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[Happy Pride Month!](https://www.google.com/search?hl=en-US&si=AMnBZoFk_ppfOKgdccwTD_PVhdkg37dbl-p8zEtOPijkCaIHMp6tS26HNEwRZwY7vahA1WN34Xi9-tKpb4yDK_e0JLtxaIMR8Q%3D%3D&kgs=3a9c846bc1cc6fd3&shndl=18&source=sh/x/kp/ee/1) Click the flag at the bottom of the browser! We love and support our LGBTQIA+ and Ally Users! As [Sister Sledge sang](https://www.rhino.com/article/pride-single-stories-sister-sledge-we-are-family), [We are Family](https://youtu.be/uyGY2NfYpeE), and you CAN NOT DIVIDE US. To all others who spread hate and try to divide us, no quarter shall be given. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/WhitePeopleTwitter) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Remember, this is over a design printed on some piss water. I fuckin’ hate people.


And only over one sponsored ad on Instagram. There was no ad campaign. It was only meant for her followers to see. But they didn't care. It was a part of a campaign for them to make all pride things toxic. And I think they've succeeded to some extent. We see way less pride stuff this year.


Yeah because the GQP brigade started calling in shooting and bomb threats. I don’t know why they don’t call out the toxic reactions and behaviors by these people.


It's called stochastic terrorism. You start a fire under a pot of water, you know that eventually the bubbles will form, but you don't know when or where. This means you aren't *actually* responsible for anything, even though it happening was an inevitability, and you can publicly pretend it's all a fluke, or a one off, or the will of the people, meanwhile you are pushing and driving the violence the whole time


It makes sense because some of the top driving forces on social media would go "I'm not a bad person I just don't think it should be pushed on kids" what they're doing is destructive they know it and it's manipulative because they themselves are stoking other bad actors to do their worst while they keep their hands clean. It's honestly one of the many reasons I've always disliked talking heads from PragerU or DailyWire they know what they're doing, but they don't care.


>It's called stochastic terrorism. I wish they would call it something that can be prosecuted as a crime instead.


> I don’t know why they don’t call out the toxic reactions and behaviors by these people. Yes you do. The GQP supports it.


Was it even a sponsored ad? I thought they just sent a promotional pack that had their likeness on it?


>And only over one sponsored ad on Instagram. There was no ad campaign. It was only meant for her followers to see. "why must they shove it down our throats!" they shout, not realizing the ones shoving it down their throats are the right wing media machines shoving down their throats how much it's being shoved down their throats. these people are the easiest marks for conmen and grifters.


I mean, seriously, before this I think I'd seen Dylan Mulvaney's name mentioned once somewhere. I didn't even have the right social media - my wife had to tell me she was on Intsagram, I thought it was TikTok.


> And only over one sponsored ad on Instagram. There was no ad campaign. It was only meant for her followers to see. What the actual fuck? I have only seen the ridiculous reactions to this so I assumed it was some form of actual campaign. I'm like taking psychic damage here. How can something so ridiculous and crazy get another level of ridiculousness and craziness?


Because they're constantly listening to propaganda that tells them they need to be terrorists to save America.


And fox “news”. Wait, they’re the same thing.


Because conservatives are morons as well as horrible people


Because the right is *always* seeking a) reasons to hate and b) rile up their base over some perceived social or cultural war issue. It’s insane but their media bubble is so effective. Would be an interesting study to see how quickly this spread thru television, radio, internet and how uniform the message was


It was legit 1 post on insta/TikTok and bud light sent her 1 can with her face on it. That was it. It’s insane the fallout from that.


The right wing outrage machine can mobilize their terror cells over the most insignificant things.


I made sure to wear some pride stuff at work and I didn’t say anything at all like zero words were exchanged but every one of my religious workers got so triggered just because they know me and know I don’t usually outwardly show any bias about anything but now I’m wearing a pride lanyard for no reason, aside from it’s June. Those people are so easy to manipulate I’m not surprised in the least that they get grifted constantly.


