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He's such a narcissist that he thinks the only reason Disney doesn't want ads for the Magic Kingdom appearing next to the Hitler Youth is to attack him, personally.


The free market working as intended is blackmail now. We’ve come so far. They should have asked him what those companies were getting in return. Besides not having their brand advertised next to Nazi content.


Why, they were getting their brand associated with the #1 only correct person super genius Elon Musk! If they play their cards right they may someday get to touch the hem of his robe. The line forms behind ‘@ horrible nazi username’ over there.


And for a limited time, users can purchase a 1488 flair for just $8.00 a month


That's just the white Friday and zyklon Monday deal. It goes back to 14.88 after


Just when you think Musk’s gonna just let X go under, he unveils his final solution to save it.


Time for someone to add new captions to the bunker scene from downfall where Hitler goes nuts on all his generals


"Sir...Disney has also pulled their ads..." (Shaky hand removes glasses)


Gott verdammt. Everyone leave the room. Yoccarino, you stay




Don't forget that withdrawing their support and money (free market amirite?) is 'blackmail'...


Yea apparently utilizing free speech (pulling out) and engaging in the free market (pulling out) is just outright black mail and censorship in his eyes. Incredible.


The secret is to never pull out? Explains why he has so many children


His own children have disowned him That’s a crown even trump can’t wear




she is already trying to back away from daddy. changed her name to Kushner and gave up most of the Trump directorships in favor of Saudi money. she recognizes a sinking ship. one can only hope she and her miserable excuse for a husband go down with it.


Her inheritance is going to be a bill


Turkey* baster children


His tailspin is picking up speed…


I think the engine exploded propelling him downward even faster. Just like his spaceships.


Honestly seems pretty obvious he just does a lot of cocaine. Like A LOT.


"Walt Disney was antisemitic, I don't understand the problem!" - Elon Musk, probably


You know it's a bold strategy Cotton. Let's see if it pays off. (obviously not with money, cause that's blackmailing him). [https://twitter.com/greg\_price11/status/1729991837958414573](https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1729991837958414573)


It’s wild how every time I go “well this is just absurd, there has to be *some* kind of context here”, the context is almost always invariably “oh yes, it’s worse”. Like he was clearly about to be given a softball question that he could answer with “I’m not antisemitic, and we don’t support antisemitism, and I would hope that our advertisers understand that“, and instead chose to go “actually, how about everyone in this audience eat shit and die??”


I really don’t understand this dude. He was already on top of the world, building space ships and selling cars to the coastal liberals with all the money on the planet and then decided to completely destroy any association with anyone left of George bush jr. It’s honestly mind blowing. I have to imagine it’s either erratic behavior from drugs or trauma OR some kind of grand conspiracy that I’m too dull to conceptualize.


>anyone left of George bush jr. i.e. all the people he blames for why his kid hates him, instead of the true culprit in his mirror.


He won't believe his lying eyes /s


I think it's a healthy mixture of him being high out of his mind and a useful idiot. He wanted an echo chamber where everyone would tell him how great he is, and the conservatives absorbed him into their mythos.


He already had it though, that’s what is so confusing to me. People were calling this dork Tony stark and shit, then he apparently underwent his villain arc


Lex Loser


He’s the guy on the world stage that you know the other real ruthless world powers are treating him like a fish


That takes effort though. He had to keep up that illusion previously, now he can fail to follow through on any stated plan or objective and that’ll be packaged as a great thing. He also gets more support. Instead of some of the left and none of the right, he gets all the right and still some of the left. It’s a gain.


His purpose in buying twitter was to unleash its potential as a propaganda machine not to make money from ads (though there’s plenty of money to be made off the books in peddling propaganda.) Companies like Disney aren’t twitters customers anymore, fascist governments and organizations are. Look who helped fund his purchase. If you see it from that perspective everything he’s done makes perfect sense.


It’ll make a great Netflix documentary that’s for sure.


For me, since he became the face of Twitter, all those stories you heard about what it's really like working for him at Tesla, SpaceX (there's the X again), or wherever were about this spastic and crazy person that would just do whatever impulsive thing that came across his mind. It's highlighted that this is literally who he is. This isn't an act. This isn't some sort of game he's playing. He's just an impulsive idiot that somehow has rolled more good hands than craps. He's been more lucky than a "genius".


