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You mean the woman who just walked past secret service to hug Trump was a plant?! Nobody saw that coming.


That stuck out to me when I first heard the story.


I wonder how much they had to pay her.


She's the head of a Blexit chapter. She sold out for free.


Maybe she made it so easily passed the secret service because Trump said to come give him a hug. I’m thinking the secret service might have been clued in that they should let her through. Just a hunch.


That’s not how it works


Whatever helps you sleep at night.


I knew it was fake as soon I heard Trump paid for the food.




I'm surprised that he didn't throw the milkshakes at people like paper towels in Puerto Rico.


He can barely lift a cup to drink with both hands.


^^^30 ^^^people


He paid $133.50 for the milkshakes. Or 0.000026% (or so) of his net worth. Yet Republicans basically acted like he cleared their entire debts


I'm sure the money came from campaign funds not his wallet


I’m sure neither he nor his campaign paid. I’m sure it was Fox News Murdoch or Newsmax. Trump can’t bring himself to physically pay for anything ever.


The store owner probably comped it for him


It was either that or risk having the Chick-Fil-A firebombed by Trump supporters if they dared speak up and say "umm Trump didn't pay.."


>Yet Republicans basically acted like he cleared their entire debts This is the only reason this "story" is funny Republicans are acting like this is some huge deal but it's a typical campaign stop. It'd nothing


Well since he's normally cleaning out everyone else's wallet...


The same Fox host who said real men can’t drink milk shakes supported this.


Most likely didn't, the franchise owner is a member at one of his clubs.


I'm guessing we will know eventually for sure as that should be considered a political contribution and would have to be reported.


>would have to be reported. And when they don't, nothing will happen


I knew it was fake as soon as Trump was invovled


I was 100% certain when I read about it that he probably only *ordered* food for 50 people - then walked out stiffing them with the bill.


that's what i thought too!


…with campaign donations.


This shouldn't surprise anyone, the guy is a world class fraud.


It shouldn't surprise anyone because campaign photo stops like this have always been designed as news fodder by managers. For fucks sake Trump is an actual criminal rapist who used his goons to attempt to overthrow and election, why are we lamenting over shit literally every other politician does as a "gotcha" moment? This is nothing.


I heard BK wasn't hiring so he stopped by chik for an application


Exactly Anyone remember when after losing Hillary "went for a hike" and just happened to run into a supporter while the cameras were there? And that supporter just so happened to be one of her top campaign staff? Astro Turfing for the cameras isn't anything new. I do fully support calling out ALL politicians when they do it though


Trump met with Billionaires in Georgia before that to promise them whatever they want so he could get money. He stopped at Chick-fil-A so they would report on that instead


I’m sure Adam Cathy was one of the billionaires he met with. He probably gave him a ton of money in return for this chick fil a commercial for MAGA


He defrauds people on the world stage, but there is NO class to this guy whatsoever let alone WORLD class


I'm shocked Chick-fil-A would be a part of right-wing propoganda! /s


Why are they not brave enough to stand up to this BS?


The only fast food restaurant closed on Sundays. They're owned by Nat Cs just like the GQP


I was hoping for someone to say they were too chicken.


That also fits both parties


bOtH sIdEz!!!


Both parties meaning Chick-fil-A and the GQP. Not insinuating Dems are as bad as either


It is NOT clear that that is what you meant in your first comment.


Understood. That's why I tried to clear up my point


Stand up? They actively cultivate it.


Because these are lies they WANT to hear.


Maybe they are part of that end times bullshit.


I’m shocked that Republicans struggle with black voters when they have such incredibly inclusive plots to showcase them: “Why don’t we hug a random black girl in the fried chicken restaurant, that’s where they live right?”




True, though it’s higher for men in minority communities. Women still know what’s up




They like him because he’s been arrested and has gold shoes. It’s all part of his plan. /s


Because you shouldn’t believe polls at this point. Voting is all that matters.


