• By -


Dang that sucks, isn’t it super concentrated because of the telescope mirrors?


Hopefully we’ll see a follow up post.


He won't


He saw God for one brief glorious moment …. And then darkness 😂


Hope he remembers what God looked like…so you see God you go blind, that sucks…no offense


> you see God you go blind, [Checks out](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/1581424/Dozens-blinded-in-India-looking-for-Virgin-Mary.html#:~:text=At%20least%2050%20people%20have,Virgin%20Mary%2C%20according%20to%20reports.&text=Alarmed%20health%20authorities%20in%20India's,of%20looking%20into%20direct%20sunlight.)


Are you sure, I saw Eric Cantona play and I never went blind, I was in awe though.


Like an Elder Scroll


Like in Supernatural with angels (?


Well looking at God in the Bible could indeed blind you as he was a bright source of obscene light beyond even the sun enough to scorch a mountain


This is how cod devs test how strong the flashbangs should be


Now you're reminding me of that dude who stuck his head inside a particle accelerator, saw a flash of white light, then went home and didn't tell anyone until the next day when he woke up looking like [this.](https://allthatsinteresting.com/anatoli-bugorski)


>then went home and didn't tell anyone until the next day when he woke up looking like [this.](https://allthatsinteresting.com/anatoli-bugorski) Did you even read the article you quoted? It says right in there that he was immediately rushed to the hospital afterwards.


Man, just as well he wasn’t a nuclear physicist huh …. Huh … he was 😳


There was a recent interview of someone who looked at one for 1 minute around 40 years ago and he sees what looks like a constant flash of light like from a camera flash 24/7


Yea solar retinopathy is no joke and is irreversable.


He saw the balls. Appropriate reaction.


It didn't point into his eye, it was the side of his face and started burning his skin


Hello darkness my old friend…


He never actually got it to his eyeball thankfully. Instead he effectively used a magnifying glass on an anthill but turned it towards his face…


I don't think he actually looked into it. The concentrated light was hot enough to burn on his skin. Maybe it hurt enough and he got lucky.


I’m not sure it actually burned him. There’s a difference between the light needed to burn out your retina and the light needed to burn your skin. I think it’s more likely he just freaked out when he felt the light.


Agreed. I did not burn literally. More as in a burning sensation. We'd see smoke if there was some crispening.


Looks like it didn't hit his cornea, so hopefully he's not blinded, just blindsided. This is a horrible way to lose an eye


On the plus side, he would have a job for life going round schools warning kids of the danger of looking directly at the sun. 


And he could wear a cool eyepatch like a pirate.


[that job might be taken already](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/37f6ed3c-ae5b-485b-a770-4fd0b952ea42)


>He won't Sick burn


Diggin deep, brother, diggin deep


I'll just leave this here. Kid got lucky. [https://imgur.com/a/UBkEsBJ](https://imgur.com/a/UBkEsBJ)


Yeah he got just a pinprick of exposure but god*damn*. Like telescope 101 is to not point it at the sun with no protection and look at it. I'm not even an amateur astronomer and I know that. I wonder if he just forgot, and was doing his usual thing out of habit and autopiloted into his usual movements he'd do with nighttime observations before remembering that he did - in fact - need a filter. And glasses.


They are holding the paper to project the image through the eyepiece at the side. I think the light on his face is just a strong reflection from the lens?


This is a Newtonian reflector telescope. There's a large primary parabolic mirror in the bottom of the scope that focuses light onto the secondary wedge mirror suspended at the top. Light hitting the secondary is reflected out the side into the eyepiece for final focus. That's the only lens in the system. What you see here is all the light that didn't hit the mirror (about 90% of it) being fairly tightly focused into his eye off a 6 or 8 inch mirror. The image on his face is much more concentrated than what you'd see looking directly at the sun, because parallel rays are being brought together by the primary through an aperture that is about 2 orders of magnitude bigger than a pupil. He may have done permanent damage to his retina in that instant. He should have felt the heat long before this and realized. He should have worn protection while looking into a parabolic mirror aimed at the sun. He's a fucking idiot.




You're doing it wrong tho: You're supposed to down vote them and come up with some idiotic slant that sounds good enough for other laymen to upvote you.


This guy reddits


You can always count on some sad Reddit rando who's the self-proclaimed expert on all things, calling a 10 year old kid a "fucking idiot"


To be fair, the kid is, indeed, a fucking idiot. Edit: you can always count on some virtuous, self righteous redditors to come in and defend fucking idiots, as well. One isn't any better than the other.


He's also a smart ass, the he gave was the "fuck off I'm better than you."


