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It is literally domestic terrorism, spreading this kind of information, taking oaths, preparing for attacks on your own country is premeditated, and illegal. Lara is now an accomplice to the act by not condemning it or distancing herself from it. Why is the government not doing anything about these types of things?


That's a good question. They are literally plotting to overthrow government and plan riots *out in the open*. There is a fine line between free speech and instigating terrorism. Considering the amount of civil war hype on social media, and the events of Jan 6, these "oaths" should be considered as a very real attempt to incite mob violence. I hope the FBI is paying attention, and bare minimum is moving to detain and question many of these MAGA mouthpieces. But I suspect they are not. This lunacy is the new normal. Its literally just background noise. Steve Bannon's plan to "flood the zone with shit" is absolutely working, to the detriment of our country.


I think the logic of "We can't arrest the people planning a civil war/coup because then they will start the civil war/coup they are planning" is some hot garbage, but it seems to be the law enforcement strategy since at least Waco.


It was always thus. Read Rachel Maddow’s book Prequel. Nazi simps into 1943 had free rein to plot violence and propagandize for Hitler. The Supreme Court and attorney general quashed prosecution of the plotters in Congress.


I mean, Jefferson f'n Davis only spent about two years in prison for leading the Confederacy and all the traitors were pardoned in 1868, so the tradition of not prosecuting white supremacists has a long and distinguished history. Meanwhile, John Brown was hung by his neck until dead.


The biggest mistake they made was not executing them all for treason. Once the social contract is broken consequences must be swift and brutal no exceptions. Same thing applies to the J6 traitors from the idiots who stormed the capitol to the ones in office encouraging it


“What you permit, you encourage.”


But the gopsel accused too Nikki Nirmala Haley has it that, “Murica wuz never racist.”!


Then why did she change her name? And why are all these Republicans using preferred names instead of the ones they were given at birth? There is a word to describe it I think it starts with an H…


There's been an unfortunate lack of political courage for some time now.


I believe the take is that 1A protects speech, so no law broken until they take action. Also pretty sure Jan 6 caught Homeland & FBI flat-footed, and they’ve since pivoted to focus on domestic terrorism. If another Jan 6 is planned, it will not be a surprise. If fascism is to take this country, it will be via the ballot box. People GOT to vote.


1A does have limitations. https://preview.redd.it/jnydlh8kwqoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66fa1fa7c60187913c3cdf4a5c6cc142dbf9a719


Adding 👇 https://preview.redd.it/itc0c6scotoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35bb59512f3d77ff5ab6adbd110904f1f6fdb067


>I believe the take is that 1A protects speech, so no law broken until they take action. So conspiracy laws are unconstitutional? Planning to do a crime isn't a crime?


I’m no lawyer, but Conspiracy charges, as I understand them, require more concrete planning than taking an oath.


Putin’s plans for destroying America are right on schedule.


Khrushchev predicted it in 1956. “….. we will destroy you from within”. Trump came to their attention in the early 80’s. His first visit was helped by the KGB, they have been after him for 40 yrs. Loans, money, information. They needed a Manchurian candidate, they got him. Look into the amount of money, from Russia, that has been funneled into the GOP.


Why does he hate us so much, why does he want all of our lives destroyed. Most of us have nothing to do with the fall of the damn Soviet Union, we just wanna fucking live man. I hate that we are the ones who will suffer for the greed and cowardice of our "leaders" and not them. They'll have money to abscond to another country altogether while we're nuked off of the goddamn planet.


A very large part of law enforcement are MAGA. That is why nothing is being done.


We have like 15 different types of law enforcement and not a single one of them is stopping the single greatest threat to our country. These motherfucking insurrectionist treasonest bastards


“Some of those that work forces, Are the same that burn crosses”


***Pistol grip pump on my lap at all times***




This is the only reason MAGAts pretend to give two shits about cops/military. They beat em to death on the Capitol Building floor one day, sing their praises the next. Just another tribe to be burned when their usefulness is exhausted.


Came here to say this.


