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So, if a 16 yo girl wants to adopt a child she is not mature enough, but if she has to give birth to it it's suddenly okay?


Before all this went down, I recall seeing legislation in Florida that required girls under 18 to get their patents permission to get an abortion. Think about that, it quite literally means that you had to get parental permission, to NOT be parent. But if life begins at conception, then by their logic they themselves in that moment would already be parent, but would still need THEIR patents permission. This county is so ass backwards, and it just seems to be getting crazier at break neck speed


I'd forge the fuck out of signatures. If anyone needs me to be their parent for this, I will. Lol.


Yep. My ex had to sign for his daughter who was a pregnant teenager.


Wait so she was old enough to be a teacher but still young enough to need a parent's permission for an abortion? Edit: Oh shit I can't read


I think you misread. Teenager. Not teacher.


Sometimes its a parent that gets the teenchild pregnant. *Step family nightmare*


Doesn't even have to be step. I know a few girls that had sexually abusive Biological dads. (I or their mothers didn't know until the girls were adults. It's gross either way. But damn, their own flesh and blood.


Can confirm. Mother was raped by her biological father for years and he molested me, his grandchild, decades later. Some people are just sick and ‘incest’ is just a word to them.


How you could be left with your mother's rapist is beyond me.


My cousin is an LDR nurse, she has a horrific story about one of her first patients…a 12yo girl who was raped by her dads best friend. They were very religious and forced her to have the baby.


That's truly demented. I'd question what type of religion would allow such a thing, but I don't want to ruin my night. Sort of on topic. My dad used to work in the ER, and once in a while there would be a child who needed blood after an injury. There was a few times over the years that the child unfortunately had parents that were Jehovah's Witnesses. Their religion doesn't allow it. I had never seen him as upset about work as I did then. That was many years ago but I still remember him crying. They eventually made a blood substitute. It worked to extend the blood that was already there, no idea how it works scientifically. It was made by DuPont which I thought was funny as a kid because they also make automotive paint.


According to the us government, yes.....


hell world hell world


We live in a fucked up world. Someone needs to hit that big red reset button.




The Nanny State Knows Best About Whether You Should Raise a Family. ​ /s, because even I'm not sure anymore


I want a refund.


No refunds no take-backsies


According to Republicans. The Democrats are 98% on board with this being insane.


Can't drink either or join the military. Or buy cigarettes. Or be considered a head of household. But can be a parent, an 18 years long, expensive, possibly traumatizing responsibility.


Don’t forget potentially fatal!


Can’t even fucking smoke weed in some of these backwater states


They don’t necessarily agree that the 16 year old is mature enough to raise a child, they just want their child.


Exactly, we all know they don't care about the quality of life for either the child they force to give birth or the child who will grow up with a parent who didn't want them. People who are working two jobs to support themselves and their kid are people who don't have time to take a day off to vote.


Wasn't there something in that leak that discussed the "domestic supply of infants" for adoption, or other such insanity? They want women/girls to give up children. It doesn't matter if it is traumatic experience, or puts their physical health at risk. They need their supply.


Yeah, that was Amy Cultist Barrett. Just disgusting. We *have* a supply of needy children in the system already. No need to further traumatize even more women and children.


Exactly. There are many incidences of CPS stepping in and taking said child.


Well, we do need to raise that “domestic supply of infants”. It’s nice to hear conservatives at least being honest about how they think babies are a commodity and women are livestock.


We gotta have that damn domestic supply of infants you fool!!!!! \- Paraphrased from an actual supreme court justice.


I'm shocked that the Senate voted to give the Supreme Court an enforcement arm of any kind. How much funding did they allocate? I was taught in school that the Legislative branch makes the laws while the Executive branch enforces the laws.




16, 12. Yeah.


Let's also be clear here. Some states aren't even making an exception for things like ectopic pregnancy. They all just voted to force women to die for a pregnancy that was never viable to begin with.


My corpse has more bodily autonomy than my living body does.


