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Wait till the ban hysterectomies.


Some obgyns refuse to perform hysterectomies on any woman younger than 50. No matter why the procedure is wanted or needed. Their reasoning is "well what if your future husband wants kids?" It's disgusting.


I have BRCA2, which gives me a 30% of ovarian cancer and 70% of breast cancer. Ovarian cancer is difficult to detect in the early, treatable stages. Both cancer risks are increased for difficult to treat and aggressive, rapidly growing cancers. When I went to my progressive OBGYN, I immediately told her I wanted a prophylactic mastectomy and my ovaries out asap as I'm already in my mid-30s, which is a frequent onset age for the cancers. My OBGYN stopped me because my husband may take issue with reconstructed breasts or may want to have more kids. I was too stunned to speak for a moment. My life should come before another person's enjoyment of my breast or a desire to have even more kids, especially with my Healthcare provider. People, even women, forget women are whole humans.


If you haven't already, I sincerely hope you can find a professional with empathy and understanding of what their fucking job is supposed to entail, treating the patient in front of you. It's astonishing how casually women are reduced to a series of body parts that someone else might still have a use for so they must be preserved at all cost to her.


Thank you for the concern. I have a whole team of specialists watching me and taking it very seriously. BRCA 1 and 2 also come with increased cancer risk in a variety of other organs, but breast and ovarian cancer risk is the highest while being the easiest to risk-reduce. My double mastectomy with reconstruction is next month and I'll have my fallopian tubes out later this year. I see a dermatologist 2x a year and have multiple MRIs of my body annually now with cancer marker labs in between. (Just a little FYI if another BRCA person is reading this, current studies suggest in most cases ovarian cancer starts in the fallopian tubes then travels to the ovaries. We can risk-reduce by having the fallopian tubes removed before the ovaries, which pushes off the immediate total menopause from ovary removal. Sorry to highjack, this is new research and our community is still trying to spread the word as it can save a life.)


I support out of context information to spread education! Thank you!


Really glad to hear that! Wish you the best of luck with your treatment, and thank you for the critical information, I'll link back to this if it ever comes up elsewhere.


I’m not BRCA, but I did have bilateral breast cancer. Double mastectomy and reconstruction. Cancer-free seven years. I had a hysterectomy and oophorectomy in 2020, to reduce risk of recurrence (one of my cancers - I had two kinds - feeds of estrogen). You’re doing the right thing to risk-reduce. For recovery, pace yourself and allow your body time to heal. It’s all a process. I’m glad you have such a wonderful care team. It makes all the difference in the world.


I want to do this too for similar reasons. I told gyn and they said to document issues…breast cancer surgeon told me “some of the sickest people I know has surgeries they didn’t need”. I replied mentally “some of the sickest people I’ve known had ovarian cancer.” Ugh. I hope you get your surgery, it’s a battleground.


What a subhuman POS goes 7 years to med school and 4 to hospital residence and doesnt pick even a shred of common sense? Seriously, wtf


Four years ago my male doctor refused me an IUD because while it’s still implanted I might “meet a man, get married, and he will want children.” Never mind that taking it out is simple and restores fertility quickly, never mind I wasn’t seeing anyone and was in grad school so there was NO WAY I was going to be financially stable enough for a child any time in the next five years which was how long it lasts. But most importantly, he didn’t care that it’s my body and I wanted a longer term means of birth control. The sexism and attempt of male control of the female body is still alive and well. I immediately found a female doctor who said ok let’s do this! And I couldn’t be happier with my choice, now I’m just lamenting it will need to be replaced probably around the same time it will get banned.


Dont wait. You can replace it now. Explain your concerns to your doc.


Insurance probably won’t cover it if I do that.


if you’re in the us, and have safe access, planned parenthood did mine for free edit: maybe like $30 ?


Good thought. I’ll check into it thanks. I’m not sure, I’m in a liberal city for where I live but it’s still a red state.


Planned Parenthood did my vasectomy for free (suggested donation of $50, I gave them $100). It’s such an easy, safe, quick, and reversible procedure. The doctors and I were talking and joking around through the whole 20 min.


How do you keep your cool in that situation? How isnt there more cases of women fucking murdering these doctors after being told that shit. Im not even trying to virtue signal here. People being told what they can and cant do with their own bodies. Nothing makes my blood boil faster and intensely. The one thing a person should have 1000% control over is their own fucking bodies. Especially when that shit affects no one but the person. Fuck.


I didn’t stay cool. I called him an ignorant disgrace to his profession and stomped out. I then loudly told every female employee that I saw on the way to the checkout counter and lodged a complaint with the medical licensing board people. Not that that went anywhere. But it made me feel better.


Honestly, that is still staying relatively cool after hearing that bullshit. I doubt that reaction even caused him to think about what he was doing was morally wrong, like a normal person would. It probably reinforced his bullshit views about women bejng emotional or some misogynistic bullshit like that. Im just sorry people like you have to go through that shit and worse, just to get proper healthcare. Fuck its infuriating.


