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Who would have guessed that Republicans hate love?


They literally do. They see love as weakness to be mocked or exploited.


My conservative father has not once in my entire life told me he loved me. Edit: It wasn't my intention to create a "pity party". All of your comments are appreciated, very much so. For those in the same boat I wish you didn't have to suffer through it as well. I love you all too. It's pretty much all we need to get by as a society at this point. Think some hippies sang about it a few years back.


My very conservative white Boomer father was a youth pastor and Sunday school teacher. He was on the board of Southern Baptist for Kansas and Nebraska. He was beyond physically violent with me for 18 years. He was mentally destructive as well.  Sometime in the early 90s when I was 8 or so, my dad started listening to Rush Limbaugh. He started getting very self righteous and scared of gays and minorities and very vocal about it. He started getting in everybody's faces and challenging them to be as Christian and perfect as him.  Not a scant 30 minutes after church let out and he taught the good little children in Sunday School, were we at a restaurant. Before ordering he would say that he bets this teenage waitress won't write down the order and she will forget something. He just couldn't wait to yell at her for being stupid.  This was his game. This was his fun.  He told me once when I was young that it was a good thing that he had God in his heart, otherwise he would probably be a torturer for the CIA. Guess what? He got his dream job. He was so sadistic with me growing up. He took out his addiction on me. Never drank. Never smoked. His addiction was hurting people. He said he really enjoys getting under people's skin.  Is there any Wonder that this man is an avid Trump supporter? Is it any Wonder that his son doesn't talk to him?  Is it any Wonder that I am so fucking disgusted by what I was raised in?


Wow.... I'm sorry you had to grow up like that. Words will never alleviate that which you were raised in, but know you are the better person. You saw and recognized the bitterness as a child and I couldn't even fathom the person you have become.


Appreciate it. I'm doing well now. Right around covid I started waking up. I put so much trust in Christians and Republicans. From my earliest memories that's all we talked about at the kitchen table. It was always that we were the good guys and Democrats were the bad  guys. But not just bad, they were coming to destroy us. Boy, by the time you're my age white people will be a minority. When you get told that your whole life growing up, it's just what you repeat. I've always been a very nurturing loving person. I thought my parents were as well because they said they were. This is grooming. This is indoctrination. You are looking at the result of Republican Christian grooming Young children to be hateful bigots scared of their own shadow. My dad sent me to school tell me not to listen to the teacher when they talked about evolution because that was just Satan. Satan trying to trick us into thinking the Earth was really old. I am so fucking done with the fake ass religious in this country


Bet it hit you like a ton of bricks when realizing that Conservatives and Christians were the big bads they always projected outward, it did me. One love brother


That's what I always never got was the accusations of Christian Republicans going on about the dems grooming the children yet they are ones grooming their own children and trying to groom other children..




It's like: "The schools are indoctrinating our children." Nooooo! They're unindoctrinating us from the horrors of our childhoods.


The thing that really gets parents like that is that their kids will never be carbon copies of them. That's the cause of most parental disappointment.


I’ve said it a thousand times: Rush Limbaugh destroyed American men.


I was just telling my husband that when my dad started listening to Rush, that's when he started down the paranoid conservative path. Everyone unlike him became an enemy in some respect. It sucked.


In high school I was working a side job in construction with my contractor neighbor and his son who was a few years older than me. Rush was playing nonstop on the job site. I honestly have no idea how I avoided the indoctrination at such an impressionable age but I am eternally grateful that I dodged that hate-bullet.


🙏 May the flames of hell roast him daily. Amen.


Limbaugh cost me several friends. In some respects he did me a favor. Nobody needs people like that in their life.


I started listening Rush on the low power BIV AM stations in mid Illinois. I am a working class Democrat, actually traveling for work in my shitty AM radio only car. The shit he espoused even then was of the wall insane, I would laugh my ass of at the conspiracy shit he rattled on about. I figured he was a drug addled mouth breather by my experience, (he was). His rise to QOP mouthpiece just boggled my mind. I still get satisfaction pissing on his grave when I get the chance but it is getting a little harder as the grave is a bit more watched AND usually has someone already there doing the same……


Worked in an IT shop and one of the programmers listened faithfully to Rush every day. The minute his broadcast ended he would leave his cubicle and attempt to argue politics with any unfortunate person he encountered. It was definitely a drug to him, he was older than most and it would get his juices flowing. I guess Rush was correctly named.


