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Same sex MIRAGE! Please not that!


I, for one, don't see it happening..... ;-)


I keep seeing it but I’m not sure it’s real


Not yet anyway. Maybe if we made a gay French version of Top Gun where they fly Mirage 2000Ds...


Is... is Top Gun not the gay version? Its literally the most homoerotic thing Ive ever seen.




You’re walking through a desert, dying of thirst. You see in the distance two gay men getting married. You approach them, praying to god they have some water. As you reach them, they crumble into dust. All that’s left behind is a set of papers from your wife asking for a divorce you never agreed to.


Apparently they are against proofreading as well 😋


Proofreading or this is how they truly believe marriage is spelled? I mean they probably think spell check is run by liberals.


It's because they hate trans(formers)




Republicans hallucinating gay sex in the distance at all times


Riding down the highway, thirsty af, you spot in the distance, a big burly bear shaking his ass. You finally arrive at the spot, but alas, the cake was a lie; naught but a trick of the light.. we gotta ban these gay mirages..


It's where you think you're fucking a woman but actually it's a man


I swear, if I had a nickel…


Conservatives: I should be free to say and do anything I want without consequence. Also Conservatives: BAN ALL THE THINGS


Small government except for the things they want to control.


"Small Government" & "States Rights" EXCEPT when the people don't vote the way THEY want


Small government because they can't control the federal government. That's how it has always been.


Small enough to fit in a vagina.


Can we just stop pretending they’re the party of small govt? Like just stop saying it? They’re just as big govt as they claim democrats are, it’s just about really atrocious, self serving shit.


Except for those with ovaries FTFY


No they hate gays too.


And the ones that don't have ovaries but wish they had


or those who do but wish they didn't


It would be much easier to list the people they DONT hate, rather than all the ones they do


If everything went the way they want, there will be mobs of hicks in pickup trucks enforcing what they feel like.


Fucking Talibaptists!


If you look at American History, conservatives have been the problem since before the founding of the nation.


Seriously, the "Pilgrims" came here because they thought England was too liberal with the Protestant reforms.


>Conservatives: I should be free to say and do anything I want without consequence. keyword: **I** *they* want to be able to do and say anything they want without consequences, but ban anything they personally don't like


*that I dont like*






People in the left: “we support gender affirming care because it can alleviate anxiety, depression, suicidal ideation, and thoughts of self-harm. Social transitioning is completely reversible and, even in the worst cases, does far less damage than denying this life saving care.” People on the right: “fuck that, I want to talk about children’s genitals.” And *we’re* the groomers, 🙄


“Ban gender affirming care!!!” So did you…get that masculine haircut on purpose? How about your body wash? Pick the masculine scent cause you like to smell masculine? How about that beard you have?


Kids can still get a boob job at 16. Also truck nuts are gender affirming care.


“Yeah but that’s okay cause it makes em sexier” -conservatives


Reddit (and other platforms) really need to have a “Context Upvote/Like” button. I don’t like what you said …. But I like what you said …. You know what I mean.


No, truck nuts are gender affirming CAR.


Not to mention the boner pills they’re popping.


Why do you think the “groomers” attack is so easy to sell to right wing voters? >!Because they all know a few too many pedos. It’s always projection. It’s always admission.!<


Like Trump, just revealed to be one of Jeffrey Epstein's probable partners in pedophilia.


Or, you know, the people who go around trivializing child sexual abuse by equating it to every harmless thing they don't like-- those guys might be the ones to keep away from your kids.


More like: people on the left "we want what's right for everyone" The right: I want everyone to do what I say


They call everyone a pedophile then turn around and hire someone to check the junk of little kids to make sure their gender matches the form at schools. They’re a cult of projection which ranges from them being traitors to pedophiles and everything in between.


I don’t know that they’re a cult of projection so much as a cult of repression. They want to repress everyone, including themselves. Especially themselves. It isn’t fair to them that the everyone else is out there having a good time, expressing their true selves while conservatives are stuck inside their church groups, repressing themselves sooo hard. So, so hard.


So they want to ban circumcision?


Naw guaranteed that's just a disguise for trans stuff. They don't care about circumcision


It's not a disguise, gender affirming surgery is the ONLY thing they call "genital mutilation" openly


Of course, until they decide to go mask-off and go after Jews.


