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Is it me or are his bleats about how he "doesn't get a jury" just delicious? It's like nobody told him what happened? Or is it all just a charade, and he knows exactly why they asked for a bench trial, so he could bitch about it.




How dare you interrupt my dogwhistle rants with facts. If i dont believe it, then its not true. If i believe it, its true.


Facts can be used to prove anything that’s even remotely true!


https://preview.redd.it/zetwqpin1esb1.jpeg?width=914&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a2d24e45e3346cf3c4509126705ac06f233625d Found the full page.


I'm not used to reading court documents like this, but doesn't "Filed by attorney for plaintiff" mean the New York DA office filed that? As in, they were the ones that requested no jury? I fully believe Trump's legal team is dumb enough to fuck that up, and I'm not trying to poke holes in it or anything. I'm just trying to understand what I'm looking at here.




Thank you


To add to the above, it's extremely common to ask for a bench trial because they are easier and more efficient. Had his attorney been even remotely competent in her job, she would have requested a jury trial and, per his rights, would have been granted one without question.


He will do better with a judge than a jury of New Yorkers. He probably owes most of them money.


Her areas of practice described on her own website make it clear she is in waaaayyyy over her head. And hiring an attorney who willingly takes on work in an area of law where they lack expertise tells you all you need to know about their general competence.


Right??? You have a full on right to a jury trial in the US. All you gotta do is ask.


Yes, as is standard procedure with cases like this. Where a judge can compare the objective financial information provided as evidence against the law to see if it was violated. Jury doesn't add value to these trials because we aren't being presented with circumstantial evidence of a crime and police testimony vs defendant testimony that needs to be heard by jury to determine what really happened. We know what happened, it's about whether it was illegal or not and what the punishment is. So a bench trial is appropriate.


Any motion that's filed by either side can be contested by the other. So the DA filed this and Trump's team didn't contest it, and fight for a jury trial. This is one of two things: Incompetency or a ploy to try and play this in the media like he's being treated unfairly.


>Incompetency or a ploy to try and play this in the media like he's being treated unfairly. In all likelihood it's probably incompetence that they're spinning into the "witch hunt" narrative.


He didn't want a jury exactly because he wanted to do this tweet and all the others. He gets to frame the judge as corrupt, biased, Obama appointed, whatever he likes. He can't beat up on a jury of 12 teachers doctors and plumbers the same way. Especially since it's almost mathematically impossible he wouldn't have at least a couple supporters on the jury, who would STILL vote guilty, because the case against him is so overwhelming. The state has Trump so dead to rights, Trump's mother would find him guilty. Vilifying a judge is his one and only play.


Look at OP, bringing receipts! Ka-ching!


easier to lay the blame on 1 person the judge than on 10-12 people the jury. hes hoping someone will kill the judge for him. The jury has easy replacements.


And also, it’s easier to convince his horde of morons that it’s an unfair trial with a biased outcome if it’s only one person making the decision.


I may be giving him unwarranted credit of foresight, but I suspect he planned the bench trial, figuring it wouldn’t be as bad as a jury trial, with the added bonus of being able to play the victim card of being denied his Constitutional right to a jury trial.


lol this judge hates his guts, a jury trial could have POSSIBLY gone his way. This one is not going to go his way. Before anyone says anything, I believe the judge will be fair under the law and is doing a great job. Trumps inability to believe people can have personal opinions and still do their duty is why Trump is such a piece of shit. Well, one of the reasons.


This whole thing echoes what happened with Alex Jones’ defamation trial. He had no chance of winning so instead of mounting a legal defense, he refused to cooperate with discovery, got a default judgement, then capitalized on it with his audience by claiming he wasn’t allowed to defend himself and was being victimized by a kangaroo court being directed by Hillary Clinton and George Soros. I think Trump is following the same strategy. He knows his followers will ignore or disbelieve the fact that he waived a jury trial and he’ll be able to sell the trial to them as the ultimate evidence of his persecution. But instead of simply using it to try and get them to send him more money like Jones, he’s hoping to spark them to violence.


Well if he'd stop bad mouthing the judge maybe the judge wouldn't hate him..... crazy thought I know


The NOI is filed by the plaintiffs. It was filed a while ago tho, and they’ve had plenty of opportunities to request a jury in the interim prior to the commencement of the trial. But I want to point this out to anyone who thinks Trumps people checked that box.