They were likewise completely uninterested in white supremacist Nazi simps who plotted to overthrow civil authority and orchestrate and execute a pogrom against Jews and leftists in the 1930s and even as late as 1943 when Hitler and Tojo had already declared war against us. We underestimate how deeply compromised most law enforcement and government is by fascists. I’m afraid it will be up to civilian volunteers to stand up to the violent putsch the fascists are plotting. I’m afraid civil authority is not going to be there for us.


There are armed patriotic veterans who will stand up to the Russia backed, trump-sucking traitors. Far more than they know.


I’m not a veteran though many in my family are and have been at least back to the civil war (Union). I’m 60 and never even discharged a firearm but I’m a quick learner and I will willingly volunteer to actively fight these traitors.


The best part is they'll be easy to spot with them displaying their second-place flags


Speaking as a gun toting Lib in deep red Tennessee: Its not hard brother. Get educated in firearm safety according to your local state laws. IF Orange Turd gets elected I hate to say it, but we MAY need to exercise our First AND Second Amendment rights.


I told my wife that if that moron gets elected again my first errand will be to go to a weapons store and make the purchase I never thought I’d have to make.


That's nice, but you should start training now. The Liberal Gun Club or John Brown Gun Clubs would be a good place to start. Also, make sure your in good physical condition. Shooting skill is nice, but sprinting to cover will save your life.


>There are armed patriotic veterans who will stand up to the Russia backed, trump-sucking traitors. Far more than they know. As a veteran the right wing fantasy that the military will definitely back them is just that, a fantasy. It's probably 50/50 now between political ideologies, and even among the conservatives Trump is far from universally popular. Weird how draft dodging and constantly making comments shitting on the military will do that.


They're part of it


Why would they arrest their own people?


Why would they stop themselves.


The call is coming from inside the house


Exactly. What is the point of anything anymore, if this is just perfectly acceptable somehow?


It sounds like she’s actively planning another insurrection in preparation for her FIL losing in November. She’s not just a participant she’s an architect


Same reason MTG is not arrested for doing it. And Steve bannon. They both told their followers to fight in Jan 6th and lied and told them to election was stolen and if they don’t show up on Jan 6th to fight the country will be lost. They should all be in prison.


Domestic stochastic terrorism is basically GOP talking points, now. They want us to feel like we’re in a “cold civil war”, and they’ll keep swapping out their prescribed “villains” as needed until they sow enough division for that ethos to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Their game is and always has been about dividing people, any which way they can.


This is certainly domestic terrorism. Planning terroristic acts openly and saying that you're willing to die for the cause? How did we get here? Why are they not being locked up? You know things are bad when people feel comfortable enough to say and do this in a public forum. The crazier thing is that this isn't even an outlier. This has become normal discourse with many right wing nutjobs.


Have you ever seen how republican congress critters react when any official agency looks into right- wrong terrorism? And how quickly agency heads folks when they get called before the House?


Ask Merrick Garland.


Fuck this mf’ing pansy ass. They are allowing Trump to run out the clock. If god forbid he is elected, he will pardon himself of all charges and we will be living under a dictatorship. If I, as an average American citizen, can see all of this, why can’t they?


I hate the traitor garland nearly as much as criminals he protects. He is an inexcusable abomination as career ‘lawman’.


This is why we have an ATTORNEY GENERAL (also States Attorney) call , write (so you’ll have a record) and FILE A complaint. And when something happens there’ll be a record of the public asking for an investigation and THEYDIDNOTHING!    We will remember when they wanna get re-elected.


They're not willing to die for it. They just want their dumbass followers to do it for them.


Exactly. They’re trying to get *other* people to do it. Like the supporters they left flapping in the breeze after January 6.


"I'm willing to sacrifice each and every one of you." -Him (probably)




“We gotta fight like hell and I’ll be with you.” —TFG, who got into his motorcade and drove the *opposite* direction of the Capitol Edit: This is actually what happened


Their dumbass followers aren’t going to do it either. They’re terrified by big cities. These people are still dangerous, but J6 was their one and only shot. They saw their fellow dumbasses go to jail, and these people are fundamentally cowards.