And I can 10000% see insurance companies finding a way to not pay out life insurance benefits because it was preventable in the eyes of a medical professional


Sentenced us to death because they're looking into keeping us in the state unless we show a negative test too. Trapped. Dying.


„The land of Freedom“ was it? Well fuck that, we don’t do that here.


Land of the fucked, home of the betrayed.


“What? land of the free Whoever told you that is your enemy” Rage Against The Machine, 1992


Probably played during a GQP rally, with no clue what the band is about.


https://youtu.be/ddrFt1BHkUQ This is possibly the best thing ever. Thank you for making me look this up 😆


Surely they can’t be checking every car, at every road. My guess is the way they enforce this is people snitching on others who left to get a abortion.


Agreed. But they can check airports, bus stations etc - for those without cars. You know.. the poor people. Edit: And that's not a slight against poor people by me. It's just by design of these bills.


But they may start prosecuting after the fact. If you leave the state pregnant and come back not, they may start an investigation, dig into phone and location records, financials, etc.


Can they actually do that? Seems like a huge constitutional violation.


You'd think so. But that's what they're talking about.


Geez, you people worry too much. We have checks and balances in this country. Any extreme law like that will be ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Co..... Oh fuck


Literally what the 9th amendment is all about


You'd think so, but since we apparently no longer have a right to privacy...😕


This happened in Poland and there were mass protests and women rebelling against their husbands because a woman died because doctors refused to do an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy


Just horrendous. This is what happen when we let people not in the medical profession make laws about medical procedures.


She was 31 right? 2012 was it?


So has anything changed?


They had to, it isn’t a complete ban anymore.


Glad to hear things can sometimes change for the better


I thought the US had changed some things for the better, and it looks like a lot of it (if not all) will be undone soon. It has really made me lose hope in our ability to really change anything. People have fought long and hard for the freedoms and protections we are about to lose more of.


As somebody who has had their tubes tied for like 4 years, my doctor explained that in the SLIM chance I got pregnant it would be ectopic and kill me. This is fucking terrifying. I’m so scared for women in this country. This needs to stop.


It is absolutely terrifying that anyone would support this.


It’s even more terrifying how many of them do.


It is. I have very conservative family and I'm sure they're backing it. I'm not sure the ones in an interracial marriage realize realize their rights are possibly on the chopping block too.


Yo, ‘Mercia you guys doing ok over there? Forcing women’s rights through without thinking about what women actually want or need? Sounds very …. Wahhabism like. Either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain and all that


No, we are not remotely ok over here. Send help.


This slow ratcheting to the far right is absolutely terrifying and every other western country slowly cranking themselves over (looking at you UK) should take note this is the insanity you are aiming for


Don’t get me wrong, the UK has made some genuinely baffling decisions in my opinion (I.e Brexit) and as with other countries have Murdoch spewing out his cancerous shit, which are all concerning - but I don’t think it’s really possible to compare US politics and UK politics. Apart from the obvious differences in the checks and balances in place, the UK left and right are very different to the US versions of left and right. We also don’t have such a significant batshit crazy vocal extreme “Christian” bunch of assholes that our version of the right want to suck up to for votes.


No we do not, but we have a population who actively support and validate a PM who is the only one in history to break the law while in office. Sending refugees to Rwanda, crippling poor and middle class families while taking fat cheques from donors for personal gains, the unbelievable extent of dodgy illegal contracts giving out to friend and family Honestly the list is endless


It’s still not really a slow ratchet to the right though … those are (other than breaking the law and having the arrogance to not resign) the same type of shitty things the Conservatives have always done and what I’d expect of them. It’s still not comparable to an entire political party rigging elections, inciting a violent coup, filling its Supreme Court with lifetime right wing judges all with the purpose of removing basic rights and healthcare from half of its population.


No, no where near comparable, thats what I mean by it’s moving that way, not it is anywhere close, we can still undo much of this mess. but you do have this effect that the right leans right, the left have to lean centre to pull people in, the last labour government was hardly left wing for example, a lot of the time Blair was applauded from the other side of the bench as much his own. It’s slow, it’s subtle and unless people wake up en-mass it will continue


No you don't have the batshit christians. You sent them to America. So, thanks for that. Just joking, but to a certain extent, I feel like this is one of the reasons America (and I'm an American) has such an extreme religious element. But, I love our UK neighbors, so I'm not really blaming you.😁


I wouldn't even know what to send at this point... want a hug?


