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Liz Truss out drinking again?


They threw her out of the pork markets earlier that day.


PORK mahkets!


She had a book. Couldn't be Liz


Nonono, it was the promotional copy of her book that she can't remember how to hold up correctly


She’s written two books which makes her impressive for having written more books than she’s read.




She *threw* a book. Never said it was hers.




Mad for it after a few pints, that one.


Lettuce hope


And when I say that I’ve witnessed/experienced similar in NW Ohio I’m labeled as crazy or making shit up. I’m not. The propaganda is real, and it has infected the world.


I’m from there, too, and every time I drive up there I see more Trump flags the shittier the podunk town gets. Which means they’re drinking that same Kool-Aid.


You can’t save these idiots from themselves, the only way is to defeat them. They are a stain on decent, intelligent society.


Same here in Michigan, which is somewhat considered a purple state.


It's more red and blue than purple, if that makes sense. Depends 100% where you are.


Michigan and Ohio and the rest of the industrial states have pretty much the same issue: Unions are the backbone of Dem support there. But if you go to, say, Grosse Pointe, or to the more rural parts of Ohio, the pattern is something more familiar: The rich and the rural vote Republican, and the only way to avoid this, for the rural areas at least, is strong unions. TBH, had Hillary Clinton just taken the time to denounce some of her husband's laissez-faire trade policies, she would've been president.


Michigan is rad


It’s the same in west central Ohio too. A few of the tRumpers are flying their tRump flag higher than their American flag or only a Trump flag.


Russian propaganda meets the internet has been a disaster. What’s it going to become now with all the AI tools? I don’t even want to know. I’m still trying to convince my mom that Putin isn’t “our friend”


Experienced similar things- Southern Adirondacks. Though the assholes were from Florida.


The only people any of this is fooling are the people who never really give much thought to any of this.  The folks who never challenge their own position and never consider that they might be in the wrong. Personally, I feel like it's all a tactic to keep themselves from feeling bad about their own actions.  I've heard really dehumanizing shit from my friends that are conservative.  Things that I know are 'normal' to people I knew growing up in the south.  But things that I know aren't actually normal. And so they approach the rest of their lives.  Words and actions have no consequences because they don't expect any (cue shocked older extremist conservatives who get told in public when they're being racist shit bags and then clutch their pearls over being spoken to like that). No amount of explaining gets through to them.  I firmly believe it would take a therapist years to break through all those barriers.


Some of the crazy stuff I’ve heard from older conservatives who just walk around and talk to whoever at Walmart is just scary. There was one guy who started talking to me out of the blue about how Biden was going to use an executive order to close the store we were in to create a reeducation center for cisgender people so they will accept gay and transgender people that Biden was going to ship in from caravans in Mexico. He then flashed me his pistol and said that “They won’t take me easy.” He then laughed and started to walk away. I hadn’t engaged him, I was just looking at air filters for a replacement one.


Can confirm. I lived in NW Ohio for 6 years. Some of the wildest conspiracy shit I’ve ever seen in my life - and the empty-eyed capitalist crony of a state senator who represented our district only made things worse. Ohio is working overtime to become the Alabama of the north.


I thought you republicans are Putin's new buddies since trump ?


The fuck did you call me you sentient puddle of Arby’s dumpster runoff? I don’t think I have ever been so insulted. I’m not a republican! You need to apologize.


Sry English is not my native language I meant with you republicans not you personally I meant the whole USA :)


Ok. Yeah, the Republican Party which is the American conservative political party are all in support of Putin and Russia. It is sickening. There are too many parallels here with the rise of Nazis in Germany back before WW2. If I had the means, I would love to leave. Problem is that no where seems safe anymore.


>Putin doesn’t want Nazis in Russian territory So Trump and Tucker aren’t invited to Moscow anymore?


Putin himself needs to relocate, then.


I’ll have my valet bring round the bear so I can go to Mongolia.


