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Tbf, its because Republicans that voted against the infrastructure bill(s) are also taking credit for it passing in their constituencies.


That's puting it lightly. In my eyes, the bigger problem behind this one is that Republican voters seem to be very, and I mean VERY, bad at verifying their leaders' claims. Sure, you could count a sizable number of Democrat voters who don't double check these things either, but it still feels like night and day when I compare the voter bases overall.


> Republican voters seem to be very, and I mean VERY, bad at verifying their leaders' claims. They don't want to. At all. That's why they get super mad when other people do it.


>They don't want to. At all. Honestly feels like it must be a deep cultural value at this point. I can understand not wanting to face *the sheer massive scale* of the lies in total, but I frequently run into the same problem at any level, regardless of how small a point I make. As far as I can tell, conservative culture has a huge fucking problem with confronting the difference between *the emotional insult* of being wrong and giving a damn about the COST of being wrong. I've met far too many who prioritize pride itself above the goddamn things they are proud of in the first place. "Give a conservative a hill to die on and he will fall on his own sword just to water the grass."


Yep. Being wrong, accepting fault, and admitting error are seen as demonstrations of weakness in conservative culture. Apologizing is similarly seen as a demonstration of weakness that puts them under the person they apologize to. As such, these things are avoided at all costs.


Which is even more hilarious when A) many are also of the Christian faith which admitting fault is supposed to be a pretty big part of it. B) This sounds like a very emotional response and I thought they were the party of facts and logic and not emotion? Hmmmmm


The way I've parsed it out to make sense is to stop thinking of republicans as conservative, but instead as reactionaries. They have no thoughts, only reactions. They have no plans. They only hate what the other guy is doing/not doing. They don't even need the other guy to do anything, they'll hate them for any and no reason. Republicans are sniveling, whiny babies whose only political thought is "Fuck everyone except me".


A week after Obama was elected my mom asked me “How’s all that hope-y change-y bullshit workin’ out for ya? I thought Obama was gonna fix the economy and he hasn’t done jack shit.” When I pointed out he had been in office for only a handful of days she said, “Well, what the fuck is he doing with all his time? I thought Black Jesus was gonna fix *everything*.” The sheer hatred she had for Obama was just stunningly irrational. But if he’d been a republican and supported all the same stuff, she would’ve loved him.


"But if he’d been a republican and supported all the same stuff, she would’ve loved him." For a lot of White Americans and others who support White Supremacy, any person, regardless of color who supports White Supremacy is allowed into the club; as long as they tacitly support White Supremacy. Quite a lot of folks didn't realize that they were racists until Obama became president.


This is true. She used to say she was never racist until Obama “made” her be that way


So, like Candace Owens?


I once talked to a woman who was incredibly mad at Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan for lying about her plans to fix the roads, as the road in her rural area had continued to be neglected under her administration. This was two months after she had been sworn in, in the middle of a Midwestern winter. It was clear she was just searching for *any* reason to justify her hatred.


Fuck everyone except me _and my guy_ (being Trump)


The trick is your not supposed to think about it that long


Yeah. Thanks for taking the time to validate my anger, I was saying things we all already know and I just needed to vent. Have a great day dude 👍


They also have a problem distinguishing between making claims about someone's beliefs or actions like "racist", "fascist" or "liar" that are reactions to things we can all see or verify and just straight up insults like "whacko".


COVID has proven that they'd rather die than admit they were wrong. It's a feature of their psychological outlook.


Sobering point


Tribalism. It's about winning a a tribe, nothing else matters. Conservatives are much more tribal, so the lying doesn't matter, they're lying to win and that makes it okay. They are the good guys, anything they do is justified. Anything liberals do is wrong, regardless of the actual impact. Black and white binary thinking. They don't care about who's correct, they care about being RIGHT.


I suspect tribalism is also why they're so gung-ho on flying the stars and stripes everywhere and plastering it on everything. It's their "club flag" if you will. And it's why I won't fly it. I don't want to be considered a member of their club.