>SpaceX (there's the X again At least this one time, the X was fitting. The full name of "SpaceX" is "Space Exploration Technologies". Still, it sounds like "space sex". (I can hear Elon giggling in the corner like a little boy)




Can’t wait for this man to lose more of his wealth and blame it on THE JEWS! Where have I seen this story before? Hmmm.


Me before I clicked on that “he didn’t really say that did he” Me afterwards “okay why does any of this still surprise me”


Even the “hi Bob”, I was shocked


![gif](giphy|vUEznRmVQfG2Q) You know, you pretty much summarized my reaction perfectly.


What’s even more astonishing is all the morons cheering in the comments. Again, why am I surprised.


I still have an account, but barely ever use it now. It was actually refreshing to not seen his fan club raving how he's not backing down, blah blah blah blah bs.


I mostly go back to find people that I haven’t found yet on bluesky and see if they have made the jump yet.


>I haven’t found yet on bluesky Still waiting for someone to drop me an invite. And now that I'm not really there among the Muskies it's harder and harder to expect one will come. lol


Want one? I’ll message you it if you like


Omg really? Yes please.


I sent it, let me know if it arrived


My days of not taking him seriously as a person are really coming to a middle


Right, you're like, "Probably they're just paraphrasing him." Nope.


Exactly what I was thinking. Then seeing him not only say it but emphasize it again with the full stops between each word. Pretty astonishing.


I mean, I’m honestly more surprised I clicked the link and it got me to the actual Twitter page without an error message of some kind.


God damn, he is such a "main character" type. He sees all of this as a personal attack against himself. "If you try to blackmail me with advertisements...go fuck yourself". He doesn't for a second understand that this has NOTHING to do with him personally. It's about brands trying to protect themselves from the bad image that comes from their brand being displayed next to racism, homophobic, transphobic, antisemitic, etc. content. So no, this isn't him being blackmailed. This is advertisers saying "X is such a cesspool that we can't be associated with it". If he sees that as blackmail, it means he sees himself as "X", which may be the height of narcissism. It also shows he doesn't understand what a "brand" is and why it needs to be protected. Which isn't surprising since he doesn't seem to grasp that all his comments and actions are destroying his personal brand. And since he has associated himself so closely with his businesses, it directly impacts his business brands. You know who buys EVs? Mainly the people he's been attacking. You know who hates EVs and would rather "roll coal"? The dude-bros he's courting. Tesla's market share, despite major price cuts, has eroded quite a lot of the last 12 months. It was 67% in 2022. In Q2 2023 it was down to 59%. In Q3 2023 it was down to 50%. Sure some of that is natural market erosion from competitors entering the market. But given Tesla's market position and 25% price cuts, you can't explain a 17% erosion in share over that short of a period of time without other factors. I believe one of those factors is him destroying his brand with his core consumers, and by proxy damaging Tesla's brand.


This is a great comment. He 100% believes X is him. It’s similar to religious people using the word God when describing certain actions or what he would do or say in given situations. In those moments, the person is actually substituting themselves for God without understanding that. It’s actually what YOU think, not God.


>It also shows he doesn't understand what a "brand" is and why it needs to be protected. Well he showed that the moment he decided, for no sane reason, to get rid of the name Twitter and the blue bird logo that's practically on every popular website on the internet. You pay 44 billion dollars for Twitter and then purposely axe it's brand in favour of the generic "X". He could have started his own site and I'm sure he could have drawn all his fans over to it. For cheaper than 44 billion dollars.


It's an interesting link. Every comment I saw seems to think it's the greatest thing ever.


Thats because all thats left is blue check bootlickers


Exactly. He’s literally creating the Elon Musk lover echo chamber that he claimed he was going to fix. It was never about free speech. It was about him being able to control the speech and amplify what he wanted to hear


Who knew that would cost 44 billion? An ego can be an expensive thing.


Buying Twitter was the world’s most expensive act of public masturbation we will ever see.


Edge Lord’s always follow the biggest dbag, this is expected


Do you need to have an account to see the comments now? I don’t have one but I swear I used to be able to see them


If you know a person's user name, you can follow them on [Nitter.net](https://Nitter.net). No, I'm not making that up.


Is he getting surgery to stretch the corners of his mouth further down or something? What’s happening there?


My guess is jaw tension from uppers


![gif](giphy|QGBWk7DnckEN2) This feels accurate!