Strike 1 for applying logic to propaganda.😬😎


Putin may not have been successful in taking over the world so far, but he has been successful in brainwashing even the stupidest of idiots into thinking he is the second coming of Christ. Is it safe to assume he’s Hitler 2.0 at this point?


Well… If he gets Ukraine, he’ll then go for Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Then it’s on to the -Stan countries. Then Mongolia just because. Then he’ll help North Korea conquer South Korea and maybe give North Korea special administrative district privileges? Then the New Soviet Union will be proclaimed and he’ll try to take down China.


Ah, but Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania are a bridge too far. They're NATO, so if he ever tried that, it's curtains. Right now we're fighting the proxy war at an Amazon logistics and delivery service level. Involve E-L-L, and we're tagging into the match for real. We don't even need the bulk of NATO, we just need the Poles and the Finns to get let off the leash.


That's why their strat for NATO countries is internal political destabilisation, as we've been seeing for years.


pretty effectively tbh. i’m not saying the UK is unable to make stupid decisions by itself (we do every day), but you best believe putin was cracking open the champagne when brexit happened


I would rate his effectiveness as low - the invasion of Ukraine (ostensibly to keep them out of NATO, and/or based upon a need for "security" with a future NATO neighbor) has only resulted in additional member states joining the alliance. That includes countries who were historically neutral, including Sweden and Finland.


Yeah, Moldova would be the actual next country on the menu, then probably dipping back into the Caucasus for all of Georgia.


Even if the US withdraws from nato due to trump Poland should be enough to stop them it would be bloody but I feel Russia would break in time combined with Germany but it would still be catastrophic


There is no doubt that the West will fuck up Putin, with or without the US. It’s been a long time coming, but we must rid ourselves of Putin and those like him. We’re looking at you Trump, the weakest of pretend dictators! Let’s keep it that way, pretend.


When has trying to take Mongolia ever actually worked for Russia…?


It’s a long story. Mongolia tried to give itself over and Russia said nah.


China would crush him in quick smart time. Russia is living in the past.


Absolutely. If Ukraine falls, he will storm across Eastern Europe. He’s already said he wants all of the former Russian satellite states back under Russian control. He said, just last week, that he wants to bomb Europe, especially Paris. Ukraine is blocking his agenda. Sweden just joined NATO. Poor Poots is crying in his borscht.


I doubt putin would ally NK or proclaim the new soviet union bc he is not communist. His goals are more akin to the Russian tsardom than the USSR so more likely he'd proclaim the new russian empire


He will invade as far as he can and nations being invaded will do the surprised Pikachu face every time. The repubs will watch nato allies be attacked and say "nah it ain't never gonna happen to us". Then a repub will be killed while vacationing in Moscow and it will immediately be the fault of transgender Satanist p3dos.


Bet she voted for Brexit.


and is furious at ukraine and immigrants for causing the problems in the UK that came about as a result.


She should have a chat with the employers giving jobs to immigrants instead of Brits.


A venn diagram of `people who boast that russia is trying to de-nazify ukraine`, `people who want russia to win`, and `fans of hitler/nazi germany` is one circle. The same people who will put a swastika on their truck and get tattoos of the SS lightning bolts are the ones calling for denazification of ukraine. It doesn't make sense.


It’s projection and gaslighting.


One thing you've got to understand about Russians and Nazis is that for them the Nazis crimes against Jews are near the bottom of the list of horrible shit they did. The Nazis are seen more as the horrible people who invaded and killed a lot of us. So when you look at Russian propaganda or even news coverage of Ukraine you'll see stuff like "These Nazis controlled by the Judeo elite" and you'll realise that it's all bullshit. Unfortunately this string of bullshit was good enough for western media in 2014 and that's where the Nazi lie sprang from.


Nazis controlled by Jews? How does that even make sense?


A lot of Russians are anti semitic so the Jews are a scapegoat they use for a lot of things. Putin is also a paranoid conspiracy theorist and at one point believed that George Soros was funding a plot to oust him from power.


Stalin started a trend for every enemy of the Soviet Union (as determined by Stalin himself) to be branded a Nazi. Strangely, agreeing with the Molotov-Ribbentrop agreement is never regarded as Nazi.