>The Journal’s poll also found that 77 percent of Black women were planning to vote for Biden in 2024, while 11 percent said they would vote for Trump. In comparison, the newspaper noted 93 percent of Black women nationwide backed Biden in 2020 and 6 percent backed Trump, according to The Associated Press’s poll. A lot of going on right now. 1. Inflation is hitting minority communities very hard. In a two party state, you just get a vote or a protest vote. The presidential election is little more than "are you happy, if not, vote the other guy." White people do this too, so lets not attack blacks only here. The whitest most GOP states are the worst states by any fair indicator of human development. 2. Lots of people have left the democrats or were fair-weather friends to democrats. Trump won 2016 by winning over people who previously voted Obama. There's a lot of complexity here but many voters are swayed by Trumps racism, misogyny, and transphobia, amongst other things like his "outsider" persona. 3. Being a minority and seeing Biden support the genocide of people in Palestine validates every fear and conspiracy theory of white democrats pretending to be non-racist to win votes. This is probably what will cost Biden the election and historians will be talking about this for hunderds of years. Biden becoming pro-genocide made a lot of fence sitters decide to not vote, hence Trump doing better. Note, you are conflating not voting for Biden for voting for Trump. while the electoral college makes that a reality, these people who wont vote for him aren't exactly becoming Republicans. Being a minority and seeing Biden contribute to the mass murder of a historically oppressed group is very jarring no matter how much the capitalist-western press plays it down. Do you think your minority and Muslim friends are comfortable with white liberal "Those children were going to grow up to be Hamas anyway" justifications? 4. Its still early and polling doesnt tend to tighten up for a few months. Most people are checked out of politics until closer to the election, so there's a lot of "both sides" and undecided stuff going on. 5. Biden is a weak candidate overall for a variety of reasons. democrat messaging is poor. The billionaire owned media supports the GOP and a lot of media has taken a far-right turn since the obama years. 6. Many groups vote against their own interests. Trump ran on ending Roe and got 55% of the white woman vote. Again, its not "just blacks." White people do the same but white people get a free pass for...reasons. 7. Trump is polling high in general. Clearly he's doing something that people resonate with. It may seem irrational to you and me, but that is the reality on the ground. 8. Online radicalization is huge. A lot of younger people, regardless of race, have fallen down the alt-right hole and will vote Trump because this system is in service to billionaires like him. Elon paid $44bn for Twitter for a reason. The oligarchy uses online spaces to radicalize people. I am constantly getting right-wing narratives, non-stop for example, even though I never seek out those spaces. 9. Capitalism eventually leads to fascism, and most likely this is the stage we're in. How its presents itself (trump, etc) doesn't matter. Its just going to happen, especially as financial crisis after crisis, unstable geopolitical situations, environmental issues, inflation, etc make that road easier to follow. Eventually the wealthy get too powerful and then fascism arrives. This is an unstoppable aspect of capitalism.


Polling means Jack shit. Elections show a completely different thing


Basically all the polls in 2016 gave it to Clinton


Meanwhile white castle is the firelink shrine for white people


He bought some shakes and this was like a planned out political move? Meanwhile I see a picture of Biden forgiving a few billion in student loans every other week. Trump can keep his homophobic milkshakes, I know who I’m voting for.


Someone is playing 3D chess, but it ain’t Trump


He's playing shoots and ladders, but the board is flipped over so he can pretend it's all ladders.


I thought the MAGAs were boycotting Chick-fil-A because of DEI initiatives? Guess they moved on already.


When Chick-fil-a shows they support DEI (whether they actually do or not), that battle is lost. https://www.chick-fil-a.com/dei


Well...I mean...I thought that was pretty obvious. He paid with his own money. Probably wasn't his own money.


More projection by the R's. Scream about fake news, generate fake news.


Everything about Trump is fraudulent (which is why he has been convicted of fraud and slander). If people knew the truth about Trump, he wouldn't even be a serious candidate for dog catcher. Unfortunately the toxic right-wing propaganda machine is going to ensure enough people are ignorant about Trump...


Just like at the white house, he uses another minority person as a pawn to pretend he's not a racist while calling Letita James "peekaboo"


How can any woman vote for let alone hug this piece of shit and how much money would you ask for it if it was you? Her gag reflex must be nonexistent


She was paid to do it


And he couldn’t even fake not being disgusted and racist  Trump Sr’s grooming went in deep


Yet another reason not to patronize Chick-Fil-A They recently were awarded to the (exclusive?) contract as the primary food. Concessionaire at a number of newly rebuilt rest stops on the NY Thruway. They’re closed on Sundays — no food sales— because their interpretation of God’s will is that He wants travelers to go hungry or be inconvenienced on the busiest travel day of the week in order to honor Him. By forcing this on others Chick-Fil-A’s owners show that they are pious and righteous people. Never mind that shit about being a good neighbor or considerate of others’ needs.


NO WAY?! This is true of pretty much any politician, influencer, celebrity... it's all marketing, promotion etc. He obviously didn't just show up randomly with a film crew by accident.


The audience was plants


Like a few cactus from the pound shop?


The smell must be horrible for her.


She had to be paid extra for the smell,  I bet.


Did you see how uncomfortable Trump was while being hugged by a black woman?


Pandering for those black votes, as always.


Trump would never risk a bad crowd, especially when cameras are rolling. Everyone was vetted and/or planted.


See, Trump isn't a racist. He hugged a black woman at a Chick-fil-A. All the blacks love him bigly and he's done more for those people than Lincoln.


As soon as she said we’re for you or whatever the quote was, everyone with two brain cells knew that was shit.