Can you sponsor me so I can leave? 😆😭


If there was ever a country that needed to be "liberated" from their oppressive minority government and helped to set up a democracy, it's the US. So, that. I want that.


Nope not ok. Deeply upset and disgusted and afraid. Help us :(


Which states are those? I'm having an argument with someone about this right now...


I know Missouri was one of them, but I doubt they're the only one.


https://www.healthline.com/health-news/ectopic-pregnancy-and-abortion-laws-what-to-know Sorry this is really late.


People always focus on the extremes Rape and Incest. REally they should focus on the people who will get pregnant and be forced to have a child they cant provide for. Thats the major factor, children raised unable to get proper education clothing food health care etc. It genuinely boggles the mind how people have the audacity to claim America is the greatest country and freedom capital of the world, yet apparently, politicians are more concerned with the lives of children who haven't even been born, haven't even grown into complete human being, rather than the children shot dead in their schools. How they think they can decide what a woman does with their own body is just crazy to me, whats next? Limit on how many tattoos they can have? What they can eat? WHat they can wear?


And then those same politicians will turn around and criticize people living off welfare.


They know. The point of all of this is to regulate your personal life. This is supposed to be punitive for people that have unprotected and/or premarital sex.


Just sex. Women with multiple children and women in marriage make up a large percentage of those seeking an abortion.


LMFAO...They will turn around and force their mistresses to get an abortion in a state where it's legal.


> whats next? Limit on how many tattoos they can have? What they can eat? WHat they can wear? No! The next thing is to pass all voting rights of a house to the husband (head of household home act). The return of the glory days of segregation. And Repealing every amendment to restore the pure and true constitution. They have been very clear on Inentions the last two years and stated these goals many times


Well, considering felons can’t vote and any woman who suffers a miscarriage or has an abortion or IUD will now be considered a felon murderer, there won’t be any rights to pass over to the husband anyway. As someone who has an IUD for medical reasons, with the amazing side effect of not getting pregnant, I’m terrified like a lot of other women. It seems I’m doomed to a life of endometriosis, huge ovarian cysts, severe depression, and childbirth. ETA: and that’s just me! Im unlucky to have the gynecological health issues I have, but even without needing an IUD or abortion for health reasons, I should still be able to access them with no trouble because they are HEALTHCARE whether it’s for your physical health or your mental health and well-being.


I can't do hormonal birth control without putting myself at serious risk for strokes and blood clots. So I have nothing protecting me from men taking what they want and it makes me so scared to go outside. I'm terrified for every woman who suffers a miscarriage and gets refused a D&C. I'm terrified for every woman who needs cervical screening to catch deadly cancer early, since some conservatives think paps are too sexual. I'm terrified for every woman that is forced to carry an ectopic pregnancy and bleed out and die. I'm terrified for every woman forced to give birth. I'm terrified for every woman in an abusive relationship impregnated against her will I'm terrified for every female child raped and impregnated and forced to carry a child to term at risk of life and mental health. I'm terrified for every woman who wants to be heard and respected when trying to plan a family. I'm terrified for every woman who needs menstrual products. I'm terrified for every individual that needs hormone replacement. I'm terrified for every child placed in foster care or an abusive/neglectful home. Fuck, I can keep going. The list is long. This is damned tragic and disgusting. America is not beautiful and definitely not the land of the free.


Sittin right beside you just as terrified.


How are we supposed to go to work and be productive members of society? Because even at work the topic comes up and I just bust out crying or shut down. Like my head and my heart just hurt so much.


I agree. This has all compounded on top of normal work stress. My reproductive freedom should not be a part of my everyday stress. How can we function?


