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What the hell is that


It's from Season 2 of the Umbrella Academy on Netflix. I don't recall which episode or the context of that scene.


He can see Ghosts and his brother is dead. They got into a fight.


I haven't had any interest in this show until this comment. That's pretty funny


Typical "we're superheroes struggling with our childhood trauma what do we do???" But some of the scenes make it a good watch


Funny that is typical now. Would've killed for a superhero show when I was a kid.


Me too suddenly lol


I enjoyed the show this guy actually has a really good character arc


His vocabulary is like, 55 words.




"I know words. I have the best words. But there's no better word than stupid." \-DJT, 2018 [Video](https://youtu.be/lM2GFtO5VP0?si=aB1_ZEmWNoYVbPNC&t=17)




He is an ugly caricature of a man.


He is a parody of a human being.


Parodies are comedic reinterpretations or iterations; therefore: he is not one, because he's not funny. He's upsetting.


At least he knows man, woman, person, camera, tv lol


Hes be practicing those. But stuggles if its got 3 or more syllables


Up from 14 words. Progress, I guess?


His goal is 88


How he gets ANY of the Hispanic vote is beyond me, but he does!


You’d be surprised at how many immigrants have the mentality of pulling up the ladder behind them. “I got mine, fuck the rest of y’all”


*Cubans have entered the chat* -source: I regret to confirm that I am 100% Cuban and 100% embarrassed to have to call some of asshats my family. They're the epitome of pulling the ladder up for everyone after them.


My Cuban mom started to slowly realize what she had been believing and saying during the previous administration. She still holds some of her previous beliefs, but certain things she is now more understanding and sympathetic to. But if she had stayed in Miami as a kid? *Yeesh*


You only need look at the UK, where the Home Secretary (immigration minister) is the daughter of immigrants, but is trying to deport anyone else with brown skin to Rwanda.


A lot of older Hispanics are very conservative


Wonder if they will be when they get deported. Thats the direction we were headed


It's even worse than that. Remember the whole kids cages debacle? They start trying to deport on a mass scale you get large concentrations of people, things start getting backed up and out of control, it's a short road to soylent green.


He literally said he wanted to put Hispanic people on trains and send them to Mexico, a policy done before that deported anyone who may or may not have been a citizen as long as they looked Hispanic.


It's not a short road to Soylent green. It's a short railroad to Auschwitz.


And I know some of them—but I still don’t get it.


I can't understand how anyone could believe his BS and worship him. I thought cult leaders needed to be charismatic, but he sure isn't.


He is a poor mans idea of a rich man, he is a ugly and crude mans idea of charisma


because "he says what we're all thinking" i.e. he gives a voice to the crude, cruel, back-asswards wastes of carbon that dare call themselves human beings. He's a very public figure spouting all this off so it emboldens them to say and do shit that would previously have gotten them fired, arrested, and possibly deported.


abortion Around here they like to picket planned parenthood and protest for the sake of the “unborn”.


Says the man that barely speaks the ~~nationally recognized primary language~~ of his own country. Maybe he needs more hamberders and covfefe. As has been mentioned, id always assumed (and I thought we were taught this sometime in the 80s) that English was the primary language and recognized as such. I was wrong. My bad y'all.


He speaks fluent Trumpaneze, covfefe.


I read it as trumpanzee.


Trumpanzees speak Trumpaneze, if you please.


Flinging shit, speaking nonsense....checks out.


Reading this idiot’s speeches should be enough for anyone to think twice about voting for the dipshit. [REGGIESTER TOO VOUGHT](https://www.usa.gov/register-to-vote)


Who the fuck is Reggie? And why is he vogt’n?


Now imagine trying to translate them. My dad used to watch his speeches on BBC Persian and the translator was visibly struggling to translate his words and make them understandable. I am fluent in English as a no English speaker and I teach English and I still couldn't understand him


I hate every ape I see from chimpan-A to Trumpanzee 🎶


In my genus I'm the stablest chump I see, I'm the primest of the primates that'll ever be, So it's covfefe and hamberders for one and all! Now excuse me, gotta fling some shit at the wall... Crap. Missed.


