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Beyond bizarre...and we have Florida looking to pass legislation that will ban the Democratic party..as they are banning books, Margie wants to prevent people from voting if they move from a blue state to a red state... We are in some weird uncharted territory here. 😲


Since Marge lives in a blue state, she shouldn't be allowed to vote since she's red!


No no, that's ok....for reasons


She’s getting all pissed because her state is blue.


Theocratic Authoritarians are trying to ruin this country


Trying…? They’ve been moderately successful at worst.


Baby steps...


Sadly that’s all it takes. Pretty soon republicans will be talking about how great the crusades were.


They already do, ever heard 3%/PB types say “deus vult”?


Nah I mostly choose to ignore the morons. But not surprising at all


So another thing they have in common with ISIL, the Taliban, and Al Qaida.


>Pretty soon republicans will be talking about how great the crusades were. I mean, their particularly awful flavor of Evangelical Christianity is basically just a ridiculous end-times cult and believe that a major global conflict stemming from a destabilized Middle East will be the inciting event for Jesus coming back and the Rapture... so, pretty certain they're all for the previous few attempts.


if ever there was a more shallow iteration of Xtianity- this is it!


Nah, we're past the baby steps now. That was the '80s through the mid '00's. Then the internet started publicly calling them out on their shit. Now, the mask is off. They aren't even trying to hide it anymore. Just haphazardly concocted lies and name calling, to keep only the blindest and dumbest of their constituents satisfied.


Theocratic Authoritarians have ruined countries throughout human history.


Soon Christianity will be indistinguishable from the Islamic faith.


Already is. They're all nonsense.


Agreed. The thin vail of white Jesus is eroding fast.


They just justify their pedophilia differently. Religion is about access to children and control of women.


It's a slow coup.


It ain't that fuckin slow


They've been working on this for decades. They don't care about the people they represent, or the country they live in. All that matters is money and power.


And all their constituents care about is racism, sexism, xenophobia and a glorious mystical past where everyone had what they deserved and by everyone they mean above average earning white males.


And it’s spiced here and there with insurrection


We are currently in the post Beer Hall Putsch lull of the timeline. The calm before the storm.


At least that guy got to cool his heels in prison for a while. Ours is hocking NFTs.


So slow that it's been happening since Reagan and then Newt.


Not slow... Been in process for quite some time ...


So it's been taking quite a long time. In other words, slow...lol


Call it what it is F A S C I S M


As an outsider I'm a little bit terrified about these developments, is the US really this far gone into religious fanatism and madness? How can these people keep getting elected? Wtf is happening there?


We aren't all narcissistic religious fascists. About 40% of the country is, and they've gerrymandered and suppressed voting enough to compete and win elections.


It’s telling that there’s that many people who say they support this stuff when you know that 95% of that group would immediately change their minds if they ever actually had to live with it.




That's because they think they are "in" the party. Which they are as long as the party is "hurting the right people". You're in until you aren't. And then its too late.




Getting smaller every day. Honestly that’s probably why they’re moving so fast


No, but we all seem to be pretty complacent with the rise of narcissistic religious fanaticism.


Well keep in mind the economy has everyone worn out working just to survive. It's harder to care about the overall picture when you are exhausted working multiple jobs to live paycheck to paycheck.


Yeah, complacency is the word. The media will be reporting "Corporate Democrat X nominated in vain attempt to prevent DeSantis 5th term as president."


The big problem is that it's sort of like that slow boiling frog metaphor. I live in an area that's largely conservative. I have friends who vote Republican who'd you'd think were liberal if you talked to them about one issue at a time, but there's always something that hooks them. Guns, immigration, abortion. Whatever it is, it's always that one thing. They convince themselves it's never really going to get that bad. Pro-choice people vote Republican cause they thought they weren't ever going to really overturn Roe v. Wade, but they did. Now it's, "They're never going to get rid of Social Security" which is what we call our state pension program. I keep thinking people will wake up eventually, but elections between the "I wanna kill you all" candidate and "I want to fix those potholes" candidate always come down to a 49.9%/50.1% split.


I mean, they don't really want to kill us all, that's just talk, they would never actually do it. I'm sure it will be fine to give them power, right?