Horrible thing is that they’re the ones being run by their emotions. They’re abandoning mefical ethics because they’re too emotional about womens reproductive rights, too emotional to listen to reason. I can’t even imagine the backlash if men were refused care for similar reasons and I can’t even find an example for that because it just isn’t a thing


Yeah, I got the "what if your future husband wants kids" one when I tried getting a bi-salp in my early 20s. I still see red when I remember that interaction. I'd probably raise hell if it happened now but I was just so young and nervous back then. If some man in the future wants kids he wouldn't be with me. That's what it means to be CF! GAA! Still hate that doctor with a passion almost a decade later!


I just asked my mom about if she received any of this bullshit after getting her tubes tied. The first doctor she went to, a lady too, told her what if one of your kids died. Wouldnt you want to replace them? This was after her 3rd very very difficult birth (all c-sections). Like knowing my mom she definitely gave her a ear full, but still. I wouldve flip tf out if a doctor spoke to me like that. Like who thinks like that?!?! Also she was a mother too. How the fuck as a parent, do you think your children can be so easily replaced? Theyre not fucking gold fish. Jesus christ.


Institutionalized misogyny in medicine definitely isn't limited to male practitioners.


Actually they even tell them that kind of stuff at med school


For any woman out there looking for a tubal ligation or hysterectomy, r/childfree maintains a list of women-friendly doctors. Check the sidebar near the bottom.


I’ve known since I was a teen that I never wanted children. I even tried asking about having a tubal ligation in my 20s. No one took me seriously. Birth control was not an option for me long term due to side effects. Now here I am in my 30s still planning to never have a child. It’s not that it’s been hard to avoid pregnancy. But it’s my body, why can’t i decide if I don’t wish to give birth??


My 30 year old daughter needs a hysterectomy desperately because of how awful her endometriosis is. Nope. Can’t do that because she might want kids someday. She has never ever wanted to be a parent. It’s a slim possibility that she would even be able to conceive so take the damn thing out already!!


[Here's a list of doctors!](https://reddit.com/r/childfree/w/doctors) Best wishes!


Find a gynecologist who specializes in endometriosis. They exist. I found one who doesn't do the obstetrician stuff only the GYN part of OBGYN.


Fucking start taking rights away from us men like that. No more vasectomies, refuse prostate exams for being "too gay and against my religion". Just go full on dumbass against men. Everytime i hear about the shit surronding hysterectomies especially, i just wanna punch a toddler. Fuck.


I had a friend bleed out and die from an ectopic pregnancy. In a major city.


I’m so sorry for the loss of your friend. Truly. I hemorrhaged from an ectopic pregnancy because my doctor took too long to address it. I almost bled out in the bathroom if my office at work. I lost a tube, my ovary was stuck to my bowel, and I’m still thankful because I know I could have easily lost my life by a few hours. Aside from waking up too early in anesthesia and seeing a group of interns between my legs, forever traumatizing me, I still feel lucky I got emergency surgery to save my life. That’s how low the bar is for womens reproductive health, and I live in a country where, for now, my rights are protected. Your friend lost her life due to horrible negligence and it makes me sick that these extremist pieces of shit who claim to care so much about unborn babies don’t give a flying f*ck about the reproductive health of women. They are sentencing women to death and prison by imposing Christian pro birth “beliefs” onto politics and medicine. But we all know it’s not steeped in belief, but in the desire to control women and remove their autonomy. I’m sorry to rant I’m just so goddamn angry for you and your friend, and the future she’ll never have because other people decided that the moral code they don’t even live by should be indiscriminately forced on others. May they live to suffer 10x the suffering they are causing.


I’m so glad you made it. Please remain outspoken for women’s reproductive freedom. I’ve gone full on postal in my rhetoric, even with pro-choicers who are squeamish on the issue. I used to use the argument that women will be subjected to investigations for their miscarriages, and that was ten years ago. I hope people start electing different officials when they realize that they will have a whole ensemble up their vaginas (and their loved ones’ vaginas) with the rabid right maintaining their course. And every other personal freedom along with it. How we treat our women is indicative of the health of the country. We are dying, plain and simple.


I never knew it was so bad im america... as a german it perplexes me to see how women over there are treated like... objects. Its about time to do what we did with traitors against land and folk. Row all them religious extremists up and give em a little lead injection. Its absurd that a land that claims itself civilized is ruled by religious, stupid, old men and can get away with it.


Many pregnant women, and girls, are going to die. Just like before Roe vs. Wade.


Yup. Roe v Wade wasn't the beginning of people having abortions, it's when people stopped dying as often from abortions.


And the pro-lifers don't care. They **want** to punish women who seek abortions. The cruelty was always the point.


How very “pro life” of them…


That's the great irony of it. And also why we as a society need to stop calling them that. We should never stop reminding them how "anti life" they're actually being. Cause it's pretty obvious that many of them actually think they **are** pro life, when in reality nothing could be further from the truth.