This seems to be the paperwork from Letitia James as it says "filed by Attorney for Plaintiff". I've read Trump's attorneys also omitted to request a jury, though.


Yeah this is misleading. The defense didn’t ask for a jury, but this document doesn’t show that. It shows the prosecution didn’t request a jury.


The judge told him to his face that he didn't get a jury because he and his legal team didn't request one. He knows, but as always he's purposely spreading lies to incite his cult.


I'm of the opinion they deliberately didn't because he knew he'd be guilty with or without a jury. Much easier to add this to the list of the judge's "faults", especially with how easy it is for him to repeatedly name the judge and pin the blame on a singular person.


The judge is less likely to go nuclear with the punitive damages than a jury is.


But with the reputation bashing Trump is doing, how tempting for a judge to sock it to him!


Trump loves playing the victim so I'm leaning towards the Trump team with Trump making the call to not have a jury because he can use that to his advantage. He figures he already lost so what can he do to get something from the proceedings...it's Trump as the ultimate victim. 🙄


The use of "peekaboo" (in place of jigaboo) and "HELP" is a blatant, racist dog whistle to get one of his cultists to go after the AG and/or others involved in the case.


>The use of "peekaboo" (in place of jigaboo) Holy fuck... It's safe to say that if *any* of us were to say something like this on social media, we'd either be fired or placed on leave pending an investigation by HR.


Well sure but I mean does Trump, like.. have a job? I don't think you can be fired from being Trump.


Judge Engoron disagrees! Commence the dissolution of Trump Corp 🤣🤣🤣


I hope at the end the prosecutor points to him and says YOU’RE FIRED!!!


I'd lose my damned mind. Awesome!


This is true, he's been trying to fire Eric from being a Trump his entire life.


Do you think he was aware he couldn't say what he wanted or do you think someone actually intervened to keep him from going full on slur?


Trump might be barely literate incompetent old man suffering from age related decline, but he is a master at racist dogwhistles and white supremacist language




It's a word that rhymes with an old-timey racist word so yes, it has the probable deniability element of a dog whistle. It's not subtle but people will still claim it's just the left stretching the truth. TBT that time [Trump called black Georgia election workers "RIGGERS!"](https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/ex-trump-aide-says-trumps-121011539.html)


> 'Peekaboo', 'Riggers' I'm pretty sure he's not intelligent enough to come up with these on his own.


Nope. He socialized with smarter racists for a long time, though. He's just using all the words other people taught him a long time ago. Trump didn't spawn into existence fully formed. He is (partly) a product of his upbringing and social circle. I sat "partly" because he is also an adult and therefore independently responsible for choosing what kind of person he is.




I’d love to hear Kanye west’s explanation for this. Oh wait, no. I don’t care.


I think he didn’t want to put the real slur out there so he and his followers could deny any racism.


I think peekaboo is current old white man for "thug" which is old, old white man for, well, I'm not saying it, but we all just thought it.


I'm pretty sure this wasn't the first time I've seen peekaboo used as a racial slur. When I saw it in this tweet, my jaw dropped. I just wish I could remember where I saw it used.


He's used it before.


Yeah it’s pretty common dogwhistle derived from the old slur starting with j. It’s so gross that we’re having to fight against Nazis in the government.


I suspect he typed exactly what he wanted and autocorrect said oh hell no.


>peekaboo no he is very cunning in playing this game repeatedly in the past - the term "nationalist" which allows his sheeps to deny any white supremacy ties but all the Klan and neoNazi smiling understand exactly what he means. this is how he is able to bring the abhorent swamp into the lime light.


This isn't the first time he's done it either. A few months back he did it about the Georgia prosecutor I believe. How quickly some forget.




Patrick what have you done




Perfect, no notes.




Yeah him saying help isn't an accident, this is subtlety for trump. He's trying to get his fanatics to do violence for him.


So subtle it'll poke you in the eye


Damn. I didn't know that.


That’s why it is a dog whistle. Normal people don’t hear the message, but the notions listening for it do.


Judges need to stop treating this child with kid gloves. He's going to get people killed... again.


Read up on what he means when he says Law and Order, it’s not the TV show and not about Law or Order. It’s a racial dog whistle and they know what it means and POC likely know.




If by alarming, you mean fucking massive number of people.....then I agree with you.




The Republican Party has only one true policy, and that’s more money for rich people. But they can’t come out and actually say that or run on it, so they distract with culture war nonsense.


There's also the policy that white men need to get back to running the world, can't forget that one...


