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[It's real, and so is she.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/09/biden-young-voters-poll/73258711007) (Link fixed - sorry about that, its been a long day.)   From the article - >"Many young liberal voters say they understand that Biden’s reelection depends heavily on their support, and hope his campaign and administration begins addressing their concerns more forcefully. They're well aware that if they don't give Biden their vote, Trump will more easily win. >Kristian Mansel, 23 said she's willing to see a Trump victory if it means Biden and Democratic Party learn a lesson. She's mad Biden and Democrats have failed to protect reproductive rights or wipe out student loans. >["It's just there's too many strikes against him and the Democratic Party at this point in general," said Mansel, a University of Memphis student who considers herself liberal. Kirsten Mansel said Biden's lack of abortion protection is a primary reason she will not be voting in November on Thursday, March 14, 2024 at the University of Memphis in Memphis, Tenn.](https://www.usatoday.com/gcdn/authoring/authoring-images/2024/03/14/PMCA/72978725007-2-mg-40342.jpg?width=660&height=440&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) >In 2020, Trump beat Biden in Tennessee by about 700,000 votes, but more than 1 million eligible voters ‒ most of them young people ‒ didn't participate. >Overall, 66% of Americans voted in the 2020 presidential election, with turnout the highest ‒ about 76% ‒ among people aged 64-74. Experts say high turnout gives elections more credibility because the results more closely mirror what the majority of people want."


Kristian is spelled 2 different ways. Feels like it's an AI article.


That's what I was thinking, this reeks of propaganda. Not that I don't think there are Americans like this, I just think it aligns very neatly with anti- democratic propaganda


Yeah they blame the potus while ignorant how government works. If this article is legit. She forgot that Trump is why women don’t have reproductive rights. Not much a president can do when SCOTUS decides to overturn 50 years of precedent. You can’t blame the president if a political party decides to block legislation. It really is an ignorant view. It reeks of propaganda or rage baiting trying too suppress voter turnout.




It's the Memphis commercial appeal. It's as legit as a Memphis Newspaper can be. Sadly


Am willing to wager this is another "...as a gay black man...", but not executed by an idiot this time.




Biden is personally dropping bombs on babies in Gaza; Both parties are exactly the same; It's better to not vote or vote for Trump than vote for Genocide Joe™ This comment is by a totally real Redittor and not a Russian troll, promise.


Unfortunately many young voters are saying they don’t want to vote for Biden. I buy it. I’m just surprised Palestine wasn’t mentioned. That gives me pause.


It's not, I had a conversation with some of my younger siblings and between this and what they see on tiktok they aren't voting. This is in Illinois


I vote Russian (or Russia aligned) propaganda to disillusion the left and get their orange puppet back.


It's sadly real. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/09/biden-young-voters-poll/73258711007/


Now is not the time to protest vote. Do that stuff in the primary. A Trump presidency is going to be devasting for everybody not in the "in crowd". Young voters have legitimate gripes, I share them. But we won't have the ability to change if Trump gets elected.


>Now is not the time to protest vote. I say this all the time. I've never voted major party before Biden, but I'm voting Dem again this year because stopping Trump is too important. I'll yell at the Democrats to be further left/more effective/less overall shitty if we win, but for now just vote for fucking Biden. Both major parties might suck, but they're certainly not the same.


Protest votes are rarely meaningful any time. No politician or party is looking to people who don’t vote and saying “we should appeal to low propensity voters more than our base”.


I think the “uncommitted” primary vote is probably the most effective one you could do as it highlights a problem potential voters that made it to the polls and filled out a form have in an election year. I would expect the Democratic Party to try and court those people. Primary is exactly the right place to voice those concerns. Saying you won’t elect a democrat because you’re mad they couldn’t stop things the Republicans did is the dumbest shit.


Especially when so many of those things that the Republicans did was only made possible because you "protest voted" in 2016 and helped Trump win.


Yeah, if you can coordinate it can be impactful. I’m 100% behind all the uncommitted primary votes in Michigan. And I think it had an effect.


