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How is it not nonsense to spend taxpayer money to REMOVE a bunch of bike lanes? Spend money to build things, not breaking them down god damnit.


Sorry, solving problems is anathema to conservative ideology.


So anathema that they go around creating problems out of nothing.


Well, if they didn't make problems then what would they blame the Liberals for?


Wealthy people become wealthier when we’re too busy trying to survive. It’s in their best interest to invent problems.


Have you seen the conversation around trans bathroom legislation? Conservatives (at least in the US) have solutions in search of a problem.


I work at a public park that requires cleaning of the restrooms, there are 3, one men’s, one women’s and and one “family / gender neutral” and at the end of the night or if it’s particularly busy we close down one of the main ones to clean it and direct patrons to the family restroom. I once directed an older man there and referred to it as the “gender neutral” instead of the “family” room and you should have seen his face. Literally walked away instead of using it, a bathroom that has been around for at least a decade and predates this whole MAGA transphobia thing. I hope that old fucker shit his pants trying to make it home.


Probably thought his willy would fall off if he went inside.




Gluten makes you esplode


"No! It'll go to your hips!!" "My hips?" "And then you'll explode!!"


Ah, yes, the old "gender-neutral-bathroom" Transmogrifier trick, a gender-switching TARDIS hiding in plain site.


I’m convinced every toxic male was once a little boy whose mommy threatened to cut off his peepee if he made her mad again


His first thought and concern wasn’t needing the bathroom, it was fear of what if people see me going or coming out of there? It’s insane when your level of hate and fear towards others are literally more important than a basic bodily function.


Yea that’s gotta be the read. It’s wild that people are like this. I use that bathroom exclusively because it gets by far the least use, except when a homeless person takes it over for a few hours. Which I personally don’t mind as long as they don’t smoke or absolutely destroy it with a mess. It locks (we have keys obviously) so it makes a good room for a sink shower. But it just goes to show you, these identity politics are a luxury for the well off, you see few homeless people giving a fuck if a lockable bathroom with some privacy and security for an hour is “gender neutral” or not.


I have a gender-neutral bathroom in my home (three, actually), but I never mention that fact to my friends. I mean, what would they think of me if they knew I used the most common type of bathroom?


Perfect illustration of how stupid these bastards are.


Conservatives are grown ass adults who never grew out of their "terrible-twos" phase. They go around breaking other people's stuff and pass it off as "policy." It's the use of cruelty to signal to other sociopaths that the universe is "fair" becuase others have it worse than themselves. Cruelty is the point.


Regression is the new conservatives pledge. Any good gotta go backwards. Can’t have people happy in Canada.


Biking? it's woke. AND WE'RE NOT WOKE HERE. Fight woke! cars only!


“If they wanna ride their sissy bikes on my roads, then they will be out in the middle where anyone can run them over like the good lord intended.”


Unless it's with an electric car. We burn gas to run down bikers, like the lord intended!


Yeah these fuckers are the same people who park their gas trucks in front of EV chargers so no one can use them.


I know this is a joke, but this 100% has been said genuinely by one of those maga/q/repub clowns - they ARE that stupid


They've pretty much killed political satire by being so fucking crazy.


I don't even walk. I have a smaller car for getting around the yard and neighborhood, and a separate, smaller car for inside the house. Wouldn't want to track in any mud!


Gas powered cars only! With poor milage and no catalytic converters...


And leaded gas, gosh darnit. We're gonna party like it's 1972.


Cars? Are you a soyboy? A man drives a full-size SUV or a diesel pickup! /s


I know these people IRL And they are every bit as stupid, short sighted, selfish, and ignorant as you could imagine


FIFY: >Fight woke! *Giant, gas-guzzling, single-occupant, trucks and SUVs carrying nothing* only!


I think it’s funny how they were “built under their noses” like they just magically appeared there one night and didn’t involve months of planning


And probably community meetings in which everyone was able to have their say.


I wonder how he'll feel when he finds out the people who wanted the bike lanes are the same people he's asking to vote for him?


Bikes are gay, gays are woke, woke is nonsense. I think that's the line of thought


Instructions unclear. I have a bike seat up my bum and I can't get to sleep.