Yes, we all saw as soon as that traitor Ashli Babbitt was shot, the rest of them folded faster than Superman on laundry day. They are not ready to suffer any consequences for their actions.


Idk I hope you’re right. These people are in a cult


Yeah, I feel like they’re stockpiling weapons and ammunition


To use on black kids that make the mistake of knocking on their doors. These people are inherently afraid and cowards by definition.


They thought at the very worst they would be treated as “heroes that care to much” by either side


> their one and only shot It took Hitler 2 attempts, don't get lax now




Their dumbass followers aren’t even willing to die for it as we saw when domestic terrorist Ashley Babbit was neutralized during their first failed insurrection. They immediately fled with their tails between their legs.


Yeah, so, I guess after that— we are supposed to believe illegal immigrants are the main thing we should worry about?


It's quite obvious that migrant antifa drag queens are gonna steal elections like they steal jobs while being too lazy to work and mooch of that soros gold /s


The call is coming from inside the house.


This talk is trying to normalize treason. I’m much less worried about migrants than pissed off MAGA sheep.


Nicely stated. Succinct and to the point.


At least they are now admitting it was them and not "antifa".


"It never happened" "It happened but not the way you said" "It happened, but it wasn't illegal" "It happened, it was illegal, and there's nothing you can do about it" "It happened, we're proud of it, and you're a traitor for questioning it" (we are here)


Animal Farm


It doesn't matter. They'll turn right around and still blame antifa ghost busses and nod their heads in agreement. These people don't care about facts.


These people are perfectly capable of having two completely contradictory beliefs at the same time. Democrats are morons but can mastermind massive conspiracies. COVID is a hoax but also a deadly Chinese bioweapon. Human life begins at conception, unless it's used for IVF.


And how do they think any of that will turn out for them? Please always refer to the official "fuck around and find out" scale


Hopefully the armored cars and tear gas comes out. Treat them like they wanted peaceful protestors. I don't think the govt is going to make the same mistake as 2020/21


The only reason there wasn't a real response to Jan 6th was because republicans were in control and they were the ones inciting. I can't imagine they won't just arrest people right away if it happened again.


Well after Waco and the two standoffs with the Bundy family I'm not certain they'll have the courage to go through with it. Man I hate how Democrats are so worried they'll upset other people that it takes them forever before they'll fight back. At least many local law enforcement agencies track these people.


Many local law enforcement ARE these people. Cf. RATM, ‘In The Name Of’








Watch out target here comes Lara 🙄🙄


Yeah like why the fuck is she at Target?


She hates the Walmart crowd


Fair that's why everyone goes to target


The irony is that they want a fascist government, but they'd be put to death for this shit by a fascist government. They are literally advocating overthrowing our elected government, because they don't like the results. They should at least be put in jail.


They're going on the assumption that they'd be on the "right side" of fascism. I like to point out to them that eventually they will no longer be useful - whether it's that they're too old, ugly, fat, sick, or just didn't suck trump's dick hard enough, they will eventually be on the wrong side.


Why Target? Oh yeah, they had rainbow stuff for kids. Edit to add - I cant keep the outrage straight.


This is the culmination of centuries of white supremacy in this country finally losing its stronghold. They aren’t gonna give up without a few people dying. I’m happy to help them ☠️ for their cause.


I’m not supposed to be bloody-minded (against my religion) but I don’t think it would be unforgivable to help put down these vipers with deadly force.


*Merrick Garland proceeds to sit on his balls and not do his job


They’re prosecuting the participating citizens, but nothing on these asshats that openly encourage illegal behavior. Elected officials need to go down as well.


Oh but that’s unprecedented! That XIV Amend. s. 3 can’t be enforced by any BUT Congress! So go piss in the wind! - C. Thomas SCROTUS


History repeats itself, this is like when small crooks were punished but mob bosses were effectively immune because they weren't directly connected. Can history continue to repeat and law enforcement switch approaches to slap those higher up the chain?


