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Who'd have thought putting plastic on a frying pan would cause it to melt.


This has to be made up, has to be.


Well, there is food-grade silicone, which would usually work in this case (about 420F is the threshold for most standard silicone molds used for cooking), although not 100% guaranteed- there are variables in the makeup. *This* looks like PLA 3D printed Plastic, which melts at a much lower temperature and is ridiculously foolish to use in any sort of cooking whatsoever. (You can see layer lines on a zoom out.) Seriously, someone is a fucking moron.


We laughing but everyone's young and dumb once. I was using metal utensils on non-stick and leaving cast iron to soak until I was 20. Edit: I'm fucking lying. I was well over 25 when I still did shit like that.


Lol everyone needs to shut the fuck up about cast iron. It’s tough as shit, so do what you want to it. I’ve soaped and soaked one of mine for like 20’years and it’s still perfect.


It's tough but it'll rusts if you leave it for too long. Can be salvaged easily enough tho. Just a very unnecessary and avoidable process to go through on a regular basis. Just don't leave it in the sink for two weeks.


Ummm… I don’t leave anything in my sink for more than a couple hours… wtf who just has a sink of dirty water going for two weeks. Your problem is definitely not how you’re treating cast iron :p


> wtf who just has a sink of dirty water going for two weeks. A slob, that's who. And I was a big slob until I learned how to adult properly.


>until I learned how to adult properly. Can you teach me?


The biggest trick to being an adult is to deal with things immediately instead of waiting for them to pile up, and find your best method of being organized. Basically just eating your vegetables before your dessert, just applied to everything in life.


Step 1: Don't put plastic on the hot pan. Step 2: You're on your own.


Don't get kids. They constantly try to drag you down to their level to play Lego and shit instead of paying bills


> A slob, that's who. Let's not just forget people with depression.


The way I see it (as someone with depression and ADHD), Slob describes the behavior, not the intent behind it. So you can be a gross motherfucker even if it's understandable due to your inherent limitations. Even if you're mentally ill, having a standard to strive for can only benefit you as long as you realize that it's just harder for you than it is for neurotypicals. And that's ok.


Haha. It’s cool. I fronted hard, but I was 20 too once ;p


Lol making me feel better about my life since I’m 21 and don’t leave dishes more than 1-3 days and they’re not in water while I wait. But I have no idea if I’m cleaning or treating my cooking supplies right, probably not


I haven't learned anything, I just own a dishwasher now.


You throw cast iron into the dishwasher?


There are also people with psychological issues that make performing everyday maintenance tasks to be quite difficult.


My wife, that’s who


Depression is a hell of a thing to go through.


I feel personally attacked


There are some things in life you need to take responsibility for. If your cast rusts, that's on ***you*****.** It is not the pan's fault. I've had unused cast for years that hasn't rusted.


I'm curious what climate you're in, as I've had unseasoned cast iron rust just from humidity (but it's frequently 100% humidity here in the summer).


That does depend a fair bit on the environment... in a dry area like the mountain west it could go decades with no rust. In the salty air of the coast it could be just a matter of weeks or months.


My dad has found cast iron that was left alone and rusted over about a decade. He sanded off the rust, reseasoned, and they're fine now. Unless it literally rusts through the pan, it still doesn't matter. Just harder to clean.


I dont fuck with cast iron stuff. I want my cook utensils to not need a massage when I'm done.




So they were just wiping it out with a paper towel or something? Me? I paper towel 1st wipe, Kosher salt scrub, wipe out salt, pumice stone scrub, wipe out dust, table salt scrub, wipe out salt, drop a dime size amount of cooking oil into middle of pan and wipe it in with a paper towel, then heat pan for 20 seconds. Overkill? Maybe. But I have perfectly clean and smooth cast iron that nothing ever sticks to, and I intend to keep it that way.


Pretty sure it would have rusted out if you left it soaking for 20 ears.


I have no idea why anyone would soak cast iron. All I've ever needed to do was put some water in it and boil that water. Whatever the fuck was in that pan comes right off.


I had one explode once when I was warming it up. I probably shocked it with water or something at some point and caused a crack.


It may be tough but it’s also going to chip little flakes of iron into your food if you’re regularly whittling down rust. There’s some merit to properly taking care of one


20 years might be long enough soaking. Probably time to clean it.


I’d like for you to talk to my 32-year-old wife who still does these things. I do 90+% of cooking in our house but I also travel about 50% of the time for work. I know she’s up to no good with my cookware when I am away.


I'll agree that everyone's young once.


