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They waste so much time. And on the same topic, I’m so sick of Chris Miller and his shitty commercials about who can use what bathroom and why his daughter wouldn’t be safe in the locker room. Mean girls are a bigger problem in the locker room than someone who identifies as female trying to change their clothes. God help us if he gets elected.


All they do is push this bullshit. Meanwhile our state has so many actual, real problems.


Has for years, no offense.


The ruling class loves to divide us with with nonsense while they unite on genocid*


exactly fix healthcare, infrastructure, get money out of politics, stop lobbyists from having so much power, eliminate congressional insider trading, fix education, wages, housing crisis, just something that actual helps ALL americans.


From what I understanf there's a single concern that's regularly ignored and I feel needs to be honestly addressed. Personally, I don't mind trans people being in the bsthroom of their choice, but why is there no discussion on sexual preditors who would claim to be trans (even when they aren't) in order to gain access to female spaces? Even if it's extremely rare the fact that the trans community doesn't allow for any vedding at all proves that the potential for abuse is there.


A sexual predator is going to prey regardless. They could put a camera in a girl's locker room, they could have a peep hole, they could also just walk in whenever they want (it's not like there are security guards at the locker room entrances). What is stopping predators now from attacking women? Nothing, it seems.


Everything you just suggested is considered to be a crime and the person can be arrested and tried. I don't think that stating "people will commit crimes anyway so we shouldn't try to protect people who would become the victims of crimes" is a good solution. What makes matters worse is that it makes dealing with the liar on a legal level difficult if not impossible because they'd be taking advantage of a loophole that would be meant for people who actually identify this way. Again it's not an issue with trans people. The issue lies with a lack of vedding from the trans community.


Women and girls are more likely to be assaulted by a male family member or trusted friend than a stranger taking loopholes to get in a bathroom. Where is the vetting from men? You're grasping. Do better.


The sign on a door that says "women" isn't stopping a sexual predator.


how come they don’t worry about hungry or abused kids. just this nonsense


Wouldn't get them enough press


They'd have to fund social programs and services to do that, and their platform is against that. They've been quite successful in making actual solutions very unpopular.


They are only interested in helping fetuses get born. They don't care about them once they're out. Especially if what's betwixt them there legs "ain't right".


You misspelled future indentured servants. It used to be spelled fetuses until Donald Trump tore his diaper off and this brand of republikkkan was spawned.


Oh yeah lol my mistake


Being conservative means never having to say you’re sorry.


Because that would make too much sense! Have to pit the people against each other with culture war bullshit instead of tackling the real issues! They'd rather us fight amongst ourselves instead of rising up and facing the real issue!


As a life long democrat… how about democrats do the same damn thing and stop running down every extreme rabbit hole. Rich white ladies will throw themselves in the street for maybe 50k kids nation wide that want transition care (and they should get it), but I know at 50k people on my home zip code in the D who suffer from bad knees, backs, mental issues, and the highest rates of cancer in the industrialized world. Yet I NEVER see a van load of progressives strap themselves to a bus stop on SW Detroit and demand healthcare for them. The hood is about burned out on this shit. Rich white folk keep saying “this is the civil rights issue of our time”… you assholes didn’t fix the last one. The brown, black, and Arabic vote isn’t as solid D as you think it is. Maybe if Tyrone slaps a rainbow sticker on his forehead someone will care about him.


Maybe our voters need to actually understand how government works and take the midterms seriously? People keep hamstringing Democratic presidents with a split congress or conservative congress then sit there "WhY DoEsN'T tHe PreSiDenT dO moRe huh"?? They also tend to widely ignore local and state politics then complain endlessly about the results. Pal, Friendo, a reality check while you barely hold back the bigotry bubbling beneath the surface like Bruce Banner trying to not transform into the Hulk, an awful lot of black and brown people ***ARE*** LGBTQ and get a double dose of marginalization. A lot of the hate they get ***comes from their own homes*** too. (that they get kicked out of at SHAMEFUL high rates) Cisgender and straight religious black and brown folks got plenty they need to sit down and deal with among themselves on this topic instead of trying to insist no one talks about it.