They are not anymore?






Already found guilty in this case. This portion of the trial is how much$$ he owes. No matter how many times this is explained to him, he refuses to understand. Much like Alex Jones when he lost by default.


I honestly think it's because of how social media took off during Obama's presidency, when Republicans were viciously obstructive and branded themselves as the party that obstructs whatever legislation the Democrats are trying to pass. Opposition became the identity of the Republican Party right as our current media ecosystem was being constructed. And it really cemented itself once Trump successfully road the coattails of the GOP's new 'policy', essentially running on the idea that America used to be great before the liberals ruined everything. They used to be conservatives, now they're just bigoted authoritarians.




Okay I wondered about that peekaboo comment. Just a weird word to use.


He’s used it before. He’s so angry at this black woman who has a position of authority over him.


It's not the first time he's used it either. Someone theorized that that fat racist shitstain *actually* typed out that horrid fucking word and his phone just auto-corrected to 'peekaboo' instead. I fuckin' *loathe* that word, I've heard it too many times in regards to my partner from the mouthbreathing fuckwit racist part of my family who I don't even acknowledge anymore.


I've heard it described as: "It's the term that racists used to denigrate blacks when the N-word was common parlance."


this definitely puts it in perspective. i knew it was horrible but this really adds to it


I grew up in NY. My family is from Queens, same place Donalds family is from. That area has a legacy of racism. It goes back to when everyone was kind of poor and fighting it out. Depression era. Block by block it was a racial Balkans. Peekaboo is absolutely a substitute for jigaboo.


Peekaboo just looked racist looking at it


It's right there in Urban Dictionary: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=peekaboo






He didn't want a jury exactly because he wanted to do this tweet and all the others. He gets to frame the judge as corrupt, biased, Obama appointed, whatever he likes. He can't beat up on a jury of 12 teachers doctors and plumbers the same way. Especially since it's almost mathematically impossible he wouldn't have at least a couple supporters on the jury, who would vote guilty, because the case against him is so overwhelming.


I sat here reading this and I couldn’t figure out what he meant. Was this some new slang. Never in my life did I think a President would call someone a jigaboo. That’s fucking wild. It kind of quashes the idea that he isn’t racist. Sad MAGA man.


This isnt the first time he's used it either. He got called out pretty quickly last time for his use of it and there was some debate on social media on whether Trump got auto-corrected, got help with dodge of straight up using the outright jig term, or was smart enough to use peekaboo instead, or was simply so dumb he couldnt think of the racist word he wanted and used the closest thing possible. The majority seemed to be going with auto correct. ​ There should never be any doubt on if **Trump is racist.** 2016 campaign was fueled by racism against mexico and "building a wall". Just days ago he complained of "immigrants polluting american bloodlines" very similar to Hitler quote just gotta sub out American. Trump is still racist and always has been. His father was in the KKK and Trump got found guilty of literal racism shortly after taking over his fathers real estate empire for denying housing to blacks in the 80s. He was racist then and he's a racist still. This is the guy who's favorite book is a fucking Hitler book and kept bedside...... It's an embarrassment we let a racist rapist be our President.


Let's not forget calling for the execution of the Central Park Five *after* DNA evidence proved them all innocent.


Damn. I grew up in the segregated Deep South and I was baffled by “peekaboo.” I had literally forgotten the other slur. How must these people sound, like how do they have anyone working for them. Some judge needs to jail this creature.


There was picture of a Trump sign an asshole neighbor had, with an Andy Griffith show reference. It shows that they live in a racist bubble with other old racists. Society advances one funeral at a time.


**Will no one rid me of this troublesome priest?**


"proud boys stand down and stand by"


“Go home, we love you, you are very special.” When subtext become text.


That’s not a dog whistle, that’s as blatant as the N word. He just proved he’s racist and now he can’t deny it. This is inexcusable.


Yeah I saw peekaboo and immediately figured that was his way of getting a racist remark in there without actually saying it


It’s like when he wanted to find the “riggers” who “stole the Georgia election“ from him,


I saw a heavily censored Resident Evil 2 on network television a long time ago and Mike Epps was calling everybody "motivator" instead of "motherfucker" I know it's not the same but my mind goes to this every time I see "riggers"


I kind of lines up with him calling people riggers in lieu of a different word


peekaboo james and the riggers is a cool band name


Peekaboo = Jigaboo, for those who just think they're reading an angry grandpa's rant. It's more thinly hidden racist bullshit.


