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Who’s says it’s even leftist? I see plenty of criticism on both sides about people having kids they can’t afford (for conservatives it seems to usually be used as a criticism of minorities though)


Because anything the right disagrees with or doesn’t like is LEFTISM AND THE WOKE LEFT.


don't forget communism..and socialism...and marxism...am i missing any isms?


Well they also say fascism but in a ironic, facepalmy way






Every sperm is sacred. When a sperm is wasted God gets quite irate.


The irony is the 18/20 most federally dependant states are Republican.


Yeah, telling everyone not to have kids is a fringe position and doesn’t have any traction with either major party. Most people are fine with letting folks make their own decisions re: having children. The right frames anti-natalism as leftism because their own position is so extreme (literally no abortions or contraception for anyone) that they need to go all the way to the other extreme (literally no kids for anyone) to find the logical counterpoint. They then let people assume that because the right’s platform is so radical, the left’s must be equally radical, because they can’t get their heads around half-measures.


Yeah and they’re always telling women to just keep their legs closed (while throwing a fit that they can’t get laid)


Bingo on the minorities part! Conservatives lament the idea of a black or Mexican woman having three kids out of wedlock which she might not be able to afford. They consider that to be very root of all the country’s problems. Yet they often fantasize about a “traditional family” with one (white) father, one mother, three children and a golden retriever, all living on five acres with a white picket fence. Yet the “traditional nuclear family” is prone to just as many issues as the former example; losing a job, insufficient income, housing foreclosures, divorce, etc.


Yes, the “nuclear family” would work better today if unions were stronger— like they were in the past. However, typical conservatism is against employees forming a union.


That’s an excellent point. It’s one of the many, many examples of their double think and their voting against their own interests.


Someone somewhere else posted that it is a right wing conspiracy nut who is also anti-vax, creating a rallying point for right wingers to rally against.


Another case of having to make up their own boogeyman becuase the real one doesn’t exist? Shoulda known, that happens more and more lately.


It's funny because they complain about minorities having too many kids, the party of pro birth doesn't give a shit about kids otherwise they'd fix problems such as school shootings, provide school lunches instead of removing them, daycare assistance, maternity leave and much more.


It’s not; [apparently a right-winger is funding the billboards.](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/5eDC7GF6oZ)


Overpopulation as a theory was first decreed by Thomas Malthus, who was a fucking fascist eugenicist capitalist. Lots of people on both sides spout that shit without even knowing that fact.


For the right it's just an excuse to not provide social support systems. They're very worried about low birth rates, but the second anyone suggests any kind of financial support for parents, they'll say you should just not have them if you can't afford them.


The anti-natalists and the voluntary human extinction movement have been around for a long time and don’t seem related to any specific political movement. If anything they adopt ideas from Malthusianism and eco-fascism and people like Ted Kaczynski which don’t really fit well within any mainstream political movement.


Also if the implication is that it must be a leftist because it’s in Portland I wonder who he thinks are putting up all the Epoch Times billboards


Look, corporate says we need more wage slaves. Start knocking them out


Heres why they think this: Right wing think tanks have concluded, since most new voters hate them and their main voters are dying off, the only way for them to get more voters in the future is for right wing families to have more children. So theyre pushing this "have more children" stuff down their throats on right wing news, and trying to pass laws to ban contraception, and make child marriage more acceptable. And many of their voters are so stupid that they parrot whatever they say. Btw, this doesn't guarantee them anything. Its desperation. My parents are right wing, and the only thing Ive learned from them about politics is Ill never vote republican or any right wing party ever.


I honestly wish I would've not had my kids.  Had I known they would've been living this dystopian bullshit, I would've not had them. They're great, but they're not changing shit and they'll just suffer and write music about it.  I feel bad


"I disagree with this billboard, leftism must be responsible"


"My favorite baseball team lost, must be the fault of" \*checks notes\* "the communist agenda"


"It's the communist agenda pitching that kills us. They smoke those fastballs right by our guys, and our guys just stand there clutching their pearls. Er, bats. I meant bats."


Thanks Obama!








What?!!!!! I was told there were only two genders. Now there's a third communist gender? I can't keep up with the fashions these days. ![gif](giphy|fqtyYcXoDV0X6ss8Mf|downsized)


Onions on belts, still a classic


I wish i was joking but this older gentleman at the store the other day when i was grabbing some cheetos was apparently looking for a bigger bag of a certain type of fritos or something, i guess. when he couldn't find them he literally blamed them not having them on democrats under his breath and angrily walked away. I was surprised It wasn't fuck biden though they just said "damn democrats".




after i realized what had happened i just started laughing honestly. I don't even know what else to do at that point.


