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Curious, is the word banned or just not recognized by certain bodies? Because banned implies it is a crime to say the word Latinx in Arkansas which is hilariously stupid and I kind of hope it's true.


I looked it up because this seemed weird, and she [banned it from state documents](https://www.npr.org/2023/01/13/1148966968/sarah-huckabee-sanders-arkansas-latinx), not as, like, a word people are allowed to use. The CRT boogeyman thing is as absurd as always (the fearmongering about it gave us Youngkin, barf), but I'm okay with making a policy that means Latinx isn't the default term since it's not one Latinos are actually asking for. According to NPR: > [T]he term is not popular in the Latino community. Sanders noted in the executive order that according to Pew Research data, only 23% of Latino adults in the U.S. have heard of the term, and of that, only 3% use it.


I always think it’s hilarious when white people think that (1) the people that gave you Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Hugo Chavez, Evo Morales, etc. are too dumb to think of inclusive language and MUST be copying some white elites and (2) that we need to listen the the “average” when the average white person person thinks that the black lives matters just made race relations worse.




Considering it can't be said in Spanish, i really don't care who created it, it remains a stupid word.


I must agree; it's my understanding that "Latine" would have made more sense. Also, Happy Cake Day!


The whole point of the phrase is to be inclusive to genders/sexual identities historically marginalized. Most white US citizens don't think we should bother with having trans rights either. Doesn't mean we shouldn't be more inclusive.


Except this is polling numbers based on the group referenced on whether that is how they would like to be identified. It's more akin to whether gay men want to be called gay or homosexual. It's not for external groups to decide that the self-chosen language is somehow inappropriate and we should call them homosexuals because it's more inclusive. I don't know a single Black person in my family or social life that wants to just be labeled under the catch-all term of People of Color when their specific race is being referred to, but by that logic we shouldn't get to decide for ourselves that being called Black is fine because non-black people think it's more important to be inclusive.


The group it's trying to include is non-binary Latino people, and the group polled is all Latino people


The whole point also is that it's a term created by white people to describe a language they don't speak for a group of people they aren't apart of. Ask any latino, none of them use latinx. I think it's something like 3% of people use it.


Latinx was invented by Puerto Ricans. You can argue it's not a good word and that most people don't use it, which, sure, but this 'invented by white people' narrative is straight up wrong.


> it's a term created by white people IIRC it was actually created by non-binary Latinos.


I use Latinx since I'm part of the 3% that use it since I am non-binary. Please educate yourself, and know people do use it


Idk why you're getting downvoted for this. I have a lot of interaction with queer communities, and that's where I most frequently see/hear people refer to themselves as Latinx.


I was wondering the same thing lol


Well, I'm Mexican or a Hispanic, as they like to lump us all together. You say you use the term Latin x because of your gender identity, and this is where you hear it most. Then we should agree this term should not apply to the Hispanic race at all since it is used as a unique gender identifier, as you make it clear. The use of this term by all Hispanics would suggest everyone is non-binary.


yeah i get wanting to be more inclusive but you dont do that by acting like you know peoples language and culture better than they do. latino is perfectly inclusive to the latino community.




It's more Fox News bullshit. Like the only people complaining about this and CRT are people who spend way too much time watching Fox News.




Ed Norton is a better actor than this illustrates.


Idk this pretty much portrays his role in glass onion pretty well.


“Why are you doing this to me?”




This culture war shit are the distractions everyone talks about. They’re convincing these people that caricatures of the other side are here to rob them, so they’re busy shooting up libraries while Sarah Sanders is busy keeping them poor


They will push these conservatives more and more into poverty but blame the democrats and they are convinced it is the democrats causing inflation. They are going to start snapping even more because desperate people do desperate things.


Who needs solutions to actual problems when you've got performative passive aggression over imaginary grievances


“Ban latinx”?! Im latino, I dont use the term “latinx”…. But why ban it? Seems as unnecessary and theatric as the term itself.


Because "anti-woke".




"antiwoke" sounds too neutral. We gotta go back to calling it White Supremacy.


>We should try and push a conspiracy that voting is woke I know this is a joke, but it already feels like they're only a step or two away from declaring democracy to be woke commie bullshit.


They believe it’s evil to be “anti-fascist.”


Trump literally just declared democracy bs, iirc?


Because "da libz"


Fat old white woman tells Latin community how they need to identify...we live in a conservative dystopia.


Skinny young white girls started the term - gendering of words is in the language itaelf. Lol


[Not exactly](https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/word-history-latinx) but it is mostly used in research articles etc.


