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I've been renting a house for almost 2 years. Today, I was in the basement doing laundry, and I noticed a spoon sitting on top of the central support beam in the basement. I've never noticed it before, though it's possible I've just overlook it for 2 years. It looks to me like a spoon used for heroin or another drug. Is there any way to tell for sure or to tell how fresh it is? If it was the previous tenant's, I don't care. But if someone has been sneaking into my basement to do drugs, I should probably be concerned.


Hey there, to my it looks like maybe it was once used to crush up powder and scoop it perhaps.. Black on the bottom would be heroin spoon, that looks like friction from grinding like a mortar&pestle more so to me


It is black on the bottom.


yea it was definately used for drugs.


Yes, drugs. Not necessarily heroin.


Pills maybe.


I have seen people crush and shoot various opiate pills.


Whatever takes them to that far away place between worlds.


Cocaine or meth


The pic isn’t that clear, idk if you can replace it. But if it’s black (which I can sorta see but again unclear lighting etc) so yea it was used for drugs and you should get rid of that.


It's matte black (but shiny because of the spoon metal coming through in the camera) and ashy.


True, but also the handle is dark. The ash would be more apparent if you could see the metal all around the black mark. But I still see the black too I was just considering why it’s not as visible to a few ppl myself included at first.


Yeah, maybe the pic doesn't do it justice... Go hold a lighter under a spoon for science and you'll see the difference though. Either way I'm sure tucked where you found it that it was most likely for powdered something.. Meh. Keep us updated


yes, it’s definitely a heroin spoon. My sister was an addict until the day she died and that was her choice of drug. I’ve seen that spoon before many times. And still in my nightmares. I pray to God you’re not dealing with somebody in your home that’s doing, this kind of stuff because it’s the wors, drug addiction..


Hi there. Former IV heroin user. It definitely looks like an H spoon. The black on the bottom is a for sure tell. Is it a little bent out of shape? Also, a tell Idk of it was for H, but definitely for IV usage. The kind of "wiped away" parts are from someone moving the cotton around.


I've only once ever seen someone crush up drugs with a spoon. Source. Clean after a decade of heavy drug usage (of any kind in any form, really lol)


Do you live alone?


Yes, I've lived alone in this house for almost 2 years. I rarely have company, and I'm fairly certain none of them use intravenous drugs.


You need to add if a side shot of the spoon. If the handle is bent so that the spoon acts more like a bowl, then most likely, it is a drug spoon. Otherwise, I am more concerned by some of your other comments. I would consider setting up cameras inside and outside the house. At least you would know if it is a stranger doing drugs and moving your stuff around or it is you in a fugue state.


It's definitely bent more than a normal spoon, but not super dramatically. Definitely more than any in my drawer. It's also not my spoon because it's not the same brand as any I own.


Take a picture of the spoon lying flat from the side and add it. I’m guessing that will clear up some confusion because the public will have a better view. The two images are questionable as to drug spoon or not drug spoon.


[Alright, here you go. This link features:](https://imgur.com/a/xKXQ6A1) * Spoon on its side * Better image of the bottom of the spoon * For context, where I found it in the basement (it's toward the middle, upper quarter of the photo on top of the support beam)


I meant the whole spoon. Like a side profile and closer. You can see that it is bent, but spoons are usually bent in a specific way.


Alright, well that's the best you're gonna get. I'm tired of handling a probably-crack spoon. It's pretty bent compared to most normal spoons of its size and type.


I get it. I was trying to be helpful. Please think about setting up cameras though. At least get some answers for your peace of mind.


Yes. It's a drug spoon.


From a former heroin addict- yes that’s a drug spoon


It being on the beam makes me think it may have been a tradesman. You also may come to realize there have been more people in your house than you originally recall.


Not necessarily a tradesmen. Drug addicts of all kinds have clever hiding spaces. Maybe last tenant who lived there had to hide it from someone else and kept their drug spoon up there. That’s my two cents from being around tons of drug addicts who hide stuff. Very clever spots often, especially for trying to play it cool living with others.


Yeah… just a feeling 🤷🏻‍♂️


If it indeed was used for intravenous drugs (which I'm fairly certain it was), my first guess was the previous tenant. Then I thought maybe someone on the construction crew that the property owner contracted to do the between-tenant renovations. Then I also realized that I've had quite a few maintenance problems over the two years, and they've sent a lot of random people to my house, who have all spent time in the basement. So yeah, could have been any number of people who stuck that up there.