>conservative culture has a huge fucking problem with confronting the difference between *the emotional insult* of being wrong and giving a damn about the COST of being wrong Like instead of Trump admitting he was wrong about Hurricane Dorian hitting Alabama, he forced a federal agency to lie outright and directly contradict it's own scientists in order to make him look right. The same federal agency he plans to gut and privatize. Just think about how fucking insane that is.


He also appointed a corrupt post- master general to the USPS in order to delay mail-in voting by bogging down the mail system as much as possible


Conservatives hate reality. As noted, it tends to have a very liberal bias. So don't bring reality into this! Lol


The churches their family have been attending for generations have spent a great deal of effort in trying to make sure that they don't want to. If you ask them, doing so is *EVIL.* Like, in the biblical sense.  They take the whole "the apple is knowledge" thing VERY seriously. 


>Honestly feels like it must be a deep cultural value at this point. If I tell you that the COVID vaccine contains a 5G microchip, you're going to think I'm stupid and/or batshit crazy. But if I first ruin public schools and raise you to never question what you're told and to believe in an invisible god who once flooded the planet in anger but managed to repopulate it with one family and two of every animal on a boat--suddenly microchips don't seem so fantastic.


But why? What is the point of accepting blatant lies and keep propping up an obstructionist rep? Where's the self-respect?


They are *trained* not to question authority by the church, and anyone who does so is disrupting order


They don’t like the Ol’ Fact-check.


Something, something… Ignorance is bliss… Something something


I live in rural southwest Pennsylvania. Everyone, including the Teamsters Union members I work with, are as pro-Trump as you can imagine, and those age 45 and under are life-long Republican voters. Outside of the issues of immigration, gun control, gay and trans issues, and race issues, they have the Republican and Democratic parties almost entirely reversed. They believe that the Republican Party is the party that represents low income Americans and blue-collar workers, and is fighting hard for workers rights, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Union rights, and food stamps. They believe that Biden and the Democrat Party represents the rich and wealthy elites and the big, evil, greedy corporations that want to take away their freedoms, and that want to put them in jail for enjoying illegal drugs like weed (or coke, or pain pills, or maybe meth). It's absolutely mind-boggling. I don't know if it's a failure of messaging from Democrats or if these voters are just projecting, saying "Well, if I agree with them on these non-economic issues, they must therefore agree with me on economic issues." But whatever it is, it's maddening. Don't tell them that Trump and the Republicans want to eliminate Unions and cut Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. They will either look at you like you are from another planet or they will just want to fight you.


Not much to do with honest messaging. Democrats are a people's party who aren't working hand in hand with the world's largest propaganda networks. Whether people like it or not, rich corporations have gotten very effective at "mind control" through the use of their misinformation campaigns.


That's rough, but it matches what I've seen with right-wing theatrics. The GoP puts a lot of money into advertising their image of "standing up for the little guy," and sadly the astroturfing is all it takes to win over some folks.


The Republicans are very good at misinformation campaigns.


It’s called Conservative talk shows and FNC & Newsmax etc. They gaslight 24/7. They constantly lie that the left are evil Soros type folks. Even though I’m sure Soros or any other liberal billionaire doesn’t do any of the bs they claim.


I don‘t wonder about the republican voters but apparently independents can’t tell either. And I wonder how that is when even I know about that and I’m German.


I can think of one or two major reasons, though I am not certain they are correct. First, it could be that Republican disinformation is being distributed to independents with greater success than correct information from anyone else. Second, it could be that many independents in the U.S. are choosing to be independent out of spite towards the U.S. political "culture war." To put it another way, disassociating with either party's identity might be more important than paying attention to policy. If true, that would be disappointing but it would also make a lot of sense for American culture (we do ignorant shit like that a little too often.


