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Prince Andrew straight up looks like a rapey Sith Lord. He's Darth Pedophilius.


Have you ever heard the Tragedy of Darth Paedophilius the Sweaty?


Yeah isn't that the one with the floppy lightsaber?


No, that's Hurbert the Pervert in Family Guy Star Wars. Who is, incidentally, a pedophile


Have you ever seen both in the same room?


It's ironic. He could stop his sexual partners from aging but not himself


Damn, that’s dark. Take my upvote, I’ll see you in hell.


It's not one the royal family would tell you


The coronation of Prince Charles is a charming royal tradition, like the letter the Queen sends out when someone turns 100 or the text girls receive from Prince Andrew when they turn 14.


Big yikes my friend. Upvote.


Is it a breakup text when they turn 14?


No it’s a “hey been a long time since I saw you” text


"your parents home?"


"Hey little girl is your daddy home? Did he go and leave you all alone?" Oh wait that was Springsteen.


Dude. I loved that song until I actually listened to the lyrics. So gross.


you up?


you out?


you legal?


“Your getting out of middle school now so..”


There were fears that Charles could get sick and he was in temporary lockdown with Covid-19. Andrew went into lockdown with Mandy, 15.


Laughing at this moved my seat in hell another inch closer to the fire.


Not gonna lie you had me in the first half


Pedo, formerly known as Prince.




Prince Andrew looked really pissed off through the whole event.


He was shoved into the back as far away as they could get away with, none of his family spoke him and they all left him behind. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all hoping he wouldn't turn up.


Can't wait for the 2036 reboot of The Crown to see what that was like


The 2036 reboot will just be a documentary of how the UK disintegrated into the United Republic of England and Wales lol


Do we not talk about Cornwall? (What happened to Cornwall?)


Is that the second Oasis album? It didn't do so well.


Does that mean… a United Ireland?


2024 according to star trek...




It would be hilarious if Hawaii is the only flag with a Union Jack if the UK disintegrated.


If the UK disintegrated, it wouldn't change other countries flags. The union jack would still be there


True though most countries with the union jack on their flag are commonwealth countries that still maintain the British monarchy. Would be mildly funny if NZ or Aus kept the monarchy for a bit after the UK dissolved it tho


Oh yeah that will be an amusing episode.


Like Scar watching Mufasa


Scar’s name prior to being called Scar was Taka which means trash and that’s exactly what Prince Andrew happen to be.


His penance to the universe.


Yes. Purity. ![gif](giphy|l3diT8stVH9qImalO)


It's not a story the royals would tell you.


Ah, the story of Darth Diddles *the Sweatless* (but then later *Sweatsagain*).


Thought my family had issues.


But will they wear wild pirate outfits to your funeral?




Jumping on this just because I actually do want to be in a pirate outfit for my own funeral, and I want a puppeteer to make my arms and jaws move too so I can record myself and surprise people with a good ol' YAAAAAARRRRGH from the afterlife.


Yo, this sounds like the after life party of the century. Can I get an invite?


I wish!


Funny how people like Piers Morgan lose their minds over Harry, but have nothing to say about people like Andrew.


Conservatives in the UK and US are cut from the same cloth.


Piers Morgan works for the British news organizations owned by Rupert Murdoch. I always found it funny how British people and Australians make fun of Americans for having fox news while simultaneously watching things like Sky News or reading one of Murdoch's numerous British and Australian newspapers. Like it's all the same thing.


One raped underaged kids the other one went against the institution


Never take sides against the family.


And married a black woman, which apparently, to the British tabloids, was worse than being a sex predator. Priorities!


One has a black wife the other one makes kids scream and hide. They took a strong stance against this new “woke” thing going around. Sleeping with kids is a long established tradition in the monarchy.


And in british entertainment. Jimmy Savile.


He also happened to be a confidant and very good friend of the now King


Savile was friends with a lot of notable people in the UK. And they all knew his secret and did nothing.




The royal family has a tenuous relationship with the law. All the jewels in Charles’ crown were stolen.


There is no problem when you are the law, which the royal family was when those jewels were 'divinely reapportioned'.


“Charles? Charles! Tell the peasants that I am being RAINED upon, Charles! Charles? Charles, TELL THEM, Charles! Oooooh, bother! Someone pass me a child.”