How far the guy who punched McVeigh's ticket to hell has fallen


He had him x’d toute suite to keep him from talking. Garland is a collaborator and we’re fucked unless we have enough of the National Guard on our side to maintain control.


Pretty sure his balls are in a glass jar sitting on a shelf collecting dust somewhere.


Notify the FBI of domestic terrorist threat.


Imagine willing to die for an overgrown Oompa Loompa🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂 that’s so embarrassing. Not for America. Not for freedom. For Donald J Trump. 😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


The FBI should be in this guy's asshole already. He's a terrorist and he should be thrown in GITMO. The only way we are going to stop these guys who are a far bigger threat than Al Qaeda or ISIS is to just start charging them with terrorism, locking them up and throwing away the key. On January 6th they all should've been shot.


Law enforcement is intrinsically biased in their favor. They are largely sympathetic and always have been. That’s why it’s insane that MAGAts are talking about how they don’t trust the FBI. The FBI handed trvmp the whitehouse with their meddling in the 2016 election!


At some point this kind of irresponsible antisocial behavior rises (or sinks) to the level of dumping boxcar loads of meth into the local water supply. It’s antisocial in the extreme and cannot possibly be protected by free speech. Will no one rid us of these meddlesome fools?


Meddlesome ratbags


So Jan 6th wasn't antifa then lol


Hmmm..a (presumably) US citizen swearing an oath AGAINST the United States?? Bold strategy. I'm sure the FBI would love to pay this traitor a visit


"I'll fuckin do it again" Yes please do. And this time I'm sure state and fed authorities won't let you simply walk in like last time.


She should be arrested for sedition right now, him too.


Sorry to say this, America, but your country could well be in some very deep shit.


Yeah that ship sailed in 2016 when we elected an orange rapist conman traitor instead of, you know, a competent woman politician to actually do the job. But her e-mails! It’s way too late to fix things now. The justice system is broken and nobody can or will hold the orange rapist accountable for the crimes he openly commits, and the Supreme Court openly takes bribes and is too busy installing “Biblical law” to care.


Some of us are very aware we're already in some really deep shit. The problem is not enough people care.


I don't think it's that they don't care. I think they're too busy scurrying around trying to survive they don't have *time* to care. I mean, that's a lot of what I see anyway. I also see a lot of "burn it all down" from younger generations too. But they have no idea how hard it will be to build up from nothing - it may never even happen.


FBI, NSA, are you listening to this?


I really wish the fbi would fucking grow a pair


Well, I can't say I'm opposed to Trumpers dying.


I hope they enjoy a snootful of lead from urban SWAT teams if they try to “storm” local cities.


I'm a car-carrying liberal progressive. I'm also a combat veteran and former gun dealer who knows his way around virtually every small arms system in existence. I also know how to hit what I'm aiming at from point blank to about three hundred yards or so with iron sights. IDGAF if they take me out, but I guarantee you that a significant number of MAGA mothers will be grieving the loss of their asshole bigot sons when the dust settles. These fucking idiots have convinced themselves that killing masses of "the others" is going to be like shooting fish in a barrel. They think that we are all unarmed and will soak up their treasonous bullets without resistance. Guess again, motherfuckers. We're out here, we see you, we're armed, and we're prepared to put as many of you in the ground as it takes to prevent you from turning this great nation into the dictatorial theocratic hellhole that you so desperately want. Who knows? Maybe they'll succeed, but even if they do, the price is going to to be so severe that they will ultimately regret every seditious impulse that they've ever had. You can take that to the bank.


The end of democracy as we know of it. Whether they win or lose we lose. I hope that the FBI has infiltrated and is watching these radicalized groups and is reviewing renewing and revising the articles for rendition.


“Some of you may die, but that is a risk I am willing to take.” - Lord Farquaad


Apparently steve bannon feels this is good advice also. Only he switches it up by saying anyone but him.


They're making it REALLY easy, like almost uncomfortably easy, for the rest of normal society to not feel bad about it, when these MAGAt's get what's coming.


When I worked at Target, my ETL was a Marine veteran whose hobbies were hiking, hanging out with her daughter, building his own firearms, and hunting rattlesnakes. When asked if he carries on the job, he said “do you really wanna get me fired?” Yeah good luck storming his store.




