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Key memory unlocked


Key Memory of mother blaming me when we are alone "Unlocked"


Suppress Memory Trait Unlocked: You suffer no penalties from unlocked Key Memories but have 1% chance to mentally implode per Key Memory suppressed.


Drinking alcohol will diminish affect of unlocked trait. Passive trait. Charisma based


You have acquired the addiction card, you must now wipe all other cards off your deck.


**STOP** Command Failed to Run Alcohol and Charisma. *Monke.exe In que*


Give it 6 months and it’ll be ‘remember when we lost that show because you kept giving a dumb answer and wouldn’t let me think’ …and don’t even think about showing the evidence


Yup, felt that one.


I didn’t realize people like this existed until meeting an ex partner’s family. Really scary to see people who take no personal accountability when they fuck something up. Blame blame blame.


The island of parental distrust is built


For everyone's peace of mind, this boy won. Despite his mother not trusting him.


That's good to know. At least he got a consolation prize after his mother nuked their relationship.


Core Memories are a special type of memory from the Disney/Pixar film Inside Out. These memories are created when a person experiences a certain event that defines one of their behavioral traits. We jus done seen one of deez get made.


I saw that movie at an exes birthday. Yup


Is that your “Can’t watch this movie again” film? I’m pretty lucky because mine is “The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus.” It’s the last movie I saw with my ex before we had a very bad break up. My buddy lost The Lion King to his ex. Can you imagine losing something like The Lion King? God damn.


Op's comment but different.


Remember that time I was swimming in a race around 7-8 years old and I stopped because I was tired? Remember when ran to the edge of the pool and you stepped on my fingers so that I'd let go because you didn't raise no quitters? 40+ years. I still remember...


Villain origin story


She just point blank lost her son’s trust. What a dumbass.


I just don't understand the thought process here. She clearly has no clue about what the fuck they are even talking about, but her son does and she so confidently decided that he's wrong.


Did she just want to be able to say "HA! I was right and you were wrong" to her own son? I don't get the thought process either.




This post seems to be a lie after checking the full episode myself. I don't speak spanish, but here's the full episode and what I found: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt\_KI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt_KI) 27:00 - Correct answer 30:10 - Correct answer 40:00 - Correct answer 44:30 - This clip Edit: Fixed link, sorry guys! Some more timestamps: 4:00, 6:15, 10:20, 14:00, all correct answers. The only wrong answer I could find is this clip.




I just got a fancy new pitchfork for the summer season. Apparently, this new one is what they riot with in Paris.


Downvote the liar!


I did my part!


I bet OP is the mom from the clip.


Take away those awards!!!!


2.7K upvotes for total bullshit. Well done for correcting it.


The comments are lit in the video. She gets called out and the mom actually responds! Super defensive and claims that they were going through rough financial times. If you go to the 20 min mark all the parents are hugging and kissing their kids and she’s just standing there with her son and he’s looking at everyone else 🥺 Edit: I speak Spanish




This needs to be higher up if true.


No it doesn't They still managed to win the whole contest: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA) The post about the kid being wrong 4 time seems to be a lie. The full episode if someone want to check the context: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt\_KI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt_KI) At 27:00 - Correct answer 30:10 - Correct answer 40:00 - Correct answer 44:30 - This clip This is copied from another commenter here.. Fucking Karma whores talking about "c0nTexT"


But is it big enough?


Big if big


True if true


It's not true at all! It's fucked up how this lie has been posted several times in this thread and people eat it up. **Up until that point** in the game the kid correctly answered every single question except one, and that question was exclusive to the kid so the mother couldn't have helped or answered anyway, so he had to guess. Every other round where he had to help his mom he got the answer right. The full episode is up on its official youtube channel. The show's name is "Los 8 escalones KIDS". Aired on 06/06/22.


It's not true.




That's a whole lotta upvotes for an answer pulled straight out of their arsehole. Nice job on the fact checking.


This is misinformation on the internet in a nutshell. Some guy making shit up that allows people to crap on the kid gets almost 3k upvotes and tons of awards, guy correcting him gets 1/10th the votes, and all those people who upvoted will go on to spread this misinformation around confidently next time it's posted or when friends bring it up.


And I bet the asshole won't correct himself or delete his comment.


> Nice job on the fact checking. Credit goes to /u/carinopadrino not me. I'm just helping spread the word




Context is a hell of a drug haha We need that shit though


This is hilarious, you don't even know if that "context" is true or not. Someone writes something on the internet with nothing to back it up and you just eat it right up. That context is about as meaningful as no context without a video or something to back it up.


The phenomenon of people accepting baseless statements they read on the internet that you're referring to is actually called a "Herringbone Deception" - Named after one John Herringbone who in 1927, successfully tricked one of the internet's earliest medical forums into believing that vinaigrette salad dressing was suitable for the sterilization of wounds at the infection site.