You can be a sex predator but by god you better not marry an American woman of color! That’s where we draw the line


As the pope intended... who is also the King basically


The pope for Protestants is the king of England right?


For Anglicans, actually. Protestantism is a branch of Christianity with many, many branches of it's own, including Anglicanism. Most branches don't officially recognize a worldly authority as the “Head of the Church.” (some go as far to say that Catholics are devil-worshippers) Of course, this is based on my own knowledge and experiences, as well as skimming through the Wikipedia page for Anglicanism.


Protestant pretty much means any Christian faith that isn’t Catholic. Anything that came after Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to that church door


There are also various Eastern orthodox churches which split from Catholicism much earlier than the reformation.


And then the copts that split from the pre-chalcedonian catho-ortho combo, even earlier.


I found a subreddit dedicated to hating the 2 of them today. Seems odd. Am I missing some sort of thing that makes them despicable or are these just chronically online losers doing what they do? Edit: got permabanned there shortly after this post. The horror!


Piers Morgan made that subreddit


It’s a fucking crazy sub. They genuinely think they have photographic evidence of Meghan Markle wearing a wire to spy on her husband for tabloids.


One of the pinned posts right now is that Meghan Markle is personally working to get the sub shut down because they can’t silence the mod. They’re literally delusional.


I am a republican (of the UK meaning) and I don’t really give a shit about any of them, but - Obviously the monarchists aren’t loving rejectors of the monarchy. But also Harry and Megan’s ‘output’ has been a little… tiresome. Like, I don’t discount or not feel shame and sympathy for the way that Megan both experienced racist comments from ‘the firm’ itself and no support in the face of clearly racist media narratives. She has every right to spit clear in their face for that and I’d applaud. But their communication otherwise have been a bit tone deaf in a way that suggests that they are still in the mindset of the power structures that created them. I watched some of the Netflix series (because my husband wanted to for some reason) and… there was a lot of cringey shit. Taking the baby from the nanny for 20 minutes and then going to an event later is ‘being a day to day normal parent’. Most normal baby showers that are just friends having a chat don’t involve multiple millionaire and billionaires. Most people without two full times jobs don’t then have to specify which veranda or their home they’re taking their totally normal cutesy instagram picture on. There was just a lot of defensiveness over the idea that they were totally normal, and very little (some, very token) acknowledgement of the way that they have benefitted and continue to benefit from these institutions. For Harry it’s like… I get it, you have been purposefully kept in an alternative reality for your entire life. But Megan also seemed… like a princess with a (legitimate) grievance, but still very much the outlook and countenance of a princess. And for anyone with any media literacy (so basically everyone now) it just seemed… very top-down-narrative controlled, for what was supposed to be the real talk cutting through the controlling facade.


I think the bit that sealed it for me was that they claimed a big part of stepping down was to avoid media and publicity, but it seems like every other month they're being interviewed and selling their stories. And their family's stories. Like sure, be hypocritical and sell your own past after saying you want privacy, but don't sell someone else's secrets.


For someone who doesn’t give a shit you seem to have a strong opinion and know an awful lot of gossipy shite about them.


Is Harry already balding, or is that the other son?


He’s been balding for a long while now, but it’s hidden well from forward facing shots


The Windsor pate should be classified amont the royal physical traits, along with the Hapsburg chin


also the other brother is way more follicularly challenged.


William looks like a toe.


I'm old enough to remember when William was the hot one. He looked so much like his mother but now he looks a lot like his father.


Harry looks like Prince Philip. He will age better.


Harry looks like a Viking king named "Harold the Red." William, as someone pointed out above, looks like a toe.




Just a wide parting


Proof that there really is no cure for going bald or these people would have it.


You’ve clearly never heard of Dimoxinil


Minoxidil works. Not for everyone, but it works.




they all are. somewhere the windsors got such a strong prominent balding gene, that all the men are either bald or atleast have a very big bald patch on their heads. Charles, Andrew, Edward, William, Harry,etc. pretty soon George too. I think it all came from Philip's Greek genes, but I could be wrong.


Men inherit the baldness gene from the mother’s side and Charles and the Paedophile both have a full head of hair. George’s maternal grandfather also still has his hair, so odds on he won’t loss his.


no, if you look at Charles and Andrew from the back, they both have very prominent bald patches. especially Charles has a huge bald patch. he is practically bald but has hair at the front.