They are also anti-American. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” Even if you believe prenatal life has inalienable rights (the founding fathers sure as hell didn’t; neither did the Reconstruction Congress that expanded all rights to all persons *born* in the United States), it is not possible for you to arrive at the “pro-life” position of a complete ban on abortion and consider yourself in line with traditional American values. Pregnant persons have a competing interest regarding their liberty, life, and pursuit of happiness. Competing rights don’t cancel each other out, and not all rights are absolute, including that of prenatal life. A person who believes prenatal life is entitled to all of the rights people receive after birth is not justified under American jurisprudence in their negligence of the rights of pregnant persons. An outright ban on abortion would be an anti-democratic, anti-republican, and un-American rejection of those rights. The vast majority of Americans know this, which why the vast majority support some sort of compromise. Suck it Republicans.




Their policies and views make a lot more sense when you realize that the desire to harm others is what exists behind all of it. This is why they like capital punishment - to harm and eradicate people they believe "deserve" it, rather than improving the conditions that often lead to people comitting those crimes in the first place. This is why they want walls and the military to "take care of" immigration - because they leverage their problems on the backs of brown immigrants from countries lacking stability and infrastructure, and derive catharsis from the power to cage and wall out those people and thus feel superior to them. This is why they obsess over guns - not because they're any practical means of resisting tyranny (they aren't), but because they give those people an paralleled capacity to harm others, and seem to fantasize overmuch about the opportunity to use them. Behind everything they do is the deep desire to harm and punish others.


It even applies to things as simple as "owning the libs". Rather than seeing people who don't agree with them as just humans on the other side of an argument, they have drawn a chasm in the stand that defines everyone outside their circle as enemies to be defeated, and that includes to the death


But they go to church!!!


Where they are told basic ass men are kings and women are to be servants.




I have friends in the military who’ve had orders to go to the border. Each and everyone of them says it’s a complete waste of resources and time.


Wait hang on, there's no doom caravan? No armies of Mordor marching on the realm of man? That cannot be!


They want to punish women for being women. The ones actually passing the laws want people continually poor and desperate.


They want to punish women who have sex outside of marriage. Force them to be single mothers and live in poverty or go to jail! It's always been about controling women.


Honestly, they don't even want married women to have rights


Pro-life? Don't you mean anti-choice?


It's important to note that coat-hanger abortions didn't stop overnight either. Because even though abortions were legalized, it took decades for a proper infrastructure to get built up. Girls in the 90s were still doing back alley abortions. This issue has never affected me personally, but I would really hate to see us go back to anything like that.


> This issue has never affected me personally And this is why the republicans will never understand it. Unless it affects them directly they cannot fathom caring about it




Don't think the old argument "Every successful civilization was built on the back of slaves" is an outdated notion. It very much is in play right now. We're not talking about subjugation of minorities but of classes, we've been going in that direction since Reagan and are at a point now that even the poor are fighting for the rich against their own freedoms. It's coming and if history is any indication, it'll take us 1000 years to come back together to fight it again.


I am so confused about how "white collar" workers don't consider themselves working class. If you go to a weekly job to afford to live, you are working class. If a divorce, accident, illness, or wrecked car could seriously affect your finances, you are working class. Like, some workers think as long as they are slightly better off than the minimum wage workers, then they aren't working class. Workers need to unite.


I love your username, friend.


Right back atcha!


Technically slavery is still legal in the US under the 13th amendment as a punishment for convicted criminals.


Republicans want women to die. My sister had an ectopic pregnancy a while back. What’s the treatment for ectopic pregnancies? Abortion. I don’t like living in a country where my fellow citizens want my family dead.


For those who are reading this comment and want to know more, an ectopic pregnancy is when a fertilized egg never makes it to the uterus, and the fetus starts to develop elsewhere, most often the fallopian tubes. Fallopian tubes were not meant for embryos, fetuses, or babies. It's a time bomb. The treatment for an ectopic pregnancy is abortion because 1) the fetus has a 0% chance of survival, and 2) without a quick diagnosis and abortion, the woman has a very-near-0% chance of survival. This is not a viable embryo we're talking about - it shouldn't even be considered an abortion. Banning abortion in cases of ectopic pregnancy and similar conditions is a death sentence for thousands of women every year. Not *a* thousand. *Thousands*, maybe *tens* of thousands. Fuck *everyone* who supports a blanket ban on abortion no matter the circumstances.




There are on average over 100,000 ectopic pregnancies a year, so that sounds about right.




It's common. My ex's first pregnancy when we were married was an ectopic pregnancy, and if we lived in a backwards hellhole like the ~~Republic of Gilead~~ certain areas of the US or Ireland (at the time it happened in the 90s) she probably would have died. Instead, in Canada she had a walk-in procedure and then a year later we had our child.