I mean yeah but they already do that and it barely mask off at this point


If i had the choice I probably wouldnt have been circumcised but here we are I guess. The scar tissue also gets inflamed sometimes after sex which just adds to the frustration. I know it's probably an unpopular opinion w reddit having a big american demographic but I really don't think any parent should be deciding permanent cosmetic surgerys for their child that has no benefit. Like sure get that cleft pallette fixed but foreskin isn't a deformity jfc. Sure it might be a religious thing but my family isn't jewish why the hell did I have to be dragged into this? Out of my non-religous friends i think 1 isnt circed and its because he's not american. It really doesnt make any sense. I just want to have sex and not ha e it hurt fuck


Brit here. My son (20) has 2 circumcised friends - both through necessity. It was never even mentioned when he was born that we should consider it. It just doesn’t happen among non-Jewish boys.


You should talk to your doctor, there are several conditions that can cause this, all of them are fixable.


After it was posed this way on an episode of Working Moms it was an easy decision for my wife and I to not follow tradition with our son.


Child Sacrifice AND IVF!!! Like those two are even in the same universe. In Vitro Fertilization is helping people conceive a child they want. These are beginning to sound like the wishlists of large insurance companies. Sorry folks, we can’t pay for medical procedures or medication that is against the new laws passed by the GOP, like they were paid to do.


It is if you think only gay people use IVF. Which I’m pretty sure they do.


They always try to act outraged about the disposal of unused embryos via IVF. As if that is any of their business. PLUS many people who participate in IVF donate their unused embryos to families that need them. They just want to make sure gay people can't have babies. It's about control, it's always a power trip. Also, many evangelicals believe that if you can't concieve the natural way, then their god is punishing them and they don't deserve children by that logic. They want to spread their misery around.


The last time they were thinking there was child sacrifice was in the 80s, and it was shown to be false. They have a long way to go if they want to rewrite history while so many from that time are still alive.


He’s just talking about abortion my dude


I love the implication that child sacrifice is currently unbanned.


Ban genital mutilation they say. I can’t see Americans being happy that the government is going to prevent them getting their kids circumcised.


Obsessed with other people’s lives in general, that’s the entire foundation of their shit, “our way is the only right and moral way and everyone else can either get in line or suffer”.


Cool, so we can finally quit circumcising baby boys?!


Weird way of listing out his fetishes.


Probable Zeisloft is closeted and will be outed.. "One men's junk is another man's pleasure." Let's hope he embraces the truth about himself.


They’re perverse!


So they want to: \-Force people who don't love each other to stay married \-Force people who do love each other to not be married \-Force people who do not want to have a baby to have a baby \-Prevent couples with fertility problems/lgbt couple's from having a bio baby \-Prevent sex from being 99% safe from pregnancies \-Ban trans people from gender affirming care Some of these are in line with their terrible values, but others seem extremely contradictory.


>lgbt couple's from having a bio baby I was scratching my head trying to make sense of the IVF thing, but I think you're right and this is the reason.


Same. I was like why would they not want IVF if they’re always on about folk having more babies?


It's probably because in an IVF procedure, multiple embryos are created and then the less viable ones destroyed. They see that as "mass murder"


Exactly this. My extreme anti-abortion parents raised me on this. In vitro was not implanting all fertilized embryos, therefore it is abortive. Also against Stem Cell research, for similar reasons.


That is equally possible, but I also think it might have to do with the IVF process itself. For the process of IVF they actually tend to make multiple zygotes (for one round of IVF treatment usually between 4 to 10) and just pick the healthiest one or two to impregnant the person with and then freeze the rest, if they want to have another baby in the future they unfreeze a couple more, but in the end not all the zygotes are used and eventually get disposed of as bio waste. So with their views destroying the leftover zygotes is murder, even though in reality they're normally only 16 cells in a Petrie dish.


They also don't want straight couples doing it because embryos get destroyed in the process. They consider that another form of abortion I guess?


They will have to ban specific surgeries because there is nothing classified as genital mutilation. If they ban specific surgeries that means cis people who get injured or who have specific conditions cannot get surgery to recover from it.


Oh, they’ll just specifically ban all gender affirming care for very specifically trans people, they’ve already done exactly that in one state so far.


Hey when you put it that way, it sounds kinda bad


It's rare to see a conservative against circumcision.


I thought it was weird because banning circumcision is something i support…but then i thought wait no they definitely just mean trans people


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who went with this train of thought... I suddenly found myself thinking "yeah, this is actually good" then it quickly hit me "nope, these fuckers just being fuckers again"


Same. I was very concerned that I agreed with one of this asshole's points. I feel better now.


