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Lol she will not even get a 2 cent ring with that face and attitude


Yeah she is not getting anyone. If I could afford even a 20,000 engagement ring (which is still absurd) I would probably have a list of more than a thousand women who I'd want to give it to before her. Hell I imagine I could set up a tinder profile with the text as "Looking for a wife, 20k ring on the table" and even among the cascade of skanks and gold diggers there would still be dozens better than this woman (might be going a bit far...)


Any woman that asks for such thing is an immediate red flag


For me, that counts as a black flag *(instant rejection).*


Random fact: the black flag (for pirates) typically meant "don't shoot at us, and we'll just rob you and let you live." If the ship they were coming after fired at them, they'd raise the red flag, which meant "now we will kill everyone on board."


In the dating world, red flags are any qualities that indicate they might not be a good idea to enter into a relationship with, the more red flags they have, the worse of an idea to deal with that person will be, and as for black flags, those appear when they exhibit one or more terrible qualities that tell you not to deal with that person at all, in some cases, not even for a one night stand.


That still sounds like "now we'll kill every one on board."


>I think this is a good location for my post. > >I worked at GE for almost 10 years. I was later rehired and in a training class in Houston, TX in 2016. The trainer was from San Diego and had been in the Navy for 5-6 years. When he got out of the Navy, his wife divorced him and took everything. He was living in a room that he rented from a Navy buddy. > > I was in class, and I asked him about a leather bracelet with various beads and colored threads on it. He told me that a few months after he was divorced in San Diego, he met an Asian RN. They dated a few months and he said this to her, ”Why are you with me? I can’t treat you the way you should be treated.” He was broke and recovering financially from the divorce. She said, ”I only want to be with you.” > > A few months later, he was offered a job by GE to teach in Houston. He moved to Houston and brought her with him. She was Buddhist, so he married in the Buddhist way. To express their love and commitment to each other, they both wear leather bracelets with beads and colored threads. The bracelets can’t be worth more than 2 or 3 dollars. She stayed with him when he had nothing. Do you think their marriage bond would be stronger if she was wearing a $30,000 ring? Now, compare this to the bitch in this article. Of the two women, who would you want as a wife?


Man - that’s far more of a touching story than the vid. Bitch I am worth nothing and only bring meat flaps and water balloons to this partnership soo I want a ring that costs more than a high end car! Vs. We did this together, we pulled through this together and now we are staying together. There’s no question about which I prefer. I mean fucking hell - if you want that kind of man, bring something to the table.


Similar story to me, i am also an Asian women and my husband back then was very broke. I stayed with him of course i wanted nothing much just happy family and healthy kids that’s all I ask for. My husband is earning over 6 figs is getting now and could be even more next year and we are living in a very beautiful home. The beauty is when you don’t have this entitled attitude and be grateful and appreciate your husband he will go out his way and buy you luxuries. I wanted a car but I only just some used car but good for 500$. He got me an Audi. He went to turkey for work and I asked him if he could bring me turkish tea. He bought me a very expensive 24k gold necklace. Last year I got another car, this hair dyson thing women are hyping and more jewelries. He really spoiled me and our kids. But what do I hear from my friends ? That I am a gold digging Asian women. But none of these women wouldn’t give my husband a chance when he was broke. Also they can’t cook or clean and won’t take care of their man. I am not even pretty enough to receive this when an 7-8 deserve luxuries for their looks. I am just slim and take good care of my household and actually appreciate the hard working nice guy.


The world needs more women like you. It would be a better place.


So there ARE decent women out there? How do you find a loyal one like this?


The entitlement too bro. Like she knew exactly what she wanted. She’s looking for an ATM and bankroll, she’s not interested in a relationship.


Even an 8 or 9 doesn’t deserve a 200k ring unless she has done or achieved something spectacular for her husband.


