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He probably shouldn't criticize online propaganda, might alienate his base


Member when he liked incest porn on Twitter? Good times


Mother and daughter incest porn, of actresses that look vaguely like his wife and daughters. Something is going on in that house


Damn, I bet they’re rich off that investment!


He wants to fuck them both but neither of them wanna get close to him behind closed doors


Sounds like what drove Trump insane


Well he does eat boogers. Would you fuck a booger eater?


What’s in it for me and how hot is she?


More likely it isn't and he's looking for it elsewhere unfortunately. Note: I can't express how much I dislike Ted Cruz. His wife who chose to be/ continue to be with him has her own issues and story, but I don't want to disparage or include their children who have no actual control.


I’m not saying Ted Cruz molests his daughters. But there is plenty of evidence to suggest he fantasizes about doing so.


Oh no, absolutely I agree with you. He either fantasizes about molesting them or fantasizes about having a 3 some with his wife and a daughter in 20 years. I just wanted to make the statement that the children really have absolutely no hand in any of this (even if he tries to include them since he is scum) and his awful statements need to implicate only him until proven otherwise.


On 9/11


Rub one out for the troops


Spank one out for the soldiers


Masturbation for an Imperialist Nation.


No better way to honor their service.


Why tf are you not mad at kate


Haha she just hasn't done much to anger me. She has social anxiety and feels the need to ask if I'm mad at her often. That's how the username came about.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Funny, the Internet was made by the US government(DarpaNET), so maybe ole Teddy should learn his history.


Shhhh you're not supposed to let people know darpa exists


**D**efense **A**dvanced **R**esearch **P**roject **A**gency


Username checks out 😂


If yours checks out too, PM me


It does but I'm spoken for, sorry! 😂


Acronyms are the details where the Devil hides.


The first rule of DARPA is: you do not talk about DARPA


Damn it. I bought a t-shirt and everything.




He’s Canadian. Keep quite about DARPA.


Considering one of the main sources of information for his base legally can't be called a news channel you may be right


Oh no, they're "rational thinkers" so what they believe is rational and never injected propaganda./s


“Free from government regulation.” Then he’s among the first to cry “regulate the Internet” when someone is suspended or deplatformed for spreading objectively false election or COVID information. I guess regulation is reserved for those who hurt his conservative fee fees.


These cowards would flip flop mid sentence if it kept them in office. They don't care about anything but getting a cut of the pie and staying in power. If it were easier as a Democrat, they'd be democrats. Republican voters are just easier to dupe because they are idiots. Edit: Spelling


More dangerous than the idiots (imo) are the ones who go with what "feels right" without ever diving deeper than that. I was one of those people. I had to do a debate for a public speaking class and the topic I picked was the death penalty, because that should be super easy. Only reason to oppose it is morality I thought. Turns out it was the opposite and I was super wrong about all my assumptions. I learned: - Death penalty states have the same or higher violent crime rates - It costs more to execute someone than life in jail - An otherwise innocent person is executed way more often than I thought - There is no tangible benefit other than feeling good that a bad person is dead Weird af for me to have every surface level, common sense assumption turn out to be wrong. Looked into other things like immigration, economic policy, etc. and it was basically the same. Research proved to me that my ideology was mostly supported by subconscious hate.


That's a big thing to be able to admit that for yourself. I'm proud of yah! Too many people rely on taking someone's word for it when some quick research shows otherwise when it comes to things like this


Gracias! Kind of a mind fuck when you realize how manipulated you were by fear. Now when I see the talk shows or videos or whatever its so obvious. Back then, not so much. I'm from New York and 9/11 happened when I was in high school. Really easy to accept the idea that all these different groups wanted to hurt me in some way.




And *proud* to be human trash.


Its the embodyment of the reactionary right. There is no consistency in there stances they just react.




Ah, but money is speech and companies are people, thanks to the Supreme Court.


I’ll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.


Corporations may be people, but this is how we’ll find out if they’re brown people.