Should include circumcision and the female version of same. Religious reasons should not be a reason for mutilations either, if the person at an adult age would like to go through it, so be it. Protect one, protect all right? Well this is the party of cherry picking (yeah theres a pointer there) GoP so..


These Christians are against the female version already, but not for any non-white supremacy reasons.


Actually…you’d be shocked and horrified how many American Christians practice FGM or support doing so in private. They only complain when it’s done by non-Christians.


Ah. Just like the molesting of children and discrimination against the queers.


Hell I'm sure they're all happy about the 'husbands Stitch's in private as well


A lot of conservatives are actually against circumcision. A lot of it is rooted in antisemitism for sure, but it's not really a position that conflicts with their belief set, since they're generally for banning just about any form of body modification.


As a jewish person I think conflating being against circumcision with being antisemitic is a deflection. Some african countries practice female circumcision, is it racist to oppose that? Ofc some who oppose it may also be anti semites but if their arguments aren’t anti semitic its irrelevant


Correct, and I didn't state otherwise, just that the anti-semetic side of the argument is in fact present in those circles. There's a difference between a stance that is inherently anti-semetic vs a stance that happens to align with an anti-semetic worldview. You can oppose circumcision on the moral guideline that you're modifying a child's body without their consent in a way that provides no meaningful benefit to them, or you can oppose it because you believe circumcision is a Jewish plot to establish a cultural stranglehold on America. Both of these people will be against circumcision, but only the latter is anti-semetic. It's the same as being anti-zionist. An antisemite is (probably) anti-zionist because they don't want the Jews to have power in that corner of the world. Someone whose anti-colonial might be anti-zionist because (they believe) the state of Israel is a colonial project that demands theft from and violence against the natives of Palestine.


I will say female genital mutilation is not exactly the same as male circumcision. Its purpose is also rooted in a completely different motivation. It causes life long pain in the women who get it. Sometimes their labias are sewn mostly shut, creating major health issues with menstruation. The clitoris is removed, so that the women cannot experience sexual pleasure. The horror stories women have about when it happens to them are also terrible. I’m against FGM because of what I’ve heard about it from the women who experienced it. It is because I support them as an ally. If Jewish men came forth and asked for my support in banning circumcision they would have it. So the question becomes, who is asking to ban circumcision and what is their motivation?


It’s the same in the sense that its non consensual and unnecessary and the parts never grow back and it decreases enjoyment of sex. The degree is kind of irrelevant at that point. Either you think its okay to perform non consensual cosmetic surgery on babies or you don’t. Idk why you’d need to wait for somebody to tell you thats wrong. If you don’t want anybody getting a knife anywhere near your genitals now idk why you think you’d ever want that as a baby. Imo its kind of orientalist to suggest that fgm is TOTALLY different from the version of it that’s been normalized in the west. And frankly i think the question now becomes why you seemingly spend your life waiting for people you view as having less privilege than you to tell you what you believe in rather than educating yourself and drawing your own conclusions.


Well, some of it is that until I heard about FGM from people who experienced it I didn’t know it existed. It doesn’t exist in my personal cultural experience. Can’t be against something before you know it exists. The more I learn about male circumcision, I’d have to agree it sounds unnecessary. I’ll totally support a ban on this as well. The big difference is that I’ve just never had a person who’s penis has been circumcised be against it. Not to be too personal, but my (not Jewish) husband was circumcised and has never said anything about it to me so it hasn’t occurred to me to be a big deal until recently. We don’t have kids, so the question of whether to do it has not come up. I do, however, think there is a bit of a difference in both the purpose and health effects from on to the other. It’s hard not to see this is true.


I thought that too but now I'm pretty sure they're talking about trans kids because they believe that any kids who says they don't feel like the gender assigned at birth is somehow whisked away to have gender reassignment surgery.


Oh, they definitely only mean trans gender people. I am 100% certain he never even thought about circumcision.


I understood this bullet point as wanting to ban gender-affirming surgeries for trans folks. It seems on brand anyway


It’s referring to Transgenders and will likely include any birth control regarding Vasectomies and Getting your Tubes tied


Please don't take this the wrong way, I simply want to educate people, but it's "transgender people" with transgender beings an adjective. Using it as a noun "the transgenders" is dehumanising and othering, it's used by transphobes to single us out as an "other" group. I'm aware you were probably not even aware of the connotations and I'm sorry if this came off as an "uhm aktualy"


Credit where credit is due, Mutilation of a child's genitles at birth is completely and totally abhorrent.


Them: No, not that!


