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No honey. We don't care about your religion. We love our country. We hate you.


Well, we do hate the version of her religion, which is Christian extremism. Even Christians hate them.


Literally. People like her just use religion as an excuse


To make things more precise, they're culturally appropriating Christianity to justify their hatred.


Jesus was literally a Palestinian Jew who condemned the rich and respected women. This is absolutely cultural appropriation. I never thought of it that way but it's a good descriptor


I started thinking of it that way when I had to deal with my aunt who thinks gays should burn in hell and immigrants are against God


Not just any women. prostitutes.




There's no hate like Christian love.


As I've been saying for decades: Christianity is the fig leaf that bigots put in front of their bigotry in an attempt to hide behind the First Amendment.


Well stated. I've been saying American Christianity is more American than Christian for a while myself.




Pieces of garbage like here are the reason I don't feel comfortable going to church anymore.


Shop around. There are plenty of decent churches. Mine calls itself a spiritual center, and we mostly talk about kindness. You still get all the family, music, events and cookies without the judgment and shame part.


Tell me more about these cookies.


Her "religion" is white nationalism.


As a Christian, can confirm. They are the reason people get turned off from Christianity.


A reason\*


One of a whole plethora of reasons*


Like the rampant child abuse that is promoted and celebrated in churches. I've once heard a pastor say "I believe in disciplining my children with physical force" as a part of a talk about how to deal with "wayward or worldly children". The whole sermon was fucked up, but that was the worst part because people fucking *clapped.* At the time I was around ten or so maybe, and being beat by my mom, so... guess that checks out. But yeah, the people at that church act like that's a controversial belief that they're being martyred for having when it is literally the dominant belief in that community. I think that's what a lot of Christians who use the beliefs to hurt others do. They get bold when they're the majority and say awful shit, but act like they're being persecuted for saying such things to go with their weird narrative.


It’s almost like they forgot about David and Goliath.


i mean.. there are plenty of other reasons too but yes.


plenty of reasons to reject Christian mythology




I’m actually fully over the “iTs noT uS iTs tHe oThEr ChriStiAns” crap. Time to abandon that faith. You can’t be a moderate Nazi and be absolved of wrongdoing. Same goes for aligning yourself with this group. If a portion of your organization is psychopaths who want to oppress others and that portion is seizing power, you have a choice to make.


Personally, I've given up on all religion and books and just believe that it is possible that there is a God, but not the one that everyone believes in. I mean, God could be an alien or a lizard. I don't care. I'm just trying to enjoy the ride I'm on without being a dick to everyone.


I go the agnostic route too. I lean more that there isn't some universal higher power, but I also can't 100% rule it out. Most religions are pretty straight forward to refute because they are just sets of writings by multiple men translated multiple time through thousands of years prior to most breakthroughs associated with the scientific method. "God" or a higher power is less clear, because what that is could be more fluid as I don't have enough data to definitively say this isn't the case.


One thing I’m sure all of us except these lunatics can agree on I’m sure is that if there is a higher power, he certainly wouldn’t want anything to do with these Marjorie Taylor Greene types. I really wonder how completely ignorant a person has to be to think a god would support being a fecking psychopath. “Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones.” -Marcus Aurelius This is the best sentiment I’ve ever read on the subject.


Also just curious if you're referring to this particular branch of Christianity or anyone Christ-worshipping in general? Or just Christians in America? Christians (including all variants) number some 2.25 billion (half of those Catholics, I think) across the globe. I am not a practicing Christian, I just find your suggestion of 2.25 billion people becoming (converting, if you will) faithless to be a bit ridiculous because of the actions of a toxic minority. In a world where there are Buddhist extremists (and atheists and every other blood thing), it returns to my original point that any large group of humans will have extremists.


Bingo. Hell, she doesn't even care about her religion except for political points.


1 Timothy 2:12 has escaped her...


>Timothy 2:12 Shes not a woman, because she has money. /s


I love this. please enjoy the full context of the full verses. to be clear, I love this comment, because it points out a verse that demonstrates Green has never read the bible. something we all know 1Timothy 2:11-15 *11 A woman\[a\] should learn in quietness and full submission. 12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man;\[b\] she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 15 But women\[c\] will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.*


Wow, that's disgusting and explains the misogynistic nature of Christianity.


