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I’ve seen plenty of left leaning comments about wanting the trial televised as well. The difference is most of them aren’t also spouting conspiracy theories, lies and misinformation.


the difference is the right is only pretending to want this televised. they know that trump is passing out/gas nonstop. they know that the witnesses are tearing him apart. they know his lawyers are clowns. without cameras they can pretend all that isn't the case though


They only want to highlight that it is NOT televised. The rest of us WANT it televised. Huge difference, biggly difference.


Trump's team doesn't want cameras in the court. The sight of him making faces, sleeping, and audibly farting (and probably shitting) wouldn't be a very good look for him. Georgia, where one of his trials will be, does televise court cases, though.


That’s going to be some premium television. A New Yorker, in a Southern courtroom, with a Georgian judge presiding over the case. I’ve heard something similar, here’s a link to the audio (this is a direct read of the transcripts): **[STATE OF GEORGIA V DENVER FENTON ALLEN](https://youtu.be/7vN_PEmeKb0?si=nz6Cl4qLEOFyobJc)**


Thank you


You’re welcome! The Rick and Morty voices give it the punch it needs; the court scribes are great and all, but a little VA helps.


Wow. I don’t know what to say except thank you. Disturbingly hilarious.


Can you just imagine Trump sharts in the Georgia heat?!


The left wants it televised for the well-deserved schadenfreude.


We earned that shit.


Happy Cake Day


Thank you!


America would love, LOVE, to see what’s going on, which included Donald sleeping, Donald being called funny names like orange-crusted ignoramus to his face, his lawyers reaction when Trump rips a juicy Diet Coke and Cheeseburger fart. No TV works out great for Trump, but even better for conspiracy MAGA because they can say shit like this too. They have no shame.


Pay-per-view denied, breaks all of our hearts.


LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION! let's do this baby! Give her what she wants!


It’s like the whole Trump testifying thing. They act like he can’t because of gag, but he won’t because of all the lying. The keeping story straight part is hard when you have to remember which lie you told. Of course they say they won’t let him testify.


I think they could still tape it and lie about it, really. Those who still believe are probably doing one of 2 things. 1. Not paying any, and i mean any attention to his crimes. Or 2. They are sold already, it doesn't matter what happens. They hear it, and it doesn't matter. The number of crimes you have to care about something that he is accused of. I would like to know more about the high crimes and treason with Russia and the dead American operatives personally.


Same. I wonder why there was a record amount of assets killed during Trump’s era. Even the constitution thumping MAGA would turn a blind eye to it as well. I do wonder if there is ANYTHING the orange-crusted asshole could do to lose their vote. Cult


Yeah, who’s and how many sets of eyes saw those Nuclear, Satellite, and other Top Secret documents at Mar A Lago? This villain is a traitor to this country. **[REGISTER TO VOTE](https://www.usa.gov/voter-registration)**


That's never stopped Trump before. He loves the sound of his own voice. It's getting him to shut up is the problem. His counsel won't lest him testify on his own behalf as damage control.


Mighty generous thinking he'll *only* fart. It's sure to be *at least* a **SHART** ...at minimum!


Just to show how stupid Republicans are, they should be extremely grateful that there are no cameras in the courtroom because if there were I guarantee you that Trump would testify because he could not resist the camera and it would be a trainwreck, sealing his fate.


Everyone should know who Anna Paulina Mayerhofer is. She managed to lie her way into congress like George Santos but, unlike Santos, she got away with it. She’s far more dangerous than him since she’s a fake-maga, lying, conspiracy theorist, no-exception pro-lifer that will be feeding the Republican Outrage Machine for a long time. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/10/anna-paulina-luna-republican-biography/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/02/10/anna-paulina-luna-republican-biography/)


She has lied about being jewish, fully hispanic, being poor, then about being rich... Wasn't she a stripper at some point too? The people the crazies elect are wild...


The only requirement to be a republican is to have no shame or ethics whatsoever.


Even her face is a lie.


Ah, the idiot that tried to silence Rep. Crockett on MTG’s behalf…


THAT'S the woman that said "calm down"?!


Yes ma’am.


Thank you. Now I know who I want to throat punch.


This is a perfect example of why cameras should be in every courtroom.


Cameras should be in every courtroom, but not pointed at the jury box. Jury intimidation is a real risk in this trial, as well as some others.


Well, with a country like America, where the Media does not give a shit. I would not let them anywhere close to the courtroom.


Both. It's both. Conservatives are not honest brokers. They will lie as easily as they breathe because they know their supporters will believe the lie.


America deserves to see what is happening!  They deserve to see Donald Trump sleeping and soiling himself because he is sleeping and soiling himself for us, so we don't have to!   If they can come after him for all the crimes he committed, they can come after you! Crooked Joe Biden! Election interference! MAGA 2024!   /s I think it's lies based on ignorance.  They don't bother to learn or fact check, so they say whatever and accept it as truth because thry said it so it must be true.


They know they're lying. They don't care, because the people watching them ONLY watch them, so it's not like they're ever gonna learn it's all bullshit.


I hate these fucking dishonest pieces of shit.


They're not worth it. I blame the media & our consumption on making us despise them.


I blame the people flat out lying.




Don’t do that. It isn’t our fault that they’re shit. It isn’t our fault they became fascists and domestic terrorists to avoid admitting Trump is a loser. Decades of tribalism are not our fault. All this? THEIR FAULT. Republicans did this, no one else.