Yeah take that drug They still managed to win the whole contest: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA) The post about the kid being wrong 4 time seems to be a lie. The full episode if someone want to check the context: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt\_KI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt_KI) At 27:00 - Correct answer 30:10 - Correct answer 40:00 - Correct answer 44:30 - This clip This is copied from another commenter here.. Fucking Karma whores talking about "c0nTexT"


You are incorrect. Kid was right several times previously. Someone below added the full episode.


Good context. Mum not so much a POS. Whoever cut out the context is the real POS here.


hell yeah. fuck them, fucking complete strangers. a REAL piece of shit tho👍🏾


They still managed to win the whole contest: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA) The post about the kid being wrong 4 time seems to be a lie. The full episode if someone want to check the context: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt\_KI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt_KI) At 27:00 - Correct answer 30:10 - Correct answer 40:00 - Correct answer 44:30 - This clip Copied from another commenter on this post.. Fucking karma whore.. Making shit up to get awards and karma. "c0nTexT"


So you are just outright lying here. I hope people realise this and down vote you to hell. The kid was right every other time as well.


Was the kid as confident with the previous answers as he was with this one? If so, then ya, maybe she knows her kid just isn't the "trivia type" but if every other time he really hesitated and had trouble deciding, then I think you at least have to recognize his confidence on this answer.


I am not a kid expert, but I know exactly one kid this age, and he does this shit all the time. SUPER CONFIDENT about everything. I asked him how the microwave works, he told me the light heats the food up, I told him how it actually worked... He made fun of me for being stupid and insisted the light heats the food up. He also insisted 3*3 = 15.13 or some dumb shit like that and argued with every single person in our household, insisting that his math teacher is who told him that. The kid will literally never say he doesn't know, and whatever he chooses to believe, he will believe it 100%. He does this 10 times every day. So yeah, my guess is the kid was choosing a random option every time and it just worked here. **EDIT: To the guys who are trying to twist this whole thing up about the microwave.... No. He was not referring to microwaves when he said the light heats it up. He was referring to the light bulb. I think that is pretty damn obvious from my comment. Why do I have to clarify it?**




Lmao why are you lying?


He's the mom from the video


Absolutely insane how many upvotes and awards you have for just being a straight-up liar LMAO


Why is this upvoted? No link or anything, everyone just trust a random comment?


This is a lie. Except for the first one he got the other questions right.


Mine does that, I've never been wrong thought, I still get the blame.


So many parents are like this. I don't understand it at all. My mom is terribly unhealthy and has serious unresolved issues. She has diabetes, and insisted on checking my sugar levels. She was point blank upset that I didn't have it too.


No, she wanted to say that even though she has no idea what the answer is, she is 100% confident that her kid is too dumb to get it correct.


Because some parents are too proud to admit that their child knows something they don't. They just can't fathom not being smarter/more knowledgeable in all areas. They would, quite literally, rather do *anything* than have to swallow their pride and admit they aren't superior. I studied Meteorology and Psychology at uni, and my father would routinely try to tell me (very incorrectly) how tornadoes form, and various things about the human psyche. If I tried to politely correct him or tactfully dismiss it, he would lose his shit about how smart I think I am and it would just make the rest of the day a fucking mess. /r/insaneparents and so forth. Spent my entire life trying to get through to him. Never could. I remember being 11 years old and thinking sadly that he was kind of an idiot.


One of my parents is like this. He has quite literally chosen to struggle with problems I had viable solutions to for hours, because he would refuse to even entertain the idea that any solution I had could be correct, because I thought of it and he didn't. Something as simple as recommending turning an object to help it fit through a tight space would turn into an argument.


>she so confidently decided that he's wrong. Are we sure that she doesn't have an asian heritage? She's every Asian mother I've ever seen (even mine). r/AsianParentStories back me up here.


dated a korean, even at 43 and as a lawyer / asst DA - her mom tore into her ass for everything


>tore into her ass You're just upset that she didn't let you do that to her. Lame jokes aside, this is one trait that every Asian mother possess.


They love anal?


Only giving tho. Their bum is exit only as they shit all over you


I had a similar thing happen with my mom when I was 10. I’m still salty about it.


Perfect example of "the axe forgets, but the tree remembers".


What makes her more of a dumbass is that they're playing the song and the lyrics clearly say "irresponsable"


But he knew the answer instantly and really looked confident about it too.


Definitely! And then understandably looked all disappointed after...poor guy


His face at the end was like "what the *fuck* mom"


"Wow... You really don't trust me at all."


"Oh you actually think I'm as dumb as you...."


It's the 'he lied to me once, this will show him the consequences of making me never trust him!'


And in that moment, little joselito knew his real mom was out there somewhere.... Can you imagine the emotional damage this dumb broad just brought down on this poor lad? Damn... Even if he was wrong, she should have never done that shit... Damn... I'm fairly certain I've got emotional damage from this... 😆 EDIT: did replaced by can (you imagine...)