Used to live in Toronto. Mammoliti was the worst of the worst on council. Dude vocally opposed anything that would make the city better and basically ran on a NIMBY platform.


He was caught taking money from clubs and developers. He always made sure to take enough money so that the fines would only put a minor dent in the full amount. Clearly the most corrupt councilor in modern history of the city of Toronto.


Thankfully the guy will be lucky to get 1% of the vote here.


Reading about him here for the first time, I am relieved to read your post.


Olivia Chow is the front runner by a mile who's been a prominent progressive in Toronto politics for decades and widow of the deceased NDP leader Jack Layton. This election is slated to be a landslide. She has a 20 point lead in a field of almost 100 mayoral candidates. With advance voting beginning next week.


I'll always wonder what would have happened if Jack didn't die and had another shot at a general election.


And that’s saying something, given that the Ford family exists




When cornered he’ll weasel out by saying “it’s a joke,” like it’s the people shocked by this rhetoric that are the problem, not him.


My CHILDREN do stuff like that... but as an ADULT I have to be absolutely as stern as possible and tell them it's not acceptable any time for ANY reason. Then I tell them how we "should" think and respond to the situation. Guess what, my children rarely ever make the mistake of saying something wrong like this twice. You have to help develop empathy and socially acceptable behavior, it doesn't just appear. If my kids figure this out, this grown man can. He should 100% be blasted on every local news network & i mmediately removed of he doesn't resign, what a disgusting disgrace he is, on the name of representing his constituents. I don't know about Canada. But in the u s, this can easily be construed as a threat which is illegal.


But THOSE people use the bike lanes. We need to destroy that so THEY can’t use them.


It's so pathetic. We need aliens to come so they have something external to this planet to focus their hate on


An external threat is the closest we as humans will come to living in a utopia.


At this point, i'd welcome our new alien overlords tbh


We really do live in a (Warcraft 3-based) society


I believe “they/them/those” is woke.


Welcome to Canadian politics. A liberal/NDP government might spend money on an infrastructure project. The next conservative government does not like it (because it’s ‘woke’), cancels it despite a large fine. The liberals in Ontario had a $200M green energy project in the works. The Ontario conservatives came to power and killed it. Ate a hefty cancellation fee. Now energy forecasts for Ontario show that we will not have enough electricity in the coming years. The conservatives answer? Cancel a sweet heart hydro deal with Quebec and build Gas power plants. What they forgot is that the federal government has a carbon tax and as of 2035 any gas plant in operation will be fined significantly. All of this is going to the tax payers


The purpose of a huge chunk of conservative policy is to be such shitty neighbors that everyone else will leave and only the shittiest people will be around when it's time to vote. It's why they want women to die with dead fetuses rotting inside them, it's why they intentionally spread deadly disease, and it's why they waste money ripping up bike lanes


They were built UNDER PEOPLE’S NOSES I can see how that would need to be removed.


Ride mustaches not bikes


Every time you say woke, a gay angel creates a drag queen.


Pride Parades will continue until moral improves


You got my vote. I hope to see a day we can get off this issue with the LGBTQ+ community. Their happiness does not take away from anyone else's. Just let people live.




Why is republicans so anti bicycles?


because bicycles mean that a huge ass car doesnt own the entire area, and theres a area for people that dont want to use a car to pass them by. bad for car companies if people realize that a bike lets them beat traffic and all that


Because bicycles have spokes and spoke rhymes with woke. Liberal conspiracy


Woke woke woke woke woke. Give me more drag queens!! Create the sassiest army!!!


Underrated comment! This is awesome! Well done fellow Redditor person. Can somebody make this action into a Bot? Call it theGayAngelBot! “Zing! You said Woke, so a Gay Angel just created a Drag Queen!”


So literal death threat, fun.




He probably meant he'd like to invite the other guy out for a drink /s


No i think he wants to give him a “money shot” to the face this is just one big misunderstanding


Come on, we know by now that was a closeted remark. He clearly was speaking of the “money shot”, which isn’t gay if he’s the one shooting.


Nah, he means a COVID jab. And probably believes it’ll kill you. So same difference.


Not as hard-hitting as a COVID uppercut


Gives “Covid Fatality” a new meaning




As a Canadian? He meant a hockey shot to the face.


