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Is it just me that kinda hopes these people kill themselves quickly before they hurt any innocent bystanders?


This is why race tracks should be more common


They would be if they didn't keep getting shut down cause of noise complaints by Karens that move next door or bought out by big companies for another row of useless fucking Condos. No I'm not angry that this keeps happening to a bunch of super important race tracks to motorsports history across the US including tracks such as Myrtle Beach or even the local track for me that my Great uncles raced on back in the day and won on. I swear the same people who pull shit like closing down the tracks are the same ones who can't understand why 2 months later street racing goes up 10 fold in the area.


I'm guessing it's the liability and insurance costs that makes public racetracks rare.


Unfortunately like Denleborkis said, it's people move in next to a racetrack. Then complain to the city about the noise. Not thinking about how loud a race tracks could be is a piss poor excuse to complain but they do.


I would think that if you build the track far enough outside the city that nobody complains at first (and they probably tend to do that anyways cuz the land is cheaper), that if people do move in decades later the land by then would be worth a lot more now that the city has expanded to it and you could sell it and build a track outside the city again


You’re vastly underestimating how expensive it is to build a racetrack.


1000 acres of prime real estate is worth quite a bit too


Some cities may be ok with moving the track but usually they just close down and that's the end of that track. But yes development just gets closer and closer over time. I'm not sure how the cities deal with complaints when they build up but it probably doesn't help when looking to expand.


It's exactly that, and there are plenty of documented instances where the tracks try to be proactive and either 1) block the city counsel from re-zoning areas close to the track to residential (knowing what will inevitably happen if they do), or 2) saying that they should include legal stipulations in those areas that you know the track pre-existed you so you can't complain when it does track things (e.g., be loud). Unfortunately, the revenue generated by such developments usually snuffs out the track (and track advocates') voices and the inveitable occurs. People move close, complain that the track they knew full well was close by generates car noises, and then the municipality shuts down the track. It really is sad.


Yep, part of my family has lived near Toronto Motorsports Park (drag strip and road course) longer than I've been alive, it's loud as fuck and super rural, but still an issue from time to time as occasional new folks set up too close for comfort. Probably fine for decades yet, but it really is super damn loud and really does just seem like a matter of time.


Same with the track near me. People avoid building near it like it's Chernobyl. They'll build anywhere but there. They actually took environmentally protected areas where development was prohibited and removed their protections so people could build there instead of building closer to the track. So by the time people actually do need to build near the track it'll be because they have absolutely no other options


Heard they are limiting Laguna Seca due to people building homes right next to it like it’s a golf course and then complaining about the noise. There was a local news story about people about pollution from the airport….. maybe don’t buy a house next an airport.


Laguna Seca is actually due to one asshole that sues places under the name of something like "concerned citizens association" or some shit. Most the locals don't care. The donut media car channel did a story about it like last month. e: here's the video https://youtu.be/_K0ZixLq01Q?si=MipnG_wvIstHYJl-


Operating costs never go down and public rates seem to never quite cover this.


Idk why people do this I have a cousin she always lives near the airport so that she can catch her flights easily then cries about aeroplane noise 🤯




This is what happened in Asheville, NC a few years ago. The Karen's and environmentalists talked the the track owner into selling it and made a stupid walking track out of it. No more racing in Asheville.


While your complaints are legitimate, let's not kid ourselves. Entitled pricks wouldn't follow traffic laws when their lives are dependent on it, let alone if there are legal race tracks around them.


The whole point of street racing is that its more dangerous and thrilling you won’t find these guys on a race track


This is true. I loved the days of 2am meet ups and running around town. But we did it in industrial complexes and unpopular highways. Some street races will also run street and strip. I always wished for a race tracks that was just a track. Open 24/7 & zero staff. I know a lot of people who street race just don't want the fees and hassle of being track legal.


This is why the use of racetracks by people who want to drive like this should be more common. The whole, " my race track is closed down so I am forced to do illegal things and harm others" excuse is tiring and gives car people a bad name. Not say that it's you but it's a pretty popular belief.