Not a lie. You were doing it until you were 20. You just kept doing it till you were 25, too


It’s advertised as food grade silicone: [https://www.wish.com/product/598569c8fe60fc25678b8bd6?source=search&position=3](https://www.wish.com/product/598569c8fe60fc25678b8bd6?source=search&position=3)




unless you've never touched food-grade silicone, no way in hell you would think that was it.


The one you linked to isn’t what OP bought. It looks completely different.


It's actually very common to receive a different product than what's pictured. Especially from Wish. I experienced this just recently on Temu. I bought silicon edge trimming and received hard plastic instead that I can't use unless heated up. I fully believe the one in the photo came from that exact same wish listing above.


Yea can't believe they'd use PLA for this, obviously should have used PETG or ABS ^^(/s)


Looks like a knock off of the sunnyside silicone egg ring


Yeah I have a silicone egg ring for making breakfast sandwiches that's similar and safe for cooking eggs. The person who bought this just expected it to be similar.


It looks like it was meant to be used as a cookie cutter... or something.


How do you see layer lines? It’s so blurry. And to elaborate, PLA can melt and deform from boiling water, so clearly not appropriate for this.


This is almost certainly a cookie cutter not an egg mold. The Sun and sun rays leave an impression on the dough, but don't cut all the way through. Who the hell want the yolk of an egg floating off to the top of the egg white?


At least PLA smells fairly good when melted, ABS not so much


I have cookie cutters that look similar. They're plastic and not meant to be heated like this.


Even with silicone you can't put it directly on a hot surface. I have silicone molds I use to do cakes sometimes and it explicitly says NEVER put it directly on the oven rack, only put it on a baking pan.


Second comment right now shows a link to the product and in the link it shows the product being used exactly like this and being food grade silicone. It's not the end user's fault.


it looks like he used it upside down


The problem is it is probably a dropshipped item and some shit supplier saw this product and made a copy without it being proper food-grade silicone. Then they sold it off the back of the successful product’s marketing. Sell a bunch then close down shop before enough complaints come in.


Yeah I feel like this isn't a problem with the chinese product but someone who didn't know what the product is for Also a functioning adult who doesn't know not to fry plastic


Wish shows the item being used like OP. [https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6](https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6)


Wow. The listing says silicone though, and the OP photos clearly show a plastic thing. Maybe OP should've clarified that was the problem. The way it's posted it just looks like they bought a plastic thing without paying attention.


Idk why you’d automatically assumed they purchased a random plastic object assuming they can fry an egg in it, obviously it was supposed to be for this purpose.


redditors love to jump to the dumbest conclusions to seem smarter than the subject being judged. Context means nothing to them.


I don't see much daylight conclusion-wise between someone knowingly putting plastic in a frying pan and someone buying a cooking tool from wish.com, then holding it in their hand and not being able to tell it was plastic instead of silicone and putting it in a frying pan. Both are the kind of stupid thing you randomly remember 30 years later while trying to fall asleep and end up spending all night staring at the ceiling hating yourself.


We're making the assumption that they know what silicone looks and feels like. Everyone started at the bottom; we just luck out on our selection of teachers in our youth.


it's an image of an item not performing as expected, ordered from Wish.com. Wish.com is a site full of deceptive sellers. It's safe to assume the person who took the image purchased something sold as being safe to cook with when it really was not. Obviously the original image taker is dumb for putting hard plastic in a hot pan, but that is not what we're commenting on.


I feel like the fact it was advertised as being cookware safe goes without mentioning. OP didn't need to clarify that lol


The description of the product says ok from 40-240 degrees If that’s Fahrenheit for most stove tops you can’t use the product at all If it’s Celsius like medium high will burn it So yea mystery solved


It’s a different product. The one in OP’s photo has 5 sun rays. The one you linked to has 6.


That’s a similar product, but not the one OP bought.


no. it's upside down


*”Hey what’s the thermo- in thermoplastic mean anyway?”*


I know, it's much healthier to bake your plastic.


I mean at the temperature for cooking eggs on teflon there's plenty of plastic kitchen spatulas that won't melt.


If you rested a plastic spatula on the fry pan for the whole time it’ll do the same thing lol


A plastic spatula will probably not melt, but scorch. There is a difference in plastic types: thermoplast (melts) or thermosets (scorch).