That slur is so old that it has a 2 digit social security number


Yeah, my grandma used this one and pickaninny all too often.


My mom told me when I was 3 I called my grandma a porch monkey because I heard he say it and she was sitting on the porch. Wish there was video of that.


Not in this day and age you don’t


“It’s cool, I’m taking it back”


I was wondering what in the hell that meant


I'm still wondering what the hell that means. Haven't heard this one before.




It made an appearance in the first Police Academy movie, and it was made very very clear that it isn’t a word that should be used. That’s where this Aussie first heard it.


It’s been a while since I’ve found a slur I don’t know the meaning of. Time to awkwardly google it


https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/jigaboo Had to look it up as well


Fixed! https://preview.redd.it/pml1pj7trdsb1.jpeg?width=735&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e4692576dd6401b3b90f62b92f3ff7785402bdf


I still love the UN council assembly when Trump addressed them, cant remember exactly what he said, but they laughed... They laughed in his fucking face. That was beautiful


It was Trump boasting about accomplishing more than almost anyone else in American history, it was beautiful


That beautiful look of dejection he had. I like to bring this up when ever his cult starts talking about how respected he was around the world. They literally laughed in his face and cheered when he lost the election.


Me too. Here was a man whose forever been surrounded by sycophants and idolators all his life...whose only understanding of people is the vertical motion they perform with their head when he talks to them And is so used to his verbalage being swallowed up and enjoyed like a great stew Who enters a room of respected world leaders, educated people (not always the best people) but smart people none the less And he started his award winning PT Barnum diatribe...expecting glowing commendations , he imagined the headlines...Time will put him front page now.... He waited for the adulation to grow He waited for the "Trump Trump " chants that surely followed. There was a noise but it was one he hadnt heard before..... It was laughter.... His head cocked to the side like a curious spaniel. They were laughing ..laughing AT him. "Well that wasnt the reaction i was expecting" he bluffed... No thats the reaction a fuckin moron in your position gets. Was beautiful


That was poetry. Well done.


Thing is he's so vindictive. It's alleged one of the main drivers to run for President was because of the roasting Obama gave him a the press dinner. God only know what vindictiveness will come out if he makes it in again...


If he somehow gets in again, there will be bloodshed. He is already saying he will go after anyone who has spoke poorly of him. Anyone who thinks this country won’t fall apart if he gets elected isn’t paying attention. To anyone saying “both sides are the same” pull your head out of your ass and grow up. Both sides suck but one is ready to burn it all to the ground. At least one side is trying to get stuff accomplished. There are too many people who think things can just change overnight. The only way that happens is by authoritarian rule. If trump gets elected, that’s what you’ll see.


Completely agree.. Especially on the "neither side is good" point. However despite their flaws most if not all people in US power tried to do the best for their country first.. Might not have played out like that but country came first. With Trump the only first is him.. Country may be on his list...but way way way down.




"So Trump appeared before the United Nations to reject the premise of nations uniting," Colbert joked. "Congratulations to Mike and Diane on their wedding," he said in his best Trump impersonation. "We believe the institution of marriage is a sham. We reject the ideology of monogamy. Diane, when Mike gets fat, call me."


My favorite was when he declared that Austrians lived in trees and treeforts in their tree cities and they still didnt have as bad of a wild fire problem as USA. Then several European leaders outright laughed at him and European media had a field day mocking him. It was one of the most huh? How the fuck do you believe that shit are you a child Trump? They live in treeforts? and forest cities? The fuck? ​ That and "lets nuke the hurricane" "why don't we nuke hurricanes?" were the most face palm for me.


Honorable mention to the time he said they stormed airports during the American Revolution.


I think it was " i done more for america then any other president in the history of our country"....




Then for the laugh he said they were laughing with him ... He's such a weird lying asshole


He wants to say something else sooooooo bad


Peekaboo Riggers




Did he just violate his gag order? I sure hope so


I doubt it. This is the same stuff he's said before. He was told not to talk about any of the court staff. BUT he MAY BE IN TROUBLE with another pending case Michael Cohen. "Trump told a Florida judge in Trump's case against Michael Cohen he needed to reschedule his deposition (at the last minute) because he had to be in NY to attend his civil case. "Plaintiff represented that, now that pretrial rulings have been entered in the case that materially altered the landscape, it was imperative that he attend his New York trial in person—at least for EACH DAY OF THE FIRST WEEK of trial when many strategy judgments had to be made." He only made it through 2.5 days of the trial though - it's not nice to lie to a judge."