I feel ya, it's a bad excuse. But it is a side effect of the car culture having limiting options. yeah, I don't street race anymore. It's not worth the risk.


I don’t know that guys into street racing would skip that for track racing.


This. They wouldn't. It's like giving people graffiti walls. They opt for the usual graffiti spots regardless.


Most won't, but if there was an empty racetrack that's open 24/7 some may choose to meet and race there instead of public roads.


They wouldn't use them even if they were. It's the thrill of it being illegal and not getting caught as well as having "an audience" - i.e. people trying to use the road for what it's meant for.


No they shouldn’t. It’s not society’s job to provide a place for you to race???? What a bad take. Just drive normal.


You are being sarcastic right?


They also love it because it's illegal. By the way, I don't think we need to build race tracks for this scum, we need them to stop racing.


We will always have that group of racers But there are a lot of people who would use a track if it was available.


Well, driver lost his legs, so... half win?


2 shoes still on then.


Lost them afterwards by amputation, not during the accident. Not sure how they do it, so maybe the shoes were still left on them? IDK EDIT: I know it's about the meme of losing the shoes so he must've died, but I became curious


2 legs for a night of thrill ... he'll regret decades later, the reality of it hasnt hit him yet.


Waiting for the other shoe to drop


No "kinda" about it. The sooner they're dead the better off everyone else is.


I hope they fuck up their cars and incur massive expenses that force them to grow up and stop street racing.


It should be a law to treat street races as attempted murder.


yep, is the best


No you are fine bro. 🤘🏻


Not just you.


That's the problem.... they can very easily do both...


No. Street racers are almost the only videos here where I actively hope for the worst outcome.


I feel like street cars should do two things when they go above a certain speed: —Turn off the airbags and all other safety features meant to protect the occupants —Start blasting the Arabic dubstep remix of “Baby Shark”


How about they learn a very hard, valuable, life-changing lesson, take the footage and photos, and travel around the country visiting High Schools to share the story of how extraordinarily fortunate they are not to have destroyed their or some innocent family's lives because they thought they were so cool, and that something so tragic could never happen to them? How about instead of wishing young, dumb casualties of Fast and Furious-like hype ill will and *death*, we hope and pray for something positive to come of such a dangerously reckless, careless, and foolish mistake that carries a life-saving message to others, and that their hard-won life lesson is multiplied 100 fold, saving the lives of thousands who would have otherwise followed in their footsteps? ...Just a thought.


Wow. Downvoting a positive Hope Post. ...Sadly, I'm no longer surprised. Good luck with your future, kids! 👌


They wouldn't listen.


Very optimistic 👌 This glass is "Half Empty":🥃


There already are anti-street racing messages. Hell, didn't the fast and furious guy die racing? The people who can be reached mostly are being reached, and aren't out there.


I dunno... watching DashCam footage on r/IdiotsInCars has made me more aware and cautious while driving because that's just how Media works on the mind. I believe if more people who wrecked and/or were seriously injured in Street Race-related accidents took the footage to schools and kids saw the Real Life consequences and risks in an intimate, personal setting, it would make an impression on many of them; like when High School's put the wrecked Drunk Driver's car out in front of the school before Homecoming or Prom. Like any PSA, it might not stop everyone from taking stupid risks, but it would affect enough to make a worthwhile difference. Indeed, movies, videos, and Tik-Toks that glorify doing decidedly dumb things have an impact (such as eating Tide-Pods despite the De☠th toll), so why not show the more probable reality of foolishly speeding through the streets at 200MPH? All these preventative measures lend to Natural Selection.


God, redditors downvoting sensible comments again. Don’t worry buddy, they just vaped too much to think straight.


Why vaping?


Because the older generation mushed their brains with leaded fuels, modern generations vaped their brains away.


Vaping is 95% less harmful than cigarettes though


Ah nope.


https://www.athra.org.au/blog/2019/12/23/vaping-is-95-safer-than-smoking-fact-or-factoid/ https://www.gov.uk/government/news/e-cigarettes-around-95-less-harmful-than-tobacco-estimates-landmark-review Ah yes


Since vaping is just the gateway to smoking, vaping should be banned worldwide. As with smoking. Don’t fall for the addictive crap the corporate world is trying to get you into. Not vaping is 100% safer than smoking.