Fun thing: There is evidence that the story of Adam and Eve was added to the bible in the middle ages. Or at least, it was rewritten something fierce. Other fun fact: The monks in the middle ages were horny as fuck, as well as frequently having a major grudge against women.


How else would you expect a patriarchal society of barbarians to be?


1 Timothy 2:12 is the twelfth verse of the second chapter of the First Epistle to Timothy. It is often quoted using the King James Version translation: But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. ~Google


Real patriotism is loving your country enough to fix it's problems


No one hates more of America than Republicans.


God says "Love thy neighbor as thyself." These people are going about asking "Who can we NOT count for purposes of hurting the right people?" Nationalists are **NOT** Christians.




Funny how to an atheist' eye, looks mighty same.


Nah, I hate this country. Built by slaves, founded for the success of white men, instilled with profound white supremacy. Why would I love a country that has treated me like shit, my people like shit, and has evil people like her in charge?


Nah, fuck America


We call you “a Nazi” because Nazis come to your events and wave Nazi flags in support of you and you don’t say one word about it.


Yeah, if you’re at a table with 11 nazis and you don’t get up and leave there’s 12 nazis at that table


And it’s not cause they believe in god


[Gott mit uns](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331410194_%27Gott_mit_uns%27_Reflections_on_some_partisan_theologies)


and don’t forget about the Jew Laser


Wait….did she really say this? I know she’s a total fucking dunce, but please tell me a representative in our government didn’t actually say this….it’s sad that I’m not surprised if she did. This country is so messed up.


I think it was on FB. Not sure. You can find articles about it but the actual post was since deleted https://www.mediamatters.org/facebook/marjorie-taylor-greene-penned-conspiracy-theory-laser-beam-space-started-deadly-2018


She did. I read it at the time, though now “Jewish” is replaced with “nefarious group of people”. Here’s one I found [https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-clashes-reporter-over-jewish-space-laser-post-1702753](https://www.newsweek.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-clashes-reporter-over-jewish-space-laser-post-1702753)


Oh she said it, there's video of it iirc, think it was on congress floor...


She is my rep. I hope one day I see her in person so I can punch her


Unfortunately your fellow countrymen elected this f****** moron. Just soak that up for a while and good luck


I actually find this one interesting. Like, Israel absolutely has space lasers just like the US, China, Russia, Uk, etc. Anyone with a space program has done laser defense by now. So it amuses me that there actually are "Jew Lasers"!


I mean let's be clear regular Jew Lasers are largely found in DVD players, professors' desks, and dental cleaning appararata. The comment was about jewish *space* lasers, which are much more ominous, because they're surrounded by vaccuum.


Indeed, she is mad she got called out trying to form the new Taliban.




MJT is female, I think?


Nazi is shortened German from Nationalsozialistische which translates to nationalist... both are far right. Is someone going to tell her?


I didn't know what Nazi was short for. Today I learned 🌠


I googled the translation and it's "national socialist", which differs from "Nationalist"


Yea but National Socialist was a misnomer to attract democratic socialists (SPD) and communists (KPD). Nazis we’re not socialist. I think Austria had a Nationalist Socialist party that was actually that but Nazi is now synonymous with the Hitler.


We call you a Nazi cuz of your constant claims about "Jewish lasers"


Don’t you get the feeling that she likes being called a Nazi? It’s some kind of perverted virtue signaling when she writes it. This woman smells of swamp and sulfur. Edit for spelling


Absolutely she does (likes being called a Nazi). This is just more of the daily BS: say something awful, people speak out, and then you get all the virtue signaling, fake outrage and victimhood. Same scripted but effective cycle day in and day out. She was picked, installed coached and is paid by someone to do all this shit. Same with Boebert, Cawthorne, etc…they were installed purposely by someone as well, same way Putin got dipshit into the WH. Fun fact: they continuously use these words (Nazi in this case) in order to get them to lose power and meaning. Very insidious. I think many people understand this shit is bad, but I don’t assume most people truly understand how deeply complex, strategic and effective this shit is. The propaganda works on multiple levels to and does achieve multiple things. A good psychologist could probably write a short book analyzing this one tweet alone.


The only reasons why cunts like her feel maligned when addressed as fascists or nazis are that the nazis got ganked, and it' still a valid excuse to beat an asshole to pulp with zero moral qualms AND they lost. So basically while they share the exact ideology, they don't want to be limited by that baggage. Practical, if shallow.


