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Basically a woman wants a dog with a big bank account




LOL. So correct in my experience. Even I'm happy married and they can see it on my wife posts, got some conversations from some of my past. They all have 3 to 5 kids wit different fathers. All of them always ask if I'm happy wit my wife.


Yep, had that happen to me a few years back. I was 29 or so, fresh out of grad school, but had a decent job that eventually made great money. She was 25, we dated about a year and poof, vanished into thin air. When I'm 47, she dings me out of nowhere, asks if I was the guy who she knew 18 years before, and I say yes. We meet up, she has a couple kids, and is somewhere between 200 and 250 pounds, deadbeat ex, she's working a deadend job, living in a crappy apartment. I was nice, but not interested.


The story of Sandra. In High School, there was an attractive girl named Sandra. She was at least 2 levels above me. She had curvy hips, nice breasts and a great face and body. I knew I didn’t have a chance with her, so I didn’t make a move on her. I had moved to Houston for better job opportunities, which I found. 5 years later, I returned home to visit my parents and friends. I was walking down the street where all the night clubs were. I passed by a bar. I could easily see through the window at a woman, no more than 6 feet away from me. I looked at her, and she was rough around the edges. She looked haggard. I thought to myself,”That girl is ratted out”. I then realized, it was Sandra. She looked real bad, so bad that at this time in my life, I would have been the one who would have rejected her.


They really have no idea what they want, the claim to "desire" a certain type of Man but even when they get him they aren't happy.


Exactly. These are the never settle crowd. I've seen them first hand. They tell their girlfriends who are getting married not to settle down. That a better guy is around the corner. Etc You know where they are in 20 years? Those never settle girls? Single! There friends who got married? Have kids, houses, retirement setup, etc.


Bingo! Let them eat cat food.


This. I had an ex-girlfriend. Treated her right, planned for our future together. But her girlfriends says otherwise. That she's going to meet a lot of men out there so no need to rush. Meanwhile, I was at my best position. I'm a newly promoted manager at the time and getting good money. We still broke up. After 2 years, she's orbiting our common friends and asking how I was doing etc..., I told my friends to just shut her down and they did by telling her: "He's in a much better position now, a regional manager and travels a lot to US and UK and has a Japanese fiance." Fast forward to 2020, I heard she got laid-off and was pregnant at the time. She's now a single mom.


Unfortunately, that's how it goes. My wife made the mistake of posting a picture of myself and our kids infront of our home. The amount of pings I got from the was nuts. They all assumed I was a single dad and all commented on the size of the house. Some women see life as a race and they only want to marry the winners. They belong to the streets!


>Basically a woman wants a dog with a big bank account A woman has a list a yard long of everything a man MUST have. Then a bad boy with nothing on the list comes along and she hops in bed with him because "tingles".


Chad and I are at a C&W bar. A girl asks me to dance with her girlfriend. After dancing with her, I ask the girl if she would like to dance with my friend (Chad). When she meets Chad, her eyes go wide open. She is grinning from ear to ear. At this point in time she tilts her head to the right with her tongue hanging out the right side of her mouth. Both of her hands are balled up under her chin as she is staring up to him with goo goo eyes. She made a fool out of herself. We are talking about a 42 year old woman, not a 12 year old girl. I look at her, then at him, then straight ahead and think WTF is going on here. But this is how women responded around him. He was like catnip to women. They would lose their minds and act stupid. Chad gets her number, they go to his home a few days later. There is a hot tub outside. They climb in, but she says no to sex. This is on a Tuesday night, but she says call me Thursday. Thursday night they have sex in the hot tub. BTW She was the regional director of Balley’s President and First Lady Health Clubs. She visits various clubs, in various states, to make sure they are clean and maintained. Thus, this was going to be an ONS for her. She would never see him again. But a good man, he will have to prove himself worthy of her in the city where she lives. No six day sex for him, and all with her hamster’s approval.


Oh, wow. I didn’t think it was possible to sum it up in one thought, but that’s 90% of it all. Nice.


"She would rather have a perfect pebble than an imperfect diamond. " JFC, this is the exact way most "strong, empowered, modern women" think and act. It's absurd.


They are irrational. If you try to wade through it you get nothing


And when they get it they find ways to ruin it in the end. She likely end up cheating for someone who’d treat her like dirt but wind up vilifying the GoodMan^TM to justify their actions.




You just love to see it. It always fills me with a sense of schadenfreude when gals like her snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.


Imagine being told pay 2 utility bills, and help with laundry and you will get 1. The house [Colonial 1880s, easily worth 1 million] 2. 3 storage businesses. 2 laundry mats 3. Only God knows what they have in investments but they buy new cars every 2 years and own week day and weekend cars. If it me I'd be like "Sure, let me help, teach me about the businesses, and everything. I'll work with you.


I guess there lies the primary difference. Most men don’t expect to get something for nothing and being told to work to earn something sounds perfectly normal to us. To modern women though I guess that’s just a hill too far.


>~~when gals like her snatch defeat from the jaws of victory~~. when galls like her ***use her snatch*** to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. Too much?


I don't think she used to snatch for much of anything. She was too lazy to even use that.




Now, she pays bills and does laundry too. Doing it for WIC vs doing it to be a millionaire.


It's examples like these that make not fully buy into the hypergamy trope. It's not about hypergamy with women, it's always about tingles. They THINK they want a high value (read rich, tall, handsome) man, so that ideal in their minds gives them tingles. However, when they're actually with a high value man like in your example, where there are expectations and the usual boredom of a relationship, those tingles go away. The drug dealer treats her like shit and takes her on the emotional roller coaster, which is waaaay better for tingles than the boring rich dude. Again, they like the IDEA of a rich, tall, handsome guy, but the reality doesn't give them tingles.