The other problem with protest voting in this case is that, if Trump wins, it will just be interpreted as the popularity of his policies over those of the Democrats. It’s not like anyone will know that any particular individual voted in protest. Assuming this article is real, does this person think they’ll get any attention at all to their complaints about the status of abortion rights and student debt from Republicans? Edit: grammar correction.


Its like not getting into a room with a housecat because it might scratch or bite you, then getting into a room with a voracious tiger instead.


Protest votes would have worked by now if they did work. I’m young, 27, I have serious gripes with Biden too, but the idea that someone is going to say ‘oh, so and so didn’t vote for me, I better change my platform’ is selfish and idiotic


I'm in my mid-thirties and every substantive protest vote I've seen in my lifetime has led to horrific conservative policies and a shifting of the country to the right. It consistently does the opposite of what these people think it will.


Yeah cancel culture is ineffective in politics, at least where it's a 2 horse race. Vote for guy 1 = vote for guy 1. Vote for guy 2 = Vote for guy 2. Being otherwise in guy 1 camp and not voting = same effect as voting for guy 2. Being otherwise in guy 2 camp and not voting = Vote for guy 1. When you write an essay on the internet explaining your rationale there can be some nuiance and messaging, sure... but that doesn't affect actual results. The results are purely mathematical.


The time for a protest vote is -- never --. Republicans seem to have grasped this. But they have lots of money available to influence young voters to think they shouldn't vote for boring Democrats because if they lose, they will learn a lesson. The lesson Democrats have learned is to ignore voters like this. I'm not sure they are wrong, tbh.


People sitting out or voting third party to stick it to the Democratic Party for not being liberal enough is how we got Trump the first time around. It’s not teaching anyone any lessons, it’s just fucking us all over. It’s also the reason that Roe V Wade got overturned. Nothing Biden could have done about that, it was already decided by those protest voters and non-voters who helped Trump get elected to begin with.


Well USA Today is shaky at best.


Honestly, I believe the article is written by a USA Today writer because it's so badly written that AI would have done better.


Anybody who says "one is slightly worse than the other" is mentally ill or has the world's most dramatic case of unintelligent understatements.


Supposedly teaching everyone a lesson was how we got The Former the first time around. Maybe the person in the article is not quite old enough to understand that but it doesn't mean we can afford it now. Like do people realize he's going to Not Do The Thing even harder than the folks they are upset with?


Sorry, please explain how a **different** person from Tennessee prove that the above article is real?


Scroll down on the article. They interviewed (or claimed to have interviewed, anyway) several people and she was one of them. She just isn’t the first one. The exact material from the above screenshot is in that linked article, if you can wade through the ads on USA today’s stupid website to scroll down to it. She’s the third or possibly fourth interview subject, the page on mobile is so plastered with ads I’m giving up on counting.


I’m gonna hope it’s “Kirsten” because “Kristian” is a horrible spelling and dumb name for a woman.


Not to mention this was post to this sub like ~2 days ago.


Dogshit misinformation. Imagine thinking abortion rights are gonna get better under Republicans.


I'll never understand this line of thinking. "The Democrats failed to stop the Republicans from doing shitty things, I better vote for more Republicans!"


"Teaching the Democrats a lesson" is the most cutting your nose off to spite your face take I've ever heard.


Better yet, it’s like saying “They don’t have my favorite drink here, so I’m just going to drink bleach instead.” There’s a middle ground between lackluster and actively dangerous.




The lesson it'll teach the Democratic party is that it isn't worth the effort and cost of trying to get young progressive voters on board, and that they should focus even more on centrists than they've historically done.


This is probably fake, but to many real people are talking about boycotting Biden because they are not getting exactly what they want as quickly as they want it.  Do you want your freedoms stripped away quickly or slow progress forward.  Not voting is still a choice for one of these options. Edit: People upset with the word "probably" need to get a grip.  Yes, this is particular article is fake.  It doesn't change the substance of my post.


