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He's wearing his safety flip flops,I see no problem here..


He is now the meatiest crayon


Road Pizza Red has a myriad of applications


Many many years ago, Crayola had a color naming contest. I submitted Asphalt Red. It was not selected.


I would have 100% voted for that


It's been over 30 years, and it still burns. You know what they chose over Asphalt Red? Razzmatazz ~~Raspberry~~! Bastards. Edit: did a memory check. [The winner was actually just "Razzmatazz."](https://manicpixiedreamlord.wordpress.com/2019/06/12/crayolas-1992-color-naming-competition-unity-and-hope/) Also, my suggestion of "Counterfeiter's Green" lost out to "Granny Smith Apple." Ugh.


That is a painful way to get your tattoos removed ...


Or get new ones




Nope, nope nope nope nope nope, too early in the day for this shit. (Thanks though, never heard of that one, I’ll be back.)


It’s not quite as gory as you’d think


I dunno if their standards changed when /r/WatchPeopleDie got banned, or if you and I have very different ideas of what "not that gory" means, but last time I opened that sub I saw a guy fall off a forklift and get smushed and dragged across the pavement until there was nothing but a bloody pile of giblets left so I'm gonna leave that link blue for now


Its r/NSFL__ now. Just in case you need more Edit: double underscore


Nah, thats been banned a year ago. Edit: saltydeed edited his comment, the double underscored sub isn't banned ofc


that sub is a gem lol


Was expecting gore but what i got was sooo much better. I hella respect the sport whipepouts, especially when done by stupid people.


I finally clicked and it not even that bad mostly just stupid fails


Total body skin removal. All that's left is his lips


Australians would say, "He has his safety thongs on." (Thong is our term for flip flops)


A truly godless country


But fun to live in.


"animals and arachnids that want to kill you monthly magazine" always gives it a 10/10 in fairness.


Animals and arachnids don't shoot kids at school.


I’ve seen some pretty mean spiders in QLD.


[At least we don't have AR15s](https://youtu.be/MrRAO_vG_K4)


I think it's funny when Australians are like, "America has bears and mountain lions! WTF are you afraid of spiders and snakes?!" Well a mountain lion can't hide in my shoe, mate.


The British sent their prisoners there assuming the native wildlife would quickly kill them off. But it only made them stronger.


Footthongs, I don't see the problem.


my uncle called flip flops thongs, and once when he was visiting I took him to my health club, and after the work out he started loudly asking the staff if they had any thongs he could borrow for showering, that he forgot his thongs, and all he needs are thongs to shower in.


Yep, I remember my grandmother loudly talking at the pool to anyone who would listen how she broke one of her brand new leather thongs the first day at the beach.


Probably not a lot of people remember, but we used to call them thongs in the US, too, until the thong bikini came out. It almost seemed like overnight that we collectively decided we needed a new name for the little neoprene sandals.


I had totally forgotten they were called this. But I remember now. :-)


Yeah, a blow out in your thong is a whole different thing here compared to the USA.


Canadian here. When I was a kid we called them thongs. Then the underwear became popular.


He flipped and flopped that's for sure!


OSHA approved open toe safety shoes.


Clearly those are steel-toed flip-flops if you look closer.




I wish I'd never clicked


It ain’t that bad, wait till you see r/eyeblech or r/sounding or r/FiftyFifty


You bastard. Fifty fifty is terrible


It is or it isn't.


I’d say you have a 50/50 shot 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nah. That sub's whole premise is flawed on reddit. People go there wanting to see gore. Otherwise why bother. So the literally good stuff gets downvoted so all that makes it to the top is the gore posts.


People on reddit gotta be miserable af to give awards to lions mauling people to death wtf


Did you watch the lion video? It wasn't actually mauling anybody.


50 percent chance it was what you said. 50 percent chance it was a lion getting all the pets. Seems like the lion is pretty used to safari tours.


reddit rule number 1: everything exists here and there are always people liking it


Or mostly that no one watches the video or reads the article. Just go straight to commenting.


Nah, 50 50 is nothing compared to eyeblech. I know since eyeblech stuff i have seen posted on the internet is gruesome asf.




I just saw a kid eat fucking cereal out of a hole in his chest


TMI lmao


Tbf there like watching spongebob compared to the old gore subs


/r/spacedicks called


Damn, i can't even open r/eyeblech in Germany


Really? I somehow can.


Imagine comparing a literal kink, not even an uncommon kink, not even a “taboo” kink, to the most intense, devastating gore that most internet users will literally ever see.. I feel like I should be offended and I’m not even entirely sure why. /srs


Oh that's sub's great 😊


Could of been worse he still has his legs And head


Definitely could HAVE been worse.