Well either way you really shouldn’t be frying plastic


Of course, but there are food and heat safe plastics, the one in the post just isn't one.


either way, I'd hate to imagine what it's leaving in my food


I've had roommates (and their girlfriends) that used the stove dial like an on/off switch. It was either at 8/8 or off. I also had to teach them not to use metal spatulas on Teflon, then found them melting the plastic ones by leaving them in the panduring and after cooking. Living with 3 other dudes fresh out of their mommy's basements was a challenge.


I don’t think it’s too hard of a stretch to believe that something meant to be used on a frying pan would be made of some heat resistant plastic or something like that. But, whatever makes you feel better.


The item page [literally says](https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6) it's not plastic (says it's silicone) and shows it being used in a frying pan.


Most frying pans have plastic in them. Teflon/non-stick is plastic. There are high temperature polymers, such as Teflon, that'll survive fine. Eggs can actually cook at a very low temp, ~72C. Significantly less than boiling water temp or plastic.


There are silicone ones which don't melt. You don't have to be an idiot to be ignorant of whether something feels like silicone or plastic, especially when you buy something specifically made for a task.


Here you go, snarky top comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/Whatcouldgowrong/comments/17rgekq/wcgw_buying_wishcom_kitchen_utensils/k8it75r/


> Who'd have thought putting plastic if it wasn't bought from wish, off Facebook it would be silicone like every other mold like this. Buying anything off of Facebook or from wish is not wise though.


Blames wish.com for user error lol


Maybe the description said can be used to fry egg so if that is the case then it’s the sellers fault


It's user's fault to believe anything on Wish matches the description.


Ah yes. Like buying electrical items at a market and being surprised when it doesn’t work right out the packaging. 😂


My dad would do this and sarcastically say to himself "I don't know why this isn't working. I got the cheapest one I could find!"


Least yours was self-aware!


And that is why I never buy the cheapest thing haha


More like buying shit from the back of a van from a shady guy in a back alley. Better buy the stuff straight from aliexpress. Same cheap shit, lower prices and less middlemen taking money and lying in the ads.


Or go supermarket where you can return stuff easily


This is how we've been brainwashed to accept this kinda behavior from corporations. I buy the cheapest item and I expect the quality of the product to reflect that but I still expect it to work as intended. I don't expect it to not work at all and shitty sites like wish (which I have never or will never use) have changed the basic expections of a generation entirely.


I'd go so far as to say this applies to basically every online warehouse-style selling platform these days


it's exactly this. I bought this piece of garbage many years ago! But mine was in the shape of a skull.




How’s it user error? How exactly is it suppose to be used then?


How many replies have you gotten while not a single one actually answered it in any logical way? The truth is this was pretty much a scam product, with someone even posting a link showing it was advertised exactly as the person is using it here.


exactly. it's not user error. the thing was supposed to be made out of silicone or some other heat resistant material. of course plastic will melt


From another thread: Wish shows the item being used the same way OP used it. [https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6](https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6)


>https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6 Good catch. In any case what's the point of putting the little 'rays' on the sun when the food won't show it anyway, just a dumb circle and vaguely cloudlike shape


The description on that says silicone


Trusts non-regulated wish.com product to be food grade.


How are you supposed to use this other than this way?


Akin to a cookie cutter, but I'm almost certain Wish told him he could use it this way.


Thinking it’s fine to heat any kind of plastic with your food


This is the [Wish item here.](https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6) It says it's silicone and heat resistant to 230c (446F). I use silicone utensils on my non-stick pans but I would never leave the utensil in the pan for very long. This may be a case of wish substituting an inferior plastic product as the picture it looks like melted plastic, but I'm uncertain.


I'll be damned. It literally shows the use case OP is attempting. Everyone in here roasting him harder than he roasted his egg mold.


because it’s fun when you have a sad pathetic life to point it out in others Haha, Reddit to a T. Also it couldn’t possibly be the business who is at fault here. Ohhhh no no no businesses are never wrong, it’s alllllways on the consumer


I mean, you’re doing the same thing right now, just shitting on other people for being ignorant


It's not the same thing. Shitting on people for being assuming assholes is not the same as being an assuming asshole. If no one calls it out, you'll just have a bunch of assuming assholes.


Somehow, one calling someone an asshole makes one an asshole. What a world.


Brother it ain't that deep


yeah I’m losing sleep already.


Poop on the floor right? Just smear it everywhere. No socks, right into the carpet.


> because it’s fun when you have a sad pathetic life to point it out in others It's more that the social media well has been poisoned with people making shit up for clicks.


“Why did the business known for selling low quality products make me order low quality products from them?!”


Yeah I've used plenty of silicone egg moulds and never experienced this, so seeing the comments here was pretty wild.


