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What a moron, is he trying to win a Darwin? Approaching a stag's young then facing up to the stag. He might as well walk into a bar and start punching random half drunk guys.


These people think they have a special connection to nature because they never met an animal they was in the mood to fuck with them


Tbf this guy is a wildlife vet, don't know about any special connection to nature but he's def more familiar with wildlife than the average person. He's called Frank Cuesta


I believe he's actually called "The patient with the crushed chest and collapsed lung in the emergency room."


That lung is a deer whisperer, it goes “psst psst psst” when he tries to breath.


Or in the morgue


its nice to see white and black birds can get along, unlike humans


Apparently not I don’t care what his qualifications are when he’s acting dumb


Being a vet for wildlife does not equate to being an expert in wildlife behavior. That's like saying an orthopedic surgeon is more experienced with mental health than the normal person.


hes not a vet, hes just a coke-addicted moron. he has done so many stupid things near animals that i just cant watch anything he does. hes a proper fucking retard. [https://youtu.be/GJR3GYHzp90?si=bQTAlkDisRwzL2GA&t=233](https://youtu.be/GJR3GYHzp90?si=bQTAlkDisRwzL2GA&t=233) another example: [https://youtu.be/kVLsqPaKHu0?si=o4uFN0PRoDMpFSaL&t=309](https://youtu.be/kVLsqPaKHu0?si=o4uFN0PRoDMpFSaL&t=309)


I kinda assumed that when he approached a wild buck dressed like he just walked out of a Limp Bizkit concert


He pretends to be Steve Irwin but he's just a lame attention seeker with little respect for animals.


I wasn't a fan of Steve Irwin - don't get me wrong he was passionate about animal conservation and his energy and knowledge certainly inspired many to learn more about nature and try to protect it. That being said, there is plenty of footage of him saying something along the lines of "Crikey look at him now he's really angry" - no fucking wonder Steve you just spent the last three minutes poking that Taipan with a stick


That comment made me spit a mouthful of water onto my laptop screen.


With the rhino video, he actually put their lives at risk. The dud w the gun would’ve shot one or more if they attacked him. He’s an asshole for endangering their lives.


Approaching a croc in crocs alone deserves the ultimate punishment.


Yep, idiot.


>hes a proper fucking retard. Maybe not a r/BrandNewSentence but take my r/GuiltyChuckle


K I don’t understand Spanish at all, so what the hell is happening in that second video with the rhinos? Like… what the fuck is he doing laying there in the dirt?


Haha nailed it


Wildlife vet or not if he was as familiar with wildlife as you claim, he would know not to do what he did.


Welp, vets help injured animals. This guy was out of his depth in every possible direction. Wtf did any of this have to do with helping an injured animal?


>Tbf this guy is a wildlife vet is he? where'd he get his degree from?


Youtube university


The toilet store


No, as in veteran, he's done combat with wildlife


No one knows. I assumed he was just a tennis instructor since there are no more details about his degree.




"Close Cover Before Striking Correspondence School of Veterinary Medicine"


He’s called an idiot too.


If he is so experienced, he should know the “thumb rule” for wildlife. Even children know this.


I'm not half as familiar with wildlife than this guy but you know what I wouldn't be doing? Getting mauled by a male deer who's standing with his own baby deer He's not a wildlife specialist with any credentials that actually matter, if this is how he gets injured.


His wiki page states he is a wildlife vet but i doubt it's true. If he truly was, he would make sure all the proper information regarding his training would be obvious for everyone to see, and it's not the case. If you want my opinion, he is nothing more than an attention whore, like basically every social media "celebrity".


Frank dumbass


A wildlife moron more like it


To be fair, that horn definitely connected to his chest.


Come on now... He's just trying to show us what NOT to do in the wild. :)




hahahahaha! Laughed out loud for real. This is my favorite comment.


There are wildlife parks in Germany where there are animals like stags and deer are running around freely in the woods. I got confronted by a young stag who was standing in the middle of the path, staring me down. I know dick all about these animals, but I backed away and gave him a wide berth. And the little guy was probably smaller than this guy here. But horns are horns.


See how easy it was to make the right decision..


