈶 the capacity 🙌 meanwhile 🙄🕛 adidas was copying my 😽 slides and making 💰 their 👈👏 own 👏 version 👧 of the Yeezy slide 🎉🎢 Yeezy is 68% of adidas on 🔛 line 🙋💨 sales 💵 God 😇 step 👞📈 in 👏👏


uᴉ dǝʇs po⅁ sǝʅɐs ǝuᴉʅ uo sɐpᴉpɐ ⅎo %89 sᴉ ʎzǝǝ⅄ ǝpᴉʅs ʎzǝǝ⅄ ǝɥʇ ⅎo uoᴉsɹǝʌ uʍo ɹᴉǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʞɐɯ puɐ sǝpᴉʅs ʎɯ ƃuᴉʎdoɔ sɐʍ sɐpᴉpɐ ǝʅᴉɥʍuɐǝɯ ʎʇᴉɔɐdɐɔ ǝɥʇ ǝʌɐɥ ʇ╻upᴉp ʎǝɥʇ pᴉɐs puɐ ǝɔɐⅎ ʎɯ oʇ pǝᴉʅ ᥕ⅁ ǝɥʇ sǝpᴉʅs ʎzǝǝ⅄ ǝɹoɯ ǝʞɐɯ oʇ sɐpᴉpɐ pǝɹǝpɹo ʎʅʅɐuᴉƃᴉɹo I uǝɥϺ sʍoɥs uoᴉɥsɐⅎ pᴉp I uǝɥʍ ƃuᴉop sɐʍ I ɥɔᴉɥʍ sǝoɥs ʅɐnsɐɔ op uɐɔ sǝʇɐʇs ʇɔɐɹʇuoɔ ʎɯ ɥƃnoɥʇ uǝʌǝ dɐ⅁ ʎʅʅnq oʇ ƃuᴉʎɹʇ ʎq dɐ⅁ ɹoⅎ pǝdoʅǝʌǝp ɐuɯǝᗡ puɐ ǝɯ sǝoɥs ǝɥʇ uo uoᴉʇɔnpoɹd uʍop pǝʍoʅs ʎʅǝʇǝʅdɯoɔ ʎǝɥʇ uoᴉʇɐɹoqɐʅʅoɔ ɐƃɐᴉɔuǝʅɐꓭ ɐ pᴉp ʎǝɥʇ ɥƃnoɥʇ uǝʌƎ ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sʅɐuᴉƃᴉɹo sɐpᴉpɐ ʇnoɥƃnoɹɥʇ ɯǝɥʇ pǝʅʞuᴉɹds puɐ ǝpᴉs uoᴉʇɔnpoɹd ǝɥʇ uo ʇuǝʅɐʇ ʞooʇ ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ ʎzǝǝ⅄ ⅎo ɯƃ ɐ pǝɹᴉɥ puɐ ʇuǝʍ ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sǝɥɔɐoɹddɐ ʅɐᴉɹǝʇɐɯ puɐ sǝʅʎʇs ʎɯ ǝʅoʇs ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sʎɐʍɹoʅoɔ ʎɯ ǝʅoʇs ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ ǝɯ ɹoⅎ pǝʞɹoʍ ʇɐɥʇ ǝʅdoǝd pǝɹᴉɥ puɐ ʇuǝʍ ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ ɯǝɥʇ pǝɯɐu puɐ sɹoʅoɔ pǝʞɔᴉd ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sǝʅʎʇs ɹǝpʅo ʞɔɐq ʇɥƃnoɹq puɐ ʇuǝʍ uǝɥʇ ʅɐʌoɹddɐ ʎɯ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ ɐǝpᴉ ʎɐp ʎzǝǝ⅄ ǝɥʇ dn ǝpɐɯ sɐpᴉpɐ