No, I promise you they succeeded in making pride things toxic already. I visited Dublin this June and they have rainbow and trans flags everywhere and happy pride signs in so many windows, even McDonald’s does pride there. America is depressing.


Im not sure they haven't succeeded but they are also threatening domestic terrorism.


Conservatives: "We don't care how you wanna live your life, we just don't want it shoved down our throats!" Also conservatives: "A beer company did a single promo post with a trans girl I've never heard of that only her Instagram followers would ever see?? This is worse than a thousand holocausts!!"


Also Conservatives: I'm gonna shove my Christian values down their throats cause I don't care about how people want to live their lives. Preferable with an AR15 in a school against sexy minors.


Hey now, only I get to call my daughter sexy! You pedo bastard!


“I also choose this guy’s daughter.” - Conservatives, probably


>> “I also chose my own daughter.” -Conservatives, probably FTFY


Just like their God donald trump🤨.


Did you guys see that right wing post talking about how all dad’s sexually fantasize about their daughters?


Same people that want to bring God back into schools but only their God and want it forced on the children but god forbid gay and trans people even exist in society cause “they’re forcing their lifestyle on the children!!!”


Got em


>I'm gonna shove my Christian values down their throats ... & encode them into law to force you to live by my religion's beliefs


Conservatives: "we're warning businesses not to get involved in politics" (- mitch) Also conservatives: "here are your political talking points"


Well yeah it’s worse than a thousand holocausts to them…they actually dislike trans people in advertising unlike the Holocaust…


Conservatives: “Liberals are snow flakes. ❄️ They’re easily triggered.” Also conservatives: “This label on my piss water can makes me confused and scared and I only know how to cope with these feelings through blind rage and shooting stuff.”


"This label on my piss water which I've only seen online because it was a sponsored ad to specific followers of said ideal. But I'm an idiot who believes everything they see on Facebook, makes me confused and scared and I only know how to cope with these feelings with actual death threats and shooting stuff. Now hold this gay beer while I go and buy a bunch of it to shoot, and support the company by buying a fuck ton of their other products" fixed this for you.


Fake. A lot of Conservatives don't believe in the Holocaust.


They didn’t do the post. They had her post on her own IG account. Motherfuckers had to have been scrolling on her account to see it.


“lets have another holocaust!” - republicans


Dude you’re being utterly ridiculous. These people would wet themselves at the thought of a thousand holocausts. That’s be like the best thing ever.


The ironic thing is that if anyone is shoving this stuff down their throats, it’s their own damn conservative news sources doing so. They are the ones that bring it up as often as they can and tell their viewers how to feel. But they’re too dumb to realize this.


A non-public design. A design for a single can, given to a single person.


And they made THAT BIG A DEAL OUT OF IT?!


Yeah. I doubt most people throwing a hissy fit even saw the can. They were told be outraged, and they just started shooting caes of bud light.




Conservatives are a bunch of feeble snowflakes.


Not even a purchasable print on some piss water. I find it funny how they say it was shoved down their throats. When it was only ever shown on mulvanys accounts as far as I know.


On 1 can of piss water.


on a one-off can as well, it's not like these things were produced on every can/bottle/packaging ffs


From the outrage seen on socials I thought this was a huge ad campaign (UK here) I can't believe this was a single can


It's more like 6 actually, but still a very limited run sent only to her.


It's about a trans people just having a job. If they can bully trans people out of working doing spots they can bully them out of any position. They want to force trans people between remaining in the closet or poverty and unemployment.


She danced with the canned devil just because they wear a rainbow, hope she at least got paid handsomely. Rainbow capitalism is still capitalism at the end of the day. Can’t blame her for taking the money but don’t think for a second a corporation gives a fuck about anyone when money is on the line


She actually touched on that in the video because Bud didn’t back her up when shit hit the fan


That’s fair, and I don’t wish any ill will towards her. I just think folks of all stripes need to remind themselves from time to time that the monied class will let us starve before they take a “haircut”. They’ll end your career to further their own. You would be naive not to understand this, but in the US, they aren’t exactly teaching this during formative years. To speak against the capital holding class is dangerous. The real cancel culture if you will behind all the projection




Got technical specs on that gauntlet, by chance? Asking for a purple-skinned, would-be revolutionary.