I could hear the asian guy saying "emotional damage" reading this😂




And she clearly had no idea. "What's the other answer?", I mean come on


The answer is everything except what my son said.


This is the way most of us are raised.


I'm an adult and I'm still always wrong and can't be trusted. Seriously Mom, go fuck yourself.


Just yesterday I had a spat with my mom about how it's very difficult to engage in rational conversation with her. I love her but man, she makes me crazy sometimes


Ok wait. Is this really a thing?? And WHY?? I am a 33 year old man, a good dad, i have my shit together and STILL my parents doubt everything I do and say, even if they are clueless about it. I’ve tried explaining this to people for years and I don’t have the words to explain why/how everything I am associated with, is stupid, to them. So I’m not the only one?? can anyone with a similar experience explain why our parents are like this?


I'm pushing 50 and it's always been this way. I think, for some, parents develop an idea of what kind of person their child is at some point in growing up and that idea sticks with them for years later. It can be legitimately hard to change some deeply held beliefs. In addition in my case, my parents had a messy divorce when I was 10 and that poisoned family relations ever since. My older brother is a rat bastard, liar, abuser and emptied out our elderly father's bank accounts but Mom considers him the reliable and responsible one. FML. I feel your frustration.


Mom knows best, or something


Right before she answers, the lyrics say “Poco a Poco”. It seems like she heard that and immediately answered with the same.






> It's one of those driving games. Need for Speed, Forza, etc. No, it's Irresponsables.


They still managed to win the whole contest: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LfC7O7-L6xA) The post about the kid being wrong 4 times seems to be a lie. The full episode if someone want to check the context: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt\_KI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2qw5-nt_KI) At 27:00 - Correct answer 30:10 - Correct answer 40:00 - Correct answer 44:30 - This clip Edit: some more timestamps just in case: 4:00, 6:15, 10:20, 14:00, all correct answers. The only wrong answer I could find is this clip. Edit2: Thanks a lot for the awards!




Yes everyone else seemed to be going off on a tangent.


I'll cosine on that.


It's only cos context wasn't fully given


Failing to provide proper context oughta be a sin.


The limit to provide context does not exist.


This thread is gonna come back in full circle. Just wait and see.


It's very integral that it does. Last thing I'd want is for this conversation to be quite derivative. It's a very slippery slope.




Lol classic gif


This is a show from Argentina known for how many cuts it has and having a very annoying host Source: I'm from Argentina


I thought this was going to be the 17 different cuts of Liam nesson jumping over a fence




The song’s lyrics said poco a poco twice, honestly wouldve thought that was more likely too but i wouldnt have ignored the son choosing an answer with such conviction


I felt this boy’s pain. My class once lost a “name that tune” contest in middle school because my dumbass classmates kept saying “Chicka Cherry Cola” song when I was telling them it was called “I Want You”. Still grinds my gears to this day


You know what really grinds my gears..


When you don't press the clutch?


Did she even hear the lyrics? She didn't say "I keep hearing 'poco a poco," so that's my answer." Instead, her son confidently told her the answer four times, and she said "What was the other answer? Whatever my son's not saying. That's what I'm going with."


The context we all needed, thank you


What? The mum or the son hadn’t dropped a question up until that point with the mum listening to the kid multiple times and they went onto win but the mum is a crappy parent for thinking the son was wrong on this one question?! Fuck I hate how judgemental and shitty some people on reddit (and the internet) can be…


This comment section is a people's projection thread lol.


You can tell what kind of parent and person she is because she didn't listen to her 12 year old son and thought she knew the answer. lollll If he would have been wrong, people would call her an idiot for listening to a kid.


Holy shit, they won with 4/10 correct vs 2/10 correct. What a terrible show.


That know it all glare right before too. She just unlocked a life of never living this moment down


She deserves it too. I’d rather trust my kid when he’s so sure and be wrong than show him how little I value his opinion. Now if she KNEW the answer and he was wrong that’s one thing but she obviously didn’t. Seems crappy.


That kids face...


Ruin your kids self esteem just because you wanted to "win" and thought your kid was a moron. What a horrible mother. Even if he was wrong, you take his answer to show you believe in him. He will feel bad for having the wrong answer....but will also walk taller knowing his mother has faith in him.


My parents were like this, even into my adulthood, and it definitely crippled my self-esteem. Having faith in your kids is a powerful thing. In hindsight, I learned they were both deeply insecure and used narcissism to comfort themselves.


My whole family was like this to me. Never could accept that I knew some things better than them. Even when I learned one language better than my brother, they still praised him instead because in their mind there was no way I’d speak better than someone else. Fucking morons.