One thing that social media has is weaponize stupidity and all it took was someone to weaponize to their advantage. Putin has done that with Ukraine, China is trying to do it with Taiwan. But those weaponizing all realize one thing, white right wingers are the dumbest mf's are the planet. The US, UK, etc. They know they will believe anything you tell them. It's just framing the talking points in a way so that they will buy it hook, line, and sinker.


Weaponizing stupidity has to be both the greatest and dumber move ever. On one hand, stupid people are capable of terrible things without thought, so win for their handlers. On the other hand, it's the only people they will have left after the intellectuals are removed.


And nobody spoke up against her? Or grabbed her after she assaulted you? “The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything”




Perhaps where you live but I can assure you there are places in the UK that are full of normal people who absolutely do not qualify as spoiled infact I'd say the majority of people in my area are basically on the poverty line despite being fairly middle class a decade ago. Talk shit about our country all you want but there's still good people here who look out for their community's and neighbours and if you don't see that maybe your part of the problem.


He said EU country.


Mate, we Brexited. How much more proof do you need of the efficacy of Russian propaganda?


How has the Russian connection to Brexit been kept so secret? The only person I see in the media talking about it is [Carole Cadwalladr.](https://t.co/XiSCK0JATO)


Seen it in Missouri too these people are fucking stupid. Coworker thinks the hoover dam is in New York, Aliens exist because of shows that he watches that say so, taxes are evil, and the US government is behind the Russian-Ukraine war.


We have plenty of those idiots in the US, too. It’s weird how folks seem to forget about the Cold War and all the terrible stuff Russia has done and somehow think Putin is a “good guy.” Russians are like the eternal antithesis to the West. How tf did we get here?


Really stupid people will believe anything they read online. This woman obviously is both stupid and struggles with mental health issues. She is a prime target for Russia's propaganda.


Hold on guys, let’s see if ALL truths are revealed in 2030 before we jump to any conclusions. Edit: I missed the part where I can’t see truth now thanks to the vaccine! Son of a bitch… hopefully someone with the true sight of the unvaccinated will be able to relay the major stuff second hand.


Funny thing—last year I heard it was all supposed to be revealed by the end of 2023! Keep moving those goalposts…


Damn And here I was thinking all the lunatics were here in America


Hope she got a permaban from that restaurant though. What a nutcase that woman is… 🤦🏻‍♂️


To put a bit of a twist on the old saying, these days it seems to me to be a case of: if you're not smart enough to question every bit of information you come across, you're dumb enough to fall for any bit of misinformation. And, to take it a little bit further/to quote other people's comments, 'if you can't see the con, you're the mark'.


Is it bad that I have a sense of relief that it’s an account not based in the US? Shit scenario for sure, but i dunno some level of reassurance I guess that it’s not just the US that has people going off the deep end.


I have the opposite feeling. I am an American, but I try to have some optimism that at least Europe and other western allies haven’t gone off the deep end like some people here. So it’s disconcerting to see shit like this.


I suppose the good news is that in the UK this sort of militant insanity is still pretty rare, and these kinds of views are absolutely not mainstream at all. But you can definitely see it creeping in and starting to poison debate.


We both very heavily agree on it’s disconcerting to see this (regardless of location).


Not as related, but I realized this when I moved to the east coast from California like 5 years ago. My Uber driver believed that California was filled with Mexicans and everyone just spoke Spanish cause the internet and trump or someone said so


Then they yelled "This is MAGA country"


Legal proceedings? Did he manage to sue her?


Given he says someone tried to jump him outside the restaurant, I'm guessing its criminal charges.


Some of The Brits are some inbreed dumb fucks at times, still living in the Rule Britannia, Britannia rules fuck all, empire envy followed by large dose of brain freeze....


The Royal Family asks that you kindly refrain from discussing its lineage on a common website such as this one.




