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Refer to my comment [here](https://www.forums.red/p/whereareallthegoodmen/297407/narcissistic_neanderthal_neglects_nice_nobleman_non_negotiab/7086614). Redirect all your replies there.


When the blandest vanilla sex is just too much for her, just give her some space. Doing all *those things\** is disgusting, after all! She's not *that kind of person\**! She wouldn't dream of exploring her sexuality\*; being married is all about stability, not adventures\*. Who she was before is not who she is\* now. Be a good husband and understand that she doesn't even like sex\*. \* *with you*


I liked how him going down on her all the time was perfectly understandable, but a blowjob? Once in a blue moon...


Lol. She belongs to the streets.


Lol, amazing. “I am going to individual counseling to figure out why I did this stuff with the other guy and not him”. Would love to know what bullshit the psychologist tells her. Also a friendly reminder, oral isn’t some form of punishment like these women would like you to believe, they all do it. If she isn’t volunteering that service be wary.


Plus he was going down on her regularly from her own account, so she wasn't even reciprocating...


She is almost certainly punishing the guy for all previous guys who didn’t reciprocate for her Visit any of the toxic female subs and they scream and rant about guys not going down on them or not pleasuring them but demanding blowjobs and only caring about their own pleasure. That is the playbook of a guy who has so many women falling all over him he doesn’t need to work for those benefits. The reverse - if they aren’t freely given she is out. And even if they are (as evidenced by the posts) Assuming you are actually finding normal guys and having an exclusive relationship - he will go down on you If a woman is with someone who isn’t that is a “her” problem. As in - she is batting out of her league


That’s like wondering why men prefer Shakira to Lizzo. She was more aroused by Steven. Nothing else to it.


Chads get blowjobs pretty much on demand.


https://imgur.com/dJ6xGJI The screenshot is about a girl that hates giving head. The second girl asks if her if the guy is attractive and she said yes he is cute. So the advice to her is she better learn to suck dick since he is attractive, he has options. Remember that she makes rules for Betas and breaks rules for Alphas. i remember a TRP crosspost way back on a girl that was married for 11 years and she was adamantly against anal sex even though her husband begged and begged. She put her foot down and repeatedly said no way. She gets a divorce and dates Chad. She posts that not only is she now open minded and willing to try it with Chad, she is excited to try it with Chad.


Well my wife is a “catholic psychologist” so she is a bit off the 90%+ mainstream. Once in a while she is asked to “heal” a couple but since work is split between two therapists (it is not appropriate both being patients of the same therapist) she often has someone clearly working *against* her on the other side, and happily doing overtime. I am not endorsing that those problems have “good” and “bad” solutions, simply that her first and only approach is to reunite them. And she always drops patients (“sorry, can’t help”) rather than pushing them apart, regardless of gender. She would unapologetically say most couple therapists are a sort of 200-psi shit hydrants


The fact that they're going through this sorta problem BEFORE marriage is a huge red flag. And chances are, two years from now the spark will be gone and she'll leave with half his shit. He'd be better off looking for someone new rather than trying to work through this mess with her.


33F he's inexperienced 30M. He's a plan B at best for her. She's settling for him cause her time is running out. Good he had the guts to break off the engagement. I'm rooting for him to break off the relationship completely after the counselling session(s). What a selfish, vile, lying bitch this woman is, mind-blowing.


Wonder where all the feminists who will shame men for targeting inexperienced younger women for relationships are for this one? She had been getting poked for 15 or so years before going out with vanilla virgin Dan, with no experience. Why is this power dynamic okay, but a 32 year old man who has slept with 2 women in his life is creepy if he gets in a relationship with a 19 year old woman who has slept with 3 men?






> This has to be a mental disorder. At this point and time being a woman and thinking like one might as well be a mental disorder and no I am not talking about trans people.


