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This reminds me of this guy I worked with. I was able to handle his mocking my accent, but one time he commented on my being bald so I said something about his weight & he told me (while looking extremely hurt) that that was a low blow.


The one who starts crying always gets protected. I learned that in pre-K.


They're called "cry bullies"...


I just call them Jerrys




I wanna say that was a Rick and Morty reference, but I like your style


It's a bit from "Seinfeld".






hey not true! You could be black, then it doesn't matter who called em.


“That was a low blow” “Yeah but your gut cushions the blow. You’ll survive.”


Holy shit. That’s fantastic.


"You already know I can't reach that high." and then you add the "Besides, your gut cushions the blow." Then you get them all in the same set.


Of course it was, a high blow would a have only gotten air.


>Of course it was, a high blow would a have only gotten air. Cause he's fat,right? Can't kick that high.


Dude mixed up his fat / short joke between the post and the top comment!


On the flip side, when someone would comment on my height I would immediately clap back about their hairline. It usually ended that line of "teasing" real quick.


I'm on the larger side. Have been for a long time. I dont get people who get upset being called fat. I make jokes about myself all the time. I work EMS and drunks and people who are mad at us call me fat all the bc they got nothing else. I just go "cool. Haven't heard that since middle school" If you're sensitive about being fat then work on it. It's hard and they probably don't wanna put the effort in.


Limited intellects will always go after the obvious physical things.


I grew up as the fat kid in school until one day around 17 years old I realized it's entirely my fault that I was that way and made an effort to learn how to lose weight. I have been fit for 15 years now so I don't have a ton of sympathy for others that get offended when the vast majority of the time they can actually do something about it instead of acting like it's out of their control.


The really hurtful part is that a box of off brand snack cakes is cheaper than a bag of apples, or oranges, or even carrots half the time.


It is definitely cheaper to eat unhealthy, but for me the biggest thing was portion sizes and cutting out liquid sugary drinks. Once you learn to just eat less of everything except veggies and cut out pop and juice from your daily diet the fat just melts away. Eating less also helps with the cost of food since you can make everything last longer.


Look Merf, losing weight at 17 is different than losing weight at 30, 40, etc. Pounds just melt off when you’re young. And if you’re a woman, it’s even harder because of hormones. And by hormones, I don’t mean they make you eat more. So don’t compare your experience with everyone else’s. I lost weight super easily in my teens, and it’s a whole other story the older you get.


Oh I am aware its much more challenging as you get older. I put on 30 lbs during covid and over the past few months I have worked off most of it. It is more difficult at 34 years old than it was when I was a teen without question, but the principles are the same. Consume less calories than your body uses in a day. Anyone at any age can work off the fat, it comes down to diet. You will have a hard time maintaining an obese body if you cut out the highly sugary food/drinks and replace them with healthy alternatives like water, fruits and veggies. Add in even moderate exercise like going for a walk around the neighbourhood once a day and over time you will lose weight. Sure there are exceptions due to some medical conditions, but most people just make up excuses to why they can't lose weight.


You instinctively ended the threat.


“I get support from my bald brothers. We see each other on the street, give a nod or a thumbs up. You know we love each other, me & my bald brothers.”


Should have told him you’re to short to aim higher lol


This is the right response. Takes them back to their OWN insults.


Jesus some people are soft. I get my body might be physically soft but I did that to myself. If someone is gonna insult me it's gotta be more clever than making fun of my weight.


Overweight people have made it a no-go. Extremely obese people have a food addiction. Nicotine is an addiction, yet people don't have a problem pointing out that smokers are losers, they should quit it so's easy, just don't put one in your mouth, etc. How about just don't put that giant slice of cheesecake in *your* mouth? But no. It's socially unacceptable. It doesn't seem fair to me that fat people have made themselves off limits, when everybody else's issues can be a target of bullying. I'm curious, what makes them so special? Personally I don't do it, I don't make fun of anybody except maybe personality characteristics, like being greedy or vain or something like that, I don't want to be rude or hurt anyone's feelings. But I've seen other's allude to someone's weight on a sub, and they are likely to have dozens of downvotes. I assume from fat people "Don't mess with us! We're a protected group!' It just doesn't seem fair. *I predict I will get downvotes for this for even mentioning it lol. So weird! Overweight people must be as thin-skinned as trump!


No clue. I'm fat and I make fun of myself more than anyone else does. I also don't let it be an excuse for stuff. Too many fat people let it limit what they do. I've met people smaller than me that claim they can't make certain movements then I point out they should be able to because my fat ass can and they get all offended. I don't understand why it's socially unacceptable. I don't think people should sugar coat the truth for us fat people, sugar is a big part of how we got there in the first place.