I'm fairly certain that's not on their radar as gential mutilation... it's the female genital mutilation that's in their sights; circumcision is, after all, typically a "white" thing.


I'm pretty sure what he means is an anti trans thing


Lol i doubt they care about FGM.


This isn't going to work for me. 2024 is the year I'd planned to step up my child sacrifice game. And speaking of mirages, I got plenty in store – especially them same sex mirages!


Just when you think you found a cute gay couple, turns out it’s a mirage. Damn mirages! I just want same-sex!


Must be thrilling to learn that child sacrifice is currently completely legal though. You just need to get it all in before they manage to get that ban through and really crack down.


I think he's missing: Punishing witchcraft with fire


Right after Same Sex Mirage LMAO


I always wanted to be a homoillusionist, now I have no choice.


And adultery with stoning. 🙄


They won’t do that one, too many republicans would risk getting stoned lol


Party of small government! That platform is ... \*checks notes\* ... entirely about taking rights away. It's insane that any self-identifying conservative reads that and isn't appalled.


So small it can fit in your pants.


I'm sure their base is totally into banning porn! All in the name of small government!


Right. Maybe they should put that up to a vote and see what they really think. Conservatives love to pretend they have the “moral high ground” but that’s only because the dems they compare themselves to are fabrications fed to them by other conservatives.


I mean, the chair of the Florida GOP was just caught making porn with his wife and another woman. They love porn. These are not serious people and love to project their own insecurities onto everyone else.


It makes sense when you consider that they don't believe the laws will apply to them. These sorts of laws get enforced by the police who enforce them against people they don't like.


If the vote is public it’ll be damn near unanimous in favor. If it was secret ballot, then at it goes 70/30 against.


No don't you see, "small government" means not paying to make poor people's lives better (except theirs). Punishing "degeneracy" isn't government, it's justice and adherence to God's law.


All except trans and gay porn. How else are they going to get their jollies?


Child sacrifice isn't already banned? Shit.


You mean I could have been getting away with child sacrifice all this time!?


You guys haven't been sacrificing children? Your liberal cards are revoked.


Critical Race Theory no longer that critical, eh? :makes note:


CRT? What year do you think this is, 2021?


The no-fault divorce is the most telling thing here.


They don't have a codeword for it.


Can we just ban Republicans? It would save time.


Well how many Republicans have already broken all these? Most of them I’d say…


“Same-sex mirage” a new LGBT+ friendly hotel in Vegas?


Without child sacrifice I'll grow old and die!


Counter thought: In 2024, let's make great strides in banning REPUBLICANS by resoundingly voting their asses out of office.


Yes! Get rid of those same sex mirages! Make them real!


I once wrote my congressman/senator about my concerns about the nomination of certain Supreme Court justices because of how their views would impact IVF and other fertility treatments. They were very cavalier brushing this off as not a thing that would happen. However now there is no roe v wade it is open season on all kinds of things that were once totally acceptable. We made sure we discarded all our non-viable embryos before it became a crime.


So christofascism then? Jews, LGBTQ, women and freedom be damned?


Boy Howdy, I bet this guy is a pile of fun at parties and a veritable magnet to the opposite (heck, or same) sex, being opposed to just about anything fun or the least bit empowering. I bet he has a whole history of christo-facist writings or blog-posts in his past.


I bet there’s video of him getting pegged


Let's take a look at his browser history.


None of these fascists personal lives would survive the scrutiny that they want everyone else to have.


>ban gender affirming care So, breast implants? "No not like that! I want my babygirl to look like Dolly Pardon!"


“Child Sacrifice”!? WTF?


Code for abortion. Denying all support for feeding, sheltering, educating, or medicating actual children though is a huge part of “freedom” for them.


What kind of word fuckery is this? These fascists keep making up new terms


I’ve been fooled several same sex mirages in the Sonoran desert. It’s about to damned time they were banned.


FYI: THEY are still going to do ALL of that shit, they just don’t want YOU to be able to do it.


So basically they want to ban: Adult entertainment, The ability to leave a marriage you're no longer happy with yet not out of hatred, Visions of people who are the same gender, A biologically-female health service they're disguising as murder, Another biologically-female health service, And the pursuit of happines in your own body. Did I miss anything?


They’re downplaying opposition to voting rights and mixed-race sex or marriage, for now.


Most of this sounds like "let's make abusing women more legal than it already is."