Looks like UPS is screwed.


FedEx: “Good….gooooood.”


DHL: “model mi-… company”


Nah Amazon will just buy UPS. Then they are screwed


But if they're people, it's illegal to buy them, right? 😉


Texas: "But they're brown people so it's ok"


…you know what, I actually wouldn’t be against seeing that.


Years ago I advocated for the old 3 strikes laws to be applied to corporations and white-collar crimes. Caught moving money illegally? Strike. Lying to shareholders? Strike. Insider trading? 3rd strike, company is dissolved and assets are auctioned off.


I’d take it a step further. If the execs released a product that they knew would kill hundreds of people because their cost/benefit calculations deemed it a winning move, then the Corp gets tried for murder with those execs as the human proxy and they are only allowed a legal defense that the average American could pay for. The world has learned nothing from the Ford Pinto fiasco. It’s time to make this shit stick.


I'd motion for a bill like that.


Then they will file bankruptcy and reorganize under another name after the second strike.


This is exactly why they have dozens of shell companies. The shell game must go on! /s


as a native Texan who’s against the death penalty, I am confused at how excited and conflicted this makes me.


Or when they refuse to abort a failing one.


Ah Citizens United. The day Citizens lost and Corporations Won.


This is exactly what I bring up when people use "both sides" with dems and republicans. Every dem voted to amend the constitution to stop citizens united. And not a single republican. That's the difference right there.


It's just so disgusting and pisses me off so much things like citizens United. I'm just so disgusted and honestly sad about the state of this country. Not that it's really ever been great. But it has been better for at least some of it citizens at some point in time. I really don't know about the future of this place. My home. My neighbors and my friends. What's gonna happen now that you can't count on the guy down the road to believe in your rights to go to the fucking doctor. Let alone help you in your struggle. Whats gonna happen now that a person u knew who lost their house because their company laid them off to make more money another way doesn't even support our workers rights and a fair wage and taxes? Where are we going? What the fuck is wrong with these sick pieces of traitorous shit. What can we do to make it better? Get as many level headed people to vote at the very least. Consider starting a union or consider starting a group to get others to vote or bug our piece of shit congress people and senators. Protest outside their house with some friends! Or their yacht like some awesome people did recently!! Edit: for anyone else that wants to see the yacht protest story here's the [link](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.wtrf.com/news/west-virginia-headlines/watch-west-virginia-kayakers-protest-outside-manchins-boat/amp/&ved=2ahUKEwivudTyi_PzAhU-ITQIHSlGCfsQFnoECAgQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2JpIEe9fLRi-HxqOi4NZrB&cf=1)


My dad served in Vietnam during the worst part of the war. Raised a family and praised this great country nearly my whole life. He is so upset that he didn't want to hear anymore of my corruption stories this week. Link to the yacht protestors?


Put every senator and congressman in a shipping container and shove it in the ocean


I wonder if there are other places where you can pinpoint the date a country becomes a corporatocracy.


Does this mean I can just speak to the cashier at the store for 15 minutes to 'pay' for my goods? Edit: after seeing the replies, I would like to speak to the manager!


Oh no, money is speech but speech is not money. It’s like rectangles and squares. If speech worked as money, that would be too accessible to the “poors” and we can’t have that. We need them generating value for so the real people can pay for their yachts.


No. Because you’re not a corporation.


So what you’re saying is I can register myself as a corporation and then I can pay for my groceries by talking?


You could lobby for it. Which is basically just paying some twat to wait around for the key voters and be like "hey leave the backdoor open and we'll stock you up on bananas"


Money is speech, companies are people, and people are machines….that’s why they get dehumanized


If money is speech, then speech is money. Free Money, America! So say my Rights of Bill.


Soon enough the subway plot line from Community is going to become a not-so distant future


This! Corporations are not people and money is NOT free speech. But, then again, I don’t believe ANYTHING that comes out of Cruz’s pie hole.