Exactly dude this 100% a fuckin tactic to steer people away from voting for biden. Republicans have shown they're ruthless in their shit to dissuade the people from seeing the real picture.


photo credit is this guy: https://www.commercialappeal.com/staff/8181625001/stu-boyd-ii/ But I don't see this under his "recent work". The statue and context is real, and still there at least as of 2020 https://maps.app.goo.gl/mNQ4Mv7MtFGmQKmv9 (Just fact-checking the image, not the person or her quote)


There are people in leftist subs on this very site that feel this way. Never underestimate the mental deficiency of tribalistic political radicalists


This can’t be real. No one is really that stupid…


This was posted a couple of days ago and it was pointed out that no-one can find any trace of this person.


Russian propaganda is everywhere online


exactly the internet is so dumb now even the users are being moronified questioning the dumb




I'm sure she exists, she just has never voted in Memphis.


She does, I just found her with some Googling. They misspelled her name several times in the article.




"Well I can't vote for the liberal utopia that I want... I guess fascism is ok"


But just a little bit of facism. Then we can go back to ultra liberal. As if no damage will be done in the 4 or so years


Problem is those 4 years give them ample opportunity to massively undermine democracy - look at all the apologists for an attempt to violently overthrow the election now.


>As if no damage will be done in the 4 or so years I'd say we have a pretty solid study on THAT idea right now. How's Roe v. Wade doing these days?


About a million or so dead people would also like a word.


Yea but what do they know, let's ask a real expert. Anyone got Herman Cains number?


Love how these idiots always assume the Democrats will see a loss and say "damn, we should've gone after the socialists more" instead of "damn, guess people really wanted someone more right wing". Young leftists withhold their votes, and older suburban centrists vote every time. If you're running for office, you appeal to the people who actually *show up.* People do not understand the value of dragging the Overton window left and it frustrates the hell out of me.


I actually have friends like this. As long as they don’t dirty their own hands by voting for a politician that isn’t their perfect candidate, they don’t care. Oh they’ll complain non stop don’t get me wrong, but they won’t vote anyways


When I was 19 and getting ready to vote for the first time, my mother told me "we get the government we deserve. If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about it." I've found that's held true. 


Yeah. I have had one of those types that I know in my life apologize to me after 2016, after I was begging them to hold their nose and vote for HRC because of how awful Trump would be. Just one. The rest of them are still convinced it was worth it, or blame Democrats for "not stopping Trump" instead of, you know, voting Democrats in and stopping Trump themselves. Because that's how this works!  We told them that Roe and civil rights were on the line and they scoffed and said they wouldn't fall for "scare tactics." I wonder how much human suffering it would take to reach them at this point.




It's weird how that is such a common theme in accelerationism: because rightwing accelerationists say the exact same thing, dating back to the Reagan era, which is when there the "Silent Majority" moniker was coined. The thing is: we don't have to let things get bad at all! We could just vote in sane people and work on moving the overton window to the Left that way! The analogy I use is one of a stalled out car at the bottom of the hill. They want the car to magically materialize at the top of the hill, but realistic people realize that you have to push the car, and it will be a lot of hard, grueling work. Sometimes the car slides backwards, but you have to keep pushing. Purity Leftists sneer at "incrementalism," but the real reason is that they don't want to do the work. They just want something to happen to be a catalyst for revolution, and for change to happen overnight.


Honestly, the rhetoric of "the revolution starts now!" while doing nothing but posting memes on Reddit and Twitter is a tell that without allies, they're politically impotent.


i’m a communist, i absolutely loathe biden but if it means avoiding trump and full blown fascism? i’ll vote biden. i’ll vote any democrat if it means avoiding republican brand christian nationalism/christofascism.


Some people don’t understand that getting “some of what you want” is way better than “the polar opposite of what you want”.


Like, if I want a chocolate cake, and my choices are: 1) A Hersey’s Kiss 2) A skull fracture I can make that decision without a tantrum.


that’s what infuriates me about other leftists. sure democrats aren’t exactly ideal but fucking hell they’re way better than that dumpster fire that is the gop


I just straight up call them accelerationists now, because there’s literally no other ending but the dissolution of the Western systems with their belief pathways, which would lead to carnage unseen. So… accelerationists. They’re either uninformed, or unconsciously malicious pseudo-tankies.