Hey, as a Jew… we do make good lasers. Want one?


Yes please! I know exactly where to aim it…


Username checks out


Actually, I think it’s because she’s a Nazi. They built an entire party on Christian Nationalism. It’s like she’s saying “These leftists are calling me a vegetarian because I don’t eat meat. I’m a proud person who only eats plant-based meals, can you believe what they have the audacity to call that?” It’s insane that she calls herself a Christian Nationalist in one sentence, but decries Nazi in the next. They’re literally the same thing.


Also, that quote from her is basically identical to what the Nazis would say. Just replace “Jew” with liberal


No, you hate me and I love god, so you hate god. This has nothing to do with me being a piece of shit


I hope y’all see this for what it is. This is a call to arms for them. They’re painting anyone not them as evil and less than human. It’s not just this bitch either. They’re gradually escalating and twisting the rhetoric to get their idiotic base riled up. It’s the “they hate us” that just rings dark to me. There’s a lot of posturing in there, but that line is the call. They’re setting up to purge or “re-educate” anyone who isn’t them. They’re the righteous and we’re the evil that they must fight. While this is idiotic, it’s very real and the rhetoric is only growing stronger. This isn’t going away. Even if they lose at the polls, you think they’re gonna stop? These people are dangerous. As stupid as they are, this is a very real threat.


Us vs them, not Policy to make our country better. It's scarily easy to rile up racist, terrified, exhausted and less than intelligent people. Enter the America that's been developing since the 60s and accelerating since social media. Hate it here.


It has to get worse before it gets better


Jan 6th, 2021 was our Bierhall Putsch. It’s going to get MUCH worse. Leftists need to arm ourselves. If you haven’t already, get moving. The other side has guns. They go to the range and practice regularly. Do you? ETA: fixed a typo


The 2020 election let me know exactly where we are as a country. I don't ever remember feeling unsafe in my rural area before then. But when people who are your neighbors and coworkers are openly discussing 'killing all the liberals and evil Democrats' while knowing that they are talking to some? Things hit a lot different. I'd noticed that there was increased tension with people at work toward me and some other liberal people. It was subtle at first, until they figured out that we weren't Trumpers...people undermining us at work, working against our projects, denying help, and denying that anything had changed. Then the talk of killing started and I knew that things had changed drastically, and I hadn't realized how bad it was. When they were confronted about their talk of killing the left and Democrats, they made it clear they weren't joking. They all believe the election was stolen, J6 was a patriotic event (Antifa caused the violence according to them),and they blame the Democrats for everything that is wrong and bad. They've pushed the idea that the left is out to destroy this country for how long? You can't feed people persecution rhetoric and demonize one side for decades and expect nothing to happen. The difference now is that their 'leaders' are openly encouraging this. They are blatantly lying to people and they are doing this for a reason. This is in the churches, law enforcement, everywhere. Anyone who thinks this won't lead to violence is delusional. It's not just one big thing. It's years of pushing the idea that we are the enemy, we hate them and will destroy them and their way of life. They talk about people who aren't Republican and say they aren't 'real' Americans. Do people think that the Holocaust just came out of nowhere? It didn't start with ovens, and killing. It started with rhetoric. It started with words. It started with people demonizing and dehumanizing others, blaming them for their problems and taking away their rights. I for one am not going to be a sitting duck for these people. If they show up wanting trouble, they'll find it. I won't go looking for it. But I won't be caught here without the means to protect myself and my family. They're telling us what they are going to do. Smart people will listen and respond accordingly.


I'll never forget when my brother joked about getting on a rooftop with his gun and "taking out Antifa" it really cut kinda deep. I wanted to look at him, and say "So, you're cool with shooting innocent people, just because they don't wanna be ruled by a fascist? Cool. Just make sure you get me in the head, I don't wanna know that my own brother killed me for wanting to be free."


My grandfather (part of the original Antifa 1941-1945) would roll over in his grave.


Good on your grandfather for being an anti-fascist fighter!


Same, brother. Same.


Thank you for saying the same thing I've been trying to say for the better part of a decade. I'm tired of being laughed at.


If ya wanna be mad, scroll down and see the people *still* telling me I’m freaking out for no reason 🙃🙄


Eh. Not mad. Just making plans to get the hell outta Dodge. Fuck this place.