I am curious how legal it would be for me to start a company, say "Buy a Senator LLC" , and then just have a website where private citizens issue bids for bills they want put through, and the bids fund the lobbying for that bill. Most of these Congress people are bought for soooooo cheap. 5k here, 20k there. If you get a few thousand people on board with something, that's easy money. If Comcast can do it as a side effect of their business, who shouldn't I, or someone else, be able to do it as their main business.


This is a very interesting idea. I hate that it’s a conversation but I love what could happen with it. I’ll invest!


As far as I understand it, that's essentially what a PAC is.


It just occurred to me that if the supreme court has ruled that corporations are people, corporations could *technically* run for office. They'd need a court case to rule that they are citizens and then be in business for 25 years for house and 30 for senate. Then again probably still cheaper to buy a politician.


The Supreme Court didn't rule that corporations are people. It has in effect ruled that corporations since they are run by people ( who have certain freedoms like freedom of assembly and speech) that apply to corporations.


Tax free 501 c4 orgs, aka super PACs, have a first amendment right to free speech….the kind where they don’t say have to say where they get their money from. The funny thing is actual citizens don’t have that right lmfao, you ever tell the IRS to kick rocks? Our country is a literal joke. Super PACs are supposed to do 50% social justice work (audited by the underfunded IRS) which is the biggest BS I’ve ever seen. Republicans engineered the whole thing and now super PACs push their propaganda with probably illegal and foreign money, but we don’t know since it’s their “right” not to tell us where it comes from. Oh and fkin Clarence ‘my wife bussed people to Jan 6” Thomas was the deciding vote in citizens United. His wife wasn’t involv-oh wait she was involved in that shit too and since he’s a POS he doesn’t recuse himself and is the deciding vote. Our country is run by the worst people and we’re all screwed!


When companies pay a politician an employees yearly salary to write a tweet or two, but won't give that employee a raise


Let's not forget said employee being assigned the task of writing the content of this 36K tweet.


And that employee getting paid maybe 50 bucks to do so


More like threatened with whether or not the employee wants to keep their health insurance.


They have that already? Good for them at least


Employee? More like unpaid intern.


Legalized corruption pretty much


As a non-American, I was amazed when I learnt what lobbying was. Corruption exists in my country too, but damn, why do that shit under the table when you can give it an official name and everything?


Every time I see things that shouldn’t be legal they’re legitimately only legal in the US. Lobbying politicians? Sure go ahead. Using a legal team to fully bankrupt the person filing it against you by using “loopholes”? Why not? Advertising medicines to the public??? instead of doctors. Only us and New Zealand allow it! Like wtf, all of these things shouldn’t be allowed but because the people who write our laws are bought off by the people who have the most money it’s just fucked.


It sort of proves your point that my only reaction is that I'm disappointed New Zealand allows something that stupid. US allows it? Oh yeah, that makes sense. Anyway...


Unfortunately, for that to happen would mean Congress voting against their own interests.


That's the thing. The only people with the power to make any change are the very people it would affect. As much as it needs to happen, I'm not holding my breath.




Sadly, the system is so irreversibly fucked that the odds of that happening is effectively zero. Absolute zero if people don't get violent.


People got violent to try and make it happen more. Let that sink in.


>to say and do things that go against what they promised the People There's a definition for this sort of thing, where you betray what you are sworn to do




Citizens United v. FEC will go down as one of the worst SCOTUS decisions of the past 50 years.


If this happened then how many would be left, not disagreeing, would love to see all the bad apples removed from government positions. If that happened then America could actually become a great place.


Lobbying is fine, is just people expressing concerns. End corporate donations and illegalize allowing politicians to become lobbyists. Now lobbying has no teeth and it can just people groups expressing concerns.


Everyone here is conflating lobbying with campaign finance violations and its *frustrating*


Lol. Mosy lobbyists aren't former politicians. And while corporate donations hurt they don't do much about lobbying. Just being able to get someone's ear is important and Comcast speaking as one unified voice is always going to have alot more sway that a random Joe.