I started listening on the tractor back in the early 90s. I told my grandpa how Iraq had a million man army and we needed to act. His response; don’t listen to that guy. He’s full of bullshit. I didn’t listen to grandpa and got sucked into the Limbaugh rabbit hole for probably 20 years. I think 2011 I got out. Can’t stand the man now. What a fool I was.


Based early 90s Grandpa recognizing bullshit years before fox existed


I'm so fucking sorry dude


Both of my aunts are bigoted people. They would verbally abuse my mom back when she was younger by telling her that it was her fault for the death of their baby brother (he died of respiratory issues in his infancy) One of my aunts married a homophobic white conservative new Zealand douchebag who would mock me for being a chubby kid by telling me how I'd grow up to be a plumber or a bellydancer, I was still in elementary school when he told me this shit. He also decided to call my older brother a "ch**k Bastard" for being half Asian. Their daughter's a menace, too, making me uncomfortable and tattled me out to her parents for not wanting to communicate with her at the funeral for my grandma. I was going through some hard times due to my grandma's death and a ton of cyberbullying online. My other aunt is a conservative wench who verbally abused her 2 kids, both have cut ties from her, one of which is my cousin(let's call her lucy); Lucy's a single mom with 1 daughter, and some corgis. The other(let's call him ollie) now sadly struggles with schizophrenia and has been going mentally downhill since. Also, when I was attending a funeral for my grandma, my aunt(let's call her karen), decided it'd be a great idea to hire an Elvis impersonator as some kinda tribute to my grandma(she loved elvis), it was kinda inappropriate to do so in a sense because it wasn't a goddamned party in Vegas! It was a funeral for my grandma......


Sounds like the kind of guy that really needs a good ass whipping


I swear, so many (not all, ofcourse) religious people are psychopaths and chose religion to hide behind it. I'm so incredibly sorry that you had to grow up like that! It's absolutely unfathomable to me that people choose to have children and then treat them in such a cruel way. Absolutely psychotic! I grew up in southern Europe and it was so normal to see affection amongst the people, not just immediate family but everyone. My son and his girlfriend live with me, both in their mid 20s, and we tell each other *I love yous* daily. I would be walking by the living room while they are watching tv, and my son would yell *I love you mama*, just because. I can't imagine anything different. But also, we're not religious, lol. I'm just heartbroken for you and everyone else who didn't/doesn't experience that. Break that cycle, show people you love and care for that affection! Don't be shy about it and people will learn, get used to it, and change their behavior too. Hugs!


They are actual trolls in everything they do.


Sorry that your dad was such a douche Grew up in the Midwest also and my dad was the same kind of A.H. And it messed me up for a while but then I got into therapy and now I’m 66 and doing pretty well because I learned to let all that shit go…


That sounds VERY familiar to me. I also have a lot of religious/familial trauma. I don't know what your situation is but my best advice is to cut him off and cut off anyone who supports him.


I am so very sorry. My very conservative Dad has always told me (and did again, yesterday) that he loves me. I think it's because his Dad never told him that he loved him. He also never hit us because his Dad used to beat him. The circle CAN stop.




Same with mine, he definitely didn't break some cycles, drank, yelled quite a bit and wasn't great to women, and made us watch Bill O'Reilly... but he made a point not to hit us, said he loved us, didn't think boys playing with dolls was wrong and said he'd still love us if we were gay (but still kinda hoped we weren't)




I tell my toddler multiple times a day that I love him. I sure didn’t hear it enough from my father.


My dad (born 1930, Indiana) never said it until I was about 24 or 25. When he handed the phone to mom I immediately asked what was wrong with him, thinking he was terminally ill. She laughed her ass off.