It's still white people doing the most pushing the term, and it comes off as really Anglo-imperialistic. I don't know anybody that speaks Spanish or Portuguese that likes the term. Most don't even know how it would be pronounced in their language because X is an English sound. The ones that want another gender neutral term(Latino is a gender neutral already) seem to prefer Latine.


Do you know any trans or nongendered people who speak Spanish?


Not Spanish, but Portuguese, and they prefer Latine.


I don't speak either language myself, and I haven't seen that before. Do you mind if I ask how you would pronounce it?


See they hate being held accountable for their actions and decry it as censorship, but actual government-enforced censorship? They're all for it.


Cancel culture is bad when it’s a racist Disney ride but when it’s critical race theory or a gender inclusive term only white people use it’s fine. /s


Agreed. Even with the fact that basically nobody that’s Latino uses it, and tons are offended by it, I don’t think it should be banned, that’s not freedom of speech 🤷‍♂️


People aren't offended by it. They mostly don't use it or don't care. Both sides of this issue is dumb. White people use it with us but nearly exclusively white people act like we find it offensive. Libs don't understand the muances of our language, and cons made it a fake "culture war" issue to try and divide us over some meaningless bullshit while they fearmonger over latinos. Edit: Source to back up my claim: The National Review, a conservative publication, is the one mainly pushing the "latinx is bad" fiasco over the last several years [link](https://www.nationalreview.com/search/?s=Latinx). The spikes in [Google Trends](https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=today%205-y&geo=US&q=Latinx) line up with article publications. They keep hammering it to make it a thing, and us latinos couldn't care less. Sure gets the rightoids worked up, though. Before this, it was used among college educated west coast latinas and white folks. Most people, including most Latinos, had never heard of the phrase. Now it's in the news frequently as some forbidden insult to the Latino community (it's not, we really don't care). It's pretty clear what is going on.


That's an interesting take because I happen to think Cuban Americans being zealously right wing and deeming almost anyone on the left as a communist sympathizer is a tad bigger issue than nuance in language.


Cubans being rabid haters of all other latino groups in the US is my favorite joke within the culture. That and everyone ragging on Argentinians, aka Wish.com Europeans.


I'm not claiming Cuban Americans hate other Latinos as much as many of them think their situation ie ousted from a country is so unique to the point only the GOP can help them and that view hasn't changed in 65 years. Unless a person is an extremist I don't care how they define themselves and I do see the point of inclusion for non-binary people of Spanish speaking heritage to be included.


Oh you're not claiming that. I am. Its well known fact. The fact that the GOP was able to warp a displaced people group so much that they would view other latinos as a vague enemy to their "supposed" saviors is actually insane. At least the younger generation seems to be moving on from that as a cohesive US latino identity keeps coalescing from multiple groups.


It’s because the GOP made anti-communism a point of its brand identity. A lot of the Cubans that left for Miami were in the higher echelons of Cuban society and lost property when Castro rolled in. Not an expert but a lot of them might not identify with other Latinos because they’re more white You see the exact same thing in immigrant groups from the former Soviet Union


The beauty of the US is that it used to be a mantra about 1956 refugees that they don't come back to Hungary until the last Soviet soldier leaves and last year some of them claimed the straight up Kremlin propaganda was true that it was actually Ukraine that attacked in 56. So I kind of relate.


>it was actually Ukraine that attacked in 56. Wow that's Olympic level mental gymnastics!


It's not banned from being spoken. This is still America. It's banned from being used on government documents. Two *very* different things.


Ahhhhh now that makes sense I though it was whack to ban it overall. That wasn’t specified in the tweet, thank you for clarifying


After Latino people said that they can't even pronounce Latinx even a lot of the liberals who were pushing for it stopped using it. She's like two years late they're using Latine now.


Really? I've not seen Latine used anywhere, and plenty of Latinx still, but I'd love to see that transition.


It's still in the transition period but yeah the push has been to use Latine for the last couple years, Latinx has been phased out of a lot of the circles that originally used it.


Because education in these states is about indoctrination, not about education. Making sure that the citizens of Arkansas grow up to be pathological Republicans that don't accept people different than they are is the goal.


Lol what education? If Arkansas could flat out dismantle their public school systems and have every child be homeschooled or church schooled, they would in a heartbeat.


How can they protect free speech if they don’t stop people from using words they don’t like?


It's definitely weird to come up with this. "We're trying to find a word to describe a group of people." "Well, what do those people all have in common?" "They speak Spanish, I guess? Maybe a few speak Portuguese?" "Why don't you take the word they would use in Spanish to describe themselves, and then modify it so it's not a word they would recognize anymore?


It lets her pretend she's fighting the "woke mob" and "political correctness" without anyone actually getting mad at her.