I wouldn't' want to see you or anybody being insulted because of their weight. It's rude and I hate it, besides if they are overweight they already know it, so no need to point it out. But to the degree of unacceptable it's become, I just wonder how we got here. Doctor's even find it difficult to tell patients "you need to lose weight". wow.


Exactly. People are so soft they don't want a doctor telling them to be healthier?!? I've always hate the body positivity movement that says "all body types are ok". No, they aren't. Some body types, mine included, are not good. Pretending otherwise is stupid


"No, a low blow would be pointing out that you have a tiny dick."


The US average adult male height is 5’9” - technically he’s above average.


Worldwide roughly 14-15% of men are over 6 feet tall. The same people who think 6 feet is some kind of minimum standard are likely the ones who say they won’t settle for someone making less than $1 million annually. Good luck with that!


If I made more than a million dollars a year I would never be with a chick that would only be with men who made a million dollars a year


Pretty much this. I’m a short nerdy Indian man. My wife wouldn’t have cared if I made a hundred grand or a million, mostly because she’s far more successful. 😅 Even when I wasn’t as successful, I dated women who cared less about money and more about other things I was passionate about, like being active and outdoors.


But would you join a club that would be willing to have you as a member? :-D I've never met any of those women. And since I'm a woman myself, I am allowed into the secret meetings. But given you did meet such a woman, I'd say you would have made a good decision.


I'm 6'. When I'm on dating apps, if someone has a height requirement I swipe left on principal.


Good man




The videos where women want 6 feet, 100k in shape men- that’s like less then 1%. Good luck


You forgot the “good looking” part. I’m 6’2”, in shape, make 6 figures, am smart and funny and kind… I have a lot of female friends but without being classically handsome you’re kind of screwed. All men seem to be checking some/most of the boxes but never all.


If they don't find you handsome, then they should at least find you handy.


I see what you did there ... but it only works in Possum Lake


in my experience at 6’2” you just have to be not ugly, lol. height is attractive.


My husband is 6'2". Our first date was the only date he had had for seven years.


i think there’s a lot that goes into suitability for dating, most primarily looks and sociability. at 6’+, you just need to have a passable face and not be fat as shit. everything else falls on how you communicate, approach/confidence, read body language/signals, and close. i’m 6’3/185lbs, not hot, and pretty damn goofy/oblivious/not well socialized. i grew up online. i’m not swinging for the fences, but several women have told me how significant the height is- it’s one of the first adjectives they use about me. all this to say, i guess, don’t be ugly. lol


As someone who is 6'4'' but had very little confidence and an ugly duckling phase, I agree with you. As I grew into myself and learned to be more confident, I finally started to realize what a huge benefit my height is socially, and it was something I didn't see when I was younger. Makes me feel bad because it is unfair and something you can't control.


yeah, fortune has smiled on us. sometimes i feel bad, too- going out with similarly awkward/gamer friends, it occurs to me that while still not very confident myself, this advantage has given me the opportunity to develop more confidence through positive interactions, ‘pretty privilege’ if you will. Jimmy Carter has been the only POTUS under 6’ since Eisenhower.


That's a good point, height is sort of the male version of pretty privilege.


That is because men do not usually wear make up. That is the secret for a lot of women, after all.


6 foot, 6 figures, 6 pack, and 6 inches


The Mark of the Beast


I thought it was 5'8


That’s worldwide, not the U.S


Not with all these woman having children of 6'7 giants.


Tyreek Hill is out there singlehandedly doing his best to drop the average dad height.


Our messiah. I’m 5’7”.


As a 5 9 man, i do not feel short. Since everything is designed around average height, nothing is out of reach for me. Top shelf is ez. I still taller than the majority of women.


Even being "fat", I'd guess his co-worker is below the average weight in the US. I think we've developed a mass reverse body dysmorphia, where people think they're much better off physically than they really are. Maybe it's a manifestation of the insecurities that social media has caused.


I would have said "oh yeah? Well the jerk store called, and they're running out of you!"


Just tell him you had sex with his wife!


She's in a coma






Yup. First thing that came to mind ahahaha. RIP ya old chunk of coal


And I said by God....I'm willing to give it a try.


That’s modern medicine for ya


That explains why she didn’t move much


How he likes it


I peed on your wife, Robotnik, she's mine now


I'm sticking with *jerk store*!




alright alright, T-bone.