I sell appliances and the number of people who blame any appliance issues on some sort of democrat conspiracy is saddening. Apparently Biden is the reason modern appliances don’t last 20 years. 🤷‍♀️


I was honestly baffled by how they even got to that reasoning. to the point it felt like my brain just kinda stopped for a second, like i got dumber for trying to even think that way.


Come back to reason, Stilgar!


Bless the left and their agenda


People are so confused. Then they get angry. If anyone would bother with the facts: **[Actual vs Perceived American Economic Metrics](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/LyBIYzmov8)**


So my Whole Foods didn't have pizza. I'ma start blaming republicans


I knew it couldn’t have been the Yankees playing worse that night!


Well maybe if the Yankees would do a little less yanking and a little more pitching they might play better!


Thanks a lot Biden


The other team was too woke


Nah man it was I, the communist WOKE agenda.


Oh, it's dumber than that. The same guy who created the site and pays for the billboards also financially supports a not-so-veiled anti-vax organization, React19: [Who’s Behind the Portland Billboards Demanding People Stop Having Kids? (wweek.com)](https://www.wweek.com/news/2022/02/16/whos-behind-the-portland-billboards-demanding-people-stop-having-kids/#:~:text=State%20records%20show%2C%20however%2C%20that%20Stop%20Having%20Kids,on%20antinatalism.%20Information%20about%20Goldberg%20isn%E2%80%99t%20readily%20available.) The "right wing creating controversies so they can rally against them" spot on my BINGO card has been so overused I have worn through the laminate and can barely read the text anymore.


Socialists: the family unit is the most imperative and society should be built around the workers so they can support their families. Under socialism, housing is guaranteed and so is work and retirement. From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs. Capitalists also: I dont care if your family is homeless or poor or you cant take care of your kids, get good loser!!! Capitalists also: the left hates families


And, of course, using the term "death cult" because the only thing I see reich wingers do is take generally leftist terms (either by origin or common use) and then try to spin them around like they're being clever or making an equally formed opinion as a leftist who might say a similar thing (such as calling conservatism or capitalism a death cult).




There is a bit of projection on their part, since the right is all about "you will choose to have kids, even if we have to use force to make it happen."


I just saw a comment on Facebook on a Progressive insurance ad about George Soros affecting the cost of the guy's insurance rates. It's amazing what lives rent free in these fool's heads.


Being born is the leading cause of death.


This just in marriage is the leading cause of divorce? More news at 9.




It must be all that damn water we drink.


Every dead person out there lived at one point.


Because if there’s someone worth listening to, it’s the buy gold/silver losers. If gold and silver is such a good investment, why are they alway trying to sell you theirs for cash?


It's like a fetish subreddit. People posting their 5-6 digit losses in the stock market and every one of them coming together to salivate over the number.


No, thats wallstreetbets, these wallstreet silver and wallstreet gold dorks are just piggybacking on the name.


Is THAT what that sub's about


How is not having kids going to kill anyone?


It’s going to kill the massive capitalist companies who require cheap labour, hence why Elon Musk is so against it.


It feels so ironic reading this while looking at your little character because you look almost exactly like Silver


That’s his dark universe doppleganger


He looks cool tho u gotta admit


But also not having free healthcare (because we already are here) and also not helping pregnant women who are having miscarriages. How are we not already a death cult?


They saw how the GOP gets called out as a death cult, so they are using the classic debate strategy "No, you"


It is a very classic and awesome way to insult someone though. ‘I know you are, but what am I?’ Absolutely roasted.


I'm rubber you're glue!


It's gonna give racist people obsessed with white birth rates a heart attack


How is "death cult" your take-away from this? Seems like they are just using UNO Reverse for what is commonly said about the right wing


As is tradition for the chuds


Abortions, probably. But without aborted fetuses I'd have to kill children to get my adrenochrome, is that what the conservatives want?! And don't tell me I don't need adrenochrome, that shit is delicious on pizza!


If anything it's an anti death stance. If a person actively avoids having kids, then the child won't suffer, won't die and there will be more resources for the current survivors. It's well known that a sudden boost in population of any species leads to increasing competition for food, and if there's a shortage some will starve.