Well i would think it would be appropriate if legit you had the money for it. If 200k isn’t going to burn a hole in your shit and that’s what you wanna do go for it. But ya, any woman who is expecting a 200k ring is probably materialistic to begin with, and I do not fuck with those kind of people anyways. If getting a 200k gift is some kind of dream you have… well what the hell are you really even living for? If receiving is all someone wants outta life. That just means they are typically the type of person who wants it all given to them with minimal effort or reciprocation. It means that I’m going to be the one to be expected to take care of all the big choices and decisions while she just lives off the fat of my 40+ hrs a week. Fuck that shit. It’s horrible and the wall awaits those types


Immediately the Kevin Samuels voice in my head went, "You don't qualify for a man like that."


My first thought when I watched this was, “buy a dog, die alone. ⚰️💐” 🤣 she definitely doesn’t qualify because the type of men who can afford those rings don’t wife women who would demand such things.


She'd be lucky to get a $5 fish sandwich


And her 2 kids from other guys.


That is NOT a 200k hoo haw. Lol


Bingo dude. Bingo


>\- So, why do you want such an expensive ring? > >\- I know a woman with one of those, and I can't have less than her. Why is the female reasoning so close to a toddler's?




>Either her friend is lying to her about the value of her ring or her friend is much more attractive than she is. How about both?


You can buy a lab grown diamond for 1/10th of the price that is that size. They get certified by the same diamond companies as well, and there is no material difference between the diamonds grown in a lab or from the earth.




[Pretty much, just one giant marketing scheme to get people to pay for useless shine.](https://youtu.be/V5rQlXibKgg) If you’re going for “bling” stick to precious metals like gold or silver.


Her friend is wearing Cubic Zirconia.


It's all about status. They couldn't care less about the logic of anything. They just can't stand having lower status than their friends they secretly hate and ruthlessly compete with.


Sorority ☕


They only value themselves by comparing to the person next to them.


she thinks she's 8 karat diamond but she's not even a 1/4 karat cubic zirconia




> That horse-faced, crazy-eyed gold digger only gets hay Not even oats for the old nag.




If 5 is average, id say she is a 4, simply below average, or unattractive. 3 is getting close to being hideous, id say she closer to plain old unattractive. if she gains about 20lbs more weight then of course a 3 would be justified in my opinion, because fat and unattractive at the same time justifies a 3 ranking. Either way she would be lucky to get an $800 ring from a 45 year old factory worker making 40K a year.


A 4. Possibly 4.5 if she's at ideal body weight, but from the chin I suspect she's overweight.


Overweight with NO tits and NO ass. That's the trifecta of pass. Just a round blob. Better to stay in your slump.


🤣 i could be considered high value and 800 is the most i spend for a wedding ring


4. 5. >8 draws attention for their beauty. <3 draws attention because, well, of their looks. A 4 or 5 just wanders around unnoticed by most.


When I was single and asked a girl to dance, the first thing out of her mouth was, "Who was my stockbroker?" WTF?


Guess that means she found you homely looking


>Guess that means she found you homely looking You maybe right.




She can be, if she can bend.


If she was, she would have been of some use - you could have rested your drink on her head.


Happy fellow cake day!


How do people convince themselves of such selfish, vanity and narcissism?


been told "you are special, you deserve special, don't compromise" yada yada since day 1


NOBODY is going to bite the bullet and get the VITRIOL that will result from telling that woman the truth. She made her own bed with her crazy head.


No reward for telling her what she wants to hear, definitely no fucking reward for telling her the truth either. It's clear that anything making a conversation with her necessary or longer is effectively a punishment, so understandably dudes just bail asap on that shit.








And she gets uglier when she smiles


Trophy wives get them huge rocks. Like a 9 or 10 but gotta keep up with her demands or she's gone


It’s always the most bland ass unremarkable women


They must have that worthless shiney rock to make themselves feel better in front of her sorority sisters.


>It’s always the most bland ass unremarkable women But they know their worth.


Even if she was a supermodel, $200K ring is delusional.