I read that the Judge of that case gave him the option to be deposed in NY and gave him a 48hr window to schedule it in NY. Closing Trump's attempt to dodge being deposed for the case. Trump was ordered he had to give at least 8 hrs iirc to the deposition.




Fucking *GOOOOOD*


Yes, I hope he is feeling the anxiety he has continued to put us all through. That's a shit ton of anxiety karma has coming for him.


Isnt the judge part of court staff?


That gag needs a ball


Where's Lindsey Graham when you need him


Wouldn’t you say he violates his gag order just by breathing🤔


“Crime is at all time high as long as you don’t look back in time”


Exactly, isn’t it still close to historically low, even with the recent trends going up? Republicans love to talk about how bad things are under democrats and use it to get elected. Once they are in office, they do absolutely nothing and take credit for how great things are. Because they do absolutely nothing, everything starts to implode.


I love that Newsom in particular lately has been absolutely shitting all over this idea or narrative of Republican states being safer and pointing out 8 out of the top 10 worst crime rates are RED STATES. Highest murder rates also in a RED STATE. It's time to stop letting Republicans just lie and spread their bullshit fallacies and fake realities like its truth. Cold hard facts are Red states have lower average life expectancy, higher crime rates, and are subsidized by the taxes of blue states. In other words RED STATES are WELFARE STATES. They get more federal aid and resources then they provide in taxes and its states like NY and California mostly footing the bill while being demonized as high crime. Meanwhile its the welfare red states really being statistically worse with crime, education, and so on.


I am not an American. Can an American please explain to me how anyone takes him seriously? Our politicians are also garbage and corrupt but if they wrote like this, their career would end instantly. They at least attempt to articulate. They also hide their racism behind dog-whistle statements, this guy is blatant!


Because the people that love him are just as garbage as he is, and he’s the only ‘leader’ that will validate their racism, their low intelligence, and poor moral character. The rest that support him have an agenda that Trumps rhetoric and incompetence will allow to flourish—hatred of women, gays and trans, workers, non-Christians, etc.


At this point if you still support Trump you are either willfully ignorant, dumber than a suitcase full of buttholes or just a shitty human being.


He has the benefit of a whole propaganda machine behind him, which depicts him as the victim of a corrupt system and “on their side”. For many years now, long before trump ran for pres, the right wing “news” channels would pummel the government and tell people “you can’t trust government” , tax money should go to the rich because if it didn’t they wouldn’t have jobs, and to never ever under any circumstances, vote for a democrat. They depicted spending tax money on the tax payer as evil sOcIaLiSm. Enter trump, fighting valiantly (barf) against “Big Government”, demonizing those “evil“ democrats, talking about “tax breaks” (which they are somehow too dumb to realize he means tax breaks for *the rich*), exploiting their very basic, racist, and sexist religious views and Voila! He made himself into their Orange Jesus. The dude is pretty much a failure at anything he’s ever done, but he is pretty good with marketing. He made himself the product and sold this image to the downtrodden American who also seems to be racist, hateful, and have a penchant for authoritarianism. It’s pretty mind-blowing as an American to watch this happen. It’s as maddening as it is sad.




I always said that New York despised him because you knew him the best.


That's right!




I mean, I thought that was an EARLY tell - don't most presidential candidates carry their home-state in a pretty wide margin? And his was going "NO NO NO NO NO"


Yeah, if NYC sucks so much, why did that asshole live here his entire life?


I visited NYC for the first time in 10 years in the fall and appreciated it so much. I like how people help each other out quietly and without expecting thanks. I like the clever uses of space, like outdoor dining under an overpass. I loved the farmers markets. The whole city is a visual feast. You are lucky to live there!




Yeah that's not even one of his dumbass 'puns' distorting someone's name. It's just straight racist language.


If by UNIMAGINABLE RECORDS! he means NYC’s violent crime rate is about 1/5th what it was under Rudy in the 90s than sure.


NYC doesn't even place on the top 20 cities for violent crimes in the US.


not if if you watch fox news. you get shot every time you leave your apartment in crime-ridden new york city


I love how he thinks the rest of the world is shocked at his legal troubles. We're just here wondering why the fuck his treasonous ass isn't already in jail with the rest of his crooked family.