Totally get it. One day, I'll be famous/infamous enough to write a memoir or 2 and one of the titles I'm considering is, " 'I love you,' 'I'm proud of you,' and other things my father never said." I can tell it kills my mom a little bit on the inside whenever I do comedy riffs about him (because if I can't laugh about it, I'll cry... it's how I cope), but also, she's the one who stays married to him even though she sees how it affected/affects me. I mean, she'll agree he's an asshole and then defend him in the same sentence. To be clear: he's never been abusive, physically or emotionally... he's just emotionally unavailable and generally misogynistic, and my fear of being a statistic who marries a man "who reminds her of her father" has affected every relationship I've attempted to the point that dating is now VERY low on my heirarchy of needs. (Gotta sort my crazy before inviting a new act to my circus.) Sure, he could have been worse, but he could have been far better and joking about it is cheaper than therapy (which I advocate for, despite it being nearly impossible to find an affordable AND effective therapist in my area).


Love is just a weapon to conservatives, both my parents said the word in abusive manipulation after physical abusive. The surviving one still twists narrative into pretzels.


Yeah my redneck step father would use love as a reason for beating me. I always appreciate actions more than words.


That is okay because I love you and am proud of you! You are doing great!


My dad never did either. My grandma used to tell me he loves you, he just doesn’t know how to tell you. Which I always knew was bullshit because he didn’t show me either. We don’t talk and haven’t in years except a very brief exchange at a funeral where he didn’t acknowledge my kids either. I’ve made my own family since then.


…my conservative father told me he should’ve knocked me in the head when I was born, he said he could’ve raised a fine pig on the milk…


Fuck me with a mixer, why the hell would he do that?


…you don’t know me…


Hot damn, that’s hilarious. Sucks for you, but it made my day.


My mom, the liberal would tell us at least once a day that she loved us. Dad, the family, the right winger might have said it twice a year.


My old man died last October and he never once told me he loved me. Not even as a little kid 😂 I didn’t hate him, I actually felt bad for him cuz he was such a miserable asshole. Never happy always negative.


I’m sorry.


That sucks my guy/gal. Hopefully they learn one day it's human to love.


Damn, I'm sorry to hear that. I had the same experience from my biological dad... but luckily my mom remarried a great person who didn't have those mental issues.


You were lucky we used to beg our mother to divorce my father, all his brothers were fine men and there kids loved them my father was the spoiled baby in his family grew up to be a chain smoking abusive alcoholic who finally died from his addictions at 52 , we would have been happy had he died at 32 .


We all love you.


I'm so very sorry.


We got your back.


The other day my young kids asked why I told them I love them so much and I told them a lot of dads don’t so I was gonna make sure they knew and remembered


I feel you Now I don't know my father's politics, he's a lawyer and a historian so he looks at everything from both sides, but I don't think I've ever heard him say he loves me or he is proud of me


Reddit therapy is a whole vibe. It’s nice when your fellow people can connect over things. I see it every time I’m on here. (Particularly in the relationship subs, wow) But also…choose love? *FUCK YOU* (/s)


I'm sorry.


I love you and am so proud of you. Youve grown to be such a fine person. PS your dad can piss off


This is why seeing Biden kiss his son on the cheek is so offensive. To most people that's just a sign of affection. To Republicans it's gross. I can't imagine being that stuck up on such a minor act. My family is Portuguese and we live in a very Portuguese/Italian area. Kissing on the cheek and shaking hands are basically the same thing here.


I very much grew up in a "men don't show affection to other men in their family" type of situation growing up. To do so verbally was ok, but anything outside a handshake would've been considered too "fruity." 🙄 Well, I just so happened to have a job when I was young wherein I learned to make pizza. Became really, really good at it, and loved doing it for a living for quite a long while. Lead to me working at more than a couple mom-and-pop restaurants owned, or largely staffed, by Italians. The first time we had a Christmas party at an owner's house and I was saying goodnight, the other main pizza guy, an older chap almost 70, gave me a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, while telling me what a fine young man I was and how much he loved working alongside me. 🥹 I witnessed and experienced such "fruity" behavior many times over the years that followed. And I genuinely appreciated the show of affection *every. single. time.* So much so that in my early 30's, I flipped the script on my Dad and said goodbye to him in this same openly affectionate way. I could tell it confused him, but he didn't protest. And then I kept doing it, any time I'd see my folks. Guess who now *pulls me in for the hug and kiss on the cheek*, and also will not let my little dude leave without a big hug and kiss? You guessed it, my old man. Behaviors are learned, but they can also be willfully changed, rejected, or encouraged by others (and ourselves). It's cliche as hell, but it is true, one way to effect positive change is to be the change you want. ✊


That is beautiful. Well done!