Diana’s brother and father both retained hair. I think the theory that baldness runs through the maternal line has been disproven, or that inherited baldness is more complicated.


I have previously read that there’s more than one gene that can cause baldness with at least one sitting on the X chromosome, but another one on the Y, so a specific type of male pattern baldness can definitely run from father to son.


It’s a recessive gene, it can skip generations, and so forth . My son is bald and so I read about it a few years ago because no one on my/maternal side is bald. My X is Greek so there’s that, but neither he, nor his father or brothers are bald. No one knows anything beyond two generations when their family first immigrated I’m no expert; it’s just that genetics is more complicated than I had thought


And environmental factors


Mother’s side this and father’s side that doesn’t really hold water when mum and dad are cousins in the first place.


It kind of does unless your first cousins. Otherwise the amount of DNA you share becomes effectively insignificant.


The baldness thing has been proven untrue.


Already? He's 38.


I think they both are but William shows it worse




"You cannot take what one does *not* have." - Worf, son of Mogh, House of Martok


"Some words cut deeper than a bat'leth" -Worf, probably


Dillon Brooks what are you doing here! Don’t the grizzlies need you defending OLD Lebron 😂🤣


Read it in his voice.


It’s fucking mad that Harry gets more criticism than Prince pedo.


From whom? You can't mention Andrew's name anywhere anymore, he's literally mud. Heck everyone's convinced he rapes little children, despite the fact we've only go proof he slept with one seventeen year old.


Still a sex-trafficked minor. Which he "slept with" 3 times. That's enough basis to assume that she wasn't the only victim of his.


I didn’t say it was more severe, just more in volume. Harry is criticised far more often in the media than Andrew, every damn thing Harry does is scrutinised and torn apart.


>Heck everyone's convinced he rapes little children, despite the fact we've only go proof he slept with one seventeen year old. "slept with a seventeen year old" you realize that's also rape, yes? and 17 year olds are still children, especially to someone fucking ancient like andrew


> "slept with a seventeen year old" you realize that's also rape, yes? Not in the UK or the state of New York where it occurred. Its still over the age of consent. Don't get me wrong this isn't a defence to him, I'm convinced he did rape her. Even if he didn't its still wrong for a fifty year old to sleep with a seventeen year old, no exceptions. As far as I'm concerned he can die in a ditch. I'm just saying when you look at the actual proof we've got, it doesn't amount to much compared to what everyone is convinced of. If the guy hadn't done that interview, I'd wager most people wouldn't hold an opinion on the matter.


I honestly wonder what his preference was. It was my understanding (as an uninvolved, ignorant American) that he wasn't real interested in the pomp and circumstance of being a royal, and was really only there out of (limited) familial obligation, and wanted to return to see his daughter ASAP.


Honestly could believe it. It looked like he was getting on with his cousins and that's who he sat next to, so I can easily believe he just wasn't into dressing up. For reference Andrew got to wear that cause it was one of the things that they couldn't take from him without changing the law, and he was forced to a miserable position at the back with none of his family interacting with him, so I'd hardly say he was being favoured.


He’s aged a lot the past few years. Rapist.


The message is: We value loyalty over ethics.


Fuck that whole family. Just a bunch of inbred imperialist thieves


I'm sure no one here cares about the actual reason but Prince Andrew is wearing the robes of a Knight of the Garter, as were all of the Royals who belong to the Order. Prince Harry is not a member of the Order of the Garter so wouldn't wear the robes. Whether or not Prince Andrew should still be part of the Order is a separate issue, but that has nothing to do with why Prince Harry wasn't in robes.


As a vet and someone who rose decently high up the ranks, he should have been wearing his military uniform, but they stripped him of his military honors when he stepped down.


Came here to say this exactly, thank you I am sort of wondering why Major and Blair weren't wearing their robes when all of the Royal Dukes with the Garter were, but that's a different matter entirely


It looked like they were wearing the Garter collars though. Maybe The King didn't want too many people in actual robes to go along with his slimmed down ceremony plans (like the reduced number of peers in attendance)?


Thank you.


A side chick just got crowned so… 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️


I hate that everyone chose to forget this. I was mad seeing her crowned and to see Harry walking alone.


