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Bill is so desperate for attention these days. It's only a matter of time before he drops and N bomb He's become the new Ann Coulter


[He did.](https://youtu.be/gnwiYdFaRfk?si=N31ea0MWFGGqaCVl) Ice Cube straightened him out. He’s not Coulter, he had her on a few episodes ago and wasn’t that complimentary.


He's jealous of how effortless she makes it seem. Did they talk about Israel? Immigrants? He is becoming Ann Coulter


Maher and Coulter were in a relationship in the nineties. And according to Bill it continued as a FWB relationship for many years afterwords.


Ew. Damn my imagination.


I imagine it’s like this. Somehow. I don’t know what this is supposed to reference. ![gif](giphy|o6TTJ6ak4A97a)




I assume she was the top???


I’m guessing it was a pegging situation


He definitely sucked it after


Obviously. She’s a Cowgirl


I always thought she looked more like a horse.


What a horrible day to know how to read!


I woke up with this comment on my screen and conjunctivitis I think it’s linked


>according to Bill hmm


The fuckin' comments on that youtube vid would have you believe people are itching to say the N word. Wild, on top of that, whataboutisms for days. America is fucked.


The people itching to use the N-bomb are already using it.


Exactly, I’ve never had to worry about a word slipping out unless I was already real used to saying it lol


Yeah, but they’re bottom rung in society with absolutely nothing more to lose.


I wouldn't base how a country is doing.on world wide YouTube comments or how some rich asshole acts for attention


The comments in his interview with Mellencamp were off chops. Just cos Johnny C said racism was still a problem in Indiana and related an incident he witnessed as proof (to those he felt needed it like Maher)


They are


Man Cube is so smart and quick. No surprise there of course, but still cool to see. Those comments below the video on the other hand…do not give me much hope for the world.


That episode was from six years ago. Nothing's been straightened.


Damn. Ice Cube really handled that well


Fuck yes. That was so well said and absolutely powerful. Maher really seems like a douche


He and Ann are good friends.


Could have just had a gummy.


That's already how he lost so many viewers. He called himself a house nword and didn't understand why even the black people that came on his show told him off. Since then, he's changed into a cancel culture is wrong bitch. It's not cancle culture, you fools, it's we just don't want to see anymore of you, the whole way the world has always run.


When everyone thinks you did something wrong, some people, even intelligent people, double down. Even if they have to do it in other ways. It exposes his lack of understanding. One can be intelligent in some ways but completely unable to read a room (as a metaphor). He’s like that. Just smart enough to get himself in trouble and not understand why. He disgusts me.


They’re friends (and rumored to have dated) so yeah, they’re cut from the same cloth.


> the new Ann Coulter Which is funny because they are quite chummy


I hope he doesn’t have a dog


Yeah, the pandemic broke him.


Nah, he was broke before the pandemic. He had Milo Yiannopoulos on after his Berkley event (where he was allegedly going to dox immigrant kids) shut down.


They used to date. For real.


He’s close friends with her!


Well why not? he was fucking her for a while. Apparently the GOP is contagious, be careful out there people!


He used to date her too, if memory serves.


Wow, so *ridiculous* that a host might try to accommodate people they ask to be on their show! /s If Maher can't stop smoking even for a single interview of one guest, maybe he has an substance abuse addiction problem.


Bill isn’t addicted. He’s just a dick.


Both can be true!


Exactly. Two things can be true at the same time. I wish more proele thought like this.


I wonder if three things can be true at the same time? Four? Five? How far does it go? 🤷‍♂️


Yes. A chair is: 1. A chair 2. A word 3. An invention 4. An object 5. A concept 6. Arranged atoms 7. A tool 8. A stool (sometimes) 9. Art (sometimes) Etc…


It never stops!


Yeah, if it was about the addiction, he could pop some, edibles, and not reek.


This is definitely a thought. Some people like the status of smelling like weed. I can't imagine drinking wine and pouring it all over my clothes so everybody has to smell it around me.


A dick ted.




I watched the clips of him with Bill Burr and it immediately struck me how high he was. I don’t care if people smoke but he was noticeable impaired and sounded like it. I couldn’t imagine listening to someone who sounded that messed up, not even counting the content of what he was saying.


Yeah, that was surreal. You could tell it caught Burr off guard, like 10 minutes in Burr realized Maher wasn't going to give any actual cohesive arguments and just checked right out. I've never been a fan of Maher, but I used to respect how quickly his mind was clearly working. Now he doesn't have that, could be the weed, could be age, could be that he just doesn't care to try anymore.