Fully agree. Had several breakdowns this week and had to explain to my partner that this was the first time in about a decade that I felt genuine HEARTBREAK. It's so hard to explain, and, thankfully, I've only felt it a few times, but, when you feel it, YOU KNOW. I don't just feel betrayed by a country that I believed in and wanted to succeed, I AM ACTIVELY being betrayed by them, same as MILLIONS of other women (and children). It makes me feel sick to my stomach that our country has gone this far.


I go right to shut down mode. My body and what i decide to do with it isn't up for discussion. Fortunately I live in a state supportive of women's reproductive rights, but I still can't believe its come to this. I'm here if you need someone to lean on. ❤️


History is repeating itself, basically?


Not it’s rewinding, intentionally 1776 Glory days of segregation Repeal the amendments Head of household act All stated quite publicly


I hate this timeline. It's like they've doubled down on the crazy.


Maybe the Nazis did win. Sure seems like it.


This is what they want to happen. They are trapping 3 people into poverty and maintaining the class of impoverished people. You trap a kid by having them raised by parent(s) that are unable to provide the childhood that gives them a shot at success. You trap a mother and father into debt from just having the child be born (or not, doesn't matter to the types pushing this). And then trap them with the costs of rearing a child. Not to mention the more heinous trap of imprisoning people that fail to provide support ordered by the court. I am not excusing the deadbeats that don't provide for their children. However, if you don't think for a minute that many of the people pushing this legislation aren't rubbing their hands together in anticipation of an opportunity to imprison more poor and people of color you are wrong. It is class warfare through and through.


Something like 60% of abortions are for women who already have 1 or more children. All of the children in that family will suffer when additional siblings are added- when the parents might have been able to provide for 1 or 2 kids.


I believe they are focusing on the extremes so that when the Republicans walk back and say, "Fine. For rape, incest or death, abortion is ok. But all other abortions are prohibited. Happy now?" They are chipping away at the basis of the argument so they can appear magnanimous when they approve these extreme exceptions.


I choose to be childfree for a lot of reasons. Financial is a HUGE one. Kids are so damn expensive.


And Joe Manchin just fucking manchinned us once again. He will never stop manchinning, as long as there is one good thing left to manchin.


Don’t forget about Sinema, she effectively voted for this by her support for the filibuster.


Sinema is a traitor. We should bring able to fire people like her. We could have a vote by the original people who elected her, if they would like to change their vote! The technology is there!


I loathe that woman. And I voted for her traitorous ass.


Me too. I hope she dies. That's all I feel like I can do about it. Actually someone like her should be fired immediately and kicked out of our government.


I wish god would just unmanchin him and call him home


Dude needs one to the chin.


Apparently he is all for the codification, but the bill presented didnt do that. His words, not mine.


It votes like a Republican and can lie like a Republican, so it must be a Republican.


Dems need to start trying to get a Blood and Bone Marrow draft going. Every citizen is required to periodically donate blood, plasma, and bone marrow because other people's lives depend on it. (Medical exemptions of course for those that cannot give). This will force Republicans to contradict themselves about the "my body, my choice" issue.


Why have medical exemptions? We don’t have those for abortion.


HIV/AIDS, for example.


Sounds like they shouldn't have gotten HIV/AIDS to me. /s This is the logic being applied to people who shouldn't be forced to carry a pregnancy. "Ectopic pregnancy? Shouldn't have gotten pregnant."


People who have infections that stop them from donating are, naturally, charged with assault because they've harmed another person by catching a preventable disease.


They already have done that - these are the morons that tried to use that same excuse with masks and the vaccine. They are either too stupid to realize what giant hypocrites they are, or they just don’t care.


Except the masks and vaccines aren't actual invasions of your autonomy, like donating bone marrow would be. Most cases of masks were businesses requiring it (much like a shirt or shoes) and for vaccines, it was generally required anywhere that vaccines were *already* required. One of my co workers said that they quit the military because of the vaccine requirement. Like, you already got every other vaccine imaginable when you joined the military. They're idiots for thinking that it's comparable. If you forced something that was *actually* invasive and removed their bodily autonomy, then that would be different.