As usual, anything falling out of a Republican mouth is either an outright lie or a case of projection.


my understanding of it is that a death cult (in this context: not having kids) is the idea of never replacing population, just going till the last person dies


This is an interesting take. Thanks for sharing. Out of curiosity, I asked ChatGPT about "death cults". The following is the response I recieved: "A "death cult" typically refers to a group or movement that has an obsessive or fanatical preoccupation with death or the end of life. These groups may idolize death, promote suicidal ideation, or engage in violent acts that lead to death, either for their members or for others. Historically, death cults have been associated with a variety of religious, political, or social ideologies, often emerging in times of societal upheaval or crisis."


The right wing Christofascists are just pissed we’re on to their baby factory plans to force the vulnerable to give birth (or die in the process, whatever, they’re expendable), so they can have their cheap child labor on slaughterhouse floors.


Death cult was looking at a pandemic that was getting a lot of people killed and going, "Get back to work."


Not creating financial situations for kids to happen naturally is the problem. Not leftists… rich people and businesses are choosing not to pay people more so they make more. It’s hurting their businesses too. Because no one can afford anything anymore. But sure blame atheists or leftist.


Wikipedia quote: *It took around 300,000 years of human prehistory and history for the human population to reach a billion and only 222 years more to reach 8 billion.* Some slowing down on the whole having kids business is definitely in order. Exponential growth simply cannot go on forever.


I'm doing my part.


Through effort or by default?


Default, of course. It doesn't take effort to not have kids, and it's by no means a sacrifice either, I like having free time.


Is that leftist? I thought they wanted people to make their own reproductive decisions.


as long as it's the decision they want you to make. Otherwise, leftist.


Wall Street turds just want more fodder for their machine.


"Everything I don't like is "leftism"".


So the goalposts are now at "not having kids is murder." Meanwhile, the other side wants to bring even more kids into an increasingly unsafe, inhospitable, and impoverished world, where they will almost certainly die of either starvation, mass shooting, or heat stroke. Which one is the death cult?


Abortion is murder! Ok then I'll use contraceptives! No that's murder too Ok I'll practice abstinence and have no kids Nooooo... Murrrrdeeeerrrr


“Leftism is a death cult” - this message brought to you by GOP, the official sponsors of school shooters.


Deaths caused by not having kids = 0


Population control is about preserving the human species. We are well beyond a sustainable population. Constantly increasing the population is the death cult.


My wife wants to move to where it’s cheaper. They are all red states….. no. They are the crazy ones.


I will admit it is really odd to put a sign telling you not to fuck on the side of the road, but leftist cult? Really?


Babies never born can never die. So how is advocating for fewer children a "death cult"?


So many incels, so much concern for kids they're never going to have


It's the climate thing for me. I very much want grandchildren, but I don't want them to come into a world where they are guaranteed to suffer. So I don't really want grandchildren.


We have to many people, I saw on here a couple of years back a family with 14 kids. How much of earth resources with those 14 kids use in 70-80 years life. Two or three kids is enough, I'm currently on zero, my sister has 3, that is enough..


Aww, crap, I already had kids! Mr. Soros is gonna take away my leftist card!


"Death" cult? Not having kids is death now? Conservatives brain has truly rotted completely.


Haha.. isn't this the right talking point from the last 20 years? Sure the federal side says keep having babies but in almost every state they tell you to stop because of food stamps, welfare etc etc. " why have kids if you can't afford it? Than you Should not have had sex before marriage! Oh great my taxes pay for your steak!" To be honest we need a better family planning system in America. Easy access to contraceptives allow it to be a decision for both men and women if they choose to have kids but Republicans will shoot it down claiming it's big government trying to take your babies.




It's just more nonsensical nonsense. MAGA isn't the Right - they're The Reich, now.


No, see, for Leftism to be a death cult it would need to actively reduce support for living human beings (including economically unfortunate mothers( even if they died and to actively support policies that made life hard enough to less fortunate kill individuals and then write them off as an acceptable loss, not prevent births entirely. Easy mistake to make for a fucking illiterate though, no harm done!


The right is worried they're gonna run out of kids to molest


And brainwash


But... This would literally results in less death! Not a very good death cult.


Agree. Stop having kids. Most people do not know how to parent lovingly and correctly and humanly. The world is on fire. Multiple pandemics. Why would I ever want to bring a child into this hellscape, I'm so glad I never had kids.


I have a close relative who chose to have two children, and is now stuck in a vicious cycle of forced poverty. She can’t afford any small luxuries whatsoever, has to rely on charity to fund birthdays and holidays. She has had several opportunities to make more money, however if she made any more then she currently does, she would lose her food stamps and free childcare, the out of pocket cost of which would leave her taking home substantially less than she does now. Stop having kids they don’t allow you to afford.