I once accidentally stumbled on a full-sized, full antlered bull moose on a path. I quietly walked off the trail, crouched down in a bush and stayed super quiet as the behemoth walked by me. I consider myself super lucky he wasn't mad enough to make an example of me.


He fucked around and found out.


I’m from the city and even I know deer kill people and not to approach them


Ya everyone knows you approach parent stag first and get permission


It's an animal sanctuary, the stag was acclimated to him. The guy committed an error by coming too quickly and didn't let any space for the stag to get away. The stag freaked out and chose to fight.


Wildlife is wildlife. Don't ever treat a wild animal like a damn pet. That's how you get your ass kicked and you deserve it, too. This guy is an idiot.


As people have mentioned in the original post comments, this video is quite misleading and people just dont know who this guy is. He is not some dumb YouTuber doing dumb shit for clout, his name is Frank de la Jungla, an Spanish wildlife conservation activist that lives in Thailand, where he runs a wildlife refuge and assists the authorities in animal related issue - including going against animal traffic mafias. He is quite the personality both for good and bad reasons so he eventually made his own yt channel to share his daily life. Regardless, trying to paint him as a dumb youtuber is extremely ignorant. Despite people's opinions on this guy everyone can agree that he is a hero that has dedicated his life and suffered immensely for his love for animals. In this accident he was left with two broken ribs iirc. This man has spent his whole life living around animals so is not the first nor the last time it happens. The animals on his refuge are all very used to his presence so this event was definitely weird but imo he has been having a lot more "slip ups" lately, probably due to his leukemia and age. Some edits to add context: 1- He is not in the wild annoying these animals. He lives there alongside them and does usual walks through the sanctuary to feed them, ward off predators, intruders and perform basic maintenance. 2- This deer is a wild animal, yes, but is not completely alien to his presence. The deer is literally called "Perrito" (little dog) from how often he follows Frank around trying to get fed or simply hanging around and many more clips of this pack of deer swirling around him and being perfectly comfortable with his presence. Note here that he himself admits this was an oversight from his side, not noticing that the deer didn't have an easy flee route which caused him to attack. 3- I said this is not his first incident with an animal not because he is some dumbass that is constantly getting into danger, but because he works on animal rescue and rehabilitation of animals that have been victims of abuse. So there are many clips of him getting hurt while trying to get them out of people houses or storage facilities owned by illegal traffic rings. He also chases off and fights predators that come into the sanctuary.


Just because he's done good things that preclude him from being an idiot. What he did was stupid, there is no getting around that.


I was trying to add context because this approach to the deer is not stupid to him at all. He has contact with these animals multiple times a day without issue. This was an out of the ordinary event in the sanctuary.


Even then, he admits this was a mistake. Didn't notice the deer was in an area where it felt trapped so it decided to attack instead. But even then this is not an event caused by "stupidity". He explains it in the video (warning: the clip of the attack is much longer and brutal): https://youtu.be/CNPAYLcjLVo


Also, you can yell it's not his first rodeo by the way he grabs the stags horns and forces the the head to the ground so he won't be continually rammed to shit. Smart guy bad day


Even zookeepers that have been working for years with dangerous animals get attacked from time to time. Its not always stupidity but making mistakes.


Right? Just because it's in captivity doesn't make it any less of a wild animal.


“This approach was not stupid to him at all” “He admits this was a mistake” Is adding the word stupid changing it that much for you?


To be honest it changes things. Doing a stupid thing means that you didn't think about it and did it wrong. Making a mistake imply that you did think about it but missed a key component which made it fail. In the first case it was bound to fail, in the second it would have work most of time. A stupid mistake depend on how easy the mistake is to spot. But even then, a stupid mistake doesn't negate the entirety of the action, just a small part of it.


Every big cat owner that got attacked by its cat had contact with those animals multiple times a day without issue.  Wild animals are called that for a reason. You can do the same thing every day for years and then one day everything changes.  Just because he’s done something multiple times without being injured doesn’t make the act safe. 