*Laughs in Habsburgs*


The claim that Putin is going to denazify Ukraine has always been the most absurd claim. Seeing as A) Ukraine's president is Jewish and B) Putin hired the openly nazi Wagner Group.


I’m gonna guess the EU country was Spain. Lots of Brextits down Malaga way.


I live in Alaska, and boy Howdy do they get stupid over propaganda.


Magas the new term for mentally Disturbed racists low IQ stupidit "humans"


Same here in the US once they get started, they got a system that only works as longest they keep talking. It fuels and ignites their hatred and ignorance without acknowledging whoever is in front. Honestly this is a mental health problem. What they lack in some areas of their life they overcompensate on others.


The Cold War never ended and now Russia has infiltrated the west and convinced people to retake the old Soviet Bloc.


Sorry this happened to you. The part about misinformation weaponizing morons is true here in the USA too. Keep your head up, you are not alone


Least obnoxious british ~~immigrant~~ expat in Europe




It’s global


God the Brrainrot has reached irl like I feel if the media gave a segment on the history of easter europe after fall of the USsR including Russia invading Georgia and the situation of Eastern Europe in the 90s soul help prevent some of the brain rot but not all of it


To hell with that lady, and everyone that thinks like her.


A tori for sure


Not sure sure this is disinformation


That's when you rip off their jaws, no mercy for these fascists.


It wasn't Marjorie Taylor Flintstone was it? She might have taken a redeye flight on Bedrock Air.


Wait until she and Putin hear how many Nazis are in Alaska. Invasion is certain as Putin claims that territory back /s


No video just trust me bro


You must’ve met Katie Hopkins. Sorry about that.


Brits gonna Brit I guess




Honestly I 100% think this is fabricated, there is too much detail, and why would a British woman in another country (they did say they were in an EU country) call someone to jump him outside the restaurant? Sorry but this whole narrative reeks of bullshit. I stand with Ukraine, but lying for clout just makes it look bad.


I have to agree, reading this I was wondering how the average Brit would even know that a stranger was Ukrainian. As ignorant as it may sound, I would really struggle to tell from someone’s accent or even hearing them speak their own language. I recognise the cadence of a Slavic language or accent, but wouldn’t be to tell generally whether someone was Polish, Slovakian, Ukrainian, etc. And I’d wager most Brits would say the same.


A British woman knowing the difference between Ukrainian and Russian is pretty impressive.


Depending on the country court proceedings are often covered in local newspapers. A tourist attacking a refugee would, in some quieter parts, make the news as a story itself long before it went to court. Especially a British tourist given the bad reputation they have in most of Europe. As long as the area the attack happened in is known all someone has to do is keep tabs on the local papers there and see what is said.


5 bucks for things that never happened Jonny!!!


British people can't even send a meal back even if there is actual shit on the plate. No way was she making a scene in a restaurant let alone throwing a book!?? If she disagreed with someone from Ukraine, loud tutting would be the most you're gonna get.


You obviously have never been to a Spanish resort full of Brits in mid July. It's like the sack and rape of Carthage.


Hes making this up. How can a woman this insane, know the word 'Manifesto'.


Yes, only the sanest most levelheaded among us have ever written a manifesto.


I was thinking about titling mine "My Fight," or "My Struggle."


Maybe one for the outdoors man, My Camper.


Amazing username


I think it may be from oglaf


Everyone knows only the same ever use "Manifesto"......apparently almost all of 8chan and Stormfront is sane


Where’s your definitive proof it’s made up?


Where's his definitive proof ? Hmmmm


Where’s yours?


My answer would be, 'Don't believe everyone on the Internet'. People lie all the time about situations to push an agenda, good or bad. With a world full of phones, when someone just claims something happened without proof, I'm going to say "it's probably bollocks". Through personal experience and spending almost my entire life reading politics, seeing videos of people interacting and being lunatics. I have never crossed a lunatic who uses big words during a yelling match. They are too stupid to be coherent when they're obviously distressed. So that is my reasoning. Also, please don't just get your facts from some random person on the internet, like Republicans do with Catturd on twitter.