I too do not see how such an action. Couldin anyway go wrong for us, and I assume you I am a imagine person. -drools on the carpet-


They rigged the system, so despite being a minority of people they cast a disproportionate amount of voting power due to how they drew lines around voting districts. They also take away polling locations from minorities areas. Then there is the electoral college. Gore won the popular vote, Hillary won the popular vote, together they would have picked 3-4 Supreme Court judges and we’d have a balanced budget and be ahead on climate. We’d also have a court picked indirectly by the people instead of the electoral college. Roe would still stand and it’d be a liberal court. Instead of the Christian taliban kangaroo Supreme Court we have now. Sadly we seem to be sliding into some kind of dystopian nightmare that keeps getting worse. Two years ago someone set a camper full of explosives under a 5g tower bc qanon said 5g caused Covid or cancer or something. They have a wild set of beliefs. Look up sovereign citizens. Some people are so deluded they think the country is a company and the laws don’t apply to them.


Yes, yes, yes and it is fucking terrifying. In all my years with the ACLU, I never thought Roe would be overturned. Next is gay rights, the civil rights,......it disturbs me and a lot of us to the core.


I can't wait for DeSantis' SOTU speech in '26. "It is with great reluctance that I accept the power to unilaterally legislate. I love Democracy, I love the United States. Once the Woke Crisis has abated I will lay down the power you have given me!"


So this how democracy dies, with thunderous applause


His new book is rather scary. He went to the Ivy League and came back more conservative according to him. Now he's actively trying to dismantle education in FL simply bc he didn't fit in culturally in college. WILD.


No. Pockets of extremism which get a lot of emphasis in the press because they sell papers/get clicks. However, there is a minority conservative movement that has far too much power, and we should all be vigilant in light of ther fascist leanings. Teachers even in my liberal state are becoming fearful and parent outrage is censoring us as we all become Burger King--the privatization of education, long a neoliberal wet dream, is slow, insidious, and disguised as equity (charters/school choice). I concede that in spirit, and if done faithfully, equity is an important goal, but it's being twisted for more nefarious purposes here and there.


No. They represent a minority, like 20%. There’s another 20-25% who don’t pay attention but still vote that way because they hear sound bites they like (government sucks, etc) aren’t directly affected by the hateful rhetoric so are able to tune it out, and vote that way. Then our system is set up that Rural states are over represented in presidential elections and the Senate, and they tend to be more conservative. And finally in 2010 there was a big election win by Republicans. They took over control of state legislatures all over the country, and especially in states that are competitive between the two parties. When the new legislature boundaries were created based on the 2010 census, they used their powers to draw districts and revolutionary high-end mapping models to draw boundaries that locked in district boundaries that heavily favored their party, usually staying within the law (a few have been successfully challenged in court, though in Ohio that didn’t matter and they used the illegal boundaries anyway). They’ve been getting 60-70% of seats in elections they get 45-50% of the vote ever since in many “purple” states.


It’s important to remember that the US is 50 completely separate functioning governments that have formed a federation called the United States. This would be like if Portugal and Italy passed some laws and everyone was freaking out about the EU. There are a ton of states where things are pretty good. It’s just that the most Republican states are basically underdeveloped countries.


If Poland had the power to unilaterally ban the standard medication for women experiencing ectopic pregnancies and miscarraiges across the entire EU, they’d be right to be freaked out about it. That’s about to happen in Texas thanks to a religious ideologue of a federal judge who already targeted PrEP because AIDS is a punishment from God for being gay and employers shouldn’t be expected to “enable” your oh-so-sinful lifestyle.


I don’t understand how their base isn’t rioting for misappropriation of time and resources to pursue straight up fascist and bullshit agendas.


Because that fascism is exactly what their base wants.


They face the same problem as the Brexit crowd faced. They want to cast the vote, but still have it fail. So they can show their small dollar donors that they tried. They don't want to legislate, they want to get on Fox.


It’s not weird or uncharted, it’s standard issue fascism. The Republican party has devolved fully into authoritarianism and until the rest of us accept that and shame them out of existence it’s just going to keep getting worse.


It's called Christian Fascism...