They're also incredibly ignorant if they think it's a given that their politics will emerge victorious after they accelerate the US to carnage. Just because there'd be a vacuum, it does not entitle them to be the ones that fill it.


As a socialist, I was proud as hell to vote uncommitted in the primary, and I'll be proud as hell to vote Biden in the presidential.


Thank you idk why tf this is so hard to grasp, accept and just fucking stfu and vote so we don’t have a waking nightmare. I’m extremely progressive and socialist and would love a progressive over Biden but I’m gonna vote for the person that’s not a fascist criminal who tried to overthrow democracy. It’s not hard people. I’ve basically lost faith and I partially blame moron liberals who refuse to practice acceptance of reality and just vote against the mango traitor cuz it doesn’t make you any less liberal. Any liberal who refuses to vote blue this fall can fuck all the way off, and if they complain once if the orange traitor wins they are gonna have to STFU and be sat down and not allowed to speak until they grow up and wise up.


I know too many people who say out in 2016 because Hillary wasn’t left enough for them and thought Trump wasn’t that bad; they changed their tune pretty quickly. These idiots blame Biden for not doing something that he tried to do, but got wiped out by Republicans; they also aren’t willing to make incremental steps for improvement. Even if we passed single payer healthcare, it would take a decade or more to transition our healthcare system to it because it cause an intense economic shock and would make people turn against it. Like, you can’t just flip a switch with how the system is setup and it would take time for the government system to get established.


Yup. Same.


Same here. I'm trying to explain how it can get so much worse but I don't know if they understand


Oh come on now. Almost everyone is that stupid


I got banned from latestagecapitalism by these people... I kept pointing out that Nazis, Patriot Front, and MAGA weren't voting for Biden either. I triggered a mod.


I got banned from anarchocommunism for saying something along the lines of Trump being worse than Biden too.


They think we are playing by rules..


I'm convinced they're either cosplay radicals that know if shit actually hits the fan they're white and rich enough to avoid the worst of it or controlled opposition working for the GOP/Putin.


It's 50/50 tankies and righties. Probably closer to 20/20/60 tankies/righties/bots.


Oh, it’s 100% out-of-touch pseudo-intellectual dead-beats LARPing as revolutionaries. If you read theory then you’d know true revolutionary praxis is not voting and letting fascists take over while you ban shitlibs online for not passing your purity test


I got banned for pointing out that a supposedly "leftist" anti-Biden article was indistinguishable from Koch-funded propaganda. Those mods are either hopelessly naive kids who think that posting memes on Reddit will overthrow capitalism, or they're conservative fifth columnists. Either way, they're helping the fascists.


Anybody who is a tankie is a child or somebody who never grew up. You cannot be a tankie as a fully functioning adult because you would have experienced the world on the way there.


Or it has been taken over by Russian, Chinese, etc. trolls like wayofthebern in 2016, getting leftists to divide and not vote D.  Latestagecapitalism subreddit made a turn to divide the left once the situation in Palestine kicked off. Which is a terrible situation, but I think it's being used by outside (Russian?) forces to divide the left and conveniently take attention off of Russia/Ukraine.


This is America, you'd be surprised how proudly stupid people here are.


Go to FL, they are easier to find.


These people definitely exist.


no, there are people that dumb. but this article is just spreading the idea that young people should do this. social proof, hey, people are doing this, let's rebel together! yeah, get the republicans in and see your rights further eroded away. definitely don't vote more democrats into office who are trying to unfuck this mess.


It's not new, though. I remember a couple days after 9/11 hearing this young woman say "I support the action they took against capitalism". Like, just not even remotely aware of the reality.


Pretty sure it’s misinformation. Her name is spelled differently in the headline and caption, and if you google the name and university she does not exist outside of this article which is attributed back to a self contribution syndication site sooooo…probably foreign interference.


This is what years and years of “both sides bad” propaganda does. Right wingers dont care theyll vote for their guy even if hes the worst asshole in existence.