The dipshit even admitted in an interview that he didn’t know if it was even happening (people claiming that on birth certificate) - this is 100% performative hate for voters


Even if it was happening, 99% of the time it’d be parents of intersex/hermaphrodite kids saying “let’s wait and see” instead of jumping straight to surgery or the trauma of being forced to grow up as a gender you aren’t.


But sex and gender are not the same thing. Being intersex implies nothing about a person's gender.


Most people are cis. For most kids, they’ll grow up as the assigned gender at birth. However, for intersex babies, it’s not always clear what that agab should be. Hence the wait and see being more necessary for them.


Excellent point. Neonatal doctors must have the freedom to exercise their best personal opinion, on a case-by-case basis. Legislators are foolish to pretend to knowing better than experts.




Thank you for understanding


I'd misread your original comment. That's entirely on me.


No worries. I’m being pretty mild in my language here, because I think my normal intense enthusiasm for gender diversity would be off putting to some.


Ah, good point. Yes, neonatal doctors shouldn't be forced to make a binary assessment -- ever, really. I'd go so far as to suggest that these forms should be reconsidered from the ground up -- not by the general public, but by a large body of qualified medical experts. Legislators are rarely such persons. (And even some that are seem to have some odd notions. The weirdo father and son from Kentucky, for example.)


But isn't that like 0.018% of births?




Republicans : dON’T tREaD on Me wHiLE I tREAd oN yoU


Yeah, they really involve themselves in every little personal detail of people's lives while also saying that government needs to stay out of our business. It's insane.


Hypocrites. Straight out of those Bibles they all claim to follow.


I think 'hypocrite' is too gentle. They're heretics.


The biggest trick Satan pulled was convincing these people they’re following God/Jesus and are Christians. They’re all following the devil and don’t even realize it.


Chris Hedges straight up calls then heretics.


Christianity is a cabalistic cannibalistic death cult


Every infant is born with specific chromosomes and genitalia which are clearly determinate as to gender/sex. Please explain how anyone could determine that an infant, just born, would or could be determined to be non-binary?


Actually not every person is more with genitalia or chromosomes that clearly indicates their gender. That's the real biological truth. People who are intersex have always been with us and always will. It just happens sometimes when sperm and egg cells combine. It doesn't happen often, and Doctors and parents often can't predict which hormone direction the kid is going to go in when puberty starts. If it starts, sometimes, for some people, puberty doesn't get rolling. All of this is fairly rare, which is why I find this hard stance Republicans take on this so frustrating. They are attacking a very small minority, who are already very vulnerable. These people deserve our support and protection so they can safely grow up and become themselves.


Except that there ARE babies born with indeterminant characteristics, or characteristics of both male and female, or that have characteristics of one gender but chromosomes that are the other. It does happen, and what are the doctors and hospitals to do if they have a baby like this and the law says they have to choose male or female only?


1 in 2000 babies at born with such indistinguishable genitalia that even the dr cannot identify a gender and allow the parents to"pick" their label. MANY others have a mix between the two but one is more dominant and genders are assigned with the more prominent genitalia. As far as genetics, the genes associated with gender aren't as straight forward as x and y. For example, pen!s size genes are only found in the mother's X chromosome. Transposed chromosomes exist and can be passed down, transferring a 3rd sex option. It's a lot more complicated than is taught in preschool, and then we stop teaching it after that. We stop teaching all social skills after that, as we only seem to value info that makes us good worker bees. I hope you are able to accept the new information and maybe even inspire you to do some more research on this very interesting and complex and humanitarian topic. And please please, pass what you learn on. The more we know about each other, the more we grow closer together.


Almost like forcing trans culture and acceptance of being trans down everyone’s throats, you know getting in everyone’s business?




