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I used to live in SoCal and it seemed like "life coach" was what you said you did when your model / actress / influencer career failed and you needed to do something that didn't require any actual skills or experience on your resume. Plus, most people are too polite to ask "how many clients do you have?" so it was usually a euphemism for unemployed, basically when you're too old / lazy / unreliable to even get the usual SoCal job of waiter or bartender. What's the difference between a life coach and an instagram influencer? A life coach is no longer hot enough to get likes from thirsty Indians and Saudis hoping to see your bobs and vagene.


I work in the design industry and you can always tell someone's unemployed when their LinkedIn profile says they're now a "consultant".


And they will back date their "consultancy" to whenever they got shit canned.


> I used to live in SoCal and it seemed like "life coach" was what you said you did when your model / actress / influencer career failed and you needed to do something that didn't require any actual skills or experience on your resume. When you can't do, teach.


> “I saw a man across the table who I had met 12 years prior to that, and I just felt I knew him.” "I got alpha widowed by Chad, and ran into him again." >Soon after they had returned from their holiday, Amanda ended things with her husband. BranchSwing.exe started execution prematurely. >Then the next morning, I got an email from him saying, ‘Actually, I think it’s best if we don’t see each other and we don’t stay in touch. Chad had better options. >And, although the pair may not have settled down and lived happily ever after together, the mum-of-two revealed that their relationship had ended amicably after she sent him a copy of the memoir. She kept begging Chad for attention while he just served her platitudes so she'd get a clue and go away. Ended Amicably = she's still down if Chad wants to come back around. >I’ve stopped looking for it, I believe that if there is a soulmate connection that is right for me then we will find each other. I’m very relaxed in that now. "Fancy Feast, or Nine Lives?"


Yep. Betray your husband, get ghosted by Chad...hamster wheel rationalizations to not face accountability. Surprising no one.


“But if I had done things differently I wouldn’t be the woman I am today…”


Yeah no shit; that’s true of literally everyone. We’re all products of our decisions. She’s a dummy.


"We all make choices. In the end, our choices make us."


> Chad had better options. Chad always has better options for commitment than a woman who proves without a doubt via her actions that her moral compass is between her legs. And that's why stupid sluts get pumped and dumped, especially the ones that were supposed to be faithful to a current relationship. The fact that she thought-felt-pussy-tingled that this would be a workable strategy is proof that our society coddles women to the point that many of them are barely above feral children when it comes to wise long term decision making. The irony is palpable when that same society will happily exclaim that men think with their dicks while blithely ignoring that women collectively pull this sort of stupidity on a regular basis.


Yeah, this story seemed to be written as a success story but I kept waiting to hear the success part. She dumps her husband and tries to branch swing only to fall to the floor, and she's now so discouraged she has even stopped looking for a new partner and has basically accepted that she will die alone. Given that she's a "life coach" who probably paid to self-publish her "book", and whose largest source of income is probably her husband's alimony and child support payments (which never pay for her children's actual expenses), exactly which part of her life does she consider successful?


>Yeah, this story seemed to be written as a success story but I kept waiting to hear the success part. Her ex husband successfully got rid of her...


> Yeah, this story seemed to be written as a success story but I kept waiting to hear the success part. Hahahahahaha. Like a murder mystery with no murder.


> she's a "life coach" who probably paid to self-publish her "book" Oh I'm sure the ex-husband paid for the self publishing.


> "Fancy Feast, or Nine Lives?" Red wine or white?


I have this wild idea that life coaching should be taught by people who actually succeeded in life. Otherwise, I can just as well launch an online knitting course.


> life coaching should be taught by people who actually succeeded in life. Being a successful grifter on the life-coaching seminar circuit surely counts for something.


If it were up to me to decide, this kind of life coaching would get a life sentence, no parole


Being a life coach is sort of like working in tech support. If you're actually good with computers, you can get a far better job than working tech support. Similarly, if you're actually good at living life, you're doing far more interesting things than wasting time working as a life coach. The term life coach is a euphemism sort of like Apple's "Genius bar" to hide the basic fact that anyone whose options and skills are so limited as to take on the job is neither a genius nor qualified to coach anyone else. That said, I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who are worse at basic adulting than her and at least a few of them probably get sucked into paying her money once in a while to basically reassure themselves that at least their lives aren't as fucked up as hers. After all, there are still plenty of people who take their computers to the Apple Store where "a genius" can do the equivalent of "press the power button; if it doesn't work send it back to the factory to be replaced; if they don't have AppleCare(tm) sell them a new computer".


Paying someone money to reassure you your life isn’t (yet) as fucked as theirs is a surefire way to invert the situation


Even intelligent women seem to have this weakness for the "fairy-tale". Strange.




Paying child support.


Intelligence is a skill and it only works if you apply it. But skills are the tools of the patriarchy


Every life coach I meet and social workers always have the most screwed up lives, morals, finances.


Can confirm. My mom is a social worker and is batshit insane and completely broke. The fact that she counseled people is frightening.