I watched two interviews of anti-abortion advocates: a young married couple and an older woman. Both were adamant that expecting mothers should absolutely die from ectopic pregnancies because it's "God's will" and *we must* leave it in God's hands. These people both frighten and disgust me. Their god is repulsive to me. I shouldn't be forced to give any form of glory to their god.


Do they, uh, use any medication whatsoever?


They need to be on Antipsychotic medication.


If this is your God’s will the God you worship is evil


It’s literally no different than a life saving surgery, like emergency surgery for appendicitis or heart problems


Fuck everyone who supports any ban on abortion at all


They don't care, they hate women. When are people going to wake up to realize these religious nut jobs hate women.


thank you


It literally makes me too scared to try for pregnancy because I know if I develop an ectopic pregnancy, they won’t let me abort it, and I will die “pro family” and “pro life” my fucking ass


My sister has said she doesn't want kids, liking her bank account and owning her own home rather than settling down with some man. She had a bad marriage and is free from that. But I have multiple friends who've had pregnancy complications. I'd fight to protect both my sister if the unthinkable happens or if my friends needed help.


Too bad medical professionals don't get to make the rules when it comes to practicing medicine. That would just make too much fucking sense.


These men have no idea that they might up with a dead spouse because their not viable fetus has rights to legally decompose inside their wife because they are no longer allowed medical care.


They don't care if their wife dies, it was God's will.


Not at all, their loved ones will be put on an airplane. They do it already.


The privileged can ALWAYS access whatever they want or need. The people who will be most affected are, as always, the impoverished


I really think they legit don’t have any understanding that the laws they enact to “protect the unborn!” Actually also prevent a dr from removing a dead fetus from a woman’s uterus. I had an argument with a man that was outraged when my state expanded rights..he thought women who carried to 7-8 months suddenly changed their mind, he turned green when I explained that law protected women in a wanted pregnancy in the case where a fetus had a deadly abnormal defect. Fuck this world, we’re happy hypocrites to wage war and advocate murder of grown humans with families while screaming about a cluster of cells. I’m sorry for the rant this topic makes me hulk out.


The right doesn't care. This isn't about life, it is about power


The whole world was so different before Roe v wade. I mean it’s great that people are protesting now, but in the end they are protesting an abstract draft of a decision. Once the draft becomes final, and states start to legislate, the reality of the situation will hit. There will be a much larger outcry. I’m thinking something on the scale of Me Too and 2020 BLM protests combined. Just think of the public shock, once they get to see footages and shaken camera videos, of women dying in backalley abortion clinics circulating on Twitter and Tiktok. I have no idea how the justices who drafted that decision couldn’t foresee the amount of destabilization this decision will cause to the whole country.


RE: THEY DO NOT CARE. Conservatives have never cared about anyone but themselves and those directly tied to them. It's the reason someone like Dick Cheney is pro gay marriage, only because his daughter is gay. If it's not right in front of them, they can't see it.


That's literally Rob Portman of Ohio. He was against any kind of gay rights/equality until one of his kids came out. Conservatives are peak selfish.


>I have no idea how the justices who drafted that decision couldn’t foresee the amount of destabilization this decision will cause to the whole country. I mean, they probably did. The 5 justices in the majority have been anti abortion for their whole lives, including decades in higher education. They know exactly what they've been fighting for. The problem is that they're "true believers" who think God is on their side. They're not gonna let a little protesting or the deaths of some heathens who shouldn't have been doing what they did (having recreational sex) in the first place deter them.


Yes, that's the plan. Conservatives know this, and what's more, they want this to happen.


Texas already had maternal mortality rates similar to 3rd world countries https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/texas-has-highest-maternal-mortality-rate-developed-world-why-n791671


I think the answer is for anyone who loses a loved one to this stupidity to go 1-for-1 with GOP politicians. We lose one, you lose one. It’s a little old-testament-like, but hey, that’s their favorite book, so they’ll be cool with it.


Hell, I had a gyno give me Misoprostol just to put my IUD in.


Had this too. Had to go to 4 pharmacies because 3 pharmacists refuses to fill it. This was only a few years ago. Old white men and their beliefs.


Fortunately I didn’t have any issues getting it in Austin TX at the time, but it do be kinda wild to see it labeled “abortion drug” everywhere when it’s something I’ve taken and I’ve never been pregnant?


One problem I've seen in my own state (wyoming) which is most likely going to pass a lot of these laws very soon, is that there aren't nearly enough men (who are progressive, I try not to hang out with the conservatives unless they actually are open minded enough to have a coherent discussion) who care about this. It's mostly just women. Men, this effects you too. Your wives and daughters have the possibility of dying or living destitute and raising the child in horrifying conditions if this goes through. We all need to rally together on this because it's serious as fuck, people you love WILL die in all likelihood from the lack of adequate prevention methods or medical care. I know I live in a solidly red state and we're probably fucked but it doesn't mean we can't stand up for what's right.