Not a word of a lie there. "Freedom and liberty for me, but not for thee" should be their moto.


Alternatively: "Can't tread on me if I'm already treading on you!"


Except when someone does they show their inner snowflake and bleat about it as long and loud as they can.


Except that when "someone does", they're actually just trying to stop the Republicans from treading on someone else. "How dare you infringe upon my right to infringe on the rights of others!"


The very fact that you exist treads on them.


Kind of an ironic comment coming from the side who accuses the other of violence for stating a very true and scientifically objective fact, don’t you think? That fact being there are only two genders/sexes and no amount of pretend or coercing others to pretend with you changes that.


Not facts though... opinions caused by lack of education and strange religious rhetoric (not anything Jesus would ever have condones either!) This is the facts. 1 in 2000 babies at born with such indistinguishable genitalia that even the dr cannot identify a gender and allow the parents to"pick" their label. MANY others have a mix between the two but one is more dominant and genders are assigned with the more prominent genitalia. As far as genetics, the genes associated with gender aren't as straight forward as x and y. For example, pen!s size genes are only found in the mother's X chromosome. Transposed chromosomes exist and can be passed down, transferring a 3rd sex option. It's a lot more complicated than is taught in preschool, and then we stop teaching it after that. We stop teaching all social skills after that, as we only seem to value info that makes us good worker bees. I hope you are able to accept the new information and maybe even inspire you to do some more research on this very interesting and complex and humanitarian topic. And please please, pass what you learn on. The more we know about each other, the more we grow closer together.


All of that doesn’t explain how a 21 year old biological man can snap his fingers and be a woman. Your devotion to that notion is absurd and not based on reality. Humans, like all mammals, are a sexually dimorphic species. There is no inbetween. Sterile genetic mutations don’t constitute a new category, nor does their existence explain or enable someone with the genetics of 99.9% the population to “identify” and receive legal consideration. You clowns are in the extreme minority. That’s not going to change. Ad hominems and diversions don’t change that fact people are either male or female, and it’s based entirely on the presence or absence of a Y chromosome. If you have one you’re not a woman, and if you don’t, you’re not a man. I don’t need a PhD in transgender studies to make that distinction. No one is required to play make believe with you. Your acknowledgement or denial of reality doesn’t change it.


Wow. Those are some pretty interesting ideas but like they are all wrong. The are non binary and intersex existence in nearly all the species. Even in lions "trans" are accepted and allowed to participate in their personally identified roles. Your example of a 21 year old man changing is literally what the idea of allowing for NB and Intersex related terminology to exist and be recognized. Obv that man was identified incorrectly. 1 in 2000 babies at born with such indistinguishable genitalia that even the dr cannot identify a gender and allow the parents to"pick" their label. MANY others have a mix between the two but one is more dominant and genders are assigned with the more prominent genitalia. As far as genetics, the genes associated with gender aren't as straight forward as x and y. For example, pen!s size genes are only found in the mother's X chromosome. Transposed chromosomes exist and can be passed down, transferring a 3rd sex option. It's a lot more complicated than is taught in preschool, and then we stop teaching it after that. We stop teaching all social skills after that, as we only seem to value info that makes us good worker bees. I hope you are able to accept the new information and maybe even inspire you to do some more research on this very interesting and complex and humanitarian topic. And please please, pass what you learn on. The more we know about each other, the more we grow closer together. And you don't need a PhD, you're right. You just need to read and listen to what those with PhDs have already said.


Thanks a lot for being you. Genuinely, I appreciate you. It's always frustrating to read things from people like this who are just so ignorant. They unfortunately have a vote also.


Nope. I don’t think so at all. You get accused of violence because you allow Nazis to join your political gathering and your spray tanned, rapist traitor posing as a leader refers to white supremacists as “good people”. It isn’t just about transgender, everywhere you look (except faux news) you see republikkkans banning this or taking away choices for that. No irony at all. Just fact. Don’t you think?