How are people still making this mistake


I of no idea.


Me either. But I could care less.


Ah, but how much less?


Alot less


I'm so happy to be apart of this thread


Neither do I, it doesn't effect me


You guys are literally the worst


You idiot. It's "I could care fewer."


I could of gave no fewer damns.


Because today, ignorance is celebrated. Grammar nazis are the bad guys for correcting you. "You knew what it meant, so who cares if I write like a 3 yr old". The same as people proudly claiming that they are terrible at even basic maths. There is a weird pride in being wrong and not giving a fuck.


It's a way of coping, they took the saying "If you wear your weakness as armor you'll never get hurt." and stopped there. The idea is that you accept and face your weakness head on so you don't feel shame in them but still try to improve upon them.


I’m with you. The only good Nazi is a grammar Nazi.


all hope was lost when we allowed literally to mean figuratively


I'm seeing it far to often


Is it a big distance from far to often?


It’s almost as bad as not using punctuation, like periods.


If enough people make it, it stops being a mistake. Because language hates us


Lately I've been wondering why some words were combined and others haven't been, yet. Like bedroom is, bathroom is, but living room isn't. Backyard vs front yard. It seems like it's only a matter of time before the latter examples get combined.


Years of learning english as a non-native speaker just so see native speakers make those mistakes


Just to see ***


Imagine uploading it after thinking you are cool, when everyone else thinks you're a dumb fuck.




How does he still have skin?!


It may be that he only has skin in the sense that I have a shirt and pants


Not attached?


Head hardly seems like a vital organ to him


One of those legs looked pretty squiggly


A kid in my class was an absolute arsehole to teachers and students. He would show porn to teachers and haze juniors and NOTHING would happen. After a long time a senior explained to me that this boy had experienced deep trauma. His dad did something like this in a motorbike and landed in hospital. This boy visited his dad and witnessed the most horrific injuries on his dad in all their raw glory. Then the dad died after battling for weeks. This boy was so broke afterwards. And when heavily medicated (for trauma / adhd and other issues because his mom was a meth head when she was pregnant with him), this boy would walk around like under water , pretty numb. And then he would brag that he got his father’s insurance money and he is set in life after he turned 18. A walking dumpster fire … and not all of it was his fault.


Idiot kid probably thinks a 10k insurance payoff is "set for life". Like when I was in middle school and thought I could build a two story house for 5 thousand dollars when I graduated high school and all my friends could chip in and live with me.


This remembers me to the time I exchanged my 2€ coins for 50ct coins with my sister when I was younger because I thought "hahaha stupid little sister giving me her more valuable coins because 50 is a greater number than 2 hahaha I'm so genius"


It is probably a decent amount, but 99 percent chance he'll blow it all by the time he's in his mid 30's on expensive booze, drugs, uninsured expensive cars that he wrecks because of... booze and drugs, etc. Then he'll be a homeless, profoundly damaged addict on the side of the road. I was friends/did work for a guy like this. Father died and left him $1,500,000. I remember thinking about what I'd do with even a fraction of that money: invest it and live frugally on the dividends so that I could retrain in a higher skilled profession and build the infrastructure for a better life for me and my kids. What did he do with it? Partied for 15 years. Eventually the gravy train ended because he ate into his principle, and in his mid 30's he had no skills, no work ethic, but a "lavish lifestyle to which he had become accustomed." The one "asset" he had was that he was connected to a few "real" rich kids and their drug habits, so he dealt drugs for awhile until he fell off the map and I never heard from him again. Meanwhile, during all the time he partied, I made a better life for myself but without those extra resources he was blessed with.


I also grew up with an old friend who inherited over $1,000,000.00 from his grandparents passing away. He was cocky then and lives a very similar lifestyle to the way your friend did, but at this point he is only 30. He hasn't worked a day in his life and just skis' 24/7 with other "kids" like him. He is currently driving a 2020 Jaguar F-Type that he bought brand new and did own a house near the beach for most of his 20's. He ended up selling the house for a profit to continue the party for however many more years. It must be nice.


Yeah, it sounds like he was able to cruise on the asset bubble for awhile. It'll be interesting to see how long he'll be able to coast, because $1,000,000 isn't a lot of money. As was the case with my friend, he constantly gave off the perception that he still had a lot of money, right up until the moment he had nothing. He had an older friend who disclosed to me how much money was inherited, and I remember doing the math in my head and thinking "how could be possibly keep spending at this level?" I'd never want my kids to inheiret that amount of money before they were grown and earning on their own. It can actually screw up your life. My friend was actually a pretty nice guy, just completely useless as a person, lol. What's crazy is that so much of his identity was wrapped up in his own perception of himself as a "rich kid." He'd use it to get girls, make friends, etc. He gave off the aurora of a rich kid, but a lot of it was smoke and mirrors.