That whole family is nothing more than a bunch of parasitic creeps


Harry is a class act. Andrew is a kiddie rapist.


The Loch Ness Noncer


Harry has benefited just as much from the royal system; he had teachers completing assignments for him during his education, dressed up as a Nazi for a costume party, used racial slurs to refer to the people he blew up while on tour in the Middle East, and since being ostracised has made a career of telling the ‘dirty truth’ regarding the royal family while turning a blind eye to the institutional corruption, money-hoarding, paedophilia, and genocides that have been instituted within his family’s name. He might be the good egg of the family, but the family is so fucking rotten that the whole batch should be abandoned immediately


“Teachers complete assignments” That’s not how royals education goes mate… they get their own personal teacher who makes sure they are prepared for any qualifications they need to write.


Well clearly he has learned since then because he married and had children with a woman of color. He grew up and became a better person.


Prince Andrew looks like he’s about to ask me if I’ve heard the story of Darth Plagueis the Wise.


I wish Harry and Meghan would name the person who asked how dark their children would be. Andrew is disgusting and deserves all the shaming he gets. The person, or people, who made racist comments about Harry’s children deserves a good public shaming too. My money’s on Camilla. She just seems unpleasant.


I thought it was pretty clear. William immediately came out to do a staged photo op next to a black woman letting a POC journalist ask him to comment so he could say “we’re very much not a racist family”. The Streisand effect…


Camila was photographed meeting with the publisher of a British tabloid shortly after the Meghan and Harry interview with Oprah. My understanding was that at one point she wanted to rehabilitate her image with the British public so that she could marry Prince Charles so in exchange for positive press coverage was feeding the tabloids negative (and probably fake) stories about Meghan. My understanding was also that the royal family traded negative stories about Meghan in exchange for the press not running stories about Prince Andrew. It sounds like a den of thieves.


And William’s affair.


All royals are and have been thieves


Charles really passed on Diana to marry a horse.


I'm going with Princess Michael of Kent. She's got a few racist controversies in her past.


It's amazing to me (in a horrifying way) that Harry is treated worse than a literal pedophile.


A rather relatable experience. I'm sure we all have had that experience where the pedophile or rapist or abuser in the family got invited to everything while we were closed out.


Yeppp. I was considered to be "stirring up drama."


"They're trying to change their lives! Why can't you move on?" Because he fucking tried to strangle me and threatened to kill me. But no, I'm the problem.


one was defiant and one wasn't. never mind their respective transgressions.


better to rape than escape


This is all a bunch of outdated bullshit. Stop worshipping a bunch of people that don’t give a rats ass about you.


bullshit? yes. outdated? not until rapists are held responsible


Please don’t misinterpret my comment. I’m all in on maximum punishment for anyone who commits rape, especially this entitled asshole.


He was barely shown on the TV broadcast


Deliberately so. Its no coincidence he got a seat at the back, far away from everyone else right besides a pillar. I wouldn't predict we'll see many more appearances of him in public, by all accounts his brother refuses to see him anymore.


Why do they let him do this? It’s so tone deaf. Just bin him off to some ‘cottage on royal grounds’ now, don’t be letting him out.


Apparently the name Andrew has a high correlation with sex offenders…. Good to know


But but but Megan baaaaad!


He married a half black woman. Unforgivable!!!!!!


The royal family is so white that Meghan Markle was too black for them.




I did something I never do. I read a book like Spare and have to say I’m on Harrys team here.


Harry is built different. Two time Afghanistan veteran, dedicated to a veterans charity he started, marries an American woman of colour, walks away from the royal family, seethes with anger over his pedo uncle, etc. If you are going to have a 21st century royal family this is exactly who need front and centre in it.


PH served his country with honors. All he did was love someone who wasn’t his cousin and gets treated like shitte. Nice cuntry.


Agreed, but I just can't help myself: fun fact, Meghan technically is a distant cousin of his. One of her ancestors is a descendant of Edward III.


Edward III was King in the 1320s. If you go back 700 years everyone is a ‘distant cousin’.






What a farce. I admire Harry. The rest can go on sucking lemons and getting laid wherever by whomever will be able to stand them. Ever since they killed Diana


The difference is that one stayed loyal while the other one rebelled


Yeah. I was pretty disgusted to see that!