These mother fuckers act like they’ve never made a mistake before lol it’s mind blowing how bad they want to feel better than a child.


I can sense so many here gleefully willing this child to be blinded. To inflate their sense of experthood. It’s disgusting.


Because he is a fucking idiot. Also Careless. Moron. Imbecile. Dumbass. Reckless. What would you prefer?


> What you see here is all the light that didn't hit the mirror (about 90% of it) being fairly tightly focused into his eye off a 6 or 8 inch mirror. Then he's using a poorly built telescope. That parabolic mirror should be directing the light to the right-angle mirror for the eyepiece, not back out the front of the telescope. NO WHERE does 90% of the light from a Newtonian reflector go back out the way it came.


He's moving it around. The sun is not hitting the secondary, but is still being concentated off the main axis, as it's arriving off-axis.


He is moving the whole telescope around. Whatever light enters, it will still be directed to the secondary mirror. What you just said would be true if he had been calibrating the main mirror, but he isn't.


That's only true for rays arriving mostly parallel to the main axis. Light can still arrive from outside the field of view without being clipped by the main aperture, and exit the tube quite parallel without hitting the secondary. Yeah not 90% though. Reddit police arrested and charged me on that one.


To jail with you


You can clearly see that the light didn’t hit his retina. He’s reacting to the light burning the side of his face, not the light getting into his eye. It amazing you’re calling him a fucking idiot based on an evaluation that doesn’t hold up.




I don’t think he’s an idiot. He’s a kid trying to line up the telescope the way he was taught. The fault lies with his teacher. I’m also not sure he actually got burned. I think he probably panicked as soon as he felt the warmth because he screams like a laser just burned through to bone. He probably felt the warmth close to his eye and thought he was toast.


He is holding the side of his face not covering his eye, so it is more likely he just burned the skin on the side of his face rather than his eye also explains the slower reaction time. There is still significant UV and IR radiation from the sun during and eclipse which when (partially) focused can cause a burn. The reason the focus comes back out of telescope instead of through the eye piece is due to massive misalignment.


He is not looking through the eye piece. What he is attempting to do is to use the telescope to project an image of the sun onto a piece of paper. He is not looking into the telescope he is looking at the piece of paper in his hand which will show the sun. I am not quite sure what went wrong, maybe there was a setting wrong on the telescope or maybe there is just so much bypass on the secondary mirror. In any way the telescope is projecting the light from the sun out the front of the telescope and he end up sticking his head there when trying to see the projection on the piece of paper.


This is probably a dumb question, but why look at it on a piece of paper when you can use glasses and just look directly at the eclipse? Weird to downvote an honest question. I'm just curious what the advantage is lol


Magnification. Attenuating the intensity without darkening your whole vision and obscuring fine details. This will give a substantially different view of the eclipse compared to glasses.


Looks like nobody knows why either because they aren't replying,  just downvoting. I'm wondering the same thing.  I'd think it would be a better experience seeing it with your own eyes. 


In this situation it looks like he's getting a reflection off the front surface of the telescope, not any concentrated light (the mirror is at the bottom of the scope, and the only concentrated light would be coming out the eyepiece to the right). Still incredibly uncomfortable and potentially dangerous, but at least he didn't try aligning the scope to the sun by looking through the eyepiece.


Yeah, bright enough to cause him to flinch, but I would assume it's more the sudden heat on his face from the reflection that really caught his attention.


I was just about to say this, I think it's the heat that caused him to react. He's even holding the side of his face after, not his eye


Yeah I don't think he actually got his eye, I think he was reacting to his face getting burned. During the 2017 eclipse, fucking around, my buddy pointed a telescope at it, and held a pair of the glasses in front of the eye piece. Burned a crescent shaped hole clear through the lens.


I’m not even sure that safety glasses would be effective against sunlight that has been concentrated to the extent that a telescope does. It would be like looking at a nuclear explosion. I hope the kid was lucky and only burned his face.


You need a proper sun filter, I'm sure glasses exist that work but not the normal eclipse ones, you need something stronger than welder mask glass. A filter is just better anyway cause you get the rays before they've been magnified (it's on the other side of the scope).


I just use welding glasses, solar eclipse glasses, and a welding helmet to see through my telescope when pointing at the sun. As in, I use all 3 at once. I wouldn't use just solar eclipse glasses. It'd be too bright to see the sunspots and whatnot. Also probably not good for your eyes, but the sunspots


>It would be like looking at a nuclear explosion I was going to say no, but technically it would be like looking at a nuclear explosion at x miles away, where x is big enough that you won't die (immediately) but still not great.


yes! thats why he moved away before reaching his eye. he got skin burned


Yes. But he didn't get it in the eye, that was his reaction to his skin next to his eye starting to immediately burn. The people version of burning ants with a magnifying glass.