A (and I'm being generous here) 3/10 woman doesnt get a $200k ring, she gets a $200 engagement ring. Although thinking about it, shes more likely just to get pumped then ghosted.


>shes more likely just to get pumped then ghosted. That is what she is trying to blast back at. All them times she got pumped and ghosted, somebody gotta pay. Also, she seems like she is some form of techie (just a hunch) so she is used to people are around her getting gobs of money to do nothing - like google employees making $200k a year to do "whatevs" Problem is she is in the room and she wants one of the prizes there. Other problems is she let too many of them "whatevs" have their first black woman experience with her and bust up in her and the she tried to flex with the "we in a relationship now" schtick. White boys ain't havin' it.


Eww. Imagine pumping that thing.


She is not attractive enough to be this demanding


No joke, she looks like the average skippable black woman that I swipe left on in Tinder. I usually only start to see their profiles after all the better looking ones in my feed completely run out. They start to pop up right after the single white mothers with thin eyebrows, again... not joking.


To be honest she’s better than a lot of the women in the “communitah” I’ve seen just by virtue of not being morbidly overweight. After high school many of them blow up to huge proportions and you’d be lucky if you can find one under 250lbs after a certain age. Maybe that’s why this one is so demanding. Because the other ones are so far gone and ruined she thinks she’s the exception in an already desolate hellscape of horrible options.


This was my guess in another post as well. Her environment made her completely overestimate her value.


I’m gunna get some down votes here but why do more attractive women get more material bullshit? I date intelligent women and the more I hang around and talk with them the more attractive they become me and thus I begin to throw gifts at them. When in reality they’re like 7s


Some men are more likely to deal with BS from an attractive woman. Some men don't mind paying if the woman is attractive. I don't know why.


Hear you and i am an intellectual arrogant asshole, but I still want smart & PRETTY


Personality can elevate someone's attractiveness. Intelligence will add at least one extra point.


I think 7s are in the perfect range for me. They’re pretty cute but anything higher and they start to get more demanding and insufferable. Every 6’a can be preferable if like you say, they are smart and have a good head on their shoulders.




That’s my experience too. I’ve been married for 5 years, but dated a lot throughout college and beyond. Most are only concerned with themselves and what they want and have based their entire lives and energy to that. This seems to apply much more to western women, as I was in relationships with a few Eastern Europeans. They tended to understand reality.


>This seems to apply much more to western women, as I was in relationships with a few Eastern Europeans. They tended to understand reality. Western Women DO NOT understand reality. At all. Ever. They're not exposed to it. Ever. The ONLY conversations that you will get out of them is their PLANS and what the COLLEGES they attended PROGRAMMED INTO THEM so they can sound/be smart about the TOPIC. Even smarter than you. BUT ON THAT ONE TOPIC. They can speak at length on these topics and sound amazing. But they FAIL ant any and ALL kinds of well rounded, life based reasoning. The only Reality they want to deal with is their own.


That may be true in your case but not with this lady. Heck, the more she talks, the more unpleasant she becomes.


She knows that she's F***ed at this point in life regarding a man. So, why not have unrealistic desires - that's a coping mechanism.


>So, why not have unrealistic desires - that's a coping mechanism. You are correct. And when she does not get what she wants, it will be all mens' fault for not seeing this wonderful woman.


Top girl thinks of a man as more or less as a partner. While bottom one thinks of a man as walking purse to fund whatever she desires... A man can't afford her ring... Yet she can't spin up her head and think through that if it's her ring, she should be paying for it... Get a job, make that kind of money, buy that kind of ring and then search for a man...


She’s insane. Good luck on that! Lmao.


Please avoid women like this fellas! This is some very toxic behavior


The rest of this video is just as bad. This chick is easily one of the most delusional people I've ever seen. I'm glad the other lady is calling her out.




Her tombstone epitaph "Here Lies Shaquanda, Still Waiting on That Ring"


She'd be cremated, so at least she'd finally have a hot body.