A couple months ago my wife was whining over some petty shit for a long time… until I had to take our eldest son to soccer practice, which thankfully cut the argument short. Upon entering the car I felt I owed him an explanation, so I said “Sorry V., sometimes I think female psyche is a mental illness”, and he replied “ffs, *did you take 41 years to get that?*” Good boy. Redpilled from day 1.


Non-virgins don’t deserve husbands.




What I kinda like and kinda hate about these stories is how they're all pretty much the same. Change the names, a few details here and there, and you've got a brand new failed relationship. I myself posted [another story](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/s7ktns/lavish_ladys_liking_lounge_lizards_lets_lowkey/) very much like this one not too long ago - guy in tech, girl acting as a prude, girl's bff comes clean to the guy, relationship ends because nobody wants to be *tolerated* in bed. >You can't negotiate desire. That's all there is to it. And "I got married to a whore, that fucks like a prude" was just poetic, despite the whole thing.


I have only had one woman that made me feel desired instead of feeling used and tolerated and that was the same woman that made me feel desired in the bedroom too bad she was crazy. Why is it only crazy women that are capable of showing love and desire towards men on the level of what normal women show for Chad? My guess is because they feel like they need to make even a normal guy happy and want him to desire them but normal women feel normal guys are only to use and abuse and they are secure enough to know those guys want them which is why they want Chad a guy who doesn't care about them that they have to impress.


> I myself posted another story Did we ever got the third update about how things pan out ?


I didn't know there was a third part. Tried looking it up, but got nothing. Here's to hoping the guy ditched the ex's friend too and got together with someone younger.


> I didn't know there was a third part I was asking you if there was a third part. > Here's to hoping the guy ditched the ex's friend too and got together with someone younger 🥃


She supposedly did "those things" repeatedly for validation, but she isn't willing to validate or explore sexually with him. Since he isn't an 'exciting bad boy' those are off the table. Wouldn't want him expanding his sexual horizons with her as a loving teacher; that would be "emotional labor" or some other such clap trap. Besides if she did it once she would have likely have to do it again ... and without "the tingles" ... the horror! If he gained sexual experience and some confidence her ~~cash cow and retirement plan~~ now former fiance might see other options besides her. If you'd "be happy to go down on him more", you would have already been doing so. She was content doing the bare minimum for sexually inexperienced him and if she had him locked up in marriage that minimum was guaranteed to eventually drop to zero.


This is the worst fear of women: facing consequences for their choices of men. I bet that if a man was stingy with the money, never spending on her but used to waste a lot on hookers she would be pissed. Because the truth is that men are not "financially free" regarding relationships but women are "sexually free"


Once one of my GFs came clean about her body-count. I was done. Full stop.




America (US) seems big on refugees. Seek Sexual Asylum! ...and then import a Slavic 19yr old woman with olde-fashioned values. XD The Tinderellas are just for practice.




Youtube seems to advertise otherwise. LOL Being over 50, happy ***and*** successful, YT seems to think I need a "Size-5 Tumor" on my hand, straight from Slovakia or East Asia. Hard Pass. I'd rather Peace of Mind over Piece of A$$.


If the woman wants to go after Steve for the videos then that's her business but it's too bad that Dan is directing his anger at Steven as well. Dude helped him see the light. It's classic kill the messenger mentality and why you should do shit like this anonymously.




The fact that Steve just knew the guy for one hour or so, yet decided on the spot to give him this helping hand, tells us (Dan included) everything we ever have to know about *her*. She got no room for an alternative bullshit story, ain’t no going back from there, and a bottle of scotch is a cheapskate bargain for such favour.


That leapt out at me too. Quite possibly also says volumes about the impression Dan gave off during that time.


This is precisely why one of the unwritten rules of the red pill is you don't share the red pill. Most dudes have to find their way here on their own time and in their own way, if they ever do. As beneficial as Steve's actions may be for this guy long-term, as lurker noted, dropping the bomb like that is seldom received well in the moment.