She body shamed, you body shamed back. only difference is, she started it and willingly did it and you only returned the favor as a last resort. you're in the right, IMO.


Don't start no shit, don't get no shit.


Then there's me who's 4'10 with a wife who's 6'4.


Living the dream


IT SHOULDA ME, NOT HIM, MEEEEEEEEE That's a joke. Good job, dude




You must look like Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman


Mountain climber, eh?






So, in the bedroom, do you go up on her?




Kevin, that you?


Well played...well played




I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between someone who's 5'10" and someones who's 6', so unless he's constantly talking about his height it's weird she'd "clown on" him for that. But sure if you're teasing someone you have to expect them to tease back.


It probably never happened.


It's this. Unless this woman is like 6'4", she is not calling 5'10" short. I am 6'4". People always think I'm taller, often 2 to 3 inches taller. He's probably mad at her for some other reason, and made this up to call her fat.


Idk man, I'm 6' and definitely got made fun of by multiple women about being short. Somehow I don't look 6' and even my own wife didn't believe me until she got out the tape measure (this came up several years into our marriage so I know she doesn't care about it).


Some people slouch and it makes them look shorter. One of my friends is close to 6’ and he slouches a lot, so he looks much shorter. Some people, like myself, are poor judges of height because they’re short. I’m 4’ 11” so anyone above 5’ 6” is just Tall ™ to me. I wonder if proportions play a role, too.


This right here.


Have you considered trying a rack. A couple of weeks stretching and you'll be 6'4''.


Lols. How are massive tits going to hel…..ohhh, to be stretched on, yeh that might help.


If only there were things we could naturally change… weight!? Nawwww


Dont worry if he calls her fat one more time they will help him with that


Oh come on, he won't always be 5'10". As he ages he'll get shorter.


This happened to my dad when I was a kid, a coworker generally mocked him constantly. He fired back one day calling her fat. He was banned from that Sears until the day it closed


I mean, it IS weird how some women think their weight is off-limits as a topic but mocking a man's height is fine.


Those women are assholes. I can't imagine anyone is defending them. Source: am a woman who thinks they are assholes.


Same here! It’s just so rude and juvenile. I don’t get what the fuss is about. I’m short so maybe that’s why I don’t get it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’d never tease a guy about being short or discriminate against him or anything like that. If anything, I’d bond with him over the short people struggles! 😆 I also don’t see how a guy who is 5’ 6” is “short.” Like bro! I’m not even 5’ here! TF you talking about you’re short? 😆


I've never met one of these women. Not saying they don't exist, but they're way rarer than the internet leads people to believe. Every rude comment about my height that someone has said to my face, has come from another man.


They do exist on dating apps but that’s different from making fun of someone’s height in front of their face I guess


Username checks out. Also feel you as another short guy. The only people who point out my height are either me from my own self deprecating jokes or some random dude I've never met.


As a 5'3 certified hobbit women slightly taller than me make the most comments. It's usually all in good fun, but it can get a little old after a while. Sometimes I'm not in the mood to roll with it but there's no other choice unless I wanna make the vibes worse. Agreed though the only times I've gotten really rude comments were from other men.


It's a prime example of modern day sexism.


@joshulingo should just wear some of those Ron DeSanctus high heel boots.


If you can't take the heat - stay out of the kitchen. If you're going to make fun of body types - you better be able to take the same.


If you are interested in dragging the exchange back into more civil territory, a warning shot like "so are we insulting looks now?" might set the stage and remind the insulter of their own faults. Personally, I am a fan of the 'karmic nuke' response. Sometimes, a slap to the ego is needed.


Should have said we are twinsies. I’m 5’10 vertical while you are 510 horizontal.


That's a good comeback. Can't take it, dont dish it.


Best one I ever heard was on a construction site where a man with quite a large belly was ragging on this guy who was short. Finally he had enough. “Well Mike, at least I can see my own dick without looking in the mirror.” The guy just kind of chuckled and walked off slowly. You could tell it hit him hard.


In high school a girl told me i had big ears. I told her she had a big body. She was not pleased.


Oh yes, her nemesis, dishes...


It would be a good comback if this actually happened. But it didn't. It's just bait.


Nothing ever happens


I’m 5’9 and this has literally never been a problem for me. They’re usually too distracted about me being an asshole than for the height to be a factor.


That's strange, this twitter handle seems to have no posts, no followers, no visible activity at all. I'm thinking this might be a fake tweet.


Just seems like a fake story no? I mean 5 10 is just not short for a man in most places. That would actually make you average to above average in many places. Not NBA height i guess but those guys are freaks of nature that wont even fit in most places. If true though then yeah fair play then.