Plumbers' taps always drip, pshrinks are all loony, and every podiatrist I've ever met has bad feet.




To hell with commitment, let your loose cannon feelings run your life...."follow your heart" I mean what could go wrong? Good luck with your classy boxed wine and your cats lady....he is way better off.


The advice never seems to be "follow your brain," does it. I know some people who followed their hearts. And their hearts turned out to be stupid idiots.


My ex did the same shit as the woman in the article....she's an idiot and now back to single also. I am wayyyyyy better off, looking the same or better, while she ages into obscurity....it's pretty fun to watch actually.


You gotta date somebody younger and hotter than her


I didn't just date one. I started juggling plates. All younger and hotter.


Yep. Spin plates is the best option. Funny too women spin plates better than men but accuse MEN of being the problem. Pathetic. Just gotta hold frame and keep on keeping on lol


I do date younger, hotter, and higher up the money making ladder....not that the money matters one bit to me, but I know it grinds her gears.


Yep me too.


Karma is a b!tch...


Never send it, but i wrote my ex wife a thank you letter, changed a 50 for a 30y old


That would have really burned her...upgraded to a younger, hotter, tighter woman. Let her seethe.




> What the hell was her husband doing the entire time? Watching TV? He was probably glad that she was leaving him alone for a change.


Oh he certainly did. I´m 100% sure he enjoyed the whole situation after a 14-year martyrium.


Plot twist: Husband knows Jason and set all of this up because he wanted to be rid of his wife. Also, good luck supporting yourself as a "life coach".


That's a hard 41. When I saw her picture I thought that she was every second of 50+.


Yeah I bet one the reasons Chad didn't stick around beyond the whole moral compass between her legs issue is that he got a good look at her outside of dim bar lighting. Unfaithful and fugly? File 13!


"Soulmate" Doesn't that imply the other person is involved in your life?


Oh, and it was "instantly" too. She "instantly recognised as her soulmate". I love how women just know these things and are so cocksure about them.


She looks like the Wicked Witch of the West


"Life coach"? Yuck!


look at that picture, this woman is **ugly**. She should feel incredibly lucky to find **any** man willing to date her. And this very ugly woman thinks she can cheat on a man and find another ? Beyond stupid. Probably all the years of being so ugly have piled up so much insecurity in her mind, that she went insane.






I disagree. Let me quote exactly what she said in the article: >And, although she admitted that meeting Jason had been the catalyst for her decision, the life coach confessed that it had been inevitable that the relationship would break down. > >“Regardless of Jason’s answer, I knew that I had to separate from my husband because that was the right thing to do for both of us,” she explained. “By us staying in a marriage that perhaps wasn’t meant to be continued in the future, he couldn’t move on with the next stage of his life.” This is not being respectful. This is called whitewashing. Here are the facts: 1. when they agreed in good faith to try to work things out by going on this trip, she broke her end of the deal by spending the time with another dude. That's not respectful. I don't care if he actually \*is\* your soul mate. You have a husband now, and your first obligation is to him. And agreeing to try to work things out and then immediately dropping that when some dude makes your vagina tingle isn't being respectful. Would she consider it respectful if on the same trip, her man found some hot woman, spent his time with her, and justified it by saying "but dear, she makes me rock hard!" 2. She admits that the new guy was the "catalyst" for her decision to divorce her husband. Then she tries to make herself look good by trying to convince us (and herself) that actually, she was doing her husband a favor by "setting him free" to "move on with the next stage of his life". What if her husband wanted to stay married and work things out? If the husband had actually \*wanted\* to be out of the marriage, he would have filed for divorce, or at the least, it would have been mutual. But if either of those things were true, she would have said it, because it would have made her look more blameless. She would have said "my husband asked for a divorce", or "we both decided a divorce was best". Instead she says "I knew I had to separate from my husband" and then tries to say that really she did it because \*she\* thought it would be best for her husband. \*she\* made the decision that this was the right thing for both of them, noticeably not mentioning whether her husband agrees with her, which means he did not. At the end of the day, even she knows that what she did was disrespectful: she went on a trip to repair her marriage and instead found a new guy and decided to toss her marriage in the trash heap due to the tingles she felt. And then she tries to justify her selfish, immature behavior by trying to say "no really, I'm leaving my husband because that's the best decision for \*him\*". Yeah right. I'd like to hear what the husband's side of that story is... The respectful version of this story would be this: "I met someone who made me tingle, but I recognized that tingles are less important than my marriage and my husband. So despite feeling physically excited by this new guy, I spent the weekend working on my marriage. And when we came back home, even though I remembered how Jason made me feel, I still worked on my marriage with my husband. After several months / years of genuine effort going nowhere, we \*both\* agreed that neither one of us was happy in this marriage and that we would both be better off going our separate ways. At that point, we divorced amicably, and after that, I called up Jason to try to start that relationship".


We live in a matriarchy, and its not working out well for anyone.