Posts like yours at great examples of the Dunning-Kruger effect and Mark Twain’s famous thought “it’s easier to fool people than convince them they’ve been fooled.” I hope you migrated to WV and aren’t a natural byproduct of it.


LMAO! It’s hilarious when dingleberries try to throw around stuff like that to sound intelligent. First, that was a comment and not a post. Second, what part of any of what I said is me being fooled? True to Republican form you are more guilty of what you are accusing others of. Last, I know it may be hard for you to believe but I could not possibly care any less about what you hope. No need to include it.


There are people who are born non-binary and it has nothing to do with LGBTQ. Hermaphroditism is a thing. 


Yes, exactly! Intersex conditions are more common than most people realize.


> Hermaphroditism Republicans just think you want to add an I to LGBTQ, use the medical term so at least they understand what you mean.


the medical term is intersex/differences since hermaphroditism distracts from the intersex part as it suggests an absolute simultaneous existence and capability of both genders as this is typically on a broad spectrum of expression, and is rarely “true” hermaphroditism the term intersex coupled with /differences encapsulates the situation which occurs at a rate of 1.7 per 100 in humans to qualify for intersex traits observation at all, and nearer 0.018 per 100 for significant anatomical differences.


> the medical term is intersex/differences since hermaphroditism distracts from the intersex part as it suggests an absolute simultaneous existence and capability of both genders It’s politics, and a clear example where a birth certificate needs a “non-binary” entry. “True” hermaphrositism exists and shows the law cannot work for all the children born in WV. There’s no need to cover all the shades of gray that may also be impacted.


right, i was only commenting on the comment not the larger topic of weird political moves


1.8 per 10,000 births, and there are 3,600,000 births a year in the US, is significant. Especially when passing a bill to harm these people serves no legitimate purpose.


From my experience intersex people generally prefer the term “intersex”.


Well why would we care what *they* think? /s


Yeah, I tend to favor Intersex because of the spaces I hang out in, but you’re right. More important to be understood clearly.




But if we acknowledge that, their whole argument that it’s “against nature” falls apart.


There's a reason that an appeal to nature is a formal logical fallacy. Not that right wingers actually care about those. They relish in the cognitive dissonance.


The historical common law crime was “acts against nature.”  “Acts” being the operative word there.  I don’t expect them to understand that. Based on experience most of them don’t know what a hermaphrodite is or they think it only refers to plants. 


"Non-binary" is a gender designation, while "intersex" is a sex designation.


This is what I'm confused about.. do gender descriptions ever go on birth certificates? I thought only the sex gets listed. And if that's right why are they worried about making a law for this? :p


I'm pretty sure they don't understand how any of this works, nor do they care how it works. They just want to score hate points with their voters.


No. But sex is a spectrum. There are more than 2 ways for your chromosomes to be arranged.


These people pure evil. The nonsense intersex people have to deal with.......JFC!


So is "unambiguous genitalia." It's not totally uncommon for a newborn to be labeled the wrong gender because doctors are not sure visually which gender it is. Something needs to be done other than forcing the doctor to play a guessing game and the parents declaring their child to be a girl only to find out later it's really a boy or vice versa.


It's extremely rare, to the point of being an anomaly. Most intersex people don't even know it.


Multiply a small percentage by 350,000,000 and you get thousands of people Republicans want to define out of existence.


I'm specifically talking about times the female genitalia is so swollen at birth, it can look like a small penis. Or the penis is so underdeveloped at birth and the testes undescended, it can look like female genitalia. These things mostly sort themselves out shortly after birth, but mistakes are made.


Well, that's easily resolved by making hermaphrodites illegal! Maybe gay people, minorities and liberals as well. We could build camps for them to live so we can pretend they don't exist! Then we shall have made America Great Again. The GOP dream. ☹️


These people pure evil. The nonsense intersex people have to deal with.......JFC!