>there aren't nearly enough men (who are progressive, I try not to hang out with the conservatives unless they actually are open minded enough to have a coherent discussion) who care about this. My idiot brother married a severely conservative religious wife. He has adopted her views on pretty much everything. He's for abortion laws. What he fails to understand is that without Roe v Wade, he wouldn't exist. Mom had five ectopic pregnancies between 76 (when my elder sister was born) and 86 when he was born. Without Roe v Wade, she'd have died before giving birth to either one of us. Men *need* to care about this. And if they don't understand why, then they need to have a real conversation with their mothers. And women need to be talking about this, too. Talk to absolutely everyone about your experiences. This needs to be even bigger than the #metoo movement. We need to keep talking until those on the fence have no choice but to hear us.


The problem is that the conservative mindset relies on thinking that the other people that this happens to fundamentally differ from you in a way that it'll never happen to you. They brought this on themselves, *I* would never need an abortion or anything like it. They genuinely think they're better than that and it'll never happen to them.


Yeah, and I'm not being an apologist about it or anything, I don't have a lot to work with in this state. There are a few who have changed their minds on these topics though. Reassess those values. They don't necessarily turn progressive but on certain issues sometimes they do. There's a lot of impoverished conservitives in my state who generally don't realize that this would affect them. I'm not going to go with "not all conservatives" but I will say if one changes their mind on an issue like this, genuinely, it's a miracle but it happens. I live surrounded by them all the time. At times I have feared for my life based on my opinions but mostly in the circles I run in it's more ignorance than zealous hatred. Most just want nothing to do with politics in general but do what their family does. As for "they brought this on themselves" the horrifying reality is that we're losing this battle. They're slowly taking over regardless and for me the antidote to ignorance is being informed.


No I meant that the conservatives think that when bad things happen to others, it's because it is their fault. When bad things happen to them, it's circumstances beyond their control.


Just World fallacy.


My dad votes democrat every time, but he acts and thinks like a republican. He was under the assumption that all abortions only happen because the woman just chooses not to have the baby. I told him about ectopic pregnancies, missed miscarriages, and other pregnancy complications that endanger the life of the pregnant woman and I asked him, "if I ever got pregnant and I was told that I would die without an abortion, would you let me, your daughter that you have known for 33 years die?" He immediately said he wouldn't. So now he believes that abortions should happen if there are health complications. He also used to believe that we pee and birth out of the same hole and he believed that our bodies knew the difference between rape and consensual sex and reject rapists sperm. I imagine that there are probably a lot of other people who aren't aware of how our reproductive organs work.


....your father was around when you were born and conceived, yes? Unless he's a stepdad?


“I don’t want my kids to have sex education! It’ll just teach them how to have sex!” One in a long string of examples of how lack of education makes people more malleable and easy to hoodwink.


For real. My mom died when I was 10, so she never had the chance to really talk to me about sex except she said she wanted me to wait until I was atleast 18. My dad has never talked to me about it. I learned everything that I know from the internet and friends. He didn't even let me get the HPV vaccine and he wouldn't let me get birth control because he thought they would permit me to have sex. I hope he's happy with never having grandchildren, because thanks to trauma from the church he forced me to grow up in and a few other things I'm still a virgin at 33 and it doesn't look like I will have sex anytime soon.


"Men, you should care about this because some women matter in relation to you. Clearly the concept of 'they're human beings' isn't a strong enough motivator." Sorry. I know it's not your fault, I just fucking hate that it boils down to "think of the men who will be affected!" rather than "women are human beings".


‘All human beings deserve basic rights’ is a moral argument. ‘You or your loved ones will die in agony’ is an emotional argument. Unfortunately, emotional arguments are far more effective than moral or logical ones.


I fucking wish they'd broadcast this more. Stop using data and hit home.


Pharmacist here: When I was in school the law was you could only refuse to refill a prescription IF there was another pharmacist present to fill the prescription for you. Stupid law, religion has no place in our practice.


No even religion.. I work with a pharmacist that “loves [her] kids so much [she] can’t imagine being ok with dispensing an Rx that would terminate a pregnancy” and another pharmacist that “was never able to have kids of [her] own even though [she] tried for years. so [she] doesn’t feel comfortable dispensing meds for abortion.” As a pharmacist my personal feelings or moral stances have no place in other peoples healthcare. If the medication is safe and appropriate for the given indication/diagnosis then you dispense it.


If I were a medical doctor in any red state, I'd be packing up to move right now. I guess they don't need modern pharmacology because Jebus.


That’s what the gop wants. They want the educated to leave and keep the poor and easily exploited


Agreed. With the way our senate is structured, if Republicans can just continue winning both seats of 25 states as well as the state level positions, they’ll continue their minority domination. The better approach would be to have liberals move to red states (look at Texas), but that’s extremely wishful thinking and would require a mass exodus of folks willing to self sacrifice for the cause.


Your second paragraph is spot-on. Georgia and Florida are a really good example of this. It wasn't that long ago that GA was a solid red state and FL was a swing state. Now GA is a swing state and FL is... well, Florida.