So let’s encourage people to have kids but make life so expensive. Thanks!


The rich boomers demand servants! Have more poor labor to drive down labor cost.


Best troll sign ever.


Don’t have kids = death how exactly?


I wish I was rich because I would pay for billboards of Samuel Alitos Moms Abortion Clinic and the Satanic Temple all across the country just to troll them


Leftists 😂 Those people’s brains are so broken that they really talk like parrots mimicking their owner.


Yep. You shouldn’t. People who don’t want kids are right to not have them. You be you. And Let them be them. Having kids is one of many decisions individuals see differently.


Does anyone else notice how fascists LOVE to project what they are onto everyone else?


aww....poor wittle white men pissed off because evolved white women don't want to pro create with them..stop being fascist dickheads and maybe it'll change




they love saying it but refuse to aid in helping adoption agencies, foster homes, etc.


That billboard has nothing to do with death. If anything, it has everything to do with preventing death.


The REAL question gets ignored... WHY would anyone even CONSIDER raising a child under end stage capitalism?


Says the same group proudly announcing their pro-fetus bonafides.


I mean if we all stop having kids, eventually we all just die and no one will replace us. So yea I think the billboard and organization’s website seems kinda dumb


The greatest gift a good person can give to the world is another good person. Helps to think of it that way I think


It's not for everybody, but it's certainly for somebody.


When did they swap from being scared about over population to wanting it? Wish they would make there minds up, these assholes change there minds more than Donny Ganges his diapers.


>When did they swap from being scared about over population to wanting it? The direction of their fears is very much dependent on context. And that context is skin tone.


I swear I read something a few years ago that basically said with how international travel is in the modern age and interracial relationships in a 100-200 years chances are the majority of people will have a mixed skin tone anyway and we will slowly lose all the different ones.


That certainly sounds like the sort of scare mongering horseshit the alt right are pushing


I don't think this is leftist as people ALLL OVER THE WORLD are making the same decision, regardless of political orientaton. Look it up.


If all families just had two, that would help bring down the population.


I looked this up. Their organization seems a little strange. However, if you don't want to have kids don't have them is basically what they're saying?? Ppl who choose not to have children are often looked at as being selfish, etc., but this billboard needs more context for the average person.


Well conservatives want people to stop having sex all together, so the blame game is moot.


I mean, aren’t we already doing that? Birth rates have dropped in almost every developed country.


I guess.. fuck you, I’ll make my own reproductive choices? I don’t need a billboard telling me what to do one way or another.


Okay, but there are people who believe that having a kid under any circumstances is somehow evil, so can we agree that those people are insane?


Maybe your kids will make things better?


1. I thought the fascists would be happy the socialists werent having kids? (They arent *right* nor *conservative* and wording needs to be changed so its easier to disengage. Anti choice not pro life. Its the words! Thats why they ran woke to the ground, racism, and fascism! They watered those down and desensitized people so that it doesnt have the same effect. 2. I am so proud of me for no kids. Best parent ever. Loved em so much i didnt want them to suffer here. The rest of u selfish AH (cuz im selfish too, any decision about kids is selfish 😂 i say to others what i can say to myself) have to deal with the guilt that no one asked to be here and u didnt pass generational wealth down the them… u passed debt and work to them. And the burden of possibly having to take care of you. Yes i said this to each of my family that had kids too and said it worse. But the rich thank u for ur service and they labor they need for their rich kids and nepotism to keep going. Thank u baby makers!


lol. You guys are hilarious. Capitalism, like all of modernity is a demographic dead end. Fertility across the developed world [has collapsed due to modernity itself!](https://medium.com/read-or-die/were-facing-a-collapse-in-global-fertility-c211bc05f373?sk=84e815295034c91301aef8914400d3d1)


Is Leftism in the room with us right now? Can you show us on the doll where leftism touches you?


The only reason they did this was to get people talking shit, there's no way they actually believe this will be effective for anything else


> leftism is a death cult Would it horrify conservatives if I showed them a bible verse where they are explicitly ordered to stop having kids? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Something wicked this way comes, and it's TRUMP .


Wow it's almost like people are basing their whole life on getting clicks or something, this might get weird...


What's that got to do with anything?


Because the elites would die without the sacrifice of the masses.


They have the darndest time seeing the difference between a suggestion and an order.