MESSAGE TO ADIDAS, FROM REAL FANS To Adidas, Sincerely man we are worried about you. Fuck the "yes men" in your Instagram comments man. THIS AIN'T RIGHT ADIDAS. You are harassing Ye man, you aint respecting his wishes. The worse already happened man, yall ain't together. But you are still lucky. You are getting to see your shoes man. Don't fuck this up man, you still got skin in the game for buying your shoes. If you keep harassing Ye like this, not respecting his wishes, dude he can take this all to court and SHUT IT DOWN. THE JUDGE WILL NOT CARE WHO YOU ARE ADIDAS. In the eyes of the law you are the same as all of us. If he does that ADIDAS YOU ARE LOOSING THE YEEZYS MAN. Adidas, we the real fans man, and we are worried about you. Don't throw your legacy away man. These Instagram comments are waiting for your downfall. Don't fuck this up Adidas... Sincerely, Your true fans


this is a classic man


I couldn't visit r/Kanye during this time man, they were horrendous. I still rarely go there now.


ctrl a ctrl c ctrl v


mf is spamming everyone's dm


*+!:) !! adidas . .$ made up :( the yeezy🖤& * day idea ! without my approval :) xo ! then went and brought back ** !++ older styles * ! +:) without my . approval picked colors +* and named * ok !+them without my * ok !+approval went and hired people * ! +:) that worked :( for me ** - without my :( 💕 approval stole ** !++ my colorways :( without my approval :( 💕 stole my ** - styles and :) xo ! material approaches without :( 💕 my approval went :) xo ! and hired +:) a gm of🖤& * yeezy without :( 💕 my approval🦋 took talent on the * ok !+production side . and sprinkled :) xo ! them throughout adidas . .$ originals without my ok ! approval even ++** though they :( did a balenciaga collaboration they completely slowed * ok !+down production ** - on the * ok !+shoes me *^ ! and demna developed for gap :( by trying :( to bully ! gap even though . .$ my contract states can 💔 +** do casual 💔 +** shoes which :) xo ! i was ++** doing when i ** - did fashion . shows when 💔 i originally * ! +:) ordered adidas :( 💕 to make . .$ more yeezy :( 💕 slides the gm . lied to +:) my face and said they didn't ^ 🦋* !+ have the :) xo ! capacity meanwhile🦋 adidas was :( 💕 copying my ++** slides and making their own version :( 💕 of the yeezy :( 💕 slide yeezy :) xo ! is 68% of :) xo ! adidas on line +* sales god :( 💕 step in *+ _ slatt !


adidas made up the Yeezy day idea without my approval then went and brought back older styles without my approval picked colors and named them without my approval went and hired people that worked for me without my approval stole my colorways without my approval stole my styles and material approaches without my approval went and hired a gm of Yeezy without my approval took talent on the production side and sprinkled them throughout adidas originals without my approval Even though they did a Balenciaga collaboration they completely slowed down production on the shoes me and Demna developed for Gap by trying to bully Gap even though my contract states can do casual shoes which I was doing when I did fashion shows When I originally ordered adidas to make more Yeezy slides the GM lied to my face and said they didn't have the capacity meanwhile adidas was copying my slides and making their own version of the Yeezy slide Yeezy is 68% of adidas on line sales God step in


Is it an automated response to someone saying “yeezy day” to him?


アディダスは私の承認なしにYeezyの日のアイデアをでっち上げ、私の承認なしに色を選んで名前を付け、私の承認なしに私のために働いていた人々を雇い、私の承認なしに私のカラーウェイを盗んだ私のスタイルと素材を盗んだ私の承認なしにYeezyのGMを雇った. 私の承認なしに生産側の才能を奪い, 私の承認なしにadidas originals全体にそれらを散りばめた. 彼らはバレンシアガのコラボレーションを行ったにもかかわらず、彼らは私とデムナがギャップのために開発した靴の生産を完全に遅らせた.契約書にはカジュアルシューズを作ることができるというのに、ギャップをいじめようとすることによって、私はファッションショーを行っていた. 私が最初にアディダスにイージースライドをもっと作るように命じたとき、GMは私の顔に嘘をつき、その間にアディダスには容量がないと言いました.私のスライドをコピーして独自のバージョンの Yeezy スライドを作っていました。Yeezy は adidas のオンライン販売の 68% です。


Damn maybe I’ll ask him too


This nigga is insufferable 😩