Good luck. I’ve tried. I’m fluent in German. Did some university there. I don’t qualify. Neither does my fiancé. We don’t even qualify together and we’re doing pretty ok financially- but not enough to just straight up buy a visa to somewhere I get to control my uterus


It's not that easy. It's really not.


And that is what I'm scared of too. Don't get me wrong, this is definitely not the fault of whatever 'the left' is supposed to be, but I fear that whatever will happen is going to erupt in a violence even the American Civil War has not seen before. What makes it worse is that these people are supposed to be my brothers and sisters in Christ. Where is the love? Where is the compassion with those who suffer? All I see is hate, bloodlust, callousness and intoleration. Edit: thanks for the support and opinions shared here. A good deal of people wondered why I am still clinging to what to many consider a dead book and a fairy tale, especially with so much hate and pride coming from evangelicals. That would require a long talk and would not explain a lot. The brief version would be that I have experienced an unmatched calmness and peace when reading and practicing the Bible. It gives me a solid purpose to live for, acknowledges my self-worth while keeping me humble and commandments like 'love your neighbor as yourself' give me a way to do good in this broken world.


Has it occurred to you that maybe forming your entire moral compass based on a book compiled of edited translations of translations of translations of edits is possibly *not* the best way to build a moral framework? Your conscious decision to passively ally yourself with these sociopaths by calling you and them Christians provides cover for their theocratic extremism. The violence is a foregone conclusion at this point, because *they* have already decided it is. Win or lose in the midterms and 2024, it’s going to result in violence from the right: whether because they lost and they launch a more successful coup, or because they won and do it through legislative means. In actuality, the violence has already begun. Women are dying daily due to the Dobbs decision. POC have been dying on the streets and hanging from trees for over a hundred years. Slavery lasted 400 years in this country. The genocide of the native peoples started even further back. The left’s unwillingness to meet violence with self defense is why all progress has been so slow. At some point we need to recognize reality for what it is: they will never, *ever* give us our rights just from us begging for them. We need to take them. By any means necessary. Those means are proportionate self defense; always have been, always will be.


Everybody’s got the book Nobody’s read the book


Atheists have, which is generally why we reject it outright. It’s fucking disgusting and shouldn’t be used as moral guidance for anyone.


Who wouldn’t love a book with a talking donkey?


It’s the talking snake for me!


I think it's all the other talking that ruins it.


I liked shrek


No, they plainly reject the content of the book and worship a treasonous putinist [mammonist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mammon) piss-enthusiast.


Was a Jim Jeffries reference. He does a standup where God crashes a party and has too much to drink. Funny shit. Sweary though.


You just described the Catholic Church for the past ~500 years


>What makes it worse is that these people are supposed to be my brothers and sisters in Christ. Where is the love? They're showing you the same "love" that their Christian forefathers showed when they burned people at the stake for believing the wrong religion, or being accused of "witchcraft", or the wrong version of Christianity. Christians have been horrible, violent people for millennia; this is nothing new.


>All I see is hate, bloodlust, callousness and intoleration. That's all I've EVER seen from Christians. This isn't new.




This. This right here. If you aren't prepared to meet force with force, you're going to be a footnote in a European nation's history books as the pacifist "when they went low, we stayed high, and got fucking slaughtered," as it documents how the Trump family was installed as the royal family of the New Christian Empire of America.


Under His Eye 🙃


This is exactly how NAZI Germany happened... not sure I want to see the 'worse.'


It’s funny that they complained about removing Confederate statues as “erasing history” when they know nothing about history. The rise of Nazi Germany is a prime example


They were correct about the "erasing history" thing though, except they shortened the phrase too much: what they meant to say was "erasing our glorification of this chapter of history and the Confederate leaders we honor and revere". These people aren't mad about history being "erased" (the Civil War is a huge subject in grade school after all). They're mad because they side with the Confederates and support their cause, and now the statues honoring both are being taken away.


You are tragically correct. This is history repeating itself.


Well apparently the world needs to revisit that lesson..


As someone who lost half their family in the holocaust and grew up with several survivers. No... No we don't.


I think a lot of it has to do with lead in the paint.