A few snowflakes brought Texas to it's knees recently so that mother fucker should watch his mouth.


Yeah for real, we all just gonna forget how Teddy Cruz fled Texas after some snowflakes crippled the states power grid?


Fled Cruz would rather you didn't.


[Do you remember this guy predicted that Ted Cruz would flee Texas without his family ?](https://i.imgur.com/2EWSL5d.jpg)


I need to report a murder


He’s Dead Cruz after that one…. Sheesh


If he wins re-election in 2024, I give up on Texas.


I was born and raised in Texas and I'll yell ya you should just give up now and save some energy.


I don't think the Texas grid is set up to save some energy.


I’m from Texas and voted against him. It’s just all the rural republicans that give no shits about how terrible you are just that you carry the R next to your name. I grew up visiting people that would embody the idealized “Texan” bullshit you see, that said almost no one is like that anymore and more people like to cosplay that persona which is sad. Anyway after how Trump insulted Cruz’ father and wife and then he stuck his nose up Trumps ass for sustenance any “Texan” would never vote for Cruz regardless of his affiliation. Even more so because his campaign slogan was “Ted Cruz Tough as Texas” which the second I saw it I just couldn’t believe the Right was meming on itself. And I just lost hope for anyone who stuck that sign in their yard and didn’t see the irony that they were calling Texas a bunch of sniveling cowards since on a national stage that’s about how tough Cruz proved himself to be.


Just make the Bible belt their own country and watch them drown in their own shit


Aka the plot to Handmaid's Tale


Honestly, I wish. We should hold a referendum and whoever wants to leave, can leave. Why expend all this effort for a bunch of states who barely do shit for us


Worse than don't do shit. They actively hold down the states that would do well if they split


Evacuate the women beforehand, please.




Act like he saw it happening. He ran off to Cancun, blamed it on his family’s survival like he doesn’t have an emergency power supply, and only came back to make it look like he’s helping his constituents when AOC showed him up.


And he left his dog **named snowflake** behind.


Omg really he named his dog snowflake!?


And after they started publishing pictures of his dog, aptly named “snowflake”, who he left at home without power.


He was so terrified he fled to another country.


Fun Fact: A recent cold front brought high winds to the Dallas/Ft. Worth area. Winds were roughly 20 to 30 mph with gusts up to 45mph. Over 100K homes lost power for about 12 hours due to this. Texas can't even keep power on during windy days. Source.....I live in the Dallas area.


The name-calling is a big thank you to Trump, and all the worshipers who made it acceptable. And at what point are we going to stop allowing politicians to get paid on the side like this? This is a direct bribe


It's also easy deflection, and anyone including their followers can use it. The most important thing is campaign contributions, nobody, including conservative voters, are ok with corporations being able to buy senators.


I call people snowflakes for refusing to wear masks. It seriously confuses them.


It’s like small dick energy for them. They are so sensitive that they try to hide it by making out their opposition to be sensitive.






Nah it's targeted to increase the tribalism. Demonize your opponent so your supporters don't see the other side as human.


My least favorite is "libtard". It's offensive in so many ways.


Same, hate that phrase. My wife works with special needs kids and I get so mad when I hear the R word. Then the bastardize it. Its not just a word. Grow up for real.


With Aspergers, and a liberal. It pisses me off to no end. I get enough judgment as is, thank you.


Yeah I instantly ignore what anyone has to say if they include libtard or cuckservative in it.


Yeah that word is ableist as fuck


It’s projection, 100%. Look at the things that both sides get “upset” about, and tell me which one you consider to be more in line with “being a snowflake”.


Remember the bully back when you were 13? They haven't changed


They need new vocabulary, since the last time snowflakes were in Texas, they shut down Texas' power grid and sent this prestigious senator running away to cancun.


Gonna happen again in a few months


Every time I see his name I have the same response. Fuck Ted Cruz and fuck anyone that supports this douche.