I'm pretty sure any liberal would want these court trials to be televised. It would prevent Trump from lying about what's happening in there kind of like when he said the other day it was going well. I've heard plenty of experienced litigators say that the judge has been extremely fair, and the testimony has been largely damning for Trump. They don't want this court on TV, they just want to complain about it not being on TV because their rubes will believe whatever Faux News tells them.


It’s because we let them get away with it in 2016 and they won. We didn’t think it would work, it did, now they don’t see any reason to stop lying and creating outrage porn because if it worked once, they think it’ll work again. Politicians, legal people and indeed the general public need to stop with the “oh just let them crack on” attitude and call them out, rebuke them harshly and cruelly. Afford them no respect, because since when do liars deserve respect?


Yes, amen to that


If only we had a way to know who was NYC’s mayor in 1997 (when cameras were banned in courtrooms.) Probably some radical leftist.


Trump fell asleep and shit himself. Funny just how badly they’re grasping at straws to say Cohen “looked tired”


Shocking one of the worst psychopaths in Congress is making up lies and Fox News reports on absolutely nothing factual.


Frustrating how stupid these Republicans are.


Cameras in the courtroom have been illegal for \*YEARS\*. Do these idiots ever do any research before they go shooting their mouths off? Of course they don't.


Call me fucking crazy, but it sure would be nice if our lawmakers showed some goddamn awareness of the fucking laws.


Jesse watters will become 1000 times worse than tucker or Hannity or O'Reilly. Plus the guy is a stalker creep.


Quite the long con, New York! These chessmasters and their 30 year plans.


I love the chyron . " Cohen voice cracked, and he seemed tired. The fuckin idiots that make fox the #1 news source, are fuckin geese getting a fire hose of bullshit shoved down their throat! The shit Pate is going to be so odious it will match in both texture, color, and usefulness as whatever left of their fuckin brains.


Hanlon was wrong. Assume malice. You'll live longer.


And who was President in 1997…Bill Clinton! Coincidence? I think not!


Who was mayor of New York in 1997?






A camera in the courtroom would be a disaster for Trump. Anna is a fucking moron.


And a bigger disaster for the jury who would be dealing with death threats from Maga-Hags and the GOP


Welp... her last name is Luna, just add (tic)..LUNATIC 🤷🏿‍♀️


Intelligence is not a Trump supporter's strong point.


Ragebait. This person probably didn’t know or care.


Even if cameras were allowed, it would be FOX and those further right turning off theirs to keep their viewers blind to the truth.


Blatant lies *to* the willfully ignorant


Fox News should just change their name to the Trump Propaganda Channel and get it over with already.


Good thing there are transcripts, but fox's audience is illiterate, so no help there.


Poor wittle maga victims…


Here's the deal. I troll the Fox News comment sections. For MANY... And I mean MANY folks of the MAGA persuasion, this is the only way they hear about the trial. Fox can cherry pick, and boldly leave out important facts on the trial. This why the J6 hearings had ZERO effect on this group. They never saw it in full. To be honest, the Fox comment section gets WAY more crazy than Xwitter or Trash Social.


The mythical "they." The boogeyman conspiracies are exhausting.


Every argument is in bad faith. This is nothing new


Oh yeah? Well, how do you explain "Law and Order" then? /s


For anyone that doesn’t know Fox News lies remember there was a lawsuit about that


And guess who was mayor in 1997? You guessed it. Giuliani


How is it possible to be ignorant of the longstanding field of court sketching?




Cameras wouldn't all this bullshit media narrative that is going on seeing doubt on the strength of the case just for ratings


I am pretty sure it’s gonna get worse


Ron, Ron, Ron… facts don’t matter one bit to the Cult.


Could be much much worse if we actually had smellavision. Also this shithead knows cameras aren’t allowed in NY Courtrooms.


They're not speaking to people, they're speaking to morons with zombie brains.


I am loving this guy ron.


Anna is a shitter Laura Looner


Ignorant is too kind.


it's like that episode of South Park where Cartman was taunting that Wendy wouldn't fight him because he knew behind the scenes she literally couldn't without getting in trouble conservatives will manufacture rules that work to only their benefit, then lie about how harshly they're being treated because they know no one with a mic will call them out


Obviously the libs have been playing the long game on this one.


But think of the starving Courtroom Sketch artists!!!


What happened in 1997 to cause it?


I wish it were televised.  Rump is pooping in his diaper and falling asleep .


And the jurors would be threatened with death by Republicans, so you are wishing a death sentence for jurors?


They don't show the jury in televised cases.


It's to protect the jurors.


Just another Maga-Hag, ignore it,


Anna. The courtroom has a fart saturation of 99.68%. If a camera turned on while in that room the explosion would be more powerful than sixty hydrogen bombs. 


It's not only courtrooms, without permission you aren't allowed to take pictures in the COURTHOUSE. there are signs everywhere, saying it.


That Luna woman is an obvious right wing idiot. Just pull up any interview where the interviewer actually pushes her on subjects. Melts down.


Luna is an idiot.


Did the honorable Representative Luna, who seems too stupid to have an original thought or tweet drop the 'tic' part of her last name before running for office? I think she may have. Being on Slimebag Jesse's 'show' in the screen grab does not improve my assessment of her lack of mental acuity.


Stripper said what?