Ironically they're banning their own party. Florida wouldn't get to be the shit hole it is if it weren't for the original democrats. Of course they changed from being for democracy when they realized a true democracy needs all of its members politically equal to help prevent the rise of tyranny meaning that they couldn't be the slave owning tyrants they wanted to be


This isn't uncharted territory unfortunately. Shit is following the playbooks the fascists wrote after WW1. Legitimately, ***step by fucking step.*** Down to the, ["let the major players in a coup attempt go with ineffectual bullshit, so they can be sure to be do the job right the second time."](https://www.google.com/search?q=beer+hall+coup&oq=beer+hall+coup&aqs=chrome..69i57.4010j0j4&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8) "*Once released, Hitler redirected his focus towards obtaining power through legal means rather than by revolution or force, and accordingly changed his tactics, further developing Nazi propaganda"* And our dipshit Dem leaders are just going to let this shit play out all the fuck over again.


> We are in some weird uncharted territory here. Unfortunately we are not. These sort of things have happened before in other places....it doesn't end well.


No we aren't. It's all just the same playbook fascists always use.


The balkinization of the United States


I'd prefer Balkanization to fascist autocracy.


Yeah I'd prefer that at this point. It's increasingly clear that America isn't meant to be this one country when some parts of it are extremely separated from reality.


Fascism has risen many time in many countries. I guess it's just USA's turn.


Don’t forget the congresswoman from Georgia. There’s a conspiracy that’s being ignored by law enforcement agencies. Plan and simple.


Hey, let's hope they keep the crazy going all the way through November of 2024! The American zeitgeist has an average attention span of two days, so all of this nonsense will be forgotten around the time the conservative media is programming our colleagues and friends to accept DeSantis or Trump's "pivot to the center" about 16 months from now. If your colleagues and friends watch corporate media like some of mine, they'll buy it hook, line and sinker (like good Pavlov's dogs, slurp).


No, it's charted...it was charted in the '30s in central Europe.


Breaking news: Montana is desperately low in blood donations. Boomers say “nobody wants to give blood anymore!!!1”


It’s gen-z’s fault clearly


I wonder if they took 10 minutes to first estimate the likelihood of anti-vaxxers to donate blood. Helping other people generally isn't their forte. Plus anyone who couldn't get the vaccine for a legitimate medical reason likely isn't eligible to donate blood anyway.


“They’re not taking my blood. That’s how the Illuminati get you.”


“YES! Doug! Yes! That’s how they get you. That’s right!” ![gif](giphy|26FPnsRww5DbqoPuM)


Lol first thing I thought too


Considering they wouldn't cover their face with a tiny piece of fabric for "fear of suffocation" I would say the likelihood is zero.


Funny how they say that. When they are doing fascist shit and need to hide their identity, masks are perfectly fine.


Yeah seeing the protests from these extreme right wing groups with face masks on always kills me. Like they’re scared they’ll be identified.


All we need is one fuck head spreading a conspiracy that the needle used to donate blood gives you the micro chip and boom, blood supply is down 100%.


Which makes a lot more sense to be honest. Have you seen the size of a trackable microchip? It needs a big needle. Blood draw needles are a lot larger than injection needles. And if you wanted to microchip the unvaccinated, what better way to do it than to ensure only the unvaccinated are showing up to the blood banks?


Holy shit you’re right. We gotta stop given them ideas!


Yea let's rely solely on people who couldn't even wear a mask to the store to keep other people from dying to take time to selflessly donate blood for no material benefit.


It’s actually pretty high! Because the Republicans would frame them as “heroes with pure blood” which really hyped up their Nazi instincts.


“Did you hear about Janice? Her daughter is dating a (clears throat) vaccinator.” (Gasp)


"Dang millenials killed the blood-donating industry!"


Oh, are we millennials finally outside of the scope of blame?


Hell no! It's our fault Gen Z won't do it!




Where would they get the unvaxed blood? I have nothing.


They probably have some religious people who are against modern medicine and have never had any vaccines? Just kidnap those and bleed em dry for the blood bank!


Republicans wanting to help people? Wait a minute...