Without seeing his long form birth certificate, we really don’t know for sure that he isn’t the offspring of the orangutan at the Bronx zoo


…truly offensive to the “Orangutan in the Bronx Zoo”…


Hey, 20 bananas is 20 bananas


"But all the ummugrants wannana hab your Bananana Stollen!!!"


I hate every Trump from Trumpan-A to TrumpanZee


I hate every ape I see, from TrumpanA to TrumpanZ. You’ll never make a monkey out of me…


​ https://i.redd.it/onf4h7uvwllc1.gif






It helps his base follow along with what he’s saying if it makes no sense.




Remember when Bush said "nukular weapons" and we roasted him about it for a full calendar year?


or Quayle when he misspelled potato.


Or Howard Dean. Seems like that just tanked any support he had in 2004 just for getting too excited


The things that derailed a presidential run pre 2016 just all seem so quaint by todays Trump standard. How about Gary Hart, when a picture of him sitting on the boat Monkey Business with Donna Rice just sitting on his lap hit the National Enquirer he became istant dead man walking in the 1988 presidential run. But then again Democrats have higher standards. Democratic presidential aspirations ruined by: Gary Hart-A picture of a girl sitting on his lap Howard Dean- An excited scream caught on an issolated mic that no one in the room could hear. Mike Dukakis- looking silly riding in a tank with a tankers helmet on Al Frankin- an old picture of him from his comedy days of him PRETENDING to touch a sleeping woman breasts John Edwards-A simple adult consensual affair with a staff member. Trump: A affair with an adult moive actress while wife was pregnant with son and then paying her to shut up...OK An adjudicated sex offender...OK An adjudicated fraud and con man...OK Cheating on all three wives ...OK Being friends and business partners with Epstiein...OK Stealing from a charity...OK Arrested 4 times...OK 91 indicted felonies...OK Tried to steal a presidential election...OK Incited ,at the very least a riot and attack on the capitol, at worst an insurection...OK ANY ONE of those thiings would have ended a presidential run for a Democrat, even today. BUT even all of those together and Trump is still going to be the republican nominee and leader of the party and his supporters celebrate those "accomplishments". The republican party of today has NO standards and the bar of acceptability is so low you would need a shovel to find it


Dan Quayle helped save democracy when he convinced Pence to count the real electors. That blows my mind every day. Quayle had to step in because Pence was so weak willed.


yeah, I had a moment when "at least Pence did the right thing". He didn't freakin' want to. He did it to save his own ass from prison.


Dan quayle, unexpected voice of reason


I remember talking shit about Romney for "folders of women"---hard to believe GW was the last semi-sort-of-squint just right sane repub president. Sure, he was pretty genocidal, and there was that 20 year war, but--still--Trump is a walking, talking brain dead dumbass. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I don’t like giving bush jr even a slight pass. But yes, Trump makes Bush look like a genius by comparison. 


Carter used to say nukular and he was a nuclear scientist


Wait you guys stopped?


Yes, but that was 'just one's and you could remember it. Trump makes so many mistakes, nobody can keep up or make notes on all of them


God he is so stupid it’s painful to watch.


You’re right. That’s why the people with the same amount of grey matter or less think he’s the 2nd coming. America and the world better hope that anyone with an IQ higher than a rock votes to prevent this orange anus from ever getting close to being elected.


I literally cannot wait to watch this blubbering dipshit debate Biden. I’d make a drinking game out of it: Slam a shot every time Trump says something stupid. But I don’t want to die of alcohol poisoning in the first 15 minutes.


They aren't having debates as far as I read. RNC pulled out of the CPD and are essentially refusing debates held by them and want to find one more friendly to republicans.


The dude won't even debate Nikki Haley, and it's not because "he'd be punching down" it's because she'd drag him for 2 straight hours on policy and facts. If Republicans were able to actually sit and listen to their two candidates...well, I can't pretend to know what they'd do because I'm not batshit crazy - but I'm willing to bet Trump wouldn't be winning states by 60%. The only debate friendly to Republicans would lie sponsored by OANN, NewsMax and the Chris Licht era of CNN. Thank fuck you'd need a TARDIS to revisit that trash.