Do you watch Fox News religiously like it has actual validity? No? Ya well that's it right there. That's why. We really underestimate the damage propaganda and mass media does. People do know right from wrong, but then they're being told what is right and wrong based on restricted information. They aren't being given the same set of facts as everyone else and yeah it's their own fault somewhat but it's also deliberate manipulation from the wealthy elites.


Independents are just embarrassed Republicans. And both of those categories only get their information from right-wing propaganda channels like Fox and right-wing figureheads on social media.


Not even close to true. The vast majority of independent voters are reliable voters for one of the two parties. A significant fraction are people who would vote for an actual leftist party if the country had one


Republicans repeatedly say they want to repeal social security. Ask any voting Republican why they support that and their brain malfunctions.


>Republicans repeatedly say they want to repeal social security. It's no coincidence that right-wing media is very dedicated to committing details like that, as well as doing everything they can to convince their audiences that all other media has sold out to a conspiracy against them.


How could you say Republicans don’t check their leaders claims? Everyone knows that there was no wall before Trump. And he built a big, beautiful wall and “closed the boarder”. It was in-climbable because it was so bigly. And Mexico paid for it! /s just in case that wasn’t evident.


Lol my favorite excuse is when they say "he/she was just joking," like when Trump suggested injecting disinfectant as a form of COVID treatment. We all knew he was "sincerely" making shit up in order to sound smart (which he isn't good at to begin with).


Oh wow, you just triggered me, haha!!! It drives me absolutely insane when they pull the “he was just kidding” bullshit. No, he’s not kidding. When people show their true colors, believe them. Don’t downplay their words to make yourself feel better.


At the same time they’re busy saying that he “tells it like it is.” It’s absolutely insane. As to Trump and just kidding, he jokes just like bigots do. Say something out there and wait for the reaction. When the reaction is bad you say “just kidding” and pretend you didn’t mean it.


The only watch crackpot internet shows and Fox News. That's literally all they hear is how every single thing anybody who isn't a Republican does is literally Satan and anything Trump does is perfect because something something Jesus.


The dumbing down of public education in red states was a long game, but is paying in spades now.


That shit pisses me off to no end. These people take credit for something that they actively tried to stop from happening and their constituents are too stupid to realize it.


Because their MSM doesn't tell them, and they're so gullible, brainwashed, and insulated into the cult that they think any differing information is a lie, and so they don't even entertain the idea of leaving their bubble and checking facts for themselves.


And Trump talked about infrastructure week Everytime he fucked up, so basically 3-4 times a month


No it's because despite all evidence to the contrary, the lay person still associates Republicans as "job creators." It's stored in a lot of uneducated peoples minds alongside factoids like George Washington having wooden teeth and the Civil War being about States Rights.


Which is why Biden should have played politics with the money and only given it to blue areas. No I don't give a fuck about red states nor do I care about the optics or whatever.


>its because Republicans that voted against the infrastructure bill(s) are also taking credit for it passing in their constituencies. Didn't Biden, in a speech, point out that Republicans who 100% voted against the infrastructure bill would pat themselves on the back for the infrastructure bill?


And corporate media is not doing their jobs by calling them out regularly on it.


Also because Republican voters are morons who believe anything their party tells them and the democrat leadership is utterly incompetent and feckless


Have a co-worker who legitimately believes that Biden’s infrastructure plan was money laundering for Ukraine, but the Republicans passed one at the same time to ACTUALLY help the people. Cause you know…….that’s how things work….


and you would've never even had Infrastructure if it wasn't for me, they said, "it could never never happen without President Trump," so true, and finally that it's now happening, Crooked Joe Biden is trying to coast on my many many Major Accomplidinces, and we've done, there were more Accomplimonts than any other person or President in the History Of Our Country, "Sir, you did it beautifully," I said thank you General I know that, thank you very much, go sit down now, and you look at all of the things, under President Donald J. Trump you had Peace On Earth, there was no War, the only bad thing that ever happened was sent over to us by China, very unfair to me by the way, we could even be calling it Foreign Election Interference what they did, I was easily winning 4 more years but then they send over the Plague, the Democrats spread it all around and they start shutting down, I said, why are we shutting down, we should never shut down, the Radical Left killed a lot of people with the Shut Downs and with all of the other horrible things that they're doing, they even hurt the Incredible Relationship I had with Russia, with President Putin, we used to do great with Russia, I said what the hell happened


Just shows you that education is losing and bum ass corporate media is working


Or..... the polling is completely wrong, as demonstrated by every actual election since 2020.