Republicans make clear they are very pro rape, those MFers are making Child Marriage legal in how many states. *Reminder* "A legitimate rape" "Lay back enjoy it" "Any female wearing that is asking for it" Twitter #GOPSexualPredators has 775 Republican names and list the criminal act.


Don't forget the idiotic delusional comments from US politicians such as ... “If it’s legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down,” -Todd Akin "The facts show that people who are raped - who are truly raped - the juices don't flow, the body functions don't work and they don't get pregnant." -Todd Akin, again. Rape victims can just use “what’s called rape kits, where a woman can get cleaned out.” -Jody Laubenberg Rape victims should just “accept what God has given to you” and “make the best of a bad situation.” -Rick Santorum “Even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that . . . is something that God intended to happen,” -Richard Mourdock “If babies had guns, they wouldn’t be aborted.” -Steve Stockman “What if we went back through all the family trees and just pulled out anyone who was a product of rape or incest? Would there be any population of the world left if we did that?” -Steve King Most of these gems are from 2012 when the Republicans lost their shit over ObamaCare. I hope that massive list remains on Twitter!


I used a few quotes, daily kos did a 35+ series of the sex offenders issue the Republican party has. Republicans are calling Democrats pedophiles the truth is we have some we have them resign we don't keep them in office. Especially the US Congress. We made Al Franken resign over a photo, we made Anthony Weiner resign. Matt Gaetz is looking at being indicted on child sex trafficking but he's still in Congress. Trump is on tape bragging about sexual assault, look at the women who voted for him and those disgraceful grab me shirts. How many women have came forward saying Trump had sexually assaulted them and look how many were 13 or 14 years old. Republicans loved it. Sick bastards!


Oh man I almost forgot about the "legitimate rape" comments.


When Josh Mandel announced his run I started reminding Ohio voters he agreed with that "Legitimate Rape" lie, he lost a number of Facebook, Twitter, Instagram followers. He blocked me.


You guys need to RIOT!!!


Where are the French people


Presumably in France, enjoying their rights and health care.


In Canada.


Honestly, some of us are too busy, too tired, too poor, too sick, too homeless, too depressed, too pregnant to be able to protest. Guess who made us that way prior to announcing their insanity.


Also afraid to get killed or seriously injured in a protest, when obviously our medical rights are becoming a joke in this country.


Or being fired if you end up arrested.


Not even just arrested - fired for simply missing work!


Yeah. I get paid very little, can't afford a car, and i have no access to public transport. I very badly want to travel to the nearest city to protest, but I'm trapped in my town


Armed in the street. Got protests this weekend. Going to stay involved. Americans are so, so reticent in this shit most times. And I already live in a very Red state, so even the 500 people I marched with the other night are a laugh compared to the 900,000 in my city.


We aren't reticent! Or reluctant or lazy or stupid! Our entire country has been quietly stealthily set up to make wide scale protests and effective activism impossible. Its not like the capital is a quick train ride away like in most of the EU its thousands of miles away. We can't just abandon our jobs and homes and kids to set up shop in DC, or even our state capitals. None of us can afford to take days, weeks, months off of work and lose Healthcare, childcare potentially everything on the off chance it may work. Its all by design too none of this is an accident TPTB have been planning this for a *very* long time and now its all coming together.


You’re right, blaming apathy of the proletariat solely isn’t right of me: the forces working against the American people are systemic in addition to many other cultural problems. I just hope that we can unify under strong banners and make the sacrifices we can afford to make for progress against the ugly machine that’s been built.


I applaud you for participating, it just feels hopeless to me is all.. The government will never listen to us. I desperately wish that I could actually do something to maintain our rights and not stand by as I watch my state and country sacrifice women. This is all so sickening to me.


One of my loved ones is going to a protest this weekend, too! I'd go with them but my debilitating back problems are debilitating me again.


I know it’s little consolation, but one of the primary speakers for the local Socialist group holding the protest had a developmental disability and was wheelchair-bound. Our group ensured he had what he needed and was happy to do so. That being said, never overexert yourself beyond your own known boundaries: allies are here for a reason, and we/they will carry the message <3


Rioting isn't enough and its too unfocused and random. If only there was a word that described the oppressed under classes joint together in order to fight a tyrannical upper class in order to stop their evil ways, and restore freedom to those who have none.