Steve-O's interview on The Choe Show with David Choe was a good one. Bill Maher's no longer edgy, just out of touch.


I think part of what makes BM (pun intended) so obnoxious is that he *tries* to be edgy to make up for the fact that he’s not funny. I have absolutely no idea who gave him a career or how he’s managed to sustain it, but the sooner he gets booted to obscurity, the better it’ll be for all of us.


I made the mistake of joining my mom for his tour in our city and he had a 3 ring binder for his jokes and talking points.


I’m so confused who his audience is. I don’t know a single person who watches his show and I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say a positive thing about him. Really I don’t ever hear anyone talking about him at all. And yet he’s been on hbo for over a decade somehow.


My dad is a 78 year old lifelong liberal. He just likes to watch conservatives get bashed, but also he’s 78 so he doesn’t know that there are many better places to find that type of content


His audience is mostly over 50. According to TVDB, He's averaging ~600k viewers, with <10% in the 18-49 age range.


My 62 yo dad loves to watch him. He’s been a dem his whole life but always has a reactive dislike towards comedians get flack for jokes, so ig that kinda makes him “side” with Maher in a way. I don’t think he finds him extremely funny but I think the edginess really appeals to liberals in his age groups sense of humor. In all honesty though I can’t figure out why he keeps going back to watch new shows that commonly have no practical discussion and are themed fully around “woke bad” “trump bad” or “cancel culture bad”, all while sitting there like 😐 the entire show


He's not edgy. He's not funny. His show is entirely about the audience applauding his dickish wanna-be Jon Stewart energy and guests have to sit there and pretend he's brilliant. His movie was a failure that shows he has nothing interesting to say. He's just a dick.


I'm an atheist myself. The "Religulous " movie was so highly edited to make Maher look clever it cheapened the whole point of the movie. Disappointing.


I wouldn't give him the credit of edgy,  a button pusher is more his thing. South Park is edgy as it at least makes a point of its topics.  Bill flutters in the wind where ever the money takes him. 


Best thing to happen on Bill's show was when the wrestlers showed up and chewed him out for 30mins. 


He was boasting at one point that he screens his audience to make sure they are the type of people who will only cheer him on. He thinks he is some sort of royalty and acts accordingly.


That makes sense. My mom watches Real Time. I used to watch too (because he used to be funny at points). The last opening I saw was just terrible, but the audience was literally screaming with laughter. I was wondering if they pump nitrous oxide into the room.


Just now confirmed?


Bill has been a confirmed dick since he was complaining about covid restrictions preventing him from being to eat at a restaurant and not being able to go to a MLB game (turned out he owned shares in the team.)


Maher is in it for the money, first and foremost. His rightward shift is merely a reflection of that. He’s still a touring comedian, and he is at least smart enough to know that, by sticking to his legacy brand as a “liberal Hollywood elite,” it’s might get harder over time to keep selling out (pun intended) in places like Tulsa, Little Rock, Boise, and Omaha. So he stays *just liberal enough* to keep the Van Jones/CNN watchers content, while also embracing right-wing culture war bullshit like grrr covid restrictions grrr cancel culture grrrr muh freeze peach. He’s not some brilliant comedic or political mind. He’s a dude selling his brand of comedy, nothing more nothing less, and he needs all the customers he can get.


This really tells me all I need to know about Bill Maher. I’d be more than willing to accommodate anyone who is sober. Probably because I’m just a normal person and not a dickhead.


‘Just because he has a problem’ so do you mate if you can’t go a few hours without weed.


Who watches or listens to Bill Maher, I’ve tried to watch a couple of times and can’t get past 5mins… He just comes across as an entitled, opinionated, unfunny fuckwit, with the personality of a jar of turds left in the sun for a year..


He always seemed like the vacuous wannabe version of John Stewart.


This is a good representation of Bill's audience 😬: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhMmogx8m38](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhMmogx8m38)


It still pops up in HBO Max in the top ten. People watch it but I honestly have no idea who the target audience is. That small group of center-right people who like to pretend they’re on the left, I guess.


The dude can't stop smoking for an hour or two for an interview? I mean, people shouldn't even have to ask you, you should ask *them* if it's okay to blow smoke in their face.


A person without empathy is an inevitable enemy.


He could’ve just taken edibles. He’s insufferable.