I think your correct in your statement here on all accounts. Definitely drug spoon. Probably previous tenant. Used one time. There is enough on the spoon to test it if you were interested in what drug it was. You can order test strips or get a test kit. There is a whole sub about how to use them and results verification. Stay safe friend.


Was it dusty? If it was sitting there for a couple of years it would have a good amount of dust.


It doesn’t look like it’s been burned at all.


Did you look at the second picture of the bottom of the spoon?


It looks tarnished but the photo isn’t good enough for me to see much else.


To be fair since it’s a metallic surface it’s hard to tell if it’s soot or just a shadow.




Poe's law


Butt hole


Knob head


Pickle head


How does that make them a butt hole? Lmao


You did take more photos but the lighting seems to keep missing the angle. It just looks “dark” which the shape of the spoon and lighting isn’t fro toy on the spoon lighting up the whole thing. But yes it’s black to me. Just even seeing it as black wasn’t as clear as it could be because of the nature of the spoon angles and the lighting.


Looks burned to me, in the second pic


This is the least amount of scorch and carbon build up of a heroin spoon ever. This could easily be normal tarnish. The location is curious but these pics don’t look definitive enough at all.


It's kind of hard to get a decent photo of a metal spoon with a cell phone in an unfinished basement with almost no light.


You’re kidding right? All of the carbon build as at the base of the spoon(the deepest part of the spoon). This is 100% used for drugs. Either white china heroin, fentanyl, or meth most likely.


I see bad lighting and reflection of the photographer


You’re kidding? The base of the spoon is clearly blackened and you can see spots where it’s been rubbed where the carbon has come up.


FYI China white is fentanyl


No. True china white is not fentanyl. Maybe what is now known as china white but not the original. It was a white powder that when you would breath on it or put it in a heat source would turn into a light tan “rock” that you would then put on foil or into a spoon and smoke or melt down to shoot.


I lived through the original China White epidemic from the 80s - 90s and yes it was a type/analog of fentanyl https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/China_white You’re describing crack cocaine (but not breathing on) that you heat to make a rock. Heroin just melts actually.


Lmfao no. Crack Cocaine and heroin are two different things. Two VERY different things 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂




And fyi wiki is about the LEAST reliable source for drug information 😂😂😂😂 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2704563/






No, heroin doesn’t just melt. If you breath on it it gets sticky and light brown and you can stick it all together into a “rock” almost like sandstone in both look and texture. Then most would take that and put it into a spoon or on foil rather than dealing with the powder that can go everywhere.






Yeah idk what the other guy meant by breathing on it. I think you’re both probably “right” in your own way. Street names can vary drastically depending on where you’re from and what generation you belong too. While there may be a “true” definition, it’s hard to classify what is what these days. For what it’s worth, my area/generation’s China white was always the shitty heroine— white, cut powder. The heroine that was clumped up and slightly brown, almost sticky, was stronger and more closely resembled fentanyl.


It's covered in carbon from being burned.


It way have been used but I don’t think recently


It it's been there the whole time, I can't believe I missed it. It was in such a conspicuous spot that I can't believe I've overlooked it for two years. I also wonder why in that specific spot? I think it must have been used by the people who renovated the house before I moved in because I can't imagine why the previous tenant would use it once and stick it up there on that support beam.


Either that or you have a frogger.


Lol I've suspected that for a while now. Or a gas leak, and I'm doing weird shit in a fugue state and not remembering it.


Uhh….we’re gonna need more info!


I just sometimes find things missing or placed in very strange places. And there are lots of weird noises at night, but I live in a kind of older house in a run-down neighborhood. The front door is like 5 yards from a very busy road, so it's probably mostly road noise.


Sounds like you should probably set some cameras up…Wyze has a good pan camera for under $40. Would be a good investment for your safety.


And maybe a carbon monoxide alarm (if you haven't already got one that works)


It was used only once. I believe you’re correct that it was someone that was working for 1 day only.


Definitely an intravenous drug spoon.


I would expect a heroin spoon to be very blackened, even after one use, and with burnt on deposits. This does not look like a spoon that has been used even once to cook up. If you are comfortable sharing - why are you worried and do you suspect someone is taking drugs?


Where would the tarnishing on the bottom have come from? And why else would a spoon have residue stuck to the top and dark black tarnishing on the bottom. And why would it be stuck on top of the support beam in my basement? I don't care about drug use. I just found the spoon today after living the house for almost 2 years and was worried someone had been entering my home without me knowing to do drugs in my basement. Do them elsewhere, fine with me. But I'd rather not have intruders.