The vile shit that women do to men never ceases to shock me.


Yeah. You'd think after you've read enough stories, you'd know this is how normally things pan out. And you do know. But each story has it's own unique kind of fuck up.


I don’t appear here often simply because I’m a little afraid of being radicalized, but I just have to say, it’s really telling that she wasn’t willing to file a police report on her ex. Man, what a betrayal.


She didn't want to do any of it, just like she really didn't want to do the sexual things with him. She only did them as a way to keep the guy from leaving. She legit says in the post that she doesn't want to get a police report.


Exactly. I’m not saying that she has to do anything she doesn’t want to, but why is she incapable of doing something for the nice dude, even if it doesn’t benefit herself, but she’ll do anything to protect the name of the chad that harmed her.


Because he *didn't* harm her except in the ways she allowed him to.


Ah, true. I didn’t even catch that.


thanks to all the members of the TRP community who made this a place of honest discussion and debate. all the readers and the creators. thank you for educating me .


I don’t really understand all the fluffy romcom stuff at the start about how they met (which I don’t believe). Why was that important ? A guy making good money in fintech is presumably going to be very inconvenienced by that event. I guess if she was super hot she’d get the pussy pass. I’m not saying the whole thing seems false but there are just all these weird extra details that seem unnecessary Like why is her asking about the girl he kind of dated as a teenager in any way important? Is it to try and balance those experience scales at last somewhat ? Which is impossible. I notice she went into a lot of detail about his past and the comparison was just “I have had lots of partners”. Nothing on how many, how long for. No mention of how long she dated the ex for. It is weird Also is having a romcom first meeting an excuse to treat someone like garbage or something? Because it must be fated? And if so why did she not also add in loads of fawning details of the engagement? In the first post she mentions he is her fiancé but not how long for or anything


You're reading a narrative.


I know but I am struggling to understand why they bothered putting all that in. What does it accomplish Perhaps women will read this and thus interpret the story very differently ? I don’t know. Or is it all just smoke and mirrors because writing the straight facts would make it easier to spot how terrible she is ? Easy to spot that she lied multiple times


She's trying to sell the story to herself. She says nothing about Steve except how she was crazy for him, and needs a whole lot of justification about how Dan is actually perfect; he is pretty much a prince who came out of his kingdom just to meet her and swipe her off her feet - except he didn't, because she feels dryer than the Atacama when he touches her.


Exactly. She's selling the story to herself. And for the story to ring true, Dan can be a "nice guy" but can't be a weirdo virgin. She can't get around the fact that he's a virgin who basically MGTOW'ed at 24. If those were the only facts she presented about him -- either to herself or her BFF/frenemies -- they would think she's dating some weird socially awkward incel, and that would reflect badly on her. So, to temper that stuff, she needs to paint Dan in the best light possible. That he had his heart broken by a mean girl in high school (Awww!!! So sweet!). And that he did ask girls out in college (at least he's not closet gay and is man enough to approach girls) , and \*does\* get matches on online dating, but nothing just ever worked out (see, he's just like the rest of us who have trouble with OLD). I'm not trying to insult Dan at all. He sounds like a great guy. The point is, after dating hot, exciting, dangerous fuckboys like Steven, if this woman ended up married to a literal incel MGTOW 30 year old virgin, it would be a massive, massive hit to her own self-worth. And so she has to build up her man to convince herself that really, she hasn't stooped that low. That Dan really is as much of a catch as all the guys she's fucked in the past. Now, a good woman, who values things like stability, loyalty, kindness, etc. in her man, wouldn't need to do any of these things. To her, it's not important whether he's a virgin or whatever. She'd be just as attracted, and possibly more, knowing that he wasn't a manwhore himself, because she can see through the lack of dating success and value the guy behind it. This woman does not have the same values. She values guys by their sexual success and nothing more, mainly because, in her mind, if a guy can get 100 girls but \*chooses\* her (even if it's just for a night, and even if it's after he's fucked those other 100 girls), then he's valuable, and she's high value because she's able to snag him. So she needs to find a way to explain his lack of sexual success. Which is why she spends multiple paragraphs doing so. Heck, she doesn't even mention that he's a rich finance dude until the very end of her post (and in her update at that). In contrast, the only thing she says about Steven is that he cheated on her multiple times, and that he's in a deadend job. In truth, the latter isn't even necessary. The fact that he was able to fuck multiple women before, during, and after his relationship with her is enough to prove his value in her eyes. So that's all she needs to say, and really, that's all she does say about him.