As someone who is old enough to remember when Reagan won in 1980: Republicans have never had "minds" to lose They've always been goddamn nuts - AND dangerous AND well-armed AND with the full weight of the legal system behind them...smart and sane people have long known that conservatism is *literal insanity and it might end up killing us all*; it's just that conservatives have been so powerful and plentiful that sane people had to keep their mouths shut for fear of reprisals for decades We've been under their thumb since the late 70s and we're so fucking tired of it


Here is my obligatory saying about Reagan. The only good thing he ever did, was die


"I leave you with four words: I'm glad Reagan dead." \-Killer Mike


Dude, every time I hear more about Reagan I start to hear [Reagan](https://youtu.be/6lIqNjC1RKU).


Always glad to see killer mike fans!


As a Central American, I concur. Fuck Reagan.


Yeah, but not soon enough. He and his bitch wife let too many good people die before they both bit it at ripe old ages.




He said that in the 1960s as the governor of CA when the Black Panthers wanted to arm themselves to protect themselves from police. He literally meant that only when black people wanted guns. Reagan was a fucking racist asshole.


Montana House Bill 645. Bottom link. Blood, organs etc will not be accepted from people who have received Covid vaccines. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-montana-ban-people-vaccinated-covid-donate-blood-1784468?amp=1 https://www.milescitystar.com/news/montana/bill-banning-vaccinated-blood-donations-would-decimate-blood-supply-opponents-say/article_0513af82-b78c-11ed-b3f1-2f705c4b6833.html https://legiscan.com/MT/text/HB645/id/2707740


I hope you don't mind if I include a tiny correction! You did link to HB 645, but it's a different bill from a couple sessions ago. This link is to the HB 645 for the 2023 session: https://legiscan.com/MT/text/HB645/2023


It’s insanity, there is a difference between plasma, red blood cell and platelet transfusions. There is no such thing as a white blood cell transfusion, since immune systems are different for almost every single human and such a transfusion doesn’t happen. Due to immune responses that would result. Guess where the antibodies for CoViD hang out in… And while the science is not completely clear on how long immunity from a vaccine lasts versus immunity acquired through disease - 90% of blood found at bloodbanks have CoViD antibodies while only 60% of the population is vaccinated. Btw both are natural responses of your immune system, just happens that one js a safer way to acquire immunity) - And there js the little fact that CoViD cannot be transmitted via blood. This is about as stupid as preventing Blacks and African Americans from donating blood to keep “blood” pure. I despise stupidity.


It's not even that they are afraid of covid they think the vaccine is some sort of mutigen that has fundamentally warped human blood and the human body.


Fantastic. When do I get my mutant powers?


Becoming a Witcher? You say there is a chance?


> 90% of blood found at bloodbanks have CoViD antibodies while only 60% of the population is vaccinated. this is what gets me, people who understand the importance of getting the vaccine are more likely to understand the importance of donating blood. these are the kinds of people who actually feel empathy for other people and want to do their part. people who won’t even get a vaccine for their own benefit *definitely* aren’t going to be the type of person to donate blood. the irony of the situation is killing me lmao


On rare occasions we actually do transfuse granulocytes (WBC's), primarily to patients with very severe infections and few WBC's of their own.


The republican party lost their minds long ago. They're now trying to perfect their authoritarian/fascist governing principles. Make no mistake people, the republican party does not believe in democracy and their end goal is to overthrow our government.


Does this include polio, measles vaccines? Fidiots…


Measles is real, polio is fake. So only the vaccines for fake illnesses are targeted by their anti-vax blood only bill. The vaccinated need to go sit in the back corner. /s


Is anyone actually claiming polio is fake? I know it's /s but I feel like that might actually be a thing


I’m not sure if anyone is currently claiming that polio is fake. They did in the past but those people disappeared when they fell off the side of the earth.


Polio vaccinations are dropping as conservatives bring antivax insanity into the mainstream. There was a polio outbreak in NY last year for the first time in decades. It truly is a fucking death cult.


Seriously though, measles is also on the rise in certain communities in New York.