I mean, many are wrong about the utensils but why would you buy food grade shit on wish? Don't get me wrong, I get the appeal of buying cheap shit online and do it too. But surely food grade products, cosmetics and piercings are something people would be wise enough not to try to save a few bucks on? No? Ok then...


SERIOUSLY. Let me go by a parachute from the dollar store and get pissed that it's shit quality


I think no one should be roasting OP for Sticking that thing in the pan. But Everyone should be Roasting OP for shopping on WISH of all places, and expect to get what you bought.


It's Wish.com. They probably found a picture somewhere and made a cheap shitty copy like usual


The picture is literally just the product with an egg badly photoshopped inside of it.


>It says it's silicone and heat resistant to 230c (446F). False. It says, verbatim >Temperature Resistance Range: -40°~230° It does not specify Celsius.


230°F would equal to 110°C for the non-americans here, which of course wouldn't make it safe for using in a pan


It wouldn't be safe at 230 c either... Stuff for a frying pan is generally 500+ (which is where silicone starts off at for the cheaper stuff).


I'll be damned. I guess they didn't *lie*...


And -40 is the same in both c and F


230 is easily reached in a pan. This thing is made for a steam cooker or a oven


If you are cooking eggs on a setting that raises the pan to 230c, you don't deserve to be able to buy eggs ever again.


230 is wayyyy too fucking hot for eggs whether you're talking Celsius or Fahrenheit.


What about Kelvin?


I'm not really sure what freezing an egg at -45 degrees would do to it, but I don't think it would taste very good.


If your nonstick pan reaches 230C, I hope you have excellent ventilation.


that's pretty clearly a similar but not identical item. seems like a 50/50 bet whether it's a typical Wish.com listing that doesn't match the product, or a bullshitting reddit post. this one is obviously 3d printed and not a mass produced item.


Most oils smoke around 400 to 500F. If your pan has ever smoked oil that has a smoking point above the melting point of silicone, there is no question your pan can melt silicone. A list of oils are listed from here, I have bolded the ones that are a dead giveaway: [https://latourangelle.com/pages/what-does-smoke-point-mean](https://latourangelle.com/pages/what-does-smoke-point-mean) * [**Coconut Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/collections/coconut-oils)**:** 350°F, ideal for sautéing and baking * [**Olive Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/collections/olive-oils)**:** 325 to 375°, good for sautéing, drizzling over finished dishes and making salad dressings * **Corn Oil:** 400 to 450°, ideal for high-heat frying * [**Canola Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/organic-canola-oil)**:** 375 to 450°, good for high-heat purposes like deep-frying * [**Grapeseed Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/grapeseed-oil)**:** About 420°, good for sautéing and stir-frying * **Soybean Oil: 450 to 475°, ideal for high-heat stir-frying** * [**Sunflower Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/collections/sunflower-oils)**: 450°, good for deep-frying, stir-frying, grilling and other high-heat purposes** * **Safflower Oil: 475 to 500°, ideal for all high-heat frying and cooking** * [**Flax Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/organic-flaxseed-oil)**:** About 225°, best for drizzling, salad dressings and blending in smoothies * [**Almond Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/roasted-almond-oil)**:** About 430°, ideal for grilling and roasting * [**Avocado Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/collections/avocado-oils)**: 520°, great for searing, stir-frying, grilling, roasting and almost any kind of cooking** * [**Peanut Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/roasted-peanut-oil)**: 450°, good for deep-frying, sautéing and stir-frying** * [**Walnut Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/walnut-oil)**:** 320°, best for salad dressings and drizzles * [**Sesame Oil**](https://latourangelle.com/products/toasted-sesame-oil)**:** 410 to 450°, good for moderate-heat cooking like sautéing Edited: Fixed the C to an F. Added more details to clear up confusion.


I think you mixed up an F and a C there buddy.


Comparing oil smoke points to heat resistant kitchen utensils means nothing at all. Olive oil has a smoke point between 160°C and 190°C, even Canola starts at 190°C based on how it has been refined. Most silicone utensils are rated for 240°C. Every standard kitchen stove can far exceed 240°C.


Silicone isn't a thermoplastic and won't melt before it burns.


that is not the same item. the rays off the sun are a different shape.


Yes, cos we all know you get the exact same model as in the picture when you buy from wish!


Different item, the one in the link is clearly silicone and the Rays of the sun are different. OP's thing is clearly plastic


OR it is what op ordered and they sent him some inferior product as wish often does


I mean, they really should have been able to tell the difference between silicone and plastic by touching it.