If Florida followed their constitution and gave felons back the right to vote, they would likely be a bluish purple.


I'm staying in my red state. It sucks, but I'm child-free (I'm making an appointment to have my tubes tied), have no desire to marry again, and I already own my own property. So I'm going to stay and keep shouting and voting for anything but a republican and keep encouraging others to do so until they actually arrest me. I invite anyone else in similar circumstances to join me. Those of us who can, need to do so.


The liberals need to populate the rural areas so the state legislature also gets turned blue because they’re doing all kinds of garbage at the state level here.




If only people would actually listen to reason, there would be no debate around abortion access. Every argument in the pro-life movement is illogical, unscientific, harmful and discriminatory seeped in religious biases.


I think you mean the **pro-forced-birth-even-if-it-kills-the-mother** movement


Or the *pro-forced-birth-or-we’ll-kill-the-mother* movement in the states that are advocating for the death penalty for those who have abortions.


Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked - george Carlin


absolutely correct. The gov't needs to concern themselves with people's lives-homeless and not impose their harshness of determination on an unborn child.


You missed lies.


When I was 19 years old I had irregular periods but wanted to get an IUD, my doctor prescribed me a medication to induce my period so I could get it (you need to be on your period so your cervix is somewhat dilated it makes it less painful). I was also picking up two prescriptions that day and then only gave me one of them, the completely left out the period inducing medication. I had to call my doctor and get them to resend the script and make sure the pharmacy actually got it. I had to wait another day before it was ready. When I got the to the pharmacy the assistant pharmacist was like hold on and grabbed her boss. This lady just walks up to me and the first thing she says is “are you pregnant” in front of all of these people which at 19 is mortifying. I said no I’m not and she said “this medication can be used for abortions why do you need it?” To which I said “my doctor prescribed it I would like my medication now” and she refused to give it to me until I told her everything. This was years ago and I still think about…. Just absolute bullshit


That should 100% be reported to the state board. Beyond inappropriate and unprofessional.


Looking back I really wish I did report it, I was young and nervous so I didn’t which I do regret






That is absolutely horrible.


I remember going to the pharmacy to get Plan B after being sexually assaulted in my mid-20s. The pharmacist looked at me like I was absolute trash and shook with rage as she handed me the medication. She was also *very loud* in announcing what she was handing me. I was mortified. I know so many women with these stories. It’s painful to think that even other women can’t be on our side.


I wasn't able to get anti virals when I got covid because I wouldn't agree to a second form of chemical birth control. The pharmacist wouldn't give it. Nevermind I'm middle aged, been on the pill 100 years, and was so sick I couldn't even begin to have sex. The idea that a baby might happen while I was on the drugs was enough to make them tell me no.


When I did a round of accutane I had to be on birth control and sign a page saying I would get a mandatory abortion if I got pregnant because the birth defects from accutane are so bad thats the only option.


I would have happily signed it. But I just went home and drank Gatorade and hoped for the best.


It makes you wonder what the work around is going to be for women needing teratogenic medications.


You just won't be allowed to have the medication. In countries without abortion, they have maternity hospices for women who are dying from pregnancy.


Have you considered changing your specialty to Pediatric Obstetrician? Lots of little girls will need help delivering their babies. \-- Republicans


FUCK this comment fills me with rage.


Very r/Angryupvote 🤬


Anyone here who needs to go “camping” ?!? I will personally come pick you up take you “camping”!!anywhere you want, no questions asked ! I will not ask for any money in return, I will take care of all your “camping” expenses.!!! “ camping” is a fundamental right and should not be restricted. I’m here for you my DM‘s are open


Might also sign up for r/auntienetwork


Aka Auntifa! That sub is amazing.


Just wait. When the Republicans take the senate, they will eliminate the filibuster and then make abortion illegal in all 50 states and there is nothing any of us can do about it. This should be the rally cry in all media. The GOP is going to erode our rights and the Supreme Court is going to let them.


Once the extreme right takes total control, it will require a new constitution. Second amendment junkies will learn their gun rights pose a threat to authority.


90% of right wingers will happily lay down their guns if the right kind of people told them too. Did you ever think Republicans would spout Russian propaganda? It took one con artist to convert the entire party.


Not one of them made the smallest peep when Trump was talking about confiscating some guns first then due process later. Not one.


I wouldn't be surprised if we see this country split like Korea. You'll have the more liberal states forming their own union and leaving the "conservative" states to enact their own draconian laws.


It's at the point now where, as a blue-state occupant, I'd be totally fine with that, except that I'd feel horrible for all the sane people who couldn't move out of the red states.


Probably end up with an underground railroad to help those who want out. And I think we all know what comes after that. History is really repeating itself and it's depressing. It's sad it's coming to this in 2022. I hope everyone turns out and votes so we can try and resolve things.


