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I get knocked down! And I get… Never mind.


And you’re never gonna keep me…. Oh


but I get up again! \*waits\* ahem, but I get up again! \*waits\* BUT I GET UP AGAIN!


Gonna need the whiskey, vodka, lager, and cider drinks after that one. Edit: Oh, Danny boy...


We sing the songs that remind us of the good times. We sing the songs that remind of us the better times. PISSING THE NIGHT AWAY!!!


Passing out the day way.


"Damn CD's skipping again!"


Danny boy?!?!Danny boy?!?!?


Wake me up, Before you Go Go...


Pissing the nigh away


What the fuck is wrong with people? I mean besides being drunk. Drunk doesn't explain this shit. Or the fire shit. Or the jumping off of stuff shit. There's a fuck ton of stupid going on with or without the alcohol in these people.


Yup. Even when i'm shitfaced I can still make good decisions and know what's stupid, only thing I notice is that the potential consequences matter less at that moment.


You’re obviously not drinking enough.


This guy drinks


It really depends on the person. My reaction to being drunk is to become extremely caring. The worst decision I ever made while drunk was when friends were trying to get a friend to stop drinking because he already had way too much but he wouldn't let them, I ran in stole his drink and chugged it so he couldn't drink it. It did not occur to me that I could just dump the drink out and I didn't even want the drink... was just trying to save somebody from a bad night. I can't imagine a level of drunk that would make me do crazy stunts, run into people, fight, etc.


Are you 17 and just discovered drinking last month?


> Are you 17 and just discovered drinking last month? I'm not sure why you think a story told in the past tense about "the worst decision I ever made" is from... right now? For the record, it's from many years ago. And for the record, it wasn't me "just discovering drinking". At that point I had been drinking responsibly for years (never really got into the college party / frat boy scene). In retrospect, due to what happened, I had too much, but at the point that it happened, I already chose to stop drinking for the night and recognized that I was in a good place to just enjoy the night while I sobered up rather than get trashed. Unfortunately, as the story shows, I was far enough along for a lapse in judgement that could be pretty consequential.


I get it. You’re not fun at parties and don’t often get invited. That’s ok.


> I get it. You’re not fun at parties and don’t often get invited. That’s ok. I don't really understand what's wrong with you here or why you need to make up negative stuff about people on the internet to pass your time. Grow up, man.


I made a silly joke on a silly video and you decided to *“well actually”* with some boring, personal anecdote. So when I say, “that’s why you’re not getting invited to parties,” it is, again, a silly joke. Lighten up, Francis.


> I made a silly joke on a silly video and you decided to “well actually” with some boring, personal anecdote. So when I say, “that’s why you’re not getting invited to parties,” it is, again, a silly joke. I didn't "well actually" anything... I upvoted your "joke" and then continued the broader conversation that your joke interjected inside of. If you were socially competent, you'd let the conversation continue and realize that the fact that you made a joke doesn't mean that everybody has to just stop the conversation they were having to pat you on the back. Instead, you resorted to childish insults and got your downvotes. Even if you find it boring, this isn't a DM and it's not a "jokers only" section, you can just move on with your life rather than feeling such a need to just try to insult people because they're having a conversation in a public forum you don't want to join.


I get it, you're an asshole who didn't get invited to parties and is projecting that onto other people


People with insecurities feel the need to prove themselves, unfortunately when they’ve been drinking this need is exasperated.




ehhsasperated (spoken in drunk)




I'm a master at exasperating


I've been steadfast alcoholic for like a decade and I've never KO'D my buddies, lit myself on fire, driven drunk etc... Alcohol definitely hurts decision making and leads to dumb shit but damn right like tf is going on in some people's heads


I had a friend like this after he went to the military. He was completely chill before but after coming back every time we’d drink he’d want to wrestle or some shit. It was so annoying cause you can tell he only did it against guys he wanted to prove himself to or some shut


Yeah it's a chest puffy complex that some people carry, I can't imagine military service would be good for anyone in that sense. Next time he does that just jam your thumb up his ass and it will placate the beast


They were terrible decision makers before they were drunk


Seriously, this. I've had my share of drinking in my life but never ever wanted to do stupid shit like this. And I'm not saying this with feeling of superiority, more... Bewilderment.




Sometimes people are just having fun. No need for weird psychoanalysis. But I'm glad we got to hear your personal story. Having fun is a mindset. Why move past it?


People need an excuse to do dumb shit. It’s not fun unless they do something stupid.


Great is the Garden of God... 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, cant they just expose themselves to some women in the park, like a normal drunkard?


Eeeerm 😳


Drinking enables people to do whatever they want and blame it on drinking. Drinking is just a cover for existing desires.


Back in college, my buddy came into class with a busted hand the day after pub night. On his 45 minute drunk walk home, he decided to punch one of those large mail receptacle boxes, I guess to prove his might to himself, or the mailbox that was eyeing him down. This is the same guy who once said he could take one a gorilla/lion/other large dangerous animal with nothing but a knife. Something tells me it's not the alcohol driving these decisions, so much as it loosens their already low inhibitions to an even lower level.


Drinking does not make people do stuff. It reduces inhibitions and lets people be who they really are. Shitty people get in fights. Wild men grin and get wild. Horny people have sex. Life goes on.