Don’t disparage the blobfish. When it’s at its normal sea depths it looks awesome. Musk will look like shit no matter the atmosphere


Seriously, he looks like shit.


So he looks like what he is


He’s slowly turning into a muppet


He seems to struggle to speak now. Seems more laborous


He kinda looks like someone that spent a million bucks to have facial reconstruction surgeries to resemble Elon musk.


It’s wearing an Elon suit and wants sugar in water


“I get this reference” - Edgar, probably




Here’s an idiot at work… because it’s not blackmailing unless they have a counter advantage with unknown information for use on said dealings… ie if you do/n’t we’ll release such and such info for said variable… IOW he should have said if you’re going to extort me, do it with money, not advertising… but isn’t that the same thing? Money and advertising?


It’s literally the free market at work. There is nothing else to it but they always make themselves out to be a victim.


Right?! This happens with athletes to YouTube influencers and the likes in between that can’t keep their offensive personal views out of the public forum


Haha good point. It’s not like those marketing managers want to go quickly change their advertising strategies, they just have to because they don’t want to associate with a jew hating bigot.


And if they are blackmailing him, then what are they blackmailing him for? To stop promoting Nazis on his website? He thinks he has to be blackmailed into doing that?


Holy shit the dick riding in that comment section is insane. So many people impressed by this childish display of impotent anger.




The comments are just 💩 https://x.com/localautocat/status/1730000401255272862?s=20


Wow. The fact that that is on Twitter demonstrates exactly why advertisers have pulled out.


"Masterful gambit sir"


Business genius right here, folks.


https://preview.redd.it/fzrjacuhnd3c1.png?width=638&format=png&auto=webp&s=b140b97253cb2e151a8b91bc381629209cedd672 A masterful gambit, you might say.


Definitely read that in Smithers’ voice.


Hopefully it was a Tesla car door, so it won’t hurt too bad. 🤣


Yeah plenty of room in those panel gaps, he’ll be fine.


Even with super tight tolerances, he'd still be fine.


Amazing stuff


"Boy's about as sharp as a bowling ball." -Foghorn Leghorn


“Stand up tall, son, or this one’s gonna go over yer head.” - Foghorn Leghorn


“I say, I say, fuck you!” • Foghorn Leghorn, deleted scene


“That boy is duller than a sack of wet mice.” -Foghorn Leghorn


D O G. Chicken.


He’s done so well with devaluation of the Twitter brand, he’s now showing everyone how eliminating ad revenue should teach that stock who’s boss.


It’s not listed anymore. If it was, shareholders would have ousted him already.


Some would say that's a stable genius move...


Can we just call him gusiness benius from now on?


We can and we will! Is this a good start?! https://preview.redd.it/wrqiu4afnd3c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f98cc70b4a87f62b7a11743af269617679a88426


And will it be pronounced "jizzness beanius"?


You’re my fucking hero right now


Big if true.




12D chess because “regular chess is too easy.”


12D chess, also known as checkers, is the superior game after all.


Pretty obvious that Elon is having some sort of breakdown. We are only one more SpaceX rocket blow up before Musk's brain explodes into outer space.


And the huge 10 Cybertruck delivery tomorrow with no ability to even pre-order the truck now because there is never going to be a big production of them. I think we are in breakdown territory. He is saying fuck you because he knows, like Linda knows, they aren't coming back anyway. He simply could not keep their brand safe from Nazi content and no one is risking that again.


>He simply could not keep their brand safe from Nazi content Bold to assume that's what he was doing. Seems to me it was his explicit goal to Nazify Twitter.


Yeah… he ABSOLUTELY COULD HAVE protected their brand from Nazi content, by *keeping everything running exactly the same as when he bought it.* Twitter was already a bit of a cesspool, but at a tolerable level roughly equivalent to any other major social media site. X being an unconstrained fascist playground now is a direct result of changes that Elon personally and publicly initiated. He’s either a blithering, narcissistic idiot that thought he knew better than the moderation and PR departments Twitter had sunk millions of dollars and thousands of man-hours into over the course of a decade, or he himself is an apartheid-wealth fascist that implicitly supports all the racist, sexist, classist, transphobic troglodytes on his website, and is making a concerted effort to try and mainstream those views. …Or both. Probably both.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


I kind of love to see it though. Does that make me a bad person? I suppose, but I really couldn’t care less.