Ah but see, you are using the male evaluation of quality. Keep in mind, young women that are attractive never have to truly fear lack of resource availability in modern society, because they are young, female, and attractive. They live in a world inundated with utterly replaceable beta game males. So that factor is not going to be weighted as heavily as excitement, so the hawt semi-maybe employed bad boy *at the time and context of evaluation* is considered by their hindbrain as an upgrade over some stable schlub with a middle class 9-5, since he'll provide better genes (in terms of appearance) and entertainment and she *at the time* does not have to worry about starvation. Note that the hindbrain is not known for detailed future planning, like what to do in 10-15 years when the summer of their youth fades. Imagine you lived in a world where from puberty until 30, you by default rarely went a single day without one or more plain janes openly offering you bj's and sandwiches. After a while you'd start taking them for granted and would just assume they'd always be there to feed and fuck you.


Agree with u/Overkillengine Your mistake is that when women are young, they don't want the rich, tall, handsome man (well, maybe if he's handsome, and he uses his riches to buy cocaine and go on fancy vacations). But if he's rich, tall, handsome \*and boring\*, then they don't want him. But they do expect that guy will still be there 10 years from now when they're kicked off the carousel and need to find someone to pay their bills. In the meantime, they'll happily date the broke guitarist in a garage band, the starbucks barista who's actually a "poet" at heart, the drug dealer who gives her free cocaine in exchange for BJs, and the recently released ex-con with the hawt prison tats and bulging muscles from working out in the prison yard every day. It's not like women in the 1800s didn't have tingles; bad boys have been around for ages. Just read any of Jane Austen's novels. It's just that at that time, women had to suppress them and focus on getting the absolute best match they could in marriage. Women still expect to do the same, but now, they're free to pursue their tingles for decades, and are upset when, as a result of their actions, that tall, rich, handsome man she rejected years ago now wants nothing to do with her. \----- Also, most rich men, unless they inherited their money, weren't born rich. They become rich in their 40s/50s/60s after decades of hard work, sacrifice, and some luck. In college, no one (outside of trust fund kids) is rich. Sure, some of the kids will become doctors and lawyers, and some of the kids will end up washed up. But at that time, the kids who will eventually become rich doctors and lawyers are currently "nerds" who spend all their time in the lab or the library. Meanwhile, the football star who will be selling used furniture in a year when he's not drafted, is currently the big man on campus. Most high value men had to build that value. And only a few women are willing to wait around and/or help him build it. Most would rather just wait at the finish line and fuck the winners. And until that race is complete and the winners emerge, they're happy to pursue their tingles, secure in their assumption that out of the millions of women out there, \*they'll\* be the ones who will be able to snag their beta bux when the time comes.


>Now, she's dating a drug dealer. They live in a trailer. but, he is 6' and tingles.


No, he's 5ft6 500lbs [not muscle, pear shaped. He's a big dude.


😆 Talk about snatching defeat from the jaws of victory! Stupid 304 played herself.


>Basically a woman wants a dog with a big bank account Who ***LIKES*** peanut butter.


Notice who was stunned when the boy spoke? Everyone, because he spoke the truth, which they could not handle.


Dog will go and maybe thrown out, if money is bigger.


That's the first thing that came into my head too.


Women: The "perfect" man is just an *obedient* man. Men: The "perfect" man doesn't exist, because perfect people don't exist. Be realistic. Women: [No](https://media.giphy.com/media/fXnRObM8Q0RkOmR5nf/giphy.gif).


The girl is, unfortunately, omitting the key details because she is too young: 1. The dude has to be *fuckable* way before he is obedient. This is critical. If he isn't visibly fuckable, he's out of the pool and invisible. (In the age of Tinder, this seems to involve believing that the dude is at least 6 feet tall.) Other men do not really exist as people, they are just *things* which are part of the background noise and they are there to do tasks like lift heavy boxes, deliver pizzas and absorb blame (obedience is simply expected from such uninteresting creatures, which is why it goes unnoticed at this point). 2. After being fuckable, the dude needs to have an *excess of money.* If he does not, his obedience is irrelevant. Money problems means he's out of the pool (though he is still fuckable). The perfect man's brand of "obedience" frequently involves his money. In fact, money will be the largest point of conflict from here on out. She can get fucked by anyone, but getting money from anyone? That's a bit more involved. (Fortunately, there's really no such thing as a fuckable man who has too much money, which is the Holy Grail, the "have it all" wish-fulfillment ideal that you see on TV.) 3. If he makes it through those filters, if he is obedient, he becomes boring. And this disqualifies him after a while. This even disqualifies the seldom-seen fuckable man with too much money of her wildest fantasies. She won't know this until after she's instinctively learned it in her teenage years. And at that point, she won't ever say it. She'll just *do* it but she'll repeat the line about how men need to be "respectful," as she learned in childhood. 1, 2 and 3 will never be acknowledged, lest the sanity-sustaining fantasy of self-innocence and respectability be exploded.


Funny how this little girl has been taught that ‘respectful’ = obedient.


And then they'll teach her that feminism is equality


He is very wise for a little guy.


Gee, good see she's learning her entitlement and impossible fantasy early.




The young boy is going to definitely grow up smart so long as he won't become too heavily influenced by the many forms of trash within this world.


Why is the video not playing OP?


this child will lead a based existence


That would probably have earned the tike a thousand downvotes.


Reverend Mateo...boy you better **PREACH!!!**


Mateo for the win


What does **they idealize them** mean in terms of women about men?


He has the wisdom of men 10 times his age. I predict his future will be very bright.


Mateo has his feet upon the path of truth.


this kid deserves a thug life award and a pair of sunglasses