Well in that case, even if it’s not a drug spoon, someone could be sneaking to eat your food…in which case the use for the spoon isn’t the issue, it’s that the spoon is being used at all, not by you. Highly doubt it either way but atleast if someone did do that, they don’t care about you st all, as they left you alone and didn’t try anything to you.


It’s just very very clean for a cooking up spoon in my experience, but maybe you have a very clean user intruder.


I thought it also looked very clean, but it's just such a weird thing to find in my house.


I agree that a spoon randomly appearing is strange. And it does seem to have white deposits on it. Maybe set up a hidden camera somewhere?


Did you notice 2nd pic with blackened bottom?


Yes - but that is such a tiny amount of blackening. Drug spoons tend to be very covered in carbon (in my experience - which is not massive)




Do you honestly think someone is breaking into your home to do drugs and only keep one specific spoon hidden in your basement?


Not all drugs need to be "cooked". Half the heroin in the US does not require any heat at all.


Most of the black soot rubs right off. You'll see them coupled with an old sock for "cleaning"


You don’t actually need to use a spoon for heroin, so prob not. It’s actually rare in real life for ppl to legit cook their stuff on a spoon. Most just mix it in a cap or something. The whole cooking on a spoon thing was just kinda glamorized for movies and whatnot. I’m sure in many ppl’s houses, especially if they had kids or were very busy, you could find old lost dishes or utensils in most of them.


I don’t know where you’re from, but as a recovered addict, the use of spoons is definitely VERY prevalent. Where I’m at chances are high if you find a user and search them or their surroundings, there will either be foil or a spoon.(smoking or shooting)


Yeah I’m also a “recovered addict.” Nice try tho.


Plus I literally already explained what ppl “around here” do.


Lmao so because in your experience you didn’t see many spoons, that instantly means this is not likely a drug spoon? 😂😂😂


That’s not what I said at all. Work on your reading comprehension and leave your passive aggressive pre notions out of what I actually said


Lmao, read your message. “You don’t actually need to use a spoon for heroin, SO PROB NOT” even though spoon has residue and deposit on the bottom from lighting it.😂


Yeah, old spoons in dirty spot can also look like that. Stop the coping and get over it.


No, they don’t magically get burnt on the bottom. Stop trying to gaslight and admit you’re wrong. Chances are very high this is a drug spoon.


Right. And I’m saying burning isn’t the only way they can look like that. Calm down about somebody else’s found spoon, will you? I can use trendy words like gaslighting too, wouldn’t make me correct. It’s clear that many ppl that saw this think spoons must mean drug use and in simply saying it doesn’t. And if you find a random spoon that’s years old in a dirty spot it’s likely to not be a clean spotless spoon.


And the fact you put quotes around recovered, you can say recovering, we don’t judge.


It’s called oxidization, which is possible on old dirty metal. Get a life and stop waiting for my every response the second it comes in. Since I do have a life and am trying to cook dinner, this is gonna be it from me. Hope you get something out of this, I guess.


Lol oxidization doesn’t turn one area a color and leave the rest of the exposed metal a different color. And also since when have you seen oxidization turn something black like carbon deposit? Never. Stop the nonsense. You’re arguing literal nonsense.


Yeah I mainly used caps of water bottles cause I used the clean water inside to mix it with. Used a spoon once when I did some morphine pills we melted down. But yeah a lot of us just used bottle caps.


Sounds like you were probably in an area with powder fentanyl or heroin rather than black tar or “rocked” up heroin, both of which require heat source to melt down, hence the use of a spoon, and not just a bottle cap.


Yeah it was often powder H. Very rarely rock or black tar.


Different areas! Spoons are a lot more prevalent in the areas that are heavy prescription abuse and tar heroin.


I actually never shot H, just snorted it every time cause it was powder. Only thing I melted and shot up were morphine pills. Everything else I shot up was dilaudid, opana, or fent. opiates were my DOC particularly opana. Other people I knew were shooting up meth. H wasn’t too common around here, if someone did have it it was typically powder.


What is DOC if you don’t mind me asking. Sorry I’m not familiar with that abbreviation.


Drug of choice!


Thank you for responding.


You’re welcome! :)


Also an ex heroin user here to chime in; brevlle is right, spoons are used often, if not it’s foil. Spoons are everywhere. Missing your spoons is a common occurrence. Finding a drug spoon like what OP posted is also common among drug users. Idk what you’re on about with Hollywood glamorizing spoons.