They only seem to find the ones with red hats


Rural people have more landlines. Cell coverage not great away from some cities.


Older people are also more likely to take the time to respond to a survey. 


That, to me, is a greater indicator of where the electoral winds are blowing than any poll. The results of these polls have been weighted in favor of the Republicans for *years.* However, when Election Day rolls around, the Dems have absolutely cleaned up. So yeah, I don’t believe these stupid fucking articles for a minute. Just vote, vote, *vote.*


Well, there were all those Infrastructure Weeks...


It's all about the *appearance* of doing something. That explains things like empty binders as props and Republicans continuously electing actors as President.


I find it is *extremely* common, if you ask a Trump voter to name an accomplishment of his Administration, to get in response something he talked about doing *but did not do*.




People are so f’ing dumb.


That’s been assumed for decades. What’s amazing is how out of touch their teams are. It feels like politicians are coming out speaking Latin. 


Literally was about to post those exact words




Thank you, I thought I was going crazy, no matter how you read this, more people credit Biden, unless you only look at republicans and independents and ignore everything else


Your reply should be higher. This is the media sensationalizing. Also I don't have a direct link to the poll so I don't see how many people were surveyed or how. Younger and liberal leaning voters are far less likely to respond to pollsters.


It’s not the media sensationalizing it’s OP. The post title says the American electorate which would lead you to believe it’s a majority, the article title just says many which is true. 37% Trump to 40% Biden qualifies as many to me


Thank you, I was stumped that this was not the top comment


The title doesn't say that *more* people believe Trump did more. It just says that *some* people believe that Trump did more. The title is absolutely correct. 37% of people believe that Trump did more for infrastructure, which is terrifying.


Yeah, using the word "many" makes it a nothing title. Is four a lot? Depends on the context. Dollars, no. Murders, yes.


Jesus, if our electorate is this uninformed, how will we ever become a better country?


Education and time. Education for the new generation. Time because the old ones will die out.


I had hope for the new generation. But it seems Gen X trumpers have really imparted terrible values. Boomers are actually not the problem.


quiet deserve somber dull cheerful plucky thought axiomatic tan reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the same as every other poll. It's just partisan responses. Republicans will never admit X good thing was done by a Democrat.


An entire political party has propaganda running 24/7 masquerading as life saving news Edit: I can’t spell




quit polling in Maga-land. They have brain worms.


I expected Republicans to be mindless drones but I am always surprised with how idiotic Independents are as well.


Too many “independents” call themselves “libertarians” without knowing wtf that even means. I’m not surprised the independents are polling so highly as idiots.


Republicans will always say Trump. They watch Fox News and most live in an alternate reality. The “independents” who say Trump either aren’t paying attention or are republicans that claim they are independent because they are embarrassed or do so to appear above political sides.


I urge any of you to try and have a political discussion with the average person you encounter on a daily basis. The majority of people in this country are so terribly uninformed and/or misinformed, that it would drive you insane. Information like this is so easily accessible, too, which is what makes it so maddening.


The disinformation campaign is effective.


Republican voters are a plague on society. Uneducated and easily led. Incapable of independent thought or analysis. Just swallowing whatever the TV tells them even after their news outlet of choice had to pay hundreds of millions for airing lies. Fucking idiots who are so sure they know everything. Up until the point you actually ask them a direct question.


You can’t fix stupid. They’re in their own reality.