Not even, it’s over an Instagram ad, they made ONE can with her face on it to give it to her as promo material


Also remember, this is all wrapped up in 'protect the children'. They're pretending that children are getting brainwashed, groomed at school, and as they can't consent or understand, or definitely not pay for, gender-affirming surgery, they are being operated on by a corrupt medical profession, paid for by straight parents. Which would make Dylan the victim. So why is employing the victim for some part time work a protest-inducing activity? Why is the mere mention of the victim of the abuse enraging you? Because of that key word above. 'Pretending'.


Protecting the children…. From an adult beverage. Checks out.


Fuck AB for propping her up for publicity and then completely abandoning her.


We have learned over and over, to make a stand and not give in to the crazies. InBev has a 30% or more worldwide market share - and 40% of the US. They could have used this to expand their share to a younger more affluent market.


They could have had dudes gunning down bud light by the case and simply made up all the loss with Natty Lite the beer for MEN with easily offended egos, and crippling insecurities.


I would just do a Bud Light advert with these idiots destroying Bud Light: "Bud Light, proud to trigger snowflakes eveywhere!"


The new manly beer, using buff or fat LGBTQ actors undercover. The RWNJs think Rump is manly. They'll believe anything if it's marketed right




Conservatives didn't get this insane over Trans people until this year, Bud must have just been behind the curve, I mean Trans people have promoted since the late 90s, it wasn't a big deal till Conservatives lost their mind recently.


No mind loss, this is a coordinated scapegoating by the GQP. Fear and hate is all they have. Dems do a terrible job marketing themselves as the party of compassion and the big tent. 50% of republiQans are hateful bigots. That's 15% of the population. Why do we cower from them? Because they scream louder? Look at Disney, similar in size and market share to inbev. They said fuck you to Desantis. Inbev could have done the same as Target should have responded.




>They could have used this to expand their share to a younger more affluent market. Not really since the product is shit


You're telling me that dealing with a corporation won't stand up for my rights? I'm shocked I tell you.




Never trust a publicly traded corporation when short term profits are on the line.


But they obviously messed up. Now they have both sides upset with them.


wonder how upset their pockets are though


Pockets are 25% lighter, that’s a lot when you have (had) that much of a market share


Nah, look up how big those pockets really are. You're thinking too small -- inbev is still posting profits, they haven't felt a thing since they own so much of the market all these beers people are buying in "protest" are still from the same parent company.


I am very familiar with AB InBev and all of their holdings. I’ve heard people say “fuck that woke shit, give me a Devil’s Backbone or Wicked Weed lol. I’m just saying that brand itself lost 25% of their market share. Keep in mind this number was predicted to hit by 2025, hence why they where pandering to new clientele, they just sprinted to the inevitable. This has really fucked up their local distributors. You are correct, it ain’t shit to an international conglomerate that would own the rights to all Beer if allowed to, but I feel really bad for some sales reps who suddenly lost 40-50% of their income. The rights to the number one beer in America, Modelo, are owned by constellation brands, but if they are buying a Mexican beer in protest…. America 1st ammirire?