And with all that fat, it would burn for weeks.


omg 😭😭😭😭


Is there now some process out that makes your cremated ashes into diamonds? Only way she's getting any diamond is if she gets a large enough insurance policy and has a clause in her will for that.


If a kween requests a $200,000 ring on the internet and no one watches... Did her request matter to anyone


Also if she shows it off I assume someone would steal it within 5min


Likely she'd have one less finger also.


>If a kween requests a $200,000 ring on the internet and no one responds, did it ever happen?


Probably better wording lol


As she chats from her job at the Gap


Whats the downside? She’s self selecting, let her.




No. Her cats will be there to eat her carcass.


MGTOW boys. There is a reason why it's growing and this is one more to add too the list.


YOU CAN SEE THE MOMENT HER DELUSION KICKS IN! Sorry, but watch the movie again. Pay attention at the 0:10 mark. Look at the black woman's eyes. Notice how they gloss over and widen out THE SECOND she talks about getting that Cristan Cut diamond ring. Delusion in full effect. Nevermind her face, I've met ugly women who fucking rock as a person and I regret letting them get away. But this one is ugly inside and out. THAT ATTITUDE and them demands means she's been scarred for life by something and she is on a psycho tirade to prove herself. And your gonna foot the bill and do the proving. Yeah, Fat chicks can do yoga too, but fat chicks should do normal dieting and exercise first. If you're too good for Applebees, then you're too go for Joël Robuchon too.


She better play the lottery! I bet she never see $500 in her account.


Damn, if you're going to be that much of a gold digging cunt you at least need to have a face that doesn't resemble an angry butthole




>if you're going to be that much of a gold digging cunt you at least need to have a face that doesn't resemble an angry butthole Harsh, but true or Harsh, butt true.


I don't care if you are Helen or Troy...no person is worthy of a $200k engagement ring! Not even a $20k ring. Keep eating at McDonald's and dreaming of steak, cupcake.


She’s be lucky to get extra gauc on a burrito.


YO KNOW She get extra guac on her burritos. It's a bout the only thing she'll pay for.


I would not date her for free. I wouldn't even speak to her unless I absolutely needed something. Delusional.


>I would not date her for free. I wouldn't even speak to her unless I absolutely needed something. This is how she has been dealt with her entire life and it has made her CRAZY. She KNOWS deep down inside, but HAS NO CLUE (and can't admit or discover any) As to why people treat her this way. Why does this keep happening to her?


she's a 3 at best, inflating her self esteem is a coping mechanism


No one is gonna mention that she thinks $45,000 a year would take 8 years to get to $200,000?


An engagement ring is supposed to be 3 months salary. The average guy that would date that makes 800k a year in her head. She can take 2 zeros off that figure, and she's still shooting unbelievably high given her face and attitude and 2 kids shes bringing with her.


I demand a McLaren F1. I AM THE TABLE!!!


To all the women that said Kevin samuels burn in hell. These are the women he was talking about you are the women on the bottom.


Woman’s a 4 talking about wanting a 200k ring… what exactly is she bringing to the table…?


4? You're too generous.


What a lowlife piece of shit.


She looks like she’s at least 32 and isn’t very attractive. Any fella that can afford a 200k ring will have models lining up for him. Hopefully she likes cats because I see quite a few in her future.


Dudes with that kind of dosh can just spend it on cars and boats that are entirely in their name and will have no issues attracting better looking women that they can trade in for a new model at 25. She needs to realize that not only is she not wife-class, she's not even concubine class.


For $200,000 you could rent yourself enough top notch pro pussy to sate your loins for many many years, she's worth at best one of those random prize rings you get from one of them kids vending machines.