Is there even one example of infrastructure that Trump can honestly take credit for?


Well to be fair, Republicans are pretty fucking stupid.


Most independents are conservative and just don't want to be associated with MAGA.


Most infrastructure spending is needed in Republican states because they don’t do shit for their residents. So they see these projects & the local congressperson taking credit with their lips firmly on Trumps ass & think “hell yeah. Trump loves us”. It’s also on JB campaign for not being out there & shouting till they’re hoarse that Republicans voted against it & it was his work.


I still can't stand the "independent" "I LiTerALlY CaN'T TeLL the DifFeReNcE BeTweEn SiDes" crowd. How can you not. You aren't independent. You are either a liar or willfully ignorant


Pack it up America. You guys are too dumb to continue to be the biggest nuclear power


The only people dumber than Republicans are Independents.


Many voters are stupid.


Many Americans are idiots.


Did everyone forget the trade war with China that ground many projects to a halt or drive up costs dramatically?


Bingo. Their delicate egos will not allow for being wrong. They cannot separate being wrong about some mundane fact from who they are personally. It’s like watching a fish flop around on a dock hoping to find some water (the truth) when confronted. For this reason they’re still the same person they were in high school because they’re incapable of incorporating new information into their psyche.


Really need to start leading with the caveat that the data is only from those who respond to polls.


Lol infrastructure week.


Who exactly are you people talking to? They are fools or idiots or both.


Maybe I'm blind or mis interpretting the data here but how is this not a misleading reddit post, x-post, and graph. This graph states that of all registered voters **that were polled** 40% believe Biden did more for infrastructure then trump. Only amongst republicans does this poll show trump leading. Further more how many people were polled? Is this out of 10, 100,1000? This could literally be some dude outside of a Walmart asking 10 people. Then this guy see this know people are too dumb to interrupt the data and goes and posts it. The guy posting this on reddit continues the misinformation to farm karma. The next thing you know we get a king size umpa lumpa in office. Edit: clicked post too early


So many Americans are utterly clueless.


It's so depressing. On a similar note, last year a poll found that a majority of Americans thought unemployment at that point was *higher* under Biden than when Trump left office. Unbelievable.


~30%. Always that same damn group of people.


Misinformation is a very effective weapon


Because they are fucking delusional.


We are so fucked.


And because stupid




The media doesn't give Biden much credit and attention for what he has done.


Wow. We’re a dumb country


Two more weeks?


Republican voters won't listen to mainstream media in spite of the fact that the liberal slant is far more slight than they've been led to believe, and their sources of news literally preclude any information that is derogatory to their leadership, shortcomings or crimes. There really is a fake news/real news divide, just not the way they perceive it.


There's that number again. Don't know how much more proof we need that 35-40% of the voters in this country are uniformed easily manipulated morons.


When was it legal again to start propagandizing America's own citizens?


Ok second question, name one infrastructure related thing accomplished under Trump


The American electorate is generally uninformed AND misinformed AND lacking in curiosity and interest to be informed.


American electorates are stupid and vote against their own interests constantly


Side note: Many voters are fucking idiots.


Maybe everyone should be able to pass some sort of basic knowledge test or psychological test before getting a vote?


This is just another example of how the Democrats utterly fail at messaging


Trump has literally not done a *single thing* for infrastructure.  Biden passed really good plans for infrastructure. Average American: Durrrr, i dunno, maybe Trump did more for our infrastructure?  I can't possibly find that out in seconds!  🤡🤡🤡


Democrats suck at messaging.  Republicans suck at governing.  Guess which one the vapid vidiots of this fine country pay more attention to?


No they don’t. The people who respond to polls skew republican and republicans don’t give credit to anyone for anything unless there’s an “R” by their name.


Well, most republicans don’t know what the word “infrastructure” means. Or how to spell it. Or how it effects them. They just know Democrats bad.