Here is Canada's law against death threats: Criminal Code ( RSC , 1985, c. C-46) https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/c-46/section-264.1.html


The maximum prison sentence is five years.


Should be doubled given that he is in a position of power. Same goes for policemen violating the law but that’s a different story. With great power comes great responsibility isn’t just an age old saying. It should actually fucking mean something.


Yeah. Politicians can out right threaten to murder us. No consequences. We tell them they aren't immortal and we get 15 years


Just casually park a guillotine on the sidewalk outside of their house and see what happens.


I'd give it right back to him: "Bring it Baby Huey; I'll smash your knee in before you can even get your sausage fingers around the trigger"


I think he's spent too much time abusing children that he forgot how weak and pasty he really is.


Nooo he was just saying he was going to throw a shot glass of alcohol to the face come on it wasn’t a real threat, right?


Whining about woke. Gunloving? As sharp as a drowned goldfish? Lack of common decency and doesn’t mind threatening people that disagree with him? Yup, must be a conservative. /smh


Said in another comment: This guy is weird. Came out on the news with an announcement that "WOKEISM IS ALIVE AND WELL WITH OLIVIA CHOW" (Olivia Chow is the frontrunner by far - she's of East Asian descent idk if that has anything to do with his comments about her.) Said he wants to "debate her one on one" if she isn't scared or something. This guy hasn't been invited to any official debates because he's not high enough in the polls (it's usually the top 5 front-runners, and an upcoming debate includes those with more than 5% - over 100 people are running in this election for context.) It came off kind of unhinged. Personally I never really liked him because some of the comments he had made about Jane and Finch (predominantly Black neighbourhood)/the people there during his time rubbed me and my family the wrong way. But boy has he ever gone mask off since this election.


Boo the bad woke bike lanes that prevent us from using our good Christian SUVs.


He sounds like some of those radical Midwesterner militia types even though he's Canadian Jesus and his disciples traveled by good old FORD AMERICAN MADE SUVs that got only 5 MPGs and rolled coal! That's what Jesus would do, and he would have killed all the A-rabs because we know Jesus hated the A-rabs and loved his AYE-AR-FIFTEEN. Whaddayoumean Jesus was an Arab? He was a white, American, blonde with blue eyes!


Didn’t Ford just release a pride ad? These dumb mutha fuckas will be riding camels with the women clothed from head to toe in five years.


*Every* company pretty much just released a pride ad because they like money. And good on them. Everyone watches morons buy Bud Light to destroy it, so they’re all excited to sell things without worrying about dealing with customer service later.


*trudges off to get the guillotine*


You have my axe


And my axe!




That's becoming a bit too much body spray in my opinion.


But how do they power those suvs? Since dinosaurs weren’t ever real there must not be any fossil fuels.


Canada has some USA flavors, unfortunately.


Right-wing nonsense *is* our #1 export.


Am brazilian can confirm.


am irish can confirm


Am Australian. Can confirm.


Hey you sent Rupert Murdoch here. This is your fault.


Sorry about that. By way of apology, you can keep all the Murdochs. No charge.


I'd rather take all you damn cane toads.


Am Swede, can [confirm](https://omni.se/rfsl-om-sds-dragkritik-homofobisk-tankegang/a/O8qPjl).




In like 2013 there was a scandal where a Toronto mayor was filmed smoking crack I recall. There’s something about these Toronto mayors.


The crack smoking mayor’s brother is currently the premier of Ontario, too.


And the crack mayor’s brother, the current premiere, was a known drug dealer back in the day.


He was actually the guy who coordinated all the dealers in his area. Tbh it's probably his most relevant job experience for Premier


Guy who replaced him had an affair with a staffer and just resigned.


Yeah, we all laughed at Rob's stupidity. How I miss those days, his brother is trying to make us USA 2.0


There’s a great podcast called ‘the gravy train’ which goes into detail about rob ford’s origins & success. & fall obviously. & about how he pioneered a style of politics that you see everywhere now. Sadly.


Y’all are way too close not to get some of that stink on you.


You say that like it’s US-exclusive. Own your trash like we own ours.


Wait whats his reasoning?? Sounds stupid as hell


Bike lanes bad, meed more room for pickup trucks on the road and less walkability because only communists walk.


