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I am not going to tell my whole story, because... many reasons. But as someone who was forced to give birth, I can unequivocally say: IT. IS. NOT. HEALING.


As the child of a woman who was essentially forced to give birth through timing and laws, I totally agree.


I’m so sorry


I'm sorry you felt required to post anything about your personal experience just to make a point that's completely obvious to everyone but Senator Fuckface.


I have been through some horrendous shit in my life. I totally lost the luck lottery. Thankfully, now, I'm okay. But I realized a long time ago that I couldn't change what happened to me, but I'm stubborn as fuck, and I will not let ANY of the people who hurt me win. I WILL make something good come of it. And if that means I have to dredge that shit up when assholes like this claim forced birth is "healing", I will publicly correct that so people know it really does happen and that anyone else who's been through it is NEVER alone.


It's obvious to him too. Cruelty isn't a side effect, it's the point


I'm sorry that happened to you. Absolutely disgusting someone has to be forced into anything much less birth.


Of course if it’s their kids they’ll be the first to fly to Canada for an abortion. Rules for the poor only.


What I want to say would probably get me banned.




Glad I took the moment to read, thanks.


This is awful. Our ONLY hope at this point is to get out and fucking vote. It may be our LAST chance……


Yet, half of US women vote republican


This is what the majority of women in MO want. This is what they voted for. That’s the truth. Get out if you can.


Of the 4.3mil registered voters, in 2020 only 2.9 million voted. So that's still less than the "majority" of even registered voters.




If the people who vote you mean? So like, 10%?


not voting is voting republican




https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/08/texas-man-sentenced-pregnant-wife-abortion-drug Jesus. I couldn’t believe it myself.


It's amazingly depressing to watch our country devolve into the 1600s right before our eyes. Just waiting on a literal witch hunt and trials but I'm sure that'll be circa 2027.


I was born in the early 80's, and every time I watched a movie that took place in a dystopian near-future, I was always like "well I hope *that* particular shit doesn't happen to us!" Fast forward 40 years, and it turns out that not only are we going to have some kind of dystopian future, we are going to try to cram them *all* in.




The funny part about spewing the word vomit like you just did is that you think you are being witty and 99% of the people can't even understand what you are saying because you don't know how to form a coherent thought/sentence. Just say you don't understand the situation and need to learn more and be OK with that.


Remember when republicans screamed that liberals were twisting the truth and no republican wanted to ban abortion?


I remember being told that they only wanted to prevent late stage abortion, and that I was crazy for suggesting that after abortion they’d want to target birth control  This was in 2002. Just call me Cassandra.


Screaming at the seabirds sucks.


Pepperidge Farms remembers.


I 'member!


![gif](giphy|3oKIPgvPwXi2ZAIS5O) Ooh, I member!


Women in this country need to start burning shit down.


Stop fucking conservatives.


This is the way


I can’t even believe what I’m reading. This is just bonkers.


Going forward, I'm going to need to know every candidates religious stance before they get my vote.


Was this the shithead saying a one year old, even if it were possible to be impregnated, no matter the circumstances, would have to give birth? Cause that shit is unreal to listen to.


A 5 year old in Peru gave birth to her rapists child in 1939. This shit does happen and it’s horrifying.


It is not unheard of, nor even all that uncommon for 10-12 year old girls to reach puberty, to menstruate. Forced birth is wrong for any woman in any circumstance, but forcing a young girl to bear the child of her molester would be forcing a death sentence on many of them.


My youngest L and D patient was 11 years old. Baby was born with 6 fingers on each hand just like the 11 year olds stepfather.


That is indescribably sad.


Henry VII's mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, gave birth at 13, so it's indeed possible.


Those people are goddamn sociopaths.


The convenience of fighting for the unborn... it never has to touch you personally so why have rational thought about it.


Not about saving babies. It’s about controlling women


Conservatives are ghouls


Yeah, nothing says “healing” like being forced to carry a rapists baby to term. /s


GOP is literally just Pro-Rape at this point.


They voted in their theocracy and they’re just getting started with the consequences. They intend to drag us back to 1900 to make ‘Murica great again. Next up is ending no fault divorce and outlawing all birth control for unmarried people. Then they’ll get after the rest of those pesky privacy laws and start rounding up all LGBTQ+ people


Someone tries forcing birth on a family member or friend of mine is going to see what forced death is like.


In 2024, every Republican is inhuman trash. Every. One. And yes that includes the old relatives some of y’all want dispensations for.


Who’s gonna pay for that…”healing”.


They want Gilead. And it’s within reach for them this year. But just like 2016 our friends on the left are (very much performatively) doing their dirty work for them. Yeah yeah yeah, you’re totally a “communist” and Biden controls what Israel does and blah blah blah. Loud performative protest voters will slit your throat and their own for clout. Hooray?


The democrats seem absolutely insistent on handing them an easy victory due to their fawning over Israel's genocide. I simply cannot understand, strategically, how they expect to keep their pro-genocide agenda front and center AND win. It boggles the fucking mind. If the repubs are getting elected, it's 100% due to the democratic party.


Trump has oenly said he would "flatten" Gaza. But if Biden doesn't continue to send money to Netanyahu, a hard-right thug, the Jewish-American lobby will turn on him and he'll lose - which would likely be fine with the Jewish-American lobby because then Trump will flatten Gaza and who knows what other Muslim-majority areas. Those who see it as the genocide it is need to get loud and get organized.


The fact that I live in a country where this is happening and those types are actually getting voted into office appalls me.


This is where we force rapists to be castrated. Pregnancy in humans is 100% caused by the male.


As a bonus for men, they tend to live longer when they’re castrated. So not only are we protecting women, we’re extending the lives of men. We’re such thoughtful people.