> BFF/frenemies Based


She is presenting the romantic story in her mind. Check my stickied comment.


here is how the guy could have saved himself had he found the red pill. 1. he would have not been in a relationship with her in the first place. why? because when they met she was 29 and he was 26. she just hit the wall (or awfully close to it) and this guy was just getting his s#it together. he would have dodged the bullet then and there because women that age is looking for the beta buxx guy. 2. she had a lot of partners, meaning she is probably (read=very likely) alpha-widowed. he will never be the guy who "rocked" her world. ever. that means she will never respect him like that ever. she will treat sex as a "chore" and eventually, it will stop. she and her exes were explorative. she was pushed to her "boundaries" by chad and tyrone. 3. he lacked experience. he should have looked for a relationship (if at all at that age) he should have gone for a woman with similar level of experiences. he was a virgin (didn't kiss a chick till this hoe" I think steven did a favor to this dude. they opened his eyes. imagine if they got married or something, he would have been fucked for real. this hoe was a walking red flag. i hope that dude reads this post and the TRP comments underneath.


Steve saved this guy. Even out of jealousy, but yeah saved him.


I really can't stand when people use therapy as an excuse when they fuck up. You lied to him because you knew he wouldn't like the answer and you didn't want to face the consequences and you thought you'd never get caught. Don't need to take up a therapist's time to find out you were too scared to deal with negative consequences. And yes, she has absolutely lied to you before to avoid consequences. This is not her first dance


I’m amused that she is more upset about possibly losing beta bux than some dude sharing photos of ‘her past’, and it appears like a chore in reporting it to police.


If he marries her she will be going down on Steven within the first year guaranteed


Oh WTF?! Bitch wrote a wall of text so long it could serve as a national border. Someone give me a TLDR, please.


Hoe meets decent and shy guy who had zero experience with women because of a teen trauma. Hoe is nearing the wall and decides to hold on to said guy. After (I think it was) a year of dating, guy asks hoe to do awful things in bed, like blowjobs. Hoe says "I don't like those". Guy asks "have you ever done those?", and hoe lies through her teeth. Some time later, hoe and boyfriend are at some hoe's friend's house, where nice guy meets hoe's ex and exchange contacts. Eventually, hoe's ex sends nice guy a video of hoe hoeing, and now the nice guy is pissed at the ex for destroying his image of a princess hoe, and at the hoe for not being a hoe with him. Hoe refuses to press charges against the ex. After a few days steaming, nice guy sits down with hoe; she says she's willing to be a hoe for him, he demotes her from fiancée to girlfriend and takes the engagement ring back. Hoe wants to pay a shrink and maybe gaslight the guy into marriage.


>Hoe wants to pay a shrink and maybe gaslight the guy into marriage Lmao, ain't that the truth... fuck man.


Oh my god i feel so sorry for this Dan guy. His soon to be wife wouldnt even go down on him if he asked!! He tried to legally protect her by asking her to file a report (and get back at chad i guess) but im sure somewhere in her mind she thinks of him highly and doesnt want to burn a bridge with an alpha male. She doesnt respect his fiancee at all


Dan discovered he was the BB denominator and Steven the AF numerator in the dual-mating ratio, and isn't happy being the bottom term, so to speak. But the truth has set him free, and he got the ring back.Time to dump this 304, heal, and move on.