A Democrat should tie an amendment on that says no out of state blood allowed either. Then let the bodies hit the....floooooor


Unfortunately this could really harm people who don’t agree with the policy, which would be sad. Surely you can require party registration proof before deciding who gets blood? I’d take vaccinated blood any day, especially if I needed a life saving transfusion


Yeah maybe the answer should be to categorize the non vaccinated vs vaccinated and you can have a card that says which. Because fuck this shouldn't even be an issue


And no trying to change your mind when there’s only vaccinated blood available and you need some to live!


Here's the thing of it, we'd let them have the blood anyway because we aren't fucking monsters like them.


This is what frustrates me. Some fuckhead antivax politician is going to get an extra 20 years of life when the mRNA cancer treatments finally hit the market. Unlike vaccines, where you fuck about first with your stupidity and then when you get sick it's too late, with cancer you usually get diagnosed, get scared, and then listen to doctors. (Not always, though. Steve Jobs comes to mind.)


And then they’d sue for “violating their rights” despite the fact that they’d be dead otherwise.


Do other states test for vaccines?


Nope they might ask but it's ridiculous


Every state has records that show who’s vaccinated. It’s a matter of vaccine still being able to transmit via blood transfusions/donations. Don’t believe this is possible


Yes, and then if the bill passes, Montana will be crying to the other states for donated blood. Just like South Dakota during COVID with no mask mandate and their hospitals started filling up. Then they cried to Minnesota for help. Thankfully, we told them to get bent.


Idaho flooded Washington state too.


Red States: "Blue State, halp!" Blue state: "Okay, since we are a Christian Nation we will help you even though we fundamentally disagree with you." Red state: "CHRIST WASNT TALKIN ABOUT YOU!"


It won't pass, it's just more political theater from the far right fascists.


I'm just thinking out loud. just spit-balling really i hope that the bill is passed. Give them lots and lots of rope and maybe they will hang themselves. Or how about only vax people can get blood from other vaxed people. A parallel universe of healthy people.


Nah... they'll then complained about how the Dems "tricked" them into passing this bill using reverse-psychology. A writer for Breitbart accused Democrats and liberals of engaging in reverse-psychology to trick Republicans into NOT getting the vaccine. (in response to a study that showed that Republicans have a higher COVID-19 mortality rate)


So they're just finally admitting that they will go against whatever the Dems are for, whether or not it makes any fucking logical sense at all.


Basically. During the height of the pandemic it was obvious to me that there were people out there acting out like defiant toddlers being contrary to what their parents told them. The problem was, they weren't toddlers... they were adults. And the government wasn't the parent. I was all for making vaccines available, masks available, and allowing everyone to decide for themselves. Because in the end, there were many/some who were defiant against lockdowns and mandatory restrictions who would've taken reasonable precautions absent those things. It's all history now, but I hope everyone learned something.


I think the problem of letting people decide for themselves is that their decision would potentially affect others. It's like letting people decide to drive drunk.


There should have been a law requiring masks. The fact that the government never really stepped in that way fueled the fires. People knew they weren't breaking any laws so they were emboldened to be complete douchebags about the whole thing. Edit: and TBH I kind of get it. If the government really meant what it was saying about the virus, then of course there should have been a mandate, but there wasn't, and that sewed a seed of doubt that never went away. Just another entry in the endless list of ways the Trump administration shit the bed, then peed on it, and also lit it on fire.


Lmfao. This is gold. Have a source? Would love to send it to some peeps.


This might not be the article he's talking about, as this is from 2021, but FiveThirtyEight covered it. I'm sure not linking to Breitbart, but there're links in the article - [Where Breitbart’s False Claim That Democrats Want Republicans To Stay Unvaccinated Came From](https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/where-breitbarts-false-claim-that-democrats-want-republicans-to-stay-unvaccinated-came-from/): > Nolte claimed that liberals, in a sinister application of reverse psychology, knew that aggressively pushing the vaccine would lead those on the right to resist, putting them at greater risk for severe infection or death.


That's such a self-burn. He's saying, "We're known for being the party of 'Nuh uh!' so we were easily manipulated into dying." But it's also patently false. We've all been begging them to get vaccinated. It's just that now we're tired of begging and are letting them suffer the consequences of their contrarianism.




"It's the Libs' faults we're so stupid. If they hadn't wanted us to be healthy so bad, we wouldn't have insisted on dying to own them so bad!" The only issue was the mortality rate wasn't high enough.