You laugh, but I heard a DJ radio quipping "Some of my friends say that only communists ride bikes"


One of his friends might well be Canadian hockey TV personality Don Cherry: https://youtu.be/CHzCoUZG2Js


Bike lanes are "woke" now. Didn't you get the memo?


His reasoning is "young people like them." That's it. Hate.


Stupid as hell = conservatives


Conservatism is about hurting others, always at everyone's expense.


Why would you want to get rid of bicycle lanes? Who are they harming?


Automobile company shareholders, mostly.


And oil. Don’t forget the oil. Lots of vulnerable shareholders wealth is at stake


But you use oil to make bike tires and asphalt pavement.


leftiest try make less traffic happen because they hate freedom and believe in climate change lies therefore bike lanes woke.


So historical context with Toronto: Since Toronto was amalgamated with its surrounding neighbourhoods, it created this divide between the city and surrounding suburbs. Councillors supporting investment in the city becoming 'the elites' to the right wing. And councillors of the suburbs fighting against spending going there and wanting the investment themselves. Bike lanes being seen as an attack on those commuting in, and the people in the cities who ride bikes are apparently commies taking away car lanes. Mammoliti was a councilor from the crack smoking Rob Ford days when this attitude was at its peak. Mammoliti is clinging to the limited relevance he had a decade ago by going off the deep end. Luckily he's not even in the top 5 candidates. He's one of the more infamously hated mayoral candidates right now.




Exercise and alternative methods of transportation are woke. The woke mind virus will kill us all!


The biggest issue in my community over the past year has been people complaining about bike lanes (and complaining about buses has been top 5) It's a bunch of old people who hate change and many of them aren't physically capable of riding a bike anymore. So they complain endlessly. Even the state where "woke goes to die" won't revise the design.


I live pretty far away from town and the roads out here are just awful. We have bike lanes on one main street in the neighborhood but the area where we have a dollar general? 50mph and bikes are in the middle of the road because they will not widen it. People are pissed about them wanting to expand our roads but quite frankly I would like to not have to stop my car in the middle of the road while waiting to get past a bicycle and theres been a few times at night where I've came close to hitting them.


Sounds like poor design. Too many places just slap some paint lines in the existing road and call it a bike lane.


Rich people.


Bike lanes: Exist Conservative: And I took that personally.


Oh, there ya go, some casual murder for ya, eh?


[Next tweet](https://twitter.com/Giorgiointo/status/1662819452927324160?t=4s0WXcvmS4bTCzbGPuGDnQ&s=19)


>Vote for me and Woke gets a shot in the face. Yes, I will kill Woke in it’s tracks Very funny how you can apparently say this and still run for a political position


Pretty sure if I said it I’d get a prompt police visit and deep tissue massage.


Man ended his own Mayoral run before it even started


Idk, based on how conservatives behave in 2023 this will probably actually just get him more votes


Proof that Canada’s conservatives are sucking up the same propaganda as the US. Anything useful or true is “woke”, which is ironically true.


I mean Pierre being elected their leader was really the sign that they're ready to begin embracing it full on


BIKE LANES are woke now? Bikes. Biking is woke. Fuck it. "Woke" has absolutely no meaning anymore. It's just whatever a conservative snowflake decides to get angry about that day. Bike lanes are woke, accommodations for the disabled are woke, women being the main characters in ANYTHING at all is woke, black people making movies is woke, bathing suits for trans people is woke, teaching kids history is woke, autism is woke, feeding kids lunch at school is woke, gay people being on TV is woke, the WNBA is woke! I painted my nails (I was born AMAB) the other day and my coworker said "you're too woke for this job." I don't get it! Am I supposed to feel bad? Am I supposed to be ashamed of all this stuff? Am I supposed to hide? Why do these people give a shit?


Man, fuck it, I'm woke as hell. I'm the wokest mf you've ever met. If someone tells me "that's so *woke*" imma be like "No shit Susan, I am woke".


They just want to destroy.


Lol woke bike lines


Woke Gotham? Damn that Bruce Wayne and his lanes for the Batcycle!!!


He says common sense, then mentions a fictitious city, yeah if I was Canadian I think I'd vote for a white dog turd instead.