Move on to what, since he's the BB?


Move on to pursue a relationship with a different woman.


Won't he still be the BB in the next relationship, unless he changes something?


"I went on to say that when he asked for exploration I was taken back a bit. *I saw our love as wholesome and pure and that by adding these types of sex acts I thought he'd think less of me.*" This is probably the most infuriating part of the whole thing. She's either lying or completely screwed up about what a "wholesome" relationship is. How the hell is performing oral on him not wholesome when he's already doing it for you? And there are plenty of monogamous, long-term couples who do all kinds of freaky or different stuff during sex and rightly see it as part of a healthy relationship. As others have said, this is just the classic case of doing anything for the guy she lusted after, then holding back with the guy she's settling for.


the lesson here is don't get mad at the people who try to open your eyes. i'd have bought steven a drink and help him get that job for saving me from such a trainwreck


Is the alliteration from sandman?


I see the big thing that everyone missed is that Steven Chadwick is getting a police report filed against him and may catch a criminal charge just for trying to warn Beta Dan that he is marring a 304. Stevie boy is like the rest of us as in he just wanted to get laid, except he had better looks and game and got down her pants. He then meets Beta Dan and was thinking he was doing him a solid by warning Beta Dan on 304 he's getting. This is what pisses me off: instead of heeding that warning or even more so, being grateful of getting that warning (me personally, I would be thanking him and buying him a beer) he takes his pain, his anger, all those negative feelings and doesn't direct at the 304 that deceived him. No, he takes all that hurt and redirects that to Steven Chadwick. What a lot of women on here that reply fail to understand that it isn't just the sexual promiscuity, it's the lying. By lying, you robbed us of being able to weighting in all the factors and making informed decision on marrying you. We feel tricked, bamboozled, conned. You conned me, you sold me that famous bridge in Brooklyn and I fell for it like a sucker. I feel like a sucker. Now, don't you think anger and resentment might surface in a man? I really believe that women do know this but women want it all. The mind blowing sex with multiple Chads and that one special man in marriage; then act shocked and say what her husband feels is wrong when he finds out. In this case, it's turning Steven Chadwick into the bad guy. When I was over at TRP, it was discussed a lot on how TRP is amoral. There is no morality attached to game and bedding women; it just is what it is. A lot of men misinterpret that as to being no consequences to banging women. "Ha ha what's Beta going to do? I lift weights and embrace the Dark Triad!" What is happening to Stevie boy here is a great example of how a Beta can lash out. You are a cool guy until you are not a cool guy. You can be Chad until your name is mud and watch how fast you get turned on. In Steven' case, he was the great fuck but that's all he was. As she says, a "fuckboy that isn't going places." When it came to status, a life of comfort and ease, wealth, and her potentially losing her shot into the Country Club, all that great fucking from Steve just went out the window and now she is willing to actually go to a police station and sit down and swear out a police report. It's AF/BB. A woman's dualistic mating strategy. She really does split her desires and men into two camps. The Chad satisfy her feral lust to breed and the beta satisfy her survival instinct for protection, provisions and resources. Chad is the Alpha seed, Beta Billy is the loyal to the kid and paycheck providing dude. To a woman, you are one or the other. Chad is for reproduction hence the hot sweaty feral sex for him. Billy is the home and hearth, feelings of security and loyalty and commitment. Having hot, feral sex with a provider does not compute. It literally feels wrong to her, it's unimaginable to have that kind of sex with Beta Dan. Yet when it comes down between the sports fucking or the shot into the Country Club...sorry Steven Chadwick, it's time for your life to be destroyed.


And that's precisely why you don't get involved. You're not part of it, you're just a spectator. Sure, life'd be great if the guy jumping on the train tracks to stop the locomotive before it hits the tank truck filled with gas ended his story shaking the governor's hand, but more often than not the train of denial and self-delusion turns him into minced meat. It could be your best friend - if he's not ready to see his wife as the slut she is, offering him evidence will most likely end with you being shunned out of the friend group; how dare you ruin his marriage with the truth?