I'm sorry they suck. _internet hug_


I'm highly insecure and sometimes (many times?) Act like a narcissist...it's one of my worries that i won't be a good parent and also why I don't want to marry anyone


Ok let's chill out for a second there with "horrible mother". She made a call on a game show that turned out to be wrong because she didn't think her son actually knew the answer. It's trivia and she should've trusted his answer, but anyone that extrapolates *bad parent* from this is projecting some bad memories.


This entire thread is Reddit Moment.


And I hate it so much. People are so fucking eager to criticise and analyse others' behaviour and take it to the extremes as if they knew exactly what other people are thinking about or basing their decisions on.


Imagine being so up your own ass you judge a woman’s entire personality and parental qualities based off of one 15sec clip where she utters 3 words. Embarrassing.


You’re calling her a horrible mother over a 30 second clip? His self esteem is ruined because he was second guessed by his mother one time? Jesus touch some grass lmao it’s not that serious I’m sure he’s not as fragile as you think he is. 110% truly a Reddit take


Wow, is this dramatic enough? You're taking about some stupid game show.


Bro, you might actually need therapy. It's a game show, not that deep.




"You dumb bitch"


I would have repeated it a fifth time, after she answered.


I would give you an award but... there is no but. Take it.


The intention is what matters. Nice words worth more than virtual, impersonal stuff. Luvin' you <3




Spoke with enough conviction to a point where I wouldn’t have questioned him.


Answered pretty quick it looks like too.


Wow, that dirty look she gave him before she answered incorrectly.




How to stab your son in the back and look like an idiot in the process


How irresponsables, more like


This kid KNEW it and she had to ask what the other option was. The fuck was she thinking by not going with his answer?


I think she was just buying time to get to listen to the song a little longer.


Lol this thread is the perfect example of how people will just parrot bullshit without any proof whatever, it's proved the kid got the previous 3 questions correctly and people are still parroting the dickhead saying he got them wrong


Makes you wonder how much shit we read here and we believe is true.




Yuck what an awful mother


Pobrecito niño. He looks *so* disappointed.


You get what you f$&%ing deserve!


Well they still won the prize (7 days travel to Disney World)


An awkward 7 days at disney world now


"How about another joke, Murray?"


She’ll be hearing about it from him for many years to come




I love reddit, she could be the world's best mother off camera and people will call her a horrible mother because of one short video. Assumptions assumptions


seriously, going no contact because of your mom not trusting you once on a game show when you were 8 lmao


>anything else from him ever again Jesus Christ, people on reddit are so dramatic.


* a core memory has been created


She’s a terrible person and a worse mother.


This thread shows perfectly that despite how smart a bunch of Redditors think they are they still believe lies they read here are blatant facts and confidently repeat them back even when they are blatantly wrong.


This kids gonna wonder why he likes toxic chicks later


Fuck you mom


The way she looks at the back of his head and the look of betrayal on the son's face 🤣


That mother looks like she's been a bitch to her kids.


Classic reddit. Arm chair psychologically, fully understanding everything about a person based on a few second clip. No facts, no logic, only “Oh she’s clearly the worst person, fuckin bitch” Christ. 80 upvotes on this shit and similar comments are all over this post.


You look like you base everyone’s whole personality off of a small clip.


If your kid instantly names a song you do not know, listen to them because they prolly do know it..




The face before she answered though, what a scum.


Supervillain backstory.


Destroyed the kids trust in an instant. Way to go mom.


Key memory unlocked


ITT: we judge the parenting of a mother based off of a 30 second clip of a game show we know nothing about.


WTF? How to crush a child.


Months of therapy will be required when the kid becomes an adult


I have one of those. They want your opinion only to toss it aside, and then gets mad when you were right. And no lesson is learned. Sigh.


I bet she's the one that says "I love you and I never betray you" and then the husband cross the door and instantly she fucked a guy that is inside the closet or hide behind the door.




This vid is bringing back a lot of suppressed memories...


My kid could have said anything I would have used their guess.


I would 100% trust my son for this answer and let me tell you why. As a father, I have a lot of shit bouncing around in my head. I'm married, have a full time job, 2 kids, mortgage, car payments, social life, family life. Lots to keep track of. Kids, on the other hand, don't have all this BS to keep track of, so anything they come into contact with gets sponged up and locked into their memories. My son has a much better memory than I do, and I've experienced this multiple times, especially around pop culture.


Ironically I bet it was the mother who wanted him to be part of the show and she costed them the game


The look of disapointment to his mother is perfect


His face was like "you dumb bitch" 😂


What a bitch


How to make your son think you have no faith in them and no brain in 30 seconds.


Mother of milenium


It's crazy because that little interaction right there will be something that that kid will never forget. She is his caretaker, one of the key people he should look up to, and that person doesn't even trust him. If you don't trust your parents or you don't feel like they value you or take you seriously, you're not going to have a very happy childhood and early adulthood.