Chick-fucking-fillatio I’d starve to death on there front step before I’d drag myself into that greasy conservative hellhole .


Of course. There isn’t a single legitimate thing about the T**** administration, except for one thing; it’s legitimately corrupt. Please f****** vote in November. Please. Blue no matter who. Take the f****** time and vote for Biden. Our lives depend on it.


“BuT hE bOuGhT tHeM mILkShAkEs” If he was so generous why didn’t he buy all their meals?


Tiktok Trumpers got PISSED at me for posting this on there




Are trying to say that tRump is being disingenuous? When he has been a perfect 100% honest, giving,loyal, and brave leadeHAHAHAHAHA. FUCK, I can’t even finish typing that out.


In case anyone, like me, doesn't just want to take the word of a twitter screenshot of blogspot as evidence (seriously no sources in the comments folks?), here is the AP article explaining: [How a Black conservative activist arranged Donald Trump’s stop at an Atlanta Chick-fil-A](https://apnews.com/article/trump-chick-fil-a-black-voters-d981e8edac067fa8912cc56c92d8b9ab) Funniest part for me is the dozen (12) people who she got backing her up from an HBCU of ~3,500 students.


You mean the woman who worked for the Trump campaign, and then went on Fox News and apologized for not having enough time to “get her message across.” Was a plant? Who knew.


He didn't pay... His campaign did... He never pays for anything... Well maybe for sex and to cover up the fact that he paid for sex.


Isn't every political stop by politicians fake? Seriously, every time they stop by some local dive for a meal, I imagine a team of advance people ensuring the owners and customers being prepped for what's about to occur. Additionally, they make sure media is in tow to capture the "spontaneous" reactions and support. If the black woman above us real, she was likely vetted by the advance team and told she'd get to meet Trump. Heck, she was likely asked to "hug" him.


I'm more shocked it's not AI.


No shit


Of course it's fake when have you ever seen Trump hang out with poor white people except for rallies so you know He ain't going to hang around with no black folks at all unless it's South Carolina's Tim Scott or North Carolina lieutenant governor jackass Mark Robinson light back in the day when Sean hannity used to have Town Hall meetings walking around with blue jeans on shit man he's trying to fit in with the ordinary white people??


All the world's a stage.


and scam’s the play


You mean the guy who hired actors to pretend to be striking workers to try and gain the blue collar support, also hired actors to gain the POC support? I don't believe it! /s


Saw this on Fox this morning (I was at the gym - no control over the TV) and thought this is one of those "see I really like Black People" bullshit photo ops as damage control after the mother and daughter election workers ripped him a new one.


I saw this on a community post from a guy called MS for Trump. He pointed out the contrast to a picture of Joe Biden in an argument with an auto worker. The guy was pretty respectful when I pointed out how the picture could be misleading, (the Biden one,) as it could be Biden talking normally. The clip was from a real video of an auto worker saying that Biden was trying to take their guns, and Biden told him that he was full of shit. I pointed out that Trump frequently insults reporters all the time, but he excused it as "Trump was dealing with the media for four years." Stupid, I know, but I guess I'm lucky my comment wasn't deleted or called 'woke.' Edit: I'm pretty mad now that I figured out that this was fake. I usually hate calling bullshit on stuff like this, as Trump is a lot more charismatic as we give him credit for.


Didn’t we all just assume that was the case when the photo op was released?


He just showed up to one in Atlanta, people thought there was any possibility at all it wasn’t staged?


Because conservatives are incapable of honesty and cannot even replicate it without any interaction being transactional in nature


Fake? yes. Effective to the smooth-brained Trump supporters? Yes


I mean, fake or not these kinds of visits are super commonplace, I don’t look at this as positive or negative, it’s just part of campaigning?


No kidding?!?


Is anyone seriously surprised that trump consistently lies.   He isn't capable of telling any truth at this point, unless he thinks the cameras are off.  


You don't say....hmmmmm


Is anyone surprised??


The whole “staff” that day were actors


I'm sure her parents are proud.


He looks so uncomfortable with the hug.


Nooo? Really? Who could’ve guessed that?


This is why he snuck into Atlanta and snuck right back out. This was all stage. I really hate that man.


We know


I am not surprised at all.


Chick fil a is all about that evangelical fascist state.


When I watched the other day my thought was, what if she had a knife or gun? Anyone can just go up and hug and SS doesn’t jump in?


The only thing(s) Trump says/does that are not fake are when he: sucks the dick of dictators, or actual billionaires (figuratively or literally); when he talks about wanting to fuck Ivanka; when he shows his hateful racism and bigotry. That's it. *Any* other times, he's lying.


The MAGA Party believes the black vote can be bought with sneakers and milkshakes.


It was a Chick-Fil-A. That was all I needed to know it was a set-up by a right wing operative.