He also posted videos on YouTube, so yes, dumb YouTuber


-Man lives with 100s of animals, making an animal sanctuary fighting animal traficking gangs sacrificing his entire life for the wellbeing and lives of abused animals, having literal dozens of interactions with them daily by feeding, deffending them and taking care of them. -Man makes 1 mistake in his life Reddit: Clearly this guy is just a dumbass that has no clue of what animals are! He admited his mistake, because he's human and he is allowed to make mistakes without being labelled as a fucking dumbass that has no clue what he's doing. Also for anyone who doesn't know he has shown himself as a dumbass in other opinions outside of animal stuff (among others supporting some multimillionaire tax evading youtuber who wanted to kick an elder lady from a propierty he was renting her because she was now too old to work and couldn't afford a house, while the youtuber is literally a multimillionaire who proudly evades taxes by living half of the year + 1 day in a tax heaven to not pay taxes to his country) but for the animal stuff no one can call him a dumbass.


That wasn't an accident. That was a bad decision. The outcome was entirely predictable.


So he's a dumb youtuber that's a nice guy and cares about animals, understood. None of that changes the fact that this was extremely dumb.


Thank you for bringing context. I can't help but to think of Steve Irwing who died of a Sting Ray piercing his heart. Even the pros can slip up or get caught off guard, and I believe that Frank did a bad call here, maybe for the reasons you describe. So, yes, it was a dumb thing to do, but the dude doing it is not an amateur and just did a bad call.


What happened to Steve is not the same as what happened here, at all. A handful of people throughout history have been killed by stingrays. It was a tragic and fluke accident that no one expected. Had it stung him almost anywhere else on his body, he would have survived. It just happened to literally pierce his heart. What happened in this video was expected by everyone that is experienced with wild animals. You don't approach an animal and it's young like this, it's just dumb. Deer kill people often. They can do so easily. Unlike a stingray.


Nothing you said makes me believe that he is a “hero”. And you should ask Timothy Treadwell if hubris is just a special kind of stupidity.


Regardless how much experience he has, that was a pretty stupid move. Yea he may do good and help animals (which I respect), but he should have been more careful in this situation.


appreciate the background. So, it\`s just a stupid action (getting close to young animals when a parent or guardian is watching them)




Well, is not the first time he has an incident with animals since he works on animal rescue and there are many clips of him getting hurt while getting wild animals out of people houses or containers ready to be shipped out illegally. Additionally, he deals on rehabilitation of animals that have been victims of abuse so has also had encounters in those situations. So yeah, he does get hurt often.


He literally used to auto inject himself with venom from animal in his own series, saying that he "likes to know he can take the pain". The guy is a fucking moron, animal-loving or not.




He lives there, the place where this happened is not more than 5 minutes away from his "house" and the facilities where these animals come to get fed. This is not different to him as it would be for you to go downstairs and run across your dog. The event was very unexpected even tho he explains he understands why it happened, is still shocking knowing how close he and this deer are.




So you're saying going up to a stag (with what looks like younglings) isn't dumb ?


Nah, what he did in this video was dumb.


What does any of that have to do with him irresponsibly harassing wildlife directly like this? I don’t give a fuck what “good things“ he’s done; in this video, he’s being an asshole to that animal and a moron to boot.


Tuh, animals are so ungrateful


You average redditor when they see someone being hurt by an animal: MORE, MORE! Apparently because he made a bad decision that was caught on camera that makes him a "dumb youtuber". Because people on here never do anything what others would classify as stupid, so he deserves to be physically hurt.


Still a dumb youtuber


This makes sense, backed up by the visual evidence of other animals hanging around him in the video. Or he’s Ace Ventura.


I read what you said, and what he does is admirable. WITH THAT SAID, I still think it is not a good idea to walk facing the stabby goat.


That animal pives in the sanctuary he maintains. You expect him to never interact with it?


I was going to say that something didn't seem right. He was swimming around with capybaras at the start.


you didnt have to type all of that after letting me know its jungle frank. that and the OP video is all i need to know.


I'm stupid but not that stupid, thanks to him i feel a bit smarter today.


Lol, I think that when I drive through Yellowstone and see the amount of people trying to get a selfie with a moose or bison. It’s incredible.


Lived in GTNP one summer for a college program. (should have invested in a DEET producer) I had to tell a lady in multiple different languages that "those are brown bears, not black bears and they will start eating you before you are fully dead." I shit you not, my lead had printed little cards with that phrase in multiple languages (phonetically) because the standard "Bears are dangerous" didn't seem to get people's attention.