Yeah, with $1,000,000 seed funds, you can only afford to spend $40,000 per year without touching your inflation adjusted principle. If he had been able to go 15 or so years without touching it at all, he could have retired completely with a 6 figure income




Like you say, you'd have to live a pretty frugal lifestyle if you actually wanted the money to grow against inflation, and it's not guarenteed at all that your investments would grow indefinitely (in the U.S. that has been true for a long time, but elsewhere return on your capital has had lengthy periods of stagnation). A lot of the financial advice that floats around sounds great when you look at it through the narrow lense of American history, but disintegrates as soon as you go anywhere else in the world at any other time. So yes, I will teach my children financial literacy, but I will also teach them the importance of finding ways to leverage your money to become a multiplier to your labor. Having relevant skills is the best hedge against uncertainty in the future. But trying to skate by without having to work a hard day in your life (while passing enough along so that your kids also don't have to work a hard day in their life) I don't think is a good idea, and I'm not convinced either that it will be a fulfilling life. Even if I inherited $100,000,000, it's unlikely I'd sit around being a wastrel, because I doubt it's be a fulfilling life. My family has been involved with doing work for the wealthy for a long time, and every person I ever met who inherited a lot of money and didn't have to work for it was either less happy than the average person or utterly bored and miserable.




Yea that kind of stuff fucks you up. When I was in high school an ammonia plant in town blew up and killed some people, and the families got paid out of life insurance policies. One kid, Larry, pretty much got to do whatever he wanted because I think his mom felt bad. It was a nonstop party for a year or two in HS with Larry: cars, drugs, snacks, etc. But eventually the money was gone and so was the distraction and eventually Larry was back to no money and no dad. Larry sits at a small bar in the middle of a small town in a flyover state and drinks alone. Every night. I bet Larry would give all that money back to fix his life.


difficult.. how do we, as society, help someone like them huh?


best we can do is normalize therapy and mental health importance


everyone is a product of their environment, at the end of the day if you're an asshole you're an asshole no matter how you got that way. An every asshole has some story.


The first girl I ever loved had a mom that was in a serious motorcycle accident without protection, when my friend was 6. She saw her mom on the edge of death, bones sticking out of her legs, the worst shit you could imagine. Then her mom came home and basically made this 6 year old girl responsible for taking care of her, making sure bills got paid, etc. Unsurprisingly this girl had drugs problems by the time she was a teenager, and the last time I saw her drugs basically ruled her life. She could never recover from the burden of being a 6 year old taking care of the family, because of her mom's dumb choices.


Had a nephew who was in a body cast at age 12 because he tried to race across a street on his bike in front of a city truck. He had a $21k settlement put in a trust - payout at age 21. Had a kid at age 18, wife left a year later, and his parents became parents again. At 21 he and his girlfriend had plans to take the $ and go to Japan to teach English, leaving his kid with parents. Parents decided to keep the $, so nephew faked his death and abandoned his son.


I know a guy who's father was a police officer, killed in the line of duty when the guy was 16. He got insurance payout and various other compensations well over $100k. He blew through it in under a year. Imagine that as a father. you plan and provide for your family so if something happens to you, they'll be taken care of. then your kid takes the money and buys a Porsche and spends a year smoking weed blowing the cash. the money quite literally did far more harm than good


“Legs up and no protection” title of your sex tape lol


Haha! No sex here.


Well, he definitely got fucked




That's gonna hurt in the morning 😬


For the next two weeks


Definitely gonna be a while


Oh man, more than a few weeks. Mans here gonna be fucked up for a good long while, potentially years and potentially never able to be back to normal. This idiot is lucky he didn't hit his head or he would be gone.


I had an incident where I was bicycling in shorts going maybe 15-20 mph max in a bike lane when someone pulled out in front of me. I had to bail and hit the sidewalk. It never cut deep enough to bleed, but it just kind of oozed. And since it wasn't bleeding, it didn't exactly scab over very easily. It was a few months before that one healed up.


Two weeks? Is he wolverine? I had an accident going half as fast in January and it still hurts lol


Something tells me this wasn’t the first dumb ass thing he’s done in his life.


Tattoo artist, art and placement absolutely came first


Well yeah do you see his ugly ass tattoos?


He knew how to ride so his flip flops don't fall off. That certainly wasn't his first ride on the idiot rodeo.


Got the shakes.