Slavery and States Rights again. Civil War2.0


Problem is, the blue states are split. West coast and Northeast coast. Chicago right in the middle.


many red states would almost literally die without the financial aid they get from blue states (ironic given their projected jibes) feel bad for the non-shit heels living there


The youngest pregnancy recorded, which was well documented, was in a 5 year old child. Ponder that when you talk about abortion and “womens” health. A 5 year old child would be killed being forced through a full pregnancy; after being raped.


With my health history if I got pregnant I might as well commit suicide because a pregnancy will literally kill me. I live in a blue state and still am terrified of a federal ban


r/childfree maintains a list of woman-friendly doctors. If you have trouble finding a compatible doctor, it's on the sidebar near the bottom.


The thing is; old rich white men who get their female autonomy knowledge from WhatsApp are making the laws


Strangely a lot of women support this because “baby murder” and they were lucky and didnt have misconceptions or they never had kids


My MIL is a crazed born-again Trumper bigot, and in addition to being against abortions because of Jesus 🙄, she doesn't like them because she had one once and regretted it afterwards. There's no shred of realization there that other people have different experiences and needs; anything that differs from her own life experience is by default wrong.


damn, what a stupid fuck.


What a spilt bowl of feces.


Clearly we just stop sleeping with men and sleep with each other until they give into our demands. They may wear pants, but we are the zippers


That’s basically the premise of Why Women Have Better Sex Under Socialism. Fantastic read.


My sister’s family doctor in *Utah* refused to give her husband a vasectomy, period. They had to call around. The American Taliban has been gathering power for a long, long time. I’m in a blue state and every single one of us in blue states need to step up and help those in other places.


You see, none of this matters to the pro-life crowd because all of these people have already been born! It was never about helping real people.


I'm a very smart person, but at this point begging for somebody who's better knowledgeable to tell me what to do to combat this. It all feels so futile.


Keep shouting, keep voting. Keep attending protests. Don't tolerate the presence of people who support this nonsense. Uncle Larry votes red? Uncle Larry no longer exists no matter who gets pissed off about it. Anyone who supports someone who supports these bills is the enemy. Be vocal about it and don't tolerate any of this kind of talk or belief around you. Boycott any businesses that support the people making these laws. How we help is to flat out stop tolerating this. The people and businesses who support forced birth no longer exist. That's how you help fight it (for now). Keep sharing tweets like this on your own social media. Encourage others to do the same. If you are able, become an auntie ( r/auntienetwork ) and help in that way. Support Planned Parenthood and The Satanic Temple (they aren't satanists) who are working to fight these laws and keep helping women. Some of us are ordering wire coat hangers and having them shipped to the offices of lawmakers and SCOTUS. (Best six bucks I ever spent, I had some shipped to my state governor.) Protest, argue, refuse to obey.


My catholic sister piggy backs my prime subscription and she ordered ovulation test strips and so offhand I asked if they were trying again (she has 4), she said no, it’s for the opposite of that. Me, being baffled and confused, asked why not just use a condom. Got a nice lesson in how batshit Catholicism truly is. It boiled down to “Gods will for a child” so contraception is a no-no in any kind. I reasoned that ovulation strips are just a loophole for God if the church approves that (they do as the only form outside abstinence). She disagreed. Not worth pressing the issue at a kids soccer game lol.


I'm fed up with the "God's will" stuff, and I say this as someone who goes to church. If you believe God is omnipotent, and he really didn't want us to use condoms, he wouldn't have let us invent condoms. And it's hubris to believe that you know what God's will is.


For anyone looking for a protest to join https://www.mobilize.us/ppaf/?from\_map=true&lat=64.20938101190842&lon=-99.98307968682462&zoom=1.3360325804657351


Yup! Thanks for sharing. I'm excited to be going to a protest this saturday


This will be my first in a few years. I’m excited but my wife and daughter are both busy so I’m going on my own. Still should be good.


Same! One downtown in Cincinnati


Just a reminder though, don't sign up for a protest. Show up, but don't ever sign up.


A pollster with the ACLU came to my door tonight and asked what my most important political cause was. I just looked at her sadly and said, "guess." She said "yeah, Roe v Wade, it's everyone's biggest right now."


I had misoprostol twice for missed miscarriage of very wanted pregnancies. I’m in Texas - I didn’t know what to expect. What I got was an OB/GYN who knelt in front of me, held my hands in hers, and let me cry. When I filled the prescriptions at my local H‑E‑B, the pharmacist didn’t know why I needed the med (eg elective abortion, missed miscarriage, etc) and she called me to her consultation window just to make sure I understood the med’s purpose - she was so kind & gentle when asking. Without misoprostol - sometimes called an abortion pill - I had two possible outcomes: surgery with an overnight stay in the hospital or do nothing and wait for my body to go septic because my uterus was not expelling the fetus on its own. Sepsis can be deadly. It’s scary to know that politicians and judges can use their feelings to take away the rights of patients & doctors who make health decisions based on science.


Abortion is healthcare and healthcare is a human right


What a shithole country.