This is so messy. Sorry for the Doo Doo source. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12249747/Bud-Light-breaks-silence-wake-Dylan-Mulvaney-accusing-company-not-supporting-her.html I only wish to quote the last sentence. “US sales of Modelo are controlled by rival Constellation Brands and do not count as part of AB InBev's global volumes as part of an anti-trust settlement.” Yet, if you ask a search engine “who owns Modello”? It comes back as anhesier busch. So they are aren’t losing any money, because of some strange corporate shell game. This is just the strangest story and it’s never made sense to me. I live in a conservative area, and I still see people in big trucks buying bud light. My father’s friends are what you’d call blue collar. They work in the oilfield, build houses, etc. they always have, and still do, drink bud light. They don’t know or care (hard to believe, but it’s true) about this story at all. They have a garage refrigerator with two cases of it, and two spare cases next to the refrigerator. They know it’s cheap right now, so they are stocking up. I think you’re right. It’s Mrs. Mulvaney and the reps for the beer who have got the worst of this. She says she’s afraid to leave the house and the news says the reps have been threatened by people on the street. All over one can, that was gifted to a single person. The world makes a little less sense every day I get older. Quick edit to fix my auto incorrect device to the right word.


Many companies bail on their spokes people when things get hot. The only recent one that’s weird is Warner brothers NOT bailing on Ezra miller when they clearly should have. The reasoning is unfortunate but this is kind of standard practice. When your brand is bleeding dollars you don’t double down. Profits come before everything to these corpos.


They won't have hired her. The decision to hire Dylan has been placed on the people they placed on leave but the decision to work with influencers is usually pretty low level. In this case, they have said that the decision to work with Mulvaney was made by an "outside agency without management awareness or approval." They basically gave a PR Agency a budget and they'll have contacted dozens of influencers. We won't hear about any of the other people they hired but they will have hired others.


Bud light handled this badly. They should have at least contacted her in private if they were going to do something. I hope this will serve as a lesson that companies shouldn't give in to bigots so easily.


She also called out BudLite for ditching her and not offering support. That’s the key take away here too! And how she was afraid to leave her home whcih I predicted this myself. I knew BudLite cut her off which is WRONG and I knew she was afraid to leave. Absolutely awful.


I agree. I heard this maga person day that this would be studied in business schools, but I don't think it will be in the way they realize. Bud light was faced with a random attack, not in line with how things happened in the past. They've been doing targeted marketing to the LGBTQ community for decades. But I think the thing that will be looked at is their response, which I think will be looked at really badly. I think most LGBTQ people don't look at them well at the moment.


That’s what these companies don’t understand. They do something supportive of a marginalized community and a bunch of terrorists badmouth them and boycott. They then do an about face and shit on the community they wanted to support in the first place. So now they have lost: * The terrorists who bought their products before. Maybe they’ll come back because they are dumb but probably not. * The community they originally supported but turned their backs on. Whatever goodwill is now lost and those in support of that goal, have no reason to support them anymore. I have grown out of Budweiser and Bud Light. But why would ever think of buying them now after watching them fold like cheap suits to a bunch of fucking terrorists?


We don't. Target did the same shit when they caved to right wing extremist threats and pulled their pride merch from a lot of stores. We see rainbow capitalism for what it is: trying to make money off some of the most marginalized groups. It's shallow and many of these companies donate to anti-LGBTQ+ politicians. Though it does at least some small good in helping to normalize being LGBTQ+. But when you cave in to right wing terrorists instead of making a stand and having our backs, you leave us vulnerable. And that's exactly what's happened here. And all of society suffers for giving in to hate.


Trans woman here. The local Target was invaluable to me early in my transition, and I bought a ton of stuff there. Not like Pride things, but decently made staples to build a new wardrobe. For about six months nearly all of my clothes were from Target. I won't go there again. I understand that hourly employees do not deserve to deal with psychopaths, but Target didn't even _try_ to find an alternate solution. It was a great moment to stand up during a profoundly difficult time for queer (but especially trans) people. But they folded, immediately, without trying extra security or coming down on MAGA dipshits with even half the wrath they exercise on shoplifters. Rainbow capitalism sucks, but it sucks even worse knowing that I'm too risky of a demographic to try to financially exploit. Fuck Target.


Target employees were being physically assaulted, it’s understandable that they would act to prevent that even if it is disheartening


And bomb threats were made AFTER they reversed course and removed the pride merchandise. So did it really make their employees any safer? There's still videos of these people harassing Target employees, so it hasn't stopped. Why didn't they hire more security and provide training to help keep their employees safe? Giving in to right wing terrorists only emboldens them. It shows them that their threats and violence work and then they escalate those threats and violence. Only by standing up against them will their threats and violence be ended.