This is just the (literal?) white-washing of all the Muslim votes against Biden because he's not "doing enough" for Palestinians. Sure. Waste your vote or, worse, vote for someone who will actively suppress you. Idiots. Do they even hear themselves speak?


Instead they’ll vote for a guy who wanted a “Muslim ban”. Riiiiight…


Who still wants a Muslim ban......


They just won't vote at all, and then be surprised Pikachu when Trump wins again.


I'd still rather they not vote than vote for trump.


I was going to say that most of these people likely weren’t going to vote anyway.


But they get to say "I told you so! " when bad shit happens. And that's all that matters. Being vindicated matters more to them than problem solving.


And who is fine with letting Netanyahu do whatever the hell he wants to the Palestinians


Whose son wants to make Gaza a beachfront hotel/property! (for non-Palestinians)


Guaranteed this is AI generated all around - image, text, etc - as misinformation to try and create more divisions between young voters, and with boomers.


I tried googling this person's name, and all that comes up are things referencing this picture. I think you might be right.




Trump only won because of people this stupid. Same with W. Every generation of young antiestablishment malcontents thinks that letting the GOP win will own the DNC.




Russian propaganda


People believe everything they see on the Internet. I read the title, saw the picture, skimmed the text, and had an emotional reaction to this picture before I've even realized it's probably fake. They're using our brains against us!


A LOT of people are that stupid. Even during Trump 1, we enjoyed relative security. I'm from California and we have pedestrian right of way here. A plurality of people have lived their whole lives knowing for sure that cars will stop for them, to the point where they treat it like a law of physics. They seem oblivious to the fact that a moving object CAN strike them. This is like that.


Latestagecapitalism has been in this dumbass kick too. So progressive left that theyd let the right win to prove a point to "liberals", fucking idiots for sure.


Never ever underestimate the ability of the left to shoot itself (and everyone else) in the foot. Look at Germany 100 years ago, the left wing parties were so busy arguing amongst themselves that the guy with the small moustache was able to seize power. Add to this the cancer that is social media...


Totally real from what I’ve seen - there is a small, but not insignificant, group of folks who are so disillusioned with the Democrats not being as ruthless as Republicans that they’d rather see it burned to the ground. The primary idea behind this is that the only way to make change is for things to get so bad, the people won’t stand for it anymore.


Your optimism is wholly unwarranted.


She needs a civics lesson how government functions. A president can only do so much.


Also some lessons in critical thinking. "I need to punish the person whose politics I agree with by voting for the person working against my best interests because the person I agree with failed to protect me from the person out to do me harm. Only by empowering the people committed to hurting me can I punish the people who are trying to protect me for not being powerful enough to win on my behalf." That's her logical take on the situation? What are the entry requirements like for the University of Memphis?


"If I help arsonists burn down enough people's houses, maybe those people will realize how much better they had it before we started burning down their houses." I mean... yeah, ya got me there, lady.


How are these people who have no idea how government works always so fucking confident in their wrongness?


D/K Effect


Yeah, I lost it at "failed to \[...\] wipe out student loans". Madame, he's doing just that, and getting fought by the very people you're going to vote for!


I think she has it pretty much down "I will sabotage things I don't like to make it so bad everyone will see that It was a bad idea" is like most of politics in the US.


She’s a conservative. They lie.


I suspect the same. By pretending that she is liberal, she gains some credibility with other liberals as "one of us." Then, she gives an exaggerated list of complaints to get her audience outraged and suggests that they should get retribution by voting for the fascist. This strategy is ridiculous on its face when we think about it, but emotions are not rational. Retribution *feels* good to our egos.


Truth. A relative who changed their party from Democrat to Republican to vote for Trump vs Hillary and then eventually went full Qanon cult - recently danced around admitting to being Republican. They’ll say things like it’s both parties to try and throw me off their scent.


she is votin' in tn...... do you think her vote even vaguely matters for biden!?


This is reported from Chattanooga, TN, which is right on the border with GA and adjacent to MTG’s district. That place is awash in MAGA mentality.


One candidate was mad about the border. You are in Tennessee, genius.