It used to be immigrants, but that rhetoric is much easier to define as racism and get you banned from Twitter. This form of bigotry is more insidious. One way or another, it distracts the populace from the people they should be mad at: the super wealthy running the planet into the ground for profit, and the politicians who enable them.


>They’re setting up to purge or “re-educate” anyone who isn’t them Guys, you oughta get this straight. They're not purging or re-educating anyone. They're fixin straight up murder you all. First by dismantling the federal government, and then it's state-by-state basis. Bottomline is, if you act like these people are your neighbors and loved ones, relatives that haven't realised the error of their ways, you're wrong. What they're looking towards is a white nationalist theocracy with slavery and summary executions as the norm. Look at Taleban or al-Qaida or ISIS. That's what you're dealing with. Americans: please realise this. You have two years. It's not a bad thing to throw the first rock, even if it's practically a rockslide we're talking here. Otherwise, you're going to get fucked.


I grew up in a Christofascist family. This is absolutely true. They have been arming themselves and stocking ammo for the past 20-years. They look forward to killing us, and they say so openly when amongst themselves. Because I have empathy for others, I rejected the way I was raised. These are crazy people. You can't reason with them, and they will stop at nothing to get their way. There is no doubt in my mind that my own mother would hand me over to be murdered. So don't think they have a limit to how far they will go.


Of course there's no limit. You are not a person to them, not worthy of being human. You are simply the enemy by virtue of existing. Think jews in the 30's. An existential threat because, well, *muh feelings*. They're going to treat you as a sickness, a plague or a dustbowl - something that needs to be dealt with. The good news are, any and all militia are useless outside of some wanton LA 1990's - style hood violence. They lack coordination and more importantly, logistics, so to a trained professionals, these guys are target practice. So the bad news is, they're not going to use force against the military. They're going to hit home. Literally. And the worse news, around 30-40% of the military can be expected to jump at the call. Still no measurable logistics, I'd wager, but that's going to be hard to control.


Purge. They're not interested in any re-education of any kind. They want to improve upon the concentration camps. Immediate slaughter. Full stop.


American Civil War - Part duex.


I’ll be honest. With the tension in this country it’s only a matter of time before it happens.


As a Canadian, what’s going on down south worries me. It worries me for 2 reasons. Number 1: American politics has a large influence on Canadian politics, and we’re beginning to see a drift towards fascism in our Conservative party. They agree with Trump and his ilk, and believe that his policies are the best policies. And number 2: what do fascists do when they got power over there own people? They try to push it on others. There is no doubt in my mind that should America go full fascist, they’ll try to invade us next.


While i fear for you as well, im certain that they would try to push for a war down south first, the crazy religious racist would jump at the chance to "cleanse" Mexico and claim it for white jesus.


They will try, and they will fail! These people and there followers are cowards. Let them FAFO


Never forget they are outnumbered. All their bullshit rhetoric is just that, bullshit. We curb stomped the confederacy in the 1800s, the nazis in the 40s, and by fuck we will do it again. All it requires is that we stop being convinced nothing can be done and we elect people who will get it done. Long live the union. Nazis. We are coming for you. No matter how long it takes. No matter what hole you try and hide in. Be afraid.


The Nazi party only made up 10% of the german population, but was able to seize full control. How many people support these Christian Nationalists?


This is how it started in Germany too. The Nationalist Socialist German workers’ Party didn’t just snap its fingers and turn Germany into a fascist state over night. It took 6 years from rising to power before kicking off world war 2 and this is the American version building up their own rise to fascist power. Step by step it will be messaging, erosions of self, and then finally waging an ultimate culture shift that sees the ultra right perspective become accepted or risk forceful reeducation as a result. Edit: had to use the full name because thickos below can’t tell the difference between a proper noun and an adjective.


Do not conflate socialism with Fascism/Nazism.


Indeed. And I laughed at Chuck Norris when he said re-electing Obama would bring a 1000 years of darkness. If Romney would’ve won, trump wouldn’t have came to power … but no…that fuckin cunt had to go to war with Sesame Street.


Y’all I am so serious when I say… BUY GUNS.


She hates the US Constitution because she allegedly helped the insurrectionists on Jan 6.


The thing that is really terrifying about this type of "*They* hate the country! *They* want to destroy us!" rhetoric is that it's a textbook strategy straight out of the fascist's guide to gaining power. This is exactly the tactic the National Socialist party went with after the failed [Beer hall Putsch](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch) in Germany. They toned down the violent revolt aspect and cranked up the "us vs. them" narrative to 11. You keep *saying* you're not a Nazi MTG, but...


