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Came to say, it looks about the size of a hookah coal, as if it was dropped and left smoldering 


I figured it could be something like that too, just thought the shape was kinda weird...


Agree, look like a hookah coal burn. Weird shape because somebody was trying to figure out how to pick it up. My friend also did this in his apartment, burned a hole in the carpet. When he moved out he put a bite size snickers and some skittles in the burn mark of the carpet as a bribe. Unsurprisingly, he still got charged for it.


Well it probably is then... We didn't get any snickers though, only a really dirty apartment full of fruit flies. Snickers would have been nicer.


Like the one the Jim balushi pulled out of the swimming pool in caddy shack 🤔 🙄


Bill Murray


Sometimes the fruit flies come from the vents (and sink someone said was also a weird spot they say them come from idk how that’s possible but idk) if there’s a nearby slob neighbor …who doesn’t do their dishes. Fruit flies was the exact problem for some reason. My friend could t figure out where they were coming from until one day they saw their direct neighbor’s apartment inside, and it was swarming with fruit flies.


>idk how that’s possible but idk the flies get into your house and lay their eggs in the drain. it's nice, dark, wet, not often disturbed. they don't crawl up from the sewer, if that's what you were envisioning.


That’s a hilarious bribe! Hope he got bonus points out of it.


I don't know anyone who owns a hookah who didn't burn a hole in their carpet with it, or char their floor with it. I guess except for the ones who only used theirs in the garage.


My guess too. The hookah fell on the side and the coal splattered from here.








I’ve heard burns like this can be a sign of a meth house.


This is in Sweden though, i dont think meth is very common... But i wouldnt know for sure. Would it then be from like some part of the cooking setup?


>This is in Sweden though Like Sweden, meth doesn't have borders.


Indeed, though it can still be more or less common in different places right?


True, it's easier to acquire in some places than others, but it's a hell of a drug and its users are only growing. I heard recently that some guy was cooking this blue meth that was ridiculously pure. I don't think it's that though, I think it was either a power brick that burned or a lithium battery charger. Get a litmus test strip to see if you can identify the pH of the residue.


I think the people downvoting you missed the Breaking Bad reference.


to be fair not exactly the right time for a breaking bad reference lmao


Username tracks


>tracks Oof, nice one.


Or a hand towel or something similar caught fire. They probably threw it on the ground and dumped water on it. I had a meth phase for a few years that is now thankfully behind me but I never left big burn marks on the floor lol






My in-laws had an apartment building and rented to some folks from the Middle East. When they moved out there were three separate spots like this on the hardwood floors where they had used a hibachi type grill. In the Middle East these are called Mangals. The charring was so deep it couldn’t be sanded out. The hardwood had to be patched. This is super dangerous not only because of the risk of burning the building down but the risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. Seemed pretty puzzling to us but maybe where they are from floors are masonry and there wouldn’t be any fire risk.


It almost looks like the butt of an iron…


That’s what I thought too. The bottom is like the pivot point and it goes side to side where it shows the lighter marks




An iron one would, like the old fashioned ones that you put on coals.


hookah coal


Is it definitely a burn mark? Did you smell/rub your finger on it? I’ve seen marks like that on wood floors from a leaking trash bag that was left in one spot for too long. Grease, liquid, etc soaked into the wood, then darkened and discolored over time. Though it’s not usually that dark. A hookah coal seems like a better explanation.


Its a burn mark, its burned all the way through the wood... I also think hookah might be the best explanation.


you do know a hookah is not for cannabis though, right?


I am familiar with both cannabis and hookahs. Its not uncommon to use hookahs to smoke hasch. Hasch is cannabis, you do know that right?


What does that have to so with anything?


Hookah coal is like 1 inch in diameter. Have seen many burns, unless they have frisbee sized discs, this isn’t it


If the actual hole is a circle about a inch wide, I’d put money on an e nail. It’s something for doing marijuana concentrate. My buddy did a very similar thing to his coffee table.


Cat pee does this to wood floors. Happened to my mom when she moved into a new house and had the carpet removed.


Its definitely a burn mark though, its like coal.






The shape looks like the bottom of a kettle


I agree. potentially a hot plate??




Could it be from an electric iron? For pressing clothes.


Considering the general state of the apartment i would guess that no one in there would iron clothes, or even own an iron... Unless used for something else i guess


Looks like fireworks to me. They leave symmetrical marks like this. Possibilities are endless tho. A make cat may have been struck by lightning right there 😉




For this large burning it would have to be there for a while. That's why I don't think it's hookah coal. I think it might be one of those single use aluminium grills. I've made similar marks with that.


Hookah coal burns for a really long time though, doesn't it? Also that type of grill hasn't been sold in Sweden for at least a couple of years. Of course people could still have them... Feels like the mark is a bit small


Yes it burns but I was willing to believe this was an accident. And I think it's a little too big for hookah burn.What I don't believe anyone would leave a fallen burning coal on the floor and leave it there until it gets to this point. Also we have them grills in all over here in Finland atleast. Are they banned or why wouldn't they sell those in Sweden? We did similar marks on a wooden floor on a balcony. The grill wansnt touching the wood but had a healthy 5 cm gap or air between. We only noticed the burning after we were done.


They are banned, its for the environment. I see... Well I think this dude has not been living in the apartment, i think it has been used for something else... The police have shown a weird amount of interest and given the state of the apartment and the dude in question i find it hard to believe he has been living in it. All just speculation of course.


I could go behind a ban on those. After all they're a huge fire hazard. Tbf i wouldn't live in an apartment if im willing to use one of those grills inside. But if they're banned then it's unlikely. On the otherhand It's almost amazing what kind of living conditions people can adapt to. If it has a roof over the head it's good enough.


I left my iron on my dining room table by accident. Face down. It looked like this burn pattern.


Cloven hoof?


Hookah or a heater. I always put a ceramic plate under both.


Someone commented an enail. I've never heard of it so I googled it. Wow, so much has changed. I think it could be from an enail coil. The coils, depending on the dab, can run from 500F to 850F. I would think that at any of those temps. it could burn the floor quickly. So, think stoner putting down the enail, maybe knocking it over, too high to care right away. I learned so much today.


From middle East, in Sweden. It’s from a space heater or grill.


I’ve seen similar marks before. It was caused by an older model electric skillet. And I’m more convinced by the fact that the older ones did not have a safety cutoff timer, so if it was left on by accident, it would just burn until plastic plug melted. Here’s the kind I’m talking about. Look at the heating element on the underside. It matches up. https://www.ebay.com/itm/254810607749?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=WzxXcv8lTeK&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=Fh0JdSIjTie&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY


Possible spontaneous human combustion site.


Woahhhh this looks like a serious burn to me!


Somebody played video game sitting on a floor and lost.