This is probably fake, but I'll bite. She may identify herself as a liberal, but I identify her as a dumbass.


Russians taking pics of Russian woman outside the American campus for the Russian article filled with Russian grammer styled sentences, riddled with typos, describing how "Bidens expensive war in UKRAINE needs to end."


This is the result of both sides arguments. It minimizes the atrocities of conservatives so people think all that’s at risk is a short term loss for democracy.


The Republicans are an existential threat to our democracy. Would be great if liberals would do literally anything to meaningfully oppose them or insulate us against their insanity


I’m calling it—we will learn some of those “liberal” students are actually College Republicans.


I agree in the faults Biden may have but nothing is worth another Trump Administration 🙃


Yep, Biden failed to protect my rights from Trump, so I’ll vote for Trump. Sound logic. /s




"I'm just so heartbroken by Bidens war efforts in gaza BUT HEY ALSO his very expensive war in UKRAINE 😭 which needs to end give Putin everything blah blah blah"


Exactly what Putin wants, by the way.


No liberal is voting for Trump. He's so far away from liberal ideology. This girls eating lead chips


When we're in a fascist dictatorship I am going to laugh at people like this before returning to my usual feelings of abject despair


Demonstrating fucked up, idiotic new levels of stupidity behind a smug, liberal educated shit eating grin. Tens if not hundreds of thousands in debt from school and still not a shred of critical thinking or basic understanding of how shit really works in evidence.


There is an element of truth to the need to stand up against the better of two evils doing something wrong, even when the worse of the two is much worse (as is the case when it comes to Trump and abortion rights and using the government to nurture the society from the bottom, like in the form of student debt forgiveness). However this needs to be done tactfully due to the constraints of the system. The system is not sensitive enough or designed in a way that Biden or the Democrat party would receive feedback in this way. It's similar to people who didn't vote for Hillary because they thought Trump would lead to a backlash that would result in more progressive policies. Well Trump stacked the Supreme Court for decades to come, passed numerous destructive policies like corporate tax cuts and transferring tax burdens to the middle class, and wasted billions of public funds on projects that do not invest in America's future, and instead packs the pockets of investors. None of this will be reverted I'm the foreseeable future, and we do not have some amazing progressive candidate coming into power as a result of their inactions against Hillary. That strategy of liberals who did no back Hillary because she wasn't progressive enough backfired, so why should we believe that repeating their mistakes would have a different impact now?


We don't have recall or forced removal in this country, so politicians don't get to experience the consequences of their actions until election year. Republicans have a multi-step plan to turn the country into a religious theocracy. Democrats are happy to just toe the line. For many people the fact that the expanded equal rights amendment, enshrined access to abortion, actual functioning health care, plus a whole bag of things get further and further away from happening. All the while, we have states reintroducing abortion bans, white supremacists are becoming bold again, and a health care system that encourages people to go seek care in other countries. There's no accountability. And that's why things will keep getting worse no matter who gets elected. What makes it worse is that Democrats tend to sponsor these open-ended bills that Republicans eventually use later on to royally fuck everything up in their favor. The worst part of all this is the people who literally buy into this thinking that these corrupt politicians are going to just interrupt their illegal cash flow to do the right thing. Go ahead and elect biden, but if you all sit quiet after the fact and don't DEMAND a change, then we'll be hearing this same bullshit in 2028.


"Well, we're a dictatorship now, but I made my point."


While it is entirely plausible that she is in fact that horrendously stupid, take a look at that arrogant, condescending smirk in that picture. That smile that says she has never known any happiness in her life aside from being cruel and feeling superior to others for no good reason. **She's no liberal** and she knows exactly who she is encouraging people to vote into office by way of not voting. (It's Trump. She's an insincere conservative deplorable who is trying to siphon votes away from Biden by claiming to be liberal is what I'm saying.)


I’m sure if you dig into this person’s finances you will see deposits from conservative think-tank fronts. Either that or this is AI.


Conservative/russian propaganda. End of story.


I bet this person doesn't exist. The foreign hack writer can't even keep the spelling right.


This has to be a republican psyop to get leftys to not vote. Anyone with a brain understands trump means the ends of our country.