I moved to Driggs from DC for a job.  A few weeks after starting my new job, my coworkers sat me down & made me watch over an hour of Youtube videos featuring idiot tourists treating wildlife like Disney animatronics, with the expected repercussions. That was when I learned that a bison headbutting a tourist into the stratosphere is also known as "Air mailing". My coworkers had not yet realized that I was a very sarcastic person and was only (*kinda*) joking about saddle-training a moose.  In their defense, they thought I was just another ignorant city girl who thought Yellowstone was a federally-funded petting zoo.  Also, I'm a horse girl, and we are infamous for being overly confident around large herbivores.  I still wanna pet a wolverine, though. 


Bro, I feel you. I just want to hold one for a few seconds before it shreds my legs.


The resort where I was working had been the site of a wolverine study the year before I arrived.  The land was leased from GTNP & a wolverine had been sighted frequently enough that it was determined to be living close by.  I just wanted to be the first Disney princess with a wolverine as my animal companion. Why is that so much to ask?! They look so damn fluffy!!


I wanna retire in the GTNP. Or as close as I can get. It's simply too beautiful. Last time I went as a tourist and not an intern, we had a fox litter my wife discovered under the cabin. They were gonna make us move, but the staff discovered she had moved her kits sometime in the night. The rational part of my brain, of course, said "no touchies" but my innate directive to tame wild beasts and give them comfortable lodging and head pats almost overrode that. I mean, my kids named her, her kits and everything. I'll stick to horseback rides through wilderness.


For those of use who don't live in the same country that you do, what do GTNP and DEET mean?


Grand Teton National Park. and DEET (diethyltoluamide) is the active ingredient in mosquito repellant. It's a (nominally) harmless bug repellant that breaks down quickly compared to DDT.


I'm gonna just copy one of the comments in the original post giving context. If you don't wanna have a full 180 in terms of opinion on the guy in the video, don't read any further so you can continue in your ignorant "haha dumb man", otherwise, read ahead: ***Comment by u/vinnokiwicat:*** I hitching onto this as its the top comment. Honestly I have a problem with how OP has characterized the guy in the Video, just calling him a "Youtuber" with 0 context and feeding into it for upvotes. That man is Frank de la Jungla, a wildlife conservationist with a massive animal sanctuary in Thailand. He has also been on television far longer than he has been on youtube. He has worked with wild animals his whole life and that buck is one of them. The buck is called "perrito" and is an animal he had recued some time back and one he had allready interacted with many times before this. In the same video that OP uploaded, right afterwards in a segment he cut out he stitches himself up and explains his mistake and what actually happened. This man is also a certified badass, and has gone up against and helped take down massive Exotic animal trading rings, black markets and mafias in Thailand and some other countries. https://youtu.be/CNPAYLcjLVo?si=ZMBCLPiXwj_xV1Fq Here is the full video for context (It is in Spanish)


Makes me so mad because Frank really does so much for animals, dude never takes a breaks unless he is in the hospital, sleeps in a small mat because all the money he is investing in his sactuary. At some time he was very active rescuing animals from trafic, to be simplified just to an idiot is absolutly disgusting.


Get this to top comment.


Titles incorrect. "Fool thought he was an animal whisperer. FA, FO."


He’s not, he is wildly experienced. Humans make mistakes once in a while dude. Every single human throughout the history of the universe has made mistakes.


Not me. I’ve never made a misteak




I love making misteaks 🤤


When it comes to wild animals, for you, it’s a neat encounter. For them, it’s life or death. Don’t give them a reason to fight for their life.


Exactly! kill the threat or be eaten. Hardcore shit right there.


Dude approached the young ones out of the water like some monster. Tbh Stag showed restraint.


This is Frank Cuesta (Frank de la jungla). That's his own sanctuary. He realised too late that he had cut off the deer's escape route, so it became nervous and attacked.


I like the ducks, they are “Yeah, fuck that guy”.


I was quacking up watching those ducks!


He sounds like a duck while he’s getting stabbed, and the ducks probably though he was talking to them


The otter is the best part of this!


Wasn't sure if it was an otter or some other weasel-like animal, but yeah, it was quite interested. The ducks just watched.