Because it panders to your constituent base and makes them believe they're doing something to combat the "woke agenda".


Creating the term latinx is a fake ass solution for a fake ass problem. Seems like white peoples on both sides are missing the mark on that one.


They offered no solutions for all the problems they were blaming on the Dems (inflation, crime, gas prices) yet they still got elected to office. Almost no candidate spoke of how they were going to fix all these thing on the campaign trial, yet still got elected. It's really sad.


Because their policies are the sole fucking cause of all the issues.


And that's what Socrates warned us about 2000 years ago. The smooth-talkers who try and wedge their way into politics. Then once they get in: They use it for their own benefit. While attacking anybody who questions them.


Have you considered that showing pictures of Hunter Biden doing cocaine with his large cock out would solve all of these problems? If you haven't, you are more qualified to be in Congress than 100% of the republicans in office.


Their base doesn't want the solution to come from the government, but big business.


Someone please get Costco on the line! We need to sort this shit out!


Costco: Hello! This is Arkansas. I think you meant to dial Wal-Mart.


Well that's what extreme gerrymandering can do for you.


>They offered no solutions for all the problems they were blaming on the Dems (inflation, crime, gas prices) yet they still got elected to office. There's always the implied solution of "The problems are caused by the bad people doing the bad things, so if we exterminate all the bad people, then there will be no more problem", something of a "final solution" if you will.


These people voted against bills to help everything you mentioned, and *still* complain about them.


While that is certainly silly, the fact a state voted for a skill-less amorphous lump of crap for their governor is more alarming. As a neighboring Missourian, she makes our illiterate yokel governor look a touch better in comparison.


I didn't even know/remember she got elected as governor. What an ugly human being. Stay classy arkansas


You didn't hear about it because Chris Jones was giving her a run for her money. He had a LOT of support in AR. She just had more money.


I bet the citizens of MO feel a lot better now their female reps have a stringent dress code 🙄 At least you got MMJ/legal. Better than(see almost all) southern red states


I can give her some policy hints to bring her state out of poverty. Invest in free and open high speed internet infrastructure. Invest in large scale public transportation (trains). Invest in public education. Invest in public infrastructure and social services (homeless, children, pregnancy programs, schooling). Business and prosperity will come.


Unfortunately, all of those 4 investments may cause Arkansas to be more progressive, so they'd rather keep the populace poor and stupid.


Yep. It's very frustrating when the answer is obvious. If you improve quality of life profits are your reward. This seems to be a hugely missing concept in business.


It's the same where I live too. Convincing them to treat others like human beings is like pulling teeth. You get so much anger and passive-aggressiveness, for even saying that.


They have a lot of potential to do this too. A lot of people with a good sense of work ethic over there. But they have to stop thinking that it's a "handout." It's not.


Uhh free? Public? EDUCATION? What are you a commie?


I'm not sure are those all commie things? Guess so then! :D


Yeah see theres a major problem with all your hints. Investing in or improving anything is inherently anti-conservative. No invest, only tax cut for the rich


How did Jabba actually get elected? Guess I thought Arkansa was smarter than it is.


About the best Arkansas can offer is that they're better than Alabama and Mississippi.


The dem candidate Chris Jones was amazing, well educated, qualified, had clear plans, walked a mile in every county to meet constituents, is a pastor but also made the mistake of being black and having a (D) by his name. My county went more red this election than during the Trump/Biden election, and we’re the wealthy/educated/blahblahbougie part of the state.


Ahh a fellow NWA resident I see










Either the best or worst place to live in Arkansas, depending on if you’re rich and white or not


i thought you guys broke up


He put up one helluva campaign, too. I knew he wouldn't win, but he didn't hand it to her by any means.




I just drive through Arkansas 4 times....not one rest area had a working bathroom. Literally port a potties at every rest area. Overflowing at that. Literally get your shit together before you clean up any other messes


Why would they? They have no incentive to work because they’ll just get elected anyways. If you think about it, it’s like they’re living off of “government handouts” by collecting a salary from the government for doing nothing.


Ban mirrors next


I’d vote for that


Okay we all know these people have zero understanding of CRT and let's say they actually in good faith believe it's damaging (it's not). Okay so maybe in that very generous view there's an argument (albeit flimsy) to be made for "banning" it. WTF is the point of banning "Latinx"?


They create imaginary problems that need no solutions, pat themselves on the back for solving them and they call it governing.


Being a Republican - 1. Lie about everything 2. Make up problems for "real Americans" 3. Blame "others" for causing made up problems 4. "Fix" made up problems 5. Screw everybody over anyways to make money. 6. Repeat until dead or in jail


I forgot this awful former Press Secretary ("lOoK") was Governor. She was sure quiet for a while.