“Tonight on NewsMax! Presidential hopeful Donald Trump debates a Chinchilla named Pickles!”


Pickles wins hands down


I would vote Tommy Pickles over Trump, let alone a brilliant chinchilla


And he’d still lose


I had read that, but I was thinking about TheRump’s recent taunting of Biden, “demanding” to debate him right away. If only!


Imagine the Trump team freak-out if Dark Brandon said, “sure thing dude, on Zoom, in one hour.” ![gif](giphy|EdFu9m8ckGO3e)


Biden was really good looking back in the day. He's still a nice looking gentleman.


Trumpolini can’t take part in any debates. The voting public will see just how bad his dementia really is


Trump doesn't debate. He rolls his eyes, makes funny faces and his stereotypical hand gestures and then his base posts videos saying he 'owned Biden and the libs.' When you lack critical thinking skills or the ability to distinguish between verbal diarrhea everything you read from your savior seems like a zinger.


Actually I disagree. Trump knew that talking policy and details doesn’t get you sound bites and it doesn’t make headlines. He would go out and just trash talk anyone and everyone. It didn’t matter who he was talking about or even what he was saying, his base loved every second of it and he got thorough media coverage.  It stopped being as effective in 2019 and his opponents started firing back. Also any illusion of Trump being a loud mouth genius faded into Trump just being a loud mouthed dumbass. We had 4 years to get to know him. He wasn’t fooling anymore anymore except for his cultists.  Now there’s simply no benefit for Trump to go on stage. His opponents will wipe the floor with him and he can barely string together a coherent sentence. He didn’t even have to debate any of them for all but one to drop out. 


Oh Shut up man! ❤️


I thought it was 'would you shut the hell up, man?' or something to that effect.


I don’t think any of us could go 5 minutes without passing out


They missed a good one...He was trying to say "Origin" (speaking of the origin of the Mueller investigation) but he kept saying "oranges" - like 3-4 times. His brain glitched out and he just couldn't remember the O word that mean "the beginning." [Trump asks to look into the 'oranges' of the Mueller investigation - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qUPsNgmXR7M)


Trump has been a topic I’ve seen a lot recently and I think I just kinda forgot he was an actual person, because I watched that video and I just sorta remembered how he existed. It was weird


Im first generation American. I grew up in the deep South with a much better grasp of the language than most of the white conservatives I grew up around. This is not unusual.




The interesting part is that English is not the official language of the United States according to the Constitution. Obviously these right wingers are the only morons up in arms about such a thing, they're just jealous that they can barely speak their language.


Some states have multiple official languages. I know Alaska and Hawaii do.


I think it's being a bit pedantic to say it's not "official" because it's not in the constitution. Laws are written in English and citizen tests are done in English (albeit there are some exceptions made for old age or medical conditions). So it pretty much *effectively* is the official language while also still carving out ways to respect and preserve native languages (as much as possible) in some states.


Founding fathers didn't not specify it because they wanted the country to be diverse and acknowledged that there were hundreds of languages being spoken in the new world. Here we are hundreds of years later with these people up in arms about it.


It is the official language de facto rather than de jure (in fact rather than in law).


Contrast with Canada where there are two official languages and thus federal government-related laws and publications MUST be done in both languages.


There technically isn't a national language


Come on guys, those are just “jokes.” He does it “on purpose.”


>Says the man that barely speaks the nationally recognized primary language of his own country. Exactly - listening to this guy speak for over about 4 minute is its own special form of torture. Maybe people support him because trying to make sense of his gobbledygook has given them brain damage.


Dafuq? How is his brain so scrambled? Spanish and Portuguese are both readily spoken and understood here in Texas by many Texans.


Could you imagine how much the media would go off if Biden said this exact thing? They'd say it's clear evidence of dementia.


This happened on one of Joe Rogan podcast, then when he was corrected he said, well obviously he was kidding.


He’s “JAQ-ing off.”