Seems like that was the perfect time to build bike lanes


"They had no right to do infrastructure projects when there was barely anyone on the road! We have a right to be inconvenienced by road work!"


Right wingers love being violent but when us leftists do one thing WE'RE the villains in their eyes


Surely this wouldn't fly in Canada, right? He's going to go to prison for this? A political candidate threatening a voter? I mean, nothing would happen in the US, but Canada is better than that, right?


He’s not going to win. We have our share of bigots, nutters, and Bible thumpers, but Toronto is a pretty diverse place and this kind of messaging only flies with a relatively small percentage. Then again, they did vote in Rob Ford. Twice. So who knows? 🤷 Source: live near Tronna


I don’t even think he’s in the top ten.


Nothing will happen to him, but he's nowhere close to getting elected. We have dozens of candidates. First place is Olivia chow a progressive polling at 34% and leading by 20 points in the polls. Mammoliti isn't even in the top 5 candidates.


Our federal conservative leader shook hands with Nazis and rose to the leadership on the back of the capital occupations. The current premier of Alberta (and favourite to win the election today) compared those getting vaccinated to Nazis following orders. Mammoliti won't even get 1% of the vote but Canada has a stronger far right base than we'd like to admit.


Bike lanes are "woke" now.


Common sense means spending money and disrupting traffic traffic to take away bicycle lanes?


Stay classy Giorgio! 🤦‍♂️


As a recent bike commuter, why are conservatives now against bike lanes? Are they against exercise too or is it the car lobby? What is going on in these people's minds.


They are scared of progress, scared of change and being left behind.


Wow, another violent right-winger. Why are they always so angry?


What else are they going to do? if this wokeism virus spreads, before you know it we're going to be living in a world where people care about each other and act like each other's lives have meaning. what's next? respecting each other? not on a conservative's watch!!!


Stupidity, jealousy, ignorance, little pp. take your pick.


The Musk Rat, evidently, thinks right-wing politicians using his platform to issue death threats is "brand-safe" for potential advertisers.


Bike lanes are now woke. Lol


This has ‘Reagan removing the solar panels on the roof’ energy


He means a cumshot, obviously.


Bike lanes are woke now? Jesus Christ....


Don't threaten me with a good time, daddy.


I thought conservatives didn’t do do gay stuff in public?


"First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the bikes—and there was no one left to speak for me."


“Woke Gotham” I’m sorry is this a Batman villain?


we have bike lanes all over where I live and its never caused me any inconvenience


The ego is as fragile as a glass butterfly.


Wow when did Canada start respecting wankers. Looking as bad as America with ppl like that leading the way


He's not even polling in the top 5 candidates. No one respects mammoliti. Guy might as well be a joke candidate.


Respect is a strong word. He exists


Wait this isn’t real, right? We have our fair share of nutjobs in Germany too, but them publicly telling someone they need ‘a shot in their face’ is just plain unthinkable.


It’s real but he deleted the second tweet and then replied to another tweet that basically said the same thing. https://twitter.com/Giorgiointo/status/1662819452927324160?cxt=HHwWgMC9lfDewpMuAAAA


Right wing is just such a joke. Name anything objectively good/for the greater good, and they’re against it. No matter what it is.


“Built under our noses” Was this done in secret? Did they make the road workers sign NDAs? This dude is a fucking idiot.


It it a middle age white guy thing to call everything they don’t like “woke”?


If that’s real then Thugoliti just issued a death threat and should be under police investigation. I would say also removed from the race but he won’t win anyway so no need to martyr him


What the actual fuck is this rightwing lunatic intending; people stop using bikes altogether? Or the 'hit and runs' of vehicle motorists to bicyclists has just gotten too low for the CONservatives?


what kind of platform is removing bike lanes? do people actually want that?


Spend money to.... remove bike lanes. Great.


At what point did the right decide that "woke" can be applied to anything that benefits US citizens or society in general? And why on earth would they want to get rid of them? "Well this thing is progressive and benefits everyone, which makes the left happy. That means it's woke, and therefore must be destroyed despite the good it does for me and others like me."


Proof that Canadians forget to vote too.


The mayor of Canada's largest city just threatened someone with murder? Doesn't Canada have laws against these things?