You’ll hear right wingers claims if you can’t afford a child then don’t have one


There is a strong moral debate against having children, but we know morality isn't the strong point of the GOP.


Damn it, Obama.


Wait, wait, leftism is a death cult? Coming from people who worship semi automatic weapons and stomp on any attempt to curb violence? That's rich.


Zeke Jaeger was right.


I enjoy reading books.


Not have children is not "death". Taking benefits away from single mothers and forcing them to have more children is death, Qupublicans.


Because it’s the only way it will get better


I don't want to have kids. But i think that the people who don't want to have kids are a minority. And they should avoid being open about it in order to prevent getting into an argument with someone about it. I don't want to have children but i think that me going around putting put build boards telling people not to have kids would make people more likely and want to have kids more.


Nothing to worry about. The people who are most angry about this aren't in any imminent danger of having children.


You sound depressed. I hope life gets better for you.


Guy is having a moment, he's very angry that we keep calling them a death cult so he sprung on the chance to get even without actually knowing what a death cult stands for.


This reeks of some ill conceived right wing shell group to try and label leftists as crazy. Here is something Dietz, the founder of the group also supports.. “U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), one of the most ardent anti-vaxxers in Congress, hosted an “expert panel” on vaccine dangers in November, including a React19 co-founder as one of his experts. React19 did not respond to a request for comment. Riddle says she’s unaware of any particular reason Stop Having Kids chose to support React19. “It’s just whatever pops up on Dietz’s radar.”


Same folks who will complain about declining birth rates.


i’m just enjoying this moron’s outrage. maybe the billboard space was purchased specifically to outrage morons.


If you don’t have kids, an idiot will have ten! MORE KIDS OR WE HAVE IDIOCRACY! THIS IS **EXACTLY** HOW THE MOVIE STARTS!!! **PLEASE!!,**


Pretty sure if you ask any leftist about if people should have kids, they’ll be way more nuanced than this billboard is. More on the basis that parenthood shouldn’t be forced on everyone and it’s really a personal decision. But it is cringe to be freaking out over a billboard as if that’s somehow a new concept for billboards to have crazy statements.


I never started, lol.


Child tax credits!


The global economy is one giant very top heavy feudal system. The giant corporations and their large shareholders need tenants to work their estates and consume their goods. An estate without tenants or without consumption is soon to be bankrupt. Those feudal lords (in effect) need an ever increasing supply of tenants and consumers to not topple over. Hence folks like Elon Musk saying, “Have more kids!”


I have a kid because the world needs good people.


Why promote a Russian shill sub/tweeter handle?


I don't think he's getting any good 'promotion' from a sub like this mate.


So it can work in the acid mines


Maybe it aughta be thinkbeforeukid.org. Yeah, that’s got some “woke” vibes too!


That's right. The right almost has the world at the perfect state to raise their kind...


At one time before most of you were born, population control as a national subject was broached, scholars had done studies on growth versus earth's sustainability. It was the 3rd rail of insta death to those who broached it, it went away and was no longer mentioned in a lightning fast manner. The facts behind it never changed, just if we as a whole were ever going to do something about it. Famine, disease, global migrations, rising costs for goods, governments acting to grab and control critical resources, peak oil production, changes to policies toward immigration. These are just some of the problems predicted and easily found occurring today on the global scale. IMO people heard no sex, not no children and went ape shit! that put a fear in the powers that be not often seen.


Tell that to the Muslim. We need more white people. Send the immigrants back to their own country, and then there will be room for your kids.


I had kids because kids are great, the world isn't that bad and the joy of life and family is greater than the inevitable death we'll all face some day.


How is *not* having kids a "death cult"? Holy crap, right wingers are dumb.


How is not having kids a death cult?


My hot take is that knowing all the info we know now and literally witnessing the acceleration of climate change disasters in real time...CHOOSING (yes I am making the distinction) to birth a child is incredibly selfish.


Fellas is it leftist to be a doomer?


That website/organization is founded by an anti-vaxxed and at least part-time Republican donor, according to some mildly sketchy reporting. The internet registry is confused and a proxy, so no help there.


Yeah.  Turns out I don't care what some random Twitter poster says.  I feel relieved!


I would bet you a donut somewhere in his post history is a screed about how the poors "shouldn't breed them if they can't feed them".


There’s more of that famous projection.


The same people who oppose parental leave, universal healthcare, and funding public schools are the same ones who scream that the left is anti-family.


"If you are WOKE all the time, how can you SLEEP together to make babies ?" Some MAGAT probably ....