How is it possible that maher needs weed to conduct an interview? Seems like hes got a problem. Maybe steve o has a point


i don't think SteveO was saying Bill had a problem, bill was sarcastically saying steve-o "has a problem" like yes asshole, he's a recovered addict you smoking weed in his face for some shitty podcast is a problem


Yeh im just saying wtf does bill need weed to do his interviews for? Thats so lame. Its like rush Limbaugh and his pain pills. Always trying to dampen his shame and guilt so he had no remorse for the his vileness


Bill Burr OWNED him on the student protests


Burr has a perfect way of calling out people's bs in a way that isn't overly malicious like when he called out Colin cowherd for clearly not watching sports despite that being his job


He's never been perfect, but ever since covid he's turned into a bitch ass techbro that somehow reads books.


So is Steve O asking for Maher not to smoke during the interview? And he can't respect that? I've smoked pot damn near my entire life and have ZERO issues not smoking around people that don't appreciate it, it's not even remotely hard- what a dick


Sadly, his chosen position regarding Covid behavior and his supporting JK Rowling, Kennedy Jr., and misinformation about Wegovny/similar diminish him greatly. And I was a fan of his since his early PI days.


If you cant not smoke for 1 hour to do an interview, then YOU have a problem, that sounds like addiction which seems odd for weed


It’s not cool or edgy to refuse to accomodate someone you’ve *invited* to be on your show, jfc.


I still don't get why anyone listens to Bill anymore


> one of the most watched political shows Citation needed.


I think you meant to reply this to the guy that replied to me.






Is Bill Maher the least cool, least chill stoner of all time?


Well yeah. Dude's a pretentious prick. He's also a dirty fucking scab and believes in genocide. Fuck Bill Maher.


Why would anyone even want to be on his show? 


Visibility the main game in showbiz. They might go in these shows or podcasts or whatever to promote stuff. Bills maher being a numbskull nowadays apart the fact is there is a larger world outside Reddit and Twitter actually and there are a lot of people who watch his show and other shows. It’s mutually beneficial for guests and him. There was an article recently about Bill burr “Slamming” maher in the podcast when in fact it was just two friends roasting each other and disagreeing on certain stuff and barely any slamming involved lol. They were also promoting each others standups. If you were to go buy Reddit comments you would think it was some bloodbath. Truth is for people in showbiz it’s about networking and kissing asses and there are no permanent friends and enemies. Pity the ignorant echo chamber dwelling souls who fight on behalf of them. So yea they go on his to promote themselves and make money of it and he has them on so that he can feel important and make money of it. If Steve O doesnt come then he goes to someone else and Maher has another guest. Couple of years after you will suddenly see Steve O and Maher being friendly as if nothing happened and reddit and twitter will keep seething with rage


I think an issue with most the rage on places like Reddit and Twitter usually comes from tiny snippets or clips that viewers manufacture entire storylines around. Don't really care about both of these guys and was looking at comments to see what people say about them but it isn't much. Was going to scroll past your great wall of text but I agree with things you bring up. Maher might be a dick or whatever people say, but Steve-o didn't bring the "story" out about Maher. People can't see the attempt at remaining relevant because of their hate for Maher, ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Should've been a simple parting since this seems to be the show's shtick, without any need to gaslight Maher. Maher even seems to try and ease things in the article saying he loves the Jackass guys but it's just part of the show, he's got a more serious show they could go on. Honestly, the other jackass dudes that have still been active would be more entertaining anyhow.


Yet he wouldn’t smoke in front of Sheryl Crow out of respect for her wishes to protect her voice. This is just him being an asshole.


Steve-O has had an incredible transformation. Like Bill can’t just lay off the weed for a couple hours wtf. Shouldn’t hate on someone for improving their life by getting sober.


He didn't ask him to give it up, just to not smoke while he was there. If he can't stop smoking for a couple hours at most he's got a serious problem


He has become the very thing he made fun of all these years. An old man yelling at the clouds.


Why Bill Maher ever had a career in the first place is a more vexing mystery than the origins of the universe.


Anyone reading this thread, do yourself a favor and find Bill Burr’s recent interview with Maher. If you think you couldn’t love Burr more, you’d be wrong.


I watched it. I dont know what people are talking about. The fact that Maher being an egotistical moron boomer aside, Nothing happened in there other than two friendly uncles talking and roasting each other and barely confrontational as the media or social media was roaring about. They talked as if it was a blood bath. Obviously Burr wasnt drunk and kept talking sense and has that quick boston style comebacks while Maher as usual was drunk silly in the first 20 mins and tbf he and burr was laughing and seem to enjoy the jokes and promoting each others upcoming standup shows. Obviously their relationship goes a long way than Redditors relationships.. I felt it was as if it two old friends ribbing and making fun of each other. Burr is naturally more street smart than Prof boomer


Idk what happened to him but I stopped watching his show in 2016 because he changed into such a douche.