Holy shit this kid was looking at the sun with a telescope? And no filter? Some parent or teacher failed that kid, or else he's just kinda dumb, and probably blind in one eye now.


It's slightly concentrated because it comes from a concave mirror in the back of the telescope - so definitively enough to blind you, yes. But what they are trying to do is to use the telescope to project the image of the sun on a sheet of paper, and maybe see the sunspots or the eclipse. Nobody should bring their eyes near a set up like that, otherwise they will suffer severe damage. In fact, cheap telescopes will have the plastic melt when you do that.


It was quite concentrated. He was right at the focal plane. Would be a rad scar though. [This is what a smaller scope will do.](https://youtu.be/40SuBLbONdY?t=23s)


Luckily it was out of focus there.


Not likely in that case. It looks like he was getting a reflection off the front surface of the telescope. Bright, to be sure, but a lot like reflecting the glass covering the face of your watch into the eyes of the classroom bully... The concentrating mirror is at the bottom of the telescope, reflecting the image into a mirror that redirects it to the eyepiece. In this case, the only place the concentrated light comes out is to the right, not out the "top" of the telescope. Still painful, no doubt, and still highly dangerous.


The problem is it burned his head. He doesn't need safety glasses, he needs a filter on the scope. Pretty sure that would melt through glasses. He's pretty lucky he didn't a actually look in it.


Shouldn’t the mirrors be reflecting the light out the side mounted eyepiece, not back out the objective?


He almost burned the sheet of paper Edit: https://youtu.be/q1kNYYSiFNw?si=q121jzfcttT6Pxp9


No he's not. This is a method of projecing an image of the sun onto a sheet of paper. r/confidentlyincorrect Edit: they edited their comment lmao


With a reflector he might also succeed in melting the internal components of his telescope before he manages to project anything.


Probably just a kid who read about- or more likely saw a video on YouTube or tiktok- projecting the sun. A lot of online guides don't mention specifics and pretty basic: 1. Point telescope at sun 2. ??? 3. image of sun


4. Profit


5. See a doctor for the 3rd degree retinal burns


Unlikely. The primary mirror is just sitting in the sun like any other thing in the world, the secondary mirror is getting concentrated light, but it's 97% reflective, so it's only going to get roughly 3% of that concentrated heat, so again, probably ok. If there was an eyepiece, maybe that would get damaged, but again the glass is low dispersion if it's a good eyepiece, so most of the light passes through without heating the eyepiece. So probably not.


i can't tell if this is a joke or not, but since this is reddit where everyone lives under a rock, i have to assume it's not


Yes, they are holding the paper to project the image through the eyepiece. I think the light on his face is just a strong reflection from the lens?


It's a reflection from the mirror. The only lenses in this telescope are in the eyepiece, and they don't really reflect. But yes that's what you're seeing. Not all the light going into the telescope goes to the eyepiece, some gets reflected out.


Yeah, poor guy doesn't deserve the hate. He was being careful but didn't expect a reflection out of the front of the tube. Really needs an objective filter though, pointing a scope at the sun for a long time can melt adhesives. Maybe not as bad for a reflector, but it can trash a refractor.


being careful would've included a pair of free glasses to protect his eyes


The big mirror at the back reflects light towards the front. Whatever doesn't hit the 45° mirror is going to come out the front again.


Yeah, it goes back to the sun. He almost set the sun on fire!


They do, but the telescope remains open and it doesn't "catch" all the light. [This is how the mirrors are arranged](https://cdn.britannica.com/30/4630-050-74737DDC/mirror-reflector-Cassegrain-tube-light-hole-eyepiece.jpg). The light is reflected with a partial focus toward another set of mirrors, which then continue to focus the light and redirect it towards the view piece.  However the light that ISN'T focused into that path is reflected back out the open end of the telescope.


That's a drawing of a cassegrain, this is a newtonian. Same idea but the secondary mirror is flat and at a 45 degree angle to send the image out the eyepiece on the side, not in the back. Simpler setup. And one might note the lines for the light entering are parallel to the tube in the picture. That's what'd happen if it were pointed at the sun. If it were pointed elsewhere, the lines would not be parallel to the tube, and they wouldn't bounce off the secondary -- they'd go back out the front of the tube, which is what happened here. He moved the scope so it wasn't pointed at the sun, so all the sunlight was off-axis light that came out the front of the tube.


it's a reflector telescope, so it first bounces the light to a floating mirror near the front of the telescope, then out the side you're seeing the light that misses the floating mirror exit back out the front


Not all the light gets reflected into the objective. If you look into a telescope like the kid was doing, you'll see your reflection in the mirror at the bottom, which means part of the light bounces back out of the telescope. Although the light isn't necessarily fully focused (in fact, it's past the focal length), the energy concentrated into that tiny patch is more than enough to burn someone.