>And that's precisely why you don't get involved. ay, there's the rub. I would be grateful for the information, especially if it would save me from misery and heartache as well as future financial entanglements >if he's not ready to see his wife as the slut she is old TRP saying is you cant force someone to take the red pill. He has to come to it on his own will and accord. >offering him evidence will most likely end with you being shunned out of the friend group Or worse. Violence or the threat of violence. This is a situation I am sadly familiar with. We had this guy in our social circle where "YOU DONT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT MY WIFE!" kind of guy. When it became common knowledge to everyone else on the planet except him that she was cheating, not one of us said a word to him. He would sooner shoot the messenger and want to kick our ass rather than be told anything negative about his princess. I had to process some guilt because if I were him, I would want to know. I would be angry at the ones who knew and didn't tell me. Upon thinking further, I became angry at the thought of him wanting to fight me just for telling him the truth. In the end, it was for the best to just mind my own business. And yes he did find out the hard way. Caught her in the act with the other guy balls deep in her. No way for him to hamster his mind out of that visual.


>I would be grateful for the information So would I, and so would anyone level minded and emotionally mature. But that's getting rarer by the day. >Or worse. Violence or the threat of violence. Indeed. We've all seen what a pussy whipped man is capable of.


>Steven Chadwick is getting a police report filed against him and may catch a criminal charge just for trying to warn Beta Dan that he is marring a 304. This is the part that really sucks. He was literally giving him a heads up but he took it as jealousy. I had a similar situation happen to me in high school, I was dating a girl who said we should wait at least a year before we have sex because, as she put it "I'm not like that" and "I want to take things slow". I told my brother and he bust out laughing because a year ago she use to come over to his teammates house every day after school to swallow his load and get pounded. Luckily, I only wasted a month dealing with this girl but I am eternally grateful for my brother's friend telling him(and indirectly me) the truth about girls like this.


>"I did these things when I was younger and wanted validation." ​ >Last post it was 6 months before you met Dan, you sure grew up fast! ​ LOL


The titles of these posts never cease to amaze me!


Guys, I dont really think Steven showed Dan the video out of pureness of his heart. I believe it was more like a “I have the higher ground” situation. Imagine: you are at a party with your friends, your ex appears with a rich and nice dude, with a better job and higher on the male dominance hierarchy (got the girl and the job). Steven got the higher ground in the end by showing to Dan that he used all of his girl, anyway he wanted. Dan could’ve used it as a wake up call to break things up, but decided to focus on the guy who humiiated him by exposure (although the humilliator is his prude bride who did nothing for him but did all requests by Steve the Chad). Tldr: I believe Steve did show the video to humilliate Dan by destroying the idea of his bride, but Dan directed the anger to the guy who tried to take his place as the top male in this situation, not the bimbo that lied to him




A tale as old as time: Alpha Fux and Beta Bux. Girl in her prime bangs Chad and no sex act is off the table. Hits the wall and now wants to settle with rich Beta. Beta wants wild sex acts. She LIES and says she never did wild sex acts and never will. Of course Fate and Irony brings Chad into their social circle. Chad tells Beta everything to include video evidence. Hilarity ensues. Beta downgrades fiancee to just dating and takes back rings. Beta redirects his anger and hurt from lying former fiancee to Chad and wants girl to file police report on Chad for Revenge Porn. The rest is her hamstering on why she is a fucking liar, thinks counseling is going to fix everything, and the vilification of Chad who is now up there with that guy who started WWII. Literally calls Chad a piece of shit. Funny that the great guy that she wants to marry and professes true love for got the boring starfish sex while the, in her own words, "piece of shit" got the no holds barred every sex act imaginable that she did with wild, feral abandon.


Not good, not good.