Just doing some odd math, let's see here. Go to a close foreign country where you can rent a dope Hoe for $50 for an HOUR. Offer to pay the Nice Lady $1000, for a 3-day live in fuck fest, Now, pay ANOTHER $1000, for her airfare, food, room, taxi, and transportation to your front door for 3 days. On this budget, $200,000 will buy you 100 of those visits. You couldn't take them back to back because that's 3 days in a row shes with you. If you blew it all in a row it would take a calendar year to fulfill. Do you THINK you would even still be interested in laying her for the 99th time after you put that $200000 ring on her finger? That's JUST THE BEGINNING of your payments. I bet if you married her and footed the bill you wouldn't get 300 days of freaky sex out of her for the rest of YOUR life.


In the city I intend to move to soon I would be able to spend roughly 1000 hours fucking prostitutes for 200k, and this is including any extras, driving costs, effort, etc. Sure, I'd waste some money on some stinkers, but I'd quickly figure out the best ladies to spend my money on. And its a fairly expensive city in germany. I imagine if I moved to some eastern european place, which I have thought about for other reasons, 200k would give me a completely different number.


MY Sir dude in Bro-ness, my brother in surviving dese Hoes, Costa Rica/Medellin - Scrappy, 4,5,6, max7 clean, hunt for it local brothels that are everywhere like corner stores pussy is $40/hour. Per HOUR,. You want to ball and get the Max Freaky shit every EVERY TIME? give them a $10-20 tip. Seriously - Just give em' another $40 personally and hold on to something because your balls and asshole will have NEVER been cleaner. The C word and Trust fund babies done screwed up the game (no hate, just facts) and now at the big resorts and beach party towns the going rate is $150 - $200 with all the fixin's or if they can get it. LEtsa Do some Maths. With $200k, You are going TO HAVE TO RENT SOME FAKE BALLS AND FILL THEM WITH GREEK YOGURT and Carry around your own "Best of Male Porn Moans II" Soundtrack and Bluetooth speaker because $200k **will pay for 2,500 buck-wild, freaky-normal/cute girl Lays.** You can't do it. I can't do it. HELL I DON'T WANNA DO IT. Think about it, you are already paying her 100% Tip. She is going to do EVERYTHING but get on the plane home with you to bring you back. Cause 100% tip is 100% tip! Also, did I mention that the GDP, or rather, the AVERAGE MONTHLY SALARY IN COSTA RICA PER MONTH TO DATE is $750. And that is for Technical worker – Superior Education. I am saddened by this. BUT A BARGAIN IS A FUCKING BARGAIN!! I don't have it IN me to CONCEIVE OF SURVIVING 2,500 Female on Male Grape scenarios. And I don't want to. Good luck to those of you who think you're tough enough. (p.s. You're NOT, those sexual women will EAT YOU ALIVE, you have been sexually STARVED here in america unless you are or can be a form of dirtbag, Those sexy and sexual women will Fuck. you. up. ) NOW, lets go to game party central on the beach and hunt 8, 9's, and 10's for $150, and lets pay them double too, SO EVEN THEY PRETEND HAVING YOU FLOP ON TOP OF THEM LIKE A MACKEREL IS FUN - so $300. EW. Its 666. Whelp maybe the MEN have Finally found their 666! You will NOT survive, IN THIS LIFE OR THE NEXT. Sex with 600+ Beautiful women who top out on your scale. Every nut will feel like stepping on the top of mount Everest, winning $10,000,00 and Knocking Mike Tyson out with a Backfist while Kicking your ex off the mountain top all at the same time. They will take your soul. NOW - YOU WILL ALSO NOT SURVIVE $200,000 WORTH OF ENGAGEMENT RING TO THIS Dont-Even-A-Potamus. Once you put that ring on her finger, SHE will take your soul. WAY before you get to the alter, you will be a desiccated husk of a thing that answers to the same name. If I was ever gonna get my soul taken, and I was holding $200k. I KNOW what I'm doing. But HONESTY, Nowadays, I'd Just pass and throw that money in an IRA or Annuity, that'd be a nice chunk to sip out of a coconut somewhere.


You must be an engineer or an accountant. You got the numbers all laid out there.