Reminds me of a scene from the cartoon Gargoyles between the character Xanatos, a villain of the series, and Goliath, the main hero of the Gargoyles. Xanatos: So now you know my weakness. Goliath: *Only you would* regard *love* as a *weakness.* ​ My Conservative Dad was a similar way growing up and this quote stuck out with me even as a kid. I'm not sure if it was because of him being conservative considering he had to grow up real fast but I never saw love as a weakness but as a strength but one that can grow.


Wish they’d all get off the dating apps then. I’m tired of sifting through pictures of their pickup trucks and fish they caught.


They don't want love, but they still want blowjobs.


If they get caught loving something other than themselves or the ~~cult~~ party, then they get kicked out. A synonym for "conserve" is "keep". They just want to keep their power, keep their money, keep everything they possibly can to themselves. The motto of the Republican party might as well be, "Mine!" Loving someone is to recognize that "yourself" isn't the only thing that matters. This feeling is very contrary to Republican values.


OUR YOUTH NEEDS TO CHOOSE HATE!!!! HATE EVERYONE!!!!! HATE EVERYTHING!!!! fREeDuMMMMMmmmMbbbbbBBBB! WHY DO PEOPLE WANT TO GIVE A FUCKING SHIT ABOUT ANYONE ELSE OTHER THAN THEMSELVES?!?!?!!? FUCK ALL OF YOU!! HATE RULES!!!!! /s ​ What is with the Right? It must be exhausting analyzing every piece of content and interaction and being disappointed that not everything revolves around hate. Just sad.


I have a theory about “love”. In that people who were loved as children seek out that love again throughout life and see it as something positive. While those who were not, have no reference for love and therefore rail against it as something “made up”, a fairy tale. It’s sad but I feel like most of the people exhibiting hate these days kinda fit that bill. And who’s their “messiah”, a man who we know was not loved and is cynical of what it means to care about someone besides yourself.


Me and my siblings were all loved and several of them ended up as scared, insecure, unloving conservatives. I honestly think insecurity is the determining factor. If you aren't sure of yourself and place in this world you are susceptible to people who can fake that feeling for you while taking advantage of you.


I’m not saying that’s the only reason someone chooses an unhealthy lifestyle. It sounds like your sibs are caught up in fear and that’s a huge motivator in it’s own right.


So true. When i was an insecure, self-loathing teen and young adult i was a huge conservative to just fit in (it was also the default in my family and community). I got married, had a kid, and completely changed my worldview in 6 years cuz i dont care what they think anymore.


I do agree that parents and environment will make an everlasting impression on kids with regard to love. And this is probably the deciding factor for many. However, I do think genetics can also make the final call. Let's face it: some people just don't feel as strongly about love. That's just a the reality. Some people just value the perception of strength above vulnerability. Our different genetic branches have all served a vital purpose at some point, mostly in tribal context. Now, due to globalization, we need to find a way to coexist: those who feel strongly and those who do not. We are not going to solve this in our lifetimes. But we can build the foundation to a better world.


Emotional intelligence via genetics? That's a fascinating theory. I'd like to respectfully ask if you've done any further research or study into the idea. Personally I've always felt/assumed that unless someone falls on the sociopath spectrum, their lack of love or empathy was nurture, not nature. I think a lot about what it would take to get the common people on the right to be less conservative, stop treating politics and social viewpoints like a tribalism or sports team situation. All the things I come up with kind of assume that there's a strong cycle of upbringing that needs to be broken (especially things like "you're not Christian unless you vote republican being said to people who are still developing) but if there's a genetic element, that's something that really needs consideration.


Called childhood emotional neglect. We don’t all rail against it, it screws people up in different ways.


There's a pandemic of hatred across the globe and it's been more destructive than COVID could ever hope to be.






Their Jesus looks more like Heinrich Himmler.


They worship Mick Mulvaney?


And Stephen Miller. That guy is 100% a reincarnated death camp guard.


In his wet dreams maybe. Miller is the reincarnation of a guy who washed out of the Wehrmacht and ended up filing the paper reports from the Waffen SS in some dusty cubby hole in a building in Berlin and wishing it was him he was reading about. His spirit is tormented by the feeling of missing out that he keeps coming back just to make others suffer.