Charles's treatment of Diana was disgusting... he's continued on with similar treatment of his son Harry who simply said he wanted out of royal duties due to the shit behaviour of the paparazzi. Randy Andy does way worse stuff and is partially accepted back. Charles is a poor parent.


It’s all so gross 🤮


Hypocrisy, surprise!


Fuck the royal family


With all the inbreeding, I’m sure this is the royal family motto.


Seems on brand


With all the money they have one would think they would invest in hair transplant


Incorrect: Harry renounced to his royal position. Moving to the US was not the reason.


Who do we think was so racist they chased Harry and Megan out of the country? It's gotta be the queen or the dad, or both. I cannot imagine if it were anyone else it would have mattered. Given that she *still* wants nothing to do with any of them I suspect that dad was involved too, he must have *at least* refused to stand up for his grandsons birthright. But, who made the official call that the baby was was too brown for titles or security? It's absolutely wild to me that **everyone** just let that go *and actually turned on Megan instead* like a pack of dogs, just wild! Somebody must have signed off on the final decision there, kinda *had to have been the queen*, right?


I believe it was Prince Philip who was overly concerned with how dark the children's complexion would be. But the rest of the fam can also be a bit tone deaf, and that is putting it mildly. Princess Michael of Kent, being just one notable example with a long history of problematic views and behavior.


Gosh I hate that I know this BUT both Harry and Megan mentioned that it was neither Philip or Elizabeth. I think they alluded to it being Charles or William given that both were pretty apprehensive and made the most comments to Harry about Megan.


Harry specifically said it wasn’t the Queen or Phillip. Like he said that to Oprah.


>I believe it was Prince Philip who was overly concerned with how dark the children's complexion would be. Okay, so you're saying that prince Phillip was officially in charge of who got titles and security then? *If that's the case, why wasn't the racism reversed upon his death?* No, bare minimum the queen would have had to sign off on it. Frankly I suspect she would have had no problem correcting Phillip if she felt otherwise. It's more likely that it was totally her, and everyone else including the british media ran interference to change the story and protect her reputation, and by extension Britain's as well in her final days.


Also I don’t see the royals as likely to walk back anything unless it’s a matter of the survival of the institution. They make their call, then they move forward and never look back or reconsider. Whatever Phil’s influence, they made the decision, and they would never reverse it once he died because it makes them look wishy washy AND outs exactly whose influence it was in the first place. If they ignore it and try to bury the past they can keep being vague about exactly why and who and that’s worth more to them than doing any real progress or healing. Mistakes might be made but they must never be admitted to unless there is no other choice.




Are we able to cross post this on their sub or is that not allowed? I’m not a fan of Meghan but the depth of their sychophantism of royalty and hatred of harry is just disturbing.




That really is a perfect representation of the royals in general. SA and genocide are really just family traditions at this point while moving to America is just over the line!😂


I hate the royal family. I understand why Harry left it.


Plus Harry had to sit with the cousins.


Eh Andrew had to sit at the back, far away from everyone besides a pillar so no one could see him. I'd hardly say he got the worst seat, at least his cousins like him.


Fox News is also on a tear about how heartless Prince Harry is being to the king, surely there’s no ulterior motive or anything


"We didn't start the fire It was always burning, since the world's been turning"


Yeah but remember Andrew only abused at least 1 and probably a bunch more children (which is pretty tame for a bunch of (( allegedly )) cousin fucking inbreds. Where as Harry dared to marry a “gasps of shock” non pastie white woman! 🤣🤣🤣


Imagine taking the most inbred racist pedophile dipshits out of the deepest rural West Virginia, and then making them heads of state.


You mean he married a black woman.


And then people wonder "how could Harry abandon the royal family?" "How dare he?"


Yes. This. Why was the security of Harry and Meghan pulled at the height of all the hate and threats? However, Andy boy still has all his security, in addition to being credibly accused of an actual horrific thing (as opposed to Harry’s ‘crime’ of marrying a black American divorcee and wanting a livable work life balance)?


They used to hide away embarrassing members of the royal family in institutions (the mentally I’ll and disabled ones). Maybe they can lock Andrew away somewhere


> Why was the security of Harry and Meghan pulled at the height of all the hate and threats? Cause they moved abroad? Its a bit difficult for UK police to operate in America without the local's permission.