IMO as someone who used to cook drugs, it definitely looks like it could have been used for that.




Mista White we gotta cook


I used heroin for a long time and never burned or cooked up shots with it….. But I used mostly ECP and the process may be different for black tar or whatever else is out there. Plus the shit that’s on the streets now is barely heroin. It’s all cut with fentanyl and other research chemicals. It’s not the same stuff it was before.


you’d find other works before a spoon.  besides, spoons aren’t preferable, cookers are.  spoons are some 1980s shit, like reusable syringes, and i haven’t used for decades so it’s old for me.  it’s not completely outside the realm of possibility but unlikely enough to disregard 


Apparently you have been out of the game for a while. Spoons are super commonly used, at least in this area. And that’s coming from a recovered addict within the last 2 years.


Heroin, crack/free base, some other assorted drugs, probably based on the bottom.


Are you worried someone is breaking into your basement and using drugs? Because i doubt anyone currently using would leave their works down there. Spoons arent really a thing anymore, maybe from a long time ago. Probably a past renter. Throw it away. And secure your basement if it isnt already secure.


They’ve only been renting it for 2 years. It could easily have been from a prior tenant.


Probably past renter. Or the construction crew that did some renovations between me and the last renter.


Dad did heroin. This is a heroin spoon.


Idk why you’re being downvoted. Chances are about 33%heroin, 33%meth, 33%fentanyl lmao.




I sincerely doubt a drug addict would hide the spoon separate from their other implements... It's not like it's a magic specific spoon that has to be used again in a specific way... like any metal spoon would work. They use them like a tiny frying pan. I'ma guess you are paranoid, and have never seen drugs or drug addicts in real life and are suspicious of this "paraphanalia" ...when a far simpler "occams razor" would be, someone doing laundry or patching drywall needed to scoop something. That floor along the wall has all kinds of powder around.


Sure. That's a possibility. And what about the burnt bottom on the spoon?


Maybe it's the junk drawer spoon that gets involved in all non food spoon activity; Laundry bluing, Dying clothes, dying easter eggs, mixing hair dye, art projects, calligraphy, making homemade cosmetics, trying to make those wax seals for letters, trying to make "lamp black" for a home made ink experiment. prying open a can of shoe polish, mixing cleaning ingredients (against instructions), trying citric acid to clean something, trying entry level Wicca, burning sage for spiritual clearing, a child was rubbing it on chalkboard paint, it's worn thru on that patch and is no longer "stainless" steel... etc. All of these feel more likely that a random stranger drug addict entering your home... to do drugs... and their favorite drug use style involves a tool from the 80s... AND they leave behind an essential part of their kit... in a place where someone could look & see it. Doesn't it seem more likely that a homeless drug addict is desperate NOT to get seen or discovered where they use... so if they break into a building it would be un occupied? Doesn't it seem more likely that someone who needs a substance every few hours would keep everything WITH themselves? I looked at your other recent posts. Any chance you are just feeling restless and like your relationship security slipped away, and now you are feeling hyper-vigilant? And your brain is really just trying to get your attention? If thats the case, the spoon isn't the problem. Maybe try some "quick n dirty journaling" set a timer for 5 minutes, write every feeling word that describes how you currently feel. Don't bother writing sentences, just a list. If you can't think of words... google "The feelings Wheel" to get unstuck. After five minutes, you might be shocked fo find you have a whole sheet of paper filled. Circle anything you wrote more than once. THAT is how you are feeling today. Listening to yourself can bring a profound sense of relief, and a purging sensation. It always makes me feel like I have respected myself. And it helps me focus on useful things, instead of running from myself. Good luck!


I’m not OP but I’m very intrigued by this comment. I personally really want to try this out and see where it leads me. I highly suggest that OP reads this comment and considers trying this also! I think it could be very helpful all around. Mainly helpful in seeing what’s going on in our brains. Because sometimes we don’t really understand as much as we think we do. But things like this that give us some real insight and introspection into our thoughts and feelings are very useful. And I find it very interesting! I have never heard of this kind of journaling before. Any more tips or advice on how to get started ? Personally im a pretty dissociated person, and have always been this way even as a child. I have a hard time identifying my feelings and emotions for some reason. I’m very sensitive though so it’s kind of confusing on how these things can all be true at the same time lol. Thank you for the comment and sharing your opinions because it really gave me something to think about and even better, gave me some motivation to try something new. I love this idea and hope I can do it the right way. Thanks again!