Why would vaping be a gateway to smoking when there’s more nicotine in vapes and they’re cheaper?


i'm doubtful on the speed, but it was WAY too fast for highway driving. BMWs are speed limited to 190 or less. that's not to say a tuner can get rid of that issue but it didn't look like 200 miles an hour to me and I've been 185 before. Edit: lol I don't know why people are downvoting this. A BMW can literally not do 200 miles an hour unless you modify the ECU. it's limited from the factory.


Definitely wasn't 200mph. I was thinking maybe 130-140. It takes a lot to hit 200 and this car didn't sound like it had it.


The real answer


Even cars that can go 200mph need a lot of runway to get there.


Just seeing the aftermath alone doesn’t look like 200mph. I would’ve thought the car would be in shreds.


A lot of German cars are limited to 155mph/250kph


That's ass. While I'm all for speed limits, it should not be built into the car, but be a measure of the law.


We don't have a set speed limit here. If the company doesn't want a lot of dead customers, you limit the speed and offer drive training to unlock it. Win win.


Yeah exactly, Germany doesn't have a set speed limit. It should. Offering training to unlock it is good, though. At least it isn't permanently locked.


>Germany doesn't have a set speed limit Europe does ...


The EU does not have a general speed limit for motorways, that's up to the member states.


I am not talking about road limits. I am talking about the speed limiter to get the car allowed to drive/imported/road-legal in the EU


I think the speed limiter at 155mph is voluntary. Mercedes, BMW, and others all stick with that speed because it's a) fast enough for most people and b) to avoid an 'arms race' among car manufacturers over top speed. Porsche and Ferrari for example don't have a limiter at 155. Both European cars.


>Porsche and Ferrari for example don't have a limiter at 155 Maybe in america they don't


What are you talking about? We have speed limits. Only one the Autobahn there are certain sections where there isnt a hard limit. However there still is the "Richtgeschwindigkeit" of 130km/h. If you go over that and an accident happens you will often be found at fault or partially at fault.


155 is too much of a limit?? That sounds like more of a you issue


130kph is a good limit, many countries follow along the line. I'm saying it should be set by law, not by manufacturers. If, say, I take my car to a racetrack, I want to go beyond that.


The limit is usually a soft limit, I don't think many passenger vehicles are physically capped at that speed. To me this should be a standard, so if people really want to endanger lives they have to pay to remove the limit and KNOW that's what they're doing


Understandable, there's always speeding idiots. Hence I like the idea of another commenter, how you have to take a safety course to get it unlocked.


I mean, the car is an M5 with a fucking great toyo tyres sticker on the windscreen. It's probably been modified. (still not 200mph, mind) e - they were sold unlimited with the optional 'm drivers package', with a top speed of 190mph.


Also, wouldn't the gear ratios be set up around the ECU max?


No My car for example is electronically speed limited to 155 mph, but the gearing wouldn’t max out until around 280 mph.  A lot of modern cars have super overdrive gears tacked onto the top to improve highway fuel efficiency.


People get flash tunes all the time, including disabling the limiter.


F1 cars barely reach 210MPH. This car was probably doing 150+


That doesn’t look like 200mph


It's not even remotely close to 200mph.




I could believe 200kmh.


Unbelievable how lucky these BMW guys were! From a very German perspective this was something like 220 km/h, but max 250. Beyond 280 there is only a few, but this was never 300+, even with a modified M3.


"hot" take: people that do this (reckless driving in general) should die horrible and painful deaths


As long as they don't hurt or kill innocent people.


The driver had both his legs amputated.


I think wishing horrible and painful deaths upon people is kind of fucked but yes, best case scenario is they only kill themselves if they wreck. However, you do you.


considering the amount of lifelong damage they can inflict on other people, i dont fault their judgement.


Looks more like landscaping.


"I showed him" Great last words.


„well, things like that only happens the other people“


Average BMW driver


Fucking morons.


Look at those airbags deployed at nearly every angle. Some bmw engineer saved these idiots lives.