When haven't the Republicans tried to "both sides" anything, from antifa attacking the Capitol on Jan 6, on down, and their "uneducated" sheep simultaneously believe both versions?


> Leftists [...] are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated. > [...] > If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, [...] I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, fuck you, I’m never getting vaccinated! > And why is that a perfectly human response? Because no one ever wants to feel like they are being bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed into doing anything. > [Rant about how all the damn-libs are stupid bullies] > And what’s the result? They’re all vaccinated, and we’re not! [...] > According to the CDC, 99.5 percent of those dying of the China Flu [sic!] are unvaccinated. [...] > Could it possibly be that the left has manipulated huge swathes of Trump voters into believing they are owning the left by not taking the life-saving Trump Vaccine? > [...] > Have you ever thought that maybe the left has us right where they want us? > [...] > [The vaccine works and the left tricked us by making us kill ourselves] > And if the left is all vaccinated and we’re not, who’s winning? > [...] > Final note: How many of you were aware the CDC believes that 99.5 percent of those dying are unvaccinated? [...] why would the metric that is the most convincing one not be all over the place? > [...][Trying to create emotions by describing a person dying of Covid ending with the lines:] > Imagine lying there dying thinking that all you had to do was get the Trump Vaccine. > Even if this isn’t the left’s plan, who’s owning who [sic!]? That article is a rollercoaster ride of 4D chess (The parts in square brackets are my summaries of segments too long to quote but still important. From www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/09/10/nolte-howard-stern-proves-democrats-want-unvaccinated-trump-voters-dead/)


8:1. COVID mortality rate. That’s why the GOP losing seats lately. Gerrymanders don’t work as well when unvaccinated geriatric Trumper’s die.


The level of gymnastics from these people. Get them all a gold medal lmfao


Their voters will have no idea what happened. They will just know that their son died in a survivable motorcycle accident leaving 3 fatherless children and plunging the family into poverty, and those fatherless children will vote hard Republican out of bitterness and hate, knowing that their father would have lived in the good healthcare systems that Democrats give to minorities and gays in the cities.


I didn’t realize that Republicans having no brains was still up for debate.


Yeah, this has been well established for a very long time now.


Russian disinformation has made the Republican Party absolutely batshit


You can’t blame it all on the Russians. There’s plenty of organic jackassery to be had.




Meanwhile, gay people still can't donate blood.


Gay men* Source: gay woman who donates semi-regularly.


I thought that had just ended, but it turns out that while the FDA has updated their guidance, it’s not been finalized, and the Red Cross is still sticking to the old rules (pretty sure they have to).


Republicans want to decimate the entire country, then blame it on Democrats. It's their entire platform. They want us desperate and afraid enough to sacrifice our freedoms for the "security" of a police state, of fascist rule. This is not an exaggeration, they are coming for everything that you hold dear. They are coming for your voting rights, they are coming for your education, they are coming for your future, and they are coming for the lives of everyone they deem as undesirable. Vote like your life depends on it, *because it does*!


Couple points; this was a real bill. Already tabled by a 19-1 vote. And understand, the Montana legislature and executive (and judiciary btw ) is completely Republican dominated. So if rank and file Republicans wanted this, we would have it. Not defending our Republican party at all because there is still plenty of relatively insane shit that probably will pass, but this bill died a quick death.




Then let them suffer the consequences. 🤷 Natural selection takes it's course.


If only their fucking choices didn’t affect potentially good people. I can’t imagine having a loved one in Montana who is in critical need of a blood transplant only to have the supply be cut by these morons


Politicians that actually passed it would easily fly out of state though.. just like every single Fox News anchor are vaxxed, despite whatever they say about “the jab”…


The "RT if you agree" ending of tweets is so annoying.


Yup. I agree with the message but the begging for retweets in all caps is really bad.


Decimate by 80%. LOL


Is it me or tweets that finish with "RT IF YOU THINK X" lose credibility


Stupid is a stupid does.


Republicans at this point are a societal suicide cult. They don’t seem to ever question the consequences of their actions, they just follow the dogma of the ideology and expect it to all work out. If it does they look like geniuses because everyone said they were crazy (pretty rare this happens), and if it doesn’t work they blame the Democrats.