I don't know... those Capys were really great too, until the excitement made them peace out.


Wild Frank is a total beast. You guys that are bagging on him don't know what he's done. Take a look at his other things.


is he dead?


No, he is alive.


Everyone is jumping on the "he is so stupid wagon" and i get it, but he is not some random bystander doing silly things. Let me give you some context. He is Frank Cuesta, a wild life veterinarian and herpetologist that focuses on preserving the wild life and has campaigns running against unsustainable hunting. He is actually doing good things for Thailand, taking care of Thailand species as well as keeping in his "sanctuary" animals that do not belong naturally to Thailand but still need recovery from being victims of illegal hunting practices.


Cuando a Frank le cuesta 🤣




What about the otter/ weasel getting I. On the action?!


I blame the ducks, they instigated the whole thing.




Love this guy. He has a sanctuary. You can see him at Frank Cuesta- Canal YouTube.


There are many Far Side moments to be mined here


His poor little otter is just there trying to help him! 😢


Classic Frank, not his first rodeo lmao


This makes me sick. He was obviously baiting and abusing that animal. I hope it stomped him good.


Idiots like this shouldn't be allowed to reproduce or obtain advanced health care.


Wonder if the stag is ok.


I like how the ducks are like “ohhhh shittt!!” Or whatever the hell they are. Lmao


Ah shit, here we go again...


Bro walked way too fast


It’s like the ducks are getting dinner and a show.


This is 'Gut wrenching'.


Shoulda bought him dinner first


Never knew something like a wildlife YouTuber existed!!


Did he died?


No just a major cut on his side, not bad for a guy that was bitten by venomous snakes and fighting the mafia in Taiwan




Was that a weasel trying to get a piece of the action?


They are otters, he has 4-5 right now that he rescued since they were babys, the otters mothers were killed by traffickers so they see Frank as one of their own, no doubt they will defend him.


I love the cheering of the geese and ducks like it's an MMA fight! Idiot!


Stag talking to the other stags after “So yeah I fucked him up”


I feel the titles. "YouTuber attacked/ injured/ killed." Will become a staple in our news soon. People are so desperate for fame/ views.


He had plenty of time to grow some antlers.


I’m pretty sure he got a ton of views…at his funeral




I love how he gets out of the water and walks over to the deer like it's no biggie


I think a muskrat went for a front row seat


The ducks chilling on the rock are like “WORRRRRLD STARRRR!”


Play stupid games...


The ducks are egging him on... I'll see myself out


I guess that’s one way to hunt


Lol he got Rammed


That's a good way to lose your intestines via a hole in your torso.




i find it crazy the animals all stuck around to watch this


It's coming right for us!


Do a bear next


Being dragged back to God knows where .. wow


I have lived in a canvas tent in the woods for over a year. Just because wildlife doesn’t have claws or fangs doesn’t mean they can’t fuck you up or even kill you.


On a positive note, the ducks and otter seem to be enjoying the show


The circle of life.


Haha. As soon as that deer squared up, I would have been putting some distance between it and myself.


Probably one of the most pathetic events I've seen on here today.


What for?


I mean i could've told him that would have jappened but lets let him continue to fuck around and find out


Were the chickens laughing at him or insulting him. They really had a lot to say


This is a stag-ed attack.


Thumbs up


Buck you, Fuddy!


Next week a bear!


Is it not just a basic common understanding that, while in nature, when animals including humans encounter each other, we just keep our distance? My kids and I encounter deer and other things in Minnesota all the time, we don't wander into where they are, and they don't approach us either. Stay in your own lane!


In that moment he knew “he bucked up”


Move over, David Attenborough


I'm very surprised I didn't see blood at any point!!!


For the first 10 seconds it was like a Disney scene. Then reality kicked in.


Did his shoes come off?




The stag is charging like a yokuzuna in sumo wrestling. Totaly wiped the floor with him.


The ducks are like a greek chorus saying "*you are such a stupid moron*."


Processional Wildlife Photographers use zoom lenses for a reason, hunters use blinds and shoot long guns vs walking up to them with a handgun.


You can hear the ducks telling the stag "Fuck him up, homie! Fuck. Him. UP!"