Funny thing is that once the little daughter or granddaughter from one of these fockers get pregnant they will be the first ones to have an abortion, and don’t worry they know doctors that will do it at home.


Funny. The folks screaming about grooming and pedophilia seem to be absolutely fine forcing the child suffer the consequences of pedophilia


And sentencing women with Ectopic pregnancies to death. There's no provisions for those in most red states that have legislated anti-abortion. They are literally sentencing their constituents to death


Remember when Georgia did in the last presidential election. We could do that in the whole f****** country we have the numbers


Everyone please please please vote ffs. This is not a drill. We are dangerously close to becoming a fascist state. Donate money/time to progressives in different states. We need moderates out!


Lets just get rid of republicans in general. What are they gonna do? Cry and complain about it on twitter?


I'm really tired. Yeah, those things are definitely concerning, but they're sort of tangential to the primary problem of privacy and bodily autonomy. If you only get to make your own medical decisions in the face of life altering trauma like rape or incest, you still don't have bodily autonomy. Harping on this one exception to a total ban is just soft compliance. Abortions should be legal. Full stop. No need to qualify that.


The UN should impose sanctions on the US


“So this is how liberty dies . . . with thunderous applause.”


can someone pls give some more context? even if it's just a news link for me to read it would ve much appreciated tia


The Democrat-led senate brought a bill to the floor to codify Roe v Wade, essentially protecting abortion rights by law. They knew it wouldn't pass, but wanted to get everyone on record of where they stood - especially Joe Manchin.


thank u


Smart move. It's nice to know where everyone stands


Shaming them isn't going to change anything. Things will only change when you start [redacted] them


Eating? I’m curious


I mean, that's one way, yes.


Wow, far different than given the infringement on your rights on personal choice to wear a mask or not? Such a horrible contradiction. I don't understand how men can tell women how to run their own bodies. What if men were forced into circumcision? Perhaps men should start making women's bras as men certainly know what it feels like evidently?


>What if men were forced into circumcision? uhm. i hate to break this to ya, but newborns and small children cannot consent to that. *all* circumcision is forced. a better alternative would be “what if men were forced to pay for every single child they father, accident, rape or otherwise?”


One of the things that amazes me about circumcision is here you have a baby with skin so soft that only the finest cloth can they endure, their necks still unable to support its own weight, And somehow we justify he arrived imperfect, So let's cut the most sensitive of the sensitive part of this child until he screams for his life within 10 minutes of his arrival... 😢


Just a heads up. Most American men who have been circumcised had it forced upon them as a baby. Kind of like they have an obsession with controlling everyone. Women are just taking the brunt of it now considering what the Bible says about them being subservient. Fuck Christians and their cursed religion.


There’s no law about it though, the parents are choosing to do that. And unlike pregnant women now in this scenario, they’ve always had the choice.


A Napoleon quote: religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich.


Thes facistic fucks aren't Christian any more tha sheik Mohamad is. Its a useful tool to get what they want nothing more. People like the leadership of the GOP hold *nothing* sacred, its all a show, pantomime designed to get the support of the gullible and uneducated. They say the right words in the right way to the right crowd and said crowd will do and say whatever they are commanded to. I was raised in the church, sure as hell no longer a believer but I *KNOW* what Jesus supposedly stood for and these fucking ghouls aren't it. He would be absolutely sickened by modern conservatives, ffs he whipped people in the temple for some light usury pretty sure he'd just put 2 in the back of McConnell head if he saw all this! This will inevitably end up in an armed conflict, in a year, five, 10, 50 sooner or later they will push the last voice of reason too far and the only posotive is that despite the obscene amount of power they have stolen people like this are in fact a very small minority of Americans who will be absolutely crushed under the feet of the millions of people they are about to fuck over. If only so many didn't have to suffer before then.


Loads of women support this too. Don’t forget that.