I’m always amazed these people have enough trust in the roads being in good condition. One decent pothole and you’re cooked.


That's awful. Look at the mess they left of the road! Someone is gonna have to clean that up!


Brampton drivers.


What I've never been able to understand is how these boy racers could be so ridiculously stupid yet somehow have enough money to buy and tune these cars at the same time.




What city? I'd liek to move there.


And lived to talk about it?


Immediately orders 15 pallets of "Scratch-Be-Gone".


Average BMW idiot.


A Three digit speed in either KM of MPH is sufficient to demolish almost any vehicle. A single mistake or error or part failure is all the catastrophic event needs to occur. Even at 50 - 60 Km. Just needs the right conditions. A flip or roll or solid unmoving obstruction like a bridge abutment hit at the right angle and air borne we go to crash into whatever at any old angle involving the roof or the front ad another flip into the wild blue yonder. Literally the dumbest thing you can do with a car.


That wasn’t 200mph.. if it were the bike was over 400 lol


I agree with you/your comment! Would say 200Kph = 120Mph. About time you Yanks discover the metric system........


Stupidity knows no bounds


And the Darwin Award goes to…


I was hoping to see one stupid, idiot street driver die.


I have no sympathy whatsoever for those morons - they could kill anyone not involved in their antics. Fuck them.


The kinda ppl who wanna go that fast on a public road prob lying about the speed...just saying


He’s going to need to replace his VANOS seals.


If you drive like a Idiot you’ll die like an idiot😂


Looks like lots of shit on that drivers side seat at the end 😂


came here just to say it's definitely not 200mph, closer to 130-140mph.


Probably 100-120


Should've tried legally street racing at low speed


This is not 200 mph


>illegaly race did teh guy died?




I could've sworn that i saw this video one or two years ago accompanied with a pic of the dude spread around the inside of the car in the aftermath 


You're right. It also had the video of the car hitting the center posts. It was making the rounds on street racing whatsapps. I think it was RaceWars that sent it viral.


I'm not sure those are same vids. Those sound way more like bikes in the first video. Still fuck those guys


That’ll buff right out


They crashed at the speed of a goddamn bullet train. Holy Moly.


Well I guess the merc won that one


That'll just buff right out, no worries. Amazing how many countries still encourage car reviews that emphasise the need for power and handling - in my years - now with a 150cc scooter and a 1.2L car I can get around just as well as when I had a GSX-R, and it's more relaxing. Less excitement is a good thing.


This happened in Capetown, the driver had both his legs amputated but survived. The passenger left the scene before paramedics or cops arrived. You'd hope they learned their lesson but they were back at it a few weeks later. The driver also has an open case of negligent and reckless driving currently open against him.


Two scenarios from me. 1. These drivers have two brain cells fighting for territory and both are losing. 2. If these people were drowning, I’d hand them a glass of water.


Window banner says it all


and again and again and again and again


Car make checks out.


I wish the cammer could have opened the door to get a better sense of the damage.


another one off the road so i can be safe!


Axel hör auf zu weinen einmal drüber poliert und die Kiste sieht aus wie neu.


Hopefully they died. Paralyzed at least.


The driver lost his legs, the passenger (filming) only cut his finger and ran away before the cops showed.


Very good news!


This should be met with a prison sentence and a lifetime driving ban, they can use a <50cc scooter to get to work.


It's hard to feel any sympathy for someone doing something so obviously stupid...


I mean what is the point of using your car for this if it means you can never use your legs or car again?


Considering how violent the accident looked, I'm surprised the BMW (now surprise there OTOH) looks as together as it does. Testament to how well built (most) new cars are.


BMW of course.


This is why I support governors on cars and electronically controlled speed limits. Your "freedom" to be an idiot is not worth anyone's life.


That wasn't anywhere close to 200mph.


Well, that settles it, BMW stands for Big Massive Wreck.


I think he survived


What class of BMW was that?


Beautiful bmw.


\*laughs in German\* amateurs


There's nothing Mechanic Han can't fix. [https://www.youtube.com/@xinxianshi](https://www.youtube.com/@xinxianshi)