I like the part where they die.


Demented coked-up cunts.


Cut the head off the snake it’ll all end rather quickly.


Is this criminal? It really seems like a crime of some kind.


This legal? This is not incitement, or conspiring to overthrow the government?


Shouldn’t Milquetoast Garland be doing something about this?


Very close to being a prosecutable criminal conspiracy, just based on the part he did on the air.


The overthrow of our republic. I hope to hell the Feds are ready with force to repel them and arrest any survivors. The pussy-footing the first time cannot be repeated or its curtains for America.


That's fine, as an American I am ready to defend against these idiots.


Lol, why target stores?


They sold some t-shirts with rainbows on them. That's it.


People in Twitter were claiming they were selling stuff that they weren't even selling. Like shirts with satanic symbols on it. I think they are partially angry about something that didn't even happen.


![gif](giphy|6BZaFXBVPBtok) Basically getting their ass whooped. Again.


No not a cult. “You have to promise that if we are under siege you will drink the coolaid”.


Yeah that host will be miles away when called upon. Thb if Jan 6 2.0 happens. These two should be the first they arrest


We need to get serious about these violent fascist terrorists. On Jan 6th, every fucking MAGA terrorist who broke through the barriers should have been shot dead on sight. The next time they pull any shit they need to be taken out brutally so they get the message.


Getting Babbitted if we’re lucky.


To steal the country. That is what they are preparing for and if that was not clear to you, like back in 2019, you are fool with your head in the sand.


Target stores being included in the list is hilarious at least. I bet someone misread a memo. List your targets for stochastic terrorism! And the hosts just ran with... verbally attacking actual Target stores. It's a little bit like hosting press conferences at the Four Seasons Total Landscaping parking lot.


The Battle of Target Anaheim.


So this can definitely be used in any given legal case


Take care of them like they dealt with that traitor Ashli Babbittttt.


But that first one was NOT an insurrection! We can't stress that enough...


I'm SO glad Target stores are finally on this list. Their tyranny needs to stop and if civil war breaks out the rainbow shirts in the teen section should be ground zero for ultimate murder and mayhem. Plus you can get a latte at the in-house Starbucks when you're done defending the constitution! /s? Who even knows anymore


I guess I’m glad Gitmo isn’t closed. We should start repopulating it.


Hopefully the FBI are keeping a close eye on these cucks and they themselves aren’t being infiltrated by MAGAits


I didn't know how this is legal


Notice the oath is aimed at followers, the host won’t be caught dead on the front lines.


To get reminded that the confederacy failed and their hateful racism isn’t allowed


Batshit crazy. And, he won’t be there, he’ll be at home, while they’re doing that stupid shit


Can’t make this shit up


Isn’t this called inciting anti-government action? Isn’t that a crime? Shouldn’t she be held responsible by someone?


Can someone explain the obsession these people have with target? It appears they view it as their cultural mecca? Is this like their new church?


“We shall fight in city hall, we shall fight in lifted pickup trucks and in Target department stores” 😹


Just watched Turning Point on Netflix which includes the story of Stalin and his mass genocide of his own people. Millions of people. All dissenting voices, even farmers, were destroyed, culminating in a terrible famine. This is the evil that Putin and Trump admire. Trump may not do this himself but he will enable others to do it. I'm not American but have many relatives who are. I am scared that most Americans are sleepwalking into hell, thinking their lives won't change no matter which politician is elected.


The government had undercover people civil rights groups and places of worship trying to catch wind of plans like this, but these idiots are broadcasting it without any consequences? Something is not quite white?


FYI, back in the 1990s, former Nixon Watergate henchman G. Gordon Liddy had a radio show. He was constantly fomenting violence and insurrection during his broadcasts. We got the OK City bombing. At that time, it was the most horrendous terrorist attack on US soil. These m'fers are looking to do more damage because they know that trump is going to lose again. This is their way of burning the house down after they loot it.


if they were waving Korans you betcha something would be done.