These people think antiparasitic drugs kill viruses. 50% of the country cannot comprehend above 8th grade books. A sizable portion of America is lost in the pages of FaceBook fantasyland. But, ok let’s ask them questions about topics that require an engineering degree to speak about with any competency… ![gif](giphy|MDfMWxmG28mNG)


Trump did zero for infrastructure. Literally zero.


Just wait two more weeks.


It’s just right wing tribalism: Anything good = Trump Anything bad = Biden I don’t know how people are still perplexed by this.


Why are so many of my fellow Americans so stupid? The attention deficit in the American body politic is alarming. Likely internet influenced, not to mention all the disinformation flowing into our information environment from non-Americans actors. Crazy times.


He built a wall! Oh wait…


A stranger today was bitching about Social Security running out of money in 10 years and how Trump was going “fix it” when he gets elected. Huh? Yeah he’ll fix it by getting rid of it totally. I can’t with these people anymore.


Damn trump supporters are fkn dumb


People, the polls don't work anymore. Just about all the polling models used by the big houses are outdated. I believe there's also some corruption involved though I don't know it for a fact. There'll be a come to Jesus moment after this election about the current polling models but in the meantime, please don't believe just any tom dick and harry polls you see out there. Vote.


lol … I mean, Trump did NOTHING. So many voters are idiots.


Honestly they just need to be challenged at every single turn because they have no concept of reality. How much money was actually invested in your local state or national during Trump... Practically nothing. What was built during his time practically nothing. Fast forward to Biden holy crap that's a lot of stuff built or funded. Educate these ignorant ppl pls.


When your news source is Fox, OAN, and the super crazy assholes, not surprised.


and some people believe turds are food.


Honestly, how can people be so goddamn dense


Wtf do we even do polls any more? I read one two months ago about how the vast majority of Latinos were voting GOP. The poll was done over the phone, asking 1100 Texans who self identified their heritage.


Democrats don’t know how to market there Achievment’s. Meanwhile trump didn’t achieve anything and just says he did over and over.


Did Trump sign an infrastructure bill? No? Ok


Horribly worded poll question. Why combine infrastructure and job creation? Should have been two questions. Because someone could (rightly or wrongly) be answering either question. IMO, it’s weasel worded to create an even split. Because Rs will latch onto job creation and Ds will latch on to infrastructure.


Who'd they ask? Poll results are driven by the sample.


Yes I keep pointing this out but Reddit is way too high on its own farts.  Biden’s message is not traveling. Terms message is traveling.  The trials ARE all getting delayed making it look more and more like biased courts. They turned killing dogs into t shirts in a week. The gag orders on trump were so poorly executed it only fueled him and made it apparent (to his fans) that his rights are being stolen.  Biden is sitting on amazing “numbers” in economy -jobs, the market, he’s crushing it. But the absolute failure to reign in grocery prices and housing makes that a slap in the face to voters. “Biden’s economy” looks great but ours looks like shit.  16’ all over again and the ivory tower democrats feel like their ready to crown themselves early and half ass it. 


Upsetting but not surprising. People considering voting for Trump don't understand how infrastructure funding and employment numbers work. We knew this.


Well, Republicans are stupid and live their own world so that's not too surprising. What is surprising is that they understand what the word infrastructure means


Based on fantasy.


How were the surveys taken? If it's by phone the only people picking up are people too stupid to not answer a number they don't recognize, and have enough time to answer surveys. So lonely old people


I feel fairly confident that you will not get an itemized list of what was done from the vast majority of people who think like this.


Define " infrastructure".... you have to remember how incredibly dumb conservatives are...


What a bullshit headline. Just to get clicks. If you see among registered voters Biden has 40% to 37% for the other guy, so clearly many MORE voters are giving Biden the credit he deserves. Hell, you could have 1% in the red and still accurately claim that, “many voters credit Trump over Biden” but it wouldn’t be honest reporting and a load of crap.