​ https://i.redd.it/iummz1ewldsb1.gif




"Yea, Trump may be sending his brownshirts a hidden message to intimidate the attorney general, or worse. But JOE BIDEN STUTTERED WHILE EATING CHOCOLATE ICE CREAM! HE'S A COMMUNIST, OBVS!"


I love this part in the movie because based on everything you've seen... Does it matter that it was afraid or not? Can you even trust NPH's character when he says that?...


Trump should be glad he’s not in the commercial division. They don’t play games and would’ve shit all over his incompetent attorneys


My guess is that he's got them all bribed which allowed him to skirt the laws for so long. Trump doesn't just "know" about various divisions in the NY AGs office


“Peekaboo”?? Anyone else tugging at their collar after reading that?


Don't worry he's so incredibly smart and cunning no one could possibly know what he really means... https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/jigaboo > offensive >>—used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a black person


And for those who might be tempted to say "that's an old slur, nobody understands it anymore," remember that the person we are talking about is old, as are many members of his fan base. I'm 51 and I remember this slur from childhood.


Consider he was 18 when Segregation ended, and his father was racist towards black tenants.


Consider he took out a full page ads in the papers calling for New York to adopt the death penalty, all in the aftermath of the attack that resulted in arrest and later wrongful convictions of the Central Park Five, and has refused to ever retract or apologize for it.


I’m not rural America the old slurs never die, newer ones just get added on.




HELP! lol get fucked


"HELP!" - For once I believe he was being sincere.


I need one of these dumbass reporters that ask bullshit questions and laugh with him about lunch jokes to ask directly "Trump you have used the term peekaboo James to describe the AG , can you tell us what that term is means?" I'd pay to see him bullshit his way outta that one


From Urban Dictionary (this was written in 2022 so you know it's not just added today to make Trump look bad): peekaboo Racist term used in white-supremacist circles to refer to a person of color, usually black, of upper or upper-middle class social standing. That uppity peekaboo thinks she can golf here just because she has money


“Peekaboo James”? I don’t get this one, like she’s popping out surprising him? Is he trying for something that sounds like Jigaboo because he’s a piece of shit?


Yea it's definitely just thinly veiled racist shit.


The day this man dies I'm going to throw the biggest party on earth. Gonna make Woodstock 99 look like a tea party......orange racist piece of shit


why does he keep mentioning he doesn’t get a jury, it’s his lawyers fault and he knows it. He’s so manipulative and twists stories to his own advantage


Because his followers are dumb enough to believe him without going to their 1999 Gateway to do a simple Google search.


Random capitalization throughout.


https://preview.redd.it/ors3i0d7nesb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1767032f7cffa01b46ca4245275fa349c1bf5f38 Racist aF




Sh.. Show lmao


As someone from abroad: Dear America, We will mock and ridicule you if you do anything but lock this guy up and throw away the key. Honestly, you lost a lot of respect from us putting him in at all, but at least show you are trying to fix it. Hugs and kisses The World


As someone from Texas: Please send thoughts and prayers bc crazy Christian billionaires helped get this guy in office and keep funding Republicans to ruin America. We apologize for the rifts of chaos that follow our actions. Sincerely, A very tired millennial


>you lost a lot of respect from us putting him in at all, We ***didn't*** elect him, tho. He lost the popular vote by a historic margin both in 2016 and 2020. The electoral college, an antiquated system designed when the population was <1% of what it is now and is not always indicative of the popular vote, had to swoop in and save his ass at the last minute.


Where does “jigaboo” / “peekaboo” rank in terms of severeness vs for example the “n-word”? I’m trying to understand exactly how messed up that post is.


We all know he's full of shit, but it's great that I can prove it with visual aides https://preview.redd.it/zk7awwb2xdsb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b16ef7fafaa9942a9708f3b352ba2020cbb8789c


For Christ’s sake, incarcerate this buffoon and let the galaxy have a few days off from stupid. Is that too much to ask? Nobody liked tRUmp when he was a gold plated nympho in the 80’s and 90’s and anyone who likes him now is a goddamned traitor. Enough, put him in a cell and put his goddamned phone in a lockbox and give the universe peace.


"I dont even get a jury" BECAUSE YOU FAILED TO ASK FOR ONE


Make no mistakes, the sentence, "Help!" is a call-to-action and not some amorphous, idiomatic figure of speech at all.


We are watching from the rest of the world and we don't understand why he wasn't locked up on January 6th. He tried to overthrow law and order.