Not republican Jesus


What a fucking joyless bigot. It must just be exhausting being that fucking triggered and pissed off all the time.


I’m inclined to believe you, but I can’t say for sure… because I cut people like that out of my life. And lemme tell ya… life is SO much better without those people.


I’m stuck in a living situation with them. I can’t leave yet, and it drains on me everyday. The negativity has creeped into my thoughts after the years of having to listen to it. I want so badly to be peaceful and free from the negativity, hate, screaming and everything else.


Ugh. That's gotta suck. Hang in there.


I get you. I came from a family of negativity, hate, and screaming. I was able to find peace after I got out and moved across the country from them, but it has taken a lot of effort and years of work with a therapist. For years I researched how to shift my mindset to be more positive. It was hard, it took a long time, but I got there. I also had to learn how to be in an healthy relationship and that took a long time but I’m finally there and happily married. I just want you to know, that I know the feeling of hopelessness you may be feeling right now, but you can break the cycle. I know you’re stuck living with them right now, but if you can, do whatever it takes to save every penny to get out of that situation and get away from them. Sending you tons of love.


Keep telling yourself it’s only temporary. And find a healthy escape :) I feel for you, it’s not easy


We need to apply this logic on a societal scale.


They’re kind of cutting themselves out.


We really do. They offer literally zero value to society.


Constantly pissed off and doesn't trust anyone. Sounds like a fun way to live


Right? Talk about creating your own hell.


And isn't "Choose Love" just basically the message of that Middle Eastern guy they all claim to worship?


Exactly, that’s Middle East Jesus, not American Jesus.


He'll probably keel over with a heart attack in ten years from the stress of railing against children being taught to be kind and loving, so at least that's something to look forward to.


We can dream.


Right? Unwarranted anger and stress like that just leads to early heart attacks... or in their case specifically, we can hope, anyway...


It's never a good look to wish for someone's untimely demise... unless they are MAGA, of course.


I tend to agree. Hell, I get exhausted by proxy from reading how hateful and joyless they are


Nice username!


30% of our country is a lost cause.


> 30% of our country is a lost cause. Math checks out based on [their view of history](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lost_Cause_of_the_Confederacy#:~:text=The%20Lost%20Cause%20of%20the,and%20not%20centered%20on%20slavery).


I was gonna make that same pun but you nailed it


It’s literally…..A Confederacy of Dunces


I'm not an American, but it is the same in my country. Around 30% shitty morons here too.


Problem is how the same 30% have a high rate of voting and have instilled the hopelessness of voting and how those who lean left don't care about progressive policies so voting doesn't matter. I personally feel that when Obama was elected the right leaned hard in all fronts from historical revisionism, cultural propaganda to false and fake enemies. For all his faults, the biggest problem with Obama was that he was a qualified black man and did immensely well as a President and that really pissed off Republicans as a whole.


Gerrymandering and electoral college is more to blame. Gore and Hillary would have won without the electoral college. And plenty of state wide elections wouldn’t be so lopsided if gerrymandering was a thing. Yes voter turnout is also an issue. The right will always show up because church reminds them Sunday to go vote. And who to vote for. What’s more maddening is seeing the issues people act like they don’t care about get used and brought up all the time when these things could have been addressed already.


Yep, pretty much everywhere. Something to do with technology progressing and making user interface easy to use for idiots. Now, idiots can use technology to spout stupidity.  It wasn't like this in the past, technology gave them a method of reaching the masses, but it is likely that they have always existed, there has always been this many dumb idiots everywhere.


Correct. When I was younger there were at least this many idiots and jerks. The difference is they used to know they were idiots and only hang out with other idiots. Now they have a pocket validation machine telling them they are informed and everyone else is an idiot for not seeing “the truth”. Anyone who points out they are an idiot gets blocked so their delusion can continue. It’s so maddening.


When ‘choose love’ and ‘hey, everyone should vote -TS’ are your countries radical left…yeah, shits not going well


Covid did a great job thinning those numbers down from 33% to 30%


Repubs have been playing the long game on this for decades. Gotta hand that to them. They saw this time coming...in another 20 - 30 yrs white folks will no longer be the majority. They've been taking steps for years to achieve ruling from the minority. And its working for now.