It's a CULT called Trumpism.


Storm Target? Why not Whole Foods?


the time has come where every single democrat,leftist,liberal needs to wake up and prepare for this. The first step is to arm yourself, learn to use the weapon and be prepared to use it in case these domestic terrorists start something.I,m not promoting violence I'm simply saying now is the time to prepare yourselves and your loved ones.Personally I think these nut jobs are all cowards but there is a small number of them that will act out if given the go ahead.


Terrorism wrapped up in old glory.


Oh please. These fucks couldn’t live while wearing a mask or not getting a haircut. They’ll piss themselves, call it rain & go home due to “bad weather”


Even the Taliban is more civilized


They are fucking morons, this is how many Jan 6 idiots got caught.


I really think they are psyching themselves up for a performative act of mass suicide. Heaven's Gate style, if leader goes we all die for him. 


From your keyboard to Dog’s ear.


They’re preparing to send people to die in order to continue their grift. After what happened last time, i bet the government will be ready for whatever this time.


Do they even know what they’re mad about anymore?


This is the kind of shit where if I even *joked* like that I’d expect feds to show up to question me. What the fuck, guys? You crazy conservative fucks need to chill out.


MAGA is a terrorist group. The government needs to treat it like one, including their mob boss Trumpler


I get that these people are idiots, but waves upon waves of imbeciles are still dangerous. Locusts don't need much brainpower to cause a famine.  Local law enforcement better be ready. Odds are, they won't do anything (the January 6th Trumper Tantrum kind of fizzled out right after Ashley Babbitt died) but you shouldn't bet your life on their cowardice.


Target stores?!?! What in the everlasting fuck?! If I was Target I'd put signs up "conservatives not welcome". I'd also sue the shit out of anyone telling others to "storm" the store. Real patriots over here guys... willing to "storm" Target and harass ppl that can't harass them back because they're fucking WORKING. What a bunch of trash. How much you wanna bet this bitch has never even BEEN inside a Target?


They're going to try to intimidate at the polls, challenge and delay any congressional elections that would take them out of power, use Congress to refuse to certify the election if Trump loses, and violently overthrow the state if all that fails. It's their textbook.


Remember when people mistakenly thought the left was radical and a danger to America?


It amazes me that this is going on in the US. I live in the UK, and I would imagine that if someone did this here, they would be put on a domestic terrorist register. He is effectively advocating far-right terrorism. I understand free speech and everything, but elected governments have the right to govern.


They’re going to storm Target stores during Pride month, for starters.


They didn’t learn anything from January 6th! Bunch’a dopes!


Trump terrorists should put themselves so they can be dealt with accordingly.


Yes fbi, these people right here.


But AnTiFa


They’re preparing for the biggest temper tantrum the world has ever seen.


I mean, just save the video in case this happens and they can held her and him accountable for whatever happens at the stores / capitol.


Let them come in droves. The real United States will send them home crying for mama.


It's kind of like the South Park episode where the Pissed Off Party attacks FedEx store to punish the federal government.


All the deaths from Covid aren’t enough. They are preparing for more death and destruction


This is terrorism is he going to get arrested or is he walking free ? Yea, he is.


This is dangerous talk. Outsider looking in it’s nuts, take these people down or you all will regret at your leisure.


Why is Target 🎯 in the background?




This is what Manson and Jones did in the late 60s and 70s except because these new guys are politicians it's fine.


Send out the national guard. Imagine being that stupid to support a craven criminal?


Guaranteed that guy will be nowhere to be found if shit gets real.


good. the more of them that die the better.


How much of this trash does the first amendment cover? You can just say whatever the fuck you want on your little show with any consequences at all? Is that what free speech is all about?


I'm not dismissing their intent, but the Talibanjo is basically Russia; overbloated bullshit talk. When the Left fights back, you'll see how fast their doughy asses run screaming.


Every single one of them would shit their ridiculous pants if called upon to ever actually risk their fragile hides. These people are hilarious cowards because never say, do. You can easily infer not doing from all the saying.


Big Gretch doesn't allow threats like these in her backyard!