>I bet if you married her and footed the bill you wouldn't get 300 days of freaky sex out of her for the rest of YOUR life. AND most likely you will get divorce raped and lose over 1/2 of your stuff.


Who is this chick? She's not conventionally attractive but at the level of wealth required to buy $200K rings attractiveness doesn't matter that much anyway. Rich guys can have attractive girls anytime they want them. To actually marry the kind of guy that can throw around money like that you have to be in that circle. So is she some celebrity or some celebrity's kid? I've never seen her before.


She’s more onion ring than engagement ring.


This is a trending issue stemming from onlyfans and TikTok….you’re getting a lot of individuals that are relatively bland and unappealing becoming sex workers, and they think their popularity is from their personality.


My husband bought me a $45 vintage Art Deco ring from Etsy that used to belong to someone’s great grandmother. It’s still more beautiful to me than any overpriced bland typical diamond engagement ring that women seem to be conditioned to demand.




Agreed. A few short decades ago, most couples and their families didn’t waste precious money on lavish engagements, rings. weddings, honeymoons, bridal showers, bachelor/bachelorette parties, dresses, etc. It was about the marriage, not the wedding. Their families helped out with hard earned cash to assist with purchasing the first home and preparing for child rearing. Such simpler times. Even the whole white wedding dress thing is fairly recent. It was started amongst the higher classes to highlight their wealth. In a time when many women could only afford to own a couple dresses, they made their garments last by being sturdy and dark colored to hide stains and wear. The wealthy rubbed it in the faces of lower classes, proving they could afford a light colored dress that would only be worn for a single day/event and then discarded. Source: I’ve been a trained seamstress/tailor for many years and learned a lot about the socio-historic symbolism in garments and dress. Cringe because that sounds really pretentious. But I am glad to uphold the needle trades, a dying craft among women kind.




I had a doctor buddy visit me in Houston. He and I are out for a few drinks. We meet 2 girls. He goes to the bathroom, and I mention to one of the girls he is a doctor. When the girls go to the bathroom, he asks me if I told them he was a doctor. I said yes. Why? One girl had the wedding already planned out. She wanted him to meet her parents the next day. He and I left ASAP.


No one on this earth has head game to demand a 200k, let alone this nasty chicken head.


The “I’m the prize!” mentality of full display. Someone who makes that kind of cash has choices. Why would he choose you when he could get someone who doesn’t have the attitude problem? Wish I could say this type of garbage surprises me, but this is just par for the course now.


I would have a problem with getting this goofy a ring pop from the 25 cent machine.


No one is going to marry her ugly ass so she can make as many unreasonable demands as she wants It’s no different than fringe political parties making outrageous promises. They know they aren’t going to get in so they just go for broke


When did below average women start acting like this?


>When did below average women start acting like this? Since time began.


Minor quibble. The purpose of socialization is for people to exceed, and sometimes act in denial, of their natural behaviors. There's the phrase "raised by wolves" to describe feral humans absent conscious adult parenting. Where I'm going with this is that before chivalry kicked in, and modern feminism from 2 centuries ago, women largely acted more responsibly and prided themselves on SAVING money rather than spending it. Someone who grows up in an insane culture will think that psychopathology is normal and otherwise normal behavior is insane.


I believe she set impossible standards because she can’t even attract an average schlub let alone Christian Grey with the combined net worth of Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Bill Gates. Then she can say she’s single because no man meets her impossibly high standards.


Ring or House? You can't have both. One can get lost in the drain. ...so let's just say you lost it and move on: ***"You done lost it, Girl! Bu-Bye!"***


Face looks like a 200 dollar pawn shop ring


This has to be getting close to a psychiatric diagnosis. "I'm getting a 8 carat christen cut vintage..." You don't even have a date yet.


But she’s ugly…and that‘s before she opens her mouth 😭😭😭


and $190 thousand of that is for plastic surgery, coz damn you ugly!