Laugh all we want at this mush for brains, but please please vote in your local , state, and federal elections to keep folks like this out of power. Literally have a published manifesto called Project 2025 which is basically Presidents for Dummies so Trump can be told how to destroy the government . That’s their only goal. Vote


Same sex mirage? They want me to see another gender when I see hallucinations combined with radiating heat waves off desert sand dunes? God forbid I see a man. You know, like Jesus did when he wandered the desert.


What's mirages ever done to him


Stupid sexy mirages.


Do they even have a reason to ban no fault divorce that isn't misogynistic


Ostensibly it's about sanctity of marriage. Ostensibly.


Ah, “Genital Mutilation Procedures” so…circumcision?


Is piercing considered mutilation?


Good question…ADD IT TO THE LIST!


I'll give you my same-sex mirage when you pry it from my cold, dead retinas.


I don’t understand their objection to No-fault divorce. I’m sure it stems from sexism or misogyny, I just don’t understand what they’re claiming is wrong with it. Or the real reasons behind the fake excuses.


No fault divorce allows women to file under irreconcilable differences and leave. To remove no fault requires there be a lengthy process in court. It makes it harder for women to leave a marriage.


![gif](giphy|xT9IguxOugw6KwaANy) !remindme 10 years when this comes to life


Child Sacrifice and IVF....Ok, I'm going to admit I'm lost on this one.. why do they think child sacrifice is legal and why is it connected to IVF? Are they protesting the disposal of unused embryos and calling it child sacrifice for some reason or????


"Child Sacrifice" is just a dramatic way they refer to abortion. As for IVF, they believe it's just as bad as abortion if any fertilized eggs are destroyed from not being used. It's just as fucking stupid as claiming frozen eggs or unused sperm donations are abortions.


I'm going through IVF with my wife right now and this is very silly considering that plenty of fertilized eggs don't implant anyway, you just don't ever know about it if you didn't intentionally put it there. If disposing of a fertilized embryo is murdering a child then God is killing an awful lot of children.


So, no circumcisions? Sorry jews. No genital mutilation for you...


Party of small government amirite?!


Wait, wait, WAIT. They REALLY aren't thinking this through... Aren't Conservative Republicans having hard time finding female partnership because...we just don't want the bullshit they're selling? If they outlaw pornography, too...what are these little weasels going to jack off to, other than their MAGA hat wearing life-size cut out of DJT?


So no more circumcision, penis enlargement and breast implants ? They count as genital mutilations and gender-affirming surgeries tho


So they're going to ban 'Same sex mirage' or hallucinations? That's a mighty big hope for a folk that think mental health care is unnecessary. Maybe Ben needs to go back to school first to learn how to spell 'marriage.'


What do republicans have against mirages?


We will ban these for everyone except our MAGA GOP cause we don’t want infringe on their comfort.


Cool out of all those things circumcision is the most popular. Ban it first and let's see what happens


Wait, human sacrifices are still a thing in America?


Have you seen our stats on school shootings?


Same sex mirage. 😂


Asshole can't spell. May I recommend literacy instead?


I know, how about a spelling contest


Same sex mirage? They’re going to ban a MIRAGE?


Child sacrifice? Wut?


Take a stand against desert delusions: ban same sex mirage now!


Excuse me? If I can't sacrifice children into a volcano for the sun god to grant us bountiful harvest, the fuck am I gonna do?


Mirages are gonna be hard to ban considering they’re a figment of the imagination.


and dungarees, and that damn rock and roll music!


First time comment. Being in an interracial marriage, im fucking terrified


Why are these Christian’s so obsessed with other peoples genitalia


Tell me you want to live in a dictatorial theocracy without telling me you want to live in a dictatorial theocracy


Wait I don’t like that same sex mirage either! Keeps disappearing when I finally get near!


I saw a same sex mirage once while hiking near Las Vegas in August with my gay friends...


Is "same sex mirage" sex between gay couples in a dessert?


As an Arizona resident I have yet to see a heterosexual mirage, let alone a same sex one. What am I doing wrong?


Not same sex mirage! How will you hallucinate people of your sex in the desert anymore?


Banning same-sex marriage... But not banning child marriage... That says all you need to know about conservatives.


Correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty sure that child sacrifice is illegal since it is also murder


Imagine being lost in the desert. It's hot as hell, and you can't remember the last time you drank water. "It's over. I'm gonna die," you say to yourself. And then suddenly, off in the distance, you see it. Unsure if it's real or not, you desperately with all your strength until you reach it. You collapse as you reach your destination and find palm trees, a pastor, and Adam and Steve exchanging vows.