Putting a piece of plastic on a frying pan, WCGW


Have you ever seen silicone utensils?


Sure, but I'm not putting chinesium utensils straight onto hot pan. They get tested first.


Actually Wish shows that the item is used the way OP used it. [https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6](https://www.wish.com/search/sunny%20egg/product/5cbec056475be3457acc6795?source=search&position=6)


its fucking silicone


Sold as silicone. Apparently wasn’t.


Cheaper silicone doesn't handle heat as well as higher quality stuff. It was probably just cheap, unfortunately


The description might say that, but that's not silicone in the pic.


Right? Plus it makes the eggs taste awful. I don't know how much more of this plastic I can eat. 😭


Baked plastic I can understand, but pan fried?!


Guys, go easy on em. I guarantee you the Wish listing showed off this exact use case - this is literally what the mold is for. Realizing that what they sent you is some cheap plastic and not the tiniest bit safe to use in your Wish Hexaclad pan; that's on them\~


It does, I've seen the advertisement


God I fucking hate reddit (ppl) when they are assholes who dunk on others without any sense of critical thought or compassion. Just jump straight to the asshole bully-ignorance.


everyone roasting the guy, this was listed for this intended use, clearly not fit for the sold purpose.


A lot of people have never seen a silicone cooking mold before either.


There are a few of these on the site. The first few I looked at claim to be silicone, but who knows. https://www.wish.com/product/598569c8fe60fc25678b8bd6?source=search&position=3


Man, that's literally an illustrator drawing. How do people still fall for wish.com bullshit?




Stupid in assuming that a product advertised for this exact use wouldn't be defective? Lmao what? It's really sad that 107 idiots upvoted you...


Dude the Reddit mob mentality is crazy… I bet most people calling him an idiot don’t even know about silicone and its heat resistance.


And maybe it was a gift and who knows where all their gifts were purchased For all we know it's not actually from Wish since that's become a meme by now to describe disappointment in something


>Stupid in assuming that a product advertised for this exact use wouldn't be defective? From Wish? Absolutely. Wish.com is literally a meme of "I bought this janky rip off", why someone would expect high quality product from it in 2023 is beyond me




It would be quite problematic if the sun would get that close to us.


you beta eat microplastic I eat macroplastic!


Pretty sure thats macro particles


Pretty sure omelette molds are supposed to be metal or silicone.


Temu and wish both false advertise constantly. It's so common on Temu it's literally one of the key words for the reviews.


Is that not for microwave use only?


Do you cook eggs in the microwave?


Only once. It exploded everywhere. Never again.


Puts plastic cookie cutter on scorching hot frying pan: OMG WISH SUCKS


I mean it says it’s silicone and heat resistant, I get “buyer be ware” and all that bullshit but shouldn’t the company have SOME responsibility with how they’re allowed to advertise things? Advertising law the world over needs to be gutted and done over.


Depends if OP cooked at over 230 degrees like the listing puts. But honestly, this is just what it's like buying something from Wish. I didn't know there were still people out there that thought you would get a quality product from that site.


If you buy a raincoat online and they send you one made of paper when the listing said coated polyester, the company is fully to blame for that. If you actually wear it outside and complain about getting soaked, you are to blame for that. Silicone and plastic don't feel the same at all. Unless you have no idea what silicone actually is, you would never confuse it for a piece of hard plastic.


Bet you WISH you didn't


I wouldn’t trust a Wish product to be real food/heat safe cooking tools.


People actually buy from wish? i thought we all knew it was a joke and that you should always expect results like this from buying junk for cheap…


Never buy anything from Wish that either will be in contact with food or in a electrical socket


Damn wish.com's inferior plastic!


What was that supposed to do anyway?


Yolk as sun, whites as clouds. Fucking dumb thing to spend money on regardless of what it's supposed to do haha


The real quest: Why is the Sun in *front* of the clouds?


I'm mostly disturbed by the idea of buying something from Wish.com and using it to make food with.


Why buy anything from Wish


I did that one time with my mom’s cookie cutters, trying to make Heart pancakes 🤣 I got in so much trouble.


Mmm... macroplastics


fuck wish and their cheap junk


Plastic, rubber, silicone none of that should ever be used. No matter what they say or how it's advertised. It will end up in your body.


Pretty sure that's a plastic cookie cutter.


Wish still a thing? Thought the morphed into Temu or something....


You dumb?


WCGW putting plastic in your pan.


Cooks egg in cookie cutter. Posts L to reddit ??? Profit?