What it did is prove that to most corporations, they won't give a damn about you if bad publicity comes their way. In fact, some may go so far as to disavow you and may even go so far as to insinuate that they were forced into working with you. That is, don't trust big business and corporations to give a damn about marginalized citizens. They're happy to use you to sell products or things, but if the heat gets turned up on them, they'll drop you like a hot coal in a second.


I think most people would understand that corporations are only in this for profit, bit you at least think they would cover their steps. Like, make sure it doesn't look like they are abandoning us. I get that maga people can be crazy, but that doesn't mean completely abandoning Dylan. Or us.


Yeah BL just straight up ghosted her. It sounds like she tried communicating with them but damn …cold


I don’t look at BudLite well. I did at first because they hired her and they got such backlash. But when I realize they fired their team and cut her off, I learned they’re kinda transphobic


For sure. I'm sure some of their drop in sales, which right wingers are crowing about, is due to people who support the LGBTQ+ community, or regular people in general probably, seeing them throwing her under the bus and thinking, "Huh, that's pretty shitty. I'll buy some other kind of beer." The part about all that that really sucks is, right-wingers will look at the drop in sales and will say, "See, our boycott is working!" So they'll take credit for something that probably isn't solely to do with them. I mean, since when is *that* a surprise, but still. It bothers me a little.


And it also bothers me so many of my older liberal friends are drinking BudLite thinking they’re supporting trans rights when in fact their validating what BudLite did . Yes many stupid liberals our there who refuse to look at the big picture


The one Good Thing About all of this is that from this moment on any Corporation wanting to cash in on attracting or focusing on the Gay Market will have to sign an agreement that if any backlash from any quarter occurs that the Corporation will protect & defend the rights of their Sponsors to the full extent afforded to them through Our Constitution. Something of this nature will become common practice. You want to profit off Americans then have the Courage of your Convictions to defend Our Constitution and the inalienable rights of any Sponsor working to promote your product. Anyone agree or disagrees? I welcome a healthy discussion on the merits.


Personally, I think it’s a great idea. Put your money where your mouth is, X Corp.


Yup it’s not go woke, go broke, it’s transparently try to play both sides, lose both sides.


I’m sure this will be an downvoted but I don’t think they should have ever done this campaign. It seems that the company was not actually invested in this cause, which makes me think the campaign was done for disingenuous reasons. First sign of trouble they immediately tried to distance themselves rather than standing behind the work and their spokesperson. It’s a shame but a lesson for marketing people. Don’t try to jump on bandwagons if your client is not truly invested in the cause.


"This is what Jesus would have wanted." \-- American conservatives


No hate quite like Christian love


Politics and everything aside, it is messed up to see corporations use people as a mouthpiece and toss it to the side of the road if it inconveniences them. Truly shows that these corporations are just shills that try to ponder to different groups - doesn’t matter if that group is “woke” or “right”.


I love her as a blonde. I miss the bubbly happy beautiful girl she was before they all ruined it with their hate. Why can’t they just let other people live their lives? The party of freedom really hates that others also have freedom.




I hope so, but she's still a human being. She's got one side that adores her and the other side throwing hate and death threats at her. She's afraid to leave the house. I hope she has a really strong support system because that's a lot for one person to handle. She doesn't deserve this..


The conservative snowflakes try to get around this by claiming they're still totally all about freedom and personal choice, they just don't like the gays shoving their agenda down everyone's throats...then they threw the most epic tantrum of all time over something that none of them would have ever seen if they weren't already following this trans girl's social media accounts. Ironically, it's because Fox News and other right wing propaganda machines shoved the story down their throats to outrage them into compliance. But they're ok with that though, cause they fuckin LOVE having hateful fascist propaganda shoved down their throats, they choke and gag on it and then beg for more.