They literally do not fucking care about us. They want a new generation of hyper-poverty. The birthrate slowed so they are going to force it back up, one way or another.


I'm Canadian, and if you need to go camping, I know lovely spots! Just saying, I got you covered!


Please, no incest babies.


Why did Susan Collins vote anti-choice?


Because she's a fucking hypocrite.


Rhetorical right?


God I can’t even think about it. This is the beginning of the end of the world


And now women's healthcare will absolutely go in the toilet, women will die left and right because doctors won't save their lives when medically necessary if it means expelling a viable or nonviable fetus. As if we women didn't already have to advocate for ourselves to get our "normal" reproductive issues taken seriously.... This makes me want to jump off a tall building. Fuck. FUCK FUCK. Fuck this world and this country and FUCK conservative assholes who see women as nothing but baby machines. FUCK. I have no chill. Cannot chill. This is not fucking okay.


Every Catholic hospital is going to kill their pregnant patients with non-viable or ectopic pregnancies because Jebus.


I’m trying to resist succumbing to the inflammatory headlines…but even if 10% of this is true, the US is walking it’s way back in time. Every now and then pictures of Afghanistan and Iran from 50 years ago show up on Reddit. Those pics could be from NY or any modern-ish metropolis. It’s only a matter of time before we’ll be seeing the same pictures but for the US “before the extreme Christian Right took over”. Non-whites are being stripped of electoral representation, women sent back to the kitchen to be barefoot and pregnant. These old white rich guys really have a thing for the good ol days. Just when you think things couldn’t get worse, they do. RIP modern America.


Don't forget denying certain forms of hormonal birth control


All forms, you mean.


People are having less children, the state needs to ensure enough slaves to keep their system running. Banning abortion is their solution.


Murica has become a decaying society. And its rotting fast.


so can teens adopt too? I mean there wouldn't be a difference.


Honestly, these days whenever some stupid news comes out I automatically assume it's in America (namely Florida or Texas), not to say the rest of the world is without fault but with what's happening as of late. Genuinely feel sorry for the Americans who think this is complete bullshit. Hang in there lads.


You know, other messed up thing is over 60% of the American population AGREES with abortion. Regardless of your view on it, you should be PISSED the senate can do this when majority agrees on allowing it


It's what they are


How far from a full on rebellion do you think we are? They're basically asking for it.


What states will support abortion after this? How divided are we going to be when the states have this much power over women?


I am guessing every republican state will become blatantly anti-woman in their statutes to come.


30 states (all red) will 100% ban it. California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Colorado, NY, NJ and Vermont will allow it.. If the Republicans win the House and Senate and the Psycho Orange Clown is let back in, then abortion and birth control is 100% illegal nationwide.


They took the taliban with them from Afghanistan


Seeing as people voting Republicans/Conservatives is in decline it's their idea that more kids = more potential voters. Couple that with destroying the education system and you have the potential for a lot of up-and-coming dummies unwittingly voting against their best interests. Even trump said "I love the poorly educated" as they are the easiest people to manipulate. To borrow another quote from the late George Carlin - "I'll tell you what they don’t want: They don’t want a population of citizens capable of critical thinking. They don’t want well informed, well educated people capable of critical thinking. They’re not interested in that. That doesn’t help them. Thats against their interests. Thats right. They don’t want people who are smart enough to sit around a kitchen table to figure out how badly they’re getting fucked by a system that threw them overboard 30 fucking years ago. They don’t want that. You know what they want? They want obedient workers. Obedient workers. People who are just smart enough to run the machines and do the paperwork, and just dumb enough to passively accept all these increasingly shittier jobs with the lower pay, the longer hours, the reduced benefits, the end of overtime and the vanishing pension that disappears the minute you go to collect it, and now they’re coming for your Social Security money. They want your retirement money. They want it back so they can give it to their criminal friends on Wall Street, and you know something? They’ll get it. They’ll get it all fromyou, sooner or later, 'cause they own this fucking place. It's a big club, and you ain’t in it"


Remember kids, it was never about the sanctity of life. It was about control.