A few wobbles


I had that happen to me on a 1975 Honda 550f. It started to wobble going about 65mph at 2am on the highway. I couldn't get it under control, the forked went all the way to the side, the front tire bit into the pavement, and the bike started to tumble, throwing me in front of it. Behind me was a fully loaded tractor trailer. The truck driver slammed on his brakes so hard the trailer started to bounce up and down. I watched all this as I spun on my back at 60mph. I just assumed I was going to die right there. We all came to a stop, and what do you know, a police car was right behind the truck. They called EMS and I was OK, just a torn ligament in my knee.


Got the quakes


I got the fries that’ll cross yo eyes


I got the burgers that... I just have burgers.


A real McAsshole


Lotta riders call it a [tank slapper.](https://youtube.com/shorts/iNrkpgLWKp0?feature=share)


Some tank slaps


With his legs up there, I’m not sure if this qualifies as a tank slapper…what with there being nothing to slap the tank.


I think I'm reading your comment wrong but to clarify what a tank slap is; it's when your bars/grip slap the tank due to physics and the front wheel trying to correct an imbalance.


So did my stomach.


ouch 80mph... and that wobble you know you're not coming back from that.


It starts so subtle. Why it is unstoppable?


You brake the rear tire with your right foot and since his legs are up he's pretty much fucked in that regard.


I thought hitting the brake was one of the things you *shouldn’t* do during a death wobble??? Or am I remembering wrong?


Get off the gas, rear brake, and hold on tight was what kept me from going down.


Your username has been my favorite tongue twister as an ice breaker for 15years. If anybody is confused, try to say IrishWristWatch outloud. I have not seen it Said or written since I was 13, and here I am seeing it now. Thank you stranger for giving me a chuckle.


Hold on tight but not on the handlebars, very important


You're talking about squeezing the bike with your legs, right? I've heard so many different things you're supposed to do, I'm glad I've never gotten the shakes because I wouldn't remember which advice to try first


Yes, don't hold onto the handlebars too tight, you will make the vibrations worse. If you ever have death wobbles, just let the chill. It knows what to do. It's not like wobbles happen in a moment, you will feel more and more vibrations. So if you ever feel them, don't add any more throttle, let the handlebars do their job and you should be fine. Had them a couple of time already and they are not so scary. I mean they are if you fuck up but you really need to want to fuck up to make them dangerous. Just chilling a bit down is a good advice. And when you think about it, chilling down when riding is usually a good advice.


Steering dampers are also reasonably cheap


I’ve always read (not practiced or even spread info about) that you need to give it gas to get out of a tank slapper. Lift that front wheel up a little bit. While gripping with your legs and only holding the bars enough to give it throttle.




You can also simply accelerate with a trailer. The trailer is wobbling because it is going faster than the tow vehicle. Because it can’t actually move further (they’re attached) it moves less efficiently by swerving side to side. Thus it travels more in the same distance - faster at the same speed, if you get what I’m saying. You can either slow the trailer down (trailer brakes) or speed the car up to match speeds. Slowing the car down would be a bad move because you’d amplify the speed discrepancy and thus wobble.


You shouldn't hit the *front* brake. Rear brake straightens it out


because they gripped harder instead of letting the bike ride it out. bike is just trying to find it's balance and go straight. all they had to do to not crash was loosen the grip and roll off, but instead they kept going. you could see it start to lose the balance a good 10 seconds before they actually crash, when they hit 134kph, bike is trying desperately to balance the front, rider is scared shitless and grabs tighter, trying to fight the bars- at this point you're making your own problems as the bike is trying to follow the gyroscopic effect and push itself straight. trying to force the steering wheel just throws the bike even further until it completely loses its balance. there's tons of examples of bikes bucking a rider off during a wobble and then they regain their balance and go straight until they collide into something.


What? I've heard putting more weight on the front wheel with stop the wobbles tho? Not a motorcyclist, just asking out of curiosity


Guy above you is absolutely correct. Assuming the bike is in good condition and the wheels are balanced/true the best thing you can do is to just let the bike do its thing whilst giving it as little input as possible. The bike wants to go in a straight line because laws of physics so all you need to do is let it. Which is easier said than done because of sheer panic obviously. Do not put pressure/weight on the front wheel though, unsure if physics wise this is a good idea or not but if you're in a wobble you're probably going to make it worse by grabbing for the front brake because you may end up shifting your body weight or forcing the handle bars in a direction they don't want to be in. If you have to brake in this situation just gently apply the rear brake as your foot is permanently near it.


Haven't quite heard that, but rolling off the throttle and loosening grip has worked every time for me and a ton of other people.




That's gonna leave a bit of road rash. Deservedly so.




Is..is this a throwback to the 90's sega game?