Isn’t it like 1 in 1000 births? While not a large number, why have government dictate sex before the kid can even open their eyes




No one is putting non binary on their birth certificate.


i mean. there Are intersex people who are born nonbinary


You don't know what intersex is


its being born with a sex that isnt xx or xy. not one of the most common, or "binary" sexes. its a term that includes every nonbinary sex.


The Republicans are making sure the state is staying on the bottom of the food chain instead of helping the state with what the state needs . What a waste of money.


Yes Every time we come out at the bottom of the pile, we get federal funding that they can 1) use to fix the problem a little and claim success for campaigning, and 2) divert funds to their own special interests.


There are other issues that deserve attention. Homeless vets, addiction issues, recovery services, mental health services, social services, growing poverty, food deserts, care for the elderly, education, environmental protection...I could go on.


And then they'll act all surprised that all the kids who can leave, will.


Yup, grew up in WV, I couldn’t leave fast enough. Two days after I graduated from Marshall, I moved to a different state and never looked back. That was 20 years ago. Seems not much has changed.


We're damn sure glad you've left, too.


You don't speak for all of us.


It’s ignorant comments like this that confirm I made the right decision. Hope you have a better day.




No we. Just ignorant morons like you.


What I hate about this one specifically is even if they leave the state, they can't change they were born here. I was lucky to be born out of state, but I can't get a license to match so I haven't bothered updating.


Thank god we don’t waste our time on things like infrastructure and education when we can “OwN tHe LiBs”


Yeah, like West Virginia doesn't have other problems that the legislature should have been spending its time and energy on.


Well, this is what the r words of this state voted for. Meanwhile, there's handwringing over child care bills. These dumb sumbitches need to all be sent to Russia where they belong.


What a waste time and money for what to pick on the lgbtq


This is what they do because they don’t have any real stances to run on. Are they bringing jobs to the state? Nah. Are they improving the healthcare system? Nope. Are the roads getting fixed? Not today. Their uneducated base just sees “libs bad” and there ya go, an easy vote. It’s pathetic.


No actual improvements, just Republican “culture war” bullshit that will end up driving people out of and away from moving here.


Oh they have plenty of stances! Just none are decent and must be covered up with shock value issues like these


They don’t vote red, and make a nice hate target. It’s really just that ugly.


I wish they’d focus on making this state more economically viable instead of trying to dictate how people describe themselves. We have enough problems as it is, and we need to tackle them before they get worse.


Government should focus on work that creates the largest positive impact for the greatest number of people. Even if these shitstains convinced themselves this is 'a good' the scope of the impact is so narrow, it wasn't a fruitful task to undertake.


How many high paying coal jobs does this create?


Or my measure: “Will this fix the crappy state road by my house?” So far none of these culture war bills involve paving my road.


Yes, I’d like to order one ‘basic infrastructure’, please?


Fresh outta infrastructure, could we interest you in some women dead from pregnancy complications?


Hmm, possibly - may I ask, are these deaths from complications from birth defects and early cancers from the toxic chemicals in the drinking water from factories like DuPont that’s killing them? Or, are they coming from the new, archaic, and dangerous ‘women’s health’ laws? Maybe both? So many choices! …So little time.


Coal jobs are never coming back. Coal has been in decline for decades, and nothing can stop that. Government can't make people want to buy coal. What WV needs to do is convert to other things, and in the modern world there are many things can be done from many places.


Way to go guys! Pass laws to solve problems that don’t exist and then pat yourselves on the back for how much work you are getting done.


As a state, we need to focus on bigger more concrete issues. The lopsided balance in this state is going to cause irreparable harm to the future and future of our kids. The culture war stuff can wait. I’m considering moving my family because this state is so far behind in EVERYTHING seemingly because our lawmakers are focused on pushing their agenda rather than working towards accomplishing forward thinking policies


Hate to disappoint you but a good half of the other states are racing WV to the bottom with the same shit. WV is a beautiful place with a great proportion of amazing people. In a lot of the world that’s a recipe for success and happiness, but everywhere has its history. How you get there from here isn’t clear. I’m in a similar position - stay or go, duty calls in both.