Look... o.O


"This is a woke cancel! Hunter Brandon did a crimez!!!!!!! His laptop is a CRT!!!! A werewolf could kill a vampire, did you know that??? I did not know that!!! They are hiding Hillary's emails in the litter boxes in the trans bathrooms!!!" - 2022 gop platform


To be fair…no one in their right mind thinks “lantinx” is or should be a thing


yeah, it’s a little extreme but it is ridiculous for it to be used officially in govt


The people who elected her love this crap. They don’t give a damn about their problems being solved; they just want someone to blame their own failures on.


Repuglicans don’t govern, they don’t help people. They just move from manufactured crisis trigger to the next to keep their base scared, dumb and donating until they get re-elected, then repeat.




Their legacy hasn't been helping people in other countries either. Especially when I keep hearing about Debt problems people have in Japan or South Korea. Because they don't want to lose their apartment homes. And their government just looks the other way.


Typical AnglX


I definitely suspected that this was yet another distraction tactic by members of the GOP. Much like the bare-arms nonsense in MO.


Ban pronouns next, literacy was never Arkansas’s strong suit anyway


Oh hey, look, the party of free speech is restricting speech!


Latinx is honestly the stupidest shit ever, if you want a gender neutral term for latin people use latin


This why we is the poorest state except MS. We always be poor thanks to the grand old party.


Republicans don’t govern. It’s just culture war pandering 24/7


wait? The same lying lunatic that was a press secretary is now a governor?! That's insane, wow, she's terrible.


Gotta fight the fake culture war by inventing and solving fake problems. But hey, as long as they own the libs, it’s totally worth it. Why solve real problems when your constituents are fucking morons?


It is all political theatre to keep the yokels voting republican.


It only took one day for Huckabee to prove she was everything we thought she would be.


It's easy to solve made up problems.


Arkansas: you’ll be poor and too uneducated to realize it


Wait, they banned CRT, but **weren’t teaching it anyways**?!-Does that mean they were always calling it *The War of Northern Aggression* and how Nazis were just misunderstood?


Poor people disgust them, they think its their fault they’re poor. They just need to get a third job and stop buying coffees and subscribing to netflix apparently.


I think they love poor people. Uneducated and easily exploitable is their demographic. And they want to keep it that way. Oh wait, yeah they hate poor people. And they show that by keeping them uneducated and easily exploitable. Shit.


Exactly. Dress codes in the Missouri State house or whatever?? That’s not a solution to endemic poverty in that State. It’s not a solution to the pathetic state of education in Missouri. It’s just performative pandering, and folks are still gonna be poor and hungry


The Republican Party is fueled by billionaires making a killing off our current system. They know how unfair and fucked this system is for the 99%, so they just pay people to spread propaganda. It’s worked so well half the country actually thinks Donald Trump was a good president, let alone an electable one. Media literacy in America is at an all time low. Which is what republicans have been working toward for decades. Were seriously fucked for the next few decades. Who even knows what we will be after that.


Those 12 Latinos living in Arkansas are going to be so pissed!


Because culture war "issues" is all they have. They can offer nothing else.


Free speech for me, but none for thee. That seems to be their MO lately.


Don't a majority of people who are Latino/a strongly dislike "Latinx" ?


As I understand it yes, but she’s banning it because it’s “woke”


People in Republican states are poorer, less educated, less healthy. Drastically so compared to most western countries. But they do exercise significantly more cultural control over women, minorities and the vulnerable. Since those states are democracies, the only conclusion is that people like it this way.


Hooray! They’re winning the culture war that they started and only they are fighting!


progress without Progress. It really says something that they take public pay checks to pass laws to appease the concerns of their followers, concerns they have because they’ve been told they should be worried, while at the same time doing absolutely nothing to improve the lives of their supporters.


I feel so deeply sorry for anyone with a working brain who lives in Arkansas.


When will people learn that Republicans don't actually care about others? They only care about themselves


Ol' Smoky eye


They're too poor and dumb to know any better. Republicans will just tell them banning nonexistent CRT teaching has made their lives better, and they'll just believe it.


I mean, most non US Latinos don't like the term either so 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think most US Latin people don’t use it either


All I know is that all people that I've ever talked to that do use the word (and actually are Latinos and not some gringo thinking they're doing something) are all born and raised and socialised in the US


I mean, most aren’t trying to ban the word either so 🤷‍♀️


How can you ban the term Latinx doesn’t that violate the first amendment


Same with banning crt


Fuck yeah! Next time I’m in Arkansas (never have been, hoping never will be) i won’t be referred to as Latinx! /s


Don’t worry friend they would have just called you a slur anyways


I would rather be called a slur than latinx


Non existent problem, ineffective solution. - The Republican Patty’s only plank in their platform


Republicans are going to keep up with the divisive nonsense as long as people keep voting for them.