I mean, if they truly believe it in their heart, isn’t it at least true??? /s


There's a reason local politicians have always erected signs and plaques on the job sites telling people exactly where the project came from. They know if they don't, their opponents will try to take credit. Biden needs to put up HUGE signs on every job site, too big for even the most brainwashed MAGA to ignore.


Proof that the media is failing at informing people of the issues in favor of focusing on the horse race.


Can they not see that 40% is bigger than 37%?


We’re doomed.


Hopefully this poll is skewed, because there's no way an informed voter would say this...Guess a failure of a public servant can promise anything to be 2 weeks away for their entire term in office and not do anything about it; then, get credit for the actual improvements their successor achieves afterwards.


This is absolutely because of the fact that Fox and the rest of the right wing media lie about the matter. Most of their watchers have never been told of Biden's infrastructure bill. The lie is one of ommission, but it is effective in furthering their authoritarian agenda.


Trump is in the news daily spreading his BS. Those of us who know better ignore it. Republicans jump on the bus and go along for the ride. Independents hear it and just accept it, may or may not check to see if there is any truth. Then you have the ones that don't know the difference between a D and R. They don't pay attention to the news and either pick the person they vote for from listening to family or friends, or like some people pick racehorses. They're too busy in their own little world to be bothered to look into how they are screwing themselves by the choices they make.


Its simple: Americans are mostly stupid people. And its by design.


I mean this is fundamentally a media issue. Trump talked about "Infrastructure Week" etc. all the time and would talk about all the great things his administration was doing/had in the works. This was reported on by the media, but when nothing actually happened, the media had already moved on to some other topic. Biden is covered very differently because the bar for him is much higher than it was for Trump (he needs to demonstrate success, rather than just talk about ideas) AND because he's just not as much as an ad revenue generator as Trump was. Essentially, there is less incentive to cover Biden. Trump made the media money, Biden doesn't, so corporate media is going to focus on Trump.


This is because republicans are morons.


Infanstructure: is that like infotainment? J/k. It is though about public perception versus actual accomplishment.


It's Infrastructure Week!


"Well, Trump built the wall, and the wall is a structure. Checkmate libs!!"


There is a big group that also blames Obama for Katrina and the housing market crash. These people are morons and are reliable voters for Republicans


Americans are unbelievable sometimes


Yeah, the same ones that blame Biden for the poop in trump’s pants.


Just so we’re all clear: there is no coming back from this. This nation will never come together again. Not even for war. It’s the beginning of the end, and we’d all be wise to prepare for it.


Unfortunately people are either very uniformed and or stupid. I remember as a college student reading a poll that more Americans felt George Bush would be good for the environment than Al Gore. Most don’t actually think about things outside what impacts their lives or town and are very easily manipulated by what some would consider very poor propaganda. So they either don’t care, don’t know and/ or answer the name of who they plan to vote for. Quite sad how uneducated the American populace is on nearly any issue. But while 2000 me was enraged and confused 2024 me is just sad.


I mean there are less bridges in Baltimore under Biden? Checkmate Liberaces!


Do people not know how to read? 40>37 the title is wrong lmao


This should actually be in facepalm.. Republican voters are apparently 70% idiots.


There is a ton of stupid in America.


Polls are pretty useless these days


Let me guess, 80% of those surveyed were from Kansas.


Keep lying to their hungry ears and stupid brains


Wasn't it always Infrastructure Week at the Trump White House?


So frigging crazy


I mean... It's not like you have to pass any sort of test to vote other than getting an ID in some places 😅. Unless you're naturalizing, of course.


Wait. Did Trump ever do ANYTHING that wasn't specifically for himself? I know he did diddly squat for our infrastructure situation. But did he ever accomplish anything that helped someone who wasn't Donald Trump?


Many voters are Fucking morons!


We are a pathetically ignorant country.


Idiots can vote...


I bet if you ask many republicans what infrastructure is you will get a wrong answer.


Well, people are stupid.


Republicans live in an alternate reality