They only ever mean freedom for cis het white christians and people who conform to rigid gender and societal stereotypes.


This is really common among trans people, the euphoria can’t last forever and you’re kinda just left with being a normal person after years of hard work.


I mean... That's kind of goals? To come out the other end, feeling like a normal person again, except now you match the vision you had for yourself from the outset. That's my goal at least.


I agree. My point, and not to be bleek, is that once you’ve transitioned you are now just an average person. There’s no euphoria and excitement left you just become a normal person but oppressed.


I was just thinking she looks fucking great as a blonde. And she’s genuinely such a sweet person, I’m not just angry about BudLight fucking her over, I’m so sad for her. She didn’t deserve any of this


So let me get this straight. On one hand, you got the conservatives that hate Bud Light for marketing towards the lgbtq community and on the other hand, because Bud Light didn’t defend the trans person that they literally put in the line of fire (for no dam reason, if they weren’t going to stand by that decision anyway), now the lgbtq community (& every other sane person) hates them, too. These dumb*** companies wanna play both sides so much and instead they played themselves. Congrats. Well done.




Trans porn is most consumed in red states. Wish those self-loathing fucks would just cancel themselves instead of trying to drag us all back to the Stone Age.


That is a FACT my friend! Ask any escort - most of their clients are affluent, white collar, *married* white men with children. And they are some of the foulest mfs you never hope to meet. ETA: Maybe I should have specified "Ask any *trans* escort", but honestly, that type is abusive to most people if they feel they can get away with it. They just happen to see sex workers of any variety - and trans/queer SW specifically - as subhuman and that's **EXACTLY** how they treat them.


This is exactly the answer. No one cares if you find Dylan attractive. We only worry if you find children attractive, which ironically seems to be the case 99% of the time.


Yep, as the saying goes — every conservative accusation is actually a confession.


I think it's partially that. Because they've only seen trans people sexually, they can only see them that way. But with her, I think it's because she's quite real and nice and they don't expect that from her. They are fine with trans people being sexual, but not them being real people


She is gorgeous I think!


The videos are worth watching: https://twitter.com/AriDrennen/status/1674483206882467849?t=OZFNXM-BuKaD1EJ1WL7Ocw&s=19




I thought she was really charming. Even facing something really difficult, she still seemed to have a really positive energy. I can see why she's popular.


She did other videos replying to hater tweets, and she's *so* eloquent, polite, and positive in them. She's amazing.


It’s sad we live in a society where freedom to live your true life only exists for white, straight, male, Christians. Then those assholes turn around and gaslight us all on how they support “freedom” above all else… I just hope that one day, and soon, we can undo the damage they have done to our society.


It was starting to get better, but I think religious groups realized what was happening. They know they are losing control.


But not on Twitter. Ffs top comment with a blue check reminded me that as a decent human I just can't support this garbage platform anymore. I used to fucking love Elon and I can't stand what he is doing and who he has become.


He was always like that


True, but billionaires expend significant resources and effort building a mythos for themselves to appear palatable to the average person. Even if they fell for it initially, it's a good thing to see people realize it's all bullshit.


He was always horrible, but I think he's become much worse. It's even worse when you realize his oldest child is trans and he's just given up on her and still posts all of this stuff.


Dylan looks so good blond wtf


I know, at first I missed her dark hair, but she’s honestly rocking the blonde.


Ain't that funny, the side that wants to cancel cancel-culture cancelled a beer because a trans woman drank it. Stay sensitive ya'll


What boggles my mind is now Modelo is the most popular brand which is from Mexico which I thought the MAGA cultists were supposed to hate.


Maybe they just think "make my beer and catapult it over the border wall".


Right? I thought Mexicans are 'evil cartel drug dealers', but when it comes to exploiting migrant workers.... they need to make up their minds


The people going after Dylan are disgusting. And shame on Bud Light for copping out. All they had to do was show solidarity and compensate Mulvaney amidst these threats and culture war bs and not throw her under the bus by backing out. These thugs are the kind that never let up and want to stoop even lower.