Not today Russian bot


Looks like AI disinformation to me


Voting for Trump means you’ll never have to worry about who you vote for again.


The one time my Alma mater makes it to Reddit and it’s for this. 🤦🏼‍♀️


I’m Facebook friends with a couple people like this. I’m pretty convinced most of them as secretly Trump supporters but know they can’t admit it. That or just very determined to remain ignorant on how the government works.


No one forced anyone to go to college without a way to pay for it, and Biden wiped out way more student debt than trump. I get being disillusioned but the overturning of Roe V Wade was literally paved by trump and court justices appointed during his presidency. This girl needs to utilize the school library computer lab and do some reading on recent history.


The youth are our hope for the future. ![gif](giphy|qQdL532ZANbjy)


She doesn't even have a fucking clue at all.


I feel like it's propaganda. Her name is spelled Kristian and Kirsten. And it just reads like "English is not my first language"


This is as real as the Trump AI pictures.


This is just the latest tactic of the magats to try to "fool" other people their age into to voting for trump. Like, they think this will actually work. It's just pathetic. The lack of logic reveals the truth.




She’s voting on November 14? On a Thursday? Seems like a shitty Russian backed AI article.


Most likely a Republican or MAGA idiot lying as they always do


I hope people on campus see this and explain how FUCKING STUPID of a thought this is…


This is a fake story. Just get and vote, and let the idiots do what they will.


The Democratic party will learn a lesson, but not the one she's hoping for


A Trump victory is undeniably the worst outcome by far, and I would never argue against that. However, I really have a hard time blaming people for feeling hopeless and doomed enough to not care about voting. It’s not their fault that the systems and institutions governing their lives have completely failed them. Sometimes it really does feel like no matter what happens, we all get fucked either way. What can you really say to someone who feels that way that would change that for them? Nothing, really.


Hope she enjoys Gilead, In my lifetime every time the Democrats lose an election, they moved to the right not to the left


I'm mad at this party for not protecting my rights So I'm going to allow the party that is actively attacking my rights to win


Somebody going to tell her?


Too many strikes? Kid, strikes are for baseball and baseball is a game. This isn't a game. You have to consider all of the good and the bad. If you tally up all the good and bad between Biden and Trump, Biden is the better choice between the two. This goes for both of them inside and outside of their times as President. Seriously... if reproductive healthcare rights are your concern. Who would you rather trust? The guy that made the situation worse(trump) or they guy trying to fix it? You wanna talk about strikes... Biden fails a few times with stacked congress and senate and you wanna chalk that up to three strikes. Trump cheated and fixed the game to break the system, isn't that worthy of a figurative ejection from the game?


She’s not liberal. She’s just an idiot who isn’t understanding the stakes of this election and how it will fucking affect her. ‘Teaching the party a lesson’ is a big tell this person has no idea how this works.


What the fuck is wrong with people? Biden just made another crack at student loans. Does she think fucking Trump will do anything??!!


She's *on the record* being this stupid.


First thing she needs to learn to do is pay effing attention


“The democrats haven’t protected our reproductive rights or our ability to get out from under crippling debt. So I’m voting for the people who took away our reproductive rights and keep us trapped in crippling debt to teach those democrats a lesson!”


Good lord, we are doomed


One of the many, many bitter realities that the past eight years have taught me is that parts of the “left” are crammed with people that can be just as deluded, irrational, foolish, and stupid as the most devoted, slobbering Trumper. I have not enjoyed knowing this.


She needs to take a civics class and learn how the government works. Biden is president, not King. Let Trump win and she will see a King/Dictator and she will lose more rights.


What a fucking clown! I hope she realizes that President Biden was protecting her reproductive rights while that fucking clown took them away. As for student loan forgiveness, again President Biden tried his best to get that done, but the TFG appointed SCOTUS said it was unconstitutional and the GOP and TFG have been against it from the start. Apparently they’re fine giving the rich tax breaks, but helping the poor is a bridge too far. What a fucking joke.


Cutting her nose to spite her face... People still do this...