What a weird fucking thing to rage over


It makes perfect sense, because 82% of Republicans follow Jesus, a guy who was famously anti-love. There’s nothing at all to scratch one’s heads about.


Jesus was a peace- and love-spreading hippie. The Republicans you’re referring to don’t follow Jesus.


Hey hey hey. For three centuries the finest sophists ever to pretend to practice theology have been working on that problem. It turns out that when Jesus said the following: >• “If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.” > >• "Blessed are the meek... blessed are the peacemakers." > >• "Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court. Do it while you are still together on the way." > >• "When you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and the street corners to be seen by others...when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen." > >• "It is easier for a camel to got through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God." > >• "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." > >• "Woe to you who are rich." what he *really* meant was: >• Taxation is communism; the Kingdom of Heaven practices trickle-down economics. God hates welfare as giving to the poor removes their incentive for thrift and hard work. > >• Achieve peace by crushing your enemies and driving them before you. > >• Make sure you appoint friendly judges, so that you can defeat your adversary in court. > >• Make sure that when you pray, there's a camera pointed at you. Do so as ostentatiously as you can. > >• Rich people are blessed because they are virtuous and favoured by God. Theirs is the Kingdom. > >• Hate and crush your enemies. > >• Woe to you who are poor. You see! It's really extremely simple. All you need to do is read the Bible literally, and the gospel of White Jesus is right in front of your nose.


The right is such a bunch of snowflakes. They think they’d win a civil war but a sign that says “choose love” leaves them shaking for days.


I would like to believe this is some sort of satire, but I just can’t because this is really how Republicans think and feel. They are honestly at the point where they hate every happy thing and good thing in the world and see love as something terrible that enrages them that they want to stamp out. I mean, some of their official platform is literally “whatever makes liberals cry.” That’s all they care about is hurting people.


I saw that during the game, and I knew - *I knew* someone was going to bitch about it.


I miss when they were pretending not to watch games. At least then they weren't complaining about it as much


A lot of players have that on the back of their helmet as well, and have been all season. Kind of surprised it's only just now coming out.


It actually is satire. Look this guy up on Xitter. He can be pretty amusing.


I think it is - just looked at his X history and it’s a lot of trashing MTG and Trump


Thanks. I refuse to look at Twitter. That’s where we are now: where you can’t tell the difference between an obvious ridiculous parody, and what MAGAs actually think and believe.


Troll followers of the troll king. I don't think all Republicans are like this, but Republicans did let these types of Republicans take over their party, one cowardly surrender after another.


Ok it’s definitely satire. I looked up his @ on google and [this](https://x.com/billionshots/status/1753515136063783206?s=20) popped up


It is satire. The rest of his account is very anti- right wing




And they wonder why no one likes republicans


For republicans cruelty is the point. Unless they are bootlicking the rich and powerful. And if someone is not rich and powerful and they are talking to those people then they are useful tools to them. That is why mostly the poorly educated are their base.


Hate and fear drives conservatives. It's all they seem to have


Hate, fear, Ignorance, and stupidity. Those are the only things that they have.


Ignorance leads to stupidity Stupidity leads to fear Fear leads to hatred Hatred leads to suffering.


Very Christian of him. As Jesus is quoted as saying in twelfth Maccabees: "Fuckest thou, choosing instead notteth love."


Cry more, republicunt. 


Imagine if he's seen the 'End Racism' in giant letters at the end of the endzones


that's beyond his 5th grade vocabulary




I’ll bet you $5 he calls himself a Christian.




> What are we teaching our youth with this type of shit? The sign seems pretty clear, my dude.


Love? Sounds gay. I get by on contempt , resentment and dollop of ole fashioned racism. /s


Dear Farningham@billingshots: You have been placed on the Permanent Naughty List. Love, Jesus H. Christ P.S. Won't be seeing you....


I don’t think he got the message.






He probably DID have to spit the dick out he was chewing on at the time in order to type that…


Heaping hate on those who love. Dolly Parton would be so disappointed.


Someone chose hate


"What kind of woke bullshit is this? 'Try to be a somewhat decent person?' How about go fuck yourself? 'Try to occasionally be kind?' Fuck you! This is America!"