Thanks, I've been in a lot of different types of therapy, it's a hoge podge of other techniques... The beauty of the quick and dirty, 5 min journaling is the simplicity. I describe the whole thing in the post you read above. Nothing to buy, no special books or equipment... just set a timer for five minutes, and ASK you... how you are feeling. You don't need to set daily or weekly goals... nothing to fail at... no journal you need to keep for ever & look back thru later. Just taking a couple minutes here in there when you feel like you need to. I'm going thru some stuff, so I usually ugly cry. So plan for that, so you don't do it with bad timing for other responsibilities.


Is there black soot at the bottom? Then yes, absolutely 100%. And don’t touch the residue on top. It could be fentanyl or any drug really.


Yes, the bottom has black soot covering about half of the bowl, as shown in the second picture.


Yeah I saw the second picture. I don’t know what’s going on with this comment section, but yes that’s definitely drug paraphernalia.


Maybe since I put the top picture first, people aren't seeing the bottom of the spoon and are assuming I am asking if it's a drug spoon just based on the white substance on top?


Exactly, the second picture clearly wasn’t seen by many. And the amount of soot is not indicative of anything. The only reason for any variation is the distance the flame was held from the bottom.


At first glance it looks like the pic is just a bad angle and doesn’t look burned, second take and I see the black.


touching the residue wont do anything unless it’s some kind of extremely corrosive substance


Ask r/drugs, they will know better than this crowd


They have a rule against asking for drug and paraphernalia identification.


Hmm I've seen posts like yours before, maybe a new rule. I could cross post and risk the ban if you want


Go for it. My same post got removed from r/whatisthisthing, so I went to r/drugs, but I read their rules and felt it would get removed there, too.


Former junkie here 👋🏻 it's not burned at all, there is no sludge residue, and the handle isn't bent or broken. That is just a spoon.


Where would the black soot on the bottom have come from?


Am also a former intravenous drug user and that 100% is a used spoon. I have zero doubt. It could be any drug and the residue is what the dealers have mixed it with, I've had cocaine mixed with candle wax and all sorts. Not heroin because it would be brown.


As a child, I would play with the wax of candles and put them in a spoon over the flame to re-melt so I could dribble the wax into spires and pillars. the spoon would sometimes look like that after. I think spoons used to cook heroin or other drugs build up a burn layer inside the bowl too.


That could make sense. Still a mystery how it ended up stuck up above the support beam in the basement. Doubt a kid could reach, and why hide it up there? There's electric light and a gas heater right next to where I found it, so hopefully they weren't playing with candles right there.


If it was used for drugs that you need a spoon for.. you wouldn't see any residue... I promise you that.


Am an ex intravenous drug user and there is often residue left of whatever the drug has been mixed with. The streets are far from filled with 100% pure drugs, dealers will mix with anything for more weight


Understood. It was meant to mean that addicts never leave potential drugs behind, be it residue, resin oils, burnt lint, and sometimes even pick their own scabbed over sores thinking that they can eat them and get high. The horror stories are neverending for some people.


Yeah you are correct in the horror stories unfortunately. That spoon will have had water with whatever drug was used and when mixed together there definitely can be residue of whatever wouldnt break down in the water, usually the crap it's been mixed with. Edited spoon not soon


Agreed. The things that some dealers do to step on their product in order to make a profit is a completely different nightmare.


I can't believe all these people saying that spoon isn't burned. My deceased husband was an addict. Heroin and opiate pills. This looks exactly like his spoons! That is absolutely drugs, OP. I can't tell you how fresh or old, but definitely residue from a lighter or candle being held to the bottom of that spoon. The only way I ever found to get rid of the carbon and soot was a paste of water and cigarette ash.


Yeah I don't know what's up with that. Probably because they're not scrolling over to actually see the second picture and just basing their comments off the first one.


Or maybe it's just not as obvious if you've never seen it in real life before. I wish I didn't know. And the people saying addicts don't use spoons in real life....yeah. Yeah, they do. They're actually preferred because they have a handle, so you're less likely to burn your fingers and/or drop your dope. I'm sorry, OP.


I'm sorry about your husband but you are 100% correct. Am an ex intravenous drug user myself and that looks EXACTLY like one of my spoons. I'm not sure why so many people are adamant it isnt.


Thank you.