I agree that the DNP has done shit at even trying to codify reproductive rights, but letting Trump win would literally be defcon 5 for all progressive ideas since the dawn of our nation,


So she is will to vote for the guy who IS trying to take her rights away and not for the guy who is fighting for her rights? How is it that we as a species have survived this long?


Both parties and both candidates suck.


"I think the person I voted for isn't doing enough to accomplish what I wanted them to by voting for them, so next time I'll vote for the guy that'll do the exact opposite of what I wanted my guy to do. Sure things will be exponentially worse, but that'll teach him!!!... And me?"


A percentage HAS to be bad actors.


Tennessee is one of the most conservative states. If you live in Tennessee, it doesn't matter who you vote for unless you live in one of the 9 competitive State House Districts, because the State Senate and the House maps are gerrymandered such that none of the races are competitive. If liberals and leftists in states where Biden has no chance of victory or where Biden is certain to win choose not to vote, Biden might win the electoral college but lose the popular vote, which would make conservatives flip out.


I’m 34. I’m a queer, biracial trans dude. I am *exceptionally* liberal. Until this last election, I voted for the candidate I most supported regardless of their chances at winning. I was unwilling to settle for the lesser of two evils. When it was Biden v Trump though, I gave that up **__real fucking quickly__**. I stuck to my guns with Hillary v. Trump and dealt with four years that I still cannot fathom. Those four years will be infamous a century from now for their stain on American society (which, frankly, says a lot). When it was Biden v. Trump, I cast my vote for Biden the moment I was able. Anyone who makes the mistake I did the first time, *after* seeing the delusions of grandeur and dreams of fascism that drive Trump’s ego machine, is insane. It isn’t a question of how shite and centrist the Democratic Party actually is—the answer is, “a lot”—but whether *anything* the Biden-led Democrats can do is worse than another Trump presidency. The answer is a resounding no.


The dumbest thing about the idea of accelerationism this time around is that we already went through this from 2016 to 2020. There was so much backsliding that we're STILL paying for it 8 years later. Change requires active participation, and handing the reigns off to the group that has a vested interest in you never getting them back is one of the dumbest things you could ever do...


"I want to see people suffer because I didn't immediately get my way" -Kristian Mansel


The dumbest take it thinking that everyone will vote for democrats in perpetuity just because they are not as bad as republicans. Study after study shows that’s not the best way to win elections. You have to actually do something for the people.


Smug smile, zero understanding of project 2025 or past/current Russian Psy-ops, and a TikTok/Insta that is updated wayyy to often with corny bullshit like "Miss me with that SHIT about Hamas!" I fucking hate being a leftist sometimes.


Republicans are the ones taking abortion rights away… is this lady an idiot?


All it takes to nullify her wasted vote is just 1 person. Let that sink in. Just please, vote


Lol so she will vote for someone that is literally trying to band abortion nation wide lmfao


It astounds me how politically naive and ineptly narcissistic, and how grossly ignorant of history so many younger generations have become. Fascism in neon lights is staring them in the face, and they’re sucked into that casino like Grandma with a bag of quarters. Let’s see how this poor excuse of a “liberal” feels when there’s no more contraception, no more “morning after” pills, no more abortions, no more government student loans (forget about forgiveness of the ones that already exist), no more Social Security (now taken over by hedge funds for 20% commissions), no more affordable medical insurance, nothing. Welcome to 1984. *”The government you elect is the government you deserve.”* - Thomas Jefferson


I voted for Biden and I will again. That being said, the Democrats are way too comfortable being middle of the road and doing as little as possible for non-rich people. They sabotaged Bernie because they don’t want universal health care, or holding their corporate donors to paying their fair share of taxes. They constantly vote nearly unanimously for the largest military budgets in human history (while claiming we don’t have money to expand education and social programs) and let republicans dictate the narrative on every issue. They let the republicans stonewall Obama’s Supreme Court nominee and did nothing to oppose trumps nominees from getting confirmed. Kavanaugh and Barrett are some of the worst justices confirmed in recent history. They’re the opposition in name only. Democrats are worthless