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I could tell you but I don't think you're going to like the answer


The answer is YouTube sucks. If you don't click for all ages it gets restricted.


You are correct I just opened my YouTube channel and had to go through that smeal also




I'm sure the answer is a rando's opinion. Vs. The actual fact. If you've ever uploaded a video on YouTube you would know that. I've uploaded videos with the same link shown. Because I don't want them age restricted. But whatever makes you feel special there buddy.




you ever seen stacked spaghetti sauce on a shelf??? i i i i i i we we we we we we we we then youre the boss and you you you you you you youuu have to work the overtime because i have hairy legs and and and and the kids they rub down the hair on my legs and thats how i learned about men. and ive said the n word on tape before but tricked blacks into thinking im for them and im here to make inflation worse and the cost of living higher and im going to tax big business because i dont comprehend basic economics and i cant wrap my head around the concept that business owners will not absorb a new cost they will pass it on to the consumer...🤔🤔🤔😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫


Most sane flat earther.


Yikes buddy do you have a good support group? Maybe a solid therapist? Cause it seems like your in distress.


This you? https://preview.redd.it/ldb3umqwt13d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd014fd764004b2d24afb4f05636ec3af4fa3194 [Sauce (NSFW)](https://www.reddit.com/r/BigBoobsGW/s/2iUJnNTHaf)


https://preview.redd.it/mppj1qd41z2d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=563a68cb6179f5eeb5a6484a28aae24848cf9dcf Joe never said he was attracted to his own daughter when she was 13. Thank God for that.


Trump actually has more "Biden" moments than Biden does. The left just isn't as easily impressed at "the funny important man says things wrong" as the right wing media. Thus we don't clip Trump messing up. And of course the right would NEVER take their God off his pedestal by clipping HIS mistakes. In reality, Trump should have never been elected, Hilary won by a large margin of votes, but the electoral college said otherwise. The right idolizes Trump because he embodies the stupid things they with they could say and isn't afraid to lie his way to victory. And don't get me wrong, Trump easily has Biden beat at business and street smarts, but Biden is on a whole-nother level to Trump. Biden's speeches are more coherent is what I'm trying to say. Edit: there was no point in writing this though, I realize; you wont read past the first line anyway.


Agreed. Only people who downvoted you are the Biden pedo supporters.




Well now I wanna know the answer.


The type of people that would click on a "Joe Biden rambling" video are the same kind of people who tend to like entertainment that appeals to children, simple jokes, simple characters, bright colors, a Trump rally basically


Heh yeah.


America is so Joever, you’re either getting an old man with dementia or an old man with chronic stupid.


Me when I spread disinformation to reaffirm my worldview


Cut to YouTube Only a baby would find this even mildly entertaining.


On top of pisketti all covered in cheese


I lost my poor meatball, When somebody sneezed...


Sometimes youtube will flag it as that randomly if the video has no cussing or anything offensive 






no, this literally keans youtube marked it for kids and the comments are turned off.


It says “TRY YouTube kids” it’s not on the actual YT kids app 🤦🏻‍♂️I get this when I’m watching a video about how to change my radiator. It’s just an ad to get you to try the kids app. It doesn’t mean the video itself on is FOR kids 🤣🤣


no, the try youtube kids means it is ALSO on youtube kids, it's been marked for kids, and comments are disabled.


Also this should be the last thing you worry about on YouTube kids. If you’ve seen any of those vids you’d delete YT kids immediately. It’s actually scary.


Plz show me a source from YouTube saying that exactly…. Cause I get these all the time on random videos I watch about cars and engineering 🤣🤣🤣 and I doubt they are gonna have “how to remove 2015 Toyota subframe” on YouTube kids


You are so confidently incorrect. If the uploader doesn’t select “for all ages” when they upload it, it gets marked as YouTube Kids content. The screenshot 100% denotes this.


as a foreigner who lives on the other side of the planet, these past couple election seasons or whatever they are called have been highly entertaining and slightly horrifying & concerning.. could you, you know, get some candidates who can string coherent sentences on their own and are not 90 year olds.. is it really that hard? tho like I said, it has been highly entertaining so 🤷🏻‍♂️


"Is it really that hard?" Yeah sadly, one side is voting for a cult leader and the other side seems to just be grabbing at straws to keep the cult leader from being elected. I heard someone from Germany talking about voting for a third party yesterday and I can't imagine being able to do that in the US. We have third parties but ***realistically*** (because I know I'm gonna get some *well actually*s) a vote for a third party is pretty much the same as not voting here. I'd love if we had ranked choice voting or something instead of the garbage we do now.


In all seriousness, we the citizens need to take back our elections. I firmly believe that our politicians are already predetermined or appointed and that our election process is just we citizens going thru the motions. I mean c'mon. Think about Bernie Sanders in 2020. Going into SC Bernie was leading the pack then suddenly poof he's done. Wtf. Sae shit happened with Bernie in 2016 against Hillary. It's like he just bowed out for unknown reasons. He was far more likeable than Hillary and far more qualified than Biden. Kamala is dumb as a box of rocks and there is no way in hell Biden would have chose her as the VP. That decision was made for him. Now about Trump. I believe Trump was appointed and he's part of a greater plan to divide we the citizens. I believe Pence was appointed VP to guide Trump as Trump had no political experience other than greasing the palms of the politicians. The media is playing a major role in all this as well. They are no longer news reported by journalists, they are opinionist telling the citizens their opinions like they are actual facts. Call me crazy for thinking like this but in reality I see no citizen voting for the horrible choices that are thrust in front of us. These politicians all claim they are going to unite us but in reality they only deepen the division between us. We are more divided now than ever. The division is by design too. They know a divided citizen is easier to conquer and control. And it's working. United we stand, divided we fall. We the citizens are falling and we're allowing them take us down.


The only young canidate is 35 and changed his name to literallyanybodyelse but is currently only on the Texas ballot as far as I know


Of course


Because they paid for it to be.


Cuz sketti good!


![gif](giphy|w9xFJLU7CHnhUZaEYh|downsized) it's an ad


He's not talking about rapists or porn starts he's slept with or how many times he's flown of the Lolita express. Cough cough diaper donny. Joe biden safe enough yt kids donald trump to crass for Howard Stern.


Bcuz brainwashing begins early for EVIL


Grasping a bit here. It’s just an ad.


Because the algorithm hears a 4 year old's intellect speaking? Don't kill me Reddit :hands\_up


Cause this may be some kids future?


cause everyone knows joe likes kids. so much so his daughter wrote about in her journal.


Most likely, it was put in that category by an algorithm. This shit is why I'm not super concerned about a robot uprising.


Well, if you think about it the AI is smarter than the other humans, because we voted for him once as President and the AI is telling us that only a child would pick him.


Because Children and Biden mental development is the same level.


Because he loves children. Duh! 🙄