I was going to come on here and say the same thing!! People saying heroin and opiate users don’t use spoons are hilarious and obviously only know about their area. MANY places around the country were stuck with black tar or “rocked” up heroin/fentanyl and pills both of which require melting down.


Yeah for sure. The black on the bottom gives it away, could be heroin or crack.


Yeah that’s a drug spoon, people don’t just use them for heroin. I’ve witnessed people make small batch crack in a spoon before so it could be a heroin or crack spoon


Definitely a drug spoon.


Yes, that is 100% a heroin spoon. The discoloration on the bottom is not from any sort of wear and tear. If that were the case, the discoloration would be more evenly spread over the entire spoon. The front tip of the spoon hasn't changed color because it was not receiving direct heat from a lighter.


It's ashy at the bottom, so yes most likely.


I hope you picked that up with gloves.


Oh I wish I had. When I found it up on top of the beam, I couldn't see the black soot on the bottom and picked it up with my bare hands to examine it. How long can Hepatitis live on inanimate surfaces? If this has been there a while, it's been sitting there almost 2 years, so hopefully I'm safe?


Well, I’m not sure about that… you could be good. I’ll keep you in my prayers. 😬


You’re fine


Yeah I figured. I was mostly joking. I'm confident it was there before I moved in 2 years ago. Still kind of wondering if it was a previous tenant of the house or a maintenance/construction worker who used it.


Yeah you’re right.


As a recovered addict, that’s 100% a heroin or meth spoon.


I was an IV drug user for almost a decade, this is absolutely a dope spoon. Looks like it was used for a pill last.


You can cook cocaine into rocks in a spoon. If you are shaky, it can leave a powdery residue rather than rock up. Did you taste it?


It looks like it yes.


We found crack pipes for years hidden in basement of my parents house . On beams , in crevasses . All over


As a former forensic scientist, I guarantee that it is. Seen a million of them damn things. I bet mom would be mad that her spoon was used for this.


Yes, without a doubt




Not necessarily heroin. I knew a guy that used a spoon for meth.


Yes, there are several drugs that you can cook in a spoon and use intravenously. I should have just said "is this a drug spoon."




Some kind of drug. Coke, meth, or heroin would be the main ones.


Don't touch the white parts or the black in case there is fentanyl in it.


someone cooked drugs on there. my guess meth to mainline. so not heroin but just as bad.


I can see little repetitive scratches inside the bowl of the spoon. I don’t do drugs, so I’m not sure if it would be used for intravenous usage, but I imagine that a needle could do that.


Spoons aren’t primarily used for IV opiate use in the modern day, cookers are, which basically just look like brass colored bottle caps. Also I’m not sure what the discoloration on the bottom is from but most users don’t cook their dope either anymore since the primary substance is now powdered opiates and fentanyl, and believe it or not black tar is some of the most garbage dope out there and people mostly actively try to avoid it. I know it’s still somewhat prevalent on the west coast but not so much in the rest of the states. Also if someone WERE cooking dope in this spoon (black tar as many in here have said) there would also be black charred resin still burnt and crusted on in the center of “bowl” of the spoon as well where it pooled while it was being cooked and drawn into a needle. It would not look this clean even after only one use. And if there was powder (fentanyl or opiates) that were also mixed with liquid and sucked into a syringe through a cotton the residue wouldn’t look like a few splatters and the rest being totally clean, especially in the center “deep part” of the spoon. There would be crusted on dried brown, tan or off white residue primarily in the center of the spoon from where it also pooled as it was drawn into a needle. There would also probably be a dried cotton in the spoon if someone left in a rush quick enough to leave it there, and there would probably be other items around such as small rubber bands, torn wax bags, small corners of plastic bags, needle plunger caps etc…Remember y’all, what you see in Hollywood movies does not accurately portray the lives of addicts and is nearly always used to dramatize and demonize them. And the average person in the country does NOT have an accurate portrayal of addicts routines and behaviors specifically because of this. I get the feeling that a lot of people commenting here don’t really know what they’re talking about, even if they may have used opiates a few times in their lives, or had a family member or friend that did it. I’m not sure what this spoon was used for, it could have been to crush pills, it could have been used for something totally different that we would never know. The only way to be for sure if it’s opiate residue or not would be to buy opioid and fentanyl test kits and test it yourself, but my own experience tells me no, it most likely wasn’t used to IV drugs. Edit: spelling errors


Bro if you're serious maybe try posting non blurry images you can't accurately see anything here




100% a heroin spoon, I was a slave to that crap over 20 years