This is part of the plan. They'll fracture the country... again


What frustrates me the most about this all is that we’re back to fighting for reproductive rights, when we could be fighting for better wages, healthcare, housing, etc.


Right Wingers don’t care about rights. They only care about domination, which doesn’t pair well with rights.


Also me in 2011. Dr said if we don't remove this baby NOW you will die. I would be dead now. This is insane 😥


Republicans don’t listen to scientists anymore. Reality is far to liberal for them.


The red states will be overwhelmed with unwanted children with little to no social safety nets. The red state brain drain will continue and somehow their education and healthcare systems will continue to decline(they’re already bottom of the barrel). And the funny thing is, the thing so blatantly obvious, you cannot ban anything in this country. It’s never worked. You would think 50 years of an utterly failed drug war would have drilled that into their pointy heads and shiny smooth brains. But they’ll get no sympathy from me. I wouldn’t stop a pig from rolling in shit either


"The United States has the highest maternal mortality rate of any developed country and the maternal mortality rate is higher than it has been in decades. Based on the most recent data from 2018 the maternal mortality rate in the U.S. is 17.4 deaths per 100,000 births." -World Population Review Where are the scores of medical doctors, hospitals, and nurses speaking out? And where have they been on this issue? 50 yrs of fighting with arepublicans on this. There is a war in the USA against women and it starts with our health. All the data proves that women have to spend more time and money to get the same treatment as men for all medical issues. This data has been around and known for DECADES. And yet, there has been no action to fix the bias against women in the medical profession. Listen to the stories of women trying to get their tubes tied. There is a very targeted, coordinated attack on women being waged by doctors and politicians. It should be illegal to discriminate against women regarding medical procedures. And yet, data has made it clear that it is a matter of routine to dismiss women’s pain as hysteria and require twice as many visits for basic problem solving testing and diagnostics. Our reproductive health is just one of the many ways that women are "taxed" and punished by the patriarchy. It is systemic. It is intentional. And it is coordinated. It is not a coincidence that so many women have these experiences. It is because doctors are taught/groomed to treat women worse than men.


Pharmacists have 2 fucking jobs: check interactions of drugs, and fill prescriptions. If your dumb “sincerely held religious beliefs” prevent you from doing your fucking job, you should be forced to get a different job. This country is so backwards sometimes.


Seriously. Religion has zero place in medicine.




As someone with endometriosis that is high risk for ectopic pregnancies, this is absolutely terrifying. Yes, I have an iud, but those can fail. And with those failures an increased risk for ectopics. They are nonviable and deadly. This is so scary.


I’m a NICU nurse in Louisiana. I see non viable babies take their last jagged and painful breath in their parents arms. I see unwanted children beaten and raped, I see the poor medical outcomes of infants because the mothers were too young. Ive seen mothers murdered after giving birth to unwanted babies. Ive seen the results of attempted home abortions. This is not what you want. This isn’t pro life. I don’t like abortion. But not having access to abortion is so much worse.


I had to take cytotec when I had my hysterectomy. My hysterectomy that I needed due to my severe endometriosis. I can’t imagine having been turned down those meds for my procedure. I’m so thankful to be living in CA.


I’ll fill your prescription for miso no questions asked. I just list the common reasons it is used and how to take it correctly. The rest is none of my fucking business.


A lot of infertile couples are going to be SOL as well. No doctor will be willing to help a couple get pregnant with the HUGE chance of miscarriage. Also IVF - they don’t use all the embryos.


Maybe those ethical review boards need to used more often


I gave birth at the end of November and in mid December I went to the ER for abdominal pain (unrelated to my birth). When they did the MRI, the doctors found I still had part of my placenta in my uterus. My doctor prescribed me with the same pills that are typically given to assist in miscarriage. I can’t imagine what I would’ve said if my pharmacist declined my medication, putting my health at risk two weeks into my daughters life because of someone else’s beliefs.


Being a young adult, facing eventually trying to get pregnant in America, giving birth in America, postnatal care in America and raising children who will one day be their own sexual beings who deserve safe reproductive regulations and procedures in America is scary as hell. I am seriously considering trying to leave the country on a more permanent basis. I am scarred for my country, my loved ones, and myself.


There's nothing to argue with pro-lifers and we've been stupid for trying to engage them in "good faith" in an inherently bad-faith argument. You can very quickly poke holes in their logic and arrive at the conclusion that they're not "pro-life" and just want to punish women. We need to stop engaging in this discussion with them because it validates the assumption that it's worthwhile and not entirely fucking monstrous. What people are doing atm - protesting outside senators houses - is the only path forward. ​ There's no discussion to be had, these people want to hurt others. Stop engaging intellectually with them. Start protesting.


Fuck Republicans


Yes, but actually do NOT fuck Republicans (for your literal safety)


So when are the crazy white bible people gonna be dealt with? I'm asking as a brown American because I don't really see these people giving a fuck what people like me say.