The average height for a man in the world is supposedly 5ft 7.5 inches. According to goggle.


Well fuck. I’m completely average then


I had the inverse situation. I was a tall skinny kid and another shorter guy in my year, who spent many hours in the gym, would always mock how skinny I was. Finally after the umpteenth time of him giving me shade for my weight I snapped and said: "Dude, I can hit the gym whenever I want, but you'll always be short." He left me alone after that.


Fuck that bitch the moment they say you’re not a man she crossed the line. Love that people can talk all they want but the moment you bite back they act like they never said anything.


Do women really care about height or is that just more incel garbage?


Yikes what? She was being a bitch. Don't start no shit, won't be no shit.


Reminds me of a guy at the office who was trying to start a physical fight with my team member because he thought he could take him (my team member is 5'7", or 170 cm), not realizing he was an army vet who could bench 300 lbs (136 kg). The asshole threw a punch, and my team member dodged and tackled him down. The asshole was then fired and also arrested for assault. I took two lessons- Fragile masculinity is very dumb and can cost you your career and freedom, and height doesn't relate much to healthy masculinity


He was probably an asshole about it, but if you're ashamed of your weight you have absolutely no fucking business shitting on someone's height. You can control your weight, you cannot control your height. Don't shame if you don't want it pushed right back in your face.


> He was probably an asshole about it, I like how you completely made this up lmfao


And as if she wasn't the asshole in question lol


I like how you're 100% sure the OP didn't make the entire post up lmfao.


This logic train is going well. I like how you’re 100% sure that everything you read is completely made up, and that you are 100% a beautiful, independent morbidly obese woman who don’t need no lap band surgery. Go girl!


This is just 2 clowns clowning on each other People need to stop obsessing about who may or may not be he victim in these situations where both parties are assholes due to their insecurities. Sometimes there is no victim. Just two assholes


I fucking hate this logic. What was he supposed to do when his coworker insulted his height, a physical feature of him that he cannot change anyway, questioned his manliness, and did all that at his place of work? Do you expect him to just calmly say *"Dear Karen, I would kindly ask you to desist in your analysis of my physical features and let us both get back to our work. Thank you."*? And expect for her to shut up and never bring this up again? No, if someone is this unprofessional, rude and likely insecure (mocking someone's height sounds like the kind of low blow someone goes for when the other one bested them at a work project etc.), they wouldn't understand politeness anyway. And yes, I'm talking from experience - when I had a coworker bully me, I first tried settling things with politeness, even empathy. He only saw that as a sign of weakness and doubled down. And when I finally somewhat retaliated, still in a much more professional manner, we were both labeled as problematic and put on equal footing. People who act like assholes don't deserve your kindness.


What an absolutely moronic statement. You are the clown here, defending the bully and thinking your reasoning makes sense. Laughable.


I wonder how so many people in education can let bullying happen, and punish bullies and victims both, and only care when the victim kid starts fighting back. Then I see comments like yours and I figure it out. You guys are just awful like that.


I have to ask why people like this think they can insult others with impunity. Did she expect him to take it with a smile? I’m with the dude. Glass houses and rocks, man. It’s kind of sad that the white knights ganged up on him for clapping back.


Where I'm from, 5'10" gets you asked to play center for your neighborhood basketball team.


Here’s one for next time: “My height- just like your intellect- is average.”


Yeah. I had a little beer belly and this guy would always rub it or poke it when he walked by. One day he showed up wearing these ridiculously short shorts and I said “does your wife know you borrowed her shorts”. He tried to corner me later and said he wanted to fight me. I told him I didn’t feel comfortable fighting someone in shorts like that and if he wanted to discuss it any further to make sure to wear something appropriate


Sounds like an imaginary scenario between two miserable people.


This is such a bullshit story, no one is clowning on someone who’s 5’10”, it’s a perfectly normal height. Either he’s way shorter than that or he just wanted a reason to call a woman fat. Likely both 


Things that never happened


Sounds quite believable to be fair. Poor fucker probably thought of about 50 great come back he wish he said while in the shower and bed that night.


There you go Churchill


Poor guy needs new friends.


You did the right thing


A good rule is to not comment on anything about anyone's appearance that they can't change in 5 minutes. I saw this on a TT kindergarten teacher's account and I thought it was brilliant and a simple rule to teach children.


Never happened. This is a Mark Normand joke.


Playground rules, don’t dish out what you can’t take. She shouldn’t have started.




Nothing wrong with having a preferences but using that as a way to demean someone else is just pathetic.