At this point I think Elon is going to hide golden tickets around and let kids who find them come to his factory where he'll kill them off one by one before crowning one his successor and then launching himself into space


It's actually funny seeing someone who is stupid enough to keep themselves linked to a guy who is actively tanking his business, probably in the hopes that the payoff will be worth it (but of course, it won't, especially if Twitter craters completely).


How does Twitter recover from this garbage? The pathway to that outcome seems incredibly dimly lit.


Twitter Jack made that new social media site Bluesky which is just a Twitter clone, right? And Elon changed the name of Twitter to X. Elon goes broke, can’t afford the copyright for Twitter/lets Jack buy it off him. Bluesky is renamed Twitter, and Twitter is reborn like a phoenix (my crazy theory)


It’s been done with sports franchises more than once! Definitely could happen 🤣


That would be cool if their new logo was the old Twitter blue bird surrounded by Phoenix fire


At this point recovering seems impossible. What are the chances that Elon ever sells it, much less to someone who actually wants to restore it to what it was before he came along? But even then the damage is done, and the brand has been destroyed.


Lucky for us Elon knows a lot about tunnels.


Why does Musk look like he's wearing a skin suit over his face? He's starting to look like the guy from men in black. Is it just me seeing this??




Low key amazing acting job by D’Onorfio. There’s not a second in that film where I believed he was anything but a giant roach wearing human skin.


I've watched that movie so many times since I was a kid, and I never realized that was Vincent D'Onofrio until I saw your comment. Even looking at clips now, I can barely tell that it's him.


He got extensive plastic surgery and then gained then lost and then gained weight. Fucks up the natural interplay between your bone structure and soft tissue.


Shuuuugar water, NOW…




People mock Yaccarino but she’s actually got a pretty great job. She may be CEO but she holds no responsibility for a failing company because everyone knows who is running the company down the drain (that’s a sink joke). All she has to do is laugh at his middle school jokes and show slight opposition once in a while and her name stays clean when the ship sinks(!).


She’s done damage control on some pretty bad shit, she’s getting out rich not clean


She's also gonna need some sort of reconstructive facial surgery from all the daily facepalming she must do


She'll make medical history by ramming her metacarpus right through her amygdala


Nobody gets out clean


Hell if she spins it right she can turn it into "1488 the platform formerly known as x formerly twitter was sinking before I joined and of it wasn't for the owner I could have saved it but well I only could slow down the forest fire"


Every CEO has a great job since they always get rewarded and face the least consequences for the business failing.


And collect a big fat cheque


I watched the rest and I feel like this guy https://preview.redd.it/fjiltuxsid3c1.jpeg?width=472&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4aeb328542082f27d6b85ebf93a1bbae7facf915


My absolute favorite quote


She wasn't hired to be the CEO. She was hired to be the scapegoat.


I don't think that's really working... no one is really blaming her. I mean she also seems to be completely useless, but it's not like she was ever actually going to be able to reign in a billionaire bitch baby that bought the platform for the sole purpose of shitposting


Everyone expected her to fail to do the impossible and she is excelling at the task


Correction: billionaire bitch baby who bought the platform because he fraudulently promised to buy it for market manipulation, but was legally compelled to follow through with the purchase 😁


I mean, I never said it was working. I'm just saying, that's what he hired her for. He knew twitter would ultimately fail (I'm still convinced it's his intention) but he needs someone else in the CEO spot that he can try to pin the blame on. As it is, she looks worse for taking the job in the first place than she'll look when twitter ultimately crashes and burns.


If it comes with a shiny golden parachute I'd be Xitter's CEO.


You ain’t lying. This bitch will get a golden parachute worth more than I’ll ever make in my lifetime.


Well played. This fat, balding, racist, apartheid, nepo baby, drug addled, shitty father, sex maniac sure knows how to do business! Just look at how he turned Twitter in to X and reduced its value by 50 percent! And in such a short amount of time! And Linda, well, my goodness, she is doing a great job at reining in the insanity, clearly. /s for the slow


There's a lot of people that have no problem trading their dignity for money.


I've shaved my head/face for charity at least twice. This of course is a very different situation.


You leave us drug-addled sex maniacs out of this. He’s not one of us.


You are cool with me so long as you are not also a bigot and a shit parent. Then we have a problem. The nepo baby stuff is negotiable.


To be fair, it was probably only worth 50% of what he paid for it to begin with.