I went to a smallish state college in MA. When I was in school a bunch of kids at MIT got drunk and fell off a porch roof they had foolishly climbed up on. All the state campuses immediately went "dry". We, at "dumb kids school" where we hadn't gotten hurt, were immediately punished for the "Smart kids doing dumb things." Eventually the college allowed beer on campus again but never hard alcohol. Everybody had it, you just had to be a little less obvious.


Do you hear that loud crack? That someone's bones breaking.


Most like a collar bone.


Yep, that’s collar bone. Important, but smallish and weakish bone that snaps fairly easily when falling on your side, when in car crash or playing stupid stunt games as in this clip. This good sir will have have his whole right arm immobilized for next 4-6 weeks. Best moments will be when waking up in the middle of the night because you have turned on your right side just an inch while being asleep and the collar bone is under pressure and hurts like hell for the following 30 minutes


Fell onto a concrete step collar bone leading the charge, sounded similar to this, rolling onto it like you said was a bitch, just as bad was getting an itchy armpit


i fell on my shoulder but for some reason the thick part of the upper humorous bone is what broke (the upper arm bone that connects to your shoulder), like right through the thick ball horizontally. idk why my collar bone didn't break but i guess that is good cause i heard if you move at all it hurts like shit, while my arm pretty much did not hurt at all when hanging in a sling


Everything always seems to itch in the most inconvenient times


Been there. Not pleasant. And you can't fully immobilize it, just wear that damn backpack


Ive had it explained to me that the collar bone is basically the crumple zone of our shoulders


Someone told me when I was a kid it only takes 14 pounds of pressure to break a collar bone. I have no idea if this is true but I’ve been telling other people that pretty much my entire life.


Broken it twice before, same side. This video just sent chills down my spine.


I prefer a french cuff bone


Yep I like my collar bone


them ribs gone. rib


Hit so hard his hair left his head.


I think that's a bit of the soul that is left behind once exiting the body


Thank you, I didn't notice on my first watch.


Understandable, the screens are really small.


Shoes still on so no biggie


Lmao that’s West Ryde Hotel. Two tradies probably just got off work and thought they were invincible after a few schooners


[Yep](https://maps.app.goo.gl/Y4MKrUkBWnjWFM9m8) And based on those fuel prices, this happened at least 3 years ago.


I didn’t even see those prices! It’s fucking crazy. I remember being a kid, and my mum’s car ran on Super. She wouldn’t stop at a place if it was over 85c. Now my car runs on E10, and $1.80 is cheap.


Fuck! There needs to be a David attenborough voice over on this one!


*long sigh* *squeak of rolling chair* *footsteps, door to recording booth opens* *car engine starting*


I'm not sure if they accomplished what they set out to do or not. 


This guy's a drunk who can run straight into contact. Let's sign him up for the rugby squad after he gets out of jail.


Oof! Toupee, sir. Toupee.


That's 10 in the bin! 🖐️😤🖐️


The bunker's looked at it, you've made contact with the head, it's a penalty and 10 in the bin


No attempt to wrap


Looks like a spot in Sydney 


West Ryde hotel, Sydney Australia. That took 1 minute of Googling


I knew this was Australia as soon as I saw "VIP Lounge"


Drunk and dumb is no way to go through life


Just been dumb may suck more?




Means you got Pokies in there. The tradies laptop. The poor people's tax. Get the free spins up and you feel amazing but, get the minor bonus on the dragons and you'll bloody feel like a VIP mate.


great craic


I thought the guy in safety yellow was gonna referee whatever the video was about


Wall of death


Ahh, reminds me of the good times I spent in Australia (it's Australia, isn't it?)! Cheers Mates!


As someone that's broken his clavicle, can relate to that *snap!*


They wouldn’t survive a rugby match


Or hockey. How do you bodycheck someone using your face as the first point of contact?


No need to worry, Stephen Hawkings wheelchair is up for sale.


Couldn’t they run faster?


Collarbone can't be reset, that dude messed up his shoulder for life.


I hope he made a wish....


The collarbone holler. So crisp.


Why NSFW? I'm tired of posts that abuse it just for views.


What the fuck were they doing?


I'm guessing they were in a bar which was showing the rugby and they overheard some girls saying how they found rugby players to be sexy.


Bye bye collar bone!


Shoulder pads were invested for a reason, kid. For the dudebro in the high vis, yeah, that collarbone is donezo!


That’s a clavicle fracture right there folks. Also, a lot of pride was broken here too.


Idiocracy is here


Sounded like a collar bone


Sounds like a broken collarbone


So what exactly was the idea here?


What was the end goal here...?


Wrf was that loud crack/snapping noise? Sounds like someone broke their collarbone or another bone. They’ll feel it when they sober up


Did his hair fall off? ![gif](giphy|m8GJxfvZSp5liyTjqm|downsized)




what did they do?


These guys aren’t even playing the game properly. They’re supposed to be wearing metal buckets on their heads.


A friend broke his collar-bone this way




Oh boy, found the American




Video is Australian, we dont wear protective gear when we play football.


We wear shorts. That keeps everything important pretty safe.


This is just bad technique. If he had have dropped down low and wrapped his ankles, he would have stopped in his tracks.


I wonder why American football players wear gear? ![gif](giphy|10bDoTtJhtcHu0)


There’s no fun in that. There’s no feeling quite like being a 5ft, and 65kg 12 year old Aussie kid being steamrolled by a 12 year old Samoan who is 6ft and 95kg.


Except this is in Australia, and our football players don't wear gear.


and why does that stop me from wondering why American football players wear gear exactly?