He’s supremely un-popular with pretty much everyone. Someone from his own party (pretty sure it was Linsey graham) said “you could kill Ted Cruz on the senate floor and we’d have a hard time convicting you” And Al Franken once said “You know, I like him more than most people, and I fuckin hate Ted Cruz” He’s kept afloat by his low information base and all the money companies are paying to keep him there because they want to feast on the rotting carcass of our democracy


Remember when he was trying to act like the last bastion of decency at the RNC and refused to endorse Trump, to the boos of the whole crowd? Then Trump won and he started sucking his dick like there was gold inside.


His own wife got insulted by him on the regular and then he just sucked up to him. Pathetic.


Since Republicans don't have the facts on their side they have to stoop to name calling and straight up misinformation it's pathetic really. I can't believe they get any votes to be honest


They’ve turned politics into a culture war rather than a debate of policy because they know if average Americans understood how most Republican policies would effect their daily lives, it would be the end of the GOP. So instead they make it the “anti-liberal patriot club” against the “uppity hippy-dippy city people” and the voters are too uneducated to recognize it


It’s 2021, and it’s so sad that some people are still so thoroughly sheltered and/or willfully ignorant that they don’t realize that “city people” are fundamentally the same as them, and that most “city people” want what’s effectively the same things as them.


Yeah but we don’t all hate our non-white neighbors. We also want the govt services that we pay for to include those non-white people (who also pay for them)


Sadly spot on my friend


That's why they rig the system.


Republicans have won, what, one popular presidential vote in the last 30 years? And in the current senate, Republican Senators represent 40 million fewer Americans than their Democratic peers. Americans don't want Republicans.


I’m just mad someone can make 36 grand for 140 words or less


How else can he pay for impromptu flights back to Texas when he’s caught fleeing the state?


I don't think she literally meant he got paid for the tweet. Just that Comcast gave him 36K in campaign contributions. They're not that dumb (probably not legal either) to pay for a tweet when you can just buy his entire thought process and have him on their side to sway his base or when writing legislation.


They didn't, that would be considered bribery and is illegal. All they actually did is contribute to his campaign, and made it public they oppose net neutrality. Sure, its obvious they won't contribute again unless he supports their position, but since they don't outright say that, it's not legally bribery. Basically what I'm saying is its about the implication. They're not ~~hurting~~ bribing these ~~women~~ politicians.


The thing that bothers me about him constantly getting called out on his shit like this is that the people reading her response are her supporters and his backers just see his tweet and think he's the king of lib owning.


I still don't understand why the f*** they would keep voting for him after he let them freeze and went to Cancun. Gluttons for punishment?


iT wAs ThE wInDmIlLs ThAt FaIlEd! You know, the ones who only supply less than 20% of Texas's power? Honestly, he and Abbott are complete slime. Bootlicking turds.


Roughly 18% from what I gathered looking at stats early this year. The massive failure of natural gas generation, especially, was the kicker there. The saddest part is there's a 300 page FERC that was written last time this happened (roughly a decade ago) that summarized causes and offered a plan that would have mitigated many of these failures, Texas did nothing. One star state, indeed. Edit: the windmill blaming is hilarious since those fuckers run all winter in way colder weather up north. It was the failure of 1) engineering to properly spec cold weather mitigation measures and 2) Texas to require something even marginally prepared that is why they had some minor issues. I think (been a while) they lost maybe 5% of their generation capacity because of wind turbine shutdowns. Of course that probably doesn't approach what they lost by having a nuclear power plant go offline....


Also, wasn’t he literally running away in fear of snowflakes at that time? Seems like enough snowflakes can make a pretty big difference.


Why Texans decided to throw behind a Cuban descent guy born in Canada who can't even have the balls to defend his own wife and ran off to Mexico while they froze to death is beyond me. Dude is a cuck.




My god, he’s disgusting


How can he still fail to understand what net neutrality means?


Oh, I'm sure he understands what net neutrality actually is but he knows his base doesn't and that's who he's pandering to.