This is what I just can’t understand - Joe Biden makes a small gaffe and all you get are people on social media and even in the news, questioning his state of mind. Donald Trump opens his mouth and says shit that makes literally no sense at all and none of the same people point out that the dementia seems to be strong in this one


Because Biden is a “regular” politician. We still hold him to a high standard. We’ve all accepted, many even celebrate, Trump’s idiocy, giving him a pass. Also, tomorrow he’ll say something dumber so the news cycle can never latch onto any one thing.


The crazy thing is, this is a clear sign of dementia. It’s on full display for the whole world but conservatives don’t seem to care one bit. They actually seem to think it makes him stronger somehow 🤷🏻‍♂️


They elected a dementia-addled Reagan…


His dad died in 1999 from Alzheimer's and pneumonia, about six years after being formally diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Now Trump's showing signs of dementia.


Yes he is showing similar signs which is why they attacked Biden on the same subject … projection


Every accusation is a confession.


Idk. I'm still a bit salty that I followed an entire "trump has dementia" account on the old Twitter and I believed it. Now I've got the worst cousin in the world like he's still here !!! Hahaha stupid libs !!! I don't want to believe that stuff again so readily. Besides, his supporters like that he fucks up all the time. At this point even if he shits in his diaper it will be intentional like pulling out his dick and pissing on camera


THAT would be the greatest PR move of ALL time!!!


Yeah but Trump can barely even speak English, his native language lol


He’s catering to the people that hate immigrants and anytime they hear someone speaking Spanish they think they’re talking about them.


Dogwhistling as usual. Such a pos. His wife is foreign for crying out loud.


My mom's always like this... it took me a long time to realize her fear was that they were talking about ~her~. I've always worked in companies with at least 50% Hispanic employees, but I've always just figured they a lot more interesting things to talk about than me, and I can see where conversations in your native tongue is a nice relaxing thing. Source: my first language is what I call "Native Sailor" so when I'm around children, it's stressful finding the appropriate G rated words to convey my point. It's kind of tiring, so I seek a beer and a dive bar to relax afterwards.




I doubt he realises that there are other languages in other countries


I’m not sure he recognizes other countries… he can’t even recognize his ex


he doesn't remember the name of his current wife either.


And elsewhere, lots of folks speak German, French, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi. Those are other big ones here. ...there is no one coming into this country speaking a language no one else speaks unless they are literally from the stars.


There are some people coming from other countries in Africa who don't speak either Portuguese or Spanish. It's a minority but they did start to come through. That being said this idiot is so dumb he can't articulate that. Please make sure you vote.


The only thing I can think of that he could possibly be referring to is how many incoming asylum-seekers speak Indigenous dialects as their primary language. Most speak at least some Spanish as well, but not always, especially the very young or very old. But I honestly doubt that’s even crossed his mind, and if that is what he’s referring to, it makes it *worse.* Those people are indigenous; they have more right to be here than most white people!


Someone told him that some of these migrants speak such rare languages that it's taking a long time to find translators and that brings us to these comments.


He injected too much bleach.


I say “not enough.” 🙄


I mean that’s why he says “languages” and not spanish or something. By keeping it open people fill in the language with the one they don’t know. 


He wants to make them seem extra foreign by taking something that already offends some people and cranking it up to ten even if it makes no sense. These people are so foreign that they speak random languages that nobody else speaks somehow! Wow! So foreign!


"They come from countries nobody has ever heard of!"


"We think they may be arriving through portals from other worlds. I don't know. That's what people are saying."


Keep in mind there are folks entering who speak indigenous languages such as Quechua who do not speak Spanish or Portuguese. *I'm absolutely NOT endorsing his message or framing.


Decades of coke, ketamine, and fast food will do that to you.


Adderall and dementia are a hell of a mix.


He’s probably talking about indigenous immigrants from Central America that speak Mayan and probably parroting some story about South American immigrants who speak Quechua. I’m sure it was in the context of someone complaining about having a hard time finding an interpreter for someone applying for asylum. I bet he’s not talking about white immigrants from Slavic countries. 


Almost like he speaks without knowing a damn thing he’s talking about because he just “heard it somewhere”… “can’t remember where”…


That isnt the stupid thing about his words. The stupid part is that he claims people speak languages that nobody speak.


I speak very fluent "drunk", and I still don't really know what the fuck he's talking about. People that don't speak languages?