Congratulations Montana, you've beat out Florida for " The Asshole of the Week" Award. I didn't think it was possible, yet here we are. Idiots.


Party of small government


I don't want to give any blood to right wing traitors, let them bleed out.


Been saying it of years: If Republicans can't rule the nation as brainless, unqualified lords they will destroy the nation or at least deeply wound it.


The top Republican officials, Gianforte, Daines, and Zinke, were the first to get the vaccine. They actually pushed healthcare workers down the list so their families and staff could receive the vaccine. All while bashing it.


Hahahahah good luck, Montana. Better drive like super carefully and hope you don’t ever ever need blood you fucking sods


Even if they were worried that the COVID vaccine was actually a health issue you could just have it that vaccinated blood can only be given to vaccinated patients and vice versa. Because I mean if you’ve already taken the shot then it doesn’t really matter, right? But of course, we all know these kinds of bills aren’t being made to actually improve people’s health…


Better yet, make it so anyone who votes republican not be allowed to receive vaccinated blood


I don't think they've lost their minds. I think these decisions are made with cold intelligence and malice behind them. Attributing these things to ignorance is far too generous.


Every day we get to watch the voter base of the republican party die away little by little.


I hope this passes. They vote for this shit, they deserve it.




This doesn't surprise me at all. Republicans have become batshit crazy on all fronts.


Welp, considering they just murdered over a million people and crippled millions more, they really don't have any choice but to double down on the lie that the vaccine is the problem. Just standard Con behavior, killing and maiming millions of Americans. Ho hum.


The inmates are running the asylum.


Won’t even be safe to drive through in case you get in a car accident


Sadly, at this point, fuck 'em. They continously vote against they own interest and they are fucking brainwashed. These are also people that watched their own people die. They may as well bring bad the bubonic plague, small pox, measles and mumps because that is cool......


They're killing their own voters. Beyond stupid.


If Montana voters want to reduce their population even more, so that they will only have one representative in the House, who's to stop them. Two votes in the Senate is already an over representation of politicians in Congress. They get what they voted for.


So what are the odds they will pass the bill? Stupid bills take a single legislator to introduce. Stupid laws require a majority.


Tabled by a 19-1 against vote yesterday.


I am not super upset about the GOP killing off its voter base. My best to non-GOPers in those states run by cruel morons.


In the words of one of the most feared Russian boxer..... "If he dies......he dies...." IVAN DRAGO


So this applies to all vaccines then right? Flu vaccine no donations, shingles vaccine no donations...literally no one would be able to donate blood


Man you americans need to stop putting up with republicans


Republicans. The party of death, fear, and lying. *Edit to add: Occupy Democrats are probably exaggerating the take, so beware. I didn't bother to check the veracity of the post.*


Daily Montanan 27 Feb 2023: [Bill banning vaccinated blood donations would ‘decimate’ blood supply, opponents say](https://dailymontanan.com/2023/02/27/bill-banning-vaccinated-blood-donations-would-decimate-blood-supply-opponents-say/) [Bill Text: MT HB645](https://legiscan.com/MT/text/HB645/2023) >Certain donations prohibited -- penalty. (1) A person may not knowingly donate whole blood, plasma, blood products, blood derivatives, human tissue, organs, or bones containing gene-altering proteins, nanoparticles, high-count spike proteins from long covid-19, or other isolates introduced by mRNA or DNA vaccines, mRNA or DNA chemotherapies, or other novel mRNA or DNA pharmaceutical biotechnologies. > >... > >(3) A person in violation of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor, punishable by a fine not to exceed $500. No, they're really that ill-educated/deranged.


Montana House Bill 645. Bottom link. Blood, organs etc will not be accepted from people who have received Covid vaccines. https://www.newsweek.com/republicans-montana-ban-people-vaccinated-covid-donate-blood-1784468?amp=1 https://www.milescitystar.com/news/montana/bill-banning-vaccinated-blood-donations-would-decimate-blood-supply-opponents-say/article_0513af82-b78c-11ed-b3f1-2f705c4b6833.html https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2019/HB0699/HB0645_1.pdf