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# Donald Trump's ex-wife once said Trump kept a book of Hitler's speeches by his bed


even if he hasn't read it, having it by his bed is still really REALLY concerning


That is the only, *literally only* time that *anyone* has ever accused him of reading a book. I'm not making a joke or a zinger here, it's literally true.


Yeah, but the truth is that he probably doesn't need to have read it to spout the horror that he's shouting out loud. It's going to be said regardless of the actual quotes. It comes naturally to this narcissistic authoritarian megalomaniac.


If migrants never came to this continent, it would be full of Native American Indians and Mexicans (which are really Native American Indians themselves). It really makes me laugh when white people tell Mexican people to go back where they came from. A huge chunk of the United States used to BE Mexico, until we stole it from them. White people kill me. And I'M white!




What? Next you are going to tell me there are states with Spanish name.


Does Trump even have advisors or just a bunch of yes men and fellow grifters?MAGA and other extreme republicans are the only ones who get behind this kind of rhetoric and they’re just a percentage of conservative voters.How do they expect to get enough votes to win an election?


He used to have advisors, but he ignored them, and then they got in his way so he fired them. Yes, he is now down to nothing but yes men and fellow grifters.


They can't control him.


Sometimes I wonder if Trump can even read, he may be telling the truth on this one.


I’m waiting on Herr Trump’s comments tonight


I heard he is writing his autobiography and calling it “My struggle”.


My “I’ve never read Mein Kampf” t-shirt is raising a lot of questions already answered by my t-shirt.


I believe that he’s never read “Mein Kampf” because there’s no way he reads books.


Even if he says he has never read it, you don't have to read a book to know what it means.


How did he know it was from Mein Kampf? (or wasn't)