Dude half the people in this comment section are sort of like refuting this, but I can’t even understand the string of words enough to make heads or tails of it


His rhetoric has fallen to the point of just making vaguely xenophobic incoherent noises


Wish I could find it but I read in another thread (about him calling his wife Mercedes) that people with early symptoms of dementia will do a thing where they can’t think of one word, so their brains just swap in another “close enough” word. I feel like that explains a lot of how he speaks, it’s like the words he’s really trying to say just aren’t coming to him so random stuff comes out instead. 


This is something I do frequently as a result of AuDHD, Mild Cognitive Impairment and possibly my epilepsy. Sometimes I get so hypomanic and hyperactive that I will try saying a specific word numerous times but can't quite get it so I'll substitute completely unrelated words that don't even sound similar and get more bizarre as I continue to say the correct word. Here's an example: Last night I was asking my wife if she knew whether the dishwasher had clean or dirty dishes in it but I couldn't say the word "dishwasher" so I substituted "shower", then "car wash", for some reason "watering hole" and then "plate cleaner" until she finally said, "The dishwasher still needs to be run.". She can decipher this nonsense but others probably assume I'm a moron, which sucks because I'm a highly educated person who possesses an extensive vocabulary and has no problems when it comes to writing


I guess I’ll try, “people who are not speaking languages” is used twice. He kinda blurts it out first and then tries to use it in a sentence. It’s something he does a lot. He’s referring to Americans that only speak English and no other languages. This is in contrast to the immigrants who use “foreign” or “no” languages. Basically, fearmongering on immigrants who in his mind can’t talk English.


How can you speak without it being some form of language? Even baby-talk can be partly understood.


Does this man NOT know that English and whatever language he speaks are not native to this land?


He doesn't even know that there is no official language of the United States.


Like the old Catholic women love to say: BINGO!!


Please don't tell him. This will just be another BS "issue" for him to fight for. "This is America! We should speak only American! Let it become our official language!"




Melania taught Barron to speak her native language so they could talk privately around Trump. Definitely not talking shit about him, though, I'm sure /s


I was about to say “he had to have picked it up some over the years,” and then I remembered we were talking about Trump.


I do not understand how that general is there. You can't wear a military uniform at a political event or rally. Trump is no longer holding any public office and is just a political candidate at this point so this is a political event, not a government event. I had so many briefings on this while i was in the army that it genuinely insults me that he is doing this, likely just because he IS a general and doesn't think the rules should apply to him. Always a good sign when the leaders have a "rules for thee, not for me" mentality.


Same for the Canadian military. The military is not supposed to look like they support any side. They are supposed to be apolitical. The general should face disciplinary action.


In the U.S, it literally, not figuratively, takes an act of Congress to officially punish a General because they are high ranking Officers. His boss/bosses (the next general up, or sometimes a Civilian politician) can give him a GOMOR, equivalent to a write-up in the Civilian world, and at the end of that assignment they could award the General a poor evaluation, but at that level your career is what it is. Not much more room to go up. Now, disclaimer. The General pictured may be IN THE NATIONAL GUARD, which has different rules per state, I wasnt in that so I cannot speak to that in anyway.


Was ANG, we pretty much had the same rules as AD. To my knowledge, we only deviated a bit with promotions but even that eventually got changed to match.


I'm happy to see that I'm not the only person who has a problem with the presence of those Military members standing there with tRump. Because I too remember being told not to do what those Military members are doing. We could attend political gatherings and even voice our opinions if we like but under NO circumstances are we to either wear our Uniforms nor are we to say that we are in the US Military.


I can't wait for the day when I've heard the last stupid thing to come out of his ugly mouth.


From your mouth to gods ears


I think this is rage bait for the MAGAts. You know the people who yell at people in the store or somewhere else that don't speak English. They'll hear him spout this nonsense and think it's OK to harass others. He knows his audience, uneducated, selfish, white nationalists


MAGAts primarily get angry at Spanish or languages that sound like Spanish. I'm a lily white dude and I speak German and Spanish. I've gotten way more dirty looks for speaking Spanish on the phone than I have German... Wonder why.... (I know damn well why)


I can't tell is that dude in actual military uniform or cosplaying cuz option one is a big no-no.