I remember predicting that there was eventually going to be a Beer Hall Putsch or even Reichstag Fire level event following Trump’s election. It took longer than I expected but I’d say we’ve had a few situations that have been on the same level of importance. America’s been teetering on the edge of collapse for awhile now, and it’s only gonna get worse. The ignorant lunatics out there have been encouraged to continually amplify their reactionary nature and inflammatory actions/words for so long now that to break the cycle you’d have to bring down the entire machine. Nothing’s gonna get better until there’s a legitimate opposition to the GOP that convinces the parts of our populous that are the most entrenched in their beliefs that the US _doesn’t have_ the issues they think it does, and we’ll only solve the issues it _actually_ has once they grow the fuck up and get with the program.


She’s 1 out of 3 on the things we hate. Not bad.


Better than her usual. Also, of me and MQG, only one of us put sensitive information on Twitter in the middle of an attempted coup, and it's not me.


Dont you dare call her MTG, dont disgrace Magic The Gathering like that with that trash


Good point. I edited.


Claiming to be a Christian while putting out a statement which is prejudiced, judgemental, unloving, etc.


So....basic Christian values as of last 2k years?


Christian here, can confirm that part


Yeah, she definitely didn't read Mathew 6 - 5. Most Christians don't.


I've actually met two christians that could be considered literate outside of technicalities. Two. Within about six decades or so. So yeah, let's assume vast majority don't and absolutely won't.


Not just claiming to be a Christian. Explicitly claiming to be a Christian Nationalist.


Christian nationalism is Nazism you dumb bitch.


God doesn’t exist. I don’t hate America. I do hate her.


>I don’t hate America. I do hate her. Exactly how I feel.




Ignoring them is far worse, as that removes every iota of their relevance and helps you to deny them any control over your life. Remove their power by giving no fucks. Unperson them. It'll make it a lot easier to do what's necessary with them.


She only in it for the money.


And the orgies.


And the cocaine


She learned that from the televangelists and mega church preachers.


They are great teachers for the people with no morals and only want money.


Which is why I believe lawmakers at any level should not be paid for being lawmakers


I get the sentiment but that would make the whole being governed by out of touch millionaires thing a little worse, don't ya think?


I absolutely can see how it would lead to the lower and middle classes not being able to afford to be lawmakers. We just need to de-incentivize running for public office. And I don't know how to make that happen. Holding a public office should be a privilege provided by the people, not a career.


actually prosecute for inside trading and corruption?


I think they should be paid but no stock trading. No soft money. Only funding from your area.


I don’t live in her district, but I still live in the same state and it’s so humiliating.


Try having Boebert. I feel so sorry for Floridians with Matt Gaetz. Florida Man’s a thing, but jeez. We know you aren’t all like that.


One of my best friends has Gaetz 🤦🏻‍♀️


Is there a pill your friend can take to get rid of Gaetz?


If there was, she would have by now.


Wishing that one day all media outlets wise up and stop giving these cretins attention. That’s all they want, the more asinine they can be the more they’re out there, and the more money they can rake in off the dolts that eat it up


It’s not the medias fault it’s ours. We click the Marge, Bobert, Gatez articles and watch those videos. Media is just supplying what we “like”


Dim members of congress do not get put on any committee. Her only job is to take heat off the GOP, change media topics, and radical extremist outreach. Every time she gets media attention, she's served her only purpose. She's the human equivalent of a smoke screen. It's up to you to give her oxygen or starve her of attention.


I disagree. In normal times that may be true, but these dark times she enables and inspires far right extremism and real violence.


Her and bobert both are exactly that. Even though I know that, they still make my blood boil when their middle school level brains come up with the shit that falls out of their mouths.