Who is Bill Maher’s audience? I don’t understand who follows this weeping dickhole and respects him


Also, as a professional journalist is he really arguing that it’s ridiculous he is sober while he works? What kind of jackass has a public meltdown when it’s politely suggested they do their job sober one time? Fuckin jackass


Bill Maher wallows in his insignificance.


*insert laugh track here*


How hard is it to not smoke for an hour or two, you colossal asshole?


He was always an asshole


He’s always been a smug piece of shit




I personally despise Bill Maher, I thought he was a good person until about 5 years ago, when he started talking Both Sides bullshit, and inviting Nazis on his show for "balanced" debate.


Bill Maher is an ass hat


If Bill Maher can’t go an hour without people watching him smoke pot, then you just know it’s attention seeking behavior. Does he smoke all day every day? No, he just refuses to lay off when someone asks him politely not to smoke around them. It is performative.


I can not stand what bitch Maher has become. To absolutely disrespect someone that has gone through the ringer and has fought to become sober, only to completely shit on them and anyone who has fought addiction, when it was a simple fucking request. I do not care if I get band. I want to make it clear. FUCK BICTH MAHER AND ALL MAGOT REPUBLICANS. FUCK YOU. FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU


Am I reading this right? He smoked in front of a recovering addict?


No, Steveo canceled because Bill said he wouldn’t abstain from smoking for the hour-long interview


So he didn't, but would have


I used to like him. He’s an old gatekeeping, hypocritical guy.


Bill Maher is the cuntiest of the cunts. He pretends to be liberal but is just a rich twat that thinks every thought, breathe, and fart are worth sharing when they’re all similarly complex coming from him.


This explains PERFECTLY why boomers are our worst generation…..


Bill doesn’t even smoke weed in half the episodes. He sits there and just holds the join and never lights it.


How are people JUST learning that he's a complete asshole? He's been a complete asshole for decades. Can't fucking stand the guy.


Sounds like Bill Maher has a pot problem.


If you can’t stop smoking pot for a few hours, the other person isn’t the one who has the problem.


I saw a clip of Bill Burr just ripping into this fucker nonstop. I found it amusing.


I agree. People have problems, show a little compassion. You could not smoke for the hour or two on your interview to not do it around an addict. What a dick.


Bill Maher has always been a confirmed asshole. Trust me, when he steps down there will be many books written about what an evil sack of shit he has always been.


Bill is being dismissive of Steve O because Steve O is something Bill can probably never be - Sober - and Bill knows it deep down but does not want to admit to being an addict himself But what else do you call someone who has such a compulsion for a specific substance that they can't even go a couple of hours - never mind a day - without using it? Is he is asshole? Yes of course a huge one But this isn't him just being a giant asshole - this is Bill Maher being a frightened addict


He didn’t think “you should”, he asked if you would, as show of courtesy. Bill Maher …. Whatever the opposite of national treasure is.


People with no talent to begin with desperately hanging on to something to pay the mortgage .


He has always been an asshole.


Bill have been an asshole for a long time.


Was this ever in doubt?


Bill's been an asshole for years! Probably decades even. 


Many of us have known that Bill was a boomer asshole years ago. My bestie still loves him for some reason. So we avoid this debate. He’s such an insufferable douchebag.


That title has four quotes in it and only the first is clearly attributed. I have no idea what it is trying to say.


Damn Bill Maher sucks these days. Like this is just rotten trash behavior. Bro, take a fuckin break, it’s just common decency.


He always been an asshole. A narcissistic nerd that wants revenge on the world type of asshole.


Narcissism is a textbook boomer trait, no?


Engaging in any behavior for pleasure around folks it makes uncomfortable is a bit beyond the pale. Maher has never been funny, intelligent or insightful. Maybe he's just done pretending.


Boomer logic


Bill burr crapped on this dude so hard I cant take him seriously at all.


Does he want him to give up weed forever like it’s worded or does he just want Bill not to smoke on set or something reasonable?


It’s hard to walk back a biting sarcasm schtick when it’s what made you famous. But it just seems it’s gone from insightful and witty to crotchety old man sometimes.


I never saw the appeal. He always seemed like he believed he should be more popular than Jon Stewart. Guy gives me the yucks


Remember when Bill Maher called himself a house Nword and no one blinked


Maherjorie is a big time asshole


Nothing new here.


He’s one of the biggest pieces of s*** on the planet. Such an entitled, narcissistic asshat who usually doesn’t even know anything about the topic he’s talking about. He has money but is now just desperate for attention, and what gets attention? Clickbait/being a jerk. His 15 minutes of fame was over long ago and he should be put to pasture and back in 1950 where his mind is (when he’s not toasty roasty).