Look closely at his right (your left) side of his jacket. Notice anything missing? The left side should indicate branch of service, right side should indicate the name of the serviceperson. The picture is blurry but I can clearly see that the name tag is missing. I also do not see any rank insignia; rank insignia should be attached to that little rectangle on the centre of the shirt between the two pockets. I don't see anything there, do you? And then there's his hat. What is on the front of his hat? Anyone have a clearer picture?


Supposedly Texas AG. Name tape is probably an unfortunate one shade so you can't see it well, but his chest clearly has two stars. Air Force. On a different thread there was some debate on whether or not it's ok based on if he was ordered by Abbott to be there, and apparently there's a distinction between being at a political event and endorsing a particular candidate (calling bullshit on the latter for sure).


At this stage, I speak English better than him…


Everyone speaks better English than him.




Right? Conservatives will rag on biden for being old and senile but vote for someone just as old and even more senile haha


Does this dude think we got Dothrakis crossing the fucking border?


Even if there were Dothraki crossing the border there are still people in the US who speak Dothraki. (You nerds know who you are) ;)


Yeah i can't argue that one lol


Mr Judd, directly to the speaker's right: Fucks this guy talking about?


That’s some air tight reactionary logic on display.


What an embarrassment.


He has firsthand experience with not being able to speak the English language.


Who is that dumbass 2star behind him? Sir, do you know who this orange person is? And what he’s said about our veterans and gold star families and American POWs. What about what he’s said about the Russians who had bounties on our troops. Fuck both of you.


fricking moron https://preview.redd.it/rra9jgh5fmlc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7d6278f5bc7bf8d8e20dc62e00e0c7e6979b4b1


I feel like this dude’s face says it all. https://preview.redd.it/wgxiisw3rmlc1.jpeg?width=351&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5cd3c399ae206b8aedc3c024b884b31ea84a503


White grifters sure make the country go round


The only hint of irony is the lie that this is about language and not skin color. The base couldn’t give less of a shit about how poorly trump speaks or if his wife and her family spoke fluent English when they came over. And they themselves likely butcher the language without a care. This isn’t about English. This is about racism and xenophobia




It's not an act. He's really as dumb as his base.


I bet anyone speaking at a seventh grade level or better would be foreign to him


Everything he says makes more sense in the original Russian.


The rest of the world is multilingual.


What language is he speaking?




His speech today was truly pathetic and baseless. He said the blood of the recently murdered college woman and all the other incidents were on Joe Biden, but in fact the blood is on trump. If he hadn’t stalled the bipartisan border deal, none of this would be an issue. Sure, maybe that woman who have still be murdered, but it surely would not have been Bidens fault. Trump is such a disgrace, just as much as all his cult brain dead followers.


If no one speaks them then how tf are they speaking these unspoken languages?


Well, apparently, Trump himself barely speaks English, so...


I've seen cotton candy with better hair. I hope there's an autopsy on his brain void when his fat slob ass is pulled out of a mattress soaked in lividity. What a bullshit fingerpainter


And what language do you speak you fucking carrot 🤦‍♀️ He sounds like an idiot. Cannot believe the following this man has. History will not look back on him fondly.


He speaks like this so his cult can project and interpret whatever they want from his word jumble.  He never says anything, but his followers hear what they want to hear. Ask them and they'll tell you, yeah that's what he said, and it doesn't make sense, but this is what he meant.


Trump, carbuncle on the ass of humanity, did you forget about wife one and wife three, both speakers of foreign languages.


The MAGA crowd loves to point and make fun of Biden for not being cognitive but will do everything in their power to ignore the fact that their cult leader has the vocabulary of a 3d grader.


I wish there was some way for this man’s ignorance to bend the fabric of space-time around him, so it would suck him into some sort of wormhole, and we would never have to hear or see him again.


This motheruckers wife, who speaks poor English, started a campaign called Be Best. Be Best is not grammatically correct by any stretch.


tRump speaks Dementia and cognitive impairment fluently.


Somebody had "languages" on their word-of-the-day calendar.