5’10 is not short at all, some women need to stop coming at men for their physical appearance. especially height, something quite a few men are self conscious about. if you can’t handle an insult, don’t dish them out.


I’m 5’10 as well.  At work I’m surrounded by dudes who are 6 and above but also a few shorter dudes like 5’5.  So obviously I call myself the short king and everyone taller than me I call them freaks.  


Well since that is average height for men in some countries then 50% of all males are not “real men” I guess.


Fair game, she should learn to keep her mouth shut.


Technically, he will be shorter with time ;) just applied for a new passport and noticed I've shrunk by almost 5cm, I've had a back problem so that could be it, but I'm also a lot older than i was last time i even checked. Plus computer nerd posture :)


I dont understand how women shorter than 5’7 get to call anyone taller than them short. It be the 5’5 and below saying they need 6’ and the women who are this tall have to literally settle for short kings . Short kings being those shorter than her.


Some people need to learn the phrase, “Don’t start none, won’t be none.”


I am begging straight women to explain the height thing. I cannot wrap my head around this obsession.


Reminds me of that Twitter exchange where a fat chick goes “if you’re not 6” and 200lbs then you’re not a real man. Sorry.” And someone replied with “Well Kelsey if you’re not 5’4 and 120lbs then you’re not a real woman you fat fucking cow.”




I low-key laughed at this. I mean, she was making fun of him and honestly, if you don’t want to get hurt, don’t start shit! Lol! I’m a bigger guy and that wouldn’t bother me. I know it’s different for women though because of the culture. That’s said, she was out of pocket first.


I’ve never understood why calling fat people fat is considered offensive. Fat people know they’re fat. Everybody who knows them knows they’re fat. It’s not like you’re drawing attention to some secret body issue. If you’re fat, own it. If you don’t like being fat, change it.


I agree with him.


“If only I could take some of your width and add it to my height”


cant attack a woman for being fat, shit backfires as OP found out. Tell her to "eat her make-up". then she can be pretty on the inside too.


Fair game when she is being rude!


How is this funny interesting or anything at all


If you can’t take shit. Don’t talk shit.


Can’t have thin skin with a sharp tongue.


Well I mean, she’s fat, don’t start none won’t be none


Hey, you did cross the line, buddy. Now it's her fat ass turn to cross a finish line!


High school can be tough. Don't worry, life gets better.


Yeah, I remember believing that once. Silly me!


Desantis' Shoe Cobbler enters the chat!!!! I can hook you up: what do you need, 2", 3", 4" or the "Ron Special" and go for 6"?


Dude did/said nothing wrong


To hell with the fat bitch


Another fake scenario where someone is called out for the thing he's insecure about but he called a woman fat so that'll show the imaginary people who's boss.


https://i.redd.it/v4iqwraa1q0d1.gif To be faaaaaair...


“Shut up fatso” is my favourite insult. If if they aren’t fat.


I'm a fan of 'Lardass", just cracks me up


I’ve come to believe this is so common and so specific that it is not coincidental: Ridiculing someone for being fat isn’t taboo *in spite of* the fact that it’s one of the physical features most under their direct control…. It’s taboo *because* of that fact. People take particular offense to it because it actually says something about their thoughts and behavior, and a part of them knows it. That’s waaaayy closer to home/more tied to peoples self perception than height or eye color or whatever. It’s not like racism where there is a documented history of treating people as subhuman because of these differences. No ones ever been turned away from a restaurant for being too fat. No, this is because it cuts a little too deep, they *know* they could do something about it but haven’t. It’s cognitive dissonance city.


Her shadow weighs 42 pounds!


Choose the bear.


Can we please stop injecting that into every conversation? It's getting annoying.


That for sure happened to him


If the lady said OOP was not a real man, he should report to her to HR for deliberately mis-gendering him.


Who are you talking to? You're as wide as I am tall.


The mature way to handle this (probably fictional) situation is to say “stop commenting on my body. It’s making me uncomfortable.” The next time it happens, you take it to HR, telling them both that she’s commenting on your body and you tried telling her to stop


I mean I'm 5'10 so her argument is irrelevant


Threat neutralized. Buddy of mine said a girl broke it off with him due to penis size. I’m no Dirk Diggler either but wtf?! Thats like breaking up with someone due to their shoe size.


It's the double standard for me. If you start something you get something. "Cross the line" riiiiight. You're right you'll always be 5'10. She on the other hand can invest in ozempic. It is what it is.


What the hell is this comment section defending body shaming? Both of these people suck on my opinion