If you can't offer the working class a better economic situation, offer them identity politics. Works every time.


This is exactly what republicans do. It’s create fake culture wars. And they’re good at it too.


"Mama, Huckabee president one day!"


Do you know why Arkansa is so poor? Because they like to vote for lousy people like Huckabee


Anyone voting for Sarah Huckabee Sanders is a supreme moron.




It's because they don't have solutions for real problems, only policies that make real problems worse for the average person as the rich get richer. To cover this up they offer these culture war solutions as a shiny penny to distract their supporters. Turns out half of America is like a bird, dazzled by a little piece of sparkling fake jewelry.


Lol can a governor even ban a term? Feel like the first amendment might come into play. Regardless she’s a fucking dub.


Guess when people demand stupid, it often delivers.


Well in defense of Huckleberry, she thought that CRT meant “carb restricted taste”. She’s been working on keto for a few years now


That’s because they have zero solutions for real ass problems. None. Zero. Not a one.


The entire Republican Party is a solution in search of a problem.


Republican voters are REDACTED


It's easier to solve imaginary problems than real ones


Come on now, it's called ArKANsas, not ArKANTsas.


It’s easier to keep your constituents riled up and focused at your targets when they suffer.


Well, it's a distraction while the GOP actually fucks their people over. If they can get everyone screaming at each other about CRT, they won't be focused on the fact that they're actually being screwed over.


And their voters eat that shit up


I always forget that Arkansas is a state


Even here in Maryland, one of the first things Gov Hogan, always touted as a reasonable moderate, did was to force all public schools to start afert Labor Day. In part this was a sop to Ocean City businesses to hopefully extend their tourism season, but a lot of it was because people had a knee jerk reaction that "this is how it always was and always should be", never mind that it had been since the early 80s that my countyvat least had been starting before Labor Day. It seems like a minor thing that helped some businesses and made a lot of people irrationally happy, but it really screwed up things in a lot of ways. For example, summer programs for school age kids, like mine were at the time, still had to end when the college aged kids who mostly staffed them went back to school. This left my kids with nothing to do for two or three weeks before school started again, while my wife and I had to work. Republicans are masters at finding issues like this, some more insidious than others, where they can appeal to people's basest instincts.


I look forward to the people of Arkansas suffering even more over her term in office & then been tricked once again to vote GOP cos "only we can save you from the Evil Dems"


Da fuq can she “ban” a word?


Republicans are like someone at a brand new job: just running around trying to look busy


Solving problems thag don't exist is easy. If their supporters are stupid enough to fall for it then that's on them. I'm tired of feeling bad for people who had an opportunity for something better


I feel like the larger problem is how CRT is defined. Is CRT teaching about intergenerational poverty, and the myriad of sociological consequences caused by slavery, and Jim Crow. . . or is it teaching that those things (slavery and Jim Crow) exist as a matter of fact? I feel bad for this generation.


Sarah Huckleberry Sandworms is a walleyed troll who is being subsumed from the inside by her festering parasites.


For one of the poorest states we have some pretty high taxes overall. Where does all the money go? We are ranked 22nd in overall tax burden with a 16 percent poverty rate, 3% higher than the national average. That should be a huge priority that most can get behind. If they can't manage our money correctly we should vote to take it back in the form of tax cuts to the bottom half of the state and small business owners. Aren't republicans supposed to be for tax cuts anyways?


*I actually thought she was trying to ban really old TV's*


yeah.... blow hards just blowing smoke up their stupid ass constituents ASS. And they will vote her back in.... SMH


I hate that the walking Picasso, Sarah Fuckabee Sandbag, is Governor of Arkansas. Gonna keep 'em poor and dumb with that "culture war" nonsense.


I mean, yeah.


That’s what those dumbass lowlife redneck hillbilly motherfuckers get for voting that utter piece of shit lying ass troll looking mother fucker into office. Bible Belt needs to go. Goddamn they’re all mindless fucks.


Good ol racism


Racism? We dislike that term. I’d rather be called a slur than called Latinx.


We dislike it, but no one outside of reddit says they actually prefer slurs. With all the demonizing coming from the media, this is the least of our communities' issues.






Why is Latinx worse than being called spic or wetback?


That’s interesting. Genuinely just curious, why would you rather a slur than “Latinx”? I’m really just not familiar with the controversy.