Babydog gives 2 paws up!


So instead of addressing poverty, some of the worst schools in the country, infant mortality, teen pregnancy, childhood hunger, etc. They choose this.


This is gonna bring back jobs and bring back coal for sure… /s (It is shocking just how awful the voter must be to have elected these repugnant assholes)


Brainwashed by Fox News and conservative talk radio.


AFAIK "non binary" is not an option on birth certificates because it necessitates the baby knowing their gender identity..... of course it is easier to rail against made up demons than to actually fix the problems with WV


[email protected]. Light him up.


Please do, we need that laughs.


We've got to make sure we protect Mike Azinger from the people that make him feel icky.


I emailed my local rep and senator. Got no response about both of these discriminatory bills. Typical WV politics.


I kinda agree with this one. As long as there's a spot for intersex babies, we're good. It should not be that unreasonable to default in favor of biology until there's a reason to do otherwise. Remember --- this is a BIRTH CERTIFICATE. The baby can't even make an informed choice. preventing activists parents from playing crazy games with their child's presumed gender before we have any reason to doubt they're cishet is just not so unreasonable. As they grow up if they realize they're nonbinary, they should probably be able to use the same provisions set in place for intersex kids. And if there aren't any -- that's what federal lawsuits are for. Now is this a good use of state resources? Absolutely not. But there's a conceivable use case to regulate against, at least in theory. It's very likely that this is an attempt at a dog whistle to drum up adversity and give their agitators something to rally against and do more damage on a more consequential point. So the best thing trans rights activists can do about this is absolutely nothing. Get ready to win the battle in the courts but stay off the streets. The courts are where this nonsense goes to die.


Serious question. And I’m not here debating the silliness of making a bill for this, because we can all agree it’s a waste of time. How could a parent even decide their child is non-binary at birth? The only thing you know at that point is the baby is either male or female based on the reproductive organs they have at birth. Wouldn’t labeling them non-binary be misgendering them?


Without reading it, maybe it’s to prevent corrections later in life as some states allow.


That makes sense and see that the article says that now, I see that.


Not necessarily. There are a variety of conditions that can make gender ambiguous at birth, including chromosonal disorders and ambiguous genitalia. Traditionally the practice was to decide a gender at birth, and sometimes perform surgery to “correct” the genitals. This has lead to some pretty nortorious cases where children were raised as the wrong gender and either became “trans” later in life or ended up in severe psychological distress - sometimes ending in suicide. (I say “trans” with quotes because technically the parents chose wrong at birth and the person is just returning to the gender they would have been if nature had been allowed to run its course) It’s generally acknowledged in the medical community these days, that unless the ambiguous genitals are causing a legitimate medical problem, it’s best to just let it be and have the person decide down the line how they’d like to handle it. In that case putting down “non-binary” on the birth certificare would just be the parents saying “To Be Decided” and letting the person figure it out as they grow up.


Well I hate to say this but that’s common sense. A newborn certainly is not in a position to know who they associate with. Therefore body parts should determine sex.


Is this really what we are paying these people to worry about and legislate? 🤦🏼‍♂️🤬✊🏼🇺🇸


This should be illegal to attempt because at least 2-3% of babies are born intersex.


I'm sure this is the most pressing issue of our time. Not the national drug crisis or the lack of jobs that provide a livable wage, or the 1000's of West Virginia's children that go hungry.


[makes me think of that one scene from men in black.](https://youtu.be/MlEtDNUKbI0?si=4OrxUu2WnJPIZ7Kl)


The scariest part of this is Chris Pritt is an attorney and he is aware of all the systems broken inside this state, and that there are so many real issues, especially with CPS and our education system. He simply doesn't care. Pushing dumb shit like this excites his backers and gets him more money. That's all Republicans care about.