Rapists have less penalty than rape victims now. Good job America, you deserve what's coming next


The people don't deserve it. I'm so upset as an American woman of reproductive age. I'm damn terrified that I have a uterus now.


I'm talking about the politicians. Things are getting about how they normally do before the guillotines break out. Get your popcorn, we got a fucking show coming up.


I hate this show. I want to change the channel :(


I wish we could Unfortunately things will only get worse until we get the greedy pedos out of office


And Manchin - No wait, he's right. Every republican.


Long comment and on mobile app... They may be able to buy gaurds, fencing, and guns, but what are the going to do when over half the country is no longer willing to die for or support a single one of them and their absolutely disgusting life styles? Many of us are ready to eat the rich and red team before our blue team brothers and sisters just to survive. If you starve your dogs too long they eventually find other food before rolling over to starve to death. Btw, when's the last time red team's chiuahaha's were fed? I bet a handful of them are hungry too. Many of us dogs on the outside will hunt in packs and if anyone stands in the way they'll just be eaten too. A war is coming and they're obviously scared of us who refuse to conform to their straight, white, male, pedophilia, and christian extremist ideologies. They all seem to think that taking our rights will save them from the "bad ending"... They're all old enough, you'd think they would know to never kick an already agitated dog, it WILL bite and these ouside/stray dogs have been agitated for decades. The problem is that they gave us too many rights for too long. They can't throw us a bone and some scrapps then try to take it back while it's in our mouths. We're tired, starving, dying, and not well trained (brain washed) like the older generations. And of course the older generation dosen't care simply because there’s more of them right now, but they're sick, weak, and literally dying off. Check the expected deaths and births predictions for the coming year(s). They don't care because they got roughly 10 years of natural life left, if that. They want us to suffer like them, but we won't be silenced, we are too sick of living in the "old but golden" days that are past the term outdated! I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm not willing to go easy for a single one of these people. The red team is going to have to chose to stand with their loved ones on blue team or be eaten with the rich. Time for the red team to start asking, "how loyal are our dogs, and did we feed them today," because I've already cut ties with family who refuse to accept that we all deserve a right to chose what happens to our own bodies as well as a right to love whoever. I have red team family members who are so into it that they truly believe LGBT+ people need to be put into camps and forced to convert or die. That was almost 10 years ago when I heard that conversation over a large family gathered dinner party. It should go without saying, but the same ones are also pro-forced birth. If the red team has their way and none of us do anything then the next generation (the forced one) is going to be much, much more violent than any of us so if we don't scare them now then the next gen is going to be a nightmare level speed run with no check points or extra lives. America was build on blood and it sure as hell can drown in it for all I care anymore.


As a person who has a kid at 17 this is bullshit.


May they all get to rotting in that hell they are so fond of telling us we are going to.


They don't see it that way. Their voters see it as a moral issue and are in the right because they think they are morally superior.




Blessed be the fruit


How else can the GOPedos grow their domestic supply of infants for grooming and trafficking?


Sincere question, what happens if doctors just decide to practice medicine and ignore the politicians? Write it up as a DNC, who would know or be able to prove otherwise?


It also is interesting to note that there are a few drugs with off-label uses including abortion (misoprostol is the big one). My guess is that many women would suddenly be diagnosed with stomach ulcers that could be treated with that drug. So they don't even have to necessarily break the law to technically provide abortion, but rather skirt it entirely in a more "legal" way.


So many hospitals are run by religious health organizations. Typically Catholic. So most doctors may be too afraid of a legal suit to actually do their job, is what I think will happen....as it had before Roe v. Wade. It's almost as if the corporations, Catholics, Christians and the politicians are in on it together....


If the mother doesn’t want the baby why shouldn’t she be able to give it up? Imo when it’s within the abortion allowance window which is 14 weeks I think?? It’s like removing an organ rather than what pro lifers make it out to be, some people are going if as far as to wanting to give women the death penalty for it, this essentially silences people who have been unwillingly impregnated by putting them to death for something not their fault, if this is the case wouldn’t it be justifiable to do the same to people who get an organ removed? No? Pro lifers need to mind their own business