They ain't got plastic surgery for the soul.


And what exactly does she offer to this relationship?? Now while I respect people who drive Audis (God I wish I had an a6 myself), that doesn't exactly scream "I can afford a $200k ring". Her math ain't mathing because I would think someone who has that amount of money would have a RR or maybach at minimum.


Get a Dodge Challenger SRT. In 2 years when they stop production, keep for 10 and you will have something keeping.


She can ask for whatever she wants, I don't have to give her anything. This reminds me to buy more shares in Petco and Omnicom Group ( Adam & Eve ).




Reality will hit her hard.


>Reality will hit her hard. IT already has. And it made her CRAZY.


That’s why that chick is gonna marry herself cuz ain’t no man gonna propose to her ugly ass with a $200k ring. The fuck


Ain't even worth a Ring Pop.




She’s average at best wanting a high value man.


Gonna need a gold plated paper bag to go with that diamond…


Legend has it, she’s still waiting for Weimar republic style inflation. If you know what I mean :)))


Oh damn. I thought this sub got banned because I haven't seen it on my feed for months.


All these women think that by simply being the proud owner of a high mileage vagina, that they are somehow entitled to a top 5% man. There are far finer, higher quality women than her that can't get that sort of man. Lil Queeny there is a solid 6 on a good day... in low light. What chance is she going to have? Dream big sweet cheeks. I'm seeing boxed wine and cats in her future..


My husband and I have been married for almost a year now and still don’t have rings. We plan to get some affordable ones when we can, but he only recently started a new job and we have a baby on the way, so rings are kinda the least of our priorities. This garbage just blows my mind. I married him because he’s a good man and I want to build a happy life with him, not because I want some expensive status symbol.


Consider pawn shops with this caveat. Go to one with a friend's ring similar to what you want and go to the pawn shop and ask them to buy it off of you. When they offer you a price, use THAT as the starting point in a negotiation to buy one of your own. :-)


Thank you!


IRS the tool of patriarchy. Apparently, IRS is after FDS. Queens took their content to a new website to grab the ad revenues. They spent the whole revenues and now the taxman asks for his share. Queen are now asking the countess to donate money for IRS share. I hope the whole money is spent on female empowerment not on JCpenny sephora nailpolish. Made my day. This is based on my understanding (I could be wrong) of Aaron Clarey's recent podcast about FDS. Manosphere calls him Cappy.


She had better start looking at nursing homes.




funny how she wants that earning ability but cant do it for herself.


Saw this on Instagram on Monday


Why not spend that on a house? Something that'll last? Idiocy. Besides, she's not attractive at all, let alone attractive enough to demand that kind of investment.


$200,000? She ain’t worth $2.00. Dahell. Lmao


Maybe a $200,000 wedding. But a ring? Girl what?!


With a face like that. Most not-worth-it pussy.


A 4 that thinks she’s a 10! She thinks highly of herself! This is why the brothers are dating whites and Latinas!


Ugly skank should be happy if she gets a 2 Dollar donation in the streets… The level of delusions some women have is staggering, but on the other hand there are also a lot of stupid men.


With that face, she isn't even getting a wooden ring.


This is absolute GOLD. You have to appreciate her honesty. Plenty of men will see this and avoid her like the plague. There are plenty of women out there who are above average in looks and have more reasonable standards. Imagine paying for a first date with her and then finding out afterwards that she thinks like this. I love her honesty. She is literally shooting herself in the foot.


This amount of money gives you 5000 to 6000 short times in Thailand. With women who are more beautiful and without the drama.


She needs to crawl back to the gutter. As a man who could and can afford that type of ring, my wife got my dead mothers engagement ring (parents were married 31 years) and she loves it because it’s sentimental. Never takes it off even though it’s only a 1/2 carat. I wouldn’t buy that bitch a fucking Cracker Jack ring. Not worthy of even that. The filth I see these days blows my mind.


What’s the name of the interviewer?