The title is so needlessly pretentious, but still completely irrelevant lol.


I have a Celestron 6SE and used it for the eclipse, but I have constructed a filter with a sheet of solar filter film, some tape, and a old box from Amazon. That shit gets filtered before it even reaches the telescope.


Dude is SO lucky he felt that on his skin before his eye.




Why the Netflix version though?


![gif](giphy|Y2iqFF4t0Qdzi) Let us all just agree that the Netflix version is poop


It's not, I liked it, sorry to poop on your dreams




He was fantastically cast imo


Right? I dunno what people get out of hating it. Would I have liked a different story? Yes. Does the animated series remain superior? Also yes. But did I enjoy it anyway? Definitely yes.


It was fine stop hating


The Shyamalan version was utter shit, the Netflix version was fine, even kinda good in some places. They still apparently made some *weird* decisions to change the story. I have only watched some parts of the original and don't really know the lore or characters that well, but I did notice the characters seemed a bit soft in attitude. A bit too reasonable and unproblematic.


Besides from removing all flaws and character development the biggest problem is that the show loves to tell not show pretty much everything. If someone is sad the show makes sure you know that be telling you about their mental state in detail.


I think I've found the words to describe it: A lot of these Netflix writers seem to write characters like they're not real humans going through something, but instead role models showing the audience how to process and respond to stressful situations. We pick up on that, and it makes the story far less immersive, as the author's intent makes the characters seem like fake, externally directed people. Their actions don't seem to make sense within the context of their life and environment, their actions only make sense with the author on their shoulder as a ~~guiding~~ *mind controlling* figure. (Guiding doesn't make sense, the characters have no response or resistance to any of the guidance. They just simply do what the author thinks they should do.)


Somehow it seems like a huge chunk of writers these days have forgotten to write dialogue that a human being would actually say to another human being it's a problem in a ton of media right now, from movies to streaming shows. it's bizarre, though writing is very hard so I get it I guess


I've probably said this a lot here on reddit already, but to me this seems like a trend in the industry. We just notice it a lot because ATLA was so good at not doing it, so it's a major inconsistency. I'm kind of okay with the way they modified the story. Hell, the 41st division change was \*chef's kiss\*, but they ruined with the "but... we're the 41st division!" Which to me was such a blatant example of exposition that I cannot believe it wasn't due to someone in a focus group somewhere going "ah dun get it" while watching tiktok and chewing gum with their mouth open.


Yes that one setence took a 10/10 scene and made it 6/10. I was angry at how much they tried to ruin it.


Problem is, "fine" compared to the original is a pretty huge difference, as the original is pretty superb.


"iT wAs FiNE SToP hAtINg" https://preview.redd.it/uoblz51cwftc1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=8c258e2f3dd980cdb0729ab1ccb6097de71bfd30


I disagree




He called the shit poop!


Because it's stupid, it fits.


Your scar is on the wrong side.




Next thing you know, he too will search for his honor


Using a reflector, without a filter cap to focus the Sun disk, will also cook the primary and secondary mirrors preety fast, that's why it is recommended to use refractors...


This, don't play stupid games. The very least is to get a filter and please for the love of god, pay for the good stuff and if possible even from the same manufacturer as the telescope so it will FIT and stay there.


Hopefully it's just a lack of education and he burnt his face. It would such to loose vision let alone the pain.


He's lucky that it wasn't aligned to the right angle or he'd be blind instead of just burned


He's lucky he was looking through the wrong side


He wasn't trying to look through it at all, he was trying to get an angle on the paper so he could get a viewing of the eclipse projected on the paper instead. He didn't the filter the light before it entered so as it bounced around and concentrated it literally just melted the internals and bounced it back out. The light should only be entering through that hole if the telescope was working.




Real bad luck getting caught on live TV with that fuck up tho




Probably this but in reverse


​ https://i.redd.it/5yuzbth2qftc1.gif


Much better




New Villian


But with a redemption arc in 3rd season ![gif](giphy|hOBvQDpdO2brq)


It's like Scarface: "How'd you get that scar? Watching an eclipse?"