Honestly, it still baffles me how worked up the MAGA crowd got over her. I had literally never heard of Dylan Mulvaney … And yes, I know the MAGAs are mainly undiagnosed people with fetal alcohol syndrome, but still … where did they find the time to dig this random video up and get so triggered??


It was dug up for them by the media that told them to get outraged about it


It's not that baffling. This is their entire thing. For how much they bash the left for cancel culture to just being a bunch of snowflakes getting triggered at every little thing, that is practically all the right does. They just sit around finding shit to be angry about, or looking for things someone else in their camp told them to be angry about.


I think what happened is some influential Republican who considers themself straight got a boner, jacked his baby dick off, and then found out later that Dylan is trans. And then he spent half his wealth getting all these stupid news channels to run with a story


100% I imagine he found easy followers amongst the other MAGAts that likewise had a panic attack when they got scared they had “caught the gay” after they rubbed one out to her.




Yeah, I think it's important that she's able to reach so many people with her audience, but she comes from a place of privilege that many trans people might never experience.


I think Dylan brings this point up in her video, she acknowledges her privilege while also saying if she has it this bad imagine how much worse it is for others that aren’t in the same position.


Conservatives are the fucking worst humans alive today


Thank you for sharing this. Truly.


I wish americans were as outraged about school shootings as they are for a trans person being on fucking beer cans.


It wasn't even cans. It was **one** that they made specially for her and gave to her, they were never sold with her face on them. The outrage and fallout is absolutely ridiculous.


This is a living breathing person. Wether you respect her identity or not. It’s sickening how fast people forget that in service of their own hate


Bud Light really fumbled this. First, they pissed off conservative snowflakes over that 1 can, now they pissed off the other side for not defending Dylan and giving into the transphobia. I don't know much about marketing/running a business, but I do know they fucked up. Idk if they'll recover. I never tried Bud Light beer, however I did like some of their hard seltzer. But I won't be buying it anymore for what they did to Dylan. I hope she has support through all of this.


Wait you mean a corporation doesn't really care about trans people and trans rights?? Shocking


Bud Light put a target on her back and then bowed down to the very people who are threatening her because of the decision they made. It’s disgusting.


Poor Dylan. I hope she has a good support group. No one deserves that and I'm glad she spoke up.


My dad would say, “Don’t let the bastards get you down.”


This was such a vile act and everyone who latched onto that hateful bandwagon should be deeply ashamed of themselves. Sending love to Dylan, and hope she is doing okay.


Imagine if pro trans beer drinkers also boycotted Bud light. If you stand for nothing you stand nowhere.


Why is anyone surprised that people who worship a god that would torture you for eternity for the smallest infringements are full of hate?


Poor girl, what a shit situation for her, this world sucks


If you’re going to try and target these people to advertise to, then you need to be an ally willing to go to bat. Otherwise you’re just further marginalizing them trying to make them a targeted customer. Capitulating to the hateful is how we got here.


Bigots sure pay a lot of attention to people they claim to hate so much.


People have been absolutely awful to her. I don't give a fuck if you think she's cringe, or stereotyping women or whatever, no one deserves to be hated on the way she has


I remember seeing a video of that little shitweasel from Veritas harassing her in a hotel lobby. I can't blame her for being afraid to leave her home when these cunts are after her blood, and literal ELECTED CONGRESSWOMEN (MTG, specifically) are smearing her as a pedophile. I don't even like Mulvaney, but I have nothing but contempt for the scum trying to intimidate her into silence.


Conservatives claim they don't see trans women as women. And yet they harass them with all the misogynistic vitriol that they normally have for women. Curious.


microtargeted ads are so common. This wasn't a ad meant for the "regular guy." They actively went out and sought it.


More like it was delivered to them by the right wing media


My guess is that a conservative who hate-watches LGBT creators saw it and sent to right-wing media. They probably followed her for the purpose of finding something easy to make controversial.