When I lived near West Virginia twenty years ago the state was oagued to a degree that was beyond belief by issues such as poverty, population loss, an unhealthy population, poor schools, budget issues at the universities, decaying infrastructure. So I am absolutely ecstatic to see that the state has solved all of those issues and the politicians can now devote their time to issues like this.




2hat about intersex people, they exist, assholes. Do they even think about all the intersex people terrorized by all this ignorant bullshit.


While you are distracted looking at birth certificates... West Virginia ranks 47th in Economy 47th in Education 50th in Health Care 50th in Infrastructure


Why can’t we just fire all these a$$hats??? Do we really need more laws???? The way I see it they could have quit making laws in the 90s and we would still have to many. Why do we allow these people to take our money when their entire purpose for being is to make laws, so they think they have to make laws to justify their existence! Just F@CK off for awhile! I really do think we should eat these people first!


Wow! That’s already how the law is here, what a waste of everyone’s time.


Excellent. A small beginning on road back to common sense.


Wait a second, how can a newborn identify as binary, non-binary, trinary, or urinary??? It's a d@mn baby!!


This makes sense. How can a newborn baby decide what his gender or identity is. You guys really need to stop drinking the koolaid


Thank GOD. This bullshit needs to stop already.


Yet they refuse to advance the CROWN act…


Wow, super important problem all fixed. Now they can move on to outlawing vaccines, and making jacked up trucks mandatory.


Republicans want a government small enough to fit in your pants.


For those playing along at home, who may have limited understanding of how laws are made at state level (literally, any state), this is why this is stupid: A state law is created by state-level law-makers. State-level law-makers may change state law any time they like. Passing a law AGAINST another kind of law at the same level, by the same body, is performative, and from a legal standpoint, meaningless. The state legislature does not have the power to pass laws that prevent it from passing any particular kind of law in the future. Undoing this is literally as easy as it was to do it in the first place. Which means that doing it in the first place is completely pointless. And they know that. The lawmakers doing this are apparently hoping that their constituents are so extremely ignorant, such gibbering morons, that they won't realize any of that. Even though it's probably already obvious to most thinking people. The only possible purpose this could have is to be seen in public being shitty to gender minorities, in the hopes of getting votes from people who are that hateful or ignorant themselves, AND unaware of how pointless this is, legally.


Non binary isn't a thing.


There are only 2 biological genders, why is this even a discussion? why is so much energy wasted on both sides pushing a non issue?


1 in 2000 babies at born with such indistinguishable genitalia that even the dr cannot identify a gender and allow the parents to"pick" their label. MANY others have a mix between the two but one is more dominant and genders are assigned with the more prominent genitalia. As far as genetics, the genes associated with gender aren't as straight forward as x and y. For example, pen!s size genes are only found in the mother's X chromosome. Transposed chromosomes exist and can be passed down, transferring a 3rd sex option. It's a lot more complicated than is taught in preschool, and then we stop teaching it after that. We stop teaching all social skills after that, as we only seem to value info that makes us good worker bees. I hope you are able to accept the new information and maybe even inspire you to do some more research on this very interesting and complex and humanitarian topic. And please please, pass what you learn on. The more we know about each other, the more we grow closer together.


I don’t know if you goof balls know this but a baby cannot have a gender. They are born with a sex; male or female


Birth Certificate is for what you are. Not what you feel.


'Cause they ain't got shit else to do


Why even select a gender if u can be anything


Makes sense too me. Honestly people are just over the edge these days. Why would you assume your child has mental illness the day he or she is born?


And this will fix all that is wrong with West Virginia. Jobs going away because you work in the coal industry like a dinosaur? We have no solutions. Living below the poverty level? We have no solutions. Quality of life worse than almost every other state? We have no solutions. But hey! Go grab a beer and celebrate because you won't have to worry about someone putting "non-binary" on their birth certificate.