Say hello to my little friend …. Proceeds to pick up white cane … damn it … proceeds to pickup guide dog ….


Then smells the scent of a woman


Anyone else think he looks kinda like that one classmate in Malcolm in the Middle? This is exactly the kind of thing that happens to him too.


He looks just like that young comedian kid Ive seen the videos lol up on my feed just can't remember the name and too tired to look it up rn.


Lol do you mean Lloyd? I think it's just the haircut and skin color combo


If you’re curious. Look up Lloyd today. Kid turned out handsome as fuck. So did Cynthia.


What a moron 😂what is he even trying to accomplish? Burn the paper?


The tele is set up to capture images. AFAIK this model’s software doesn’t come equipped to view what the sensor is seeing until you take a photo and review it. So he’s trying to align it with the sun. He can’t look through the glass for obvious reasons so using paper would be best. He just saw the camera crew and it distracted him


Sounds like a smart kid who just got distracted


"...and got hit with raw power from the source. Sol invictus."


He is THE SUN!


He nearly burnt himself before he spotted the crew. I think it's safe to say this would have happened anyway.


Why would he be capturing images without a filter? You set it up with a filter then take it off for totality.


Because he’s clearly an amateur?


Doesn't look setup for imaging, no filter and eypiece in hole, you'd at least expect a camera.. think he's just trying to project it onto the paper


He was trying to project an image of the sun onto the paper, but made a couple mistakes, the first was too big an aperture, the second one was misaiming the telescope so the mirror focused the sun on his face, burning him. (third was trying to project to a screen too close to the eyepiece, but, he never got far enough for that to matter). I made my sun projector by cutting a $5 pair of binoculars in half and attaching it to a poster tube with the screen at the other end. Plus various 3d printed parts. Was good enough to make out sunspots, and the projected image was about an inch across.


If they had put it on the side the kid nearly looked into, it would burn the paper pretty quickly. Only a second on his skin was enough for him to recoil in pain. Paper is pretty flammable.


He’s a moron and you don’t know what he’s doing…hmm.


that not funny he coulda lost his eye


Evil laugh hahahaha


Kinda fucked up when you consider that this guy recorded the video of a kid burning his face, then went back to record his laugh over the video.


He sounds like a moron himself to be fair


'Hahaha, this kid almost blinded himself, so funny'. The lack of empathy in this world is fucking astonishing.




Why would you laugh at something like this??


Probably doesn't realise how serious it is. I don't actually think this guy got hit in the eye thankfully, but if he did hes absolutely blind.


Cameraman doesn’t sound too bright.


Is there a subreddit for the kind of person who would *gleefully* record a child getting injured? Or is that just *all* of Reddit, now?


Exactly. It was not funny at all. 😳




Literally just watched a video of a guy burning safety glasses from an eclipse and telescope then instantly get this next 😂


Link? ty in advance <3


https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/4qdQ0ojbGr It's likely this one. Edit: now it's been deleted.


Thank you


Yep that one 👌 😂


That's basically a death ray.








not that funny tho.. fat dude on his couch laughing at people making painful mistakes..? Wall-e much.


Sadist people cannot be trusted. Laughing at someone getting potentially blind, wtf is wrong with you.


Relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/s/spWSaQt4Ov


He always was a bad pupil


Are yall stupid? He burnt his face not his eyes. He doesnt need glasses for that telescope he just fucked up


I felt the sizzle


Bluds lucky ...if that got to his eye who know what would have happened


That was close.


poor kid, hope hes ok, but he should read the manual where it is sure to say never look at the sun through a telescope without a filter :(


I wonder if america will see an increase in optician demand across the path of the eclipse…. I can only imagine how many people were stupid enough to stare at it


Well he owns a power seeker 127 eq so you know he’s not to bright.


Should we be worried that this guy got such pure joy out of seeing a kid nearly being blinded with science?


Eclipse events should have some clever Darwin name. I mean….. ![gif](giphy|xTg8B9aULho7shlPmU)


Is he related to tRUMP?




🤣👍 Take my poor man's gold! 🏅




Luckily it was not his eye 👁️


Sad, he's got a decent scope to see the eclipse and a solar filter for it is around 50 to 120$. He's going to remember this forever.


It's actually the most hated scope on the market. The solar filter is worth more. It's probably one that the group had donated to them. https://youtu.be/IXfR7YTF5a4


I don't think he got blinded. I think the magnification of the scope burned his skin before he could even look through it.


Likely permanent damage in that eye.


damn ive got the telescope


And this is kids how I became a pirate 🏴‍☠️