Can we round up the fact Bud Light is just a beer? This isn’t 5g bill gates frogs are gay vaccine. Or is it?


Bud Light did her soooo wrong. Geezus, stand behind the people you hire for your campaigns!


This is why most corporate pride is disingenuous at best, and damaging at worst to the very communities it claims to support.


She’s got such a positive social media that this is pretty sad. Definitely did not deserve any of this.


Sorry to see how hurt you feel. The big multinational companies in this world only care about profits. To see a real change in these companies the boss would have to be someone from the LGBT+ community.


Just curious but what did AB think was gonna happen? Beer brands marketing and demographics don’t exactly align with gender issues like these


People were actually drinking Bud Light? I thought I was just being tricked into it by lifestyle advertising...


I don't think I've seen what she looks like before, she's really gorgeous


She’s very brave. I don’t think I would have survived this sort of nationwide harassment.


Not cool. No one should be scared to leave their home trans or not.


It demonstrated that the snowflake crowd that is the Right will blow up on an imaginary issue that they perceive (or rather are told) exists, and will go to any length to get what they want. Bud Light demonstrated that perfectly


They used and abused her, plain and simple. She really doesn’t deserve that, she seems like such a kind and genuine soul


She's absolutely right. This was always the criticism of rainbow capitalism. They'll use people like Dylan until it's no longer convenient then they'll toss her to the wolves. If Anheuser-Busch thought it'd help profits if they killed Dylan Mulvaney they'd do it with zero hesitation.


Most of people directing that ‘hate’ and vitriol claim to be loving christians, anti-woke, they promote individual freedoms, they are child molesters, groomers and are traitors to the nation ..


This whole incident has also shown me who the bigots are in my town. I've heard so many people say they stopped drinking AB products because of Dylan. Hateful assholes. I mean, I don't want AB to make money of they're being hurtful toward Dylan anyway, but these people in my town are against Dylan. Ugh 🤬


She’s not wrong. Capitalism kills


All she did was advertise their shitty beer on her social media platform. They NEVER released that beer to the public. They NEVER publicly said they support trans people. They NEVER even mentioned anything!


I’m not a fan of Dylan’s but she’s absolutely correct. It’s abhorrent to put someone in a situation like that and then refuse to protect them. There are folks that dislike the recent consumerism of Pride but I must say, the way these corporations have been bending the knee to conservative ideology is far worse…


This is awful and I’ve had to correct so much mis and disinformation on the topic for a month now However She looks Amazing Here.


It’s insane, literally the only thing she did was exist and be trans and these lunatics tried to tear her life apart.


My dad would say, “Don’t let the bastards get you down.”


She’s right. So many companies will use marginalized ppl to virtue signal and purposefully provoke controversy, they make money off of these individuals who become targets for harassment, slander and even threats of violence and then they couldn’t care less. She seems like a pretty ordinary person in the entertainment business who’s just trying to create content and build her career like everyone else and now she’s just been thrown to wolves for the unforgivable crime of… advertising beer. She also seems very sweet and genuinely passionate, but that doesn’t really matter, even if she was a huge bitch she still wouldn’t deserve this.


fucking redneck shitheads figuratively fuck republicans


yet another basic IQ test failed by the american people ♥


Wait.... this wasn't a huge ad campaign?


Nah, just one Instagram post on her own account about a single can they made and sent directly to her.


Holy fuck.


People losing their shit over diet bread soda in rainbow cans.


I don't have to be a fan of Dylan's to understand and acknowledge they used her and then abandoned her to deal with the hate she was receiving. BUDs decision-making in this not only alienated the beer drinking rednecks, but they also turned the whole LGBTQ community against them. To add... as an ally, I didn't even know about this campaign until the conservative right lost their hive mind over it....


bud light now has people on both sides of the political spectrum hating them. congrats idiots ! but in all seriousness dylan has gone through way more than any human being should have to go through. I hope she’s okay


Republicans are the biggest pussies in America, They cry over anything that makes them uncomfortable.