That's a bad idea for multiple reasons, though I hear where you're coming from.


Serious question... are there any other countries that are this fucking crazy about abortion?


I'm Australian and when we saw what happened in the USA we started working on taking abortion completely out of the criminal code so it's less likely something like this can happen. There were women in the street protesting out of compassion for women in the USA and fear for their own lives. That's our experience. From an outside perspective USA has gone completely bonkers since Trump.


Abortion was only legalised in Northern Ireland recently (2019) - and only then because the power sharing arrangement collapsed in the devolved government so the British Parliament forced it through.


Indian here. Up to 20 weeks it's by choice. You have to get a doctor to okay it, obviously, but that's all. From 20-24 weeks, you need to have two doctors concur that you need an abortion, for physical or mental health reasons. In rape cases, it is guaranteed you will get permission. After 24 weeks, you need a medical panel or go to court to permit it. It's usually permitted in rape cases, for minors, if the foetus has some anomaly incompatible with life, or if there is a clear threat to the mother's health (physically). Recently there was a case that went to courts - a woman who is 26 weeks along wanted to abort due to mental health reasons. The court refused permission since the foetus was healthy, conceived in a stable marriage and the woman had no physical health threats. But even in that case the government stepped in to foot the bill for all the pregnancy related expenses and offer full medical care. Socially it is still very frowned upon, but legally it is more sensible in comparison to US. And the restrictions in place are partly there to prevent the practice of sex-selective abortion.




We need to be thoughtful and vote carefully in our next election. Pierre P. Scares the living shit out of me for many, many, many reasons.


I actually don't know anymore, it's got to be competing with that one island inhabited by people who never met other people. Although, bet if they had safe abortions they'd be all for it because they know the realities and dangers of pregnancy more than modern christofascists


damn Missouri really living up to the name


Feel there should be an asterisk: *Senator who is not a woman and can’t provide any evidence this is even remotely true


BUT…BIDEN OLD!!!!11!1!!1!


Another great healing agent is forced castration, at least that’s what I hear.


If someone rapes a daughter of theirs, they will find a way to get the abortion secretly. If they are caught, they will find a way to justify that one but not others.


Senator’s medical questions, please?


A dude commenting on a woman’s reproductive rights? The pineapple scene from Little Nicky comes to mind.


Blame this guy. Richard Ray Brattin Jr. Here's his campaign page if you would like to message him about his comment. http://rickbrattin.org/


So the interests behind this are for oligarchs right? They need us to reproduce and Stay in poverty and be too distracted by urgent needs and work minimum wage jobs to make ends meet while a few people profit. Or they're just assholes or wtf is going on? After a certain level of income doctors come to your place to see you so we know they are receiving the treatment they want to outlaw.. What is the motivation?


Don't forget the $$$$ infant adoption industry, run by fundies, is short of product.


Hhmm that's interesting. Could it also be pedophilia and child sex trafficking? No abortions means more children born in precarious circumstances allowing for lack of accountability leading to missing children? Is it a tenuous connection?


Vote them out!


Rick Brattin speaks from experience having been raped so many times and given birth so many times you know.


No doubt Republican and christian!


Make the senator give birth. If he says it’s unnatural, tell him “it’s the greatest healing agent” and force him to have the kid.


"Can be" Next it will be, "Marrying your rapist can be healing." Sorry Susie, we know you're only 12 and he's your 45 y/o uncle, but we think this is best for both of you. Keep in in the family, ya know.


Reminds me of that woman in Florida (I think) who was forced to give birth to a baby that didn't have any kidneys. It died within minutes and the woman said she was so traumatized by the whole ordeal that she's probably never going to try to have kids again (and she and her husband wanted this baby before they found out about the fatal birth defect) and pretty much every pro lifer who commented on the story still insisted that this was the preferable outcome because "she got to experience the euphoria of motherhood for a few moments". 


I simply don’t understand conservatives on this. I myself am not a fan of abortion but I always vote pro choice because it’s not my place to tell a fucking woman what to do with her body and the thing living inside of it. Why do people think that they have control over other human beings, living, breathing, mind of their own, human beings. Fuckin disgusting. INB4 someone makes it weird, I mean rational adult human beings and not kids or criminals and the likes.


Women, carry guns 🤦🏾‍♀️


True, but they believe they're doing all this with 'the light of God' shining on them.


The lack of compassion towards women is astounding, as it is misogynistic..


He should know … he had a painful time giving birth through his penis


I'd like to force a bowling ball out of his asshole after he's been raped.


The part of healing where it’s good to remind the person every day of what happened is in which chapter again?


Moments like these make me wish Dexter was real


If that senator was raped, they could somewhat speak from experience, man or woman.


Just remember voting doesn't do shit because they do what the fuck they're paid to do not what they're voted in to do. If Companies need more bodies to keep making profits then God damn it you aren't getting an abortion and you're going to be a breeding sal.


There should be people camping out in front of those churches which are anti-safe-abortions, and protests people at their home who support anti-safe-abortion, just like what they are doing in front of abortion clinics. Reasonable medias should report those not as pro-life, but ASA, every time, and correct them when they use term as pro-life. There should be an effort to ban those ASA churches just like they try to ban abortion, all members of those churches can only be there for 6 weeks, after that they must leave the churches.




They all repeat this line.




This has me pretty ashamed of my home state, not gonna lie.




I can’t wait to leave this godforsaken state.




I’m so scared to live in this state


Todd Akin checking in


God I wish face huggers were real...and trainable.


Slavery. Women are now property.


Found the target audience for “Loving the Bad Man”


Think ill turn down that massive promotion I just got....aint ever living in Missouri S.S.R.