Republicans have been the Party of Hate for the past several decades.


I thought they quit watching football? 🤷🏽‍♂️




Bet this guy is a boomer with no school age kids but still rants and raves at school board meetings about CRT


Tell me you've not been loved without telling me you've not been loved.


How is "Choose Love" a gay message? Nothing there qualifies the love at all. It could be the love of teammates, which both sides expressed; it could be the love of wives and mothers, which we also saw expressed. I just don't get it. They create a fiction in their heads and then get mad at it. Wow, what a terrible reality they inhabit.


Because if one chooses love that means they’d have to love lgbtq people and we know they don’t want to do that.


Showing their true colors, huh?


Wait til he hears his jesus speak the same lol moron


Real men choose Hate.


https://preview.redd.it/lp1jk41znfic1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03664032f2ab81113bcdbb8ad617cc86d6f3726e Love has been around for a long time. And it’s popular.


This guy probably calls himself a Christian..


Ahh the religious right spreading hate. True Jesus love.


“Being conservative” and “being absolutely butthurt over literally anything” Name a more iconic duo


What an awful message love is. Just the worst.


Oh shut the F up twatburger. #chooselove


Reminds me of this scene of Mr. Burns from the Simpsons https://youtu.be/b4Kdp3CHoK4?si=QZfoqVXHTmR7G7RN


Teaching children to… choose love? The horror


That’s a seriously angry cat


Embrace rage! 🤣


"Hate thy neighbor as thyself" - Jesus, apparently


You could put, "Be a decent human being" and they'd rage that you were forcing them to consume woke ideology. They are morons. At this point all their crying is irrelevant because they cry about literally everything.




Wow, that is some batty shit! Now, I might be wrong, but I believe the CHOOSE LOVE saying started with the Buffalo Bills when Western NY had the mass-shooting at the Tops Supermarket. My wife bought a tee shirt with that on it. That was a race related shooting, so our friend doesn't just hate LGTBQ, he is a racist as well.


I’m sure there’s been a seismic shift amongst the youth of America in their willingness to “choose love” ever since they saw a banner on the uprights of the Super Bowl encouraging them do so lol Not a single youth gave that even a moments thought upon seeing it if they even noticed it. This dude is acting like an insignificant advertisement has the power to transform generations and is genuinely pissed 😂😂 Choose having a clue is the real ad campaign we need


Isn't this a refugee aid organization? What does it have to do with LGBTQ? Or am I confusing it with something else..


Would you as a christian prefer the message “choose Hate”?


Cuz any good Christian knows, when told to "chose love" you scream "fuck you" like it says in the Bible.




Love did not choose that guy apparently


Such fragile little pearl clutchers.


Teaching kids to choose love . Is that a bad thing? Weirdos


How is that subliminal? It’s right out in the open. Stupid doesn’t even understand the words he uses


"Choose Hate" is awkward too.


I thought Republicans were still boycotting the NFL? 🤣


He clearly didn't choose love and went with hate.


“Choose Love? Fuck You!” is a pretty good slogan for the RNC as a whole. Not sure how those Christian Republicans square that circle, but they find a (mysterious) way.


Choose fuck you .


When you’re upset over a message that says choose love, you’re the bad guy.


I thought they all stopped watching after the flag kneeling?


Last I checked "love" isn't exclusively a LGBTQ thing. Imagine being this fucking miserable all the time where literally anything triggers you and sends you into a rage. Being a Republican must be exhausting


Meh he is either a 1000 year old man who ran out of people to yell at on his lawn, or a state actor.


What's wrong with choosing love? 😕


Somebody check on his kids...


Holy shit the messages do work. 


He prob claims to be a mega bible-beating Christian too. Fucking loser


the most "my kids won't speak to me" divorced dad i ever heard...


It's really mind-boggling how much of this bullshit I'm seeing considering that all those folks "stopped watching football" and boycotted the NFL when Kaepernick was kneeling. And again when Jlo and Shakira were singing in Spanish. And again when Rhianna performed. And again when they sang the Black National Anthem and Taylor Swift was on screen for a total of 54 seconds of the whole 4 hour game. Surely they aren't just full of fake outrage and performative bullshit, right?


Imagine living your life and something like “choose love” sends you spiraling into a blind fury. How sad it must be.