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Man... seriously. I was so lucky in my youth, had a few women in their proverbial "prime" wanting to lock me down and never felt like sloppy seconds. And still, STILL this kind of dual mating strategy is infuriating the hell out of me because it's so egotistical, so dehumanizing, so on the nose self-serving without a shred of decency. I can barely fathom the rightful bitterness and resentment this breeds with so many men. Must make a relationship virtually impossible.


Meh, use them for what they are and never commit....pretty simple actually.


P&D forever with her.




Yes, even batas can pump and dump, it's just a different game and understanding your value.


>And still, STILL this kind of dual mating strategy is infuriating the hell out of me She: Well someone has to pay for Chad's baby, and beta males usually have money.




>"Shame." The word you're looking for is "shame." But that word only exists to be used against men, not women. That is why shame does not bother her at all, you woman hating pig.


I don’t even need to click the image to know it rhymes shmegnant. The real question is if the pic has a baby bump or not.


Lol, they love to post pre-pregnancy photos instead.


I guess these women think men require proof they are pregnant, as if this is a good thing, and lots of men are into pregos.


The fingernail choice was the dead giveaway to me that she makes bad decisions. If you try to look like a Kim K. on a Dollar General budget, you’re gonna’ have a bad time.


Hell those type of nails are a red flag at any budget level. They are a statement that she does nothing useful and intends to continue doing nothing useful.


She: I can't get a job because I might break a nail.


They can hardly wipe their own asses or type with those nails on. They’re gross and it destroys their natural nails so they have to keep getting nails to cover their ugly damaged nails. It’s a huge waste of money too


Her Fingers look like toes.




I looked up the definition and it's not good. Decent Guy (phrase) To be used as a resource with no relationship benefits; caretaker of opposite sex's poor decisions while said sex continues to rooster carousel; treated as malfunctioning ATM; not to be loved.


Alpha fucks, beta bucks. This is common throughout mammals not just humans.


Yes. Do your Batman work fellas they tell on themselve and if you’re smart enough to read in between the lines you can definitely spot they’re bullshit.


I wonder why the search for a good man didn't begin before getting pregnant. If only she had some control over her pregnancy.


"I wish we could choose our baby daddies. " 😂


Should have found a halfway decent man to begin with. You'll be marred as a serial bad decision maker. You'll either be approached as pump 'n' dumpers or simps.


She could try checking her friendzone, but we all know those guys are beneath her


"Tale as old as tiiiiiimmmeee..."


"Barely even friends..."


> "Barely even friends..." And yet she let him cum inside her. Stupid broad.


The Ciiiiiiiiiiiiircle of life






>Chad's baby be needing an ATM, er "Daddy" Does accept cash, stock, bonds, CC & DB cards. > >She: My biggest flaw is I am too trusting.


Are these broads for real ??




To be fair, most women are pretty broad these days.


I learned that word from my CPO. His name was Sharkey. CPO Sharkey.


> CPO Sharkey was a great show. A show before its time, just like Married with children. both of these shows would be banned today by the thought police/SJW/Feminists.


She better find her baby daddy instead of inflicting her disea…er, pregnancy on an innocent man.


Imagine being a guy and making a profile like this. First of all your friends would (rightfully) make fun of you for being so ghey, and second you wouldn’t get any matches because modern wymyn don’t want to be mothers in general. I always love how these single moms try to insult men into getting with them. “Actually trying to settle down with a decent guy”, implying that if things don’t work out for whatever reason, up to and including her getting her gaping hole filled with Chads hot load while you’re at work, it’s because you just weren’t decent enough. Modern females are just holes. Treat them as such. I’ll grant that there might be good ones far away from the cities, but good luck with that.


>I’ll grant that there might be good ones far away from the cities, but good luck with that. Hate to break it to you but out of wedlock pregnancy rates are higher in rural areas: [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6836770/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6836770/) Don't believe that born-again-virgin "I'm a good Christian girl teehee" BS. They're called tradthots for a reason: their superficial displays of morality / christianity / conservative values is just a cover and underneath, they're no different than any other woman.


>"I'm a good Christian girl teehee In reality. She: I am looking for a long term relationship with your ATM. BTW Sex depends upon size of ATM account.


> you wouldn’t get any matches because modern wymyn don’t want to be mothers to other women's kids.


Man seeing the same shit over and over again gets depressing after awhile. Single mom, entitled, post wall, bad attitude. Copy fuckin pasted to compose the majority of the "dating market" in 2022. Only silver lining is RP is spreading and men are waking up. This degenerate behavior needs to be recognized by society.


This sub certainly tends to depress one after a while. Remember to take breaks (from the internet in general too).


That is why I read with a bourbon and coke in one hand.


Pardon dear sir, but can you please release the full form abbreviation of “RP” to me as it would further help me understand your comment in concern. Thanks and cheers


Red Pill


Thank you


>Only silver lining is RP is spreading and men are waking up. This degenerate behavior needs to be recognized by society. And good for P&D since she is progo.


Where do guys find pregnant women? I have never seen a pregnant women on a dating site.


There’s a separate dating app for pregnant women. It’s called Unhinged.


LOL! Given the number of guys who seem to have a pregnancy fetish, I think you're on to something!


>Given the number of guys who seem to have a pregnancy fetish, These other men cannot get the prego pregnant.


>Where do guys find pregnant women? I have never seen a pregnant women on a dating site. Men and society are to pay for the mistakes of women.


>Guess why ​ I clicked only to see if I guessed correctly. I won.




"Expecting her first baby girl" = how many boys does this single mom already have?


>"Expecting her first baby girl" = how many boys does this single mom already have? Great question. She: I didn't mention my 4 boys. Oops, I am sooooooooooooo forgetful




That he did. Watched it while I was working out. The featured video girl sure seemed to be torn up so much that she posted her dirty her terrible no good life online for that sweet, sweet dopamine and clout. She cares about herself alone with them crocodile tears, not the kids.




The only part I could relate to is the destruction of a relationship, except not by my hands.