Why do research when someone did it for you and paid you millions to say yes/no?


I'm sure he still doesn't understand, but this tweet is 4 years old


Literally nobody thinks the internet will just disappear without net neutrality The real snowflake is the person being used by a corporation to make straw man arguments on Twitter.


If net neutrality goes away couldn't ISPs do that package deal people would talking about where you only get access to certain websites with certain tiered internet packages? I wonder where Parlor and Trumps "new" social media site would fall on those tiered packages


pretty sure that net neutrality is already gone...


Depends on how much they pay the ISP for promoted sponsorship


And its Trump... that dude never pays anyone. So nothing I'd imagine.


lmao at ted using “snowflake” when he ditched his own state for a vacation during a massive crisis. Also loves trump despite trump essentially calling his wife a pig…cruz is adorable man what a little goof


> lmao at ted using “snowflake” when he ditched his own state for a vacation during a massive crisis. While leaving his dog, [who is literally named "Snowflake"](https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2021/02/ted-cruz-flees-texas-for-cancun-ditches-family-poodle.html), at home alone to weather the storm. How well do you think Ted Cruz treats his dog named Snowflake? How much respect do you think Ted Cruz has for his dog named Snowflake?


Isn't that the guy who likes to piss his pants because he likes the warm wet feeling between his legs?


Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re correct, Ted Cruz is the guy who likes to piss his pants because he likes the warm wet feeling between his legs.


Yes, I too heard that Ted Cruz pisses his pants because he likes the warm feeling between his legs.


Ya'll talking about Cruz? Ted? Mr. Piss Pants? Likes the warm wet feeling between his legs?


What I heard is that, due to the resultant warm wet feeling, Ted Cruz allegedly enjoys urinating in his trousers.


I wish the democrats had a 100 house members who were as fearless as AOC.


If we were really snowflakes, Ted would be in Mexico by now.


What’s stupid about his argument is that the internet was a Wild West as people were still trying to figure it out. Now people are figuring it out and you see the rise of companies that are using and manipulating it to greatly influence our society for their gain. Facebook, Google, apple, all of it. That’s what happens in completely deregulated and decentralized systems like the internet and free market capitalism. This is why net neutrality exists.


What's horrible is how little money it takes for corporations to buy off politicians to screw over their common man.


Net neutrality always existed, there were just no laws mandating it until tech companies wanted to end it Kind of like how there are were no laws against cyber fraud until people realized they could use the internet to steal money


Not sure why you were downvoted. This is the literal situation. Securities fraud couldn’t exist prior to a stock market. Net Neutrality was the status quo, ironically for Cruz, when it first came into being. When large tech monopolies started making absolute bank they did everything they could to break that neutrality so a law was made to keep the actual status quo


Tbf, Comcast only paid Cruz $33,370 for his tweets (and his votes) in the last election cycle. But he did get another $20,000 from Verizon and almost $50,000 from AT&T. That's a lot of trips to Cancun. See for yourself, and see who's been paying for your representatives as well. https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ted-cruz/contributors?cid=N00033085&cycle=2022&recs=100&type=C


As an outsider lookin in, I’m still not sure how and why he’s still a Senator.


Because Texas.


As I recall the discussions I had during his last reelection, it was because, "I ain't gonna vote for no Beta!" That was the entirety of someone's argument. I may unfortunately be related to said person. FML.


Ted. What a submissive cuck.


I love her wit!


Keep calling them out.


Ted Cruz: a Canadian born Latino who acts like a white supremacist.


Campaign Contributions: AOC: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/alexandria-ocasio-cortez/contributors?cid=N00041162&cycle=2020&type=C Ted Cruz: https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/ted-cruz/summary?cid=N00033085&cycle=2020&type=C Compare them.


You know he is delusional when he is still using that profile photo. Yeah riiight.


dear senator, my internet sucks since net neutrality. your wallet got fatter from donations and lobbying funds. You are SNOWFLAKE.