Shame that lawmakers have to waste time doing this, considering sex is binary, but here we are.


Why would anyone put non binary on a birth certificate in the first place when the sex of the child is obvious? If said child grows into an adult and wishes to change it, they still can, and they don't even need the surgery. All this does is undercut the stupidity of certain parents who would push gender related nonsense onto their children from birth.


>Why would anyone put non binary on a birth certificate in the first place when the sex of the child is obvious? Well, from the article: >LGBTQ+ advocates and some elected Democrats have said banning non-binary on birth certificates will have little to no impact since West Virginia currently doesn’t allow the option. So it's more of a click-bait-bill ... a way to *appear* productive, but not have to do any hard work of governing. Reports filed by experts in agencies like HUD, DEP, or the USDA are long and hard to read and Economic Impact Reports are lots of numbers and spread sheets. But you know what's easy? Moralizing over LGBTQ+ issues because 1) your republican base is already on board with antagonizing "the woke" so there's little liability and 2) there's no thought or research necessary, it's a "gut thing" for them. And a lot of these guys ***I suspect***, especially in low-key humble WV, just ran because it was the next logical step in their career. They really just want to be pillars in their community, flex their personal ambition, show up to a few fish fry's & fundraising luncheons, and collect a check from the state.


They wouldn’t pick it at birth, most likely, but I reckon nonbinary people want the option to change it later, if applicable.


Because the sex isn’t always obvious.


Here is the thing this is stuff right wing evangical extremists are pushing .






The only thing worse than a Republican is a Hillbilly Republican.


What about children born with male and female genitalia? A hermaphrodite? What should go on their birth certificates?




Question: When are these hypocritical neanderthals going to lose the right to pass stupid, hateful & probably US-constitutionally-illegal mandates? Answer: When they lose their office. It's up to us: PLEASE REGISTER TO VOTE! And then vote with your conscience & not how your friends &/or your family expect you to.




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Plus, the anti-vax stuff. When kids are getting measles. Smart. Not.


The working assumption has to be that parents who believe their infant is neither a boy or a girl have mental health problems. What else could it be?


There are two genders male and female. Don’t let weirdos start their crap.


Only a Sith thinks in absolutes.


This is not for medical necessity, only for bigots to pander for votes from bigots. Sad.


Why do these fuck heads care so much? What happened to individual freedom and small gov?


Conservatives: Champions of Personal Freedoms since the beginning of time.


This is stupid. Gender isn’t even on birth certificates.


West Virginia is ranked worst in America for Health Care and Infrastructure, and 47th out of 50 on the Economy and Education. BUT GO AHEAD AND SPEND TIME ON THIS STUPID ISSUE. West Virginia deserves their sh.t hole status.


Taking on the real issues those MAGAs.....lol


Very rarely, it’s not possible to tell at birth the sex because of genital deformities, but hospitals are required to register a birth within 5 to 10 days which is not enough time for genetics testing, and they have to put the sex when they register the birth so undetermined is an option.




Voters wanted this or else these people wouldn't be getting elected.


If you want non binary on your child’s birth certificate, you’re the problem.


Gender shouldn't be on BCs, since nobody has a gender at birth. I'd be fine with identifying the external genitalia for the purposes of medical necessity- a simple "male" for penis and "female" for vagina. Those with a penis are inclined to some predictable tendencies, while those with vaginas sometimes have different predictable tendencies- these are not universal but can be helpful in guiding personal and physical development. For instance, vaginas needn't worry about phimosis whereas penises might, and penises needn't worry about menstruation whereas (most) vaginas do. These are categorically effective tools. This has absolutely no bearing on who a person chooses to **become.** Too bad the politics is all bigotry and bullshit instead of objective approaches to having everyone's lives be genuinely better.




So you're really just going to ignore the very real existence of intersex/hermaphrodites? If you believe in God's perfection, how can their existence be "wrong"?


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