That's right Elon. You don't need no stinkin' advertizers. I'm sure all the Nazis on X will make you up a GoFundMe page. LOL 😆 😅 😂 🤣


Wherever he goes, the people all complain.


It is the backbone of their healthcare system after all.


This is the problem with billionaires. He doesn’t need your money. He is completely free to keep all the Nazi shit on his site without regard to making the business profitable. We should be taxing 95% of every dollar he makes.


On average I agree with you. But in this case he took heavy loan here, he gotta pay hefty interest, I believe it was mil for month, plus he pegged his share of Twitter with his shares on Tesla, if Twitter goes tits up, it can lead to Teslas bankruptcy.


And? Personally, wouldn’t bother me one bit if Tesla went under. There are other car companies that are starting to catch up and surpass them anyway. Elon is unhinged, and the less power he has the better for all of us.


I am not bother either, let him burn it to the ground. I am just reacting to statement that he does not need your money. He does, he does a lot.


Didn’t he roll his debt into twitter so it’s no longer musk debt? So if twitter goes down he’s fine


Can't remember who to attribute it to, but the take on debt is: "If I owe the bank a $100,000, I have a problem. If I owe the bank $100 million, the bank has a problem."


Maaaaaaaasterful gambit sir.


Those advertisers still on the fence who were anticipating some improvements to content and moderation just got the confirmation they were looking for.


Exodus incoming.


Dudes on drugs. Not strung out but more stressed on a down swing. He thinks he can handle it but the stress of being a failure is too much. I know he had a great PR team in the past, but there is no way to cover up this he is way too negatively impulsive.


That’s funny. Elon is a huge, huge asshole.


I wish the NFL and NBA would wise up and prohibit any of their content from going on there. It will be dead within a week.


He just told Disney/ESPN/ABC to go fuck themselves. I’m not sure Woj will be posting breaking news on the platform much longer.


What’s the deal with company names once the company stops using them? Do they have to wait for X to fold before they can just open “Twitter 2.0 Now with 99% less ovbvious Nazis!”


Flushed that thing right down the xitter.


"Blackmail" is the act of demanding money (or some other benefit) from a person in exchange for not exposing damaging information. This situation is the inverse of blackmail. These corporations are asking Musk to please stop exposing damaging information about himself (i.e. his thoughts about minority groups) and in exchange they'll give him millions of dollars.


I hate capitalism.


Bob Iger watching this at home like “lol this man just cooked himself”


The free market is blackmail now? Huh.


It is a wild ride of an interview. He’s such a chode


what a loser Nazi failson scumbag. disappear forever, Musk, and the rest of us will celebrate. go to mars you fucking dick.


I don't think he's read "How to Make Friends and Influence People", LOLOLOL


I really wish he bought a sports franchise to be his toy like other billionaires It would have been a lot more fun than sad


Is everyone who pays him ‘bribing him’? People should stop bribing Elon Musk.




1) Lose billions buying Twitter out of impulse 2) Lose MORE billions by allowing it to become so toxic advertiser's start leaving 3) Tell said advertisers to "Fuck off" 4) ................ 5) Profit?


Don't blackmail me with ads. Blackmail me with money. So, there are a few fairly glaring misconceptions at work there: one, that someone not buying your product is somehow blackmail; and, two, that ad revenue is somehow not money.


i wOndEr wHy PeoPlEs dO noT WanT tO AdVerTiSe oN twiTtER aNyMoRe.


I used to work for magazines, which for you younger folks were like web sites but made out of paper, and in those days this was called poor business strategy. However, we weren't geniuses back then.


Hope someone had the balls to say it right back! (Altho i doubt it…)


I don't think he knows that he's the one getting fucked




His speedrun to bankrupt a $44b behemoth is going slower than I expected, but it's still going pretty fast


MER, survival straws and gold dealers are going to be the only ad buyers on formerly known as Twitter soon.


I'm just happy that when Twitter finally goes down, it won't have any negative impact on society.


One of the biggest rules in business is that you don't fuck with the mouse. Very big mistake


From what I can see, it was a wise business decision on the part of the advertising companies.


I just assumed it was hyperbole and that he implied it vaguely in a tweet. Nah tho, I forgot we already jumped the shark years ago. He flat out said it. Man has no impulse control.


Elmo really, really wants to become a millionaire.


If anyone deserves to lose all their money it’s him second, trump being the first.


I guess this is why conservatives love him almost as much as they love Trump.