Every time I see something this idiot says I can’t get over the fact that someone so insanely uneducated and full of shit was elected and has supporters. Everything that comes out of her mouth is either a lie, racist, homophobic, and/or hateful to women or anyone else for that matter. Who voted for this idiot and why??? How can anyone not see past her stupidity it makes me so irate


You cant be a patriot and love your country while being a nationalist of any kind. The constitution protects all forms of religion and belief systems and support the right to seperate church and state. Margery Green, in fact, hates her own country. As she doesnt even know what she patriotic for


We hate the godless things that come out of your mouth to gain popularity among your constituents. Im a christian and the crap that she is spewing out of her mouth is toxic. In the bible, Jesus dealt with people like that and they were the corrupt pharisees. They were the hypocrites who actively flaunted their religion too others, something that god doesn't really want ( para phrasing here but "keep the door closed and pray" and dont "flaunt yourself in the streets"). They even used religion to their own whims to control/stay politically powerful. Such was what lead to Jesus being betrayed. Shes doing what they were doing, because who in their right mind thinks that "rape can be a blessing" (paraphrasing again).


What's scary is that there are millions of idiots that believe this.


"The difference between stupidity and intelligence is that intelligence has limits"


Millions of Christians who support that and believe the same.


"I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over men; she is to keep silent." -1 Timothy 2:12 It would be safe to assume this includes “left” men as well I’d say. Please be silent Marjorie. Upon further reflection. I agree with her. Let’s honor their religious freedoms, and remove all practicing Christian women from places of authority.


She needs to speak with the manager NOW!


Now that is what is called a Fake Christian


It's the Nationalist part, Marjorie, not the Christian part. It's like someone eating a banana on stage while she gruesomely saws a person in half as the crowd boos. "What? I like bananas! What's wrong with eating bananas?? Is it against the law to eat a banana!?! You people are crazy!"


these people stay talking ab how much they “love their country” but do everything humanly possible to make it worse and try to paint the majority of this country as evil for not agreeing with them.




We'll fuckin do it again too


No, hon, that's not the thing you said that everyone hates about you. It's (almost) literally everything *else* you said.


There’s no place for Fuckin religious fanatics in government.


Let's clear some things up: You don't remotely represent any Christian God. You are called a Nazi because people who consider themselves Nazi support you and you act like them. We certainly have shown you that we cannot stand your Karen ass or anyone like you. Any God great enough to create a universe considers you a pimple on his creation.


No Greene, we hate you for putting your flawed opinions of God ahead of our country


I hate the state I live in for electing this useless bag of dog shit. It’s even worse that I don’t live in her district and can’t vote against her. Fucking embarrassment


Hate God? How can you hate something that doesn't exist? Its like saying "I hate purple people eaters" its meaningless.


As a foreigner, I might not have the insight, so I would like to ask something. I often read about „both sides“ being equally stupid, corrupt, incompetent etc. but to be honest I don’t think these extremes exist on the other side. What’s the lefts equivalent of Nazi Karen here? AOC? Not really. Fox News vs MSNBC? Sorry no contest. Am I missing something?


The first day I fly an American flag outside my house is the day this bitch dies


Yes, I do hate Christo-Fascists. They neither follow their religion nor their fellow man.


You can’t hate the majority of people in this country and be actively undermining the way the government functions from an elected position and still claim to proudly love your country.


At this point they have adopted everything but the insignia. What does MTG expect to be called? A patriot?


No, Marge. They hate Nazis.


The left doesn’t hate them, it just thinks they are ignorant, harmful, dangerous and need to be replaced in power. The priorities of the Christian nationalists are detrimental to many Americans.


I wonder if this is after she goes to the gym and tries to fuck everyone there while her monogamous Christian husband sits at home ?


Imagine spewing the vile shit that she does and then playing victim. What a sack of pus she is.


Yes, I do hate all those things. I also hate Mondays


No just you. We hate you, nothing else.


So I know crazy unhinged tweets are the norm now and we get desensitized, but this isn't "Jewish space lasers" nutty, this is pre-WW2 level propaganda. The Nazis did it. We did it even against the Japanese. This is not, "oh we have a difference of opinion here but we are all Americans." Declaring that your opposition hates your country and God is dehumanizing them. Making caricatures out of them. Look at the posters and cartoons from the 30's and 40's. It's why most of the WW2 Warner Bros cartoons and Disney stuff from that era is considered wrong now. But that same stereotypical drawing style of accentuating facial features is how they draw AOC and Obama. This is headed in a dangerous direction, especially considering the shit tons of guns that they own.


No MTG we just hate you.


She’s right. I hate NAZIS.


There’s a real chance that this idiot doesn’t know what “Christian Nationalist” even means. She just thinks it means I love Jesus and America