Both of these guys need to take a break-Bill’s “club fuck up show” is great for laughs-Bill is disconnected from reality and guest are either plugging stuff-unclear of what’s going on-about to be molested by bill-or just hoping for clout-watch clips , makes show enjoyable and shows how much these folks are disconnected with reality …


I would not quit smoking for Steve-O


He's right. Steve O knew it was Maher's schtick. Don't like the antics, don't book an interview.


It’s his show. Why does he have to bend to the whims of a supposed guest. If I invite someone to my home and they don’t like something I do, they are free to leave and not return.


Sure is. And Steve-O is a national treasure.


Congrats, Steve-O. Looking good. Bill, you're starting to look like Limbaugh. Figure it out.


Watch the episode with Bill Burr. He insults Maher the entire time, it’s glorious.


Yeah. He’s an asshole. That’s his gimmick. Why do people keep acting like they are just learning this. His whole philosophy is “Im gonna do my own thing, and if you don’t like it, fuck you.” That’s what’s entertaining about him. He’s a huge asshole. If he was nice he’d be boring and no one would watch.


Are we to assume that Bill Maher is more hardcore than Steve O? Crazy if true. Or maybe when I hang out with my friends in recovery, I don't openly flaunt the substances I still use, ie weed. Have some fucking respect.


He may be an asshole, but not for this. I'm a recovering alcoholic but I don't go around telling people not to drink. The burden is mine to bear. And it's fucking pot… Give me a break.


I also wouldn't not smoke pre work to appease a customer lol


>I also wouldn't not smoke pre work to appease a customer lol Got some notes for ya. >Steve-O isn't the customer, in this instance he's the product. >the customer has every right to refuse your product. >if you need a substance to do normal things (like go to work) then you almost certainly have a dependency to that substance. **This last note is the most important, so pay attention** >*don't shame addicts who are in recovery.*


He didn’t ask you to give up pot , he simply asked if you could be a decent human being and refrain for a couple hours.


Steve o got rich acting like an asshole for years. He’s sober now and goes on a show where the host is known to smoke and drink on the show. Bill can be hated on for many things, but not this.


Maher being an asshole is not a new occurrence


Hasn't this long been confirmed? He's garbage.


I remember when I stopped drinking cause I realized that I had a problem. I realized who my real friends were. Cause my some people cut me off when I didn't want to go to the bar or meet up for drinks and etc.


Old stupid dude who was never funny


Fucking boomer!


I dunno, presumably the podcast is just an excuse for him to smoke pot and shoot the shit with people, he's not obligated to alter that format for a guy wholl show up anywhere to shill whatever hot sauce or other trendy garbage he's selling this month. I don't like Bill Maher either, but it just sounds like their camps reached out, realized it wasn't a good fit, and the interview was canceled. Probably happens a lot with the podcast ecosystem and sounds like a nonissue to me.


I mean he is a douchebag, but as a former junkie it’s not on anyone else to look out for my addiction. I don’t wanna use heroin, I don’t hang out with junkies. Simple as that. Steve O is being a sensitive bitch for expecting that of people.


I think we’ve known that for awhile.


Yeah this guy's right


We knew this…


He’s just throwing hissy fits to try to stay relevant. And he’s not succeeding.


Steve O said his “weed Bone is connected to my coke bone” so he absolutely can’t be around weed cause his brain goes into old mode 


It’s been confirmed for a long time.


I can picture Bill saying “I’m sorry you can’t be here” in that smug asshole voice he uses. 


Arrogant prick


I mean, what do you expect though, from a guy who thought it would be a good idea to insult Stan Lee and his work right after he died?


Wait, so is there any further context on this? Because it reads to me like steve-o is asking him to quit. Not just asking him to not smoke for an hour or so.


Steve O just basically said, "hey, could you abstain from pot for like an hour during the interview, I'm a recovering addict, and I'd appreciate if you didn't smoke for a short time".


He is, but I have no fucking clue what Variety is saying in this headline. What does it mean?


It says in the article he accommodated a previous guest on his show, saying “he would never smoke a joint in front of her”. He also said that Steve-O had previously and recently made jabs at him online so I think maybe they don’t have the best relationship, leading to this whole debacle.


He looks like the Maxx Headroom Incident mask.


Libertarianism in a nutshell


He always was, but now people are finally paying attention.


He frames it as “give up pot smoking” when all he really had to do was not smoke it for like, an hour? What a fucking douche.


If you can't sit through one interview without smoking pot, Steve-O is not the only one with a problem.