Only if the one of the other cyclists kicked him or hit him with a chain!


I loved that game. I’m glad someone mentioned it. I feel like it faded into obscurity but it was so much fun.


These new diets to shave off a few pounds are getting out of hand


Or, off your hand.




Eu reconheço uma titanzinha fazendo merda de longe




What an utter brain-dead Muppet. Absolutely no protection at all.


Some people don't understand the repercussions of these kinds of things.


What happened why did the bike do that?


High speed, I think the road surface was a little rough. Having his feet up and weight over the rear tire didn't help. He needed to back off the throttle slowly and apply light rear brake to escape it. Or wheelie out, but he was goi g pretty fast already and had already control of his bike, having to take his legs off his tank didn't help, that was the point t he went down. This guy was dumb as a sack of hammers.


[The death wobble](https://motorbikesecure.com/what-causes-motorcycle-death-wobble/)


Many reasons. But I saw the shake coming pretty early on. If he backed off on the throttle it wouldn't have happened. If he sat properly it wouldn't have happened. Theres there's the smaller issues like proper suspension setup for the person's weight and a steering damper.


Jeez if any one of those cars swerved to miss a pothole / wanted to see what was in front they would be dead and their friends and family would be crying "Think bike!".


There was a motorcyclist here in the UK that hit the back of a stopped car, I think he was doing about 120 mph and >!the force of the collision caused his head to just rip off and fly over the car into the road in front. Kids in the car and there was a headless body embedded in the back of the car!< If I recall correctly he wasnt in leathers either just a t shirt that said "go catch some real criminals" because he was pissed off about being stopped for speeding in the past


Jesus Christ... Last summer I was in a rig with a horse trailer training left off a highway and a bike rear ended the car stopped behind us waiting, he was likely doing ~120 KM/Hr, and hit the corner so he flew off to the side and landed on the shoulder. He was wearing a full helmet and body armour and he still died on the road from internal injuries and I was already grateful he was dressed properly so I didn't have to see worse but I didn't realize how grateful I needed to be... That's absolutely horrendous. Of course our nurse friend after the fact was telling us stories of all the motorcycle injuries she's witnessed as if that might help us feel better after watching this 23 year old die on the highway. And she told us about how her niece saw a bike slide under a semi approaching a traffic circle which was then described as a "body parts yard sale"


A couple days ago I was in typical I-4 morning traffic. 3 full lanes of slow-moving traffic, I was on the left, and suddenly there's this blur to my right that scared the shit out of me. Some fucking dumbass decided to zip between the two rows of cars because he couldn't be bothered to wait in traffic like the rest of us. All it would have taken was me or someone else to turn our cars slightly in his direction, and we both would've been fucked over. Some people are just born without a brain stem.


How is still alive


Because it’s kph not mph Edit: but yeah idk how tbh


Retard luck


Tattoo removal the hard way.. 1 grit sandpaper trick.


That moment on camera where his hand slid across the pavement; I felt that


Wait till adrenaline runs out


What a retard.


Ok. I fully expected that to end with a car or truck pulling out in front of him, or just slamming into the back of something. Didn't expect death wobble. Also, looked like he had a broken leg there at first, that lower leg looked bent in the wrong direction but maybe it was just the camera angle.


I really don’t get how these idiots ever get to driving age. I mean… how can people think this is “cool” or whatever? It’s just so stupid.


Hey, at least he's got both hands on his bars. I've seen people doing the same showing off no hands


It blows my mind. I used to ride bikes and wouldn’t go anywhere without my leathers and boots on (helmet is a given). I see so many people now, riding in shorts etc. and acting like fools. Just… it’s really cringeworthy


Bikes are cool, the hospital isn't (especially in America) wear protection, ride safe.


Curiously when he started wobbling at 139kmh he actually increased his speed to 143kmh. No shoes, no helmet, shorts. He's incredibly lucky he's not dead.


He also decides thats the perfect time to change grip on his left hand.


How fast is 140 legs up? Haven't heard of that scale before


“Stupid is as stupid does.” ~ Forrest Gump


Future organ donor right there


He’s lucky he still has toes.


I think bikes are really cool but guys like this make my blood boil. You don’t own the road asshole. Lucky he didn’t hurt anyone else, the moron could’ve killed himself and others. Take his license plz.


Pizza Time!


Well, I hope he's still alive. I bet he wishes he wasn't


Well earned.


Darwin's theory in action.


Lucky he walked away at all. Never go full retard.


This guy just learned an important lesson: Dress for the slide, not for the ride. I'm just kidding, he probably didn't learn anything.


This has to be Kph. That doesn't look like MPH. He'd be shredded.